Author Archives: Amanda Painter

You Don’t Need to Be Apollo, Just Aware

Your keyword for this week’s astrology seems to be ‘energy’; specifically, staying conscious of how you express it. Though it might be necessary first to realize that you need to express anything at all.

The Sun RWS

The Sun, from the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot deck.

Aspects suggest it will be extra-important not to sublimate, repress or ignore whatever is trying to push through you and out into the world. That is not the same as simply flinging your energy out willy-nilly or excusing explosive behavior as ‘just how I am’.

Think of it more as staying attuned to what a clear ‘yes’ and clear ‘no’ feel like for you. When you can do that, you can make decisions and take action in a way that not only feels emotionally freer and karmically cleaner, but that also allows those around you to respond with greater clarity.

Astrologically, we’re looking at a set of squares and sign changes this week. First up, Venus in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces, and Mars in Cancer squares Uranus in Aries, both exact Monday — and both have been in force for days. Eric mentioned that Venus-Neptune “is the aspect of not knowing how you feel, but thinking you know. So it’s wise to interpose a delay between feeling and being certain that’s where you’re really coming from. It will take time to figure out.”

Mars-Uranus squares can get explosive and rebellious regarding restrictions, especially with Mars in emotional Cancer: the more you try to side-step how you’re feeling, the more likely it is you’ll put yourself in a corner and then lash out against the constraints. If you notice explosiveness seems to keep happening ‘to you’, that could be a signal to get real about your own frustrated ego energies. Again: take time to figure out your emotions, and what they’re actually about.

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Tracking Your Eris Awareness

By Amanda Painter

Earlier this week on Planet Waves I looked ahead to this weekend’s square between the Cancer Sun and Eris in Aries, describing it as a red flag trying to get us to notice what’s happening around us, especially in our digital environments. Specifically, I suggested that readers notice how they respond to chaos, subversiveness and provocation for its own sake. And right on cue, the news has served up a perfect example for our consideration.

Photo by Amanda Painter

Photo by Amanda Painter

I’m speaking, of course, of this week’s revelation of Donald Trump Jr.’s eagerness to accept what he was told was the Russian government’s help in his father’s presidential campaign against Hillary Clinton.

In this column, I’m not interested in trying to prove the news is ‘true’ or ‘false’, or even in trying to predict what its political fallout might be. I’m more interested in how it illustrates the astrology, and how that relates to you personally.

This incident offers up awareness (the Sun) of an act of subversion (Eris), and the chaos that has ensued (Eris again). It brings up a question of identity (Aries), and of feelings and ‘home’ (Cancer): What does it mean to be ‘American’ in the digital era? Who gets to influence American presidential campaigns? How do you feel when you discover someone’s subversive actions, especially those happening within your ‘home’?

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What We Do When Provoked

The dust has barely begun to settle on last night’s Capricorn Full Moon. Whether it was a stressful event for you or clearly opened an exciting new door through which to walk (or was surprisingly subtle or ambiguous), there’s a good chance you’ll continue to work with whatever came up as this week progresses.

Mainly this is because the Sun is still making aspects to important planets that were directly involved in the Full Moon chart, and will do so through the rest of this week. Of particular note: the Cancer Sun opposes Pluto in Capricorn, exact today (Monday) at 12:35 am EDT (4:35 UTC); and the Sun squares Eris in Aries, exact July 16 at 1:06 am EDT (5:06 UTC).


Photo by Amanda Painter, taken July 8, 2017.

Also in the mix: Mars in Cancer squares Eris in Aries today at 8:44 pm EDT (00:44 UTC Tuesday).

The squares from Mars and the Sun in Cancer are a direct reminder of how chaotic, provocative and often self-centered our current environment is.

Can you let it spur you to creative, caring action without letting its provocations feel like a threat to your ego? The ego tends to experience every threat as life-or-death, whether it is or not. But generally speaking, emotional reactivity is not constructive. Taking action to care for others (and taking care of yourself) is.

The Sun-Eris square in particular looks like the universe waving a flag and saying, “Hey! Look at what is happening around you — in your digital environments, and as a result of them. Notice how this has been influencing and provoking you on an emotional level.”

You might ask yourself what you do when you become aware of chaos and subversiveness, especially that which seemingly provokes solely for the sake of provoking. Do you withdraw? Put up boundaries to keep yourself emotionally and psychically safe? Lash out in return? Simply continue to swallow it all and try to digest it, without any creative outlet or way to release any potentially toxic byproducts?

Notice whether today’s Sun-Pluto opposition shows you an avenue for changing how you deal with it all. Bear in mind, that awareness could come through something breaking down (a relationship, a machine, some part of your home, your emotions). In which case, a quick patch job won’t do. You’ll have to confront the situation directly, get what’s not working completely in the open, and figure out how to fix things at a foundational level.

It’s worth remembering that Sun-Pluto oppositions come with a warning to avoid potentially violent or dangerous situations. Also, power struggles with others (especially authority figures) are possible. There’s something here about learning to stand up for yourself without having to dominate someone.

That might be one of the key questions of this moment in history, in the flesh but especially in the digital environment. It’s entirely possible to harness the awareness you gain this week to make creative changes and to serve the higher good. If you can feel safe enough within yourself to let your ego take a back seat, it might be that much more feasible to take a stand in healthy ways.

Calling In the Capricorn Full Moon

Editor’s Note: This post is the full Planet Waves members’ issue, complete with Eric’s horoscope and the Create section.

Dear Friend and Reader:

As I was preparing to write about this Sunday’s powerful Capricorn Full Moon conjunct Pluto, I happened to read a 2015 article by Asam Ahmad titled, “What Makes Call-Out Culture So Toxic.” I realized the article speaks to one possible level of experiencing this Full Moon, or one of its messages.

Last year’s Capricorn Full Moon over Casco Bay; photo by Amanda Painter.

The astrological setup is that the Sun in Cancer will oppose the Moon in Capricorn, exact just before 12:07 am EDT on July 9 (04:06:30 UTC). The Moon will be precisely one degree away from a conjunction to Pluto.

The Sun and Moon are both making their way to square Uranus and Eris in Aries, though the Moon will make its square later the same day.

Uranus and Eris in Aries are emblematic of much of the social and political chaos we’re currently living in — particularly as it is experienced via (and is shaped by) digital media.

In this Full Moon chart, Uranus-Eris represents not only our cultural environment, but the way that environment is provoking us — both consciously and unconsciously — and creating a sense of tension you may need to act on.

With the Moon-Pluto conjunction, we get an image of deep emotional transformation, particularly with regard to what has seemed previously set in stone. It also speaks of a sense of loneliness that can be inherent in such a personal, internal process.

The Cancer Sun in opposition sets up an interesting dynamic: emotional sensitivity, but of the kind that could potentially get overly concerned with what’s going on within others, or get a little defensive in reaction to what’s being mirrored. It speaks of the urge to seek safety by identifying with one’s ‘tribe’ or family in reaction to some interpersonal confrontation — such as being faced with changes that are beyond one’s control; or even the attempt to control those changes and others’ emotions anyway.

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Calling In the Capricorn Full Moon

By Amanda Painter

As I was preparing to write about this Sunday’s powerful Capricorn Full Moon conjunct Pluto, I happened to read a 2015 article by Asam Ahmad titled, “What Makes Call-Out Culture So Toxic.” I realized the article speaks to one possible level of experiencing this Full Moon, or one of its messages.

Last year's Capricorn Full Moon over Casco Bay; photo by Amanda Painter.

Last year’s Cap Full Moon; photo by Amanda Painter.

The astrological setup is that the Sun in Cancer will oppose the Moon in Capricorn, exact just before 12:07 am EDT on July 9 (04:06:30 UTC). The Moon will be precisely one degree away from a conjunction to Pluto.

The Sun and Moon are both making their way to square Uranus and Eris in Aries, though the Moon will make its square later the same day.

Uranus and Eris in Aries are emblematic of much of the social and political chaos we’re currently living in — particularly as it is experienced via (and is shaped by) digital media.

In this Full Moon chart, Uranus-Eris represents not only our cultural environment, but the way that environment is provoking us — both consciously and unconsciously — and creating a sense of tension you may need to act on.

With the Moon-Pluto conjunction, we get an image of deep emotional transformation, particularly with regard to what has seemed previously set in stone. It also speaks of a sense of loneliness that can be inherent in such a personal, internal process.

The Cancer Sun in opposition sets up an interesting dynamic: emotional sensitivity, but of the kind that could potentially get overly concerned with what’s going on within others, or get a little defensive in reaction to what’s being mirrored. It speaks of the urge to seek safety by identifying with one’s ‘tribe’ or family in reaction to some interpersonal confrontation — such as being faced with changes that are beyond one’s control; or even the attempt to control those changes and others’ emotions anyway.

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Celebrating ‘Independence’, Pluto-Style

Although this week begins with a major holiday in the U.S., the real fireworks — astrologically speaking — won’t show up until the end of the week: the Capricorn Full Moon on Sunday, July 9. Eric has written your weekly horoscopes specifically about this event; on our way there, the sky will be busy.


Glowing spin-toy, July 4, 2012. Photo by Amanda Painter.

First, a quick note about the July 4 astrology for U.S. readers. The main thing to keep in mind is that Mercury in Cancer will be square Uranus in Aries. Given that Independence Day tends to involve activities like driving, boating, drinking and fireworks — often in crowded situations — Mercury-Uranus emphasizes the need to stay grounded and focused, while also staying flexible enough to respond to surprises and sudden changes of thoughts or plans.

We also have two ‘personal’ planets changing sign this week. Venus moves into Gemini later on Tuesday; and Mercury enters Leo Wednesday night into Thursday. See if you notice a shift in your mental and emotional tone, especially in social situations.

That said, the real driver of interpersonal relations looks to be this building Full Moon in one week. It’s quite a chart: the Cancer Sun opposite the Moon in Capricorn, exactly one degree away from Pluto — the god of change and power. Mars in Cancer is in the picture (it’s separating from the Sun and Pluto, but the Moon will be applying to Mars). And all four of those bodies are within range to pick up on Uranus and Eris in Aries, via square aspect.

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Empathy, Honesty and Power Struggles

Editor’s Note: This post is the full Planet Waves members’ issue, complete with Eric’s horoscope and the Create section.

Dear Friend and Reader:

As you head into the weekend (for many U.S. readers, a long holiday), you’ll want to know that the astrology has some things to say about power struggles and confrontations. Mercury and Mars, both in Cancer, are opposing Pluto in Capricorn. At their best, this pair of oppositions can be leveraged to get beneath the surface of things.

Photo by Amanda Painter.

Mercury opposite Pluto, exact at 8:36 pm EDT tonight (00:36 UTC Friday), is especially good for deep research into a topic or uncovering a secret. With the sign Cancer involved, this could easily mean getting to the underlying emotions that are driving an interpersonal situation or reaction.

In its most productive expression, Mars opposite Pluto (exact July 2 at 8:02 am EDT / 12:02 UTC) can be used to make positive, creative changes in your life.

Again, with Cancer involved, that might mean giving yourself an ‘attitude adjustment’ if your emotional reactivity has been swinging to extremes. What’s really bothering you?
Or it could relate to overdue updates to your actual home environment, just as one example. The main idea is to use the energy constructively and consciously in some way, so that it does not end up using you.

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Empathy, Honesty and Power Struggles

By Amanda Painter

As you head into the weekend (for many U.S. readers, a long holiday), you’ll want to know that the astrology has some things to say about power struggles and confrontations. Mercury and Mars, both in Cancer, are opposing Pluto in Capricorn. At their best, this pair of oppositions can be leveraged to get beneath the surface of things.

Photo by Amanda Painter

Photo by Amanda Painter

Mercury opposite Pluto, exact at 8:36 pm EDT tonight (00:36 UTC Friday), is especially good for deep research into a topic or uncovering a secret. With the sign Cancer involved, this could easily mean getting to the underlying emotions that are driving an interpersonal situation or reaction.

In its most productive expression, Mars opposite Pluto (exact July 2 at 8:02 am EDT / 12:02 UTC) can be used to make positive, creative changes in your life. Again, with Cancer involved, that might mean giving yourself an ‘attitude adjustment’ if your emotional reactivity has been swinging to extremes. What’s really bothering you?

Or it could relate to overdue updates to your actual home environment, just as one example. The main idea is to use the energy constructively and consciously in some way, so that it does not end up using you.

What would that look like? Think power struggles, manipulation, obsession, and trying to control the emotions and actions of others. Remember, you can only ever truly control your own actions and reactions, not anybody else’s.

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