Author Archives: Amanda Painter


A Little Leverage, Right When You Need It

Have you ever used a simple lever to move something more easily that was stuck? (Like maybe you’ve used a flat-head screwdriver to open a paint-can, or used a pole wedged against a heavy boulder to roll it along with less effort than simply pushing it.) Or have you ever felt backed into a metaphorical corner, yet feeling yourself there somehow enabled you to push back and regain your space?


Nature-made sculpture on Zoni Beach, Culebra, Puerto Rico, in 2016; photo by Amanda Painter.

Those are two examples of how square energy can feel and be used in astrology. And along with a variety of interesting aspects, squares seem prominent this week in the midst of this zone between eclipses.

People sometimes dread square aspects because they don’t like the feeling of inner tension that squares represent. But that tension is incredibly useful: it generally incites us to take some kind of action to relieve it. And in the process, we put ourselves into a more comfortable position and have an opportunity to integrate what we’re feeling and learning.

The main square of note this week is the last quarter Moon. This is the Moon making a square to the Sun — normally not the most noteworthy aspect in the sky, but this one is special. It marks the midpoint between the total lunar eclipse (and Leo Full Moon) of last week and the partial solar eclipse (and Aquarius New Moon) of next week, which occurs on Feb. 15.

As the Scorpio Moon squares the Aquarius Sun this Wednesday, notice where you are with anything you set in motion with the eclipse, or any intentions you set. You might pay particular attention to things you need to wrap up: details that need to be finalized; anything that needs to be flushed, tossed or washed off/away (literally or metaphorically); feelings you need to express so you can stop holding onto them, and so on. What needs to be dived into or cut away so you can move on to what’s coming next?

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Post-Eclipse Surfing with Venus in Aquarius

By Amanda Painter

Yesterday’s Leo Full Moon and lunar eclipse put us squarely in ‘the eclipse zone’. Don’t worry if you didn’t notice anything ‘special’ yesterday; eclipses work in pairs (the corresponding partial solar eclipse is Feb. 15), and often the full two weeks in between hold intriguing potential.

Winter surfing at Morro Rock, California; photo by Mike Baird/flickr under CC 2.0.

Winter surfing at Morro Rock, California; photo by Mike Baird/flickr under CC 2.0. People actually do this in Maine and Canada, too.

That’s going to vary from person to person, depending on such things as where the eclipses occur in your chart; where you are in your life; how you relate to opportunities and synchronicity; and who knows what else.

You might have a friend who makes radical changes in her life during an eclipse period, while you just seem to roll along like you always do. Or maybe you make one unexpected decision near an eclipse that develops in surprisingly productive ways months later, while someone close to you seems to encounter obstacles and setbacks.

My point is simply that there’s no one way that eclipses manifest in people’s lives. So there’s no point in worrying that you’re ‘doing it wrong’, or ‘not doing enough’ to make it ‘count’. You can, however, stay as aware as possible of opportunities, shifts in your outer environment, quiet intuitive nudges, and unexpected insights or urges. Those could very well be some of the openings through which you’re able to harness some energy — as can getting clear on anything you’d like to experience more of, so you can prioritize it and get yourself oriented on it.

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Stepping Up to the Blue Supermoon Eclipse

This week opens the first ‘eclipse season’ of 2018. On Wednesday, Jan. 31, we’ll experience the Leo Full Moon, which is also total lunar eclipse — meaning that we’re entering a phase of a couple weeks when you might be able to advance your life in unexpected ways. (The corresponding partial solar eclipse will occur with a New Moon in Aquarius on Feb. 15.)


Cropped time-lapse composite photo of the Sept. 27, 2015, supermoon eclipse over Shelburne Bay, Vermont. Photo by futuremar768.

At 8:27 am EST (13:27 UTC) on Wednesday the Moon in Leo will align exactly with the Sun in Aquarius, with the Earth tucked precisely in between (the peak of the eclipse is a couple minutes later).

If you live in the right parts of the world and have clear skies at the right time, you’ll be able to see Earth’s shadow gradually cover the Moon, making it look a reddish-brownish color. But wait: isn’t Wednesday’s Full Moon a blue Moon? Yes, but that name does not actually refer to the Moon’s color; it’s simply the fanciful term given to the second Full Moon in one calendar month (if you recall, the Cancer Full Moon occurred on Jan. 1).

They’re rare, but not as rare as the colloquial saying would seem to suggest. The Jan. 31 Full Moon is also the third in a series of three straight ‘supermoons’; that is, Full Moons that occur while the Moon is closest to Earth in its orbit, and therefore looks slightly larger than usual.

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Mars in Sagittarius — and a Few Other Adjustments

By Amanda Painter

You know that feeling when you’ve been incredibly busy, or very focused on a project, and then those activities wind down but you feel momentarily adrift, or not sure where to channel your energy next? But then, almost as soon as you’ve thought that, the next thing comes along to keep your energy level up and engaged?

Photo by Amanda Painter.

Photo by Amanda Painter.

That might be one way to think of Mars entering Sagittarius tomorrow, just six days after centaur planet Pholus left that sign. Mars leaves Scorpio, a sign it rules, and brings its fiery energy to fiery Sagittarius at 7:56 am EST on Friday (12:56 UTC).

The influence of Pholus in Sagg was something we kind of got used to for many years. In terms of the ‘runaway reaction’ Pholus signifies, we’ve witnessed it in the way the world seems to be spinning out of control. Long before Trump as president, before Uranus made its signature aspects to Pluto and Eris, we had Pholus adding some rocket fuel to life — in a segment of the zodiac that can already feel a little ‘out there’.

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A Penetrating Mind, and Mars Changes Sign

What do you need to dig into, investigate or persuade someone about? Astrology this week offers support in those realms, though with a caveat: empathy and a goal of mutual benefit need to be guiding principles — along with an awareness of the potential for obsession and self-righteousness.


Dragon-horse sculpture by Taiwanese artist Hung Yin in Manhattan. Photo by Amanda Painter.

In this era of binge-watching shows online and falling down Google rabbit holes, it seems we’re becoming acclimated to a certain level of obsessive behavior.

That can be problematic when it comes to getting distracted when you’re on a work deadline; or when an inability to avoid the pull of obsessive diversions undermines personal goals. When it becomes a habit, self-esteem can suffer.

Yet there’s a time and a place for hyper-focusing. Many kinds of research and high-stakes tasks require it for brief stretches. If you’re investigating a mystery, engaging in intense, penetrating thought could be the key to solving it — as long as you don’t fixate on one detail to the exclusion of others that might, in fact, lead you to the solution.

As Mercury nears its conjunction to Pluto in Capricorn this week (exact Wednesday), these are some of the themes to watch for. You may find your mind is predisposed to getting under the surface of something; perhaps what you say to someone will strike at the heart of a matter, or persuade them of your point of view. If so, being considerate of others’ feelings, and not misrepresenting yourself, are important.

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Liberation and Responsibility with the Sun in Aquarius

Editor’s note: this is the full PW members’ edition, featuring an expanded lead essay, your weekly horoscopes, the Create feature, Planet Waves FM and more.

Dear Friend and Reader:

Tomorrow night the Sun leaves Capricorn and ingresses Aquarius. That this sign change happens each year within a few days of Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday (which was on Monday) feels fascinatingly appropriate, even though King was a Capricorn.

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Liberation and Responsibility with the Sun in Aquarius

By Amanda Painter

Tomorrow night (early Saturday in some time zones) the Sun leaves Capricorn and ingresses Aquarius. That this sign change happens each year within a few days of Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday feels fascinatingly appropriate, even though King was a Capricorn.

Photo by Amanda Painter

Photo by Amanda Painter

I say this because of the two planets that rule Aquarius: Saturn (which also rules Capricorn) and Uranus. Saturn represents (in part) responsibility and containment; Uranus represents (in part) liberation and unbridled life force.

We need both concepts, both forms of energy, to live in balance. What I find most striking about King’s life and work in this context was the way he integrated and championed these concepts: calling, from a place of deeply held social and personal responsibility, for liberation; finding the most effective outlet for his considerable life force by focusing it into a clear and singular purpose — one that took as its container the principle of non-violent protest.

By embodying one clear structure of action and philosophy, he sought to dismantle and revolutionize another social and political structure, in pursuit of freedom for a repressed group. And he did so by inspiring individuals to use their freedom to take personal responsibility — whether they were among the repressed group, or among the elite group doing the oppressing.

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A Capricorn New Moon to Build On

The astrology this week appears to speak of building something new, thanks in part to a New Moon in Capricorn. Yet as the week progresses, it looks like you’ll be doing this building with a shifting frame of reference, thanks to several objects changing sign.

One way to think of it is like making a sculpture: each time you walk to a different side of it, your perception of the thing you’re making changes slightly. As a result, you can see new options that might alter what you do next. Another example might be when you rearrange the furniture in your home: when you move an easy chair to a new spot, the vacated area is suddenly open to other possibilities.

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