Monthly Archives: May 2012

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for June 2012

Dear Friend and Reader:

This is the month of the Venus transit of the Sun — a rare event that is the ‘Mayan factor’ in this year that has been the subject of so much prophecy. We covered this event in great detail last Wednesday, in an article titled, “Transit of Venus: Embracing the Solar Feminine.”

If you happen to be in the right place on Earth, with the right viewing glasses (otherwise you’ll fry your eyes), you will be able to see Venus cut across the surface of the Sun. This is preceded by eclipses of the Sun and Moon on May 20 and June 4 respectively, and by plenty of other top-shelf rare cosmic activity, concentrated into a few weeks. I cover this grouping of events — an alchemical moment if ever there was one — in today’s Daily Astrology post. Included there is an interview with an astrologer named David Tresemer, who has written a book about the Venus Transit. He has some ideas about the surge of vital energy accompanying this astrology, and you should really hear him in his own words, which you can access at the bottom of the blog post or on Planet Waves FM.

I have just one suggestion: pay attention to what you believe. More than any other factor, what we believe dictates what we experience as reality. It does not dictate what is true — only what we experience as true. These events are all magnifiers of thought and experience in their own way, and the more life-affirming, creative and loving our beliefs, the more they will be magnified into reality.


Eric Francis


Planet Waves

UAC Coverage Concludes This Week


I’ve been broadcasting interviews non-stop from the United Astrology Conference (UAC) for almost a week. I taught my class on Astrology Storytelling last Wednesday, and since then have posted a slate of brief, fun interviews with astrologers and other fascinating people –including a psychiatrist, an ayurvedic practitioner, and Genevieve Hathaway, who writes our new Moonshine horoscopes and is currently living in Egypt. The conversations cover a wide variety of topics, and they are all available on the main Planet Waves blog, Daily Astrology & Adventure, located near the top of the page. I’d love to read your thoughts and questions about these conversations in the comments section there.

The interviews also appear on Planet Waves FM. There are clear instructions for how to access the coverage, which is in radio format.


Eric Francis

Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes, Astrology News, Daily Astrology Blog, Birthday Reports


Planet Waves

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for June 2012 | Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You have a more central role in upcoming events than you may think, though I suggest you make every effort to define that in terms of service. You may feel an urge to provoke events, or fear that you’re going to be unduly influenced by them. It would be more helpful, and personally beneficial, if you were to take the role of guardian. Study the various situations around you with some vigilance and notice, in particular, where you may serve as a negotiator. In that context, your job is to look out for everyone’s interests, as objectively as you can. You may be inclined to stick to laws or regulations as your guide, though what’s more likely is that you come up with a solution to a puzzle everyone else thinks is impossible to solve — which in the end benefits everyone.

Hello Aries — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). We will have the Gemini birthday reading for you as soon as possible! Please check this space, and look in your email from us.

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You don’t have to be in as much conflict as you are. You don’t need to accept what other people say is right for you, or the rules that they impose on you, which might seem to be the source of your inner tension. It’s easy to go there by default when your own inner guidance conflicts, or when you’re uncertain about what you want. This thing we call religion, by the way, is about people giving up their power of choice, then imposing that on others, and that seems to be a quickly fading influence right now. This is the moment when you take control of your desires. That means not letting them run you, not feeling guilty and most of all, resolving any conflicting values that might be present in your heart. As these weeks progress, you will find this more compelling, necessary and eminently possible.

Hello Taurus — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed) If you would like to hear your Taurus birthday reading, please visit this link.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You seem to be trying desperately to let go of an old concept of yourself, so that you can embrace something entirely new. You have chosen the right moment to do this. Here’s the thing to remember: do less, not more. You cannot aggressively release something; letting go is always gentle. You don’t need to push yourself open; you merely need to allow yourself to gradually unfold. As you do this, you may have the feeling that an outside force of some kind is working on you, though that’s an illusion. It’s very much an inner momentum that is carrying you, and certain outer circumstances that are facilitating your process. It’s essential that you see the usefulness of your environment, and take the opportunities that it presents to you, because they are every bit as synchronous as what is going on inside you.

Hello Gemini — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Going deeper into your relationships is starting to come naturally to you, depending on one basic approach: being more yourself. Gradually over time, this has worn down your resistance to expressing and receiving actual feelings, as well as what seemed like the resistance of others in their approach to you. Now something else is emerging: healing an inner split that you may be discovering, even as it resolves itself. Indeed, the discovery is the sign that you’re making the progress on healing, so you have no need to worry about it. The reunion of you with yourself will manifest most noticeably in your relationships, where old problems with attachment, dependency and over-use of structure will seem to melt away. Though this transition might not happen overnight, it has started already — and you’re close to the tipping point.

Hello Cancer — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Is there a difference between your public presentation and the person you are in private? It’s considered normal to live with this kind of split — even a right. But is it possible for a person to split his or her character? The mere attempt takes a lot of energy, and it’s a breeding ground for suspicion. Now is the time to align your motives, your desires and how you present yourself in public. Now is the time to have just one story about who you are, what you want and what you do. That story is the true story. I recognize that people have misgivings about speaking up sincerely, and can take that as evidence that there’s something wrong with them. If indeed there is something you actually cannot say, it would be a very good idea to stop and question your ethics. If the ethics check out, then feel free to speak up.

Hello Leo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Spring Checkpoint: Individual Signs Now Available

We will soon figure out that it’s actually 2012. The recent retrogrades of Mars and Mercury seemed to create a delay, but really this winter and early spring has been a phase of gestation. Over the next four weeks, the energy starts to pick up pace dramatically, and we will discover where we are and that something unusual, and beautiful, is happening.

Even as we approach the truly beautiful potential of the astrology that’s developing, many people are struggling with their day-to-day lives. There are more questions than answers; the economic and political situations seem hopeless; the pace of existence is going so fast that there seems to be nowhere to get in a little meaning, or seek some peace of mind.

Planet Waves

Here is where astrology can help. Astrology looks at the longer cycles, and the deeper themes — and can help you see your life in context of the present moment, no matter how chaotic it may be. Context means a sense of where you fit in that will help you see your potential and make better choices.

For years, I’ve been helping my clients prepare for making the most of the astrology of the 2012 era. Based on this experience, and many years of study, I’ve prepared a set of readings for all 12 signs (and rising signs, and Moon signs) that guides you through this astrology, step by step. I cover the most challenging and energized developments of this spring, which includes eclipses, Venus retrograde, the Venus transit of the Sun, and then a few days after the Sun ingresses Cancer, the Uranus-Pluto square.

Each sign gets a half-hour discussion. These came through loud and clear, with strength and meaning. I spent a week designing and recording them, and I am grateful to be able to offer them to you as a tool to help you guide your decisions, as you seek deeper meaning along your journey.

Spring 2012 is a kind of checkpoint along the way to wherever you are going. But really it’s a calling into the adventure of existence, a bold invitation to go beyond your past limits and explore something truly new about yourself.

Signs are now available individually for an amazingly low price, cheaper than the paper shopping bag costs at Jimmy Choo — order your reading here. The report is getting rave reviews from people who are currently working with it, including these words from a customer named Donna: “OMG — thank you thank you thank you — just spent this morning listening to my [Spring Report] info, and am so blown away by the accuracy (and relief!) in this experience. Thanks so very much for your part in supporting this work and for showing up in the way that you do!”. Here is the link to order.

Please drop us a note if you have any questions.


Eric Francis


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You may have several different goals, and several key talents — though your professional life has a way of proceeding on two distinct tracks. This may leave you feeling like you’re never quite focusing 100% and therefore never getting the full results of your efforts. Yet consider that these two paths may be supporting one another, rather than competing with one another. You have developed your brain more fully, and have learned the skill of experiencing yourself from two distinct perspectives. Now is the time to experience the power of synergy — the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. That is to say, the whole of who you are is greater than the particular skills or attributes that you possess — and this is about to be demonstrated to you in a bold way.

Hello Virgo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Conflicting beliefs are one of the world’s most toxic causes of anxiety. Conflicting belief systems make it even worse — such as if you try to follow the dictates of science, religion and your family all at the same time. Yet I would take it further — the notion of a belief is the thing that we need to question, and your astrology is putting this issue under a microscope. Deep beneath all of these beliefs, there is something that’s true for you. You might think of it as your true cosmic religion — your actual point of contact with existence, which is not about believing anything. Indeed, it transcends anything as flimsy as something anyone could be convinced of. At the core of this is your knowledge of who you are, which is the source of your strength and confidence. And some tangible, life-giving information from this core being is on its way.

Hello Libra — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You have two possible modes of action right now — quietly, from the background, and boldly, from within your ideas. Yet they have one thing in common: the less you assert yourself, the more influential you will be. Even when you’re directly offering an idea or explicit instructions, lay back a little and let people come to you; allow them to feel the effects of your presence. Another way to say this is, you don’t have to do much, or anything at all. Plenty is in motion around you. You’re having a profound influence on your environment from several different angles. They almost all involve processes you set in motion a long time ago. If you’re going to do one thing boldly, this is what I suggest: evaluate one particular contractual situation carefully, and make sure that everyone benefits.

Hello Scorpio — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Let the bravery and innovation of the people around you be your inspiration and your guide. You have a lot to learn from them, and you’re blessed to know a few people who are truly doing innovative things. I suggest you concern yourself less with your own originality (that will take care of itself, in the end) and more with learning how others do things, especially when you notice they do them well. Observe the skills involved and the spirit of the endeavor. You understand by now that many of your most significant relationships are working partnerships, and if not that directly, ones in which ideas are exchanged. This is a perfectly viable purpose for other people in your life. Romance is severely overrated; dharma, or the path of correct action, deserves far more reverence than it gets.

Hello Sagittarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You are changing in ways that you feel but have not necessarily put a name or a clear description to. Actually, changing is too weak of a word to describe what is happening; an unusual momentum of growth has taken over your life, and it’s now moving at full strength. What you’re doing is penetrating a kind of emotional veil that was cloaking your true strength from yourself. This is allowing you to emerge as someone who may have been clear to you as a child, but who was gradually fogged over as you became an adult. A simple way to express this idea is that your soul is pushing its way through the layers of your personality and into manifestation. This will not happen all at once, though you’re about to take a very significant step along the way.

Hello Capricorn — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — My old friend B’jamin once said that there are two kinds of people — those who drink water, and those who do not. We could probably write a whole book about all the ways there are ‘two kinds of people’, though the one that’s germane in your life right now is: people who are into art, and people who are not. There is the you who’s into art, and the you who’s not. Here is what your charts say: get into art. Get into people who are into art. Soak in art, soak in artists, and light your mind on fire and create the stuff. Don’t worry if it’s good. Just get busy with color, shape, form, sound and sensation. It might save your life; but really, it will make your life.

Hello Aquarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The whole planet is your home. Yes, this whole beautiful, crazy place — and everyone who’s here is your brother or your sister. If you’ve ever had any doubts about whether you want to be here, get over them now. If you’ve ever hesitated to fully commit yourself to stewarding this place, and being of service to the people who populate it, open your heart and give yourself over to your life purpose. You get to choose how you do this work; how you offer yourself, and what you develop. What does not change is your sense of contact with existence and with your underlying purpose for existing in this place and this time. In doing this with passion, you’re not giving anything up — in truth you will gain everything, particularly the confidence that can only come with an authentic sense of belonging.

Hello Pisces — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Transit of Venus: Embracing the Solar Feminine

Planet Waves
Photos of the 2004 Venus transit of the Sun by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

Dear Friend and Reader:

“As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons. I sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste.”
— Sulamitis, from the Song of Solomon

On June 5 (June 6 in some time zones) Venus and the Sun form a precise conjunction, called a transit of Venus. Venus and the Sun align about once a year — though this one is different due to the fact that Venus will not pass above or below the Sun but rather directly cross its path. This is called a transit of Venus. Considered one of the most rare predictable astronomical events, transits of Venus arrive in pairs separated by eight years; the pairs themselves are divided by more than a century.

Events in astrology gain influence by being unusual — though this one will also be spectacular. If you can see the Sun during the event and use a special viewing filter, you will be able to watch Venus cross the disk of the Sun. (Beginning at 6:04 pm EDT, viewers in New York can watch until sunset.) We most recently experienced a transit of Venus in 2004. The June 5 event may be related to something that you experienced or a phase of your life that began eight years ago.

Planet Waves
Melissa by Eric Francis — Book of Blue, New York.

The world will not experience another transit of Venus until 2117, 105 years from now. It’s a bit ominous that, barring some life-extending genetic therapy, nobody who sees this one will be alive to see the next one.

Speaking of omens, this kind of rare event indicates a check-in point with the state of humanity. It’s the single most distinct astrology element of 2012, a year that may break the record for how much prophecy has hung on its back. Yet we do stand in a moment when one logical use of celestial divination would be trying to figure out what’s going to happen to civilization on our planet.

By any objective measure, we are in trouble. It’s not that our national and global problems don’t have solutions. It’s not that there are insufficient resources. The crisis involves lack of leadership and ethics. Anyone trying for a solution must outsmart what amounts to a cabal of heavily armed thieves who are holding the planet hostage.

We face numerous hotly polarized situations of ‘us and them’, many of which come from a prevailing condition of inner division that has a grip on the human psyche. Which brings me to why it’s so excellent that this event is happening in Gemini. I believe that the political mess we face is a reflection of the deeper elements of our consciousness. Many of these are based on what I will broadly term gender issues.

In recent years, the political machinery has been using gender and sexual orientation — and sex in general — as some of its most effective wedges. Yet with the atmosphere heating up, with fracking consuming the United States and headed to Europe, with the economy in an extremely fragile state and our genetic code under assault from supertoxins-for-profit, worrying about who has the right to marry seems like a distraction.

Trying to blast reproductive rights back to the 1950s (as evidenced by the movement to repeal not just Roe v. Wade, which preserves the right to abortion, and also Griswold v. Connecticut, which preserves the right to contraception) is often described as throwing red meat to the conservative base. It’s typically analyzed as a political ploy that skews the discussion away from real problems and also preserves the jobs of politicians.

We all know there’s a severe imbalance on the planet, and there are many spiritual theories going around as to why that might be. Instead of treating the sex and gender issue as a symptom, I would propose that it might be a lot closer to the cause. People in political leadership are not known for their powers of deep introspection or their sexual integrity. Often they are in conflict and project that conflict outward as attack, attempted control and manipulation of people’s private sexual lives. People not in positions of public trust drive one another insane with this stuff as well.

Planet Waves
Not a pinhole camera — gear used by Anthony Ayiomamitis to photograph the 2004 Venus transit of the Sun. Those images are shown at the top of the page. Many prior transit events were recorded only by illustration. Some examples of those drawings are below. Photo provided by Anthony.

This inner turmoil manifests many other ways, including lack of sensitivity for the Earth (the consequence of which is often accurately described as rape). Nearly all of the most potent toxins of industry attack the female reproductive system first, though we’re all soaking in an ocean of hormone-disruptive chemicals and all feeling the effects to some degree.

The transit of Venus presents us with a compelling metaphor and also a palpable moment of transition. It’s a junction (literally, a conjunction) where we can make a conscious choice. Think of this as starting within, where most (some would say all) of our conflict originates. Think of it as an inner reunion between the masculine and feminine elements of ourselves, appropriately happening in the sign of the interplay of opposites — Gemini.

Venus is a feminine symbol and the Sun a masculine one. When Venus intersects with the disk of the Sun, it’s a little like the Sun is being penetrated by potent feminine energy. Both will change in the process. My astrology colleague Adam Gainsburg ( has been describing this as the emergence of what he calls the solar feminine.

“Despite the dominance of solar gods at the root of western civilization, the metaphor of light is actually more akin to the feminine principle than to the masculine. Light shines, radiates, illuminates. But from our viewpoint on Earth, the Sun also sets and takes the light with it each evening. This ebb and flow of light is precisely what the feminine is: the flow, the dance, the ever-changing pattern of light into dark and back again.”

With the transit of Venus, he said, “What becomes illuminated is how your feminine aspect self-radiates into the world — what you uniquely have to give to the improvement of our planet.” He adds, “The solar feminine is, literally, our ‘light body’. She’s the one inside each of us who leaves nothing uncovered, nothing unfelt. We experience the full range of our actual feelings as her body.” Yet the Sun is expressive, so this is about being moved to take creative action.

“The Solar feminine is a confrontational idea for many religions because her very existence fundamentally challenges the fragmentary, long-held assumption of masculine spiritual superiority. By re-acknowledging her, we begin to re-empower her. The solar feminine shines not just through the success and expression of women, but through the power of a man’s emotions received in his heart.”

I think what Adam may be describing is a process of men becoming more receptive and women becoming more expressive. That would help balance things out — and at least it gives us a clear idea of what to reach for. While there’s been plenty of ways in which our culture has slipped backwards in gender relations (especially when you factor in politicians), I believe there is a gradual balancing out of masculine and feminine energies within many individuals and in many relationships. With this eclipse-like event, we have an opportunity to deepen and accelerate that process.

Planet Waves
Illustration of the 1874 transit of Venus at the point of ingress, seen at Sydney, New South Wales, and drawn by H. C. Russells.

The story of transits of Venus over the past few centuries gives us another metaphor to work with. Last year a book was published, called Transit of Venus: 1631 to the Present, by Nick Lomb (The Experiment, paperback, $24.95). Lomb describes the progression of how each successive event was seen by human eyes — and some of the implications. The following history is drawn from Lomb’s research.

No one is known to have seen the 1631 Venus transit — it was night in Europe. Johannes Kepler, who figured out the 1631 event, missed that there would be a second transit of Venus eight years later. Two people are known to have seen the 1639 transit: Jeremiah Horrocks and his friend William Crabtree, viewing separately from England. Amazingly, Horrocks figured out there would likely be a second Venus transit that century only about one month before it occurred. He began observing the day before his prediction indicated, just in case he had made an error in his calculations.

Edmond Halley (of Halley’s Comet fame) expected a Venus transit in 1761. He urged astronomers who would be alive at the time to observe the event. His calculations were off, but other astronomers worked out the correct timing. This was the first global scientific event, with 176 astronomers watching from 117 far-flung locations.

Eight years later, in 1769, there was another transit — the second of that pair. Up to 400 different calculations were presented to the Royal Society in London and similar elite European scholarly societies for the 1769 transit. The desirability of observing the transit in the South Pacific led to the founding of New South Wales, in what is now Australia; the British crown saw the need for calculations from the South Pacific as the perfect political cover story for its mission of seeking islands to expand to. In other words, modern Australia owes its existence to a celestial event. This adds the geopolitical expansion to the process.

More people observed the 1874 transit than any other previous one, reflecting the expansion of technology, science, education, industry, trade and population. It was also the first one documented in photographs.

Planet Waves
Drawings of the 1769 transit by Capt. James Cook and Charles Green.

The corresponding transit eight years later in 1882 was widely observed and better documented in photos. The U.S. sent out eight teams, including to South Africa and San Antonio, TX. They made 1,380 measurable photographic plates (four times as many as in 1874).

The 1882 transit was visible throughout the U.S. for almost the whole event. Amateur astronomers set up telescopes in parks and on sidewalks of New York City, collecting dimes from those who wished to look. In Meriden, Conn., a fire alarm bell was rung when it started, and people went to a local man’s house where he’d set up seven telescopes so people could look. Some 6,000 people observed the transit form that yard.

That takes us up to the 2004 transit, the most recent one. For the first time, we were able to observe the transit from space, with much vaster knowledge of Venus and the solar system. Not only could the general public observe, but hundreds of amateur astronomers could produce their own stunning photographs (three from the 2004 transit, taken by Anthony Ayiomamitis, appear at the top of this article).

For the 2012 event, many more people will be aware of what is happening, and due to that knowledge, and the availability of inexpensive viewing equipment and the proliferation of information on the Internet, this will be the most-viewed Venus transit of the Sun in history. Nearly everyone in the world will be able to see live video or photos minutes after it happens.

There is something in this rare event that’s about the exponential expansion of awareness. If (at least from an astrological viewpoint) we understand that awareness to involve the balancing of male and female energies, we can cooperate by spreading that energy in an exponential way.

There is one other beautiful message from this event that I picked up while researching the chart for the Venus transit. I cast the cart with 1,000 asteroids and newly discovered bodies, and noticed there is a minor planet precisely conjunct both Venus and the Sun when the transit happens. It won’t be visible — but it will be there. The planet, really an asteroid, is called Sulamitis. It’s a fast-mover (less than four-year orbit) so its presence is something to take note of.

I did a little research and discovered that Sulamitis is the female character in the Song of Solomon, a book from the Bible that stands out in that it’s not about laying down the law or describing the anguish of some tribe. Rather, it’s a passionate love poem presented as a dialog between a man and a woman.

The story has many twists and turns, but ultimately its theme is devotion and what it means to be in love, with a comment on how authentic balance between male and female energy feels. With this event happening in Gemini, the first place to seek and find that balance is inside ourselves. I could not think of a more beautiful visitor to stand guard over this rare event, at this vital opportunity for rebalancing our hearts, souls and our relationship to the Earth.


Eric Francis

Planet Waves

UAC Coverage Begins This Week


I’ve arrived in New Orleans and the United Astrology Conference (UAC) is getting under way. I taught my class on Astrology Storytelling earlier today and as I write I’m recording Donna Woodwell’s class on Weaving the Web. These are the first projects that we will produce.

If you’re looking for coverage of the conference, I suggest you check in Thursday afternoon. Coverage will be two places — it will be on the main Planet Waves blog, Daily Astrology & Adventure, located near the top of page. It will also appear
on Planet Waves FM. There will be clear instructions for how to access the coverage, most of which will be in radio format.

If you’re at the conference, please stop by the Planet Waves table.


Eric Francis

Weekly Horoscopes, Monthly Horoscopes, Astrology News, Daily Astrology Blog, Birthday Reports


Planet Waves

Monthly Horoscope for June 2012 | Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Within the context of the rare, beautiful astrological events of this month, your job is to devote yourself to the quality of your work. You may feel a drive to innovation, leadership, invention or otherwise stirring the pot — though what your chart suggests is that you work calmly and steadily on specific, focused projects. Said another way, ground yourself in your goals, processes and methods. Focus on the details. You will have the occasion to work through certain blockages or obstacles, which may seem to be in your environment. I recognize that I’m not describing a glorious role, despite the fact that all eyes will be on the Sun, an object closely related to your sign. Your influence will come from your awareness and your ability to remain calm and go deep. That is the kind of leadership that you’re being called to. It’s the kind that involves intelligence, persistence, tenacity and foresight. There is a measure of self-direction that you’re being called to initiate, and you may be the one who gets to solve a problem that is too annoying or seemingly intractable for anyone else to work out. You’re doing this all the better if you feel invisible through the experience. The point is that this is not about you. You have a role, and by all indications it’s an integral one. Yet you can only accomplish this properly if you drop back and work with the full presence of your mind with no interference from your ego.

Hello Aries — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). We will have the Gemini birthday reading for you as soon as possible! Please check this space, and look in your email from us.

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Has there ever been a time when the human psyche was more fragmented? Have we ever been pulled in more directions, injected with competing self-images or struggled with conflicting values systems? These conflicts and struggles used to be called neurosis (a term now abandoned by modern psychology) — including confusion, compromised sense of self-worth, obsession, perfectionism, habitual fantasizing and many other seemingly small problems that eat human bandwidth. Meanwhile, many external factors are competing for your attention — be they advertising, social opportunities or the demands of work. You’re aware of this situation, both within you and around you. You may be waking up to the desire to bring your whole consciousness together and to focus your mind. Events this month offer a special opportunity for healing, which is likely to arrive as unusual clarity around what your priorities are, and an opportunity to focus on a clear agenda. Consider how much of your past struggle has involved deciding what you ‘should’ be doing versus what you really love, and how to balance this out. Your astrology suggests you may get a taste of what life is like without this tension. Yet if that feeling vanishes, you may not recognize it as the presence of something else. Indeed, you could overlook it just because you feel good. Therefore, pay attention. Feel the inner alignment that allows you to make the decisions based on what works for you. Once you open that space, you will be able to return dependably — as long as you remember that it exists.

Hello Taurus — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed) If you would like to hear your Taurus birthday reading, please visit this link.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — The whole is not only greater than the sum of the parts — it’s a lot more fun, and useful, and interesting. Yet there’s another level to this — what you actually do with all this potential. A car is greater than a garage full of parts, but then — where do you go? This month’s precise Sun-Venus conjunction in your sign is a clear demarcation point between the past and the future. Wherever you are going, it’s somewhere other than you’ve been, and I reckon, other than where you expected to go. This will require you to summon flexibility that’s unusual even for you, and to facilitate that you are about to release many old tendencies that have kept you stuck in certain patterns and at a certain depth within yourself. Or rather, your relationship to yourself. It’s true that you relate to yourself in a way that many people you know do not — consciously, aware of your ‘inner other’. Over the next few weeks, it looks as if you discover that your inner other is actually your soulmate. You don’t need anyone else to play this role for you; your friends, lovers and companions have different roles to play. Your experience of them, and of anything seemingly outside yourself, is rooted in your experience with yourself — and your relationship to yourself. If the planets in their courses say anything about you right now, it’s that you are recognizing that your relationship to yourself is something to honor and treasure every day.

Hello Gemini — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — This month’s transit of Venus is about healing seeming divisions and splits within the psyche. For you, there is a special theme — resolving something you’ve been unable to observe closely or give a name to, perhaps until recently. You’ve lived with the effects all of your life, which may have manifested in what I call the ‘hemisphere effect’ — the potential to experience yourself, or anything, two entirely different ways. They may have nothing in common and one point of view may be entirely exclusive of the other. I would consider this as a potential source of misgivings about yourself, as well as an ambivalence that has followed you through some of your most important relationships. Consider that at some of the most challenging points in your life, you’ve been experiencing the effects of something inside you projected outward. It’s difficult to see the actual process because you’ve only been seeing the outer manifestation — like studying the projection on a screen rather than considering the film or the projector. The coming weeks contain a moment of profound alchemy, wherein the mirage of an inner split resolves itself seemingly spontaneously — and then you notice a corresponding change in your relationships. You will not be able to predict what happens; challenges or unresolved situations you’re currently involved with may work themselves out any number of ways. From the strength and integrity of the current astrology, you can trust that what develops will serve your growth and your longterm happiness beautifully.

Hello Cancer — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — I suggest you take a bold step beyond considering your image or your appearance and fully immerse yourself into your relationship with the world. By that, I mean the world as you think of it: the constellation of everyone and everything in your life. You may be familiar with the Lakota prayer Mitakuye Oyasin, which translates loosely to “all are related.” It is an expression of the idea that all people and all things are interconnected. They may be related by being part of our sphere of consciousness, or looking a bit deeper, by the truth that we are part of something larger than ourselves. This of course violates Western concepts of separateness, division and privacy, ideas that lead to quite a bit of chaos and conflict — which are all based on a violation of natural law. The extraordinary astrology that is now unfolding is a reminder that you are part of holistic existence. Everything you do, and everything you think, influences the totality of your environment. This isn’t a theory but rather a property of existence that may boldly reveal itself to you during the next few weeks. Such an experience would shift how you experience yourself in the midst of your reality. Imagine if you could live that interconnectedness all the time. What would change? What would come into your life? What conflict would disappear into the deeper truth that you are related to everything from earth to sky to all members of the human family? Imagine.

Hello Leo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Spring Checkpoint: Individual Signs Now Available

We will soon figure out that it’s actually 2012. The recent retrogrades of Mars and Mercury seemed to create a delay, but really this winter and early spring has been a phase of gestation. Over the next four weeks, the energy starts to pick up pace dramatically, and we will discover where we are and that something unusual, and beautiful, is happening.

Even as we approach the truly beautiful potential of the astrology that’s developing, many people are struggling with their day-to-day lives. There are more questions than answers; the economic and political situations seem hopeless; the pace of existence is going so fast that there seems to be nowhere to get in a little meaning, or seek some peace of mind.

Planet Waves

Here is where astrology can help. Astrology looks at the longer cycles, and the deeper themes — and can help you see your life in context of the present moment, no matter how chaotic it may be. Context means a sense of where you fit in that will help you see your potential and make better choices.

For years, I’ve been helping my clients prepare for making the most of the astrology of the 2012 era. Based on this experience, and many years of study, I’ve prepared a set of readings for all 12 signs (and rising signs, and Moon signs) that guides you through this astrology, step by step. I cover the most challenging and energized developments of this spring, which includes eclipses, Venus retrograde, the Venus transit of the Sun, and then a few days after the Sun ingresses Cancer, the Uranus-Pluto square.

Each sign gets a half-hour discussion. These came through loud and clear, with strength and meaning. I spent a week designing and recording them, and I am grateful to be able to offer them to you as a tool to help you guide your decisions, as you seek deeper meaning along your journey.

Spring 2012 is a kind of checkpoint along the way to wherever you are going. But really it’s a calling into the adventure of existence, a bold invitation to go beyond your past limits and explore something truly new about yourself.

Signs are now available individually for an amazingly low price, cheaper than the paper shopping bag costs at Jimmy Choo — order your reading here. The report is getting rave reviews from people who are currently working with it, including these words from a customer named Donna: “OMG — thank you thank you thank you — just spent this morning listening to my [Spring Report] info, and am so blown away by the accuracy (and relief!) in this experience. Thanks so very much for your part in supporting this work and for showing up in the way that you do!”. Here is the link to order.

Please drop us a note if you have any questions.


Eric Francis


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — During your long search for a purpose, a mission, a calling, have you noticed how many others are on a similar quest? This search for meaning and purpose influences far more people than those who seem to have not accomplished much. Many brilliantly successful people are seeking contact with this feeling, having not found it in the midst of all of their achievement. You seem to face another kind of issue. It’s sometimes framed itself as the question, which of your two greatest talents is the one to pursue as your true path? What about how they seem to compete with one another, for time, attention and resources? Here is the message from your astrology: First, your purpose goes beyond any specific activity, job or role. Each face of what you do is an expression of something deeper, and this is one moment in your life when you make contact with that inherent quality. When you feel this, you’ll know because the sensation will shift your perspective. Second, your diversity of skills, and your choice to develop multiple gifts, has only strengthened you, widened your vision and given you the opportunity to cross-reference from several fields of knowledge. Finally, I suggest you cultivate a special reverence for language, and the language skills you possess. They will always serve you, the more so for investing in them and using them regularly. This is called being an integrated human being. You have always been well on the way — you’re about to go to a whole new level.

Hello Virgo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Balancing fear with love does not work. It only turns love into a defense, which reinforces fear. It may work to bring some light into the darkness, though for true healing to happen, all that is dark, existing beneath the surface or cloaked by denial must be brought to the light. If you work with these basic principles, you will be able not only to solve any problem, you will unfold a new vision for your life. The Venus transit of the Sun involves the planet associated with your sign and this takes place in one of the most visionary houses — the 9th. This rare event culminates with an opening for you to let go of an outdated vision of yourself. You would be amazed how such things can block new energy and ideas from entering your life. You will soon reach the point where the past is, in fact and in your experience, over. Many ideas you’ve had about the future up until this point will melt away. What is approaching is more exciting and beautiful than nearly anything you’ve conceived of before. You may need to go back over the things you were thinking in childhood to find certain sticking points, romantic ideals, and most of all, concepts about God that were inflicted on you. Consider these things carefully, and without sentimental attachment. Be willing to let go of everything you were told, or that you believed, was wrong, and in doing so open up space for the truth about yourself.

Hello Libra — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Every story in your life right now seems to be about commitment. And, despite being associated with attachment and bonding, one of the places you seem to hold the most self-doubt involves commitment to others. That is where to draw the line: it’s easy for you to confuse your investment in a relationship with an investment in your own life. Yes, there is a fine line, though the people who care about you the most understand that they provide a forum for you to self-actualize. Look carefully at the relationships in your life and make sure that you know which ones fit this description; that you understand who exists in your world for the purpose of consciously (as in willingly) holding space for you to get to know yourself. I recognize that this may seem ‘one sided’, though I would offer the idea that when your deepest relationships have this as their primary element, you are more available to others, not less. So, far from being self-centered for its own sake, I am talking about being self-aware and fully involved with your own growth, so that you are able to participate with greater depth and involvement in your relationships. You only run into trouble when you make some kind of significant compromise of your personal truth, which means you can only be half-present — and that’s as useful as not being present at all. Forget the fact that some people insist that’s what you do. There are others who want you uncompromised and at full strength.

Hello Scorpio — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — It’s not a relationship that’s changing — it’s your whole orientation on relationships. You’re enough of a philosopher to know what I mean when I say that everything is a relationship. In truth, what is coming to life is a new contact point with existence. You might glimpse something that hints to you that something is possible — remember that you’re seeing what’s possible all the time. Experiences you never dreamed could happen are right within your reach. All you have to do is take that step and go toward people you like rather than having them come to you. This is a significant shift in orientation for you, though it’s long overdue. Your independence will not be compromised; part of your reorientation is understanding how to share space with others in a way that leaves space for you. In doing this, you’re on the leading edge of a revolution that many people are eagerly awaiting, and you get to be there mainly because of your courage. As this unfolds, notice who you are attracted to and who is attracted to you. Be sensitive to the energy you share. For sure, your existing relationships are going through a transformation of some kind, and you may get the feeling that this is outside of your control. That’s true, to a point. You have the option to notice what is actually working and what is not. You have the option to suspend any efforts to fix things — and then size up what is so, and respond appropriately.

Hello Sagittarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Pay attention to the speed and grace with which thoughts progress into concept and then into full manifestation. Though there are many steps to the process, the most significant is the one where you change and embrace the new pattern of your life. That feels like yielding to a force more powerful than yourself, though it usually has a pleasant sensation of release and embrace rather than the sensation of being pushed. In truth that force is within you, and it’s been building for a long time. You know that you’ve consciously initiated many deep changes the past few years of your life, and you’ve been wondering when some of them are finally going to bear fruit in the form of actual progress. That time has arrived. One of the key lessons in all of this is that of confidence. The world is a profoundly different place for those who proceed with confidence, which means with faith in themselves, and those who are ruled by their insecurities. You have no time to waste on such folly, and you’ve experienced many moments recently when you know you’ve found your true center. Yet you’re also being challenged to be certain of who you are in a time when that has never seemed to change faster. Consider yourself a being in motion, a work in progress, and define your sense of ‘self’ based on that sense of movement and development. Invest your trust there and you will have handsome rewards.

Hello Capricorn — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — What is the difference between a creative person and an ‘uncreative’ one? There definitely seems to be a distinction — and by early adulthood most of us have typecast ourselves as one or the other. It may not be possible to teach creativity, but what interferes with the process can be identified and moved out of the way. What would that be? I can name two things offhand: rigid patterns and fear. Those things that move creative energy can be encouraged, such as curiosity and the spirit that the whole world, and everyone in it, is there to feed your process. I would say the distinction that a ‘creative’ person has is guts — they are willing to dare. That alone does not bestow talent, but it sure can help you get there. By daring I don’t mean the bungee-jumping or gamble-a-lot-of-money kind of daring; I mean the willingness of a child to experiment with what turns you on, coupled with the adult commitment to follow through once you get the energy going. For you, the risk factor includes exploring the very ideas you think are the most dangerous, taboo or unacceptable. It means daring to speak the message that you know is true but that you’re afraid others will find to be somehow offensive. This is the spot where nearly all good ideas either fizzle out before they go anywhere, or the spot where they go past and emerge into consciousness as something fun and maybe beautiful.

Hello Aquarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — I am sure you’ve read lots of those annoying little statements in self-help books and ‘sacred’ texts that inform you that when you change yourself from within, the world around you responds. That’s exactly what’s happening to you right now. Your psychic, psychological and emotional innards (all part of the same spectrum) are coming into alignment. It’s as if you’re settling into yourself, and as you do, the world is becoming a different place. If you’re feeling any inner divisions, that will soon yield to the palpable sensation of those fissures closing and healing. Much of what has troubled you in the past goes back a long way; in a sense it was built into your childhood, and it has roots into your genetic lineage. That’s one reason why it’s been so persistent. Another reason is because it’s often difficult to accurately perceive our relationship to our environment — and we’re taught that manipulating the outer world works better than working to nourish and strengthen ourselves in the spirit of healing. What happens over the next few weeks will help you finish the repairs to your foundation that you have likely already begun. What seemed like irreversible damage from the past will reveal itself as being subject to healing and growth. You are not the only one who will benefit; the repairs will extend back through the generations. Observe the changes in your perspective as you experience being united with yourself and your environment. There is a word for this — integrity.

Hello Pisces — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Beyond Astrology

Dear Friend and Reader:

Next week, Planet Waves plans to provide continuous coverage of the United Astrology Conference (UAC) in New Orleans. Most of what we offer will be on our audio channel, Planet Waves FM. I will be interviewing the most interesting people I can round up and put on the air, in one-on-one conversations and roundtable-type discussions.

Planet Waves
We’re trying to figure out where this photo comes from. It’s all over the Internet as free wallpaper. It’s the crescent Earth from space, with the Sun angular behind it — though it may be a composite.

I will send out a series of mailings to remind you of what we’re doing. I anticipate conference coverage to begin Wednesday evening.

UAC is a collaborative venture between four different organizations: AFAN (Association for Astrological Networking), ISAR (International Society for Astrological Research), NCGR (National Council for Geocosmic Research, Inc.) and CVA (the Council of Vedic Astrology). It’s not an annual conference — it’s a big-number production that happens about once every four years. I’m guessing that this year’s conference will be attended by about 1,500 people. That’s more than enough to get some energy moving. The event seems to have started as the United Astrology Congress in the mid-1980s.

If you’re planning to be at the conference, don’t forget to stop by and visit our table. We’ll figure out a way to make it visible (we have Planet Waves FM banners). Note that we’ve been writing about aspects of the conference for weeks, which you can review on our UAC page.

Astrology conferences can be fun and educational, even if they are a bit overwhelming for some people at times. I know many astrologers who have learned a lot traveling the conference circuit, attending those 75-minute lectures and panels. There is a seemingly endless diversity of subject matter. What we don’t see is what’s missing, including topics and teaching modalities.

I come from an alternative educational background. The high school I attended was based on the philosophy of John Dewey, which was rich in participatory modes of learning, learning through experience and students educating one another. This is how to create an integrated learning process, making the most of the many minds who are gathered around the same theme or subject. Every day at school was interesting and different from the prior one.

Planet Waves
Astrology draws on knowledge from many different fields, including physics and astronomy. This astrolabe — which is a tool for making astronomical calculations — was crafted in the 15th century by the French instrument-maker Jean Fusoris (ca. 1365-1436).

Astrology is an unusual branch of knowledge in that doing it well requires a person to draw upon so many different fields. To name a few, in addition to astrology itself, we have to know about: astronomy, psychology, counseling, healing, metaphysics, some mathematics (less, now that there are computers), mythology, current events, history, relationships, sexuality and medicine. You would think that might take 20 years in a Greek academy.

To do astrology well, you can’t just know about these things — it’s necessary to integrate them into one another to put them into practical use. Speaking of practical, I had been going to conferences since 1995 and had never noticed a class focused on communications. After several years of lobbying the community, I was offered space to teach a writing class (sponsored by AFAN), which will be followed up by an Internet marketing/networking class taught by Donna Woodwell. AFAN is also sponsoring a media and public relations panel. These are excellent steps in the right direction.

While we’re on the topic, I would like to make a few suggestions for how conferences might contribute to better astrological education. I propose the following programs or concepts, which could be taught in a diversity of direct participation and workshop formats. It’s important to have the right format for the right kind of study. Some things work fine as lectures; others require a more roundtable or seminar-style approach.

Invite non-astrologer therapists to talk about how to work in a counseling room setting. Nearly all contemporary astrologers serve as counselors, even though most don’t call themselves that. We’re expected to help our clients through divorces, personal losses, illnesses, working out relationships, bouts of depression. Counseling comes with the astrological territory. I propose that we recruit some of the more innovative voices from progressive therapy projects and explore working with people as people rather than as extensions of their chart.

We need a real conversation about ethics. In medicine, the practitioner is supposed to try to do no harm. In matters of ethics in astrology, is it enough for the astrologer to suggest that the client consider the ethical considerations of his or her choice (such as a financial investment)? Should the astrologer actually decline to offer certain astrological advice and timing that might cause harm? Should the astrologer turn down clients seeking astrological advice to better exploit someone or the environment? Is it ethical to write about the charts of famous people, without their consent? These, and other questions, are fodder for our real conversation about ethics.

Planet Waves
Astrology needs innovators of therapy to help us figure out how to best work with people. This is Fritz Perls, one of the creators of Gestalt therapy, working in group process, ca 1970s. Perhaps it’s my background with Gestalt therapy, but I have always thought of the astrology chart and especially transits resonating with the immediacy and holistic quality of this modality.

Open up the discussion of modern astrology. During the past 20 years, the profession has developed a fixation on ancient astrology. The presence of informed scholars and greatly improved translations of old texts is a beautiful thing — beyond amazing, if you think about it. The reverence for tradition is honorable, healing something at the roots of the crisis that contemporary astrology finds itself in. Yet the solar system has changed profoundly in those same few decades. If you came to any astrology conference hoping to find out more about the newly discovered planets (Eris, Quaoar, Varuna, Sedna, Chiron and the centaurs, for example) you would typically find token representation. On a related theme — we can do a lot more with deep-space points (galaxies, pulsars, quasars). There are some great teachers who are doing alive, original work we can all benefit from.

Focus on sex. Many clients have pressing questions about sex, and the complex sexual histories they are sometimes working through — and there are few places to actually have the conversation. An astrologer is a logical place to go, but how many of us have specific training or advanced knowledge in this area? How can we create a safe space for the conversation? What if you’re discussing sexuality with a client who is making your mouth water? How do you help someone figure out what is healthy for them, if that’s what you’re called upon to do? If you’re not gay yourself, how do you work with someone who is coming out of the closet? There is a fantastic on-the-ground movement of sex educators in the United States, many of whom are already on the speaking circuit — and we need to tap this community to educate astrologers. We need some of these speakers as keynote presenters.

Planet Waves
I nominate Tristan Taormino to be the first sex education keynote speaker for the astrology community. She is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Wesleyan, the niece of Thomas Pynchon, and a fantastic, enlightened sex education presenter. Publicity photo.

It’s time to provide astrologers with education about non-traditional relationship models. I have yet to see an astrology textbook that mentions polyamory, non-monogamous or other non-traditional relationship models. Yet many people are interested in these things, and lots of others are doing them without any special knowledge. It is readily available — another field with an active speaker’s circuit.

Are astrologers working from knowledge or belief? Do prominent Aquarian placements and/or prominent Uranus really indicate an enlightened, politically left ‘progressive’? Where are the statistical studies? We may need to put a disclaimer on the label. That said, reading a chart is a spontaneous and original experience, with all the factors taken in their unique context. It’s possible to teach something about how to do this.

Explore the use of astrology as a self-discovery tool. Most of our astrology is other-centered, yet a great many people use astrology as a self-discovery tool. It makes an excellent one — a kind of self-study spirituality game. Astrology is just one such path, though many others on other journeys might benefit from the self-reflexive learning from their charts. Here is an opportunity for astrology to cross-pollinate with other branches of modern spirituality.

How about real depth psychology training? Everyone agrees that astropsychobabble is not enough. The principles of depth psychology can be imparted in a series of classes, and study continued independently. For this I would propose non-astrological presenters, followed up by the most open-minded astrological presenters.

Working within the client’s religious framework. Astrologers work with people from diverse religious backgrounds. Religion is all the rage these days — and deep down, everyone has one. When you’re working with a devout Catholic, someone who is passionately Jewish or someone who is Hindu, it helps to be able to speak their spiritual language and work from within their frame of reference. It helps to understand the way they were taught metaphysical laws when they were a child. I propose that UAC and other conferences create a comparative religion track, and learn the role of astrology within the different approaches these religions take.

Planet Waves
Dr. Brian Marsden was director of the Minor Planet Center and helped out astrology many times, providing the first ephemeris of Chiron to astrologer Zane Stein. Marsden died in 2010. Photo by Harold Dorwin.

Get some astronomers on board. Minor planet astrologers (starting with Zane Stein) have a tradition of being friends with astronomers — and we have learned a lot from one another. Yes, there are actually some astronomers who are intrigued by what we’re doing. Astrologers would benefit from hearing about the latest advances in astronomy from the scientists themselves. Our profession has astronomy as its main basis, and this is a field where there has been astonishing growth and development the past 20 or so years. Let’s get together!

The environment is in distress — and we are all impacted by the situation. Just like there is no separating astrology from astronomy, there is no separating what we do from the condition of the Earth. Every single person we work with is impacted in some way, and there is a deep layer of grief that many people experience as we watch the devastation of the planet. Often that comes with a feeling of helplessness, yet this whole condition often drops back as the client’s personal affairs occupy the foreground. Many therapy methods encourage people not to think about the world — only to take care of themselves. We are, fortunately, evolving past a place where that’s even possible, and where the distinction is irrelevant.

Astrologers need business training. Every astrology practice is a small business, and it’s not so easy to run one of those. What’s the best way for someone to organize their business structure, and how do they decide? How do you set up the practice, your office and your schedule? At what point is it a good idea to hire an assistant, and how do you do that? This would be a fantastic full-day intensive, with many topics suitable for lecture sessions.

Planet Waves
Data collection and verification has gone downhill since we lost the magnificent Lois Rodden. Astrology needs to refocus its efforts on data collection, particularly of younger celebrities. Photo from Lois’s page on the Astrologer’s Memorial.

Create a lavish conference resource center. Imagine a room (like a ballroom or large conference room) with wide tables and a bunch of computers equipped with charting software, ephemerides, dials and other basic tools of the trade — set up on large tables. This would be staffed by experienced volunteer astrologers who could assist less experienced students with practical guidance and hands-on-the-work training in an informal format. You would be able to get help with your chart, seek tutoring in a special area of interest, learn how to use tools and have an intelligent one-on-one or small group conversation. This idea is stolen directly from John Dewey High School.

Astrological writing will benefit from fact-checking and attribution. Astrology stands halfway between the folk tradition and academic tradition. In folk tradition you can steal outright. In academic tradition, you usually attribute. While much of our knowledge is passed through the ages, some of it came out yesterday. We need to study, develop and teach the different modes of attribution. Also, data verification and collection has gone downhill steadily since the passing of Lois Rodden. This is an art that needs to be revived and honored by being taught.

What is astrology for? How does it work? And why do we use it? In order to use a tool safely, ethically and effectively, it’s necessary to understand how it works, and if that’s not possible, to be clear with ourselves how we think it works — and then explore the implications of that. Astrology often takes itself for granted, and rarely reflects on its failures, its shortcomings and its potential as a tool to approach life in a more holistic way.

Planet Waves
Astrology is part of the natural order of life, and could be considered a branch of environmental study. Astrologers would benefit from deepening their knowledge of earthy nature, and also understanding the impact of toxins on the environment. Photo by Eric.

It’s time to stop driving astrologers into debt to teach at conferences. Thanks to our subscribers, we at Planet Waves can afford to travel to conferences fully equipped and ready to go — but many astrologers must put the expenses on a credit card and pay it off. Some conferences pay better than others — though often presenters run at a significant loss, while the conference itself runs at a profit. If we’re going to have presenters already on the circuit or who come from outside our field, we will need to create the budget for that.

Astrologers fancy themselves intelligent people, equipped with one of the most sophisticated analytical tools in existence. Okay then, let’s figure this out.

While I’m at UAC I will be looking for people who can shed light on some of these topics, and if they’re game, I will share the interviews with you. Don’t forget to watch our Daily Astrology & Adventure page as well as Planet Waves FM starting midweek for our coverage of the United Astrology Conference.


Eric Francis

Additional writing: Dale O’Brien. Note, we will be on a special schedule next week. The monthly horoscope will be distributed Wednesday evening, and there will be no horoscope Friday — though we will provide a summary of our UAC coverage.


Planet Waves

Gemini Eclipse Sunday; Things are Getting Twenty-Twelvy

We take another swan dive into 2012 astrology Sunday, when the Sun enters Gemini, followed several hours later by a powerful eclipse of the Sun. This combination of factors indicates a rapid shift of energy and acceleration of events, which will be followed up by three more eclipse-like alignments between now and June 5 (the Venus transit of the Sun, which we will be covering with the monthly horoscope next week). This is the very heart of the astrology of 2012. It’s not Dec. 21! It’s right now! If you are interested in the Mayan factor, remember how much they loved Venus and anything to do with Venus.

Planet Waves
Gemini New Moon annular solar eclipse on Sunday at 7:47 pm EDT. The Sun is the yellow circle next to the Moon in Gemini. (They have the exact same numbers next to them, which means they’re in a conjunction.) Notice how close they are to the orange horseshoe. That is the South Node; eclipses always happen near the lunar nodes. Also shown is a grand earth trine which is in effect right now. Note Mars in Virgo (red circle with an arrow), Pluto in Capricorn (red golf tee) and Vesta in Taurus (purple chevron). Grand trines can keep us running in circles, but this one offers an option: Chiron in Pisces (orange key) is opposite Mars, bisecting one side of the triangle. If you’re spinning your wheels, reach for the bold creative option.

Eclipses represent thresholds in time. They have several properties, including a shift in continuity, the sense that events are ‘karmic’ or destined, or just plain intense.

An eclipse within the first hours of the Sun changing signs comes with a message, though it may take time to decipher. With Gemini, we can consider a few themes, especially given that Venus changed directions to retrograde motion in that sign on Tuesday. Of Venus in Gemini, theosophical author Alice A. Bailey once wrote, “In Gemini, Venus reveals the desire for the pairs of opposites for each other for this is the underlying theme of the entire creative and evolutionary process — the interplay of opposites.”

Venus is one of the guardians of erotic consciousness (and emotional intelligence). She’s introducing an attractive force to Gemini, where those two playful twins can explore one another. The retrograde hints at role reversal, gender play, mirror play and experimenting with language. That’s in the backdrop of the eclipse, though — which is the main event for now. Make friends with your other side — we all have one, and it’s been the subject of many great works of literature that make the point. This entity, so often unfamiliar, is now more available and willing to come forward.

Even the Sabian symbol for the first degree of Gemini hints at this ability to get a look at our ‘other side’ — or both sides at once, actually. The symbol as described in Dane Rudhyar’s book An Astrological Mandala reads, “A glass-bottomed boat reveals undersea wonders.” Its expanded keynote is, “The revelation of unconscious energies and submerged psychic structures.”

To be able to see it all from the safety of a boat indicates that the process being initiated by this eclipse is eminently within our capabilities. It may be a strange world and an unusual view, but we’ll be in a position to see, receive, understand and integrate without threat of annihilation (ego death). Undersea and above the surface are still part of the same world; the surface tension we may feel between our halves is something we can play with and move through this weekend.

One last point about eclipses: do something you love that day, and if possible, at that time. This eclipse is conveniently timed (at least in the United States) for a weekend evening. If you’re going to be in the company of others, choose from those you want to bond with. If you’re keeping your own company, create the perfect space for yourself.


Planet Waves

In the continuing saga of the House of Murdoch, charges were formally unveiled Tuesday for Rebekah Brooks, who was former chief executive officer of News International from 2009 to 2011, and was editor of News of the World, Murdoch’s now-defunct tabloid. She’s been embroiled in a high profile phone-hacking scandal (fueled by Pholus, as noted in Planet Waves). Brooks was accused of hiding documents, computers and other materials from the police, as well as conspiring to remove records from Murdoch’s London headquarters.

Planet Waves
Brooks was charged this week with trying to foil the investigation of her old boss Rupert Murdoch, after being arrested last year.

Brooks responded, “Whilst I’ve always respected the criminal justice system, I have to question today whether decision was made on a proper, impartial assessment of the evidence. I understand and need — and know that there needs to be a proper and thorough investigation, and I am baffled by the decision to charge me today.” Given that the charges were released the day Venus stationed retrograde in a sign ruled by Mercury (Gemini), it will be interesting to see how this piece of the scandal plays out.

Also coinciding within two days of Venus’ station: Facebook’s IPO (initial public offering of stock). The monster social networking site offered shares for $38 a piece on Thursday, in a highly anticipated move. Many are scrambling to scoop up shares of the company begun only eight years ago in Mark Zuckerberg’s college dorm room. As noted by Francis Gaskins, editor of in Marina del Rey, CA (quoted in the LA Times): “There’s never been a company that’s gone from inception to IPO with this kind of valuation. It’s a rocket ship that’s taken off.” The question is, where will it land – and how soon and how hard? Even without knowledge of the astrology, many in the world of finance are cautioning that Facebook rose so high so quickly, it potentially has nowhere to go but down — at least, as an investment — without a specific business plan that anyone can identify.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves
Frank Knight, 101, stands in front of Herbie in Yarmouth, ME. Steven Senne / AP.

Frank Knight, who kept New England’s oldest and largest elm tree alive for five decades through fourteen bouts of Dutch elm disease in Yarmouth, Maine, died Monday at age 103.

Knight became the volunteer tree warden in Yarmouth in 1956, realized he could not save all the trees from the rampant disease, and so focused on one in particular: a giant whose canopy could be seen from a great distance, whom he named ‘Herbie’. The tree — and Knight — became a local legend, attracting visitors from all over.

Herbie finally had to be cut down two years ago, at age 217. The wood was used to create a number of pieces of art — but some of the wood was saved to be used for Knight’s casket, without his knowledge. Herbie now will hold Frank after Frank’s decades of holding Herbie — kind of a real-life version of The Giving Tree.


Planet Waves

We’ve covered Arab Spring, Wisconsin Winter, the Occupy Movement, and now our neighbors to the north are getting into the Uranus-Pluto spirit: it’s Quebec Spring. For the last 14 weeks, post-secondary students in this eastern Canadian province have been striking against proposed tuition hikes. The protests quickly embraced wider aims, particularly the government’s desire and ability to impose a vision of society (ultra capitalist) on its citizens (youth). Unfortunately, the protests also have been escalating in their disruption and violence, with one student nearly killed last week and another losing an eye. Yet the youth of Montreal have also gotten quite creative, most recently staging an (almost) “naked march for truth.” Public nudity is illegal in Montreal, but underwear and taped nipples got the point across without breaking any laws.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves
Sheri Winston.

We’re halfway through Masturbation Month, Kingston resident, friend of Planet Waves and sex educator Sheri Winston is in hot pursuit of her second book project: Succulent SexCraft.

Sheri is well known in the world sexuality awareness and education, and her first book, Women’s Anatomy of Arousal, won the 2012 Book of the Year award from the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT).

Dedicated to fostering self-understanding and unlocking self-pleasure, Succulent SexCraft is designed to be a hands-on guide to erotic play and pleasure. Sheri initiated a Kickstarter campaign to help fund the project, and here’s the exciting news: a generous donor has offered to match all contributions pledged between now and Wednesday, May 23. If you’re not familiar with Kickstarter, projects only receive the money pledged if the project meets its fundraising goal. Right now Sheri’s is about 35% funded, and we’d love to see this book ‘come’ to fruition.


Planet Waves

Interview with Performance Artist Stevie Jay

This week’s edition of Planet Waves FM is in two parts — a short summary of the astrology leading into Sunday’s annular eclipse of the Sun, and then an interview with a performance artist named Stevie Jay. The conversation is about gender, sex and social roles, and why anyone cares if anyone else is gay.


Planet Waves

Find Your Current Monthly Horoscopes Here — and Schedule News!

This section also includes the upcoming publishing schedule! The May monthly horoscope (long edition and an article called “The Lighter Side of Taurus”) was published Wednesday evening, April 25. The most recent Inner Space monthly for May was published Tuesday, May 1. We published Genevieve Hathaway’s most recent Moonshine Horoscope (for May) on Tuesday, May 8. All Tuesday editions are now being published to the subscriber area only and are no longer being distributed by email. The next monthly horoscope by Eric will be the June edition, to be published the evening of Wednesday, May 23. There will not be a regular edition that week — and there may be additional changes to the schedule due to the UAC conference, which we will be covering on Planet Waves FM.


Planet Waves

Friday, May 18, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #904 | Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions
Last Taurus Birthdays for 2012

If your birthday is in the vicinity, you’re born with the Sun in late Taurus, and are being blessed by a conjunction from Jupiter in your sign. It’s time to open up to positive energy — and more money — flowing into your life. Yet there is another question, which is what you would do with more resources if you had them available to you. You’re approaching a time of deep questions about your priorities, your values and in particular, how you feel about yourself. Money will factor into this equation, though it’s a reflection of something much more significant (and this influences everyone born under the sign Taurus) — which is how you feel about yourself. To the extent that you’ve had mixed feelings or experienced a kind of inner conflict that I’ve seen in many Taureans I’ve been close to, you now have a beautiful opportunity to work this out. Go back through your life and look at the decisions you’ve made, and ask yourself this question: what would I have done if I truly felt good about myself? This is your starting point for the next four seasons. You can learn more from the Taurus birthday reading, which is done using both astrology and tarot.

Gemini Birthdays This Week

The Sun enters your sign on Sunday, followed within hours by a powerful eclipse of the Sun. It’s pretty special (by that I mean rare) to have a solar eclipse the day that the Sun changes signs, though that’s just one factor pointing to one of the most unusual years of your life. In a sense you are going through a total reorientation, which will influence every layer of your being. What you experience over the next few weeks is just a taste of what is to come, though everything will flow from the events of your birthday season this year, which include the Venus transit of the Sun. You could say that your whole life has led to this moment — or looked at another way, 2012 represents one of the most distinct ‘before and after’ points you’ve ever encountered. In exploring the possibilities, I suggest you look back at 2004 and ask yourself what was going on then — what you initiated, what changes you made, what goals you set for yourself. How have things worked out so far? Are those goals still valid? Collect the ones that still are, assess them carefully in light of what you’ve been through, and get ready to be honest with yourself about what you now want. Your astrology is so strong right now that there’s little that could stop you. Note, I will have your Gemini birthday reading, complete with Tarot, sometime soon.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Keep your focus on service. That seems to be what you’re called to do at this point, despite your restlessness and your urge to focus on your own needs, as opposed to those of your circumstances. You do seem to be figuring out that there’s a direct relationship between the two — that, in a sense, you are your circumstances and they are you. If that’s true, the only thing that matters is that you’re actively participating in something that’s creative, productive or focused on healing. As long as you do that, it will be about you, and you will learn and benefit. It does seem that for the foreseeable future you’re destined to overcome the reputed Aries trait of being good at starting things and less adept at finishing them. To facilitate that, I suggest you make a list of everything already started that needs to be completed, and make a goal of accomplishing those things before July 1.

Hello Aries — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — It’s as if you’re split between two different existences right now — one in which you feel the emotional challenges and darkness that you want to work through, and another in which you can feel and experience your potential. I suggest you allow those two seemingly separate worlds to coexist, and feel the tension that creates. Hold open the space between them. Don’t let the two sides of the equation mush into one nondescript morass. If you can do that, you’ll see that you have a choice in the matter of how to experience your existence — and there is more in this choice than you may recognize. For example, emotional challenges almost always relate to the past. What role does the past play in what you’re doing now? Expressing your potential is about making contact with yourself, and that can only happen in this very moment. What is stopping you? Don’t worry about how to resolve this issue. I suggest you work with the various dichotomies as long as you can.

Hello Taurus — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed) If you would like to hear your Taurus birthday reading, please visit this link.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — The Sun enters your sign on Sunday with some real fanfare — a solar eclipse on the very first day it’s there. This is hinting at a year of rapid advancement and many changes. While it’s too early to make specific plans, you can help by getting clear with yourself what you want. Once you know that, you will have a basis for making every other decision. Remember your desires don’t have to be ‘finalized’ in any way — you just need to be aware that you want some things and you don’t want some others. Other factors indicate that any secrets you’ve been keeping from yourself are about to come out in the wash. Those could include what you really want, versus what you thought you wanted; how you really feel, versus how you thought you felt; and ideas that might have occurred to you but that didn’t get a second thought. Self-knowledge is your best friend right now. Collect what you learn over the next few days — it will soon come in handy.

Hello Gemini — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Sunday’s solar eclipse will help you let go of the negative expectations that have dragged you down for so long. I realize that life is not exactly a walk in the park these days, with all the stresses we face and far too much uncertainty, confusion and stupidity in the society of which we’re part. Yet you can support your own cause by allowing your fears and insecurities to be drained out of your psyche, as this eclipse suggests they can be. If you want to facilitate the process, do your best to relax. For now, all you need to do is allow. At least for the next few days, ease off on the pressure to achieve. If you have to do anything, do it in the most relaxed way possible, and when you can, gradually recognize that the things that have been sources of anxiety in the past don’t have to exist today. Practice being bigger than them, which should be easy, because you are.

Hello Cancer — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You don’t have to be anyone you’re not. That’s the beauty of this moment. Who you are is not only adequate — it’s amazing. For the next few days, experiment with the feeling of having to live up to nobody’s expectations. You can be less visible, less vocal, even less helpful. This will help you center yourself, which will give you more energy to do whatever you want. One theme of the next few weeks (of utterly extraordinary astrology) is you finding your true relationship to the world around you. Many of the things that influenced you in the past are no longer valid or necessary. The world to which you’re forming a new relationship has never been a more frenetic work in progress — but there are patterns developing, and if you notice them you will be able to slip into the flow with much greater ease than ever before. To the extent that you’ve ever discounted the value of your intelligence, I suggest that’s the first thing that’s going to change.

Hello Leo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Spring Checkpoint: Individual Signs Now Available

We will soon figure out that it’s actually 2012. The recent retrogrades of Mars and Mercury seemed to create a delay, but really this winter and early spring has been a phase of gestation. Over the next four weeks, the energy starts to pick up pace dramatically, and we will discover where we are and that something unusual, and beautiful, is happening.

Even as we approach the truly beautiful potential of the astrology that’s developing, many people are struggling with their day-to-day lives. There are more questions than answers; the economic and political situations seem hopeless; the pace of existence is going so fast that there seems to be nowhere to get in a little meaning, or seek some peace of mind.

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Here is where astrology can help. Astrology looks at the longer cycles, and the deeper themes — and can help you see your life in context of the present moment, no matter how chaotic it may be. Context means a sense of where you fit in that will help you see your potential and make better choices.

For years, I’ve been helping my clients prepare for making the most of the astrology of the 2012 era. Based on this experience, and many years of study, I’ve prepared a set of readings for all 12 signs (and rising signs, and Moon signs) that guides you through this astrology, step by step. I cover the most challenging and energized developments of this spring, which includes eclipses, Venus retrograde, the Venus transit of the Sun, and then a few days after the Sun ingresses Cancer, the Uranus-Pluto square.

Each sign gets a half-hour discussion. These came through loud and clear, with strength and meaning. I spent a week designing and recording them, and I am grateful to be able to offer them to you as a tool to help you guide your decisions, as you seek deeper meaning along your journey.

Spring 2012 is a kind of checkpoint along the way to wherever you are going. But really it’s a calling into the adventure of existence, a bold invitation to go beyond your past limits and explore something truly new about yourself.

Signs are now available individually for an amazingly low price, cheaper than the paper shopping bag costs at Jimmy Choo — order your reading here. The report is getting rave reviews from people who are currently working with it, including these words from a customer named Donna: “OMG — thank you thank you thank you — just spent this morning listening to my [Spring Report] info, and am so blown away by the accuracy (and relief!) in this experience. Thanks so very much for your part in supporting this work and for showing up in the way that you do!”. Here is the link to order.

Please drop us a note if you have any questions.


Eric Francis


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — There’s an expression I love that I often hear from Australian people — “put your ears on.” Your charts suggest strongly that you’re looking for direction — I suggest you listen for it. These days, listening is a learned skill. As far as I’ve seen, it’s one of the most clear indicators of awareness. The information coming your way could take many different forms, but what they have in common is sound. It might be music, it might be something you overhear, it could be the sounds of nature. Pay particular attention to erotic vocalizations (your own or those of anyone else) and notice how you feel when the sounds are entering your ears. I am suggesting that you open up to the rich textures, vibrations and guidance that can come in through this sense (and its related extra-sensory realm), though this will take practice. The result, however, will be making contact with a new kind of confidence. As the next few eminently interesting weeks develop, listening will lead naturally to expressing yourself in new ways, with the operative word being new.

Hello Virgo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — A world of possibilities is about to open up to you, though you may be so involved in your current commitments that you can’t see any way of making those possibilities real. However, most of the truly spectacular astrology of the next month takes place in the angle of your chart that speaks about longterm plans, so I suggest you take the long view. That always starts with holding a vision. You will be amazed when you see how efficiently a vision translates into manifested reality. Keeping that in mind, this would be a great time to get clear about what you do not want, and gradually resolve each of those things one at a time. You might notice that as you do this, you will discover that some of those aspects of your life are nourishing you beautifully, and if that’s true, you can keep them.

Hello Libra — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You seem drawn into a situation where you will need to let go of some of your own priorities and work with those of someone else. There’s a way to do this without giving up your power, which is about working with the common interests you share with the people in this situation. There are plenty — and there is also the potential for everyone to benefit substantially based on those mutual interests. In actual fact, life is not a game of “every man for himself.” If it was, we would not build towns, cities, universities or farming cooperatives. But there is a commitment involved. In this case you may feel that you’re making that commitment to a certain person or maybe even to an idea, or a values system. In truth what you’re doing is committing to your relationship to existence. That’s a little like saying you’re reaffirming your promise to live your life fully, only it’s a lot bigger.

Hello Scorpio — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You may wonder what is happening to a particular relationship — but I suggest you leave your fears behind you. Yes, you might have the feeling that things are slipping out of control, but what good has control done for you or for the people you love? What you’re about to experience is the first step in a concentrated series of transitions lasting into late June. One message of this journey will be that control is a null concept. You will be reminded to take nothing for granted. And you will see how far simple trust can take you in your most intimate relationships. I know that most of the time we define these encounters as places of exchange, where if things are going well, we both give and get. The relationship environment of your life goes beyond mere exchange, and enters the dimension of alchemy. You have a role in someone’s life that you don’t understand — and cannot fully understand until you see the results. You don’t need to do much, except for participate when you feel the opening and invitation to offer yourself.

Hello Sagittarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — The world around you may seem to be spinning out of orbit, but you are grounded and safe. You have what you need, and if you don’t, you can go a long way by opening up to receiving it. That sensation of opening to receive — so rarely remembered, if it was ever experienced before — is a gentle feeling. There’s no struggle, no question of deserving, no push or pull. It’s as natural as a sponge absorbing water. You have something more, though — the ability to self-create. In a sense, you are absorbing from within, which is one of the exalted creative stages because it means you can access your inner well and have something unusual to express. I would add a note about any health worries you may have: this is the weekend to put them behind you, whether by recognizing they are merely fears, or by deciding what action you can take to resolve the issue.

Hello Capricorn — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You seem to feel cluttered in emotional material, to the point where there is no room for you within your feelings or the four walls you inhabit. I suggest you make some space. Push the walls open, clear out people and things (including the ones you’re carrying in your aura) or get outside, at any time but especially for Sunday’s solar eclipse. If you have been struggling for ideas to move forward, you will discover that they were on their way once you made space for them. Creativity is not compatible with worry, and it’s rarely an attribute of what psychologists call the mind’s “problem-solving mode.” If you are trying to solve problems, make sure you define them in a clear way. Don’t assume you’ve already done this — people rarely do. If something has persistently not had a solution, then it’s likely you’ve defined the problem in a way that cannot be solved. In any event, keep your body moving and your mental energy flowing, changing your scenery until you arrive somewhere nourishing.

Hello Aquarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — This weekend and for the next few weeks, pay attention to how you feel wherever you are. I would include geographic locations as well as physical spaces such as your home, your workspace and any other spot you may visit. Choose where to be based on what you know about how you feel in certain spaces — and use that power of choice generously. You are in the process of forming a bond with the Earth, and this is directly related to your sense of place. While not considered one of the five senses of Aristotle, it’s one of the most significant modes of awareness you have — the sense of where you belong. This is not so much a rational thing as it is a feeling thing. If you’ve felt divided about this issue, for example if you’ve been splitting your life in an uncomfortable way, you may discover that you can now resolve that. And if you’ve felt stuck (a very different sensation than grounded), you can get the energy going and work that out as well.

Hello Pisces — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Invoking the Goddess of Curiosity

Dear Friend and Reader:

My old therapist Joe once said if he were to hang a sign over his counseling room door, it would say, “Abandon hope all ye who enter here.” If I were to hang one it would say, “Curiosity will set you free.” One of the most certain ways to grow — indeed, the essential ingredient — is to be curious about yourself.

Planet Waves
One of many ‘dick sticks’ made by sculptor Dan Zeigler of Flint, MI. This one is being used as a paperweight to hold open Esoteric Astrology by Alice A. Bailey (AAB) and the Tibetan, Djwal Khul.

Gemini is nothing if not curious. It’s a whole sign dedicated to the interplay of polar forces, of opposites, of little kids who are motivated by nothing but their quest for experience. Cue: Esoteric Astrology by Alice Bailey, page 391 of the paperback edition. “In Gemini, Venus reveals the desire for the pairs of opposites for each other for this is the underlying theme of the entire creative and evolutionary process — the interplay of opposites.”

Today at 10:33 am EDT, Venus stations retrograde in Gemini. For the next 43 days, Venus will take us on an introspective journey into many of the opposites and inner polarities that we contain, many of them emotional and psychological. Venus is one of the guardians of the sexual realm, and in Gemini, the dance of opposites will have an extended opportunity to explore within those polarities, which are being livened up by the attractive quality of Venus.

For this experience, remember to take your curiosity and use it like one of those awesome overpowered Maglites as you investigate who you are and what you’re made of. Curiosity needs to be balanced by compassion, and Venus will help provide that element. What you get with Venus in an air sign (associated with yang energy) is a quality of assertiveness that’s not usually present when Venus is in a water or earth sign. Curiosity is one form that assertiveness might take. Another could be the desire to communicate about things you don’t usually talk about.

Many times I’ve observed that Venus is the planet that grants intelligence. Mercury can bestow wit, it moves information, it has ideas — but true intelligence, emotionally grounded and supported by authentic values, I believe is often described by Venus. In Gemini, Venus will be in a Mercury-ruled sign, doing something that Mercury does a lot of — being retrograde. So we will have all the tools we need to conduct an adventurous inner investigation, which will be safe as long as you remember curiosity and compassion.

You may not have words for the things you discover. Twins have an interesting property — when left alone and unattended by adults, they will develop speech unique to them. This is called an ideoglossia or sometimes cryptophasia. Think of this as a language that manifests between two people that cannot be understood by anyone else. Occasionally, ideoglossia manifests within a single individual — a language between you and yourself.

You don’t need a lot of people to understand you; you understanding you is a good start and even one other person will make a difference. The contact will likely be synchronous or seemingly coincidental. As you move through your inner spaces, notice who seems to understand you intuitively. Let your curiosity guide you!

Planet Waves
Venus stations retrograde on May 15, 2012. Chart is set for Kingston. Notice the grand air trine — Venus in Gemini (blue, left side with a 24 next to it), Saturn in Libra (yellow, bottom of chart, with at 24 next to it) and Nessus in Aquarius (very light blue, right side of chart with a 26 next to it). Eris (red, very top of chart, with at 22 next to it) turns this into a kite pattern — it’s the exit point from the cycle indicated by the grand trine. If you get stuck in your head, the bold escape from that is to take action, but you might not be able to predict the results.

Here are couple of facts from the chart for Venus stationing retrograde.

♥ Venus is opposite the Galactic Core (three degrees away) when it stations retrograde. It’s been close to this degree for a few days. I think of this point as being directly in line with the messages emanating from the heart of our galaxy; imagine this as a homing signal that is viscerally spiritual.

♥ The Moon is in Pisces, square Venus. Moon square Venus can have an emotionally needy feeling, and the Pisces Moon is the astrological definition of emotive. If you handle your sense of need with compassion and curiosity, it can be a dependable way to translate your feelings into the realm of desire. Desire feels more voluntary and gentler than need.

♥ Venus is stationing retrograde exactly trine Saturn in Libra. Venus is the ruler of Libra and Saturn is exalted in Libra. This trine suggests that there will be actual flow of emotions, though on the level of air signs — easier to move through and to describe in language. I suggest being careful about over-talking. If you’re going to overdo anything with language, make it writing, so that this way you have something to show for it.

♥ Venus is trine Nessus, the bad boy of the centaurs who is most often associated with shadowy sexual material. Nessus and Saturn are also in a trine, so this is a grand air trine. That has the hint of caution about going in circles (one way that grand trines can manifest — a feeling of being caught in a loop). To find your way out, indulge in the divine chaos or focus on a specific subject or theme.

♥ Mars is about to oppose Chiron. That aspect is exact on Thursday, but it’s going at full strength right now. This is the spirit of the healing-spiritual ‘warrior’ (if there can be such a thing). Think of it as a brave heart and the ability to focus your intentions on the greatest good for all concerned.

One last thing I would note is that because Venus is in a Mercury-ruled sign, we may have something of a Mercury retrograde kind of effect for the next few weeks. Be mindful if communication seems to get slippery — pause for a review, or switch modes (for example, change from email to telephone to get a better grip). I suggest backing off on the outbound cash flow if you can; avoid making investments in anything other than something you actually need. (I am watching with one eye to see how the Facebook IPO turns out, but that’s another topic entirely.)

For today: all hail the goddess of curiosity.


Eric Francis

I cover Venus retrograde in Spring Checkpoint 2012.

Adam Yauch: A Voice From the Chaos

Please note a correction to earlier editions of this page.

Dear Friend and Reader:

I can place my experience of the Beastie Boys into three distinct moments. In the late 1990s, I saw them play a benefit concert for Mumia Abu-Jamal, the black journalist on Pennsylvania’s death row. The show was one of those special moments of activism in American history. Worldwide momentum was gathering in the movement to free Mumia, and to end the death penalty.

Planet Waves
Adam Yauch after the first Tibetan Freedom concert on June 19, 1996 in San Francisco, headlined by the Beastie Boys and Smashing Pumpkins. Through this work, Yauch helped spark the modern movement to liberate Tibet. The Tibetan monk is Palden Gyatso, who shared personal experiences of atrocities committed against the Tibetans by Chinese authorites. Photo by Kiino Villand.

Rage Against the Machine was the headline act that night at the Brendan Byrne Arena in New Jersey. The Beastie Boys, the white guys who brought rap to the suburbs, were listed as the openers. By some miracle, at that time I might have been the only relatively young person who did not own one of their CDs, nor had I heard a single note of their music. This was one of many experiences where my first impression of a band was a live performance. I had no idea what to expect.

I had excellent press seats just off to the side of the stage. My friend sparked up a joint just as the lights dropped and the guys came onstage. From the first moments, I was treated to one of the most sublime experiences of a rock concert that I can ever remember. Well, it was an unusual kind of rock concert, with a deejay playing turntables as an instrument, and none of the band members playing instruments.

Rapping for them meant telling stories and gliding around on the stage like dragonflies. Yet there was something else. These performers were clairvoyant. They seemed to open up an alternative dimension and bring everyone with them. It was as if the lead vocalist (emcee is probably the more accurate term), a guy with the stage name Ad-Rock, was able to levitate the room or shift the consciousness of the audience with a gesture of his hand, an extended pause or a few words of speech. They had a perfectly harmonized, astonishing rapport with their audience, and it was clear that they were rising to the occasion of this historic concert. It was one of those moments during a live performance where I could barely believe it was happening.

The evening, however, had a heavy theme: an innocent guy was waiting to be executed, presumably as punishment for having told the truth about some difficult racial issues in Philadelphia. Imagine the horror of that. We were doing what we could — raise a lot of cash for his legal defense.

Through the evening, the Beastie Boys did something verging on impossible: they explained the relevance of a complex political issue to young people. Yet their message seemed to come across in empathic pulses, as well as in their few words of explanation, expressed with artistic mastery and respect for humanity. Some have described this as ‘social consciousness’, which extended to an existential level. Yet for some reason, I did not become a fan. I don’t know why not; I never thought about it.

Planet Waves
Adam Yauch in his 40s. Photo by Mark Mainz.

My next encounter began last week, when I heard that one of them — a guy who went by the stage name MCA — had died of a rare form of cancer at age 47. I remembered that amazing concert and the sense of contact I felt with the band.

Partly due to my work on environmental toxins issues, I have a special place in my heart for young people who get cancer. There are just too many of them, it’s not necessary and there is a discussion about this issue that simply must happen more openly. Omega Institute recently described cancer as “an ever-present part of modern life,” adding, “Yet, for many people, cancer is a wake-up call to create a new, more conscious life.” This is indeed what happens a lot of times — but not always.

The cancer pandemic is rarely called what it is: an induced breakdown of the genetic code that directly touches half the members of industrialized society, and everyone else by extension. It is associated with lifestyle, but is it really possible to avoid plastic? Cancer as we know it may be the biggest crime ever committed, a systemic, slow-acting mass murder to dwarf the most deranged visions of Stalin. This in turn stems from many forms of corporate fraud and an endless litany of crimes against the environment: not negligence but intentional acts, all of them motivated by profit.

This past Saturday morning I was reading the New York Times obituary of MCA, whose birth name was Adam Yauch. I read the line, “Mr. Yauch (pronounced yowk) was a major factor in the Beastie Boys’ evolution from their early incarnation, as testosterone-driven pranksters…” and I remembered who this was: someone I was friends with when I was a kid. I had the strange feeling that comes from making a remote, seemingly impossible personal connection.

We were both from Brooklyn, with a few months’ difference in age. I ran down the possibilities and put together that I knew him from summer camp — Camp Onas, in the mid-1970s. He must have spent half his childhood saying, “Adam Yauch. Y-a-u-c-h, pronounced yowk.”

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Adam Yauch with His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Boston in 1995. Viral image — photographer is unknown.

I paused for a moment and recalled the memory of seeing his face the first time one summer afternoon in 1975. I could see his eyes looking out at the world from deep inside himself, curious about what was going on around him yet shrouded in a little suspicion or a touch of darkness. These urgently seeking eyes are the same ones I see gazing at the world in so many of the photos taken throughout his life.

Camp Onas is a small, simple and (at least at the time) not so expensive Quaker camp. In the Quaker tradition, the experience is about people rather than activities. I spoke to Adam’s mother, Frances, on Thursday morning, who said that Adam loved the place, and that it was “one of many beautiful moments in his life.”

The camp is founded on the principles of simplicity and nonviolence. The religious element consisted of one hour of silent meeting every Sunday morning, though that one hour a week led to a bond that we all shared, a connection to something larger. When we attended Onas in the mid-1970s, there were many conscious, talented and ethical young people working there as counselors, many of them driven by a back-to-the-land ethos of the moment. I credit Camp Onas as being the place where I first made contact with nature and with my emotional intelligence, and the place I first consciously noticed how beautiful women are. Contrasted with Brooklyn, it was another universe.

Tim Mammel was our camp counselor for a couple of summers. When I went to write to him on Facebook Saturday, he had already contacted me. We had at least one thing in common — we didn’t know that Adam was one of the Beastie Boys until he had died. Of Adam, Tim said: “He was a prankster, always up to fun. He loved to joke, but he was a thoughtful guy, as evidenced in his life,” adding: “I love the Beastie Boys. And I’m inspired with the humanitarian work he did with raising awareness of Tibet being controlled by China and the tragedies that ensued. He became a voice for integrity and human rights.”

Their efforts dedicated to Tibet, spearheaded by Adam, helped bring the issue to public consciousness. The first Tibetan Freedom concert on June 19, 1996 was considered one of the most significant benefits of that era, and at least in terms of raising awareness of the issue, it worked.

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The Beastie Boys in their video for Intergalactic, which is nothing but fun. The Beasties, under the clever guidance of Yauch, were the masters of D.I.Y., often directing their own videos.

At the time, Tibet was not a widely recognized issue. A few artists were aware of the situation; Tibet House was founded in 1987 by a group of artists and actors, and benefit concerts featuring Philip Glass and others were helpful in calling attention to Tibet, though exposure was limited.

The Beastie Boys were instrumental in bringing the issue to the forefront. Adam interviewed the Dalai Lama for Rolling Stone‘s edition of Aug. 8, 1996. The Dalai Lama said: “I am ready to negotiate [with the Chinese] anyplace, anytime, without preconditions. The most important thing [is that] there should be a free atmosphere to exchange ideas. Independence rightfully belongs to the Tibetans. Since the Chinese occupied Tibet, despite some positive changes, the people have suffered tremendously, immeasurably. As a result the majority of the Tibetan people, including young Tibetan communists, do not want to live under Chinese domination. But if we just insist on complete independence, that is also not realistic. So I am pursuing the middle way.”

Yauch asked the Dalai Lama about his meditations for compassion directed at the Chinese oppressors of the Tibetan people, suggesting that Americans might find this strange, given that a friend is a friend and an enemy is an enemy. He responded, “The very concepts of friend and enemy actually depend on many conditions. The reality is that the status of our friends and enemies can change, whether it is within a year, a decade or many decades. Our enemies are not necessarily permanent enemies, nor our friends permanent friends. Therefore it is possible to change our attitudes according to this reality.”

Closing the interview, the Dalai Lama said: “We need to develop compassion and a sense of brotherhood [and] sisterhood. Proper compassion means a feeling of closeness with others and, with that, a sense of responsibility. I believe that at birth, human beings are free from ideology but not from affection. Although anger and negative feelings are part of human nature, love and compassion are even stronger within us.”

Born in the Sixties

Adam was born in the mid-1960s, just as the Uranus-Pluto conjunction was reaching its first peak in Virgo. This is the rare astrology at the core of the historical era we call The Sixties. Both Uranus and Pluto are slow-movers. They typically form a grouping of three conjunctions approximately every 115 to 140 years, and one was happening when Adam was born. When Uranus and Pluto get together (in a conjunction, square or opposition), there is always a revolutionary spirit in the air. The people who are conscious at the time, even as children, can experience that as a palpable energy, as formative historic events or as a direct calling. (For example, notice what you are feeling now about being called to participate in the global changes that are unfolding.)

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Adam Yauch, or MCA of the Beastie Boys. You can see the Mercury-Uranus-Pluto configuration in Virgo at the upper left of the chart (see chart detail below). You can see the Cancer/North Node configuration at the top of the chart, toward the right side. This is an example of a pronounced Sixties configuration — it stands out in the chart because it’s amplified through other planets. This chart is my rectification. His family said the time of birth was not available.

Yet those who are born at the time of a Uranus-Pluto event can embody the aspect as something that influences them their whole lives. Not everyone expresses the energy at full strength, or in an especially noticeable way. Often the best attributes of such an aspect remain latent, existing mainly as a potential. Whether it expresses itself or not depends on the specifics of one’s chart, as well as biographical factors involved (the two are related). Certain astrological events later in life, often timed with biographical events, can awaken that potential.

But for some people it’s awake all the time, during every moment of their lives — which is often felt as a call to action. What we find in Adam’s chart is something stunning: he has Mercury right in the mix of the Uranus-Pluto conjunction. It’s a triple conjunction of Mercury, Uranus and Pluto in Virgo. This is a sign where Mercury is happy and able to be himself at full strength — and able to express the message of the Uranus-Pluto conjunction.

You may be familiar with the themes, since we are currently in a Uranus-Pluto epoch and I’ve been writing about them a lot. (This is the Uranus-Pluto square, which I’ve been calling the 2012 aspect. It really lasts from 2012-2015, with a wide orb on either side.) Let’s start with Uranus: a planet associated with revolution, invention and disruption. Think of Uranus as the energy of inspiration, which up-ends the known order of ‘reality’. It’s a progressive force, focused on the future, and is the fundamental opposite of conservative. Conservatism is about preserving the status quo and Uranus is about striking the status quo with lightning.

Pluto for its part represents another unstoppable force, though one that works deeper on the interior of life. It has correctly been associated with evolutionary process, a kind of subterranean energy that moves all people and all of society forward, though often slowly. As with other very slow-moving planets, Pluto comes in and out of focus, and once it gets into the spotlight it can seem to act quickly — though there was always a buildup involved.

Pluto has a revitalizing quality. It presents challenges that can confront us with imminent or enforced changes, the idea of death, near-death experiences and the deep urge to grow, and at the end of these events we often come out much stronger. Pluto’s position in a natal chart is always an intense point of focus for that lifetime.

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Mercury, the green critter with horns, is placed between Uranus and Pluto in Adam’s chart. You could say that Mercury is delivering the message of the conjunction. The blue cross in the circle is the Part of Fortune. To the top right is the Sun conjunct hypothetical point Transpluto, which helped him focus his creative energy like a laser and keep his mind open.

When we get Uranus and Pluto acting together, they combine and work in synergy, producing a third force greater than (and different from) either of the individual elements. In such moments, those with a progressive orientation can be called to action and those who are reactionary or regressive can dig their heels in and try to encrypt themselves in a fortress of the past. Such was the case in the Sixties and such is the case today.

With Mercury conjunct this aspect, its qualities become readily accessible, and this in turn had a distinct way of defining his personality and mental posture. In Virgo, Mercury starts off intelligent and actually able to think. When you put it with Uranus and Pluto, it works like the pickup in an electric guitar, gathering the wave pulses of Uranus and Pluto and focusing them into a message. And that message is brewing in a mind that is consumed by the combined force of revolution and evolution — energy which must go somewhere.

We would need to look no further for an eloquent description of Adam’s artistic sensibilities — the divine chaos that was (and hopefully will still be) the Beastie Boys — or the social ethos that he expressed in everything he did. It is fair to say that Adam took the best qualities of the Sixties and carried them forward in a new form for the next generation. This was part content and part form: part of their secret to success was mastery over their technology. They didn’t wait around for people to do things for them. They took up their own tools and willed themselves into the big time, never sacrificing their ethics.

[For some obvious contrast, consider that Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails was born the following year and has Mars in Virgo conjunct the Uranus-Pluto conjunction, right where Adam had his Mercury. Reznor expresses the conjunction as cacophonic rage.]

One ethos of the mid-Sixties was being iconoclastic, which is to say, cracking the most precious images of society as it was in the past. In the United States, one of those icons is racism. Another theme of the Sixties was bringing diverse people together. In that era, the whole ‘we’ve got to be separate and hate one another’ thing had fallen on hard times: diversity was a passion, not a duty. Yet by the 1980s, racism (and various forms of racial separatism) had once again become a kind of cultural altar at which we were supposed to worship or, well, risk being called racist.

The Beastie Boys were having no part of this. They exploded the black-white barrier of their era like nobody else. This was the time of Public Enemy and Fear of a Black Planet (one of the more creative CDs of the time). Political correctness and a sense of victimhood verged on mandatory. A lot of those Malcolm X posters, of him peeking through the living room curtains with a carbine rifle, were hanging in dorm rooms. The Beasties responded with their sense of humor and talent for blatantly trespassing across racial barriers — inviting everyone to their party.

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Cover of Paul’s Boutique, the Beastie Boys’ second album, released in the summer of 1989. Photo by Adam Yauch, who directed many of the band’s brilliant videos, with no formal training.

The Beasties started out punk rockers who at first imitated and made fun of rap, then became one of the genre’s most positive and creative influences, crossing racial divisions as if they didn’t exist. Their prankster spirit was pure Sixties, and part of their popularity stemmed from the fact that their act was so much fun. That was a sweet coating over the substance they brought into their work.

As my friend Mike Ackerman put it, “In some ways, the Beastie Boys were this generation’s Beatles. In the same way as the Beatles did, the Beasties got together as a band to do one thing and found their fame doing another, yet, also in the same way as the Beatles, the Beasties attempted to copy black music and like the Beatles forged their own style in copying this music.” Yet beyond the music itself, what the Beatles did was use their platform for many good causes — an idea they got, by the way, from Bob Dylan the first time they met him.

When we listen to the Beatles, the speed of their progression from A Hard Day’s Night to Sgt. Pepper’s is impossible to miss — it happened in just four years. How did they develop that fast? Consider that the first of those records came out in 1964, on one side of the Uranus-Pluto conjunction, and the other in 1967, on the other side of the conjunction. That was the very momentum that was driving Adam and his creative mind. He was able to give a voice to that chaotic energy of progress, and focus it into something cohesive.

This describes his mental qualities. The rest of his chart describes him as an emotional being: planets concentrated in the water signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Let’s start with Pisces, because those are the planets that are talking most directly to his Mercury-Uranus-Pluto.

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The Beastie Boys at Club Citta, Kawasaki, Japan, on their Check Your Head tour, Sept. 16, 1992. Photo by Masao Nakagami / Wikipedia.

Part of the Sixties configuration included Chiron in Pisces. This was the peace and love influence on the Sixties — without it the whole era may have been pure hell. Chiron in Pisces fills in the spiritual piece, as well as the orientation on healing, and finally, it has a lot to say about the emphasis on music that was such a defining quality of that time in history. When we think of the Sixties, it’s music that we often think of first. Chiron was not discovered at the time, but it was an active influence in shaping both events and the spirit of the era.

Adam has Chiron in Pisces directly opposite his Mercury, Uranus and Pluto grouping. It’s right in the mix, balancing out his powerful intellect with true emotional depth. He has this placed in the 6th house of his chart, which is about art, risk-taking and all things passionate and childish. Chiron is conjunct Vesta, which adds the theme of devotion to his creative flame. [Note, in prior editions, I said this was in the 5th house. Apologies, I was confusing Chiron with an even more intense centaur planet, Pholus in Aquarius in the 5th. This was the sense of Adam as the genie let out of the bottle, how once he connected with his creative power there was no turning it off.]

Also in Pisces was Saturn, making a perfect trine to his grouping of planets in Cancer — which has an amplifying quality, and which provided him consistency and stability. Strong Pisces in one’s chart (and Chiron alone counts, especially if in aspect to other planets) describes a cosmic orientation, which is about neither religion nor spirituality — it’s experienced as something inherent about existence. This is apparent many other ways in his chart and, I believe, was a deeper force operating in his psyche than even being a musician or artist.

He also has a grouping of planets in Cancer — deeply personal planets that shaped his sense of being. These include Venus, Mars, the Moon and the North Node. This adds extreme sensitivity, emotional depth and a tropism for all things feminine. This is someone who was bonded to his mother through his life, and her influence was his point of orientation. No matter how chaotic his life, or his mind, may have been, her influence and what I can only describe as a presence of the Divine Mother were guiding him.

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Scene from The Sun Behind the Clouds, a recent award-winning documentary on the Tibetan struggle for freedom, which challenges the political theories of H.H. Dalai Lama. View trailer here.

The North Node adds a special property to the chart: the orientation on dharma, which you can think of as ‘correct action’ or acting as if to hold the world together. When someone has planets concentrated around the North Node, and if they are vaguely conscious, you can be pretty sure they are going to be pulled to live a dharmic life, associated with a potent sense of responsibility to all of existence.

His Moon, close to the North Node, is conjunct a recently-discovered Pluto-like planet called Orcus (named for the pre-European version of Pluto, and a deity from the cycle of gods associated with the keeping of honor and the enforcement of contracts). I believe it’s this Moon-Orcus conjunction that provides the quality of emotional depth and intensity that you see burning in his eyes in so many photos. And it’s that same conjunction to Orcus that drives his quest for justice on an emotional level. On the intellectual level it was merely common sense, for him anyway. Lots of people feel that intellectual drive for justice with no special motivation to do something about it. Action usually comes from the empathic or emotional level, the feeling that one must take part, rather than the idea.

Finally for the water signs, he was born with the longterm Sixties visitor Neptune in Scorpio. I think of this as the sex-drugs-rock and roll influence of that era, though it added a touch of mysticism to the debauchery. Adam has this placement personalized by two asteroids that were in a long conjunction that year — Pallas and Juno. Though it’s fair to say that he was sexually lit up down to the last brain cell, those two asteroids suggest that he had many passionate, platonic relationships with devoted female friends. Juno also describes social justice, Pallas describes politics, and Neptune mingles this with the numinous — with a sense of cosmic mystery. This shows up many other ways in his chart.

What is it that helped Adam take this energy and offer it to the world in such a big way? I think it’s the presence of personal planets grouped in and around so many much larger generational influences. This is someone who took everything personally. He was not able to separate himself from the world, or from what he perceived as his responsibility to the world.

And that, if you ask me, was an accurate perception. As is said in Eastern tradition, dharma is the path to enlightenment. With the Uranus-Pluto square coming on at full strength, that is an idea to remember.


Eric Francis

Additional research and writing: Michael Ackerman, Theresa Geteles and Sarah Bissonnette-Adler. Special thanks to Kiino Villand.


Planet Waves

Drops of Jupiter (in Taurus); Venus Stations Retrograde

The sky continues to put on a spectacular show in Taurus, with Mercury being the most recent planet to join a concentrated grouping there. It joins asteroids Vesta and Ceres, a lunar point called the osculating apogee, plus the Sun and Jupiter.

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Io, one of Jupiter’s Moons that is about the same size as our own (and which may have geological conditions similar to those present on early Earth), is shown against the face of Jupiter. This Sunday, the Taurus Sun makes its only conjunction to Jupiter in Taurus for a very long time. Photo by Cassini Imaging Team, SSI, JPL, ESA, NASA.

Speaking of: the latter two points — the largest in our solar system — join together on Sunday in their one-and-only conjunction in Taurus. There can be just one conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter each year, and since Jupiter takes a year to go through one sign, that means this is the only Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Taurus till May 19, 2024.

So if you’re born under this sign, or if you’re a fan of Venus, or if you love and appreciate all of the good things that Taurus has to offer, this is a happy moment. In truth this will influence everyone slightly differently, though it represents a windfall or opportunity of some kind for everyone. Soon after this event, Jupiter moves onto Gemini.

Speaking of Gemini: Venus stations retrograde there on Tuesday. This is the third inner-planet retrograde of the year, though it’s a special one — it includes the Venus transit of the Sun on June 5. Venus then stations direct on June 27, just three days after the first of seven Uranus-Pluto squares. Gemini is an inherently androgynous sign, and we are going to get a taste of what it’s like to embrace that quality. Venus, perhaps the most feminine influence in astrology, penetrates the Sun as it makes its exact conjunction on June 5.

We are also in the season of eclipses across the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, which happen just prior to the Venus transit. The first eclipse takes place within hours of the Sun’s ingress into Gemini on May 20, a little over one week from now. More on these events next week.


Planet Waves

Obama Bursts Out of Closet, Supports Marriage Equality

Wednesday, President Obama became the first U.S. president to declare his support for same-sex marriage. He had a little help from his boyfriend Joe Biden, who had come out of the closet a few days earlier. Obama at first insisted that they were just friends. But then it turned out he really did agree with his political partner — and was taking social justice lessons from his kids. In an interview with ABC News, Obama credited his daughters as indirectly influencing his decision, saying, “Malia and Sasha, it wouldn’t dawn on them that somehow their friends’ parents would be treated differently. It doesn’t make sense to them. And frankly, that’s the kind of thing that prompts a change of perspective.” Obama addressed the issue just days after Vice President Joe Biden declared his support for same-sex marriage, which had set off new calls for Obama to clarify his position. Obama still says the issue is to be decided by individual states. Earlier this week, voters in North Carolina passed a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage, while in Colorado, Republicans blocked a same-sex civil unions bill in the state House, prompting Gov. John Hickenlooper to convene a special session beginning on Friday. These people protest a bit too much.


Planet Waves

Someone is Actually Paying Attention in Vermont

Vermont is set to be the first state to ban hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. Fracking is a process of drilling for natural gas that is known to pollute groundwater supplies, destroying the land and home values in the process. Vermont representatives voted last week to approve the ban, reconciling differences with a similar bill passed in the state senate.

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Once again I will inflict this photograph on you. Fracking is a disgusting mess, and blatantly stupid as freshwater supplies run out. This is the tidy side of things — above the ground. Below the ground, this shit is injected into freshwater wells, and can destroy the water supply for a whole community. This photo is from a recent article in New York Law Journal, which describes the legal nightmare of fracking for mortgage holders.

Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin is expected to sign the bill into law. While there is not currently any fracking being done in Vermont — since the state lacks the abundant natural gas sources found beneath New York and Pennsylvania — the state’s shale formations along Lake Champlain extend from Quebec, where fracking has occurred, according to Alternet. Environmental activist Bill McKibben offers a wider view of why the ban still matters: “A ban on this process makes sense, if for no other reason than it will keep the oil industry from pumping lobbying dollars into the state.” Well, there are many other reasons besides that.

In related news, new climate data shows the period from May 2011 to April 2012 was the warmest ever recorded in the United States. The average temperature over the 12-month stretch was nearly three degrees Fahrenheit above last century’s average. The United States has also just experienced the warmest March on record. Among the negative effects of fracking is the release of greenhouse gasses, which contribute to global warming.


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Planet Waves

We Could Have Told You That — Or Did We?

Excavating for the first time in the sprawling complex of Xultún in Guatemala’s Petén region, archaeologists have uncovered a structure that contains what appears to be a workspace for the town’s scribe, its walls adorned with unique paintings — one depicting a lineup of men in black uniforms — and hundreds of scrawled numbers. Many are calculations relating to the Maya calendar.

One wall of the structure, thought to be a house, is covered with tiny, millimeter-thick, red and black glyphs unlike any seen before at other Maya sites. Some appear to represent the various calendrical cycles charted by the Maya — the 260-day ceremonial calendar, the 365-day solar calendar, the 584-day cycle of the planet Venus and the 780-day cycle of Mars, reports archaeologist William Saturno of Boston University, who led the exploration and excavation.

The project scientists say that despite popular belief, there is no sign that the Maya calendar — or the world — was to end in the year 2012, just one of its calendar cycles. “It’s like the odometer of a car, with the Maya calendar rolling over from the 120,000s to 130,000,” said Anthony Aveni, professor of astronomy and anthropology at Colgate University, a coauthor of the Science paper. “The car gets a step closer to the junkyard as the numbers turn over; the Maya just start over.”

The scientists say the symbols reflect a certain world view. “The ancient Maya predicted the world would continue, that 7,000 years from now, things would be exactly like this,” Saturno said. “We keep looking for endings. The Maya were looking for a guarantee that nothing would change. It’s an entirely different mindset.”

Source: Physorg.


Planet Waves

Even UAC Knows There Are Two Zodiacs

Remember that whole “your sign is wrong” hoax that put astrology in the mainstream media in early 2011, nearly shutting down the Planet Waves servers for a few days? Part of the answer to the confusion that ensued was that there are two main types of astrology. Western astrology, what we (usually) do at Planet Waves, aligns with the seasons; Vedic, or what is practiced in India, aligns with the constellations. Hence, you really do have two Sun signs, depending on which type of astrology you’re using — but there is much more to Vedic astrology than that. UAC 2012 (the United Astrology Conference, set for New Orleans the week after next) has scheduled a whole track of workshops devoted to Vedic astrology, designed to be accessible to Western astrologers. There are 18 sessions in all, covering topics such as: Vedic Astrology and Psychology (David Frawley), What is Your Dharma or Purpose in Life? (Bill Levacy), Unconventional Relationships (Bill Levacy), Vedic Medical Astrology (Suhas Kshirsagar), The Importance of Mars in Kaliyuga (Chakrapani Ullal), Intro to Vedic Palmistry (Juliana Swanson) and Jabbering Away in Sanskrit So You Sound Extra Spiritual (Eric Francis). You can read descriptions for all 18 sessions here.


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Stephen Colbert interviews Maurice Sendak earlier in 2012. Sendak died May 8.

Maurice Sendak (1928-2012)

Since 1963, children have ventured into the world created by Maurice Sendak in Where the Wild Things Are and felt understood in all their frustration, rage, love, loneliness; their desire to have authority over themselves and those around them; their need for freedom and their need for safety within four walls. Sendak died Tuesday at the age of 83. In January, he was interviewed at home by Stephen Colbert (part two is here). In the midst of Colbert’s ironic shtick and Sendak’s crusty bluntness, it’s clear that he had great respect for children. He remarks, “There is something in this country that is so opposed to understanding the complexity of children. It’s amazing.” That lack of understanding gets played out repeatedly each time Sendak’s book In the Night Kitchen gets banned for showing a naked little boy, complete with penis, frolicking in his dreams. According to playwright Tony Kushner in an interview Thursday on Democracy Now!, Sendak has a copy of the book in which a librarian had whited-out all of the penises in the illustrations, creating ‘diapers’.


Planet Waves

Find Your Current Monthly Horoscopes Here — and Schedule News!

This section also includes the upcoming publishing schedule! The May monthly horoscope (long edition and an article called “The Lighter Side of Taurus”) was published Wednesday evening, April 25. The most recent Inner Space monthly for May was published Tuesday, May 1. We published Genevieve Hathaway’s most recent Moonshine Horoscope (for May) on Tuesday, May 8. All Tuesday editions are now being published to the subscriber area only and are no longer being distributed by email. The next monthly horoscope by Eric will be the June edition, to be published the evening of Wednesday, May 23. There will not be a regular edition that week — and there may be additional changes to the schedule due to the UAC conference, which we will be covering on Planet Waves FM.


Planet Waves

Friday, May 11, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #903 | Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Taurus Birthdays This Week

If your birthday is anywhere in the neighborhood, this year will have a questing quality, or the feeling of being larger than life. There is strong activity in all three earth signs, which are providing you with a sense of grounding for whatever adventures you may embark on. You can be sure of one thing: that this is not the time in your life to invest your energy in preserving or clinging to the past. Rather, you’re being summoned to take part in experiences that draw you into the future. The Sun’s conjunction with Jupiter is offering that quality of expansion beyond what is familiar to you. Yet both the Sun and Jupiter are conjunct Sedna, a relatively new (and distant) discovery that represents the less trusting side of human nature. I suggest you not make your decisions on the basis of expecting something perfect to come along, but rather on the basis of what seems interesting or even exciting, and let one thing lead to the next. If you approach life with curiosity rather than the drive for achievement, you will learn more, have more fun and in the end, accomplish something interesting. Keep a light (and open) heart at the same time you fulfill your commitments. To learn more about your astrology for the next four seasons, listen to my birthday reading for Taurus, which includes an hour of astrology and a tarot reading.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — The more I study people and their experiences of crisis, the more it becomes obvious that nearly all struggle emerges from lack of self-worth. The trap that people seem to fall into over and over again is believing that their self-worth comes from someone else. Your self-worth comes from you. Usually it doesn’t come across in one revelation, but rather in a series of discoveries made over time. You’re ready for a significant revelation about who you are and why you belong on the planet. You’ve been on the brink of this breakthrough for a long time. Yet the relationship question has been a complicating factor. It’s true that contact with others is an essential part of life, and that people provide both reflection and opportunity to learn. It may be true that no one situation is perfect, yet there are many in your life that add up to a perfect constellation of circumstances for what you need.

Hello Aries — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — This weekend is the Sun’s annual conjunction to Jupiter — the only one in Taurus for the next 11 years. That’s the astrological picture of a rare gift coming to you (and the image of a very, very special birthday). Yet there are those moments when the astrology looks brilliant yet there seems to be some underlying issue. One thing to be careful of is the sensation that nothing is ever good enough. This may seem like a peculiarity of our society, though it’s been an issue for so long that it’s recorded in mythology. Sometimes it’s the feeling of abundance coupled with imperfection; or it could be the feeling of having a strong presence in the world, yet you are trapped or isolated. The beauty of life can, at any time, be complicated by self-doubt. And if you feed it, that’s the emotion that’s sure to grow. If you emphasize and explore your life-affirming emotions they are the ones that will grow — in a spectacular way.

Hello Taurus — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed) If you would like to hear your Taurus birthday reading, please visit this link.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — The sky is warming up to a series of rare, amazing and most of all beautiful events in your sign, and your opposite sign Sagittarius. Have you felt the vibrations approaching, and the pace of events accelerating? I suggest you not worry if certain elements of your life seem unstable, uncertain or on the brink of some unexpected change. That said, you may just be feeling the approaching astrology as a sense of adventure. My suggestion as we approach these events is that you hang loose. I suggest you remain as flexible as possible, and surround yourself with people who make flexibility a way of life. There’s no way you can really plan for what’s coming, and in times like that your superior skill of human adaptability is your best asset. Keep looking at things — as in people, events and most of all, yourself — from as many viewpoints as you can. Move forward using curiosity like the bright headlight on a train, and know that nothing can stop you now.

Hello Gemini — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — This is the weekend to spend as much time as you can out of the house. Circulate and socialize. Be your natural, expressive and emotional self. Notice the people around you and notice who notices you. Take any opportunity to be around people you’ve never met before, and stand in your confidence as you make one discovery after the next, and open yourself up to being discovered. If you’re someone who digs the Internet, take at least two or three occasions and put out something vividly real about yourself — what you consider your best creative work, your true vision or your deeper feelings about the world and where it’s going. Share your talent for the pleasure of doing so. We are in the midst of some rare astrological conditions that will help you send a vividly clear signal to exactly the right people. And while you’re doing that, keep your ears on and listen for what comes back to you.

Hello Cancer — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You have some kind of professional opportunity that’s developing — and it looks like many people can benefit from what you do, or what happens to you. Please don’t make the mistake of doubting what’s possible. The truth is that anything is possible, and right now you’re a magnet for potential. One key is to think large, or larger than you might. I’m always surprised by how small many people’s concept of big turns out to be, so I suggest you amplify the scale of your idea by an order of magnitude. What works for you, and what always has, is to stay close to the core of what your life means, and what you want to express. What’s happening for you is not about success as usually defined by those with a mind for business. The theme is artistic integrity, contact with your values, and your natural role as a leader. What you’re leading with is your concept of what actually matters to you the most — so remember to put that first, foremost and perhaps, only.

Hello Leo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Spring Checkpoint: Individual Signs Now Available

We will soon figure out that it’s actually 2012. The recent retrogrades of Mars and Mercury seemed to create a delay, but really this winter and early spring has been a phase of gestation. Over the next four weeks, the energy starts to pick up pace dramatically, and we will discover where we are and that something unusual, and beautiful, is happening.

Even as we approach the truly beautiful potential of the astrology that’s developing, many people are struggling with their day-to-day lives. There are more questions than answers; the economic and political situations seem hopeless; the pace of existence is going so fast that there seems to be nowhere to get in a little meaning, or seek some peace of mind.

Planet Waves

Here is where astrology can help. Astrology looks at the longer cycles, and the deeper themes — and can help you see your life in context of the present moment, no matter how chaotic it may be. Context means a sense of where you fit in that will help you see your potential and make better choices.

For years, I’ve been helping my clients prepare for making the most of the astrology of the 2012 era. Based on this experience, and many years of study, I’ve prepared a set of readings for all 12 signs (and rising signs, and Moon signs) that guides you through this astrology, step by step. I cover the most challenging and energized developments of this spring, which includes eclipses, Venus retrograde, the Venus transit of the Sun, and then a few days after the Sun ingresses Cancer, the Uranus-Pluto square.

Each sign gets a half-hour discussion. These came through loud and clear, with strength and meaning. I spent a week designing and recording them, and I am grateful to be able to offer them to you as a tool to help you guide your decisions, as you seek deeper meaning along your journey.

Spring 2012 is a kind of checkpoint along the way to wherever you are going. But really it’s a calling into the adventure of existence, a bold invitation to go beyond your past limits and explore something truly new about yourself.

Signs are now available individually for an amazingly low price, cheaper than the paper shopping bag costs at Jimmy Choo — order your reading here. The report is getting rave reviews from people who are currently working with it, including these words from a customer named Donna: “OMG — thank you thank you thank you — just spent this morning listening to my [Spring Report] info, and am so blown away by the accuracy (and relief!) in this experience. Thanks so very much for your part in supporting this work and for showing up in the way that you do!”. Here is the link to order.

Please drop us a note if you have any questions.


Eric Francis


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — What is the difference between religion and spirituality? Usually, religion is about itself, and spirituality is about exploring the nature of existence, and in particular, of your existence. Religion is about the values that are put on you, or enforced by some form of authority, and spirituality is about you determining what is meaningful in your relationship to existence. Yes, it takes a lot to stand up to outside influences, and to decline the many opportunities we have every day to sell out our power, our passion, our deepest values. You can at least count on one thing: you’ve cultivated a dependable relationship to life. Said another way, you have built a solid relationship to yourself. Anytime you feel guilty for doing what is right for you, you can be entirely certain that you’re hearing an antiquated voice of authority trying to con you out of what is not just rightfully yours, but what is in truth all you actually have: existence itself.

Hello Virgo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — I suggest you be open to receiving. There is plenty coming your way, though you have the choice whether to allow it in or not. One reason you might hesitate is because vulnerability means you would have to be open to any possibility, and while you sense many wholesome ones, there are a few of which you’re somewhat less trusting. You can still be open and use discernment. You can be aware without being suspicious. You can choose what you want from among the many options — though I suggest you choose what you truly desire. For that to happen, it will help if you make some decisions, or at least refine your ideas about what you want. Closer to the central point of your astrology, it will help if you’re open to the generosity of others. It’s true that there always may be better opportunities available, and nothing can stand in their way except for your own doubts.

Hello Libra — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — One of the rules of our society involves what I will call mandatory exclusion. For example, imagine you’ve been single for a while, and you meet someone you like. Then the next day you meet someone else that you like. There would seem to be some unwritten law that says you can only choose one of those people, to the exclusion of the other. Into this mix is often added guilt and shame in a diversity of formulations. Now, let’s consider your here-and-now reality. You are curious, or so it looks from your solar charts. Your imagination is on fire. You may be so consumed with desire that you doubt your ability to think clearly, and thus to make a good decision. Here is an idea to consider: You have the right, and the ability, to experiment without making a ‘permanent’ commitment in the process. This is, however, less about the expectations of others and more about what you’re willing to allow yourself to experience and feel.

Hello Scorpio — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — It’s better to regret the things you’ve done, rather than the things you haven’t done. Looking up the author of this quote, passed on to me by my Sagittarius yoga teacher Zosha, I discovered that it was being attacked as shallow and unphilosophical. As an astrologer who works with people at their points of decision, and also through their phases of being stuck, I propose that it’s pretty good advice. The refusal to dare slowly drives many people insane. Over the next few weeks, many opportunities are going to make themselves available to you. Some — not all — of them will be once in a lifetime, though what they will all have in common is that they are part of what is defining this moment of your personal history. Yet there’s a bigger story unfolding — a global story, something about humanity being at a threshold, and something about your participation in that experience. At the very least, pay close attention to what you hear when life is calling you.

Hello Sagittarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Have you ever paused to wonder why so many people seem to have heart attacks over the whole gay thing? What, exactly, is the shock, that anyone might be attracted to anyone else? We could extend this to mixed-race situations, differences in generations and people of wildly diverging political persuasions for whom this fact is blotted out by the love they feel for one another. The power of attraction is working magnificently in your life right now, and the crazier the diversity, the better. Any hangups of the past can be seen as precisely what they are — somebody else’s bad idea, based on nothing but fear. Taking this to a more personal level, I suggest you experiment with going past any anxiety you might have about who or what you’re attracted to, or who is attracted to you. The weirder, the more interesting, the more unconventional, the more fun you will have. For extra pleasure, play with the idea that everyone is a mirror.

Hello Capricorn — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The Grateful Dead used to sing, “If you get confused, listen to the music play.” The current astrology says: “When in doubt, make your living space nicer.” Obviously you have more than this on your mind, including a diversity of concerns about where you’re at, whether you’re really making progress and what you’re doing with your life. Right now the astrology is showing me a picture of you putting down roots, of expanding into your space and of treating your living environment as if it’s your body (i.e., lovingly). Maybe have a small, spontaneous get-together in your home on Sunday evening, inviting over a few of your closest friends and maybe a few new ones. This specifically should happen in your personal space, not a public space of any kind (even if you may think your home is not up to par — nobody will care). Practice gratitude for the dry roof and the door that locks as the path to enlightenment.

Hello Aquarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Have you ever had the experience of being able to write something into existence? You describe something: a person, an adventure, a scenario, and somehow it manifests. Or you say something to a friend, admitting to a desire, and then by some process you don’t understand, you have the opportunity right in front of you. That’s what your charts look like right now. You can play with this to your heart’s contentment. I would make a few suggestions, though: don’t take fear so seriously. Give it a voice, and move on to your descriptive process. Stretch your imagination, and reach into the spaces where you feel the most curiosity or thirst for missing experience and imagine, in some tangible form, what it would be like to explore them. And if by some chance you’re a writer, take some time this weekend, give yourself some space, and start the project that you really, truly want to do (and if that’s already started happening, turn up the energy).

Hello Pisces — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Moonshine Horoscopes for May

Dear Friend and Reader:

Today we have the Moonshine horoscope by Genevieve Hathaway, who has filed her column From Cairo, Egypt.

Planet Waves

Moonshine horoscope is based on your Moon sign, which is a good thing to know if you find astrology helpful. It will open up a new dimension of your astrological consciousness (and there are many more after that).

If you’re curious what that is, I suggest you go to, get a free membership and enter your birth data. This will tell you what sign your Moon is in. Or you can go to and enter the data there (converting to Greenwich time) and check without having to get a membership.

Editing these horoscopes yesterday, I found them useful for my Moon as well as my Sun and rising signs.

Meanwhile, the Moon emerges as one of the dominant factors in the sky later this month, as we have an eclipse of the Sun on May 20 (the day the Sun ingresses Gemini) and then an eclipse of the Moon two weeks later on June 4. We are following this in Daily Astrology & Adventure and will have more detailed coverage in your subscriber editions over the next few weeks.

Please share your responses to Genevieve’s horoscopes.


Eric Francis


Planet Waves

Moonshine Horoscopes for May 2012 by Genevieve Hathaway

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries Moon. This month, I suggest you consider a new approach to the concept of anger. Part of what it means to be human is experiencing this emotion, and there are more and less constructive ways to do this. The sensation of anger is often defined as a feeling of tension and hostility caused by anxiety from a perceived threat to one’s self, possessions, rights, or values. ‘Perceived’ is the key word for you to focus on. There is no actual tangible threat that drives the feelings you’re currently navigating. Without a physical threat, action is not required in response to the intense, conflicted or hostile emotions that might be welling up inside you. Rather, these feelings of displeasure are signifiers of unresolved pain working itself to the surface. What you’re experiencing is meant to be felt rather than acted upon. As you let the anger burn off, notice what is left behind — clear, quiet space of mind and awareness of your emotional center. Operating from this place allows you to act from a position of no agenda other than authenticity. You will have a clear ‘yes’ and ‘no’; this will go a long way in helping you shape your life. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Hello Aries — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus Moon. You’re currently living as if between two doorways. One you’ve just passed through; it had the distinct sensation of a disruption, but in fact was an expansion of consciousness. You became more sensitive and tuned in to the multifacted nature of existence. Another way to think of this concept is flexibility. Seeing the many options that can lead to the same desired outcome, and recognizing that a different outcome than envisioned can still move you in the correct direction. The second door, the door you are nearing, brings you in contact with the confidence that comes with successfully handling a variety of unexpected situations. Between these two doors, where you are currently hanging out this month, is a space of learning. Practice how to move with a number of rapidly changing situations you are facing. I suggest you view them less as an annoyance and more as a chance to experiment with your personal resources and your ability to apply them to achieve what in your mind is a positive, creative outcome. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Hello Taurus — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to hear your Taurus birthday reading, please visit this link.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini Moon. As May unfolds, take time to unclutter your environment — both home and work space. Your subconscious is a pretty full place at the moment; plenty of that material is seeping into your conscious mind. Mercury, your sign’s ruler, is also hanging out there in your Moon’s 12th house, just beyond your conscious reach. All of this adds up to a feeling of difficulty orienting on your clarity. You’re good at working with this little issue of the world not always making sense, while you hold your own thought processes to a more systematic form. An organized environment will give you the sensation of structure and linear flow that your mental space may be lacking. What feels like a mixed-up mental environment will take shape into cohesive ideas. Notice as more images and ideas sieve through the permeable membrane between your unconscious and conscious self, coalescing into something that makes sense. Each piece of information that comes through will have two sets of data, one mental and one emotional. Take time to slip into these feelings; you will learn much information. Ultimately, this process is helping you integrate your two sides — the intellectual and the emotional. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Hello Gemini — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer Moon. Imagine how different the world would be if art, creativity, love and acceptance of diversity were valued over money, material resources and competition. Really — take a moment and imagine. We live in a world where might thinks it makes right, where it’s considered appropriate to hoard wealth. This is a form of mass deception, and those who partake in the lie don’t seem to be any happier for it. You are innately keyed in to how dysfunctional these ideas are, and the damage they do to most people’s self-esteem and experience of happiness. A world where we cared for one another would mesh better with your core values. As your personal identity meets the larger identity of your community, instead of melding into that established identity, stand apart from it. You’re an exemplar of a new set of ideals and aspirations centered around love, caring and acceptance. A sharp contrast will occur between the love and acceptance you embody and the lack of it you’re noticing in many around you. Yet those who have been searching for what you offer will gravitate to you. As this happens, gently weave your world into a community. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Hello Cancer — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo Moon. In less than two weeks, the Sun and Moon meet in an eclipse in the area of your chart that covers your greatest hopes and dreams. Some of these surround your career aspirations, and your desire for what you want to accomplish on the planet. This event arrives with the experience of feeling like you’re actually living your calling rather than thinking about it. This calling takes the form of doing the work that resonates with your highest values and authentic self. Your emotional self is fully invested in the work that you do. As the feeling develops follow it and see where it leads. Take note of what you learn regarding the current work that you do. Let go of any sense of obligation to do work that is not your highest calling. Those you work with have an agenda, and before taking their advice as regards to your career, be clear about their motives. Once you decide on your course of action, gradually make adjustments in your daily routines, bringing them closer and closer to your goals. The feeling of meaning that comes with being in alignment with your soul’s calling is not only a place you get to live for just this month, it’s a place you can live permanently. The first step is to bring the intention. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Hello Leo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Spring Checkpoint: Individual Signs Now Available

We will soon figure out that it’s actually 2012. The recent retrogrades of Mars and Mercury seemed to create a delay, but really this winter and early spring has been a phase of gestation. Over the next four weeks, the energy starts to pick up pace dramatically, and we will discover where we are and that something unusual, and beautiful, is happening.

Even as we approach the truly beautiful potential of the astrology that’s developing, many people are struggling with their day-to-day lives. There are more questions than answers; the economic and political situations seem hopeless; the pace of existence is going so fast that there seems to be nowhere to get in a little meaning, or seek some peace of mind.

Planet Waves

Here is where astrology can help. Astrology looks at the longer cycles, and the deeper themes — and can help you see your life in context of the present moment, no matter how chaotic it may be. Context means a sense of where you fit in that will help you see your potential and make better choices.

For years, I’ve been helping my clients prepare for making the most of the astrology of the 2012 era. Based on this experience, and many years of study, I’ve prepared a set of readings for all 12 signs (and rising signs, and Moon signs) that guides you through this astrology, step by step. I cover the most challenging and energized developments of this spring, which includes eclipses, Venus retrograde, the Venus transit of the Sun, and then a few days after the Sun ingresses Cancer, the Uranus-Pluto square.

Each sign gets a half-hour discussion. These came through loud and clear, with strength and meaning. I spent a week designing and recording them, and I am grateful to be able to offer them to you as a tool to help you guide your decisions, as you seek deeper meaning along your journey.

Spring 2012 is a kind of checkpoint along the way to wherever you are going. But really it’s a calling into the adventure of existence, a bold invitation to go beyond your past limits and explore something truly new about yourself.

Signs are now available individually for an amazingly low price, cheaper than the paper shopping bag costs at Jimmy Choo — order your reading here. The report is getting rave reviews from people who are currently working with it, including these words from a customer named Donna: “OMG — thank you thank you thank you — just spent this morning listening to my [Spring Report] info, and am so blown away by the accuracy (and relief!) in this experience. Thanks so very much for your part in supporting this work and for showing up in the way that you do!”. Here is the link to order.

Please drop us a note if you have any questions.


Eric Francis


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo Moon. Would you be willing to spend a whole day living and seeing the world from a radically different perspective? What would you gain from seeing the world through another viewpoint? Would it change your approach to life and your relationship to yourself? These questions take on new meaning this month as you get that chance to slip into not just one new outlook on the world, but many. Think of it like shopping for a new hat, only each hat changes how you perceive yourself, and everyone else. With each hat you try on, a different response resonates in your emotional body. Some hats elicit a thrill, others make you feel confident, others more relaxed, while still other hats come with no emotional connection. One or two stoke up new kinds of anxiety. As you try this diversity of perspectives, observe how you feel from inside that point of view. The sensations you experience will provide important clues on its alignment with your authentic self. Notice when you feel good about yourself — accumulate a number of these and soon you’ll be able to construct a new personal philosophy that centers around a strong sense of self-worth. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Hello Virgo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra Moon. In the past, you’ve been able to find a sense of security from your relationships with others. However, several recent experiences of seeming chaos in your close partnerships have begun to erode your ability to orient yourself exclusively on them. I suggest you see this as less of a problem in your partnerships and more of a shifting structure in your personal identity. As you change, what is an appropriate relationship changes. We know this, yet when we try to shift this, or when we have no choice, there still can be a feeling of daring. It is indeed brave to go beyond the idea that a relationship makes you complete, though at the moment you have little choice in the matter. This sensation is a clue you’re on the right track. As you re-orient on yourself and your deepest, most basic inner needs, you reconnect with your most important relationship — the one with yourself. Experiment with taking care of you, first and foremost. Notice once you do, you have that much more you to share with others. This will help you form or affirm bonds that are more fruitful than the structures that are falling away. There will be moments where what is left behind feels like a void, but in fact is a holding of space for people who can relate to who you truly are. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Hello Libra — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio Moon. Your partnerships may feel like a precarious balancing act right now, as you seem to walk along a narrow emotional ledge. Or that is one way to describe the feeling — there are others. Try on this feeling as being on the brink of a breakthrough. Such a space can have the feeling of no turning back, and in truth you would do well to keep your focus and intention on where you are moving to rather than where you have been. Something that you survived in the past is coming up for healing. And it raises the question of what living an optimistic life looks like for you. Part of that is looking for the best in people instead of preparing for the worst, which manifests as jealousy and control. As you get clear about healing this material and releasing old habits, you will experience your relationships differently. There will be an expansion in your emotional connections, and this in turn will harmonize your emotional body, and those around you, to how good it feels to be real. One point of beginning is asking authentic questions — both of yourself and of people you care for. Then hold the space open for authentic answers. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Hello Scorpio — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius Moon. You are entering a period of rapid changes, which will both shake you up and spur your sense of adventure. A number of important partnerships will be evolving quickly. Fortunately, you’re developing a new viewpoint about all relationships. This new viewpoint has been building for a while; the place you are entering now is one of actualization. Reevaluate what is and is not working for you in your current situations. Be clear with yourself about both. There’s no need to be accusatory, or hopeful, or to push anything — merely know and feel and allow. Realizing what no longer works for you opens up space for you to experiment with new forms of relating. Based on the astrology, it’s clear that this process happens fast. You turn a corner and suddenly re-orient. After a point of re-orientation your relationship structure will flow with the change. For you there’s an almost instantaneous integration, yet those around you may not get a handle on the new you so quickly. Proceed thoughtfully when introducing your new ideas to your close partnerships. You may have to discuss these ideas a couple of times from a few different perspectives. Trust that a number of your closest relationships can make this re-orientation with you. In those situations, all that’s required is your holding space for the other person to adjust to where you both wish to go. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Hello Sagittarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn Moon. The past holds many valuable lessons, but more often than not it trips us up by shaping our behavior based on previous situations that do not hold true in the present. This is where growth comes in: it leads us down a path where past outcomes do not apply, and where the skills and lessons of the past have actual value. You are currently working through separating your patterns that keep drawing you back to a past-based view and building new patterns based on receptivity to a different present. This is happening in layers, and in phases. Thinking your way out of the past won’t fully re-orient you on a new present because the root lies in your emotional well-being, or said another way, how it feels for you to be in your body. Letting go of old grievances and wounds is a choice you can make with increasing commitment as this process moves forward, and this will help you break the outdated patterns in which you’ve been living. There may be a sense of risk in releasing this old pain, and a feeling of security in sticking with what you know, even if it is pain and hurt. Instead of slipping into that old pattern, acknowledge both where you want to move to and how far you have come. Intention will get you further than you may think possible. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Hello Capricorn — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius Moon. Existence is comprised of seemingly competing ideas co-existing quite well. For you this is an easy concept to embody because you naturally don’t accept the either/or argument, and you can, if you want, hold open many possibilities at once. Your intuition points you at the multiplicity inherent in the universe, which in turn puts you in touch with your greater potential. You don’t accept other people’s perceived limitations on what is possible; they can have that job. This is the way the world naturally is for you, yet for many around you it is viewed as unrealistic. If that’s bugging you, get over it fast. What is real and possible for you is about to expand even further, and your most important resource will be your ability to perceive outcomes that are outside what anyone has ever considered. As each day passes, you’re connecting more deeply and more vividly with these new potentials. As you do, they become more tangible and accessible. You will know that you’re following your intuition by the feeling of rightness in your body. Not that you are ‘right’ and someone else is wrong, but a sense that you are aligned with what is so, and that you have a sense of value about the decision you are making. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Hello Aquarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces Moon. For the past few months, you’ve been working through a deep process of healing that is now entering a period of completion. The ideas addressed involved your father’s psychological and emotional bearing and how it negatively impacted you. He had apparent issues — perhaps depression, or alcoholism, or the sense of being a failure (as a man). But what was underneath these feelings? That’s what you’re discovering and gradually resolving. These concepts involved pain and anger caused by impatience and dismissal running through your paternal line. Acknowledging this material’s existence — and figuring out that it has no bearing on your value and worth — has opened parts of yourself that you shut down long ago to survive emotionally during your youth. As a small child, you may not even have realized you were closing off parts of yourself. Take your time reacquainting yourself with these inner regions. This may come with the sensation of disorientation as your emotional landscape shifts to incorporate these newly uncovered aspects, which have always been part of you. Slip back into them gently and claim them as your own. Let that sense of impatience and frustration gradually melt off and evaporate, leaving no residue. The stability and sense of belonging in your own skin that come as a result are the kind that’s built to last. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Hello Pisces — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

In Praise of Trees

Here’s a sprout well budded out / the work of our Lord’s hand

Dear Friend and Reader:

We’re approaching one of the most impressive Full Moons of the year — the Scorpio Full Moon, which this year happens Saturday, May 5 at 11:35 pm EDT. Presently the Sun is at the sensitive balancing point of the season, located halfway between (Northern Hemisphere) spring equinox and summer solstice. This time of year is known as Beltane, though in our particular year, the Moon comes along and makes an exact opposition to the Sun. What we get is a peak in the solar cycle (the seasons) coinciding with a solar-lunar cycle (the Full Moon), which is unusual and which carries a lot of momentum with it. It’s also a Full Moon at perigee — the closest point to the Earth, so visually it’s going to be a big one.

Planet Waves
Flourish by Charlie Lemay.

Taurus and Scorpio are zodiac signs that specifically address the subject of resources, and the exchange of resources, whether you’re speaking of the planet itself, what humans exchange in commerce, through sex or in genetic material, and by extension, the economy that gathers around all of this activity.

We had a similar event on May 5, 2008, when there was a New Moon on Beltane, in the midst of a rather eventful year when we got a big reminder about our shared resources. At that time, there was something brewing that was quaintly referred to as the “subprime mortgage crisis.” A lot of banks, sucking cheap money out of the Federal Reserve Bank, had provided easy credit to many people who could not pay the mortgages back. The availability of cash was like throwing kerosene on the fire of American greed, and many people bought lavish homes though they could not afford them.

The lenders took millions of those bad mortgages, bundled them together and sold them as securities, that is to say, as “investments” made by other banks, companies and governments — but they were worth nothing. These entities were sitting on a cosmic-scale garbage dump of rotten paper — which meant that as a result, the entire economy was sitting on quicksand. Some institutions had half their total portfolio in these “products.”

This situation led to the bursting of the housing bubble — the absurd inflation of housing costs that seems to have been going on since the 1980s — followed by widespread liquidity problems that rippled throughout the global economy. The financial sector and indeed nearly every industry was reaping the benefits of its philosophy of globalism. We learned fast that what happened to one entity could affect any other entity.

The problems came to the surface undeniably on Wednesday, Sept. 10, 2008, when Lehman Brothers announced a third-quarter loss of nearly $5 billion (in one fiscal quarter). By that Sunday, Lehman had filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy and what we now call the Great Recession was underway. Many banks were in crisis, over-leveraged and with no available cash to lend one another or anyone else. Trillions of dollars in bailouts, generated from debt charged to the citizens of the United States, were given to many financial institutions and AIG, one of the world’s largest insurance companies. This was the “financial 9-11” at the bitter end of the Cheney-Bush administration: the biggest bank robbery in history.

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Ceremony by Charlie Lemay.

The astrological upshot is that there was a New Moon preceding this on May 5, 2008, with the Sun exactly at the midpoint of Taurus. I kept looking at that chart knowing it might be big, but I didn’t understand why. It seemed significant that there was a New Moon on Beltane, a holiday associated with honoring the only true material wealth, which is the abundance of the Earth.

Yet in the technical sense there’s something else significant about this point in the calendar. Events that occur with the Sun at the midpoint of any season create what is called an Aries Point effect, where there is often high-impact news of some kind that resonates on a deeply personal level with many people. The effect is not always instantaneous (though sometimes it is).

For background, the Aries Point is the first degree of Aries (the position of the Sun at the spring equinox), and by extension the first degrees of any of the cardinal signs (Cancer, Libra or Capricorn as well), which form a cross. Each time a new season begins, the Sun touches a point of the cross. These are called the quarter days, also known as equinoxes and solstices.

When you bisect those points, you land in the middle of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius). Those are called the cross-quarter days. They are sensitive spots which can energize the Aries Point, and point to events with far-reaching effects. Notably, almost all holidays are concentrated around the quarter days or the cross-quarter days.

This is where we are now. On Saturday, the Sun arrives in the same position as it was in 2008, four years to the day later. But just as the Sun reaches the midpoint of the season, the Moon comes along and makes an opposition to it (the Scorpio Full Moon).

We are once again in an election year. And, once again the world is on the brink of what we might politely call a financial threshold, though this time the problem seems to be centered in Europe. Spain just had its bond rating downgraded two notches from A to BBB+, and the Netherlands is on the brink of losing its AAA rating. Yannis Palaiologos, an author at, writes that, “This would lead to a rise in the cost of borrowing not only for the country but also for the EFSF, Europe’s rescue fund, which depends on guarantees from the dwindling number of AAA-rated Eurozone members for its high credit rating.”

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Something Fishy by Charlie Lemay.

On Sunday, France seems poised to elect a socialist president. This would mean someone in office who is not as friendly to German president Angela Merkel as Nicolas Sarkozy, the current president, has been. Sarkozy has in effect been allowing Germany to run the finances of Europe through the debt crisis.

On the same day there are parliamentary elections in Greece, expected to inject far-right and far-left influences into the political environment (some “sick puppies,” in the words of our Athens correspondent). This would break up the two-party system there and could alienate crisis-besieged Greece from the Eurozone.

Meanwhile in the United States, Republicans are campaigning on a platform of cuts to social programs, increased taxes on the poor and reductions in the size of the federal workforce, ostensibly to help the economy — but which are certain to have the opposite effect. They’re also waging war on women, immigrants and anyone whose sexual orientation differs from what they claim theirs to be. Given this, it’s really weird to hear predictions of a close race.

And, into this mix, we are adding the Full Moon right at the midpoint of the Sun’s transit through Taurus. This is of course influencing us in personal ways as well. Other astrology suggests that many people are making decisions about, or are in crisis over, their most intimate relationships. This has been brewing for a while, though much of what was swept under the rug is coming out, sometimes with passion, urgency and decisiveness.

Remember that we’re in the spring of 2012 — from here on out, the large-scale events increase in frequency, with the Uranus-Pluto square ever in the background, running high-voltage current through the Aries Point. We’re just weeks away from a series of eclipses and one month from the transit of Venus. Speaking of: Venus is an influence directly related to Taurus, to earthly resources, to wealth and to value. The transit of Venus on June 5 describes a kind of revaluation, or at the least a rather deep and sweeping re-evaluation.

Instead of using astrology to be predictive about these events (it’s tempting, and many will be tempted to be negative, basing their future predictions on what’s happened in the past) I think we need to be visionary. No matter what goes wrong on the planet, or what messed-up things people do, it’s people who solve the problems and people more connected to life who invent new ways of life. Eventually over time, there seems to be very slow progress. Yet we are now at a quantum point. The combined creative intentions of even a few people can be magnified by the rapidly rising energy — which brings me to trees.

The economy as we think of it is a study in exchange, but it seems to me that the real exchange on our planet involves trees. This is true in the biological sense of the word, and economic (most people live inside houses made from wood) though trees are sentient entities, many of them centuries (or millennia) old that ground profound information onto the planet.

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Renewal by Charlie Lemay.

Despite its reputation for frisky erotic play among neo-Pagans, Beltane is really a tree holiday. That’s the theme that many related holidays around the world at this time of year share — a celebration of trees. “This is Spring Growth Mother Earth Green Day,” says Donna Henes, author of Celestially Auspicious Occasions, who was my guest this week on Planet Waves FM.

“The spring cross-quarter day is all about growth. Spring equinox is about birth, and the mid-spring cross quarter day is about the exuberant, vibrant, hormonal kind of growth. That’s the link between the tree and the sexual frenzy that we associate with the May Pole. It’s a celebration of the new green, the growth of life, of life on Earth and Mother Earth, the Creatrix. The tree is a universal symbol of life, from Buddha being born, receiving enlightenment and dying under the tree, and on and on.”

The tree is celebrated as an entity that reaches deep into the ground and at the same time reaches to the heavens. It is a bridge between Heaven and Earth, with its growth nourished both by the light of a star (the Sun) and the solid mass of the planet where it has its roots.

In Pagan times, this was celebrated many ways, including with the May Pole dance. The pole is of course made from the trunk of a tree that is draped in garlands, to which are attached long ribbons. The dance involves everyone holding one of the ribbons and then weaving the web of life, circling the pole in an obvious celebration of the phallus. But there’s a lot more going on as well.

The Catholics adopted the May Pole celebration into Holy Cross Day, celebrated May 3, a Catholic version where they turn the tree into a cross (the Catholics have versions of all the Pagan holidays), which is a bigger deal in South America. “Throughout Latin America, they celebrate it as Cruzelacu, in midspring, which is a nature appreciation holiday. A cross is decorated as the May Pole would be, with ribbons and flowers, and sometimes flags, jewelry and dresses,” said Henes.

In the 1640s, there was an act of the British Parliament banning the May Pole. The law assailed the “heathenish, vanity, generally abused to superstition and wickedness” of the dance. The Restoration brought back May Poles, and there was a huge one erected in The Strand in 1661, which required the strength of 12 soldiers under the personal supervision of King James II. This was a 134-foot cedar pole. Then in 1717, it was moved to Wanstead Park in Essex, where it became part of the support of Sir Isaac Newton’s telescope.

Planet Waves
Pas de Deux by Charlie Lemay.

“It was still serving the original symbolism of the tree, which is rooted in the ground and reaching into the heavens,” said Henes.

In contemporary Brazil, May Day is celebrated by designating a particularly powerful tree and decorating it with white flags.

The Liberty tree is a common symbol for several North American tribes. In the late 1800s a movement began to unite the tribes and present a common front to expel the white man. They created a ritual called the Ghost Dance where they circled around what they called the World Tree.

There’s also a Jewish holiday called Tu B’Shvat, which celebrates the birthday of the trees. In contemporary times, funds are raised and trees are purchased and planted. It’s a national tree-planting holiday in Israel, which has a national obsession with re-planting the desert.

On the other side of the world, there is a Chinese festival called Ching Ming, or the Bright and Clear Festival, where graves are cleaned and trees are planted near the resting places of the ancestors.

Finally, there’s a worldwide holiday that you hardly hear about any more called Arbor Day. On the first Arbor Day, held in Nebraska on April 10, 1872, an estimated one million trees were planted.

That’s a good thing — trees do nothing but support life on Earth. They are integral to the biosphere. Without them, life on Earth would not only collapse — we would all be a lot dumber than we already are. Researching the biological themes, I spent some time on the North Carolina State University website yesterday and this is some of what I learned.

One large tree can provide a supply of oxygen for two people. At the same time, a tree can absorb as much as 48 pounds of carbon dioxide per year, and can sequester one ton of carbon dioxide by the time it reaches 40 years old.

Forests supply over 50% of freshwater flow in the lower 48 states. According to USDA Forest Service estimates, some 180 million people — more than half of the United States’ population — depend on forests for their drinking water.

Planet Waves
Wall by Charlie Lemay.

In addition to providing oxygen and water, trees keep the air breathable. Over one year, an acre of forest can consume the amount of carbon dioxide created by driving a car 26,000 miles, about twice the annual mileage for an average driver. An acre is pretty large. It’s a good thing that in the U.S., forests cover 749 million acres. That’s nearly 33% of the nation’s land. When the United States was first settled, they covered 46% of the nation’s total land area.

We would be in a symbiotic relationship with trees, were we not chopping them down so fast. Symbiotic means both parties to the equation benefit from the relationship — and trees do benefit from our presence and offer themselves to us for many purposes. At the moment, we seem to be getting most of the benefits of trees, but we also seem to be missing a larger point.

There’s a dimension to trees that some people have encountered and others have devoted their lives to. One such person is Elisa Novick, who you may have already encountered in a recent edition of Planet Waves FM. Elisa reminds me of an other-worldly cosmic entity that I might have met in a science fiction novel, except that she’s a real person working as a healer on the planet. Here is how she tells the story of her first meeting with a tree in a forest in upstate New York, not far from where I live.

“Walking down a mossy forest path, I was met by a powerful wave of love emanating from a magnificent oak. So began a fascinating multidimensional odyssey spanning 10 years, as a small patch of forest became my happiest place in the universe and a place for healing and awakening for many,” Elisa wrote in an email to me yesterday.

“Each tree has a unique personality and gifts to bestow. Trees hold keys for the survival and thriving of the Earth. They created the conditions for us to live on this planet and can do so again if we ally with them.

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X Chromosome by Charlie Lemay.

“Learn to receive their healing love and converse with them and support them in their mission. Let’s not assume that if our ears can’t hear, that there is nothing spoken. Attunement is the next language of communication — with people, plants, animals, and the cosmos.

“My hope is that if more people understand that trees can be sentient and have healing and spiritual abilities beyond anything we have imagined, we will nourish those that are still alive and replant our bountiful forests. Not only the other half of our lungs, they may be the other half of our hearts.”

Elisa has the ability to communicate with entities that don’t use what we consider the normal senses. Here is what an oak tree in that forest said to her:

“In another world we were lovers, you and I, in dimensions too difficult to describe, but all things come around and we are brought together for a reason when it is correct and useful. Now this planet is dissolving in pollution and all are suffering to some extent. But there is always renewal available. You have renewed our context here on this planet by your thoughts and good wishes and we wish to stay now; though we have scouts foraging for another wilderness to ‘set up shop’.

“We are always prepared, as your Scouts say. Funny that you should mention contingency plans at your breakfast today. But in this spiritual realm, there are no contingency plans, no plans, just the unfolding of a reality that is long known, but never planned. How can I say that this is true? Or how to be fortunate enough to be enlightened/privy to this information? The known comes forth as it reveals itself out of the Great Plan, but it is never planned ahead of time; just revealed in its true glory, fully formed. Then it develops by choice, will, playful endeavor; curiosity; happiness. It is creativity in this making, Universal, powerful urges move through all, causing creativity to flourish in response, like leaves to the sun and wind forces. We move, too, we trees, as we are called by the greater plan, but have many choices and happiness rules the moment as to when and where we plop ourselves down and give of our happiness to the Earth or other spaces.”

A maple tree said:

“Many of your species have noticed that we (trees) are not doing as well as we used to; our leaves are dying from your poisons and our roots are also feeling the pinch. The water is no longer fully wholesome from soil or sky and we don’t like noise that is unnatural and vibrates our roots badly. But we continue to pour forth love and healing chemicals and go about our nature/natural lives in pursuit of a ‘higher ground’, a place wherein we become greater selves. Our development spiritually and consciously is all-important. As we develop, we develop new abilities and can bring forth great wonders energetically and also to the physical manifestation.

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Revealed by Charlie Lemay.

“Call us forth. Please don’t deny yourselves this ability to call forth nature’s finest consciousness, its abilities to heal itself and the world. This garden planet is unique in its resources for higher consciousness and verdant growth possiblities. It provides great stamina and strength to its species and has an integration unlike any found. It can sustain great damage and heal itself, but it cannot sustain continued or even sporadic damaging; conscious and unconscious.

“So be well my friends. Come forth in your glory and you will find us waiting in glory to welcome you and live in harmony and grace (yes we know grace; we form it every day); we exude this natural grace. Solemnity is not part of that, but laughter, playfulness, ease and lightness of being; we are creative and naturally curious and we love the Christ consciousness coming through every pore of this planet’s existence. It is what the planet is made of after all. You must broaden your idea of what it is; your ideas are so narrow and limited. Widen and enlarge your awareness and you will find Me (Christ) in every cell of every plant and every stone and every being that exists, animal, dolphin, whale, etc.”

You can read more of these messages in this PDF that Elisa has prepared for Planet Waves readers.

The author Hermann Hesse seemed to be onto the inner life of trees as well. “Trees are sanctuaries,” he wrote in his book Wandering. “Whoever knows how to speak to them, whoever knows how to listen to them, can learn the truth. They do not preach learning and precepts, they preach undeterred by particulars, the ancient law of life.

“A tree says: A kernel is hidden in me, a spark, a thought. I am life from eternal life. The attempt and the risk that the eternal mother took with me is unique, unique the form and veins of my skin, unique the smallest play of leaves in my branches and the smallest scar on my bark. I was made to form and reveal the eternal in my smallest special detail. A tree says: My strength is trust…I trust that God is in me. I trust that my labour is holy. Out of this trust I live.”


Eric Francis

PS: You can meet Elisa and her tree friends in June. She and the trees will be teaching their attunement skills in her Tree Love: Heart of the Forest workshop, scheduled for June 10 in Rhinebeck, New York. This is easy driving distance from New York City, Western Massachusetts, Albany, the Hudson Valley and many other locales. I am planning to be there, participating and photographing. Her email is:


Planet Waves

Mercury is Conjunct Eris; Scorpio Moon All Weekend

Today Mercury is conjunct Eris. If you have a writing project or any communication endeavor that is calling on you to be especially clever or surreptitious, today’s the day. Mercury is working its way into an opposition to Saturn, which is one of the features of this weekend’s Full Moon in Scorpio, which takes place Saturday at 11:35 pm EDT.

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Selene Rising at Sounion, the temple to Neptune near Athens, Greece (summer 2011). Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

Today the Moon is in Libra, and forms an exact conjunction to Saturn at 2:02 pm EDT, which happens in a close opposition to the Mercury-Eris conjunction. This seems to be a reminder not to get bogged down in your emotions, expectations or ideas about the rules. Rather, think in an original way, which usually means the way you want to rather than the way you’re supposed to. You might fear consequences; you might be accused of being less mature, though usually clever trumps well-behaved.

As the Sun moves toward the exact midpoint of Taurus, it does so in a conjunction to an odd point called the Black Moon Lilith, or the ‘osculating apogee’ of the Moon. The Sun is picking up on the shadowy side of the lunar nature, which could make you conscious of your misgivings about expressing yourself.

Have you ever noticed when you say and do something that exceeds what you’ve done in the past, feels extra expressive or which you fear some might feel is ‘appropriate’, you get a little blowback of guilt or misgiving? That’s what Sun-Black Moon Lilith might feel like. It’s also an opportunity to be at peace with some of the darker aspects of human nature, without getting subsumed by them or acting them out.

The Moon enters Scorpio at 10:19 pm EDT and ‘full phase’ officially begins, according to the Office of the Full Moon. The Moon picks up trines from Neptune and Chiron in Pisces, which looks a lot more clairvoyant than the psychic hotline. And the Moon makes an opposition to Vesta in early Taurus, suggesting that your intuition just might have a purpose to serve tonight. Then the Moon, in quick sequence, makes aspects to Mars, Uranus and Pluto, finally reaching exact opposition to the Sun Saturday night in the United States and early Sunday in the UK, Europe and points east; early Sunday afternoon in Australia (please check local times).

Because the Sun is conjunct the lunar apogee, that means the Moon (which is opposite the Sun) is conjunct the perigee (its closest point to the Earth), which will give it a large appearance on the horizon. It’ll feel large too — as the Moon moves deeper into Scorpio, it makes an opposition to Jupiter in Taurus, which will sustain this lunation’s passionate emotions. Whatever you’re feeling, let yourself flow. There is progress in the air, and movement, and a gentle rising up and release from situations that seemed to have you caught on the rocks.

The Moon ingresses Sagittarius at 9:28 pm on Sunday, May 6, starting a new story that we’ll pick up in Monday morning’s edition of Daily Astrology on Planet Waves.


Planet Waves

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Occupy protest in Manhattan, May 1, 2012. To hear the Tax Dodgers sing, be sure to click this link. It’s worth it. Photo by Beth Bagner.

Occupy Rouses Itself for Global Action on May Day

The spring awakening of the Occupy movement rallied around the traditional labor holiday May Day on May 1, calling for economic justice and humane immigration reform. Several actions in New York City convened in Union Square and then marched to Wall Street, with 40 people arrested. Thousands marched in Los Angeles.

In the San Francisco Bay Area, Occupy protesters called off their plan to shut down the Golden Gate Bridge, instead joining picket lines organized by labor groups. In Oakland, that city’s reputation for violent protests unfortunately continued as some demonstrators vandalized property and police fired tear gas. San Francisco also experienced vandalism blamed on the Occupy movement.

In Seattle, protesters wore black and ran through streets disrupting traffic and breaking windows. Large protests across South America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia also observed May Day.

Newt in Permanent Suspended Animation

We bid a fond farewell to The Newt, who has suspended his campaign for the Republican nomination after a long career of tearing the fabric of American politics to rags. Does anybody ever just quit the race? Gingrich’s whole campaign was basically an attack on Mitt Romney, and he could not quite bring himself to endorse him.

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This is a Siberian salamander. We just put in the picture because he’s much prettier (and a stronger candidate) than Newt. Photo: BBC.

“As to the presidency, I’m asked sometimes, ‘Is Mitt Romney conservative enough?’ And my answer is simple: Compared to Barack Obama? You know, this is not a choice between Mitt Romney and Ronald Reagan. This is a choice between Mitt Romney and the most radical, leftist president in American history.” We are still parsing that out.

He is trying to make Obama seem like Fidel Castro, when he’s really been the buddy to the banks, the conglomerates and the National Security State.

This leaves Ron Paul, the anti-choice “libertarian,” as the sole challenger to Romney. Paul, a congressman from Texas, has a young, energized cult following. He could end up being a spoiler independent candidate who splits the Republican vote. We shall see what Mercury retrograde on Election Day serves up.


Planet Waves

One Order of Arsenic Fried Rice, Please

Planet Waves
Finally, brown rice gets a bad reputation — it has more arsenic than white rice.

Researchers at Dartmouth College have found high levels of arsenic, a poisonous metallic element, in rice. While the levels are not enough to kill a person quickly, researchers are cautioning against eating a lot of products that may contain rice in several forms — such as brown rice syrup, plus rice flour, plus puffed rice. Arsenic occurs naturally in ground water, and apparently rice has a particular ability to concentrate that element. The situation is worse in brown rice, which has a higher concentration than white rice (the stuff apparently accumulates in the hull).

This is not funny. Rice accounts for 20% of the caloric intake of the human population. The problem first surfaced in Bangladesh, where there are high arsenic levels in the water, and where more health problems have been documented. U.S. rice is also a concern, since rice is often grown in former cotton fields in which arsenic-based pesticides were frequently used.

The concern is greater for babies and children, since they eat more food per pound of body weight, they are growing quickly and are often fed rice cereals and formulas. Two years ago, British authorities told their citizens not to feed rice milk to children as a precaution, but in the U.S., where there are arsenic standards for drinking water but not food, authorities have not made any such statement. The FDA is now sampling rice across the country; the agency said results should be available in a month or two, or at the latest by 2043.


Planet Waves

Pholus Still Dogs Rupert Murdoch and News Corp

Rupert Murdoch’s phone-hacking scandal, which has thrown his media empire in Britain into turmoil, may be reaching American shores. As we suggested in an article last year, the astrology assured us this would be the gift that keeps on giving [read Planet Waves coverage here]. Trying to undo the effects of Pholus (a centaur planet that’s running this scenario) is like trying to stuff shaving cream back into the can, only in this case it’s the biggest scandal in modern media history.

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Rupert has a Pholus problem.

Lawyer Mark Lewis, who helped expose the scandal in Britain, said he is partnering with U.S. lawyer Norman Siegel, who has been investigating the possible hacking of 9/11 victims’ cell phones by the British tabloid News of the World. Lewis told Democracy Now! that many complaints against News Corp in the United States stem from the now-defunct tabloid. There have also been allegations against Fox News and other News Corp holdings.

Lewis said he is now representing four clients who believe their phones were hacked while visiting the United States. Notably, Murdoch is an American citizen. His U.S. holdings also include The New York Post and The Wall Street Journal.

Robert McChesney, co-founder of national media reform organization Free Press, told Democracy Now! this week that the Senate Commerce Committee is giving indications they may follow up on British research to see if News Corp is legally fit to hold 27 broadcast licenses in the U.S. “The idea that [Murdoch] became a Brownie Scout when he crossed the Atlantic from England is absurd,” McChesney said.

“In every known area of his business and professional conduct as corporate manager, everything has pretty much been identical in the United States as Britain, with the exception of the eavesdropping and the wiretapping. We know he is the poster child of crony capitalism, of using his power as a media mogul to press politicians to get sweetheart deals.”


Planet Waves

Beginners Will Get Lucky at UAC

Have you been reading our notices about the UAC conference, finding yourself interested but a little intimidated? Among the many, many workshop offerings, there is a track devoted to novice astrologers called the Beginner’s Sun-Sign Track.

Described as a one-day-only, full-day program, it allows astrological beginners to hear lectures from some of astrology’s leading speakers on entry-level topics. It offers four workshops. Susie’s Sun Signs, presented by Susie Cox, offers a “modern, positive, fresh approach to the basics.” Birthing Venus Within: A Mythological and Elemental Perspective, presented by Barbara Schermer, begins with Botticelli’s Birth of Venus, since the painting marks the moment the goddess “takes on the mantle of the zodiac,” and traces the myth “to understand her manifestation in your own chart.”

Understanding the Planets: From Moon to Pluto by Rick Levine covers the ten traditional planets and how they bring the signs to life. Aspects and Major Configurations by Erin Sullivan breaks down various combinations of planets in a ‘grand’ formation: grand cross; T-square; grand trines; yod; kite configurations, and their relationships. Registration for the rest of the conference includes access to the Sun-Sign track, however this track also has its own separate registration for those who prefer not to attend the rest of UAC.


Planet Waves

In Our Next Episode: How To Stop A War in Lebanon

When you’re a woman living in a country where regular armed conflict keeps claiming the lives of husbands, brothers and sons, what recourse do you have to avoiding more war? Nadine Labaki, writer and director of Where Do We Go Now?, explores the balance between humor and grief in her movie about how creative women might get.

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Scene from “Where Do We Go Now?” by Nadine Labaki.

In the movie, Lebanon’s Oscar 2012 selection, village women resort to all sorts of ploys — including hiring a group of Ukrainian strippers — to keep the men distracted from waging yet another religious war.

Labaki, born in 1974 in Lebanon, describes growing up in that time and place as complicated, with nothing making sense. She cites a situation a few years ago, in which religious conflict escalated into bloody war for a few weeks after two decades of peace, as inspiration — along with the news of her own first child. “The situation is sometimes so absurd that you cannot help but laugh about it. Humor becomes the remedy — the only way to distance yourself from the situation, to measure your flaws and hopefully to start healing.” We learned about her on MSNBC’s Republican morning show this week discussing the film, life in Lebanon and the absurdity of war. (Mika — thanks for getting this on the show.)


Planet Waves

Find Your Current Monthly Horoscopes Here — and Schedule News!

This section also includes the upcoming publishing schedule! The May monthly horoscope (long edition and an article called “The Lighter Side of Taurus”) was published Wednesday evening, April 25. The most recent Inner Space monthly for May was published Tuesday, April 27. We published Genevieve Hathaway’s most recent Moonshine Horoscope (for April) on Tuesday, April 3. There will be a new one this coming Tuesday. All Tuesday editions are now being published to the subscriber area only and no longer being distributed by email. The next monthly horoscope by Eric will be the June edition, to be published the evening of Wednesday, May 23. There will not be a regular edition that week — and there may be additional changes to the schedule due to the UAC conference, which we will be covering on Planet Waves FM.


Planet Waves

A Celestially Auspicious Occasion: Donna Henes Interview

This week’s edition of Planet Waves FM covers the astrology of the Full Moon, and then has one of the most amazing interviews in the history of the program.

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This is a fantastic edition, featuring an interview with Donna Henes, author of the book Celestially Auspicious Occasions. Donna knows a lot about the natural holidays — the equinoxes and solstices, as well as the cross-quarter days (the Pagan high sabbats). We’re now in the season of Beltane so this is the perfect time to have her on the program.
Donna is also the author of Dressing Our Wounds in Warm Clothes and The Queen of My Self: Stepping into Sovereignty in Midlife. I will let this program speak for itself.

Here is your program in the old player, where you’ll find the full archives and a downloadable zip file. You can access many past editions of Planet Waves FM at this link.


Planet Waves

Friday, May 4, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #902 | Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Taurus Birthdays This Week

If your birthday is anywhere in the neighborhood, your solar charts suggest that you’re close to the point of resolving an impasse. This is unlikely to look like the members of a collective bargaining process emerging from the room and holding a press conference. Rather, you are resolving something within yourself, which is good because you need to shift your energy to an even deeper series of changes that’s approaching. For a long time you’ve lived with a split in your reasoning process, your values or your goals. This split has manifested in the outer world in many frustrating ways, and your psyche now has built up significant momentum toward letting that whole scenario go. Most of what you’re encountering in the immediate sense is what I can only describe as the fear of yourself. That could be annoying, considering that you’re the one person you have to live with every day. Taureans are often described as possessive. Here is a clue as to how you can let go of this particular fear: just remember, you cannot possess yourself. To get your full Taurus birthday reading by Eric Francis, you may visit this link.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You seem to have turned a corner this week, after much thought and some agonizing. You were dealing with a situation that went deeper than was obvious on the surface, which was related to a matter of deep healing. You worked out a lot, yet the one question still lingering from that scenario is: what have you learned about how you do endings? And what does that say about how you approach beginnings? And have you been able to identify the connection between the two? One question that your charts are offering involves what you do when you reach an impasse or a mental block of some kind. How do you handle that sensation? The second question involves what you do when you think you lack confidence, or more to the point, when you’ve convinced yourself that you do. Confidence is about having faith, and that is not an option — your only option is where you choose to invest it.

Hello Aries — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Take a practical approach to any situation or challenge in your life, particularly if you reach a point where you don’t know quite what to do. What appears to be an obstacle is not just an opportunity; it’s also the approach to a breakthrough point. While this is not merely a ‘trick of the mind’, how you think about matters profoundly influences how you perceive them, as well as how they develop. I suggest you be wary of any situation that involves a tease, seems out of reach or unavailable (an asteroid called Tantalus showing up vividly in your charts right now). I am not suggesting you avoid or run from any circumstance fitting that description, rather that you apply consciousness and the power of choice. Desire is a beautiful thing, though this is the time to ask yourself whether what you desire will bring you happiness, and if not, what you might choose to further that worthy cause.

Hello Taurus — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed) If you would like to hear your Taurus birthday reading, please visit this link.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Loyalty is only worthwhile to a point. The thing to ask yourself is, in being loyal to someone else, are you betraying yourself? This could be about anyone, though your charts suggest that the situation involves an authority figure, or a parental figure, of some kind. Consider this question carefully, because it illustrates a distinction that’s often blurred or even obscured entirely in the global crisis of self-esteem. I suggest you question the matter of authority, to begin with. If someone has this distinction, how did they get it? Did you grant them any power, did they take it, or was it in the fine print of the relationship agreement? It’s not too late to get out your magnifying glass and read the text carefully. And you’re right on time to make sure that even when you encounter or engage with someone who seems to be more powerful, or in a high station in life, you maintain your position as a fully-fledged human being — but only if you say so.

Hello Gemini — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — This weekend’s Scorpio Full Moon is an invitation to new adventures. The thing about adventures is that they’re not predictable, and there’s often a mix of experiences — though as you’ve learned in the past, it’s silly to let that stop you. It seems like one challenge you’re facing involves acknowledging what is past, and allowing it to be so. Any factor of ‘this cannot be’ or ‘I cannot have this’ is very likely the result of your reaching backwards, rather than embracing the future with an open heart and an open mind. There is also a fear factor involved, or rather what more accurately looks like the fear of fear. Said another way, negative expectations always work against you. While it’s a good idea to ground your positive expectations in something solid, the negative ones serve no useful purpose. They do reveal something useful about your relationship to history, or what may turn out to be ancient history.

Hello Cancer — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Emotional fulfillment really is the challenge here in the Western world. Nearly every external influence we encounter is designed to stoke desire, often to the point where we don’t know what to do with ourselves once one of those desires is met by what might satiate it. I suggest you figure out what to do, if you’re wondering, or if you find yourself pursuing one ‘need’ after the next. Your solar chart illustrates the image of a life that, if not perfect, has many of the necessary elements for contentment. What you might need to do is assemble the ingredients in a mindful way, or at least notice their presence. Often the experience of reaching for more is about reaching for something in the past, which in truth you cannot touch. Yet what surrounds you now is a bold comment on what is possible. Compared to the state of affairs many other places on the planet, you are doing very well. The more open you are to receiving, the more you will feel that.

Hello Leo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Spring Checkpoint: Individual Signs Now Available

We will soon figure out that it’s actually 2012. The recent retrogrades of Mars and Mercury seemed to create a delay, but really this winter and early spring has been a phase of gestation. Over the next four weeks, the energy starts to pick up pace dramatically, and we will discover where we are and that something unusual, and beautiful, is happening.

Even as we approach the truly beautiful potential of the astrology that’s developing, many people are struggling with their day-to-day lives. There are more questions than answers; the economic and political situations seem hopeless; the pace of existence is going so fast that there seems to be nowhere to get in a little meaning, or seek some peace of mind.

Planet Waves

Here is where astrology can help. Astrology looks at the longer cycles, and the deeper themes — and can help you see your life in context of the present moment, no matter how chaotic it may be. Context means a sense of where you fit in that will help you see your potential and make better choices.

For years, I’ve been helping my clients prepare for making the most of the astrology of the 2012 era. Based on this experience, and many years of study, I’ve prepared a set of readings for all 12 signs (and rising signs, and Moon signs) that guides you through this astrology, step by step. I cover the most challenging and energized developments of this spring, which includes eclipses, Venus retrograde, the Venus transit of the Sun, and then a few days after the Sun ingresses Cancer, the Uranus-Pluto square.

Each sign gets a half-hour discussion. These came through loud and clear, with strength and meaning. I spent a week designing and recording them, and I am grateful to be able to offer them to you as a tool to help you guide your decisions, as you seek deeper meaning along your journey.

Spring 2012 is a kind of checkpoint along the way to wherever you are going. But really it’s a calling into the adventure of existence, a bold invitation to go beyond your past limits and explore something truly new about yourself.

Signs are now available individually for an amazingly low price, cheaper than the paper shopping bag costs at Jimmy Choo — order your reading here. The report is getting rave reviews from people who are currently working with it, including these words from a customer named Donna: “OMG — thank you thank you thank you — just spent this morning listening to my [Spring Report] info, and am so blown away by the accuracy (and relief!) in this experience. Thanks so very much for your part in supporting this work and for showing up in the way that you do!”. Here is the link to order.

Please drop us a note if you have any questions.


Eric Francis


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You’ve been cautious about expressing what you want, and about acting on it too boldly — and until now that has been a wise policy. You might say that your desires have been fermenting below the surface of your consciousness, as you’ve worked out the calculus of what amounts to commitment. For most, wanting something, someone or an experience is more like a whim. Your desire nature moves your whole being, and that is what’s happening now. You may have the sensation that you’ve been aggressive about what you want, though I suggest this really isn’t true; for quite a long time you’ve been involved in trying to figure out what direction to go, and giving yourself permission to make a decision. Let that decision guide you; let it be a point of orientation. This will set many things in motion, and eventually you may notice that what you want is moving toward you. It will change in the process: be open to that when you finally meet up with whatever it is.

Hello Virgo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — The thought process of someone close to you seems to be encountering you as an obstacle. Being an accommodating person, this is not an easy situation for you to be in, though you know that you have to hold a limit or set a boundary, and you’re conducting yourself in a way that is arguably mature and grounded. Remember, though, that you’re a work in progress — and just how much progress that implies is something you will discover soon enough. Meanwhile, when someone approaches you with an idea, please be open minded. You don’t have to respond like a parent talking to a child; you can take a more playful or experimental approach. Imagine that you live in a vastly larger world, among more people with whom you are truly in affinity. Imagine if you really lived the truth that anything is possible. Then, you might recognize that any idea could potentially be a brilliant idea.

Hello Libra — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — In order to be in a relationship with someone, it’s necessary to be at peace with who they are, which covers many levels of existence. It’s also necessary to be at peace with what their existence reveals about you, which is another way of saying being comfortable in your own skin. That said, I would propose that you be careful and aware in any situation where you have a long list of misgivings. The solution to everything is not to fix it or work it out or make it better. Sometimes the solution is to recognize that there’s an incompatibility, and use that as your new starting point. And, sometimes you will actually find yourself in a situation where you can know that there is a connection that can develop. Remember, though, that the first step is to get over your own insecurities, which I know is a tall order on this particular planet at this particular time. Yet events this weekend seem custom-designed to help you do just that — and then make a decision about where you really stand.

Hello Scorpio — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Set your course toward something more than survival, or enduring a less-than-perfect situation. In fact you do endure and you do make the most of your circumstances, though the time has arrived to take a more generous approach to existence. I would call your attention to a possible feeling or notion that a particular realm of emotional contact is somehow off limits to you. By that I mean emotional on the erotic side of the spectrum, where the deepest exchange is possible. There are many factors that could lead to this fear, though none of them actually limit you: the only things that do are your own unacknowledged beliefs. When you discover one of those beliefs, which might poke its head up for a fleeting moment, take a good look at it and ask yourself what it is. Then make up your mind about whether it’s true. The past may be the most dependable predictor of the future, but if you make that a way of life, nothing will ever change.

Hello Sagittarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — How do you respond when others act like they are totally insecure? It’s tricky enough to even notice when this is happening. People display their neuroses in all kinds of creative ways, sometimes as bravado, sometimes as approach-avoid behavior, and sometimes as inconsistency. Often to figure out what’s going on below the surface, it’s necessary to be truly discerning, which means to see past your own subtle fears. It’s even safe to assume that people are going to be coming from an unstable or uncertain place, expecting the world to count them out of the game. The more encouraging you are, the more willing they will be to reveal their vulnerability, and thus take a step into authenticity with you. You can, with no damage to yourself, define one of your primary roles as being supportive of the ideas and plans of others — even if it’s moral support you’re offering. This will take a lot of pressure off of your social environment.

Hello Capricorn — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Unfortunately, the term ‘unconditional love’ rarely means what it purports to say. It represents an ideal, and we may indeed get there — but for now, I suggest that you be fully aware of, and honest about, any conditions you have on any of the intimate situations in your life. This is not about being mean or controlling; it’s about being real with yourself, which is the one and only prerequisite to being real with others. Understanding your conditions means understanding your values. There is a direct connection between the two concepts; one is the outer expression of the other. By bringing these things to the surface of your awareness, you will be able to make better decisions — and you seem to be considering an important one now. Here is one specific theme to add to that equation: are you hesitating because a risk you took in the past did not work out? What is your relationship to this whole business of taking chances?

Hello Aquarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You may feel a standoff coming, though that’s not necessary if you keep your focus, speak your truth and refuse to allow fear to guide your actions. With those few objectives as your point of origin, there’s little that can stop you from doing what you want, harming no one and with a clear conscience. You may experience the events of the next week or so as a test of your integrity. Or you may be treated to an adventure that’s the reward of the work you’ve done going back many months — a phase of true achievement. One thing your charts indicate is that you’re discovering what it’s like to be met with energy similar to your own, whether in personal relationships or creative collaborations. Said another way, your charts are developing into an extended point of contact with the world around you, which holds the opportunity for you to express your potential in ways that are truly meaningful.

Hello Pisces — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for May 2012

Dear Friend and Reader:

The Sun is now in Taurus. May is the month of Beltane, that Pagan holiday that blends sex and money (which I’ve just introduced on the Planet Waves daily edition — additional coverage all week). The usual date for celebrating this ancient holiday is May 5. This combination of themes isn’t as strange an idea as it sounds, when you consider it in the context of fertilizing the fields with love and passion — the fields that will feed the community for the next year. Also in May, Venus stations retrograde. That happens in Gemini on the 15th, and it’s an invitation to review our history of love, and the odd tendency we might have to feel two ways about ourselves or people we care about. Venus retrograde leads directly to the Venus transit of the Sun on June 5. This is a rare event — the next one happens in 2117.


Eric Francis


Planet Waves

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for May 2012 | Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Finally, you can make some progress, though lately it’s felt like catching up. That still counts. Don’t skip steps — make each decision carefully, focus on the details and don’t lose sight of the big picture. Elements of your astrology are making you restless, as if you have the feeling that something big is about to happen. You need to coexist as peacefully as you can with that sensation, and keep your focus on what you’re doing, what you’re planning and what you know is necessary. Integrity is crucial now, but I’ll remind you that integrity means integrated: the different aspects of your life working together, rather than separately or against one another. Part of making that happen means standing as a strong, focused center of your experience, and more precisely, the innovator of your own life.

Hello Aries — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Remember what is important to you. Remember, and at the same time, learn. There is a message in your chart about seeing the other side of something — a way of life, an idea about yourself, a basic value you hold. You’re not typically given to exploring what you think is precisely opposite what you might normally do, though this would be an exceptionally healthy thing to work into your routines. You’re about to see how valuable it is when you can step out of your point of view and consider what you might have considered strange, threatening or irrelevant in the past. This is just one of many occasions you will have to reinvent yourself from the inside out. True freedom is based on your ability to adapt to your circumstances and your desires.

Hello Taurus — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to explore your Taurus 2012 birthday reading, here is the link to learn more.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — There’s an actual conversation going on within your soul space — not the usual gossip. You seem to be making an agreement with yourself about what it means to feel good about your existence. You’re working out this dialog in the midst of a world that seems to go increasingly mad — and the most reassuring thing you can learn is that you’re not crazy. One hint I can offer is, don’t try to understand what makes no sense at all. Perhaps understanding will come, but I suggest you focus on what you recognize inherently, and what speaks to you in a language you comprehend. You may always feel like you have two distinct entities living in your psyche, though the difference now is that one is willing to listen to the other.

Hello Gemini — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Something special happens this month — the Scorpio Full Moon coincides with Beltane, to the day. The chart looks like you become a magnet for many things that exist outside you or your personal space, that you would like to invite into your life more closely. This is absolutely positively the time to stay visible and be social, and to approach anyone you’re attracted to with confidence. Not everyone is going to respond — but that leaves many other possibilities. Keep the conversation moving. There’s an old rule about cocktail parties, where you’re supposed to circulate and not speak to anyone for more than five minutes. This allows you to taste the energy of many different people, while keeping the social environment light and flexible. From these encounters you will notice who you want and who wants you. Go for mutual — really, truly mutual.

Hello Cancer — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The Sun reaches one of the peaks of its path through the seasons this month, arriving at the hotspot in your house of career, reputation and noteworthy success. This could have the effect of bringing what seemed like promise and potential to life. Therefore, I suggest you try your luck when it comes to anything involving the work you do or the reputation you have. Make contact with those who are in a position to help; they will be impressed by your sincerity and solid values. Current developments are as much about what you’ve accomplished in the past as they are about your potential now; right now the two are closely related. Keep your eyes on your vision of what is possible, which is to say — stretch a little and reach for what you think might be impossible.

Hello Leo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


If you have more questions than answers, consider this.

We will soon figure out that it’s actually 2012. The recent retrogrades of Mars and Mercury seemed to create a delay, but really this winter and early spring has been a phase of gestation. Over the next four weeks, the energy starts to pick up pace dramatically, and we will discover where we are and that something unusual, and beautiful, is happening.

Even as we approach the truly beautiful potential of the astrology that’s developing, many people are struggling with their day-to-day lives. There are more questions than answers; the economic and political situations seem hopeless; the pace of existence is going so fast that there seems to be nowhere to get in a little meaning, or seek some peace of mind.

Planet Waves

Here is where astrology can help. Astrology looks at the longer cycles, and the deeper themes — and can help you see your life in context of the present moment, no matter how chaotic it may be. Context means a sense of where you fit in that will help you see your potential and make better choices.

For years, I’ve been helping my clients prepare for making the most of the astrology of the 2012 era. Based on this experience, and many years of study, I’ve prepared a set of readings for all 12 signs (and rising signs, and Moon signs) that guides you through this astrology, step by step. I cover the most challenging and energized developments of this spring, which includes eclipses, Venus retrograde, the Venus transit of the Sun, and then a few days after the Sun ingresses Cancer, the Uranus-Pluto square.

I suggest you get this report in its current form, where you have access to all 12 signs. This way, you will be able to listen to your Sun, Moon and ascendant, and gain added depth. You can listen to your opposite sign and learn something about how this astrology will influence your relationships. Each sign gets a half-hour discussion. These came through loud and clear, with strength and meaning. I spent a week designing and recording them, and I am grateful to be able to offer them to you as a tool to help you guide your decisions, as you seek deeper meaning along your journey.

Spring 2012 is a kind of checkpoint along the way to wherever you are going. But really it’s a calling into the adventure of existence, a bold invitation to go beyond your past limits and explore something truly new about yourself.

All 12 signs are now available for $19.95. Later this week, they will go on sale for $9.95 each with no discount for multiple signs. The report is getting rave reviews from people who are currently working with it, including these words from a customer named Donna: “OMG — thank you thank you thank you — just spent this morning listening to my [Spring Report] info, and am so blown away by the accuracy (and relief!) in this experience. Thanks so very much for your part in supporting this work and for showing up in the way that you do!”. Here is the link to order.

Individual signs will be available soon — please drop us a note if you want to be notified of when, or if you have any other questions.


Eric Francis


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Mars is now traveling direct in your birth sign, after a long spell of retrograde motion. You are now doing a lot better at working with yourself: at making goals and moving efficiently in whatever direction you set. This month you have a lot of support in doing that. What is most boldly emphasized is your long-term, long-range vision for yourself. Think in terms of the best possible outcomes. Allow yourself to think big, mainly by setting aside any concerns about the details that might hold you back. Once you catch the wind at your back, those details will not seem nearly as meaningful or significant, but you’ll take care of them just as well. The key is not letting any form of worry get in the way of what you want. Perhaps a tall order — but right now, not really.

Hello Virgo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — An old expression goes, “You cannot be fully committed part of the time.” Therefore, allow yourself to be fully committed all of the time. Set aside the idea that life is full of contradictions and paradoxes, and recognize the ways that your different talents, ambitions and favorite activities support one another. Right now many people are living with the sensation of ‘so much to do, I don’t know where to start’. Therefore, the most meaningful thing you can do is start, and keep track of where you are with each item on your agenda. Gradual progress on each item on a daily or weekly basis will be enough — for now. There will be a time when you select certain projects or goals and really accomplish something, but that moment is still a few weeks off.

Hello Libra — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — What has seemed like an impasse in your life the past few months is about to burst into more movement than you’ve experienced any time lately. You may feel like you’re exceeding your speed limit or some unspoken agreement that seems to limit your happiness. No such agreement is binding you today — though it may seem like one is, if you worry too much about how others perceive you. This is a message you’ve been getting over and over again — focus on people, not what you suspect their concepts might be. If you have a mission to accomplish or a role to play, the opinions of others matter not — the only thing that you need to concern yourself with is feeling confident you’re doing the right thing. You should know — you’ve thought about it long enough.

Hello Scorpio — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You’ve been incredibly patient for a Sagittarius, especially during the past three months. You haven’t lost any ground — everyone else has been involved in their own version of working through seeming setbacks. I know that you keep getting handed these tests of your focus and attention to detail, and yet you may be discovering that it’s within your nature to work things out until they are just exactly right. This comes with a certain kind of pleasure, and the feeling of control — though when the moment arrives to let go and take your chances, I suggest that you do so boldly. You may soon encounter what looks like a narrow opportunity, the kind you have to fit sideways to get into. Yet you’re more likely to experience that as an invitation than as a deterrent.

Hello Sagittarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Remember that God isn’t always watching you. You’ve heard that ‘He’ is lots of times, and at least let’s consider that it’s a disturbing thought; what you do isn’t anybody’s business but your own. That is, it’s not if you don’t make it so; therefore, take your space. You might actually have to do something like experiment and consider the consequences later — if there are any. That’s the problem with thinking you’re being spied on: guilt makes it difficult to know what you’re really entitled to experience. Therefore you have to stretch that particular boundary and see what you discover once you do. One risk you run is the discovery that you could have had a lot more pleasure in your life, which I would rate as a positive, given that you’re still very much alive.

Hello Capricorn — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — If you have any fear of settling down into a space you love, now is the time to get over it. I am picking up some kind of ‘security phobia’ in your charts, as if when faced with the potential to be comfortable and set up in a solid place, you get nervous. You may not have always been this way, and I suggest you remind yourself of a time in your life when that was not the case. Part of any anxiety about things being good is an acknowledgment of how badly things can go on this planet; therefore it sometimes feels better to live as if they’re already that way. Though as Lou Reed has said (and I know I’ve quoted this before), you can’t count on the worst always happening. True fact — it hardly ever happens. Therefore, relax and discover.

Hello Aquarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You have not lost your magic touch — in fact you’re about to discover just how much stronger it’s become. One thing I suggest is that you concentrate your energies. Stay grounded; stay on-task. For the moment, you might consider remaining close to home so that you don’t distract yourself with the need to adjust or adapt to externals. If you are selecting from among creative projects, focus on the most daring, dangerous or experimental. If you are selecting from among relationship opportunities, focus on the desire that feels right, and that speaks to you the most clearly. Everything that’s right and true is going to have that sensation of concern that it’s a little out of bounds, a little too much. That’s the idea: keep your connection to the dark side, so that you can keep your connection to the light.

Hello Pisces — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).