By Amanda Painter
Coming close on the heels of Tuesday’s equinox (the Sun’s entrance into Aries, beginning a new season and astrological year), tonight at 8:19 pm EDT (00:19 UTC Friday) Mercury stations retrograde in Aries. So, despite this being a natural time of year to want to take action in starting new things, you may be experiencing some hitches in executing your plans.

Is this what it looks like inside Aries? Maybe. The more important question is, what does it look like inside you? Photo of the “Man pavilion” at Burning Man 2012 by Amanda Painter.
If that’s the case, you have some options. Sure, you can insist on plowing ahead, damn the torpedoes. Chances are, however, that’s not going to be the most efficient or smooth approach.
Every Mercury retrograde is an opportunity for review and introspection. With Mercury in Aries, that inner consideration could well have to do with your sense of who you are (your identity), your relationship to what you want (desire), your relationship to anger and how you express it, or your sense of agency in your life (whether you feel like you can make your own choices and actions).
Now, while you could go the full-meditation route, I’m not sure that really meshes well with a Mercury retrograde in Aries, either. Particularly not this one.
I say that because the sky is currently dominated by planets in Aries making square aspects to planets in Capricorn. (I’ll touch on a couple of the specific squares in a moment.) These Aries-to-Capricorn relationships are calling the theme for the Mercury retrograde chart, which you can think of as a question:
Where are initiative and individuality running up against what is codified or institutional?
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