Publishing schedule update

Hello —
Just a quick note to Len Wallick’s regular readers that he has had to step back from writing for Planet Waves, for an undetermined length of time. My apologies for not posting a note sooner, but things were a little in limbo. We hope to have Len on board again soon. I am sure he would appreciate your good wishes.

Yours & truly,
Amanda Painter

16 thoughts on “Publishing schedule update

  1. Pisces Sun

    Len, on this ST Patrick’s Day, blessings are sent along with the lines of the Irish Prayer:
    May the road rise up to meet you.
    May the wind always be at your back.
    May the sun shine warm upon your face,
    and rains fall soft upon your fields.
    And until we meet again,
    May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

    Hope to see your writings real soon and know that whatever is going on in your life is but a transition for something even better! Good intentions are sent your way my friend.

    1. Geoff Marsh

      If it’s a medical bill that needs to be met, could we not have a crowdfunded whip-round?

      Come back, Len. Sanity demands your reinvigoration.

      Any news, Chief Niwot’s Son?

      1. chief niwot's son

        Hi Geoff- I know nothing more than what I have read here, although I have been wondering for a while about Len.

        Len: All blessings, prayers, and positive vibes to you!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Just Suzanne

    Ditto all the previous comments, and from me: Len, your voice and advice is so unique and so beautifully written, and so accessible. I miss you too!

    And as noted previously: if it is a financial/ health concern, do let us help. We are here for you…

  3. Kazimira Rachfal

    Dear Len, Good wishes to you.
    I was looking for your wisdom and will find it in the readings you did for me last year.
    Waiting for your return to Planet Waves and sending love and healing. kazimira

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