Your keyword for this week’s astrology seems to be ‘energy’; specifically, staying conscious of how you express it. Though it might be necessary first to realize that you need to express anything at all.

The Sun, from the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot deck.
Aspects suggest it will be extra-important not to sublimate, repress or ignore whatever is trying to push through you and out into the world. That is not the same as simply flinging your energy out willy-nilly or excusing explosive behavior as ‘just how I am’.
Think of it more as staying attuned to what a clear ‘yes’ and clear ‘no’ feel like for you. When you can do that, you can make decisions and take action in a way that not only feels emotionally freer and karmically cleaner, but that also allows those around you to respond with greater clarity.
Astrologically, we’re looking at a set of squares and sign changes this week. First up, Venus in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces, and Mars in Cancer squares Uranus in Aries, both exact Monday — and both have been in force for days. Eric mentioned that Venus-Neptune “is the aspect of not knowing how you feel, but thinking you know. So it’s wise to interpose a delay between feeling and being certain that’s where you’re really coming from. It will take time to figure out.”
Mars-Uranus squares can get explosive and rebellious regarding restrictions, especially with Mars in emotional Cancer: the more you try to side-step how you’re feeling, the more likely it is you’ll put yourself in a corner and then lash out against the constraints. If you notice explosiveness seems to keep happening ‘to you’, that could be a signal to get real about your own frustrated ego energies. Again: take time to figure out your emotions, and what they’re actually about.