Yearly Archives: 2012

Inner Space — and the 2013 Annual

Dear Friend and Reader:

We are still on our holiday schedule as I finish your readings for 2013 — part of LISTEN, our annual edition. (That link takes you to the page with the subscriber discount — 12 signs for the price of three.) Today we have the Inner Space horoscope, published below in this issue.

Planet Waves
Photo by Dawn.

Planet Waves annual editions include my extended written interpretations, audio readings and articles by a diversity of talented authors. Now in its 14th year, the Planet Waves annual has become the gold standard in year-ahead astrology readings. This is a separate purchase from your regular subscription, designed to be affordable and worth far more than the price — which is substantially discounted for subscribers.

This year’s annual includes music by Renee Blue O’Connell. Every sign has its own theme music, which you get in its entirety.

We’ve sent out the audio segments for review, and have begun to hear back. One reviewer wrote:

I used to be astounded by these but am no longer. You just nail shit. (So I listen.) I tend to trust, weigh, incorporate, figure in (I think it really does help to have a larger, many-years-long view); even the parts that I might rather not know.

I do what most Sun-sign astrologers do not do: create readings that treat each sign as though I’m discussing a personal chart with a client. The results feel like an intimate conversation, as our customers often articulate:

Eric…Wow…as an Aries I was truly blown away by how on point this was for me right now! Multiple times you seemed to directly answer some questions I have been pondering in a way that made me feel like we were having a two-way conversation, which I might add was very surprising as well as impressive.

This accuracy is not an accident. It’s the result of my developing my talent with passion, and being as attuned to the human realm as I am to the celestial one. Another reviewer wrote:

AMAZING. You rock. I am thoroughly impressed with your homing in to particular points and aspects, with each sign I’ve listened to having a handful of elements you really go through. Any notes I made you cover anyway in the small snippet I’ve listened to. I highly recommend everyone listens to all the signs. … The length, depth and practicality of what you present is perfect; I hope you don’t edit them down!

She added:

I LOVE the music and artwork, and the selection of articles look FANTASTIC. I will be back!

Planet Waves
Original art by Debra Cortese.

Ultimately, the production of such useful, relevant readings depends on the ongoing participation of my readers and listeners; in exchange, I pour my heart and soul into an annual project that will guide you for the entire year (and several to come).

You’re invited to listen to three of the preview audio samples referred to in the testimonials, plus a featured music sample. Either way, be sure to take advantage of our subscriber discount on LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. We’re still offering all 12 signs for the price of three so you can check out your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones).

Once the annual comes out, the 12 signs will only be available separately, and then the written and the audio will be separated out. You can order all 12 signs now, or pick them up a la carte in a couple of weeks. Whatever has been going on for you these past few intense weeks, hang in there. 2013 is right around the corner, and this year’s annual, LISTEN, will be available soon to help you hear clearly whatever it is that is calling to you.

With love,

Planet Waves



Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

The January monthly horoscope was published Friday, Dec. 21. Inner Space for December was published Tuesday, Nov. 27. I recommend reviewing the monthly horoscope at the end of the month. The Inner Space horoscope for January is published below in this issue; we are continuing the break from regular subscriber issues to work on the 2013 annual edition. The next full edition of Planet Waves will be Friday, Jan. 11. The December Moonshine Horoscope was published Tuesday, Dec. 18. Please note that the longer monthly horoscope is being incorporated into the Friday issue after the Sun has entered a new sign; a new Inner Space is still emailed on the following Tuesday, with an exception this month due to the Christmas holiday.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for January 2013 #932 | By Eric Francis

Breaking News: The world did not end on Dec. 21, 2012. Mars, the planet of drive and desire, will square Saturn, the planet of structure, on Jan. 7. This looks like some kind of group consensus building where, when emotional and erotic energy is involved, there is only so far stuffing things down can go; eventually the container fills up. Group opinion, described by Mars in Aquarius, is saying that it’s time to break free against the constraints of Saturn in Scorpio. Beware of emotional frustration, or conforming without careful thought to what you think others want. The Sun is now in Capricorn, where we’ll experience a New Moon on Jan. 11. The corresponding Leo Full Moon occurs Jan. 26. All of the inner planets are moving in direct motion. Jupiter is currently retrograde in Gemini, and stations direct on Jan. 30, where it will sail clear across that sign in one final go, and ingress Cancer (one of its home signs) on June 25.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You don’t need validation from others to renegotiate a relationship arrangement; this is between you and the person you’re involved with. Yet you may be influenced by the opinions of your friends, or what you perceive as public opinion. Monitor this factor carefully, even if you think that it doesn’t apply. Much of what people do in their one-on-one relationships is influenced or even dictated by presumed norms of their social circle, or what they read in magazines. The kinds of relationships we have, why we have them and who we have them with are all under this influence. In the best-case scenario, you may be about to break free of both the views of others and the constraints of an intimate partnership. Make sure that your intentions are what actually guides your life.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — There is no suppressing passion, though many have tried to harness its energy for purposes other than enjoyment and creativity. Have you noticed that there’s not one religion that suggests that the love of humans for one another is more important than God? Given that the existence of other humans is a proven part of daily life, we have reason to question this kind of philosophical dictate — but only if we notice it. Speaking of the relationship between love, passion and religion, you seem to be ready to ignite the karma of very old patterns that have held you down for so long.
You’ve certainly done plenty of questioning what you’ve been told, though now you’re in a position to directly challenge these instructions and patterns with your actual feelings, your body and your soul. Forget the theory; go into the experience directly.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — If you want depth, you don’t have to dig or blast. The way is open, and you’re being invited in. This is a different kind of intimacy from what you may have known before.
The one-on-one concept of closeness still exists, though in the context of other forms of contact. I suggest you take a gentle and exploratory approach to the events of the next few weeks, placing emphasis on opening up the possibilities rather than closing them off. If you remain open to experience, and stay alert, this journey will reveal how much potential there is in the realm of relationships. I would remind you that it’s easy for old patterns to have an undue influence on new opportunities that you’ve never experienced — and that’s the very pattern this experience can take you beyond.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Plenty seems to be changing in your life, but is it really happening to you? It would seem that most of what is moving is focused on the lives and situations of others, and being the sensitive person you are, you need to exercise choice over your involvement. There will be situations involving intimate partners where you will have a direct role, and even there, it’s important that you recognize your limited involvement. This will help matters rather than hinder them. Part of your value in the situation is expressing empathy and holding space, while not being too wrapped up in it. Learning this skill may be one of the central ‘lessons’ of this lifetime. To safely assist and facilitate the processes of others, a measure of objectivity is required, and as you know, that is easier said than done.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Building your foundations is directly related to your healing process. This in turn is directly related to your ability to structure your work and accomplish what you set out to do every day. These are practical matters, not merely emotional or intellectual notions. Your mode of development and expression is as much in physical space and time as it is an ‘inner reality’, to which healing is so often relegated. You’re at the beginning of this particular process; what you’re doing now is building the foundation for much that will follow. There is a relationship between your physical space, your emotional space and your growth process. One theme is how you define security, and this is rapidly evolving. That at the moment it involves the space you occupy conceals a deeper truth — the one about the roots of your soul.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).

Planet Waves



Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — It sometimes takes a push for you to break free from your cautious or retreating nature and take a chance. I’m not even talking about a very big chance; I mean breaking free of a familiar pattern long enough for something new to happen. Well, you’re in a heck of a moment to establish something strong, solid, original and genuinely creative. It’s as if your life cracks open and is revealed to be an egg, from which something truly beautiful hatches. That something would be you, with newborn passion for your presence on the planet and what you came here to do. Who needs enlightenment when you can devote yourself to having fun, in connection to a useful purpose? I recognize you have too many memories of living ways other than this, though they seem to be fading fast.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Those who strive for security tend to create false security rather than establish the conditions that would support actual confidence. Skip the externals, for now; work at making peace with the mixed-up, antiquated ideas that you got from your family as a kid and young adult. Some of those people had no idea what it means to be secure on the planet, though fair to say, few people really do. You seem determined to find out; and you’re in the perfect position to do so. One thing you may learn is that feeling grounded involves accepting the fact that the Earth is moving, that it is a work in progress and that you are a work in progress. But there is such a thing as relatively solid ground — and as the next few weeks progress you are likely to discover a few places that match this description.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You have a lot of options open, including making some big moves with relative ease. There is a flow between the most personal aspects of your psyche and some of the most worldly, professional ones. There is a blend of the evolutionary impulse, deep instinct and a kind of freemason-like ability to structure the physical world. This is to say, you can make the decisions you’ve been wanting to make for a while, and you don’t need to worry if they are too big. Once you make these particular choices, and address the changes that are involved in following through with them, you will see that in fact they were relatively minor and mainly served to improve your life and build your confidence, so that you can make even more significant adjustments over the course of the next year.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You now get to focus on money — perhaps in the most meaningful way ever. You get to make up for a lot of past mistakes this month, and do something with the whole “if I only knew then what I know now” thing. And it’s true, this is about what you do with knowledge, in particular, knowledge of your priorities. If you have conscious priorities, you’re so far ahead of the game, you would be shocked. If you develop them over time (which you do) you are at a significant advantage, and if you put your knowledge into action, you have what it takes to do this thing called succeed. Yet the name of the tune is succeeding at what is the most meaningful to you. And to do that, you have to be aware what that thing is.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You have incredible strength to draw on now. It’s coming from a diversity of sources, though one of the most powerful is from devotion. We’ve all heard that the reward of patience is more patience, which is not exactly encouraging, since that perhaps implies some shade of not getting what you want, or delaying gratification (which would be a brilliant thing, in modern Western society). Your devotion, however, is the source of your potency, and that devotion is driven by genuine affection. What the charts are suggesting is that you will be changed by this process, and so too will the people you are close to. There is something here about breaking through the facade of existence and opening yourself up to the core of what it means to be alive in a fully committed way.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — We all have secrets, and yours are pretty interesting. The ones that you would think are likely to make you feel the most guilty for revealing are actually those most likely to stir up your passion. They are the most nourishing and (dare I suggest) empowering. Don’t keep this stuff to yourself. Find people to share your most intimate thoughts with, and keep letting it out, engaging in an actual dialog with those who want to know you and, for that matter, those who express any interest. The release of pressure will remind you that you’re a whole person with nothing to hide. That, in turn, will help you feel more comfortable in your skin, which will increase your sense of presence and stature. In other words, keeping secrets is not good for success. Feeling good is excellent for it, though.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — It’s time to start focusing your energy. I suggest you begin that focusing project at home, as New Year’s cleaning and organizing. For good luck, collect everything you don’t need and give it away or throw it out. The next step is focusing your social energy. You are in high-visibility, open-access season right now as the Sun transits through Capricorn, so you may be a little overwhelmed. I suggest that everyone in your life have their specific purpose, even if that purpose is ‘good company’. I know that that functionality is not high on most people’s social agenda, but it is on yours. One other thing: the line between lovers and friends is as permeable as it will ever be right now. There is a space open for deep exchange. Keep an open mind and an open heart.

Order your 2013 reading from Eric Francis now, in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. As a subscriber you can still get all 12 signs for the price of three. This is a detailed written and audio reading that you will love. You can also purchase signs one at a time (including audio and written, prior to our splitting those two products).


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We’re About to Go Off the Map

Dear Friend and Reader:

The third week of December has been, at least, the last week of the Mayan 13th baktun — a span of time within the Long Count that dates back to 3114 BCE, or 5,125 years. By human standards, that’s a vast reach, encompassing 1,872,000 days. A baktun is 144,000 days, though it’s not the longest measure of time that the Mayans used; there are several longer ones documented, including a piktun, though there is a controversy — we don’t know for sure if a piktun is 13 baktuns or 20 of them. Either way, time goes on, and so too does the Mayan calendar.

Yet if the 13th baktun, which ends today [see SKY section], is the end of the piktun, which I believe it is, then 12/21/12 was the culmination of a significant cycle, constituting one-fifth of the Great Cycle — the precession of the equinoxes — 25,625 years. The Mayans knew about the precession of the equinoxes, and they knew about a lot of things it took our scientists centuries to figure out, such as the Galactic Core, which had a central place in their mythology. It contained the gateway to the underworld.

Planet Waves

One reason I give the Mayan calendar a little extra weight is because it’s an indigenous creation of the Americas. It’s how the most advanced ancient civilization we know of here thought of time, and devised the elegantly beautiful systems of mathematics to keep track of it. Their ability to end the cycle in a year with a transit of Venus, one of their favorite events (back in June) and to land on the winter solstice is truly impressive and worth taking note of.

I think that these things, whether consciously or not, influenced not just the popularity of 12/21/12 but the subtle respect that many people seemed to feel about it.

In Mayan tradition, the end of an era would be a cause for celebration. A baktun is 394 years, far longer than a human lifetime, and we made it. This era started in 1618, shortly after the founding of the Dutch East India Company, at the dawn of colonial times. [Related article here.]

Since then, we in North America have endured a Book of Revelation-induced mass exodus from Europe, a holocaust of the buffalo and many native tribes, slavery, being pioneers on the prairie, the Wild West, a war between the states, the Dust Bowl, the Great Depression, nonstop war in the 20th century, 140 air burst nuclear bombs over the Southwest, the contamination of our entire continent (and the world) with PCBs and dioxin, repeated nuclear accidents, the rigging of the planet with hydrogen bombs, too many drunk or otherwise incompetent drivers, and the dawn of the GMO era.

Sounds like a good excuse for a party. We are doing fantastic. Today I am baking a cake and finishing up my list of resolutions for the new baktun, and a separate list for the new piktun. This is a special moment.

There is another model called the Mayan time pyramid that says something similar. This is arranged in layers, each layer up being more recent and 20 times shorter than the previous one. The base layer is a little over 16 billion years. The next layer up was 828 million years, the next one up was 41 million years, and so on upward in reverse exponential form. Each time pulse contained a certain amount of experience equivalent to the one that follows, but in 1/20th the span of time.

Planet Waves

The one at the top of the pyramid began March 8, 2011 and lasted 234 days. That might explain why 2011 felt the way that it did: like everything happened all at once. I am not sure where this model comes from or how well it can be verified, but I think it’s a really interesting concept of time, and it helps explain why it does feel like we have exponentially more to do every few years. That helps explain why every new, faster model of computer is slower than the previous one, or why it seems like I have to write the monthly horoscope more often than the weekly.

And this model, too, suggests that we’re off the map; we made that particular jump in late 2011. It does not directly correspond to the Long Count that turned over on Dec. 21, 2012, but it’s close.

As for the Long Count: the last week before the solstice has been a compressed moment; an eternity lived out in a week. It was to be, by any estimation, a special week, a kind of bellwether of what was to come, and an indicator of where we were at. The conditions at the end of one cycle often point to the conditions at the beginning of the next, and vice versa. So these have been seven days worth looking at carefully, and remembering for what we learned during them.

They began on Dec. 14 with the massacre at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. This was, said The Nation, the 16th mass shooting in the United States since the beginning of the year. We watched and grieved the burial of 20 kids, ages six and seven, as well as six of the adults whose job it was to take care of them. We got a look into the dark world of the household from where this well of death had sprung.

During that final pulse of the 13th baktun, we saw every problem our society faces flash by before our eyes, through our minds, and weigh heavily on our hearts. The Onion even parodied this: “In Wake of Tragedy, Americans Demand Reform of Everything, Anything.”

The shooting was one of the most appalling ever, killing mostly kids six and seven years old, and it demanded an explanation. Bob Geldof’s line, “And he can see no reasons ’cause there are no reasons” was no longer good enough. Nothing happens for no reason. For every effect there is a cause — which I believe is the spiritual lesson that we in the United States need to learn more than any other. So, I went looking for the cause.

After so many other shootings with the same MO, the lone gunman version of events was starting to feel implausible. Over the summer, after the shooting at the Milwaukee Sikh temple, I had begun to consider the potential for a relationship between the events. That’s usually, or nearly always, what it is, right? A solitary nutcase who, of his own accord, with no help from anyone, ruins everything.

Planet Waves

Therefore, I spent a good part of the following weekend researching the basic facts and many different conspiracy theories about the most recent incident, in Connecticut. I don’t like speculative constructions of events, but I had a reason to check them out as best I could, after ironing out the basic facts. Even the basic facts proved to be challenging because details of the story changed a number of times during the first few days.

Meanwhile, the astrological chart for the shooting, set for 9:35 am the morning of Dec. 14, was not, so far as I could read it, the chart of a ‘lone gunman’ at work. The planets were concentrated in the public sectors of the chart, the 10th and 11th houses, and there was a strange cluster in the house of secrets and secret enemies — the 12th. There seemed to be collaboration.

And, there were theories of people working together. The most outrageous of these linked the shooting in Aurora, CO, back in July, plus the killing of two kids by a nanny who then killed herself, to the one in Newtown, CT, by way of men involved (in all cases, fathers) purportedly being “about to testify” before the U.S. Senate about the vast, far-reaching and underreported LIBOR scandal, said to be one of the biggest financial heists ever. This link seemed beyond any possible credulity.

However, 1) people do kill over these things and 2) the astrology presented a question. It was easy, following basic rules of reading a chart, to see a government and/or corporate connection. There were financial connections and corporate connections indicated in the chart as well.

Every planet seemed to have a relationship to every other planet. There seemed to be a secret co-conspirator, which doesn’t fit with a lone gunman. The cause of death included meticulous planning and was not a spontaneous act; yet once it started, it was an uncontrolled release of energy. The chart, with a prominent Mercury (similar to the chart for Sept. 11, 2001), described a message. That message seemed to either come from far away, or be global in nature. In short, you could read this chart in such a way that could encompass any of the darkest possibilities, including being a false-flag event: that is, something with a cause bearing no resemblance to what we were being told.

Planet Waves

At the same time, the chart also supported the psychological health issues that were coming out in the official version of events, the sense of wounding and the isolation of the alleged gunman; there is a mother, who shows up in the chart as recently killed, but also as a collaborator. There was the involvement of drugs. A New Moon the previous day was conjunct planets that I had summed up as describing the unmitigated release of evil that shattered the family structure, a valid description of this event on the most basic level.

In other words, both versions of the scenario fit: some deep, dark and sinister conspiracy, as well as an eminently private set of circumstances involving individuals with really serious problems. The scenario fit something happening in a deeply secretive space, a description which we learned was true of the perpetrator’s household. Working with a researcher, we dismantled both the official version of events and the various theories, and at the end of this process, the official version is what withstood the scrutiny better than the theories — that is, based on the available facts. There are still a few things I am questioning, based on the fact pattern and my knowledge of history.

It started to occur to me that the public’s obsession over conspiracy theories — which was impressive in this situation — serves a psychological purpose: distraction from the serious issues at hand, and abdication of responsibility. If this was a government hit, that implies this was something we have no control over, no power to do anything about. Yet investigating the theories pushes the mind open and compels objectivity.

After a while, the official version started to make more sense; the element that pulled the whole scenario into focus for me was that the shooter’s mother was a Prepper — that is, a doomsday survivalist whose preparations for civil disorder included a small arsenal, complete with a .223 Bushmaster, the equivalent of an M4 assault rifle. The psychology of the shooter seems to have emerged from a world of fear and pain and spiraling paranoia.

Planet Waves

Yet I was still left with a chart that described something vast, where all the parts were interrelated; a chart that described something much larger. Then a wider scenario began to emerge.

On the most obvious level, it included government policy that allowed these weapons in the hands of people. This in turn contributed to a state of paranoia that, if not culture-wide, is characteristic of a vast subculture, where these powerful weapons are presumed to be kept at the ready for use against the government in some kind of presumed defensive episode or insurrection.

The emerging scenario from within the alleged shooter’s household included the possibility, indeed the high likelihood, of prescription meds used by the killer, which points directly to the pharmaceutical industry. These meds can make a person extremely sick, and switching from one to another can do genuine damage to a person’s neurology.

Next, we have what typically happens to young people, especially young boys: they are exposed to a lot of violence through every possible avenue, from movies to television to news programs to video games. To grow up today is to see tens of thousands of simulated deaths, and not Wile E. Coyote falling off a cliff.

Then there was the angle of a government that kills a lot of people, including children. The United States’ 22-year war against Iraq comes to mind — the one that began during Bush I, continued through Clinton, was escalated again through Bush II and extended into the Obama administration. During the Clinton years, the U.S. and the U.K. regularly bombed Iraq, including water treatment plants, the loss of which caused children to drink contaminated water and contract cholera.

Then-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was asked on 60 Minutes whether the resulting loss of 500,000 Iraqi children on her watch was worth it, and she said that it was. When the government sets an example like this — and there have been many of them — it’s not surprising when that example extends into the well-armed population. Indeed, from an honest look at society, it’s sincerely amazing that these kinds of massacres don’t happen every single day of the week.

Planet Waves

With a little perspective, the systemic level of the problem became obvious. There was a conspiracy, composed of many facts of our lives.

And, remarkably, I heard that being discussed. I saw, at least among the people I know and the public that I serve, the awareness emerge that the killings must stop and that part of that involves gun control, and part involves raising awareness and addressing all the other problems that contributed to this school massacre, and other related crimes. It involves seeing the ‘unintentional conspiracy’ of the society in which we live. And that has started to come into focus.

Said another way, what seemed to emerge during the last week of the 13th baktun was the awareness of a relationship between an effect and the cause that preceded it; as well as an awareness of the problems that we face on a systemic level.

The world, so far anyway, has not ended on Dec. 21, 2012. There was not, that I could discern, a merger with the 5th dimension, inducing spontaneous enlightenment. But there seemed to be, on a level that to my perception was more than vague or ephemeral, a clear look at the process of karma — an understanding that the conditions of society have consequences in society, for all of us.

I don’t believe in panaceas, and I may not be spiritually advanced enough to believe that deeply entrenched problems, whether personal or cultural, will just work themselves out spontaneously. I do believe in starting places, and if we got there, if we got to the point where we can see the interrelation of complex causes, and understand that there is a result that manifests, that’s a really good place to enter a new era in history.

Assuming we keep hold of this thought, it’s all we really need to go forward in the direction of a future different from the past.


About the Images Above

Illustrations above are from the Dresden Codex, a Mayan document and the oldest known book created in the Americas. It originates to the 11th or 12th century of the Yucatecan Maya in Chichen Itza. This Maya codex is believed to be a copy of an original text of some three or four hundred years earlier, made during the classical era.

It contains astronomical tables of great accuracy. It is most famous for its Lunar Series and Venus table. The Lunar Series has intervals correlating with eclipses. The Venus Table correlates with the apparent movements of the planet. The codex also contains almanacs, astronomical and astrological tables, and ritual schedules. There are no advertisements.

The Dresden Codex also includes instructions concerning New Year ceremonies as well as descriptions of the Rain God’s locations.

Text design and selection of codex details is by Sarah Bissonnette-Adler.



Planet Waves

New Baktun Eve: 13th Baktun Ends Today

Friday is the last day of the 13th baktun of the Mayan Long Count. A baktun is 144,000 days long; the one that ends today began in September 1618 [see related article]. Today may also be the end of the next longer measure of time — a piktun, which I believe to be the measure of 13 baktuns or one-fifth of the Great Cycle — the precession of the equinoxes, or 25,625 years.

Planet Waves
Painting using a color archeologists call Mayan blue, which is very bright and lasts for centuries.

Note, the new cycle has not begun; the old one ends today. This is similar to 2000 being the last year of the 20th century. The ’20’ in ’20th century’ manifested in the form of 2000 in the last year of that century.

Long count date was Thursday, Dec. 20, 2012 CE, and is Friday, Dec. 21, 2012 CE. In the tzolkin count, this is 4 Ahau. The new baktun begins on Long Count date, which is Saturday, Dec. 22. In the tzolkin count this is 5 Imix. (I will invite the daykeepers I know to comment on the tzolkin dates, which are part of the 260 day short count or spiritual calendar that’s become pretty popular the past 25 years.)

The Cancer Full Moon happens Dec. 28, with the Sun in a close conjunction to Pluto — a fitting end for 2012, with the Sun aligned exactly in the 2012 aspect (Uranus square Pluto) and Mercury aligned with the Galactic Core.

The yod pattern in the 12/12/12 chart continues for months, which will hold the energy pattern of the solstice. This consists of Pluto in Capricorn, Saturn in Scorpio and Jupiter in Gemini. These three points form an isosceles triangle (two sides having the same length) that points to Jupiter in Gemini.

Looked at one way, this is about the evolutionary process (Saturn and Pluto) that will lead us to revise our story of who we are, what we know and what we are doing here. Jupiter in Gemini says: get along with your neighbors, or nothing else is possible.

This message is emphasized by Mars being in Aquarius (the sign of groups and collective ideas; it arrives there Christmas day, just in time to stir up the group dynamics of the family).

Mars in Aquarius is a reminder that cooperation is a matter of initiative. In order to work together, people have to want to do so. Usually it doesn’t happen spontaneously. Mars will be square Saturn through the first week of the month, so we need to get below any emotional resistance to doing that, which would include this thing we need to deal with known as authority issues.

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Reproduction of Mayan art from Palenque, Mexico 590 A.D. Surrounded by hieroglyphs, an ancient ball player demonstrates his skill and strength. The player’s ability to manipulate and move the ball into stone rings, without the use of hands, was played to honor the gods with skill — just like we think of soccer today.

The Capricorn New Moon is Jan. 11. For that event, Mercury, Venus, Juno and Pluto will also be in Capricorn. The lunation is conjunct asteroid Requiem, indicative of all that we will simply have to leave behind as we enter a new era in the history of the Mesoamerican calendar tradition.

The Sun ingresses Aquarius on Jan. 19, in a conjunction with Mercury, and we enter the sign that is at the peak of the season, featuring Imbolc (Midwinter holiday) two weeks later.

Mars will be working its way toward a conjunction to the third centaur planet, Nessus, exact on Jan. 26. This is a reminder to pay attention to the way that groups influence individual thinking in potentially cruel ways — people will do things as part of a group that they would never consider doing as an individual (it’s a long, ugly list). We need to be aware of these matters of unproductive social conformity, and address the individual integrity matters, as well as the leadership issues, that facilitate them. Just take it easy when you’re in group situations; keep your head and rather than be bossy (that as so 13th baktun) try to work with where people have common ground.

Late that day (or on the 27th in the UK and Europe), is the Leo Full Moon. The Full Moon’s axis is square Saturn, indicating that it’s a point of restructuring. It is trine Jupiter, indicating that the energy reserves to do this restricting work will be available, if you remember that those energies will be liberated by communication, which in turn is facilitated by a clear state of inner communication.

On that day, Jupiter is the only retrograde planet; it stations direct a few days later, for a rare moment of all planets moving in direct motion.


Planet Waves

That’s OK: No One Will Need Social Security After Dec. 21 Anyway

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Ida May Fuller receiving a Social Security check in 1940. Photo: Social Security Administration.

On Monday, the Obama administration disclosed that it has offered to Republicans to cut so-called entitlement programs for the elderly in exchange for a slight increase in taxes on the wealthy. In continued attempts to avoid the ‘fiscal cliff’, Obama has suggested cutting $130 billion from Social Security spending; $30 billion more than would be cut from military spending.

Obama has already offered to begin taxing those earning more than $400,000 (the original threshold was $250,000), and promises to veto the latest Republican plan to raise the threshold to households making more than $1 million annually.

Despite being named TIME magazine’s Person of the Year (even though his administration continues to authorize drone strikes in the Middle East, killing many civilians), Obama can’t seem to get past Republicans’ personal grudge against him. Are they opposing the president’s plans “just for the heck of it,” or are they hoping something will happen on Dec. 21 to eliminate the fiscal cliff for them? Or more likely, is this a bipartisan game to cut social programs, dressed up as a looming fiscal crisis?


Planet Waves

LIBOR, Liars and Conspiracies

The latest banking scandal, concerning the manipulation of the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), is taking some twisted turns — a massive fine and a rare prosecution against a corporate giant.
The scandal involves fixing the interest rates on interbank transactions worth tens of trillions of dollars, and is considered the most massive banking fraud we’ve heard of so far. The banks inflated their interbank interest rates, which were then passed onto customers of loans, credit cards and other financial products.

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John Cole / Scranton Times Tribune.

The Swiss bank UBS has been ordered to pay a $1.5 billion fine for its role in the scandal. LIBOR provides the basis for rates on trillions of dollars of global transactions and its manipulation over five years forced borrowers to pay the wrong amount on their loans.

Part of the settlement also involved a criminal charge, with UBS admitting to wire fraud, through its Tokyo branch, in LIBOR rates in Japanese currency.

What’s unusual here is that the prosecutors broke a taboo by bringing criminal charges against UBS. Authorities are loath to press charges because they feel it would doom the banks and crash the financial system. However, three former UBS traders have already been arrested in the United Kingdom and more arrests are coming in the U.S., according to the Huffington Post.

There is a pervasive rumor on the Internet that three different crime scenes — the Aurora shooting from July, the killer nanny suicide from Manhattan in August and the Newtown crime scene, are linked by LIBOR.

The rumor is that the fathers of the two mass shooters, and the father of the kids murdered by the nanny, were ‘supposed to testify’ at LIBOR hearings before the U.S. Senate (though obviously there should be hearings, and it would be the job of Sen. Elizabeth Warren to make it happen). But we’ve been able to document the existence of no such hearings, much less a connection to the crime scenes. This does, however, tell us something about suspicion related to LIBOR and how big the scandal is.


Planet Waves

Going Out With a Bang, New York-Style

Some lusty New Yorkers are seeking a hot friend for the end of the world, and are turning to Internet dating sites and Doomsday parties to facilitate the hook-ups — though it’s probably a trend in your town, too.

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Niki Ghazian. Can you believe she can’t find an apocalypse date?

Bars and clubs there are throwing apocalypse-themed bashes, including an “End of the Funking World Party” at B.B. King Blues Club in Midtown.

Singles posted ads on and, seeking Doomsday-themed dates, “casual encounters” and even “end of the world sex.”

“If you’ve got no plans for the apocalypse, let’s get together,” wrote a 30-year-old single guy from Midtown.

He added, “Send me how you’d like to spend your last hours on earth — and a photo.”

“Everybody should go out feeling satisfied,” said swimsuit model Niki Ghazian to The Post. “If the world’s gonna end, why hold back?”

Then again, why hold back even if the world isn’t supposed to end? ‘Feeling satisfied’ sounds like the perfect New Year’s resolution for the next Mayan baktun — whether the Mayans calculated it or not. After all, they did have a thing for Venus.


Planet Waves

Village of the End of the World Closes Up, Cashes In

As thousands of tourists bent on surviving The End descend on the 178-person town of Bugarach, France, its mayor closed the town and the mountain above it, Pic de Bugarach, to further traffic on Monday. Seems the End of the World was a little too busy for them.

Rumors began circulating two years ago on the Internet that the hamlet, in the foothills of the French Pyrenees, would be miraculously saved from Doomsday.

One theory holds that its inhabitants will be whisked away by aliens purportedly long housed in Pic de Bugarach. Others believe the tiny town will somehow survive an impending crash with an incoming planet — hence the onslaught of the survivalist-minded.

The locals — on whom the meaning of carpe diem has not been lost — have been cashing in, selling ‘Apocalypse Pizza’ and ‘End of the World’ wine. If there are any lucky survivors there on Dec. 22, they can toast their good fortune with a ‘Survivor’ vintage. One resident is renting his house, where one can eat, drink and make merry for $2,000 per night — or do it up in a no-frills camping spot for $400.

He reportedly told the local paper, “I possess a rare asset, the land of immortality.” And the rare asset of opportunism, to be sure.

Dealing with Doomsday the Capitalist Communist Way

Is it a good sign or a bad sign that Doomsday paranoia is not limited to Western cultures?

Authorities in two Chinese provinces have rounded up nearly 100 members of a so-called Christian cult for spreading rumors about an impending, Mayan calendar-based apocalypse. The “Almighty God” group has been going door to door proclaiming that only they can save peoples’ lives when the Sun goes dark and electricity fails for three days beginning Dec. 21, 2012.

Almost 100 people have been arrested so far according to the state-run Xinhua news agency, and police have seized a variety of the group’s materials and equipment. Established in 1990 in central China, the cult requires that members relinquish all personal property to the group.

It’s unclear what three days of no electricity has to do with the Mayans — or Christianity, for that matter. Then again, the psychology of embracing Doomsday thinking is not exactly logic-based in its effort to bring existential threats into the realm of the predictable — and therefore, paradoxically, the comfortable.


Planet Waves

Finally: Some Common Ground on Guns

Alt-media outlet Daily Kos had the pollsters at Public Policy Polling take a look at national attitudes towards various potential gun safety reforms. (You can see the full results, including crosstabs, at that link.)

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Sculpture titled ‘Non-Violence’ by Swedish sculptor Carl Fredrik Reutersward outside the U.N. buildings in New York. Photo: Brian Dubé.

In short, a majority of gun owners and Republicans agree with gun control advocates on gun safety measures currently being discussed to prevent future massacres like last week’s Sandy Hook shootings. Among the findings:

–92 percent of Americans support requiring a criminal background check when buying a gun, including 92 percent of conservative respondents.

— By a 63-28 margin, respondents supported requiring a mental health examination before the purchase of a gun. This measure was supported by conservatives by a wide 59-31 margin, and gun owners 52-38.

— By a 63-32 margin, respondents support banning assault weapons, including conservatives by a 50-43 margin and gun owners by 51-44.

— By a 69-26 margin, respondents support banning the sale of guns and bullets over the internet, including 61-34 among conservatives and 59-36 among gun owners.

— By a 71-23 margin, respondents support closing the gun-show loophole, the huge, ridiculous one that allows the suspension of all of the rules at once, including 71-23 among conservatives.

54 percent of respondents in this poll said they owned a gun, which far outstrips the 32 percent that the University of Chicago’s General Social Survey estimated in 2010. So if anything, this sample is skewed more heavily toward gun owners than the nation at large. But it doesn’t matter — on every question that was asked, a majority of gun owners — and people of all political persuasions — agreed with the position of gun control advocates on these basic reforms.


Planet Waves

Anonymous versus Westboro?

Someone claiming to be the vigilante hacker group Anonymous released a video this week warning the members of the Westboro Baptist Church to stay away from the funerals for the victims of the Newtown, CT, school shooting. The Westboro group has gained notoriety by protesting (and threatening to protest) funerals for anyone whose life has had anything to do with being homosexual, having AIDS or even living where gay rights legislation has been passed (as is the case in Connecticut).

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Anonymous usually targets governments and corrupt corporations with their activities, yet the transcript posted with the video states in part, “[We have witnessed you] desecrating the name of God by protesting in the proximity of churches and synagogues, and mangling the biblical text to conform in accordance with your malevolent cause.” It continues, “You are self-appointed servants of God who rewrite the words of His sacred scripture to adhere to your prejudice.”

We’re questioning the idea that a bunch of anarchists have become defenders of the ‘purity’ of Christianity. A lot of people, including mainstream media outlets like CNN, took it on faith that it must be Anonymous, demonstrating how much we collectively wish for masked avengers to protect us — and how much life has become a twisted cartoon for many. In the end, unmasked citizens, including the biker group Good Samaritans, made a showing in Newtown to protect the funerals — and Westboro stayed in the shadows.


Planet Waves

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View of the Mayan city Chichen Itza from the Maya 3D animation for TimeTours.

The Mayans Definitely Did Not Predict This:

Just in case you’re not completely burned out on the Mayans at this point, here’s a way to see what their buildings may have actually looked like — and imagine more vividly where all the fuss started. Maya 3D, a small group of media designers from Ger­many who spe­cial­iz­e in 3D anim­a­tion and web design, have parlayed their com­mon interest in Meso-American cul­ture and its archi­tec­ture into a series of interactive 3D apps for iPhones and iPads in cooperation with TimeTours. So far, they have digitally reconstructed Uxmal, Chichen Itza and Palenque, all in Mexico, as well as the Dresden Codex. No need for a time machine to roll back the baktuns — just a little imagination.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves

In This Last Week of the Mayan Cycle

In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I look at the issue surrounding the massacre at the Sandy Hook Elementary School. First, I cover the Sun’s conjunction to the Galactic Core, as well as the details about the Mayan calendar that raise the question of whether we’re at the end of the piktun or not.

Planet Waves
Eric Francis.

In other words, how important is Friday’s turnover, to date And does Saturday begin a new cycle entirely (, or do we totally reset and start over at This is about the Mayan long count that ‘ends’ on Friday morning.

The diagram above is a similar concept; it involves time pulses, which begin with a 16 billion year pulse and end in a short one. By either account we are off the map, or soon to be. I try to read some figures from the above diagram during the program but I keep messing up, so I’ve included the thing so you can see it for yourself.

Then, I comment on the chart of Friday’s shooting and account for why the thing looks like it supports every conspiracy theory in existence. The chart is included in this article on Planet Waves called Connecting Cause and Effect.

Here is that article by Shelley Ackerman on the discovery of the Galactic Center. Here is a panel of photos of many kinds of galaxies, with ours on the bottom right; this is the 2007 annual edition called The Spiral Door (anyone can dive in and read).

My musical guest is Renee Blue O’Connell, with one selection from the Grateful Dead.
Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

The December monthly horoscope was published Friday, Nov. 23. Inner Space for December was published Tuesday, Nov. 27. I recommend reviewing the monthly horoscope at the end of the month. The January monthly horoscope is published below in this issue; after today, we are taking a break from regular subscriber issues to work on the 2013 annual edition. The next full edition of Planet Waves after the solstice will be Friday, Jan. 11. The December Moonshine Horoscope was published Tuesday, Dec. 18. Please note that the longer monthly horoscope is being incorporated into the Friday issue after the Sun has entered a new sign; a new Inner Space will be emailed on this coming Tuesday.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2013 | By Eric Francis

Capricorn Birthdays This Week

If your birthday is this week, this will be a pretty special year. In the Mayan long count system, we begin a new baktun of 394 years, or a new piktun of 5,125 years. That’s the image of a bold new beginning and it is, in truth, an honor. You can shift your priorities to bigger and better things than you’ve been concerned with, or obsessed with, in the past. Your process of evolution has put you in contact with something much larger than yourself. You can stop thinking of your relationships as a matter of life or death, and more like a matter of life: the thing about existence that puts you in contact with a broader field of reality. You are in truth free to relate to anyone you want, on any terms you want. Your one requirement is to honor your growth process first; take care of yourself and be your own devoted friend. Then it will be possible to engage in relationships with others that are shorn of fear and help weave the integrity of the world.


Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You have the potential to accomplish great things, and you know it. You also know that discipline and focus are the keys to doing this. You can no longer depend exclusively on exterior structures to keep your goals or work pattern in place. And it would seem that the reputation you worked so hard to cultivate now translates mostly to experience. Yet that experience, if nothing else, can remind you that you have what it takes to get the job done. The question really comes down to who will keep you focused — you, or some force outside yourself. If you depend on your own inner resources to build your structure, you will have the creative freedom that you want. If you depend on something outside yourself, you will be compromised in what you get to express. I realize that the high-temperature, erratic nature of your idea flow doesn’t lend itself well to focus, but that is precisely the point. You want to maximize your qualities of initiative and originality, and in order to do that, you need your own management structure. This will give you a sense of ownership of your ideas, and help you take full responsibility for their use. Whatever you’re saying, doing or developing has more influence than you think, and you may have at least one experience this month of seeing the potentially negative impact when you pretend they don’t. This will remind you to align with your intentions, which means knowing what they are.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Over the coming seasons, I suggest you go light on ambition and put your energy into the quality of the work that you do. You may feel a temptation to climb, compete or socially orchestrate your way to the top. It would be better to keep your focus on the integrity of what you’re doing, as well as an actual emphasis on ethics, even if you have to overdo that a little. You don’t need ambition because you’re already visible; you have a viable role. Your current astrology describes a question of what you’re known for, and you have a lot of influence over that, though this process works from the inside out. This is why I’m suggesting you keep your emphasis behind the scenes, with a focus on content and conduct, rather than appearances. It’s your direct impression on your closest collaboration partners that matters. Whatever ability you have to exert leadership or bring a message to an audience will be better effected by setting an example for others. It may seem that they have undue control over you at the moment, but the truth is, you are depending on their guidance, and they are intimately involved with your learning process. That’s a journey that never ends, and anyone who decides they don’t have any more to learn would be someone wise to avoid — but if you ever catch yourself thinking that, I suggest you pause and reflect. Your ability to learn is now intimately linked with your success and your contentment with that success.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Relationships always present challenges of growth, communication and understanding. And when we’re involved with someone, it helps to know who that person is, their circumstances and their intentions — which can take time. For you, it’s essential to know your environment. By that, I mean your physical environment and who inhabits it, as well as your inner mental environment, which colors your view of the world. We all have our points of view and our biases; that’s a fact of perception. Yet you need to be acutely aware of what those are at all times. This will help you sort out what is a verifiable fact from a belief that you have. There may be some conflict between how you see the world, and how certain intimate partners see the world, especially those in parental-type relationships or those you perceive hold power over you. Remember that you don’t have to prove your point in order to be free of their judgments. If that were a qualification, you would never free yourself, because they are unlikely to ever agree with your reasoning or your point of view. The truth is, you’re less invested in those situations than you may think, and you’re under no obligation to get into any new ones. Proceeding forward, having clear agreements will help, whether in writing or at least in words spoken and understood. When an agreement is broken you may never be able to convince the person or get redress, but at least you will recognize a fact that you might otherwise have missed.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You don’t need anyone else’s permission to succeed. You don’t need to build consensus. It’s nice when people agree with you and support you, though that’s meaningless unless it’s based on having mutually respected values with another person. What I suggest you do is gently exert your leadership, which is to say, be clear what you are doing when it impacts the lives of others, and live by example. A significant part of that leadership now involves listening, without challenging what you hear. If you do that carefully, you may notice that any position taken by another, that angers or frustrates you, is coming from some intersection with your own sense of injury. That’s the place to start the resolution process within yourself, and when you do, remember not to let it affect your confidence. What you are experiencing is part of learning leadership skills. That involves walking a straight and narrow path, but it’s essential that you not let others dictate your route. We all influence one another, and it’s clear that you’re being influenced by your social environment at the moment, though this much is essential to know: leadership is not about popularity. It’s about respect, and that begins with self-respect. We can break that down to a few ideas. One of them is, do you have a clear enough understanding of yourself not to be swayed by the views of others? Can you listen to what people say, and take that information on board without being pushed around? You will likely find out this month.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — One root of the word integrity is in the concept of wholeness, and another line stems from untouched or pure. Yet we have all been touched and none of us is pure in any meaningful sense of the concept. Is it possible for anyone to have their wholeness, after having been through as much as we have on Earth? That is your quest. As you reconstruct, recover or possibly create your wholeness for the first time, you’ll encounter the feeling of being through much that has threatened it. If you know that, you’ll experience an easier and more satisfying journey. Wholeness for you means connecting the person you are on the inside to the person you show the world on the outside. This implies revealing some of what has previously been contained in the shadows, so that you can make peace with it, and have some evidence that you’re loved and lovable despite any perception to the contrary. This is a year when you will be making contact with your deepest sensitivity, and that means bringing your healing process into every aspect of your life. It means recruiting everyone you consider yourself close to as allies, and understanding that there’s a connection between your relationships and how you feel about yourself. Nobody can ‘make’ you feel safe, though people can assault your sense of safety. You need, therefore, to be selective about who you let into your life, and more precisely, why you invite them into your heart or your home.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Cooperation is supposed to be the hallmark of human society, though in our time of distract, divide and conquer, that’s becoming increasingly challenging. Your job for the seasons ahead is to be the facilitator of group effort. I don’t mean people pleasing, or politicking, or diplomacy, though you will need all of those skills. What you’re doing is more along the lines of asserting yourself, and taking a central role in the process of organizing others. It’s more the Virgo style to be organized; that remains true. Worrying yourself with what all these other people are doing, or must do, can be a bother. You may have the temptation to be bossy, but that will only work on a few occasions, and it might get you into some trouble. What will work a lot better is facilitating communication. This will require listening first, and speaking second. You may have the impulse to do the opposite, and I suggest you keep it in check. Before making a statement, ask a question. Make sure you know the viewpoints of everyone involved, and make sure you take them under advisement. That doesn’t mean do what everyone says; it means know what they are saying, and how you feel about it. The key element, however, is holding the vision. This may take some extra focus for you — especially if you have two sets of goals that seem to conflict. It’s okay to have two sets of goals — as long as they are in harmony with one another.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Self-confidence is ultimately an emotional phenomenon. It doesn’t matter how much you know or what risks you’re willing to take; those are different qualities. True confidence in yourself, that is, the feeling of belonging in your body and in the world, and possessing faith in your ability to handle your circumstances, is a feeling and it emerges from your emotional presence. You may be figuring out the ways that you were taught not to trust yourself, which you then tend to project outward into an environment you think you cannot trust. You may be discovering the ways you’ve been taught to live within the constructs of the past, rather than in your true desires. I would call that a good thing, because if you see your adhesions to the past for what they are, you’ll be able to address them. That can set the template for your whole approach to growth: be glad you see an issue for what it is, then take steps to work it out. Through this process, you may at times feel a deep, burning desire to be independent. You may find yourself making decisions that compel you to indulge a deep autonomy that you’ve never felt before. Take this as far as you can, but not so far that you isolate yourself. If you lean in the direction of emotional self-sufficiency, you’ll figure out that it’s easier to build healthy relationships from that state of being than from any other. And that’s what I would call true confidence.


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — If you’re feeling burdened by responsibility, then exercise an option. The sensation of burden is your cue to make a choice. Easier said now then remembered later; I’ll remind you in the future, but please remember now. Saturn will be in your birth sign for two more years. This is a blessing, though few people see it that way at the time. It’s a get-serious phase of your life, and you’re about to go deep. Yet that seriousness, even in the form of focus, can be heavy, and it can come with a sense of being powerless. You may feel hemmed in by situations you feel you cannot control; you may be caught in the density or fixity of your own ideas. This is when to put your options out right in front of you. The expression ‘claim your power’ means seeing your options — and I assure you, you have them. Making this move is the shift from passive to active mode. I suggest you play a game and notice how long it takes for you to go from recognition of your situation, to making a decision, to taking action. Is it a matter of minutes, of weeks or of years? Saturn will teach you that in the life of a person, time is not infinite. If you find yourself acting as if you have all the time in the world, or if you’re going to make your important decisions ‘eventually’, then you have your most meaningful growth agenda laid out for you in clear, useful terms.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — The question is, are your feelings about yourself your own, or are they the collection of everything that everyone said about you, projected onto you and conditioned you to believe about yourself as a child? You’re probably thinking: Well, I wish it was the first possibility, but I have a hunch that it may be the second. The question is one of context. Everything new that you’ve learned was fit onto shelves and into compartments that were established by the first few layers, and also by ancestral patterns. When you try to put new information into the context of old information, it’s often hard to tell which is which. That, in short, is the beauty of the current moment of your life; the old context is being dismantled (which can feel like falling apart, disintegrating or being shattered, depending on the day). When the structure of your mind is changed so radically, that can feel disorienting, and give you the sensation that you don’t know yourself, and you don’t know what’s really important to you. The thing is, you do. Yet what you’re doing in this era of your life is learning how to perceive that self-knowledge outside the framework of what has been done to you, said about you, or sold to you. It matters not how well-meaning anyone was; the framework is a root of your loyalty to the heritage that you’re freeing yourself from, and the truth is, you will be a lot happier with your own original self-understanding.


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — I suggest you be vigilant for ‘survivalist’ thoughts and ideas, which may show up as Pluto reaches a new peak of activity in your sign in 2013. Capricorn has that gritty quality of being able to get through anything, but it’s not serving you now. In fact, if it flares up, it’s likely to be a response to an inner sense of instability, of a particular kind: the sensation of not knowing who you are. Yet you would be wasting your energy if you tried to defend yourself against that. There’s truly beautiful creative energy in not knowing, because then you leave the space open to find out. I must credit a therapist and teacher named Joseph Jastrab for pointing this out, in one mention that I heard and thought about for the next 20 years: it’s powerful to hold open the space of not knowing. I mean powerful in that it connects you with the strength of your quest for self-understanding. If you think you know, you cannot find out. If you fill in missing knowledge with false information, you clutter the space where the truly meaningful wisdom could come in. This is partly why ‘quick answers’ are so perilous to growth: they prevent it. If you honor your lack of knowledge, the discomfort of admitting that you don’t know who you are will, fairly soon, give way to the experience of your authentic quest. And that is an expression of your commitment to yourself — a commitment which now moves to front and center in your life.


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — If you haven’t figured out that it’s useless to keep secrets from yourself, now would be a fantastic time to come around to that discovery. Indeed, the essence of your life is all about self-discovery, which implies a courageous inner quest. To go there, you will need to learn how to work with fear. Though it’s usually put down as unnecessary, that’s of little consequence when you’re confronted by it. The question is, what, within yourself, do you have to fear? Well, there is a source, but it’s a lot older than you. It’s so old you would be shocked, and that’s precisely the point of why you will benefit from a conscious embrace of the issue. Think of yourself as dancing with it instead of running from it. Or, perhaps, as a kind of homing signal back to its source, which may be one single ancestor whose thoughts and feelings got a grip on your entire lineage, or on you personally. You’re on a kind of search and rescue mission, to search out the fear and rescue the substantial piece of your soul that’s being held hostage by it. This has been going on for a while, but through the next few seasons you have the benefit of knowing what you’re looking for, and how it feels. You’re closer than you may think, though I can suggest a kind of secret portal into the place you want to get to: if you carefully consider any idea, thought, or relationship that involves authority, your use of it or its use on you, you will have big clues.


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You may not be sure if you can create yourself, but in that case I would ask who can. You must assume one way or the other — and your own creativity is far more trustworthy than anything anyone might impose on you. You have full access to all the resources you need to do this; tune in and listen. And you’re called to do one other thing: engage with what may seem like opposite or competing psychic currents. One is inviting you to open up and experience the full flow of inspiration. This allows you into the realm of vision, phantasy and empathy with the world and the cosmos, with no special agenda. (That’s one description of Neptune in your sign.) The other is focused, purpose-driven and oriented on your relationship to yourself. You will find yourself needing to stand apart or stand out, and to know yourself in a way that calls for deep acceptance of who and what you are. (That is one description of Chiron in your sign.) These two cosmic forces are more than you may have ever experienced as direct influences, and they are significantly different from what you have lived through in many recent years. Note the changes in your inner and outer climate. Speaking of outer: there is suddenly a lot more room in the world for you to be yourself. Walls have turned to doors. What at one time demanded formality now welcomes originality. Try and see.


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Moonshine Horoscope for December

Dear Friend and Reader:

These horoscopes, written by our global correspondent Genevieve Hathaway (who is now in Australia), are based on your Moon sign.

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Earthshine photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

To look that up, enter your birth data into It helps to have your birth time but it’s not necessary in most cases. I suggest you also read your Sun and rising signs.

As of this publishing, the Moon is in Pisces, having entered Monday night. It is an early waxing Moon, on its way to the first quarter in late Pisces at 12:19 am EST on Dec. 20. Pisces Moons tend to bring out emotional sensitivity and empathy, a sense of romance, creativity (especially in music and visual art), visionary tendencies and the mystical.

Although the Moon will be in Aries for the fabled Capricorn solstice of 2012, having a Pisces Moon for these days leading up to that momentous occasion is quite fitting. Consider it an invitation from your more intuitive side to get serious (or playful) about what you’d like to envision and put your energy toward in your life beyond Dec. 21, 2012.


Planet Waves

December Moonshine Horoscopes | By Genevieve Hathaway

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — During the past year, you’ve stepped through a series of doorways that have helped you realize the depth of your verbal resources. You’re becoming convinced that you can craft the precise, thorough language you need to convey the originality and inventiveness of your new or modified projects. Being able to verbally articulate their impact and contributions will serve you well. Take note of clients’ and collaborators’ reactions to your spoken treatment of your venture. You and your project stand to gain much traction, and much progress made, by metaphorically walking others through your viewpoint on the project’s value. — By Genevieve Hathaway

Hello Aries — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to hear your Aries birthday reading, please visit this link.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Imagine inside you have a special space: a sacred room that no one else can access. This internal hidden compartment is your own safe area to experiment in, a part of you where you are completely honest without any constraints or worry of ramifications. It’s a place in which you don’t pull punches or propagate denial. Over the coming weeks, spend time in this hidden inner area investigating what self-esteem means to you and how your levels of self-worth change in response to external situations. Then note what nurtures a great feeling of self-value. I propose that rather than seeing any negative self-perception as a ‘self-esteem crisis’, recognize that this is a miscommunicated family message you were imprinted with at an early age. Once you see how the message got scrambled or incorrectly passed down generations back, you can rewrite the script to build a stronger sense of permanently feeling good being you. — By Genevieve Hathaway

Hello Taurus — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to hear your Taurus birthday reading, please visit this link.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Take time this month to proceed slowly in a partnership. Pressure is building to clear the air surrounding an important situation, yet simultaneously you feel pulled inward, looking for answers within yourself. Your instinct may be to act quickly, or at least to use your sharp, quick mind to resolve the developments. Slow down the need for solutions, and instead view both steps as equally doable. I suggest exploring your internal orientation while simultaneously having patient, open and honest conversations with a partner. Approach the steps you take as investigating pieces of data — your own self-discovery, and what you are learning while talking to the other individual. As more information becomes available in the coming weeks the pressure will ease and a clear path forward will appear from which you will both benefit. — By Genevieve Hathaway

Hello Gemini — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Have you listened to your birthday reading? Click here for an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — With your Moon in one of the three water signs, you are no stranger to a vivid imagination and an astute psychic body. During the next few weeks your imagination will expand even further, providing a rich vein of creativity from which you can draw. All this inspiration needs to go somewhere and into something. Like an already full bottle it will overflow and take up more and more of your conscious mental space if not burned off, perhaps in making art. Allocate time and space during the next few months to take what’s bubbling up inside of you and express it tangibly. Follow your intuition and personal interests regarding the kind of art you create — visual, tactile, written, audio, movement-based. It’s all about the act of pouring the well of new ideas into something that has real form in the here and now. — By Genevieve Hathaway

Hello Cancer — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Sensual and erotic sensations are flooding your emotional realm as Venus continues to move through Sagittarius. This planet is passing through the area of your chart which involves fun and flirty sex, and in such an adventurous sign as Sagittarius experimentation is definitely on the table. Use this opportunity to try on a fantasy or two. I realize that sex is one of the most personal acts we humans do and sharing a fantasy with a partner can be a very vulnerable experience. As you discuss it with a partner remember the truth is erotic and so is vulnerability. Approach the topic of breaking out of your usual mold from a place of genuine curiosity and authentic desire to share the experience with that person; you have the support you need to both share what you want to try and take the step into the realm of experimentation. — By Genevieve Hathaway

Hello Leo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.

Planet Waves



Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Pay close attention to your home life over the coming weeks. An idea that starts at home will be useful as a catalyst to move a work project in a new direction; and the reverse will be true as well. I suggest you not think of your work and home life as two separate entities, rather as a system where ideas, creativity and energy flow back and forth. The membrane between these two areas is particularly permeable at the moment and much information is moving between them. Collect this information, even if it isn’t directly applicable now, and save the ideas for future projects. This will create a storehouse of innovation for you to draw on. — By Genevieve Hathaway

Hello Virgo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Homeostasis is a process by which equilibrium is achieved through an identified balance point being maintained. In the past, you have worked hard to attain this type of balance in your relationships, to the point of mitigating your own needs. This stability in your life appears ideal, but as you’ve discovered, it does not provide room for you or your partners to alter who you are and what you want. As you’ve grown and changed, the balance you sought in partnerships has not left much room to express your changing emotional needs. You’ve reached a point where expressing your true wants requires a reinterpretation of the concept of balance. As you re-approach this idea from new angles I suggest you start from a place of knowing what balance is not for you, then use experimentation and reassessment to develop a working idea that holds space for you and partners to change and grow as you come into contact with new life experiences. — By Genevieve Hathaway

Hello Libra — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link .


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Lately, you’ve been revisiting old emotions and patterns you thought you had left behind. Don’t get frustrated by these visits from the ‘Ghost of Christmas Past’. Growing to a new place and moving forward has much value, as do periods of review and reflection. The holidays tend to be full of the family past coming to light. An important piece of information regarding an issue you saw as resolved will move through family conversation as you move into the new year. Take the time to revisit this old issue; on offer is additional healing. Push for specifics from family members as you collect the new information. The original story you were told didn’t contain all the details, and what you learn over the next few weeks will bring a new understanding and perspective on the matter that will help you put it to rest with a sense of complete closure. — By Genevieve Hathaway

Hello Scorpio — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.


Planet Waves



Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You are currently in an intense relationship period. It can be viewed two ways — as a vast, complex situation or as a chance to hold space for both individuals to share deepest truths and honest feelings. Which is easier? Many people choose complexity over authentic relating and understanding of another human being. Complicated situations and drama are convenient distractions to real conversations demonstrating a vulnerable side, in which you have to show up in your honesty and integrity. I suggest you push aside any drama or perceived difficult situations; instead, hold space for you and a partner to meet each other as people sharing a deeply personal journey together. On offer for you and your partner is a greater feeling of having been met and recognized, which ultimately comes with feelings of support and love. — By Genevieve Hathaway

Hello Sagittarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Mars, the planet of action and desire, has been making its way through your Moon sign. This has been firing up a lot of passionate emotions for you. It’s reconnecting you with some of your deepest desires that were tabled or delayed in the past. I propose you give up any notion of putting the genie back in the bottle. You spent so long trying to keep your passionate nature subdued that it may initially feel uncomfortable to let that energy loose. Yet the time for facades has long gone, and trying to glue the shards back together won’t give you a workable mask. I suggest you quickly lose any notion that the people close to you won’t embrace you without one. To gain the emotional support you desire, including acceptance of your passionate emotions, you must lay it all out there for people to see, accept and love. Anything short of that will be impossible to maintain. — By Genevieve Hathaway

Hello Capricorn — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Currently, an aspect of your local environment is challenging you in a constructive manner. Pay extra attention to what you are learning in resolving this small hurdle. You are working through less of a problem or blockage; rather discovering a talent through some resistance. Like many of your talents, it stems from your ability not only to think outside the box, but to live and operate completely outside of societal mental constraints when necessary. As you work through the slight difficulties and resolve the challenge, you’ll have enough perspective to fully grasp what gift you drew. Take what you learn and then apply it to the larger world. You are in a position to make a large impact on many people with this gift, the kind of impact that nourishes people on many levels. — By Genevieve Hathaway

Hello Aquarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The best-laid plans come to fruition through preparation, a workable strategy, and the flexibility to shift with the plan as it evolves over time. You innately know how to proceed with a path you’ve recently started down. This journey may seem relatively new, but it came from years of preparation. As you move forward with intention and a steady vision, trust your intuition. Honor the work you’ve done prior to this moment, both with an honest assessment of how much you’ve completed and with a tool belt fully equipped to strategically build your new path. One of the biggest assets in that tool belt is your authenticity; that is, being in line with your truth. Make sure you keep checking to ensure each step you take can answer one question: is this completely true for me? — By Genevieve Hathaway

Hello Pisces — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


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Sun is conjunct the Galactic Core

Dear Friend and Reader:

Before we get to Genevieve’s horoscope, first a note. Today the Sun is conjunct the Galactic Core. This happens once a year, in our era, always around this day. We live in a galaxy; we share the space with many other stars. That galaxy is held together by a supermassive black hole, and around that object is a cluster of stars and radio sources that, together, make up the Galactic Core.

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Galactic Core in summer, when the Sun is on the other side of the sky. Photo by Anthony.

If you’re somewhere you can see the Sun, imagine it’s there, and imagine the galactic arms spreading out, intersecting with the Earth’s horizon on an approximately 45-degree angle.

Today, in this last week of the Mayan calendar, much of the United States is engulfed in grief over a school shooting that took place just five days ago.

This is not just grief over the loss of many young students and the teachers who tried to protect them. It’s profound sadness over the state of our society. I think that we now recognize how many factors contributed to this event, and how prolific those factors are. I think we are finally seeing this event — one of 16 mass shootings in the United States so far this year — in context.

The backdrop of the Galactic Core is perfect for two reasons. One is that it’s about issues that are so pervasive that it never seems we’ll understand them, or be able to address them. Think of the line from the old spiritual, “So wide, you can’t get around it.”

Second is that the Galactic Core serves as our spiritual homing signal. It is the distant call to awareness of something beyond the reality we perceive, and all that we believe. This distant call can be difficult to hear for some, and easy to ‘space out’ on — or outright deny — for many, even spiritually advanced people.

I want to remind you that it’s there, and it’s coming in strong today.

Your December Moonshine horoscopes by Genevieve Hathaway are ready today and available now. It’s accessible without using your password.

Friday’s edition will be the last (Friday) issue of the year, while I complete your readings in LISTEN, the 2013 annual edition of Planet Waves. This week, I plan to wrap up the audio portions, take a short break and move onto the written sections. These readings, which include both audio and written segments, are still available to subscribers at the discount of 12 signs for the price of three. They include extended audio and extended written readings.

Here’s a summary of what we’ve been up to on other parts of the website. This week on Daily Astrology & Adventure (the proper name of our daily blog), I covered the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings in a special post that includes links to the charts for both the incident and the shooter.

Amanda has covered the current sky leading up to the solstice in the Daily Astrology postings for Monday (featuring the Sun’s conjunction to the Galactic Core) and today. Sarah Taylor has offered a gentle view of our current moment in her Weekend Tarot Reading. If you’re in the mood for some satire, be sure to read our commentary on End of the World, which is rumored to be scheduled for Friday. (Thanks to the many friends who contributed material to this parody.)

We’ll have more about the solstice in tonight’s Planet Waves FM (which is usually posted Tuesday evening EST, but which I may do Wednesday). With or without the Mayans, I believe the meaning of 2012 is still up for grabs.

Thanks for tuning in, and we will catch you Friday.



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The Mayans, Juno and the Abyss

Dear Friend and Reader:

It’s time for yet another visit with the chart for 12/21/12 before the event itself. Well, maybe ‘event’ is too strong of a word, though this seems to be the conclusion of a 5,125-year span of history that began on Aug. 11, 3113 BCE, day one of the first baktun of the Mayan long count.

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Ruins of an ancient Mayan city called Altun Ha, 30 miles north of Belize City. Mayan people first occupied Altun Ha around 200 BC, with the majority of construction occurring from 200 to 900 AD.

Long means pretty long. The big day concludes a span of 5,125.37 years, or exactly 1,872,000 days. On Friday, at the Capricorn solstice, the long count reaches day This will conclude the passage of 13 baktuns, or phases of 144,000 days (each lasting about 394 years).

Is this the end of the Mayan calendar, or do we proceed into the 14th baktun (assuming, that is, that time continues at all)? That’s something of a mystery. Logic would say we move onto baktun 14, but the Mayans were in love with 13, which factors prominently into their spiritually oriented short-count calendar that is still used as a kind of ‘astrological’ reference today. The 5,125 year span of time indicated is one-fifth of a precessional cycle (that is, the full cycle of ‘astrological ages’). The long and short counts were among many calendars innovated by the Mayans, which also included a civil calendar. Unlike our calendars, theirs could handle long spans of time neatly and with precision.

They managed to land the ‘end date’ of the long count on the winter solstice, thousands of years in advance. That is pretty impressive, don’t you think? They were really into daykeeping, and they were good at it. And I am sure they would be impressed at all the fuss we are making today — or that anyone even knows or cares at this late date in history.

The Mayan long count is unique in that it vastly predates the coalescing of the civilization around 1800 BCE, and extends well past its (possibly very) sudden decline beginning around 800 to 900 CE. These are people who obviously took a long view of history, though those who created the calendar are not around to ask about their intent about whether there should be a 14th baktun. (For those curious about the technical aspects of the Mayan long count, see this article by Bruce Scofield.)

Considered the most advanced Mesoamerican civilization (meso meaning middle — it was located at the juncture of North and South America), the classical-era Mayans are known for their advanced writing, mathematics, architecture, urban life and long-distance trade. Eventually, they also suffered from political strife, warfare, corruption and the effects of climate change. Like us, they were humans living on Earth. No one theory explains the decline of the civilization, and aspects of it lasted well into the 17th century. [If you’re interested in the decline of classical Mayan civilization, here is an interesting Wikipedia article.]

Geographically, the civilization extended from what is now southern Mexico into Guatemala and Belize, and into northern El Salvador and Honduras. The Mayan people did not disappear; as their civilization declined, there was a diaspora, and their descendants still live throughout the region where the civilization existed, and far beyond.

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Dr. Strangelove, played by Peter Sellers, explains to Pres. Merkin Muffley, also played by Peter Sellers, why the Doomsday Machine cannot be disarmed; the thing would be useless if it could.

Though there are no specific predictions, hints, clues or suggestions from Mayan culture that the world will ‘end’ a week from today, some people are on edge. There have been many predictions of the end of the world, and this is the latest among them, even though no such references exist from the culture that created the calendar. There is, however, the lurking feeling that maybe these mysterious old Mayan mathematician-shamans knew something that we did not.

Actually, we have a problem that they didn’t have, which is the belief in the Christian apocalypse — that is, the notion that our loving, compassionate God will destroy the world. This has been an obsession of the Christians since the beginning of their history. Their myth anthology ends with the Book of Revelation, featuring a protracted scene of devastation of the world, encrypted with all manner of mystical references, portents, forebodings and symbols — the Four Horsemen, the Seven Seals and the Scarlet Whore of Babylon (my date for next Friday night), to name a few.

Study of Revelation has given rise to such great literary works as The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstruous Regiment of Women by John Knox, published in 1558. He was objecting to female sovereigns running countries and thus ruling over men (among them Queen Mary of England), reasoning, “For who can denie but it repugneth to nature, that the blind shal be appointed to leade and conduct such as do see?”

The Apocalypse in Your Undies

The word apocalypse means unveiling, as in the unveiling of the woman’s genitals on the wedding night. Translated into Christian terminology, it became understood as the gospel of God murdering everyone and calling their souls home. As Planet Waves contributor Astrodem commented this week, apocalyptic thinking “has a long and illustrious association with antisemitism, misogyny, racism, homophobia, fundamentalism, capitalism and imperialism.”

In other words, it’s not our friend. He continued, “Also, if apocalypse is fundamentally a sexual construct, then everything Wilhelm Reich said about suppressed sexuality and mystical longings fully applies. Think of our modern concept of apocalypse as a kind of mega anti-orgasm.”

Planet Waves
The apocalypse has a diversity of sexual connotations, originating in Greek as the revelation of what was concealed (presumably the vulva on wedding night), extending into the Scarlet Whore of Babylon, one of its supposed heralds.

The reference to Reich is about the use of sexual repression to drive the individual emotional need for living under dictatorship. Reich demonstrated that the mystical longing created by suppressed orgasm is harvested by the political system and used against us. This is why the church and so many other political institutions preach a doctrine of abstinence from sex, which was a theme of Christianity from the earliest days (including trying to convince women to stop having sex with their husbands).

The notion of The End is so deeply encrypted into Western thinking that we have succeeded in developing the capacity to make it real, in the form of a world rigged with hydrogen bombs — that is, the apparatus of wargasm.

We must note, however, that even the end of human civilization as we know it would not be The End. Even people who believe in The End know that; I was reading Prepper News the other night, and found the instructions for how to make a rabbit trap, just in case the supermarket isn’t open, or is out of hamburger. (“Most people fear the moment when disaster strikes and most people are not prepared for the moment it does,” its editors write. So you better stock up on on Bunny Helper.)

Some humans would survive even nuclear holocaust, along with “a republic of insects and grass,” in the words of Jonathan Schell in The Fate of the Earth, his appeal for nuclear disarmament. Life would go on, for those who survive — the name of the tune any day of any century on Earth.

The apocalypse is an idea, a fixation and most of all, a projection. It’s the result of something in consciousness, seen as an event in the world. Festering over the apocalypse is a cop-out. It would be a too-convenient way to get out of the problems we have created for ourselves on Earth, or have participated in creating, or have so far refused to help solve. And it’s a big waste of our potential, which of course is challenging to tap and develop.

As for the desire to solve those problems — I am listening carefully. I don’t hear much opposition to permanent war, nuclear power (a far more serious problem than nuclear bombs, because all we need is an earthquake, a power outage or solar flare to set things off) or fossil fuels. Hydraulic fracturing is gradually taking over the United States, extracting natural gas and contaminating our precious few freshwater aquifers with benzine and other vicious toxins. In many cities, the residents already drink their own piss, in the form of sewage recycled into tap water.

If I stretch my ears, I do hear some grumbling about genetically modified foods, though nothing in comparison to the problem. Fully one-third of American farmland has been cultivated with GMO crops, so we are at the point where genetic contamination is ubiquitous (that is, everywhere). These crops are often designed to withstand greater applications of pesticides, so they are more contaminated with weed and insect killers; some of them are, in themselves, registered insecticides that we eat for dinner.

Planet Waves
The ultimate fallout shelter — the Svlabard Global Seed Vault, near the Arctic Circle. It works like a safe deposit box for countries who want to store seeds, free of charge, and is adorned with art, as are all large public buildings in Norway. Photo by Mari Tefre.

Meanwhile, we have no idea what is happening to the genotoxic waste being created by the process of developing these crops, which cannot be tested for by any watchdog group, since we don’t know what it is.

Fear of the apocalypse is related to the world ‘ending’ all at once (powered, whether we like the idea or not, by suppressed orgasm). What’s actually happening is a slow, painful decline of the biological integrity of the planet and its natural systems, including our bodies. Earlier this year I commemorated the 50th anniversary of Silent Spring by Rachel Carson, which was our first warning of things to come. Things have not gotten better since.

Dealing with these issues is overwhelming and inconvenient. There is plenty we can do to mitigate the damage personally, and to contribute to a longterm solution. Eating organic food (which is better for us, and helps organic farmers) is more expensive than eating from the processed food trough. This is particularly challenging for low- and middle-income people under the current economic strain. For those with more money, they might have to shift their priorities a little.

Most people are too busy working to survive, maintaining their lifestyles or entertaining themselves to death to have time to contribute to larger solutions. We do need to look carefully at how many of these circumstances are distractions from engaging the challenges at hand — which I would propose would likely lead to more fulfilling lives. In other words, I don’t think we’re happier for avoiding the problems we face, individually or collectively. I think that most of our pain, frustration and dysfunction are the result of trying to avoid them, and then encoutering the resulting depression and despair.

A Personal View of 12/21/12

Unlike most of my colleagues who have been discussing 2012, including various philosophers, futurists and literary speculators, I have taken a personal view on the topic. We don’t really understand what this date means in the Mayan context (except that from what I know, they celebrated the ends of eras) and they did not understand ours, since it didn’t yet exist.

Planet Waves
The rapture, illustrated by a Christian website. Everyone goes to heaven at once. In some versions, they go there naked.

My own motto has been “2012 is up for grabs.” I have avoided both the end-time approach to change as well as the ‘everyone will become spontaneously enlightened’ approach (you know, the one about the shift into 5D). The spontaneous enlightenment perspective also denies the growth factor, as well as avoiding our need to address what’s holding us back. It’s similar to the Christian apocalypse in that it does not rely upon individual intent or cooperation. It’s the same thing, in that it’s involuntary and imposed upon us.

We can shift contexts from the Mayan date to Dec. 21, 2012 by casting the Western astrology of that date and reading the chart. When we do, we see the prominence of many factors that were discovered by modern science starting in the 19th century. The one that stands out most boldly involves relationships. When the Sun arrives on the solstice point, there are two asteroids waiting for it there, (3) Juno and (81) Terpsichore. These help us call the tune of the chart.

Juno is considered a ‘major’ asteroid, the third of the big four that were first discovered between 1801 and 1807 — Ceres, Pallas, Juno and Vesta. It was named for Juno, the chief Roman goddess, who was the wife of Jupiter. In modern astrology, Juno is often associated with marriage, but also with jealousy and control (sometimes viewed as the patron saint of the cult of monogamy). I am aware of the debate over how Juno has been mischaracterized and slandered by mythology and our interpretation of it, though she is in fact a creature of mythology and its interpretation.

I’ve suggested that the Sun conjunct Juno in the first degree of Capricorn on 12/21/12 is about marrying ourselves before we try to marry someone else. The problem with this is that most of us would be marrying a bitch or a bastard. The lack of appeal is obvious. We present ourselves as nice people. Yet many, many peoples’ relationships with themselves are characterized by a seemingly endless litany of negative self-chatter, vicious self-critique and colored by various shades of ‘I wish I had’, ‘I wish I hadn’t’ and ‘I will eventually’.

Planet Waves
This is an image going around in the Internet illustrating the difference between GMO corn vs. the real thing. We cannot verify that it’s real, but perhaps it makes the point better than saying that Bt corn is an insecticide, which ruptures the stomach of any insect that eats it, which causes organ failure in rats and and which has been found in the blood of pregnant women.

We could say that it’s genetic, radioactive or toxic pollution that’s killing the Earth. We could say that it’s a corrupt political system, or the takeover of the planet by corporations. I propose that it’s our stressed-out, unforgiving relationships with ourselves. These in turn tie into all manner of family karma, which is typically full of all kinds of abuse.

This in turn results in the projection of our inner dynamics and the family system onto our partners and the whole society, as well as our obvious paralysis when it comes to doing something about whatever we perceive needs help.

In other words, do we not take action against GMO and nuclear power because we don’t have time — or is it because we’re too terrified to do so, fearing we’re going to be cast off? As for warfare, if we cannot get along with ourselves, how exactly can we get along with others? Note, Martha Lang-Wescott associates Juno with devotion to social justice causes, which checks out.

Juno’s Discovery Chart

For those who may be thinking that Juno has been given a raw deal in this discussion, let’s visit the discovery chart (that is, the astrology on the day that Juno was discovered) and see what we’re really looking at when we use this point. As I noted in a major feature on the minor planets in The Mountain Astrologer earlier this year, the discovery chart is a helpful tool for delineating a planetary discovery. The mythical figure and all its baggage is one thing; the chart is a more objective device. The discoverer, Karl L. Harding, did not know he was discovering Juno. He was discovering an object in space one night in September 1804.

Juno was discovered close to the Aries Point, retrograde at 3 degrees of Aries [see discovery charts here]. Its closeness to the Aries Point is reminding us that with Juno, we’re standing at an intersection of the individual and the collective — this emphasizes the significance of this point as an astrological factor with wide impact.

At the time, the cardinal points (which all have this personal/collective property) were loaded with planets in this chart, and these help us understand the meaning of the new discovery. For example, Juno in Aries is in a close square to Mars in Cancer, and opposite a Mercury-Saturn conjunction in Libra. Juno square Mars is angry. Juno opposed by Mercury and Saturn is that frustrated person encountering someone who wants to reason and compromise — that’s even more frustrating.

These aspects present a genuinely difficult situation. I am being polite when I say this; it feels infuriating. The fire of Aries is retrograde, that is, it’s internalized and struggles to express itself. The ruling planet of a sign that a new planet is discovered in tells us a lot about that planet. Being square the Aries ruler, Mars in Cancer, is about internalized emotionally based anger and frustration (involving pent-up feelings, desires and volition). Mars in Cancer can also be passionate, but in this chart, it’s trapped in a kind of construct that is difficult to escape.

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Smoke rises from Unit No. 3 of the stricken Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant after the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami.

Juno is in a conjunction to Vulkanus, a hypothetical planet that is about power. “If a sentence has the word mighty or powerful in it, the planetary signature will have Vulkanus in it,” Arlene Kramer writes of this point. So all of that frustrated retrograde Aries energy is subject to a case of megalomania — it can be very, very bossy, a known attribute of Juno. It’s also conjunct Quaoar, which is about family patterns and creation myths. This is part of a pattern of the family constellation. Whatever Juno is results from longterm family conditioning and has ‘always been that way’.

Juno is also in an opposition to Mercury and Saturn, which are in Libra. To Juno, this opposition feels like a limit on emoting, a fixed boundary wherein the rules are set by someone who is allegedly being too reasonable. The opposition is relational, but it’s also about projection. This is the sense of being inside a container when inside a relationship, and within that container, there are strict rules of what is appropriate and what is not. Saturn is the strongest planet in this chart, and it opposes Juno, or rather, Juno opposes Saturn. In this opposition, Juno meets not just his or her partner but an inner attribute that he/she does not like.

Just outside of that boundary is the asteroid Sappho (whose glyph is a double Venus). Sappho represents fellowship among people, and it also represents what Adrienne Rich described as the lesbian continuum, that is, the ways that women relate to one another that approximate intimate partnerships but take many other forms, some sexual, some not.

Relating on that continuum is outside the container of Saturn in this chart, suggesting that while inside the appropriateness construct of Mercury-Saturn, conditioned by the emotional frustrations of Mars in Cancer, there can be a real struggle to relate to others of the same sex in an intimate way. This goes in all directions. It’s an illustration of women mistrusting other women, and also of how same-sex friends can be as much of a perceived threat to an intimate partner as opposite sex friends can be. (In the discovery chart, Venus is in Leo on the South Node, describing a sense of entitlement, including the right to possess another person.)

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Simplified chart for the discovery of Juno, showing the grand cross. Juno is to the left, close to the first degree of Aries (where we see that the personal is political). Mars is below; Saturn and Mercury are to the right, and Chiron is above. More detailed charts here.

Finally, Juno is square Chiron, which is the fourth leg of a grand cross. There is healing in the picture, but really there is a sense of injury from the authoritarianism of Saturn and Capricorn. Chiron in this sign is in survivalist mode. This can be easily triggered by a diversity of factors, both personal and collective (since it stands at that intersection). We would do well to see where, exactly, that seemingly imposed authority is coming from.

Chiron is joined by two other points in Capricorn — Panacea and Icarus. The implication is that Juno seeks peak experiences of healing that will solve everything, i.e., if we go to couples counseling, everything will work out fine, or if I fix you, everything will be fine.

Chiron is opposite Mars. This is a clue how to work with Juno, which can include reverse psychology instead of trying to reason and compromise. Mars should say something to her like, “So I guess sex between you and me is out of the question?” This leaves an opening for her to say, “Maybe not! I’ll be the judge of that.” Note, if you are susceptible to reverse psychology, you probably have a mixed up relationship with yourself and are subject to manipulation.

To sum up, this thing called Juno, which astrologers think describes marriage and marriage relationships as we know them (and can represent both women and men), has a hard time expressing its most basic needs. Communication is a chore, even to the point of seeming impossible. Juno demands that tactics be used, instead of straightforward communication. There is constant emotional frustration, deeply engrained by the family constellation. Sound familiar? If we associate Juno with jealousy and control in relationships, we might go deeper and look at the rage and frustration that lurks beneath it, retrograde in Aries.

The message of this chart is: deal with the rage and frustration. Stop pretending it’s about someone else. Learn to communicate your feelings and your desires, and recognize that not doing so has consequences.
When we can do this, then the more constructive attributes of Juno emerge, including a sane approach to relationships that is based on devotion rather than demands. But we all know how long it can take to get there, and we know that many of our relatives never did. So this is a full-scale transformation project if there ever was one.

As for The End of the World

Now, if we remember that all of this material is rolled up in a little ball, waiting for the Sun to arrive in the first degree of Capricorn on the fabled, mythologized day 12/21/12, we have some real information. Whether we take Juno as representing an inner relationship, or how our inner relationship extends into interpersonal relationships, we need to focus here.

Now, what has this got to do with the end of the world?

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This one has been going around for a while, but it’s still funny — and it may be true.

Two things. In his article Jealousy and the Abyss, William Pennell Rock explains the relationship between the emotion of jealousy and the fear of death, or what he calls the abyss. Most people identify so closely with their relationships (or their desire for a relationship) that the notion of losing the connection comes with the feeling of imminent doom. Said another way, the sensation that the relationship might end is the same as the feeling that life will end, or one’s ego will die.

This is not just some spiritual theory — it’s a description of the actual sensation of jealousy, which is experienced as doomsday, with all of the elegance of the gag reflex. Jealousy is like a glove, and inside the glove is the hand of death, sticking its finger down your throat. In a sense, it’s a mockery of the fear of death, which is why we give it so much power.

Rock suggests that we embrace jealousy as our teacher. He’s saying that if a jealous episode is turned into a control drama, we are missing the opportunity to learn about ourselves, and to learn about the nature of love as surrender. When we turn love into control, we basically kill it, and part of ourselves along with it. This is the constellation of issues that we have on the agenda when it comes to learning about jealousy.

I would take Rock’s theory one step further, something that he doesn’t address in this article. I believe there is an erotic pull to what we think of as jealousy — that is, we can be passionate about embracing our lover as a whole person, with all their desires and feelings included. If we want to go beyond the gag/control reflex of jealousy, that’s the thing we have to do; it’s the only sane or loving response. It’s easier if we recognize this passion as an expression of legitimate sexual desire for, and embrace of, someone we love. This can be expressed many ways (monogamously or not), though the essence is embracing the beloved
as a whole person, complete with all their feelings, even the ones that might threaten you.

If we consider that this whole arrangement of feelings is described by Juno, we get a message from Terpsichore so directly involved in the solstice event — it’s the muse of dance. We have to move with this in order to address it. It’s not enough to stand still or be stuck.

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All civilizations rise and then fall. It’s difficult to imagine ours in ruins a thousand years from now, though that may be because it’s not as well-constructed as this temple. Called Lamanai in Belize, it was occupied as early as the 16th c. BCE, and the Mayans continued to inhabit it into the 17 c. CE. Photo by Jeanne and Ray Burnham.

There’s one last connection to The End. In the solstice chart, asteroid Atlantis is on the Aries Point. It’s the earliest point in the whole zodiac that day. Atlantis, the myth of the ‘lost civilization’ — the one that killed itself due to its lack of ethics about its technology — is one of the most pervasive archetypes in our consciousness. That is to say, the planet representing our deepest collective fear of The End is sitting on the collective/individual intersection in the first degree of Aries, square Juno, Terpsichore and the Sun.

Our Juno crisis is speaking directly to our sensation of an impending apocalypse, and I believe, driving it forward. This suggests that the relationship crisis, and in particular our struggle with an inner relationship, is directly involved with our fears about the imminent demise of our society and our planet. This is an image of our obsession with do-or-die moments, imminent deadlines for enlightenment, the idea that ‘I must die married’, or the notion of the Wargasm at the End of Time: suicidal cultural narcissism.

When that doesn’t happen next week, we’ll still be faced with the same basic agenda for planetary healing, which starts with our emotions, and learning to be true to ourselves — and extends outward from there.


Additional research: Tracy Delaney, Maggie Kelly, Alex Miller, Dale O’Brien and Bruce Scofield.




Planet Waves

About That Yod Pattern in the 12/21/12 Chart

People are starting to figure out that there is no special “2012 alignment” in the sense of something lining up with the Great Pyramid or the Galactic Center on Dec. 21. I am however starting to get inquiries about the yod pattern that’s in the solstice chart, which is illustrated here, highlighting only the planets in this discussion.

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The yod is that triangle pointing at Jupiter. It consists of Saturn in Scorpio (yellow glyph, above left) and Pluto in Capricorn (red glyph lower left) making a sextile, which is then met by Jupiter at a 150-degree angle to both of them. Not shown is the hypothetical planet Poseidon, which is very close to Saturn in Scorpio.

Most astrologers consider yods (of which there are several other exotic varieties — this is the garden variety) to be powerful aspects. Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt. I will note that they are not especially rare; they happen a lot and you can find one on many charts. But this is a pretty hefty one, made stronger by the fact that Saturn and Pluto occupy one another’s signs of rulership. I covered this in last week’s edition.

The Saturn-Pluto aspect is all about getting clear about sex, sexual abuse, the confusion of power and desire and the use of sex as a source of power over other people. We are used to being confused about all of these issues, and using sexual power as a kind of entitlement. After all, if it’s the only power you have, then why not use it? There are good reasons not to, including the fact that if you go to the power side of the spectrum, you go away from the pleasure side of the spectrum.

If you apply an ancient rule to modern astrology, Saturn and Pluto are in what’s called mutual reception — they are in one another’s signs, and can therefore switch places. This is a reminder that we have options, and that we can change perspectives. Most of our problems come from the idea that we don’t have any options and cannot change our perspective. If we could see that, we could do something about it, but the problem stems from being stuck in one’s viewpoint.

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Synthesis by Eric Francis – Blue Studio, New York.

Given that the focus of the 12/21/12 chart is relationships, and in particular, the role of frustrated but power-obsessed Juno in our relationships, this aspect gives us a key to work with. In a yod pattern, the planet at the end is sometimes thought to resolve the issue described by the aspect structure. That points us to Jupiter, which is retrograde in Gemini. Jupiter is in its sign of detriment, opposite one of the signs that it traditionally rules.

Jupiter in this position is telling itself stories. These stories are past tapes (retrograde). They also don’t add up to anything that makes coherent sense, but we keep telling them to ourselves. There are two sides to the story (a Gemini factor) but we may only be seeing one of them, or one at a time, and not reconciling both sides of the issue.

Saturn and Pluto are saying go deep. That is to say, go deeper, then go deeper again. If you’re not willing to share your reality with someone you say is a partner, then it’s not an honest relationship, or at least not a useful one, except to preserve the false version of events that you’re repeating. The idea is not to tell yourself new or better stories, but to see these stories for what they are, when it actually helps to do so.

Jupiter is opposite Venus, which arrives in Sagittarius Saturday. This provides a clear, alternate point of view, perhaps in the form of a friend or exemplar who has already been through what you’re going through. You may feel like you’re in this by yourself, but I assure you that you’re not. Many other people face the kinds of issues that you do, and they are willing to share their wisdom. Your role is to get out of your head; get out of your thought loops; stop the argument; and honor the process of growth and healing.

This is not theoretical; it is real — and the best thing you can do is find examples of sanity that you can use as your reference points. One way you will recognize them is that no topic is off limits. And sex is not a moral issue, it’s a practical and cosmic one.

There is one last aspect in this chart that I will cover separately — Mercury in Sagittarius opposite Vesta in Gemini. Check next Tuesday’s edition of Planet Waves FM for that. I will also discuss the yod pattern further.


Planet Waves

And Now a Little Good News:

We may be at the edge of the fiscal cliff, but on Sunday scores of same-sex couples in Washington State took a different plunge on the first day they were legally allowed to marry. Colorado has enacted its new law allowing the recreational use of marijuana one month ahead of schedule; Washington State enacted a similar law on Thursday.

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Sen.-elect Elizabeth Warren, tapped to serve on the Senate Banking Committee. Photo: Wikimedia/Twp.

So far, those are two items from the fabled Election Day Mercury retrograde station that look like they are holding fast. Sources report Santa has been advised to avoid cookies and brownies left out in those states on Dec. 24.

In another positive post-Mercury retrograde, Election Day development, Massachusetts Democratic Senator-elect Elizabeth Warren, who won an impressive victory over Republican incumbent Scott Brown, has been selected to join the Senate Banking Committee when she is sworn in with the new Congress next month.

Best known for launching the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau under President Obama, Warren’s bid to join the Senate, and subsequently the Banking Committee, was heavily opposed by Wall Street lobbyists.

“Perhaps most important, the Senate committee seat gives Warren an even more influential bully pulpit than if she had ended up as director of the consumer watchdog bureau. Now she’s in a position to enact legislation,” noted David Lazarus, writing for the L.A. Times.


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Doing Right by King

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Photo by the National Park Service.

Mercury leaves its echo (or shadow) phase today in Sagittarius, sign of beliefs, higher ideals and justice, and this week brought a perfect illustration of the corrective sense that can come with Mercury moving on. A truncated quotation by Martin Luther King, Jr. on his memorial in Washington, D.C., is being removed.

The quotation on the monument, “I was a drum major for justice, peace and righteousness,” removes crucial phrasing that, according to poet Maya Angelou, indicated King’s humble acceptance of this view of himself by others.

King actually said, “If you want to say that I was a drum major, say that I was a drum major for justice. Say that I was a drum major for peace. I was a drum major for righteousness. And all of the other shallow things will not matter.” He spoke the words in a 1968 sermon at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia.

Angelou asserted that the rephrasing made King sound arrogant. Artist Lei Yixin, who sculpted the monument, said removal was the best way to ensure the structural integrity of the memorial, rather than trying to fix it, according to the National Park Service.


Planet Waves

Is the Digital Age Transforming Intimacy?

Everyone knows about ‘generation gaps’, but there is one growing in the realm of sex. ‘Digital natives’ — young people who have never known a world without the Internet — are exhibiting less and less interest in real-life sex (especially young men) and serious/committed intimate relationships (both young men and women).

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When does more contact equal less intimacy?

The median number of daily texts sent by teens is about 60; texts are a way to be ‘in contact’ yet distant, and they’re just one indicator of the aversion to actual intimacy that seems to be growing in many populations, but especially in those under 30 years old.

“In fact, a rapidly growing percentage of digital natives report literally being disinterested, even turned off by ‘in the flesh’ sex,” writes Robert Weiss, on Huffington Post.

Studies are showing increasing numbers of young men are seeking out the company of other guys and the fantasy worlds provided by online games, movies and porn over real-life social interaction.
Even for young women in college, a ‘serious relationship’ is more often viewed as a threat to future school and career goals like an unintended pregnancy was decades ago. ‘Hookup culture’ appears to be an unlikely bastion of ‘feminist’ independence — and yet, young people of both genders are actually having less sex than prior generations.

Is this something young people are likely to grow out of? Or are current younger generations being ‘hard wired’ not to have the tools to engage in, sustain and grow with face-to-face intimate bonds? Serious intimate and sexual relationships can certainly be challenging. But we also learn to grow in relationship, and we are tactile beings with a creative drive that expresses itself biologically.

Alexandra Katehakis, also writing for Huffington Post, outlines three meditations aimed at achieving greater emotional/spiritual intimacy through daily acts of sexual mindfulness. The meditations are offered by The Center for Healthy Sex, which has a focus on treating sexual addiction — the opposite issue from the one written about by Weiss, yet also a barrier to intimacy.

The first meditation offered last week focuses on eelings of betrayal and their release to open up relational space. The second is an exercise in celibacy to gain sexual perspective, akin to fasting to gain perspective on how your body responds to what you eat. The third is a way to cultivate a sense of abundant, fulfilling sexual energy and identity regardless of whether you are engaging in any sexual acts.


Planet Waves

Snow Turtles on the Wing

Environmentalists on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, were able to fly 35 endangered sea turtles to rehab facilities in warmer climes, with a little help from a regularly scheduled Coast Guard training flight a week ago. The Loggerhead and Kemp’s Ridley turtles had gotten stuck in the crook of Cape Cod’s ‘arm’ when they instinctually tried to swim south for the winter, not realizing they had to go north first and then east to get out of the bay.

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A Loggerhead sea turtle flies through the sea. Photo: Wikipedia.

In past years, environmentalists have been able to use a network of private plane owners from Long Island to Maine to shuttle a few stranded turtles south as they fly to Florida for vacation. This year, however, a record 150-plus turtles, mostly young, got stuck in the bay.

Since they are reptiles, turtles easily develop hypothermia in the colder water and become malnourished. They get wrapped in blankets and boxed up for flight only after the rescue facility at the New England Aquarium deems them healthy enough to travel.

“It’s exciting. We’re getting ready for the ‘snow turtles,’ as I like to call them,” said Nadine Slimak at the Mote Marine Lab in Sarasota, whose animal hospital took three 30- to 70-pound Loggerheads. Staffers there named them “Cindy,” “Lou” and “Stu” — after characters in Dr. Seuss’ The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. The rest of the turtles are being distributed to five different facilities in Florida.


Planet Waves

Fiscal Cliff Proving Hard to Climb

Talks in Washington about averting the so-called fiscal cliff (it’s more like a slippery slope of tax rate negotiations) continue with no real breakthroughs. If none are forthcoming, the American government will become subject to the Budget Control Act of 2011 at the end of this year.

At stake is whether or not your taxes go up — a more pressing issue than the Mayan calendar for most people. Remember those tax cuts for the super rich that were supposed to expire at the end of 2010, that were extended and that Obama allowed to be extended for two years? That’s a big part of the story, as are automatic budget cuts that come into play as part of a prior deal.

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The economy and the climate are related, but only taxes seem to get anyone’s attention. Larger version of this cartoon here.

The Budget Control Act comprises automatic spending cuts to many government programs (including Medicare and defense) and expiring tax cuts (such as last year’s temporary payroll tax cuts and the so-called ‘Bush tax cuts’ for the wealthy, mentioned above). Taxes supporting Obama’s health care plan, among other things, will begin.

U.S. lawmakers are in a deadlock drama, with a lot of help from the Tea Party caucus. (Remember that Tea is really TEA, “taxed enough already.”) They could let the current scheduled policies take effect in January, which would likely plunge the country back into a recession (though not immediately, Wile E. Coyote-style).
The other extreme would be to cancel all or some of the spending cuts and tax increases, adding to the deficit and making a Euro-style financial crisis likely.

Or, they could choose some middle path, dealing with budget issues in a more limited way and with less dramatic potential for economic growth.

“In the five weeks since we’ve signaled our willingness to forge an agreement with the president, he has never put forth a plan that meets these standards. And frankly, that’s why we don’t have an agreement today,” said House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) this week, who is outright lying.

“The obstacle, thus far, has been the adamant [Republican] refusal to accept the proposition that rates have to go up for the top 2 percent and that rates must continue to stay where they are so that there is no tax hike on 98 percent of the American people,” countered Jay Carney, the White House press secretary.

Last week Boehner said he understands the rich will be providing extra revenue, but wants to do so without raising tax rates, which amounts to a blowjob for his mega-rich corporate sponsors. Boehner is the real thing — the guy who once gave out campaign donation checks from cigarette companies on the House floor.

The issue is more complicated than that, and is not being helped by the fact that a new Congress will not be sworn in until Jan. 3 — after the deadline.

For a more thorough explanation, visit this page on


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“Most people get used to being away from home but I find it hard. It’s your fear that keeps you alive here.” Photo of Private Chris MacGregor, 24, by Lalage Snow.

It’s All in the Eyes

The website My Modern Met features a haunting photo essay titled We Are The Not Dead by photographer Lalage Snow. Each image is a triptych of photos taken of a British soldier before, during and after his tour of duty in Iraq or Afghanistan. Quotations by the men and women for each phase of time accompany the images.

“It was a very personal project and stemmed from having embedded with the military on and off for four years in Iraq and Afghanistan and bearing witness to how many young men return as shadows of their former selves and, in many cases, with deep, psychological scars,” said Snow. “As the body count of British servicemen killed or wounded rose and the political ramifications of the British army’s presence in Afghanistan became increasingly convoluted, more and more soldiers felt like they didn’t have a voice, or at least, weren’t being listened to. We Are The Not Dead is an attempt at giving the brave young men and women the chance to explain how it really is.”


Planet Waves

Sagittarius New Moon & The End

Here’s the new edition of Planet Waves FM. In this edition, I cover the Sagittarius New Moon chart (which was 3:41 am EST Thursday), as well as continuing the discussion of The End of the World. If you’re looking for Renee Blue O’Connell, here is her homepage.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

The December monthly horoscope was published Friday, Nov. 23. Inner Space for December was published Tuesday, Nov. 27. I recommend reviewing the monthly horoscope at the end of the month. The January monthly horoscope will be published Friday, Dec. 21; after that, we are taking a break from subscriber issues to work on the 2013 annual edition. The next full edition of Planet Waves after the solstice will be Friday, Jan. 11. The November Moonshine Horoscope was published Tuesday, Nov. 20. Please note that the longer monthly horoscope is being incorporated into the Friday issue after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space still publishes on Tuesdays.


Planet Waves

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Dec. 14, 2012 #930 | By Eric Francis

Sagittarius Birthdays This Week

Your birthday falls in the very last days of the Mayan long count. Are you impressed? You should be. While I don’t believe that mass-scale spontaneous enlightenment is likely this week, it’s eminently possible for you. You have both Mercury and Venus in your sign, which suggests that you’re feeling good about yourself and have resources available. What are you going to do with them? Don’t be deterred by the notion that relationship partners don’t seem to be ‘ready’ or on your level. Focus on your own healing, growth and happiness. Focus on the mission that you have chosen in this lifetime, which is the thing that you want to do the most. As you develop yourself, and do your best to maintain communication with others about your growth process rather than theirs, you will see that they will seem to come on board. But this starts with you; consider what you’re seeing in the world around you as a reflection of your own thoughts and ideas. The most significant thing you can bring to the process is devotion: to yourself, to life, and to the people that you love.


Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You have seen the ways that working with precision and high focus benefit you. Now the focus is on ethics. This is a bigger problem, because in our current version of the world, good work is sometimes rewarded, while honesty is not. But you’ve reached the point where you no longer have a choice in the matter. Looking at your charts, one could say you’re under too much scrutiny to involve yourself in any kind of monkey business. This matters a lot less than your conscience, though it may be that the spotlight you’re under is making you feel like you had better pay attention to your image. Go deeper. Consider the influence of your actions, your choices and your point of view. It’s much more significant than you may think, and people are picking up on a lot more than your appearance. It is your thought process that counts the most now; how you work out the logic of right and wrong. It’s clear that you have big ambitions. Make sure you get where you’re going with sincerity, kindness and respect.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You have expanded your horizons many ways this year. How do you feel, compared to where you were at this time in 2011? Your charts suggest that most of this expansion has involved changing your relationship to what you think is possible. You’re not done with this. The next phase of the process is what you think is possible — without connecting it to an intimate relationship. While your sign is notorious for its themes of attachment and possessiveness, you’re starting to figure out the way that this rigs the whole game of life against you. Your view of love, of relationships and yes, of money, is more global than you may imagine. If you emphasize your broad and portable perspective rather than camping out in any one point of view, you increase the odds of success and happiness exponentially. Measure potential based on what you have never done rather than what you have tried to do. Think of the world as comprising all the places you have not been, rather than the ones you know well.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You’re starting to see the light about a relationship or partnership situation that’s been a persistent mystery. You’ve figured out this situation in layers. Yet how exactly did you miss the obvious for so long? You’re in a good position to figure that out as well; this is the piece that’s 100% about you rather than being about anyone else. It involves your need for security, which has a way of leading you into situations wherein you don’t exactly end up being so safe. The safe place is not a situation; rather, when you find it, you will discover that it’s your inner orientation. This seems difficult or even impossible for many people to learn, though every factor in your chart is pointing to precisely this fact. Once you understand what projection is, it will be easier to see how your confidence or sense of belonging outside yourself not only distracts you from where that confidence really resides; you also miss opportunities to share with others as a result of making them into something they are not. This is no longer necessary.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You have taken considerable territory in your professional life this year, and even if you don’t feel that way, I assure you that the space is open. The key is balancing being different, innovative and iconoclastic with sufficient grounding that you can count on yourself to get the job done well. Yet there is also something here about recognizing the power that you perceive others to have, and in particular, their power over you. Simply put, most of the time, they have that power because you think they do. The most important thing you can do to ensure your longterm success and happiness is see all the ways in which the world really is built on level ground. I know this can take some careful looking, though mainly it requires maturity. Emphasize the human dimension. All these people around you have one thing in common — they are people. This is the reason they are approachable; it’s why you can get over your habit of being intimidated by talent, reputation or power. You may not have the same potential as everyone you meet, but they can remind you that you have your own potential.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The creative process is calling on you to take a chance and change the world. That’s what creativity does, and it’s what sex does. Or looked at another way, these aspects of life are about creating new worlds. Clearly it requires a measure of what some would call arrogance to do this. James Joyce associated being a novelist with playing God, because you control the whole universe of the story. Yet there is another perspective, preferred by many writers (including J.R.R. Tolkien) — what is created starts to take on a life of its own. Either of these situations calls on a high degree of ethics in the creative process. While it’s necessary to take risks, it’s also necessary to observe the law of unintended consequences. This is the responsibility piece of creativity, and while it’s necessary to pay close attention to this factor, you also know that there is only so far you can take it. You must use care and intention through the process, then at a certain point, you have to let the flaming arrow fly.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Mercury, your primary planet, has finally left the degree where it began its retrograde dance for the past two months. This is leading you directly to a moment of emotional clarity. For the next few weeks, you have the opportunity to see how, exactly, it works out that you feel under emotional siege so much of the time. Much of why this happens involves the persistent effects of certain seemingly long-gone situations, which are not actually so gone. They exist within you and within the realm of karma. It would be incorrect to call this an illusion, since the effects are real, though when you finally see through it you will realize that it had a kind of unreal quality. You have to look directly at it, with a measure of detachment, and actually feel how old this struggle is, and how far back it goes. If you plan to be visiting any relatives (particularly on your father’s side of the family), you have the perfect opportunity for study. Note how easy it is to get dragged into the negativity. Once you learn to stay out, many doors will open.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — I suggest you take every opportunity to get out of your head. You are immersed in a world of ideas; some are friendly, some are creative, and some represent the darker shades of existence. ‘In your head’ means thinking and thinking with no sense of resolution. ‘Out of your head’ can mean a few things — one is out into the world, the 3D world of experience. It can also mean into some form of expression, which would be both exciting and therapeutic, and lead to other adventures. There is a lot to be said for the imagination. Arm-chair travel is a real thing. But to have some fine, exotic experiences, you actually don’t need to go far. In fact, some of what you want is coming in your direction even as you are heading toward it. There is a meeting place, and it’s not necessarily that far from where you’re sitting right now. Meanwhile, to the extent that you are using your mind, do so in a creative way. Use pictures. Use words. Use sound. Your mind contains the deep pool known as your imagination — a truly beautiful thing.


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — No matter how complex you are, or what you’ve been through, you’re in an excellent position to have true companionship. This may come in the form of new friends or openings with long-standing friends and/or lovers. You have the option to open nearly any conversation with anyone, and by that, I mean the discussion of real subject matter. There is only one little condition, which is that you be willing to be forthright and vulnerable. Your sincerity is the elixir that opens up the portals to a deeper place. Your willingness to investigate and question your values is what makes it safe for others to do so. And you do have questions, as far as I can see — questions about what is really important to you; questions about why you’re alive; questions about the nature of existence. It’s usually easy to gloss these questions over; it’s easy, most of the time, to pretend they don’t exist. But not now. The questions are there, they run deep, and you will benefit from going deep with others into their true nature; into your true nature.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — An extraordinary New Moon in your birth sign on Dec. 13 is pushing you to express yourself, your whole self and nothing but yourself. This is often a risky venture on our planet, where we like to think that most of the people who tell the truth end up martyrs. I am not merely suggesting you tell the truth or lead the people or lay out a philosophy that could benefit many, based on the challenges you have faced so bravely. I am suggesting that you live your truth without compromise. Now, doing that also means living the truth of the aspects of yourself that you may not like, or that compromise your peace of mind. It includes being real about the history that led you to where you are today. Being real, however, does not mean acting out. It more suggests acting on — which can include opening yourself up to the healing and contact that you need. Sometimes it’s the darkness in us that can lead to a sense of isolation; and fact one of your life now is that no longer needs to be true. And if it ever did, it no longer matters today.


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — One theme of the astrology the past few months has been about inner reality vs. outer. In a world dominated by appearances, it’s easy to forget that there is an inner reality, though you’re unlikely to be missing that fact now. The question seems to be not what you want to bring forth into the world, but how exactly you’re going to do it. Your inner space is churning with passion and pathos; with questions about your past, and an urgent desire to enter the moment you are in now. Crossing over this barrier can seem like finding your way through an invisible portal, or making your way into a parallel universe. It’s really not so difficult; ordinary circumstances will draw you out of that veiled world. Bring your feelings into your daily experience. Remember at 10 am that you’re the same person who had those thoughts, feelings and desires at 6 am when you were dreaming. Remember that you’re never separate from yourself; you are yourself.


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — If it’s true that Aquarius has a socially crusading nature, part of that is about the placement of Sagittarius in your chart — on the 11th house of your vision and your relationship to the public. This suggests a spiritual orientation within the world, and what is very likely to be a form of aspiration to grow and expand. Yet to what extent do you feel authentic in this? Do you ever get nervous when you’re seen as being ‘more spiritual’ than you feel? I would suggest that having your doubts is healthy, because you know that so much of what seems holy is such unmitigated hogwash, suds, grime and all. What makes spiritual real is its ability to manifest in relationships. A calling focuses itself as an inner alignment, which then must extend into social existence in order to have an influence. You may not feel ready to extend yourself this way; in truth you may feel less ready than you did a year ago. I would propose that these are healthy sensations, if you’re feeling them. None of this indicates actual lack of preparation, or lack of clear intention, only the willingness to reality check.


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You’re at one of the most meaningful professional turning points in recent decades, assuming you’re old enough to have been plying your trade for that long. What’s developing now is reminiscent of what was happening in 1995, or 2001/2002. This is a standout moment when you faced real challenges, yet you had the passion and motivation to recognize them as opportunities. You have come a long way since then, and what I suggest you remember is how much you’re working with in the way of personal resources. You are finally starting to take full possession of who you are, which means having access to those inner resources. Opportunity you experience now is different from what it was in the past; so too is the elusive concept of potential. Both of these notions are only meaningful if we apply them to existence, and this seems to be what you’re doing. You may think this is taking a while; in truth, it has already taken a while, and you’re at the point of contact, action and expression now. Be patient and choose carefully your approach to every situation you find yourself in.


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Onward, Inward, and the Unseen Guide

Dear Friend and Reader:

I have been boycotting the news lately, devoting myself entirely to the study of psychological and spiritual astrology for LISTEN, the 2013 annual. I have been studying my annotated 2013 charts, about 100 of them, since early July, and now is when I pull many planets and aspects together into a series of coherent narratives that offer some guidance for growth and living.

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O’Hare International Airport. Photo by Eric Francis.

That’s what I do every autumn, however my change in direction this year involved more than a seasonal project. It started after more than 18 months of tracking the U.S. presidential election, which led directly into the David Petraeus scandal — the story of the CIA chief who resigned allegedly for having an affair. In retrospect, the election seemed like a farce, and the Petraeus story did not add up no matter which way I ran the numbers. As this holy mess unfolded, I kept looking at the TV and reading articles thinking: You. People. Must. Be. Kidding.

I started to feel something verging on cynicism at the end of all of that; the sensation that I had been played. Yet I have no regrets about taking certain issues seriously — one in particular, the threat to women’s reproductive rights, the blatant misogyny and the truly vicious homophobia that were so boldly exhibited in the election cycles of both 2010 and 2012. Election or not, that needed an airing out.

This was, however, political material that pointed us inward, as the astrology has been doing through the past year, particularly the retrogrades of Venus and Mars. In the public arena, what we witnessed was the emergence of political material focused not on actual discussion of right and wrong, or how society should be run, or how to handle global crisis, but the eruption of a dark, controlling, self-serving impulse that basically views the life force, and particularly being female, as inherently immoral. We can’t wage a political campaign against that, but we can do our best to recognize the problem and seek healing. The underlying problem is ultimately personal, not one of policy.

On some level, in order to take the kind of abuse that the political system doles out so generously, it’s necessary to have been conditioned to feel wrong for being alive. What we call spiritual or psychological growth, or healing, is about coming to terms with that conditioning and then doing what we can about it. And there is plenty we can do. The problem is that it’s inconvenient, defying the thought patterns, beliefs and ideas that support a way of life, yet one that doesn’t necessarily support us back. And perhaps most of all, we are conditioned to be dishonest with ourselves, and with others, and often rewarded for being so.

The transits of the next two years are calling us to get beneath that conditioning, and to do what we can to resolve it. The result would be freeing up creative energy to do whatever we want, and there is plenty to do. There’s plenty we’re all saying we want to do.

Transcending the Obstacles

Many obstacles stand in the way, besides mere inconvenience. One is guilt. It is guilt that says, “It’s your fault that you feel this way, and you’re wrong for wanting to claim yourself back.” Make a note: guilt about wanting to heal is evidence that something was done to you, and that you have internalized the oppressor or attacker as a guilt-inducing mental script. This can manifest as many different forms of negative self-talk, self-sabotage and inviting others to do further damage to us, often under the guise of good intentions.

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The Bean, Chicago. Photo by Eric Francis.

There is extra guilt in that much of the injury is located on the sensitive sexual/emotional dimension — where we are so conditioned to think we’re wrong for feeling bad, and for feeling good. The mere thought of exploring sexuality, including the part about healing a deep injury, is enough to send many people into a guilt spasm, which often manifests in the form of fearing moral retribution.

That double bind alone is evidence that a crime has been committed, and among other things, it’s a crime against trust. This can make it difficult to take one of the most important steps in the healing process — learning to trust others enough to allow in some help or guidance. Then there is the double bind, “If I admit something was done to me, then I am a victim, and that’s not allowed.” Under this logic, going for therapy is evidence of being messed up, rather than evidence that you want to feel better.

Another obstacle is the sensation that there is so much to deal with, we’ll never get it done. Another is relationship patterns that pretty much guarantee that the sexual/emotional material is intractable, since the rules of the relationships tend to prevent the discussion, and then often repeat the injury. A diversity of social rules support people in sticking with relationships that don’t work, in part by failing to support us in being autonomous people.

Dr. Wilhelm Reich had a term for this — he called it the emotional plague.

Let’s put it this way. To get out of this loop, you have to really want to. It is possible. It is necessary, even if many don’t get around to it. Yet it takes focus, determination, time, willingness and resources. It takes cultivating selflove and patience. It does not happen ‘by itself’. And it’s not realistic to expect there to be one magical relationship that will come along and save you. That expectation is a big part of the problem we face.

Pluto in Capricorn: Rearranging Reality

The astrological aspects that have developed the past few months — a pattern that will hold in various forms through 2014 and into 2015 — offer a map to the territory I’m describing.

Pluto began its ingress into Capricorn in 2008, signaling an end to the ‘post-9/11’ world (though arriving with another manufactured catastrophe, the banking collapse at the end of the Cheney/Bush administration). That was a news alert that we were embarking on many structural changes that are described by the unstoppable force, Pluto, encountering a form of the immovable object, Capricorn (ruled by Saturn). This was the selling out of the American dream — the home.

Planet Waves
Winter view to the west from my back porch toward Washington Ave., in Kingston, NY. Photo by Eric Francis.

For you, a home is simple: you turn the key, walk in, and you’re in a safe place. For a speculator, mortgages and mortgage-backed securities can be converted into scores of different greed-driven gambling schemes, all of which went bad at once.

Contributing to the problem was that many people signed for mortgages they could not afford, and where the banks lacked the integrity to care. They were moving product. On a much smaller scale, tens of millions of people find themselves in debt they cannot deal with — a complex problem related to real wages going down steadily since the 1970s. (This is one reason why so many people need three jobs. If everyone wants the 99-cent breakfast, you can be sure the people making it aren’t going to be paid much to flip the eggs.)

The energy of Pluto always goes somewhere, and via Capricorn, where it’s going is into changes that reach the patterns we live, the structure of society and the foundations of our beliefs. Pluto in Capricorn can work two ways. One way is the impulse to dive deep into what we are dragging along from the past, recovering what works and transforming what does not.

The other way is the concentration of power, ranging from control drama to blind ambition. To work the healing side of the Pluto-in-Capricorn equation we need to be mindful of the power-oriented side of the equation. The evolutionary impulse of Pluto can quickly turn destructive, especially if one tastes something one thinks of as power, and wants more.

Pluto in Capricorn is a long process (lasting until 2024), and it’s going to leave no stone unturned, no cave unexplored, no mountain unclimbed. This is a journey deep into shadow, into the core of the psyche, entering what you might think of as the collective unconscious. Pluto in Capricorn is not strictly about an individual process. It’s something that’s collective property, collective responsibility and which will require cooperation.

Saturn in Scorpio: Enforced Growth

More recently (in early October 2012), Saturn arrived in a sign associated with Pluto — Scorpio, where it will be into 2015. Scorpio and Pluto are associated; Saturn and Capricorn are associated. Here we have two of the most potent psychological forces in astrology occupying one another’s signs, and for many months to come, dancing in a sextile aspect. Think of the sextile as the option to cooperate, and as entities close enough to reach one another for a common purpose.

Saturn is a maturing influence. It represents the principle of the boundary, the necessity, the limit and the maturing impulse. Saturn represents the passage of time and the time limit, and prior to the discovery of Pluto was considered a significator of death.

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Self-portrait, Baltimore, 2006. Photo by Eric Francis.

Saturn in Scorpio is about establishing a relationship with all of these things on the emotional level. Scorpio includes the sexual / reproductive level, as well as addressing any topic related to shared or exchanged resources (this includes subjects related to debt and investment, including the obsession with credit cards and the stock market).

On a more intimate level, Scorpio is the place where two people meet on the level of an exchange, and also admit the transience of their bond in this world. Saturn in Scorpio is about understanding the nature of the exchange, creating a safe container for it to happen in, and most of all, is a reminder that this is an exchange and not a total merging of interests.

Seen another way, Saturn in Scorpio is about compelling a level of maturity on all of these topics. We can really use it, and we know it. Part of that maturity includes addressing what we fear, which seems to be a morph of sexual shadow and all things related to intimacy. Part of this includes the fear of abandonment and the fear of aloneness, which are integral to the intimacy crisis we face. It does not help that we teach our children dependency rather than autonomy, and often push our peers to be dependent on, rather than independent of, dysfunctional and even dangerous situations.

One reason why abusive relationships are so wildly popular is because they provide a hedge against intimacy. The abuse, the drama, the standoffs and the lack of empathy render intimacy impossible, so in this respect the dramas serve those who are afraid to be close to others. Yet it goes deeper — I am fond of the definition of intimacy offered by my friend, the poet Jason Blickstein — into-me-see. The fear of intimacy is also the fear of seeing into oneself, to address what might be there.

And this is what Saturn in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn are inviting us to do. For many, inward looking is terrifying; hence, the persistent emphasis on appearances, on status, on money, on everything but the actual content of who a person is. One resulting shadow side of both of these transits is emotional fear resulting in knee-jerk conservatism, denial and withdrawal. Such is almost always directed at sex and its creative power, and that is much of what Pluto and Scorpio are describing. If the reactionary thinking is recognized for what it is, there will be an obvious invitation to healing.

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Main entrance to the Chironian, in the cement mines near Keator’s Corners in Rosendale, NY. Photo by Eric Francis.

As I mentioned, Saturn and Pluto are occupying one another’s signs, which is a way of occupying one another’s spaces and energy fields. This is called mutual reception (note, I am bending the ancient rule by applying it to Pluto, a modern planet). It’s a situation that points to options, to alternative viewpoints and gaining mutually aware perspective within any relationship.

But when planets occupy one another’s signs and can, therefore, be seen to switch places, that transports in time as well. Pluto in Scorpio takes us back to the dawn of the modern AIDS crisis, when much of the present sexual neurosis took hold — all based on the obsessive connection between sickness, death and sex. This was so persistent that it could only be denied, and denial is what we now live with most of the time.

Saturn in Scorpio takes us to the same era, when religion-based social conservatism was on the march, supported by fear and driven relentlessly into government policy. So, with this setup, we get a chance to visit the late 1980s and early 1990s, and heal what was done then, including the values and attitudes that were put into place, and which most people accepted without questioning. One of those simply must be abstinence-only sex indoctrination in public schools, which I believe has done far more harm than we recognize. This must be replaced with honest, socially tolerant and most of all, science-based sex education.

A Presence Within the Darkness

There is one last detail that I have been observing and dialoging with in the process of doing the 2013 readings. Saturn in Scorpio is making a long conjunction to a point called Poseidon. This is a hypothetical point, one of the eight trans-Neptunian points that were developed in Germany early in the 20th century. Its use is considered controversial outside of Uranian astrology, though from years of observation I have learned to respect these points.

Poseidon is like a super-Neptune, offering the vision and inspiration without the delusional side effects. It is associated with mirrors and windows, and therefore with reflectivity and transparency. It has a psychic quality and can help spread ideas through an etheric conducting medium. Saturn-Poseidon will offer the opportunity to challenge the religious dogma of our times, as well as the persistent image-over-substance crisis that has itself become a form of religion.

On the most personal levels, I think this placement goes deeper. I view Poseidon’s role in this setup as an unseen guide through all of the issues I have described.

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Photo by Eric Francis – Book of Blue, NY.

As we are called to descend into shadow material, and see what we’re dealing with, there is a spiritual presence that accompanies us. Nearly every system of healing, metaphysics and even religion describe this in one way or another. It’s the ‘presence at the threshold’ that helps those on deep healing missions light their way through the dark.

Yet awareness of the spiritual presence manifests in direct proportion to the commitment to healing. If one commits oneself in earnest to understanding and resolving their shadow material, then the guide makes itself known. If one does not, the guide is still there, but one is unlikely to be aware of it.

Said another way, we are not being asked to go through any of this alone. Indeed, the sense of being alone, and even the reality, is a direct consequence of the isolation caused by the initial injury, and not being able to say anything about it. For a time, the company we are offered will manifest as an inner presence rather than as an outer one; it is this inner presence that will make other forms of companionship more meaningful. Indeed, it’s vital that we set aside the company of others who deter us from our mission, once we have committed to it, and invite in only those willing to be supportive. This can require making decisions that seem difficult at first, but obvious in retrospect.

We need to remember this, as the astrology of 2013 is in many ways a deeply introspective journey into the heart of what troubles us the most. This is not a task for the faint of heart. Courage and the cultivation of self-respect are required. If we focus the goals of liberation, resolving the causes of pain, self-knowledge and nourishing pleasure, I believe we will know what to do.

There’s a reminder from A Course in Miracles that I would offer you, which places a lens in front of the astrology we’re experiencing.

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all of the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. It is not necessary to seek for what is true, but it is necessary to seek for what is false.

“Every illusion is one of fear, whatever form it takes. And the attempt to escape from one illusion into another must fail. If you seek love outside yourself you can be certain that you perceive hatred within, and are afraid of it. Yet peace will never come from the illusion of love, but only from its reality.”


Photo selection by Sarah Bissonnette-Adler.


Planet Waves


Planet Waves

Mercury Square Neptune: Test of Truth

Over the next few days, we experience a reminder that Mercury was indeed retrograde for three weeks in November, and there may be unfinished business that comes up for review now.

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No need to swear on a stack of bibles — something is either true, or it’s not.

As you may have read in this space, Mercury started a retrograde in Sagittarius on Nov. 6, which ended Nov. 26. Yet the weeks following Mercury retrograde help us complete the process. This is particularly true for this Mercury cycle, since Mercury is in the process of making three squares to Neptune — one before the retrograde, one during the retrograde and now one in the weeks after.

Neptune is in very early Pisces; on Monday, Mercury re-enters Sagittarius, and that means the two planets will be in a square aspect (exact Tuesday). One translation is: what is true? What are you denying and why? What is your definition of true, and does it include some denial?

There may be something precise involved, that is to say, this is not a general philosophical question but rather something relating to a specific topic or set of facts. One clue is that you may be feeling self-critical about something, or avoiding certain specific data because you’re not sure what it will reveal.

The chart also suggests that you may have the feeling that if one little bit of the truth gets out, something will give way and there will be no getting control of the situation.

When it comes to talking about family material, alcohol, concerns about sex, or the generally demolished state of personal integrity that many people live with, well, we humans are not so good at getting the conversation going. Yet this is one that may start on its own. I suggest you take the initiative and speak first — acknowledging what’s up for you inwardly, and then initiating the conversation where necessary.

After Mercury squares Neptune, it moves on to square Chiron. That’s a reminder — there is no truth but the whole truth.


Planet Waves

MDMA Returns to its Therapeutic Roots

A small but promising study suggests that the therapeutic use of the party drug MDMA — also known as Ecstasy — may be a highly effective treatment for people suffering with severe PTSD. The condition, which is a common consequence of extreme trauma, is closely associated with war veterans. This study focused on an even more common population with PTSD: long-term survivors of rape.

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MDMA in its party-pill form (rather than pure). Image: Wikipedia.

Dr. Michael Mithoefer got the go-ahead to try using MDMA along with psychotherapy in the early 2000s. He and his wife Ann, a nurse, would administer two doses of MDMA over one intensive eight- to ten-hour therapy session in combination with a week-long series of shorter, non-drug sessions, and then repeat the cycle.

During the MDMA session, patients were asked to focus on their sexual assaults. Dr. Mithoefer found they were able to work through their problems and make progress with much less fear, and in ways they could not before.

The study reinforces something that two Planet Waves FM guests touched on this summer when discussing tantra and healing sexual/emotional pain: to work through it without simply reinforcing the trauma, it’s important to stay present in pleasure. Dr. Mithoefer’s work with MDMA seems to open a space in which some serenity and sense of safety, if not pleasure per se, is available to those with PTSD. For more information on MDMA, visit the Vaults of Erowid.


Planet Waves

Are the Kids All Right?

If you’ve been reading Planet Waves for more than a week, you know that the world does not ‘end’ on Dec. 21, and the Mayans never predicted that it would — that date simply marks their calendar turning over. But do your kids understand this?

Apocalyptic predictions have been around for ages, but with the Internet and other media latching onto the Mayan End-times meme, a lot of kids are genuinely afraid. A post on the U.S. government’s blog (picked up by Huffington Post) is careful to dispel this and other popular doomsday ideas:

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Children are not always savvy to doomsday jokes, and even some adults fear the possibility. The Mayans themselves never predicted the world would end Dec. 21 (or ever).

“At least once a week I get a message from a young person — as young as 11 — who says they are ill and/or contemplating suicide because of the coming doomsday,” said David Morrison, a planetary astronomer and senior scientist for NASA, on

In fact, one Planet Waves staffer says that she has heard similar comments from kids, and just this week heard of a suicide by a middle-aged man that may have been related to this fear.

The misconceptions and hysteria are not limited to children or Americans. Over the weekend, The New York Times reported that Russia is also taking steps to keep people from panicking:

“[Russia’s] minister of emergency situations said Friday that he had access to ‘methods of monitoring what is occurring on the planet Earth,’ and that he could say with confidence that the world was not going to end in December. He acknowledged, however, that Russians were still vulnerable to ‘blizzards, ice storms, tornadoes, floods, trouble with transportation and food supply, breakdowns in heat, electricity and water supply.'”

Speaking of which: our planet faces far greater risk from global warming and various human activities, although the effects are likely to be far more gradual than the turning over of a very long calendar on a single day. Regardless, check in with your kids (and anyone else in your sphere who may be showing subtle signs of distress) on what they have heard about the Mayans, the end of the world or Dec. 21, 2012.

Be ready to hear their concerns with compassion and have some facts at your fingertips so you can reassure them that despite the edge of uncertainty underlying all the Internet joking, the Mayan calendar is simply a feat of early mathematics — and the solstice is mainly a reason to celebrate a little more light and a little less darkness the next day.


Planet Waves Fuels Up Viral Stock-Divestiture Campaign

Students at a number of U.S. colleges are mounting a campaign to get their schools’ endowments to divest from stocks in fossil fuel companies — and there is an Internet campaign to make sure the story goes viral.

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Bill McKibben (pictured front, center), kicking off his Do The Math tour with a focus on divestment, in Seattle on Nov. 7, 2012. Photo: InsideClimate Change.

“We’ve reached this point of intense urgency that we need to act on climate change now, but the situation is bleaker than it’s ever been from a political perspective,” said William Lawrence, a senior at Swarthmore College, where one student group is leading the charge.

Unity College in Maine has already voted to get rid of fossil fuels, and Hampshire College in Massachusetts has adopted a broader investment policy to do so. It’s easier at small schools such as these; the ‘big kids’, with endowments over $1 billion (Harvard’s is $31 billion), aren’t budging.

The movement echoes the student-led push to divest from South Africa in protest over apartheid in the 1980s; many administrators fear heated boardroom standoffs as happened then. But students see the South Africa divestment as proof it can be done.

Several organizations have been working on the divestment angle for over a year. But it was Bill McKibben’s group,, and an article he wrote for Rolling Stone magazine this summer, which finally fanned the spark into a flame.

You can add to its momentum by reading The New York Times coverage here, then clicking the ‘Email’ button to send it to your friends. By getting the story on the newspaper’s ‘most emailed list’, you can help send it as far as possible, as fast as possible.


Planet Waves

New Ancient Trees for a New Climate

On Tuesday, members of the Archangel Ancient Tree Archive planted two saplings cloned from one of the largest stumps in the world, plus 28 other clones from California’s biggest, oldest coast redwoods and giant sequoias, near the Oregon-California border. The area, a little further north than the trees’ normal range (to hedge against global warming), will eventually be populated with another 248 cloned saplings.

Planet Waves
If this young, cloned coast redwood sapling grows like the original tree did, it will dwarf us humans with a trunk diameter of 20 feet. From a photo essay by Jamie Francis/The Oregonian.

Archangel is attempting to create an old-growth forest from its storehouse of rooted cuttings from the tallest, oldest and largest samples of each species it can find. The theory is that these ‘champion’ trees may have lasted so long partly because of genetic superiority.

David Milarch, co-founder of Archangel, began his quest after a near-death experience, after which he received the message that the big trees were dying, and to “build an ark that will hold the genetics of the greatest trees on Earth.” Redwoods and sequoias are among the best at capturing carbon dioxide.

The Archangel project is neither a sure bet nor a quick fix, but there is enough possibility to make propagating trees that are thousands of years old worth trying.

The Archangel project planted its ancient saplings during the second week of the U.N. climate talks in Doha, Qatar — and in a week in which the most southerly typhoon ever recorded in the western Pacific has claimed the lives of 477 people in the Philippines. Hundreds more are still missing and at least 200,000 have been displaced after the high winds and flooding of Typhoon Bopha destroyed their homes.

The reach of the typhoon underscores that even slightly higher global temperatures are already altering lives with dramatic and tragic effects.


Planet Waves

Kenya Says No to GMOs

In a controversial move, Kenya has become the latest country to ban GMO food imports, until the health effects of such food can be verified. The Kenyan cabinet asked Public Health Minister Beth Mugo to provide scientific proof of the safety of GMOs, and government agencies must immediately comply with the directive to enforce the ban.

Planet Waves

There was a “lack of sufficient information on the public health impact of such foods. The ban will remain in effect until there is sufficient information, data and knowledge demonstrating that GMO foods are not a danger to public health,” the cabinet said in a press statement.

Not everyone in Kenya agrees with the wisdom of the ban. Some scientists believe that the ban will lead to food shortages otherwise mitigated by modern technology and that it will disrupt university biotechnology research.

“The essence of GMO research is to provide a product that can complement efforts towards food security. This ban will discourage research, as the product for which the research is being conducted has been placed on import ban,” said Richard Okoth, a biotechnology scientist at Kenyatta University, Nairobi.

Kenya has joined Ireland, Japan, Egypt and Peru in banning the import or cultivation of all GMO crops. Peru last week began a 10-year moratorium that prevents the import, production, and use of GMOs. Earlier this year, Russia suspended imports of Monsanto’s GMO corn after a French study linked the corn to cancer; France also has a temporary ban on the corn.


Planet Waves

You may be nuts, but you’re no longer a lunatic

The sharply divided Congress has been able to agree on one thing at least — that the word “lunatic” should be purged from federal legislation. The 13th-century word means “affected with periodic insanity, dependent on the changes of the Moon,” which happens to influence millions of people. Just ask any waitress, cop, EMS worker, astrologer or member of the congressional staff.

Planet Waves
“Lunatic” is derived from the Latin word for moon, and the belief that it could affect mental health.

The House of Representatives voted 398-1 on Wednesday to strike the term from all federal legislation, after the Senate did the same in May. Having completed this important work, the House adjourned for a five-day weekend.

The bill will now go to Pres. Obama for his ssignature. Then, if you call up the FBI because the lunatic next door (who gets really weird around the time of the Full Moon) is hoarding 50,000 rounds of Glock 19 ammo in his garage, you will have to use a different term, such as “presumably insane person.”

“Lunatic” still appears in some parts of federal law — a section of financial regulation, for example, addresses the power of a bank to act as a “committee of estates of lunatics.”

The only ‘no’ vote came from Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert, who said it was lunacy for lawmakers to waste time on such a measure when more high-profile issues loomed, such as the fiscal cliff, which a bunch of zombie-werewolves are pushing the country toward every hour.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves
Just a few clicks out from human-size we start getting our solar system neighbors — but that’s only the beginning. This tool takes you from the subatomic level to the perspective of the observable universe.

The Scale of the Universe: Interactive Art

Prepare to be in awe of how vast and how miniscule our universe is, and where we fit in terms of relative size. Twins Cary and Michael Huang have created a funny, meditative and scientific interactive site called Scale of the Universe 2. By scrolling in and out and clicking on images for more information, you can bend your mind out to the estimated size of the universe and then zoom your awareness down to quantum foam, one of the smallest theorized things. Somewhere in between are those human-scale things (like ourselves, and beach balls) that we take for granted — though you might not after this. Oh — and make sure the sound is on.


Planet Waves

Is There Really a 2012 Alignment?

In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I take on the “2012 alignment” on Dec. 21, 2012. Many people have been asking about this, and there are numerous theories as to what really is lining up on this day.

Before I get into that, I cover the astrology of the next week or so, which includes the Sun’s alignment with a deep space point called the Great Attractor, and then subsequently the Galactic Center. These are difficult points to explain…I hope I did it adequately, though if you are curious, I do have some writing on the topic available.

The Great Attractor is one of the biggest things known in the known universe, which is saying a lot. The Great Attractor is called that because it’s vacuuming a million or so galaxies — galaxies — toward it at 24 million miles per day or so. If you find that intriguing, you can read an old article series I did for my Sagittarius buddy Jonathan Cainer — Sagittarius Secrets Revealed act one and act two.

Note to those following the Blue Studio Series — you can find the latest editions here.



Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

The December monthly horoscope was published Friday, Nov. 23. Inner Space for December was published Tuesday, Nov. 27.
The November Monthly Horoscope was published Friday, Oct. 26. I recommend reviewing the monthly horoscope at the end of the month. The November Moonshine Horoscope was published Tuesday, Nov. 20. Please note that the longer monthly horoscope is being incorporated into the Friday issue after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space still publishes on Tuesdays.


Planet Waves

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Dec. 7, 2012 #929 | By Eric Francis

Sagittarius Birthdays: Integrity Check, Ongoing

The word “factcheck” has become part of the modern lexicon; with Mercury square Neptune in your solar return chart, I suggest you add it to your hourly routine. Check everything you hear, before you repeat it. Check everything, before you believe it. Verify that your parents really did get divorced in such and such a year, and look for evidence of how you really felt about it. Look up the spelling of ‘Tucson’ before you send it in an email. Read the fine print in everything you sign. Take people at their word, then wait for them to offer some proof of what they say, or at least evidence that it’s true. Most important, make sure you’re being honest with yourself about what you feel, since you’re likely to have reason to deny it — if only your idealism. I suggest being cautious of entering into shared domestic situations; if you do, make sure that you leave a back door for yourself, in case you find the person doesn’t turn out to be what you thought. You will know most things in advance — the key will be listening to yourself. If your intuition whispers something twice, stop and pay attention on the spot. Note to Sagittarians and Sagg rising — your birthday reading is ready. You can get instant access at this link.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Just because something is dressed up in ‘spiritual’ terms or spoken by an allegedly holy one, that does not make it true. What is said or written by the Dalai Lama, an eminent scientist or a venerated author is not true just because they said it; it has to be true on its own merits. By the same logic, something spoken by one allegedly stupid or insane is not wrong because that person said it — it too must be subjected to a test that’s more rigorous than whether you believe it. You have the intellectual and intuitive discernment to assess what you hear or read, and I would propose that this is the time to use it. Is a product safe? Is a claim that someone is making actually valid? Does an idea hold water? Your mind and your intuition may disagree at first, but if you subject all incoming information to rigorous scrutiny, it won’t be long before the two are in agreement.

Hello Aries — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to hear your Aries birthday reading, please visit this link.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — How much of how you conduct yourself in relationships is a reaction to the past, and how much is a response to what is available in the present moment? To sort out this question, you’ll need to slow down and live from thought to thought — that’s where the information is contained. It may often seem that the story arc of your life bends around the weight of history, and that what happens today is strictly the consequence of what happened in the past. It may seem that the results of prior choices intervene in your life from moment to moment. Yet if this is true, please consider that you’re being reminded of the need to step outside of that reality. This is not merely ‘escaping’ the effects of the past. It’s about an orientation on existence, and an orientation on your journey through time. You may be caught in the perception that time is linear. That is a compelling illusion. If you pay attention over the next few days, you may notice that each moment is a gateway to many dimensions of time, extending in every direction — and offering possibilities you had not considered.

Hello Taurus — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to hear your Taurus birthday reading, please visit this link.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — There are many levels of honesty, though they contain one another. The one to monitor now is emotional honesty. This is to say, are you feeling what you feel, and are you admitting to yourself what you feel? I mention this in connection with a particular relationship situation, which is trying to get your attention — though you may not be hearing the bell through the fog. I suggest you listen, and feel. You need the information that is trying to come through to you now. If you find yourself doubting anything, or pretending it does not matter, that’s the time to pay attention. But this is subtle, as you have to notice when you’re not exactly noticing, which is a form of double mindfulness. In the moment you wake up, you will make a discovery about someone that can change the course of your life merely for being willing to notice, and reveal a potential in you that you have long denied — and will be unlikely to let slip away ever again.

Hello Gemini — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Have you listened to your birthday reading? Click here for an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You can get a lot of work done this week — in fact, you may be able to wrap up everything you have planned for the rest of the year. However, I would encourage you to slow down, prioritize the top most important projects, and focus on quality. That translates to maintaining your intellectual and spiritual impeccability, in a moment when you may be in a minor crisis over doing just that. There’s no irony involved; moving through this territory carefully is the whole point of the astrology you’re under. I can sum it up fairly simply — when in doubt, get real. That is to say, get real about what you’re thinking, what you’re feeling and most of all, what you want. There is a chance that with a little reflection you will see that it has less to do with what you accomplish and more to do with existing with full awareness at the intersection where pleasure meets healing. This is a bold space, and the thing to be bold about is your imagination. Pleasure is healing, and you can allow this idea to soak into everything you touch.

Hello Cancer — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Numerous indicators in the astrology continue to remind you to pick the locks, open the windows and tear down the walls that separate sexuality and mysticism, or what some would call God. If you start from the point of knowing that the division is itself false, and was introduced into thought as a kind of virus, with an agenda, that makes things a lot easier. The division starts with any moral position on sex whatsoever. Let me state this another way: sex is not a moral issue, and anyone who says it is has a control agenda. Sex is an experience of pleasure, a way to learn about yourself, an experiment, a journey, a matter of personal choice, a mode of creative expression, a way to explore your connection to someone, a way to mirror yourself in someone, and an offering of yourself as witness, mirror and container. It is not a moral issue. Morality potentially enters where there is deception and where autonomy is violated, but there are more practical ways to work through these problems, should they arise. Meanwhile, a passionate mystical experiment is calling your name.

Hello Leo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.

Planet Waves



Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — What is that little voice in your mind telling you? I have a clue: it’s trying to tell you something specific. This is not about a ‘general message’ coming through, or summing up the meaning of life in a platitude or two. It seems like you’re searching for a precise bit of information, like that information is trying to find you, and closer to the point, like there is a predestined meeting. In particular, you’re seeking some information about yourself, mainly to confirm or deny something that you have become aware of in a relationship or partnership situation. I am making an educated guess when I say that this has been puzzling you for at least a month, and you may be wrestling whether you’ve been informed of a limit you cannot bypass, or have been informed of what is your lot in life. You may think you’ve reached the edge of your potential based on conditioned limitations or the expectations of others. The roots of this perception are complex, and they have a long history. The answer you seek, or that is seeking you, will turn out to be relatively simple. Listen carefully. Listen for the obvious.

Hello Virgo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You seem to have made up your mind about yourself based on some poor treatment, negligence or abuse that happened to you in the past. This point of view may ‘inform’ you at certain points, especially when you want to take a chance on an intimate experience. The chance may seem extra risky due to the potential that someone would abuse your trust. Note also your possible concern about what might get out through a social network or some form of gossip. The question here is: are you trying to hide something? Are you trying to cover a perceived vulnerability, and in doing so, do you block off the kind of experience that you can only have by being vulnerable? Leaving the whole matter unresolved can become a kind of a hedge that you use, much like people use the excuse of having a partner to make sure they don’t meet anyone new — having nothing to do with their existing relationship. Be honest with yourself and get to the bottom of this. You will be much happier.

Hello Libra — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link .


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — To get out of the mental knot you seem to be caught in, you need to think beyond yourself. This may be difficult for a few days, because there is currently a kind of exaggeration effect in your astrology where changing your mind can feel like giving up everything. Or, you may have this idea that once you come to terms with one specific thing about yourself, or a particular fact of your life, there will be a cascade effect and one thing will lead to another as you gradually go out of control. You’re probably right about that. All it takes is one realization about yourself, one moment of truth, to get you to make a series of necessary changes that have in fact been long overdue. This particular psychological configuration is why so many people spend much of their time being ‘stuck’.

Hello Scorpio — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.


Planet Waves



Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — The question surrounds the role of a particular relationship in your life, which you seem to be seeing with about as much perspective as looking backwards through opera glasses. However, there is about to come a moment when you flip your perspective and get a clear look at what you’ve been experiencing. You may decide you like it a lot. You may decide that you are in a situation that’s more complex than you realized. Here is a simple way to tell: make a list of everything you have not said to whomever this situation involves. Take some time, for example, an hour or a day, to make sure you’ve thought of everything. How long is this list? And what is on it? What is your reason for not mentioning everything you’ve not mentioned? Now for phase two: what do you think has been left unsaid, coming in your direction? How would this person respond to being asked to do the same inventory? The thing that would make any situation in your life new and different is what you don’t withhold — love, pleasure and what is really true for you.

Hello Sagittarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — There is a lot that seems ready to burst out of you right now. You may wonder if you will set the house on fire by allowing any of whatever that may be out of yourself; there is a lot in there, and it has the approximate constituency of cosmic fire. One of the biggest Capricorn secrets is how passionate you are. I know it’s easy to conceal behind your somewhat formal demeanor and your constant attention to your image, but that does not change the fact of what is behind the veil. If astrology offers any clues, the time is long gone that you need to conceal who you really are. Indeed, it’s verging on impossible for you to do so, and if you pretend that nobody knows, you will just seem silly. Here is an analogy: imagine you’re wearing thin summer clothes, and you get rained on and they become transparent — and you have nothing dry to change into. If you want to feel good, acknowledge everyone can see what you’ve got — because they can.

Hello Capricorn — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Remember that public image and self-esteem are two different things. No matter how anyone perceives you (or how you think they do), that only goes so far toward allowing you to feel good about yourself. In a similar way, public recognition does not substitute for being adequately compensated for your time, talent and effort. And having an edgy or spiritual appearance is, of course, not a substitute for what those things are supposed to represent. So, one theme that comes up for the next week or so is the difference between the appearance and the reality. One way you can go right to the heart of the matter is to forget appearances entirely. You are capable of this, though perhaps it will be persuasive if I say that you will make a more vivid impression on people if you don’t care how they perceive you. Also, I would remind you that you have very little influence over the impression you make. You never really know for sure, and you have more influence on focusing your need for affirmation inwardly rather than outside yourself.

Hello Aquarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You seem to be poised for some advancement in your career, which may come in the form of visibility, notoriety or your reputation spreading rapidly. You have the most spin control before this happens, which will arrive in the form of maintaining a position of impeccable truth at all times. This way, you have nothing to go back on if you’re ever questioned; your story will be simple, because it’s true. It’s worth one sentence of caution on what you could unleash if you deceive anyone intentionally or inadvertently, or deceive yourself, over the next few days. Therefore, the question must always be, ‘Is this true?’ Go word for word, line for line, idea by idea, and ask yourself. I am not saying doubt — I am saying verify. The reputation you want is the one for being fully present, authentic and concerned not with how people perceive you but rather the substance of what you say and do. You have plenty of both image and substance — this is a matter of emphasis.

Hello Pisces — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


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Sagittarius 2012

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Dec. 14, 2012 #930 | By Eric Francis
An extraordinary New Moon in your birth sign on Dec. 13 is pushing you to express yourself, your whole self and nothing but yourself. This is often a risky venture on our planet, where we like to think that most of the people who tell the truth end up martyrs. I am not merely suggesting you tell the truth or lead the people or lay out a philosophy that could benefit many, based on the challenges you have faced so bravely. I am suggesting that you live your truth without compromise. Now, doing that also means living the truth of the aspects of yourself that you may not like, or that compromise your peace of mind. It includes being real about the history that led you to where you are today. Being real, however, does not mean acting out. It more suggests acting on — which can include opening yourself up to the healing and contact that you need. Sometimes it’s the darkness in us that can lead to a sense of isolation; and fact one of your life now is that no longer needs to be true. And if it ever did, it no longer matters today.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Dec. 7, 2012 #929

The question surrounds the role of a particular relationship in your life, which you seem to be seeing with about as much perspective as looking backwards through opera glasses. However, there is about to come a moment when you flip your perspective and get a clear look at what you’ve been experiencing. You may decide you like it a lot. You may decide that you are in a situation that’s more complex than you realized. Here is a simple way to tell: make a list of everything you have not said to whomever this situation involves. Take some time, for example, an hour or a day, to make sure you’ve thought of everything. How long is this list? And what is on it? What is your reason for not mentioning everything you’ve not mentioned? Now for phase two: what do you think has been left unsaid, coming in your direction? How would this person respond to being asked to do the same inventory? The thing that would make any situation in your life new and different is what you don’t withhold — love, pleasure and what is really true for you.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 30, 2012 #928

The Sun’s upcoming opposition to your ruling planet Jupiter is a moment of reckoning for you. It represents you breaking a kind of deadlock or loggerheads with yourself, and will allow a confrontation with the notion that you are somehow bound by the expectations of others. The only thing you can really be bound by are your expectations of yourself, so in one gesture you’re setting free yourself and the people you care about. The thing is, you seem to be taking to heart what others say, and you’re unusually susceptible to their influences at the moment. Part of what happens over the next few days is that you actually see and feel the ways in which you may have allowed yourself to be herded into a corner. Despite your persistent quest for freedom and your love for having space around you, this happens more often than you may care to admit. The first step on the way to getting out is figuring out that you’re there. Then, if you can do that, the next steps may be obvious.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for December | By Eric Francis
Standing in for Weekly Horoscope #927

If there is nothing holding you back, then what is holding you back? At this point, it’s likely to be the feeling that you’re not on solid or stable ground with yourself. So I would ask, can you get accustomed to the fact that the Earth is moving? Can you accept that as a fundamental truth of existence? (The Earth really is moving beneath you, literally and metaphorically.) Many factors in your astrology suggest that there is no certainty, and that nobody can hand it to you. Yet this also means that you are standing in a rare, and beautiful, opportunity to embrace the potential contained in an actual review of what you think, what you feel and what you value the most. In other words, questions are more valuable than answers, in part because they lead you to an open-ended place. If your phase of questioning is to end before you embark on your experiment, that’s a little like buying a set of paints, putting them in the closet and waiting for them to dry out before you make a painting. The uncertainty you feel is an experience of your potential — as is any self-doubt, or anger at yourself, at your past, or for that matter anger at your parents. You seem to be pulled between the desire for total, radical independence at the same time you’re aware that every aspect of your life contains subtle or overt interdependencies with the rest of existence. This is less of a paradox than it seems.

Planet Waves Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for December

You may finally be feeling like you have your life in order. Many questions that lurked beneath the surface of your existence have resolved themselves, or are now out in the open as more practical issues about what to do with what you learned. I suggest you keep this as your focus — focusing on the things that mean the most to you, in a disciplined way. You have so much energy that working with it consciously is imperative. It’s too easy for you to get so distracted by socializing, popularity and various other shades of glamour that you can forget your purpose. The truth is, it’s taken you long enough to remember — and forgetting is the last thing you want to do. It’s time to remember, and it’s time to remember by applying yourself to what you want with your full devotion.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 16, 2012 #926

A lot is brewing inside that wide-open space you contain. Your imagination may be running away with you. The astrological picture is one of passionately emotional fantasy, the sensation of astral contact with others, or a driving urgency to connect with yourself. If you’re on the edgy side of these emotions, you may be experiencing fear, self-doubt and uncertainty about existence. It’s possible that you’re feeling lonely and craving contact of a kind that you cannot describe, much less admit to someone else. I would propose that all the emotions I’ve described here are part of the same thing. Fear and passion are closer than we usually admit. They can masquerade for one another, they dance with one another, and one can lead you to the other in unexpected ways. You are safe feeling all of these things. You are safe in your longing and your desire for contact. It is safe to imagine anything you want, whether you think it’s possible or not.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 #925

Desire is the activating principle of the universe, at least where humans are concerned. This is one reason why honest desire is so taboo, and why it’s so often shuffled into pointless materialism rather than true aspiration. Because both expressions of desire manifest and focus energy, both come with a mystical sensation. Few people would say that acquiring a pair of shoes is some kind of spiritual experience, though the same basic laws apply to self-understanding, gaining worldly knowledge or expressing yourself in a way that has meaning to others. Simply, you know what you want and you concentrate your energy in that direction. Often, it will actually happen, or at least something interesting will develop. It’s just that where physical objects and even money are concerned, the methods are fairly obvious and direct. Where spiritual matters are concerned, the guiding principles are less tangible, though it’s helpful if you keep love and desire in the same gesture. Your chart tells me you can now distinguish these levels of experience — and choose the one you want. Here is a clue: if it happens to be about shoes, the message is about where you will walk in them.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 2, 2012 #924

Events over the next week or two will give you the opportunity to experience the world from the viewpoint of someone else, which is rare indeed, particularly for you. Too often you assume you know what others are thinking or feeling, when your perspective could easily be motivated by convenience. What you observe will have the power to change your mind, which you’re capable of doing, though at the same time you may be clinging to a certain position or opinion as if your life depended upon it. Actually, your happiness depends on seeing that there are alternatives. One thing you’re good at doing is having a sense that you live in the wide world — though this will either inspire you to feel extremely powerful or deeply insignificant. I won’t even say that the truth is somewhere in between; neither of these are useful points of view. People close to you have feelings, and some have deep feelings — a fact that can sometimes make you pretty nervous. Embrace this truth, and you will find yourself experiencing less alienation and more harmony.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2012 #923

As the days go by, the forces of society increasingly draw people outside of themselves. Whether people are gazing into little rectangular crystal balls, obsessed with fashion, obsessed with romance, chasing sex or success or fixated on something they despise, in our current era, the prevailing direction of flow of consciousness is outward. For you, the pull is in the opposite direction — into yourself. This may be happening to a degree that is unsettling, though the result will be to make you a more settled person. It’s true that there are still externals to distract you. Yet your inward draw is much stronger, and it’s likely to increase in intensity over the next few weeks until it gets not only your attention, but your full devotion. Of particular concern are resolving any ways you’ve been living a double life, which could include any tendency to exclude people close to you from awareness of what you think or do. Yet there is something else going on, which is being real about your tendency to compartmentalize and hide information from yourself. This kind of detachment can allow you a measure of temporary freedom, and helps you suspend awareness of certain ethical or emotional responsibilities. However, you’re no longer in a position to pretend that these emotional influences or factors don’t exist, or to make believe that you don’t know what you know and feel what you feel. It doesn’t matter how popular you are. What matters is that you’re real with yourself and with others.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 19, 2012 #922

You may be making one discovery after the next about what is going on in the depths of your psyche. This is at once liberating, pleasurable, painful and daunting, or perhaps these sensations are coming in waves and various combinations. Most of all, it’s necessary, particularly in an era when the most powerful psychological force is denial, which is another way of saying ‘keeping secrets from ourselves’. Now, there are a few factors to be aware of at this juncture. One is that the deeper you go, the more you may encounter a new kind of loneliness. As you keep going, you’re then likely to discover a new kind of self-presence, which you have, in the past, had a tendency to cover over by involving yourself with others. Now, no other person can get in the way of your relationship to yourself, and further, I strongly suggest you select people to be with on the basis that they not only ‘support’ but actively encourage you in your relationship to yourself. Here is the catch: there’s a degree to which they must be left out of that very process, which means that jealous people are not your friend. Far from it.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 12, 2012 #921

The sky would be the limit, if you would take off your blindfold and see that it’s there. You could run far and fast, if you would only notice that your shoelaces are tied together — and untie them. You could assert yourself and get what you want, if you would notice the way that you are clinging to what you think makes you secure, mistaking it for integrity. One thing I’ve noticed working as an astrologer is that many people are in love with what holds them back. There is a human tendency, which I don’t really understand, to value the things that ensure we’ll never aspire to be more than we are. I suggest you investigate the ways you may be doing this. This includes noticing how and when you count yourself as the underdog, and also when you believe that this puts you at some disadvantage. In reality, the primary conflict you’re in is with yourself. I suggest you own that fact and leave others out of your struggle; this way, they will be available to support you.

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Oct. 5, 2012 #920

Your sign has a reputation for devil-be-damned, though in many ways you’re more cautious than you let on. You now run the risk of going to the other extreme — forgetting the cautious side of your nature entirely — and you could lose control of some important part of your life, at least temporarily, if you don’t keep a handle on your intentions, the facts, and the decisions that you make. One vulnerable spot is home structure and family, which are under some stressful aspects. The fact that you may feel lonely or isolated is not helping matters. Still, I suggest that you moderate and focus your energy rather than boldly assert or over-extend yourself. You will still be bold enough even in vigilant mode, though you’ll slow down the movie enough to make better decisions, which will mean fewer complications. There is a significant question about what is true and what is not, and I strongly suggest you keep that out in the open where you can see it and remember that it’s there.

Monthly horoscope for October 2012 standing in for Weekly Horoscope #919

Know when you’re coming from belief, and when you’re coming from knowledge. Somewhere in the high 90th percentile of people live like they have no idea what I am talking about, though you cannot afford the luxury of ignorance. I say this because you run the risk of being driven by belief, at the expense of what is true and verifiable. It’s not any excuse that many believe “there is no such thing as the truth.” That’s a good assignment for students to discuss in postmodernist philosophy class. I mean verifying in the most practical ways what you believe against facts that you can identify. I mean reading the fine print, reading between the lines, and remembering what people say to you. I also mean belief in the biggest sense — for example, your relationship to your cosmology. I’ve only heard about five hundred people tell me they weren’t influenced by religion, while they spend their lives acting out the irrationality, guilt and obsessive conduct that can have few other sources. Therefore, reconcile your ideas about life with the actual facts about how you treat people and how you want to be treated. One thing about beliefs is that they tend to be fixed like epoxy, or change every 10 minutes. I suggest you be suspicious in either case, and engage yourself in a reasoning process of evolving your ideas consciously as new information becomes available. Don’t just move on and forget; remember where you’ve been, because before long, it will become significant.

Planet Waves Inner Space Horoscope for October 2012

You’re embarking on an extended phase of psychological housekeeping. This may involve ‘cleanup’ from years, decades or generations of ordinary living and perhaps some neglect as well. You could say that this is a time of revealing your secrets to yourself. One aspect of your nature is that you tend to see yourself as a simple person with easily understood motives; what you’re about to discover is the complexity of both who you are, and what drives you to be that person. Said another way, there’s a lot you don’t know about yourself — and you’re now on the way to finding out just what that is. There are facts of your life that you can no longer deny, and I would propose that this can come as a relief.

Friday, September 21, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #918

You’re in the process of figuring out how much fun you can have, if you get this pesky thing known as attachment out of the way. I know, most people cling to their attachments, even beyond being attached to them. This is similar to being in love with being in love, only it’s less fun. You of all people have the ability to slip right into the space of nonattachment, which is not about giving things up one at a time. Rather, it’s about making contact with your cosmic origins as a direct emotional and psychic experience. While few of us know with certainty the full nature of our journey through the universe, you have the ability to feel the essence of that journey and to embrace it, even if you only do this occasionally. Feel the essence of everything, particularly yourself, as being in motion. Everything is transient within time, though the planets are aligned such that you can feel that transience, and experience both the freedom it contains, and your ability to make contact with others in the midst of the kaleidoscope of your life.

Friday, September 14, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #917

You have a lot going for you — though I suggest you carefully avoid being too full of yourself. This can come up in subtle ways, though one thing that would help is if you check in with others, find out how they’re doing and listen to what they say. By all indications your own life is on solid ground; you have the respect of the people you work with and you have respect for your own talents. I suggest, however, that you let others do all the praising, while you invest yourself in paying attention to what’s influencing the people you care about. You could easily project your own sense of success or accomplishment onto them, or worse, be seen as someone who is competitive with the people you love. In any situation where desire is a factor, make sure you carefully take everyone’s wants and needs into account. The more you do this, the more others will be willing to give you what you want — or rather, the more they’ll feel the opening to do so.

Friday, September 7, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #916

You’re your own best ally and your own worst obstacle. I suggest you notice when you trip over yourself, and make a point of getting out of your own way. Part of how you do this is by going through your goals and working out any conflicts that may exist between them (such as time conflicts, priorities of what to do with resources, and getting clear in your thoughts about what’s the most meaningful thing to do first). I suggest you monitor the way that any delays are related not to something logistic but rather to an emotional hangup of some kind. You’re at a point in your life where asserting yourself in a bold way may seem dangerous. You may be wondering whether you’re perceived as a person of solid character. You may be thinking about what others think of your motives. I suggest you put that all out of the way and focus on staying clear with yourself, and knowing what motivates you and why. There is one other question, which is this: on what ground do you build your self-esteem?

Inner Space Horoscopes for September 2012

I suggest you spend some time among friends and at social gatherings this month (though you usually don’t need someone to tell you this). With planets and a series of eclipses heading into Scorpio — the most mysterious angle of your solar chart — you’re likely to be more introspective than usual. This, in turn, may transform into a necessary obsession; you may become more curious about your inner workings than ever. As you take this journey, very few people will be able to accompany you, and you won’t know who they are until they actually show up. Ultimately in truth, this is something you will do on your own, though for the next month or so, it’s as if you have one foot in each world — inner and outer. That will make for some interesting contrast.

Friday, August 31, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #915

If you’re feeling rebellious, I suggest you pause and ask yourself why. It seems like you’re in an agitated emotional state, something verging on panic, though it looks more like subtle panic, if such a thing is possible. An outer manifestation of this might be feeling cramped in a relationship situation, as if you’re overcommitted or feel like too much is expected of you. In truth, you’re the one placing the expectations on yourself. You may also have the feeling that you’ve revealed more about yourself than someone close to you has, though I suggest you consider carefully whether this is really true. While you have the image of ‘what you see is what you get’, your astrology suggests that you’re a lot more secretive than you want anyone to believe. Therefore if you think that someone you care about is not being forthcoming, make a list of all the things about yourself, your experiences and your desires you haven’t mentioned. It’s true that you’re entitled to your privacy, though that’s not really a valid path to intimacy — if that’s what you want.

Moonshine Horoscope by Genevieve Hathaway, standing in for Planet Waves Weekly 914 for Friday, August 17, 2012. Edited by Eric.

In all that you do, look for the experience of common ground. That might translate into the most ordinary situations right into contracts or negotiations. Your ability to form a mutually beneficial arrangement is easier to reach than it may initially appear. The Leo New Moon is your invitation to initiate discussion of commitments or agreements, as new information will continue to surface. Do your homework, though trust your intuition on which agreements are good and which need further consideration. You may need to get under the surface before you feel any solid confidence. Your emotional attunement to all facets of the situation will be clear, if you pay attention. Settle into yourself and listen for your inner guidance, which will come as a tug in what you know is the right direction. There won’t be any fear, doubt or guilt. Rather, you’ll notice just a simple nudge that feels right. Once you get that, follow it. Keep your agreements clear, straightforward and detailed; if this involves business, have all angles out in the open in written form, leaving nothing to assumption. You will know you’re in the right place when the theme is the greatest good for all concerned. — By Genevieve Hathaway

Friday, August 10, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #913

Be mindful of expecting others to make sacrifices for you — or for any inclination you may have to make a sacrifice for the sake of a relationship. I am not suggesting that you refrain from being generous, but rather that you notice when you have to give something up rather than offer it as a gift. You’re in a phase of your life when you’re exploring not just actual human encounters but also your concept of what a relationship is. I think that for you, the first question to ask is, “What is a friend?” This is not the kind of thing you ask yourself once and be satisfied with the answer you get. It’s something I suggest you ask yourself all day, every day for a while, and see how your answer evolves.

Friday, August 3, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #912

You may be finding it difficult to get a read on where a colleague or partner is coming from — or to figure out where anyone is coming from, for that matter. I suggest you be wary of lofty principles and rules for living, and translate everything into basic ideas that you understand. If you cannot do that, the chances are it’s not especially important now. You might, however, keep tabs on what you don’t understand, because over the next few days, as Mercury changes directions, you just might figure it out — and wonder why you hadn’t seen the obvious. This is another way of saying give the people around you room to experiment with what they believe. Rather than agonize over whether you think it’s true or accurate, step back and let them go through their process. The more ridiculous you think someone’s opinion is, the more distance I suggest you give them. You will be surprised at the results, when they figure themselves out.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for August 2012

You might want to admit that you’re out of your element. Not totally out — but enough that you don’t have your usual focusing power. You have something else, however, which is the strength of a relationship that may finally represent a departure from so much of what has happened in the past. There is a delicate balance in this situation. You wield a power that you don’t fully understand and may not even be in possession of. Meanwhile, you have those moments when it seems to you that everyone else has all the power. That one perception is the defining theme of your past relationships. It’s not true, though it will seem to be true until you fully possess the influence that is yours. You have a clue what I mean, and I suggest you begin with a gentle, experimental approach.

Friday, July 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #911

A partner or friend may be exceptionally reactive over the next few days, and I suggest you avoid doing what aggravates them. I am not suggesting you walk on eggshells — only avoid doing what you know will work against everyone. That said, you cannot control anyone else and you may simply need to back away and allow them to have whatever kind of reaction or response they are going to have. In that case, your patience and willingness to make space for them will be helpful. For whatever reason you seem to present some difficult challenges for this person. You put them in contact with some of the things they fear in themselves the most — though if they can get past that layer, their experience of you will be an actual experience of spiritual growth. Be patient — and practice the very flexibility and open-mindedness that you keep insisting they show to you.

Friday, July 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #910

Your life would be a lot easier if you start from the premise that you don’t understand the changes someone else is going through. This will get your past perceptions, opinions and ideas about the relationship out of the way, and grant you the ability to do the one thing that rarely ever happens: to see someone else clearly in this moment. You may seem to be the one that’s changing, though a lot more is going on than that, no matter what anyone else may say or accuse you of. It’s way too easy to go into blame mode when it comes to intimate encounters with others, and you can do yourself a big favor by setting that aside, and noticing when others are doing it to you. In fact, you are changing, someone close to you is changing, and the whole relationship seems to be taking a step into the abyss. This will be less stressful than what you’ve been through recently.

Friday, July 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #909

Others close to you may seem to have all the advantages, though you have a lot you can learn from them. You’re also seeing your own potential reflected in the choices they make and the ways which their lives are improving. I suggest that you guide your energy toward the healing needs you’ve been identifying and working with in recent years, using this moment to commit to going deeper into your most pressing life questions. You may find that certain close partners are both willing and knowledgeable enough to guide you through certain levels of yourself that you’re less than comfortable with. One pressing question is the way that family dynamics manifest in your life, particularly when you find yourself in a group of people. In a word, this is about trust. While you may have the idea that you can go it alone, that’s not really true, though everything depends on your ability to trust both yourself and others, in that order.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for July 2012

You may feel like you live in a glass house, but it’s more like the hall of mirrors. You will be here for a while, so I suggest you get acquainted with what you’re looking at. Or rather, notice that what you project outward will account for most of what you see in front of you. This is usually true, though it’s particularly vivid now. If there’s a message underneath the surface, it’s focus on yourself if you want to change your life. Though there’s no point trying to change others, few people actually remember this. However, the results you get will speak for themselves. If you change your mind or your point of view, the reflection you’re looking at will change — though like when you’re looking in a mirror, it may be in the opposite direction.

Friday, June 29, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #908

The funny thing about many of the old descriptions of your sign is that they say you like to skip over the details, yet there’s that side of you that obsesses over them. I suggest you refine this down to a short list with fewer than five items, then go back to the thing you’re so good at — envisioning the whole scene. It’s time to develop the talent of knowing when you’re in which mode, detailed close-up focus versus wide-angle view. The wide-angle means sketching out a vision that takes you out at least one year from today, with direct continuity from the present moment. Think in terms of your broad goals, and certain focused goals. The idea is to consider these things in principle, rather than in terms of specifics, or proof of what you can accomplish. Also — with Mars still in your 10th house for a few days, I suggest you solve three persistent problems at the rate of one per day for the next three days.

Friday, June 15, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #907

It may seem like the emphasis of your life is shifting to your relationships, though the fact that’s overlooked is that your relationships begin with you. You bring how you feel about yourself into every encounter with someone else. We tend to make these experiences about how we feel about the other, yet your feelings about who you are, and how you relate to yourself and your presence in the world, is the one thing that moderates every encounter you have. No matter what may be happening within your partnerships, I suggest you keep the focus on your own growth and happiness, recognizing that without that factor, you have nothing. It’s also time to cease the habit of building your identity on another person. This is unfamiliar and indeed terrifying for many people — the prospect of being who you actually are, with everyone.

Friday, June 8, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #906

You can see the potential in a certain relationship, and the benefits of liberating yourself from the attachments of your past. Yet it’s vital that you be realistic rather than idealistic, which means use what you know. If you find yourself feeling powerless, look for the ways that you’re not actually putting your knowledge to work. Meanwhile, if you’re going to be idealistic, at least know something about your ideals. Limit yourself to three of them and be specific about what they are. That’s another way of saying know what you want, then check everything you might be inclined to reach for against that list, to make sure you’re using your time and energy wisely. This will help you discern the difference between a false desire and an authentic one. Meanwhile, if any of your ideals get popped along the way, be grateful for that fact. You need solid, dependable ones, made of real substance, not the kind that are like soap bubbles.

Friday, June 1, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #905

You may be feeling something unusual, for you — being daunted by the presence, the talent or the passion of someone else. You’re usually the one who nobody can touch, the one people look up to and who seems to have some kind of superhuman quality. Now you get to feel what it’s like to have someone like that in your life, someone you admire profoundly and who you know is having a deep influence on the course of your life. Now is the time to let your relationships — this one, and others — feed you. You’re not in a submissive posture in these situations; indeed it is your strength that is allowing you to have the ability to be stable and secure enough to actually receive what other people are offering. This really is the key — receiving. There is not a therapist alive who will deny that people struggle with this, though if you’re aware of it, you can end that struggle now. Life is holding out some of its richest offerings to you right now, and will be for the foreseeable future. Open up and allow yourself to embrace them fearlessly.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for June 2012

Let the bravery and innovation of the people around you be your inspiration and your guide. You have a lot to learn from them, and you’re blessed to know a few people who are truly doing innovative things. I suggest you concern yourself less with your own originality (that will take care of itself, in the end) and more with learning how others do things, especially when you notice they do them well. Observe the skills involved and the spirit of the endeavor. You understand by now that many of your most significant relationships are working partnerships, and if not that directly, ones in which ideas are exchanged. This is a perfectly viable purpose for other people in your life. Romance is severely overrated; dharma, or the path of correct action, deserves far more reverence than it gets.

Friday, May 18, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #904

You may wonder what is happening to a particular relationship — but I suggest you leave your fears behind you. Yes, you might have the feeling that things are slipping out of control, but what good has control done for you or for the people you love? What you’re about to experience is the first step in a concentrated series of transitions lasting into late June. One message of this journey will be that control is a null concept. You will be reminded to take nothing for granted. And you will see how far simple trust can take you in your most intimate relationships. I know that most of the time we define these encounters as places of exchange, where if things are going well, we both give and get. The relationship environment of your life goes beyond mere exchange, and enters the dimension of alchemy. You have a role in someone’s life that you don’t understand — and cannot fully understand until you see the results. You don’t need to do much, except for participate when you feel the opening and invitation to offer yourself.

Friday, May 11, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #903

It’s better to regret the things you’ve done, rather than the things you haven’t done. Looking up the author of this quote, passed on to me by my Sagittarius yoga teacher Zosha, I discovered that it was being attacked as shallow and unphilosophical. As an astrologer who works with people at their points of decision, and also through their phases of being stuck, I propose that it’s pretty good advice. The refusal to dare slowly drives many people insane. Over the next few weeks, many opportunities are going to make themselves available to you. Some — not all — of them will be once in a lifetime, though what they will all have in common is that they are part of what is defining this moment of your personal history. Yet there’s a bigger story unfolding — a global story, something about humanity being at a threshold, and something about your participation in that experience. At the very least, pay close attention to what you hear when life is calling you.

Friday, May 4, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #902

Set your course toward something more than survival, or enduring a less-than-perfect situation. In fact you do endure and you do make the most of your circumstances, though the time has arrived to take a more generous approach to existence. I would call your attention to a possible feeling or notion that a particular realm of emotional contact is somehow off limits to you. By that I mean emotional on the erotic side of the spectrum, where the deepest exchange is possible. There are many factors that could lead to this fear, though none of them actually limit you: the only things that do are your own unacknowledged beliefs. When you discover one of those beliefs, which might poke its head up for a fleeting moment, take a good look at it and ask yourself what it is. Then make up your mind about whether it’s true. The past may be the most dependable predictor of the future, but if you make that a way of life, nothing will ever change.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for May 2012

You’ve been incredibly patient for a Sagittarius, especially during the past three months. You haven’t lost any ground — everyone else has been involved in their own version of working through seeming setbacks. I know that you keep getting handed these tests of your focus and attention to detail, and yet you may be discovering that it’s within your nature to work things out until they are just exactly right. This comes with a certain kind of pleasure, and the feeling of control — though when the moment arrives to let go and take your chances, I suggest that you do so boldly. You may soon encounter what looks like a narrow opportunity, the kind you have to fit sideways to get into. Yet you’re more likely to experience that as an invitation than as a deterrent.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for May 2012

You’ve been incredibly patient for a Sagittarius, especially during the past three months. You haven’t lost any ground — everyone else has been involved in their own version of working through seeming setbacks. I know that you keep getting handed these tests of your focus and attention to detail, and yet you may be discovering that it’s within your nature to work things out until they are just exactly right. This comes with a certain kind of pleasure, and the feeling of control — though when the moment arrives to let go and take your chances, I suggest that you do so boldly. You may soon encounter what looks like a narrow opportunity, the kind you have to fit sideways to get into. Yet you’re more likely to experience that as an invitation than as a deterrent.

Friday, April 27, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #901

Projects that have been on hold will move forward rapidly this week. The past few months may have felt like you were a horse at the starting gate of a race waiting for the gun to crack so you could burst forth. A kind of limbo settled in over your life surrounding your projects. What had the sensation of being stuck was in fact a building of energy, which is releasing in a series of stages. In terms of work and creative projects, proceed steadily and methodically. This will keep you from exerting energy in too many different directions. Energy spread out laterally is often wasted, yet energy focused like a laser can carve and craft and shape the world to your desires. This same formula will influence your personal life. Focus on the situations that you want the most, and that you think will be the most fulfilling — not on the rest of it. — by Genevieve Hathaway

Friday, April 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #900

There is a difference between starry-eyed romance and friendly, creative passion. It’s a distinction I suggest you take note of, because it’s one of the central themes of your life. From one angle of your chart you’ve got this strong pull into the identity as the perfect partner. Yet to do this, you have to ignore or put a veil over some of the more conflicted feelings you have about that role, one of the most significant of which is the way it tends to compromise your independence. You have another option, which is a vibrant kind of creative collaboration, which leaves the portals open to wider possibilities than you can have in a conventional format of relationship. Keep in mind that the pull between what is considered normal and acceptable and what is considered unusual can create plenty of conflict, especially if you involve yourself worrying about the ways that others might judge you. Borrowing from Erica Jong, I’m talking about the difference between being half of a relationship and a whole person.

Friday, April 13, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #899

Progress in one’s career is rarely a rapid process. True, some of the most visible careers are the ones that go off like meteors: for example, those of young celebrities, many of whom seem to have done little to deserve the kind of money and adulation that’s poured all over them. This can be frustrating for those whose success is incremental, or is in fields that are considered less marketable than fast food or smartphones. You’re not letting that stop you, however. What you’re doing has inherent value — both to you and to the world around you. If the cash-in-instantly factor is not there, something else is, which is the feeling of integrity. It’s essential that you view your ‘small’ successes as successes. Note when your direction of travel shifts in the direction of what you want. Remember that persistence over the long haul is more effective than one or two big achievements. Yet despite all of this, when you are recognized for something, it’s crucial that you be gracious about that, and pause for a moment and reflect on what you did, how you did it and why anyone actually cares.

Friday, April 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #898

If you’re feeling more settled within yourself, you can be sure you’ve worked out a complex issue that had you standing at the intersection of work and career, wondering which way to turn. Life is different when you feel good about who you are. Yet you still may be hesitating about a professional decision — which is a situation that’s bobbed to the surface many times in recent years, and which you’ve probably had enough of. Remember that the word ‘career’ means running a course, but your life is not a race. I suggest you look back at your trajectory over the past two years, and see where you’ve actually gone, as opposed to where you thought you were supposed to go. You’ll learn something from a careful review of your decisions going back to 2010. You have a decision to make about what to do next — and it will serve you well to have that be an informed choice, and by that I mean informed about what you really want to do with your precious time.

Inner Space Monthly Horoscope for April 2012

You’re at the point where your plans are starting to materialize, and maybe even bear fruit. But I suggest you make an offering of pleasure, in the spirit of Beltane (which for everyone else is around May 5 but for you is all of the coming month). I suggest you do things that celebrate your abundance: a gathering or two of your true friends and supporters, an investment in your career (such as a new piece of gear) and an update of your business plan. There’s one other — in the spirit of Beltane, I suggest you offer at least one experience of erotic pleasure to the Earth, the Universe or the Goddess (however you think of it) as a fully conscious affirmation of where you want your life to be going. Celebrate healing, freedom and most of all, the fact of being alive.

Friday, March 30, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #897

In her book Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey draws a distinction between intuition and instinct. That contrast gets clearer every time you think it through, though at first it deserves some explanation. Instincts include things like the urge to defend yourself, to avoid ‘dangerous’ neighborhoods or to hoard food. Certain levels of sexual feeling could be called instinctual, because the body is doing its thing without much guidance. Intuition, on the other hand, is a subtle incoming message. It’s something we receive, rather than something we already are. For example, if you have two possible routes you might travel, you choose one over the other because it feels right — that’s intuitive. If you’re trying to solve a complex set of problems and you have one idea that influences them all, that too could be called intuitive. AAB suggests that part of the evolutionary path is to gradually grow from being instinctual creatures to intuitive ones, and your charts suggest that’s the process that’s being accelerated for you in the coming weeks.

Weekly Horoscope # 896 for March 23, 2012 — by Priya Kale.

You are being called to take a risk in a situation that seems to be pushing you over the edge and way out of your comfort zone. As scary as this may seem, this is an opportunity to ‘re-birth’ and reinvent yourself creatively, sexually and personally and reignite passion in a way you never thought was possible. Just because something didn’t work before doesn’t mean it’s a bad idea; in going back to the drawing board you can find a new solution to an old dilemma. As torn as you may feel between your head and your heart, stay in the moment with whatever is igniting passionate feelings or fear, desire, anger or rage. Rather than try to rationalize your or another’s behavior, understand that people do crazy things when they are in love or feeling cornered. Your feelings may be real but they are certainly not reality, which if you look around you is more abundant than you have feared. Let your passion lead the way and don’t allow others’ doubts to stand in the way of what you know in your heart to be true. Rediscover your inner child and you can be liberated to lead the life that brings you greater joy, purpose and material comfort. — by Priya Kale.

Friday, March 16, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #895

Take advantage of this moment; that advantage is that you have some perfect opportunities to ground your ideas, to put them into solid form, and to integrate them into your career plan. If you don’t have a career plan, this is the time to make one — based not on what you wish you could do but rather on what you actually do, what you love to do, what you express the desire for by taking action. Clean up old plans, with no attachment to things that don’t work, are not fulfilling or don’t meet your needs. You’re not going for perfection here, but a general sense of correctness. Good enough means worth investing your precious time and energy into. Yours is a fire sign, which means you’re a brilliant initiator with excellent ideas — but your disadvantage is your tendency to be so in the moment that you don’t consciously build a foundation for the future. What you’re doing now is part uncovering and dusting off the old foundations, part repairing them, and part building new structures.

Friday, March 9, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #894

Your work speaks for itself, that’s true, but don’t expect that to be persuasive when it comes to others investing in you. Far from being ‘not worth it’, the issue is that people rarely recognize quality when they see it. As the one who is being true to your values, make sure that you’re the one who is the dependable investor in yourself. Think of this as a process of building the image and the reality of self-sufficiency. While it’s true that there is no actual autonomy, there does exist a state where you’re more dependent on in-house resources than you are on those external to your direct influence, and that is the longterm direction your life is taking. Obviously resources will flow in your direction; that’s the nature of business and art. Yet the ones you want are the ones you don’t have to pay back. What you’re creating is yours outright, and I suggest you embark on a Buddhist meditation of seeing the value of what you do from a detached place, so you have a chance of recognizing that more objectively. When something turns into cash from any other form, that is a conversion of energy — the actual ‘making’ of that value is what happens long before that.

Friday, March 2, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #893

The time is nigh for you to let go of your old ideas about your personhood — or anyone’s — being associated with relationship status. That’s the relic of another era, and for the most part it’s only served to the detriment of humanity. Relationship status is used for many purposes, ranging from ‘acceptability’ to certain communities to the appearance of decency, no matter what someone really does. It’s a way of signaling social status (married to the ‘right’ person) and as various dog whistles for unavailability, availability for surreptitious activity, and most of all, an acceptable form of relationship to our parents — no matter how many times they got divorced. This all amounts to a sham. You are acceptable for who you are, not for your status or who you’re with. The thing is, these programs run so deep they verge on impossible to see and unappealing to question. Sooner or later you will figure out that you are you and that your life is an experiment, and that’s likely to be sooner than you think.

Inner Space Horoscope for March 2012

You’re going to be in a bold mood to experiment as the month unfolds, though I suggest you think before you act. To you, that may feel like hesitation, and if that’s the case, then I suggest you hesitate before you act. The difference, however, is that thinking is an active process of reflection, not merely momentary fear. I suggest you parse out the potential consequences of any particular adventure. From the looks of your solar chart, you may be feeling like you have no limits, therefore, I suggest you be the one to set some conscious limits, or at least moments of review. You can easily get drawn into the energy fields of others, through various forms of erotic play and romance. Make sure you have your wits about you. Simply put, there are some choices that take very little time but which have effects that last a really long time.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope # 892, for Friday, Feb. 24, 2012 | By PRIYA KALE

You may fear you’ve hit rock bottom with a situation that threatens your sense of emotional or financial security. But a New Moon in the angle of your chart connected to security, and your home base, suggests no matter where you’ve felt out of your depth, there is opportunity knocking on your door. It may call for persistent work on your part but you aren’t looking for a quick fix. More to the point, the situation calls for having faith in yourself. As long as you keep a healthy level of discernment, you can rise above your insecurities to see what you can do to work your way out of a situation. Then even if change is slow, it will be lasting. Be honest about the situations and relationships that drain on your health, energy and resources. You don’t need to feel defensive, but do negotiate boundaries that help you feel safer within your connections. Your family and those you consider your family (even if all they offer is emotional support), are a bottomless well you can drink deeply from — allowing you to rejuvenate your spirit as you gather strength to greet another day. Above all, trust you’re being buoyed by a divine force and what is emerging is a lesson in learning your spiritual depth — which is endless. Have faith that as long as you are committed to living your best life daily, you can invite in the greater flow of financial and emotional support you need. — By Priya Kale

Friday, Feb. 17, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #891

You don’t need anyone else’s approval to make a decision. You may not recognize that you’re even seeking that approval. It may come in the form of ‘thinking like someone else’ or imagining what they would do. I suggest that you think like yourself, align with your own desires and needs, and make the decision that’s right for you. There’s a good chance that someone you know won’t agree with you, but what difference does that make? That person doesn’t have to live your life. As soon as you focus on your own intentions, and get centered about what is right for you, you’ll see how little the feelings of others matter. That said, if you can discern emotions from facts (both yours and anyone else’s), you might gain some clarity based on the actual data you become aware of. It will be an excellent exercise for you to stick strictly to the observable, verifiable facts. This won’t interfere with your intuition — it will only strengthen it.

Friday, Feb. 10, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #890

You need to apply effort, but a certain kind that to you might feel passive. The idea is to slip into the flow, and know when you’re there. You’re in one of the richest and most abundant creative moments for many moons — though this also has a potentially disruptive quality if you don’t ride the tiger just right. This is why I am suggesting a move-with-the-energy, no-resistance approach to what you have to do, and for engaging with the thoughts and ideas that pass through you. Definitely keep a notebook, and remember that not everything is worth acting on — but nearly everything will be worth considering, and some will be worth developing. Ideas for career development may have to wait, but it’s never too early to prepare with knowledge, strategies and most meaningfully, with a vision for what you want to do. Remember, visions develop in layers, and are combined of adding what you want and removing what you don’t want.

Friday, Feb. 3, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #889

The concept of ‘home’ has become elusive, as people become increasingly transient, as the family structure changes and as home — the building itself — has become the subject of a vast political and economic scandal. As well, the notion of what it means to feel ‘safe’ on the planet has changed and changed radically. The things my friends and I used to do as kids, unsupervised, would get some parents arrested today, while others neglect their children with bald, outrageous impunity. All of these questions are potential topics of Neptune ingressing the home and security angle of your solar chart. Yet the question is deeper and more personal: what do you need to do in order to feel like you’re safe on the planet, or in your home? You may come up with a long list of possibilities and I bet many of them would be valid. But I can sum it up in two words, if you like: emotional boundaries.

Friday, Jan. 20, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #888

Does it matter what the boss thinks? No — if you set your own standard of excellence. Speaking as a boss, I can tell you that’s the one thing I’m looking for in the people who work for me: self-regulated quality control, and clear internal motivation to grow and improve. If you fire up those qualities in yourself, and find your own reasons for being motivated to do good work, you will set yourself free from a whole bunch of external bossiness in your life. Pay attention to the details of what you’re doing, and notice the implications of decisions you make and you will find yourself enjoying some actual autonomy. Unless, that is, you work for a petty tyrant — in which case you might just need to cut yourself loose from that situation sometime during the next three months. One thing I suggest you not do during that time is attempt to be in charge of anyone but yourself. That comes later.

Friday, Jan. 13, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #887

What defines your sense of self-worth? Is it success? Respect from your peers? Wealth? Your relationships? You’re in the process of discovering that it’s really none of the above, which will arrive with the sensation of setting you free from something that has long felt like a trap. Don’t forget what you learn today and this weekend. Only you have the power to define your worth, though sometimes you will discover this through a process of reduction. In other words, as you let go of every influence that did not work, or that was incorrect, you will eventually figure out that you had the right idea all along. The key to your longterm happiness is reaching a balance between radical self-sufficiency and healthy dependency. If you learn toward independence, you will make room for a more natural exchange of support. Yet if you lean too far in that direction, you will push others out of your life.

Friday, Jan. 6, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #886

You’re about to have an opportunity to develop your financial resources; that is to say, to either make money, get a gig, or tap into some existing resource that has more value than you think. The key to financial success, for you, is grounding. You don’t necessarily like ‘the material world’, and you know that there’s more to life than that — but when it comes to money or wealth in any form, your success will come from a practical, planned-out and in some ways traditional approach. As the next few days develop, I suggest you take any conversations slowly and patiently, particularly with bosses or clients. Small successes can lead to much larger ones, though you must take things one step at a time, no matter how brilliant or innovative an idea or proposal might be. Make no assumptions, and keep a close eye on the timing of commitments.

Deeper than Confetti: An Introspective Year

Dear Friend and Reader:

I’ve been watching the news the past few weeks for signs and symbols of Mercury retrograde in Scorpio, which ended Monday. This and the surrounding astrology (covered in Tuesday’s edition featuring Twin Peaks) caps off a deeply introspective year. I feel confident saying everyone learned a lot about themselves. Yet it was also a truly intriguing moment for personal-meets-political.

Planet Waves
Portable podcasting gear set up in Montauk, NY, earlier in 2012 (probably for the Spring Report). Photo by Eric Francis.

My personal favorite story from the time of the retrograde — maybe my favorite Mercury retrograde story ever, except for the yak butter incident — happened Thanksgiving Day in New York City. Some of the confetti distributed by Macy’s for the famous parade consisted of shredded Nassau County (Long Island) police documents. This is not supposed to happen. Macy’s claims to use only commercially produced confetti.

By whatever miracle, some of what was actually used included shredded confidential police reports, with names of undercover officers, Social Security numbers, birth dates, addresses and account information, according to a variety of press reports. Confidential documents are supposed to be shredded vertically, but these were shredded horizontally, so the information was legible.

Best of all, details of Mitt Romney’s motorcade to the last debate (held in Nassau County) made it into the mix. This was after the debate happened, but it’s still useful information to some.

The news reports were full of exclamations and inquiries about how this happened, and there is an investigation in the works. They need an astrologer on the panel, so they don’t miss the biggest clue — Mercury was retrograde in Scorpio, the sign of all things secret, concealed or otherwise on the down-low. Hence, these secrets were liberally sprinkled, in legible form, all over the public.

The confidential confetti metaphor works on every level I can think of. It describes the current state of privacy, with the perfect non-Internet incident. Some have remarked that privacy is being reduced to just another commodity, available to those who can afford it. I would say we have evidence that it barely exists at all.

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Is there any such thing as privacy? Here is one description. Photo: Eric and Sarah, Blue Studio.

We have, at least, enough information to put us on notice that the notion of ‘private’ is a bit behind us — though there remains the question how we’re supposed to respond. Most people still cling to the idea that certain things about them are unknown to most people, and the idea of them getting out, even if nothing illegal was done, is a bit mortifying. Indeed, it is evocative of death, where so much about us becomes known — it’s just that we’re not around to experience the benefits.

The benefits? Yes! The benefits of feeling all that pressure taken off. The benefits of no longer wondering what everyone will think, and projecting judgment onto others with negative self-talk.

Yet as far as I can tell, the secrecy issue really has two sides: the information that we deny to others, and what we deny to ourselves.

The resounding message of this year’s astrology has been: come out to yourself. Reveal all of your inner secrets — to you. Explore inwardly; shine the light within and know yourself for who you are. I know that the fear in the way of that is deciding that you are going to encounter more self-judgment. While it’s true that we have to pass through some shadowy territory, I believe that most of it involves dealing with the effects of previous judgments and self-criticism, rather than encountering pain about who we are. In other words, what we’re dealing with is past emotional patterning affecting us now. This is good news; it lets us off the hook, as long as we don’t climb back on by replaying old scenes over and over.

In any event, to unravel this shadowy stuff subverts all kinds of ego games, obsession with image and problems we have relating to others. Liars lie to themselves, and someone who is honest with herself or himself is more likely to be honest with others. Part of that honesty means establishing a relationship with the truth and its value, as a primary focus of existence. Once you do that, many other values and ethics fall into place. The fog lifts over obvious distinctions between right and wrong.

One of the sticky spots does seem to be sex. This is the one place where nearly everyone grants themselves a pass to deceive others or deceive themselves, on some level. It’s one reason why I think it’s the place to begin, and why I suggest being honest with yourself about what you want, what you’ve done and what has been done to you. If you hang out in that space for a while, you can collect a lot of your scattered energy, find some relief or even peace of mind, and then open up to others in a way that isn’t terrifying.

Planet Waves
Studio setup for Internet privacy photo in Blue Studio. We started with a complex setup and progressively removed elements to get a photo simple enough to be visually appealing.

Part of why it’s less scary is because you don’t have to worry about what anyone is going to find out. I have no way to quantify the energy that’s held in worrying what will happen if others discover something, but we all know that it’s agonizing.

Our introspective year has included retrogrades of Venus and Mars, plus the Venus transit of the Sun, which no person alive today (barring some technology that doubles the length of a human lifetime) will see again.
The retrogrades took us in, in, in — and Venus revealing herself against the backdrop of the Sun, in broad daylight, seems to have awakened something in the feminine spirit.

Though my viewpoint is limited, and biased by a special interest in the topic, I have seen how Mercury retrograde in Scorpio has led to an impressive sexual and emotional awakening: people making decisions, coming to realizations, coming out of denial and into themselves, and the desire to express this in words.

We now head for the one remaining landmark event of this year — the Northern Hemisphere winter solstice of 2012, which is day of the Mayan calendar. I read that chart for you last week in the article Something About Juno, and my not-so-surprising discovery is that the solstice chart mainly presents a deeply personal message about self-relating and relating to others.

Speaking of Introspective: Personal Astrology

This is the time of year that I dive into the personal astrology for all 12 signs, in the creation of the Planet Waves annual edition. Each January, I release a set of readings that covers the entire zodiac, applicable to Sun sign, rising sign, Moon sign and special topics such as relationship partners. This year the annual is called LISTEN.

In my reading of the world and of the planetary movements, this is the next step in saving the world — learning to listen: to ourselves, to our environment, to our children, to our partners: listening and paying attention to what we learn. The astrology is providing rich information about how we may do this — especially the part about going past the fear and the mental chatter and listening on the soul level.

Planet Waves
Eric, working in Yum-Yum Noodles of Kingston, photo by Sarah.

I’ve been developing this work since July, casting more than 100 charts and studying the positions of dozens of minor planets as they move through the zodiac, dancing amidst the well-known bodies. The project is well underway, and completing it is something I will associate with this time of year for the rest of my life.

The annual is always a deep journey for me. Setting aside the production details, the art, the music and the articles by other contributors (most of which is now handled by the talented people around me), I essentially have to re-learn astrology every time I do it, then express what I have learned in empathic language that makes sense to you.

The annual now consists of a written and audio portion for each sign. I go to a depth that most astrologers would say is impossible for “Sun sign” astrology, which may be true — I use many techniques not employed by Sun sign writers, including a solid understanding of the houses, some ancient techniques and modern planets that speak to the human condition at this time in history.

Mainly, I pour myself into the work. At a certain point, the need to provide something original for everyone catches fire, and the whole thing becomes a discovery process. The charts never stop speaking. Once I start the audio, I can go on for hours — it is astonishing how much information the charts provide. I have to set a word limit on the text so I can stop and move on to the next sign.

The result is something that changes my life, and is designed to help you change yours, in the ways that you want. You bring that willingness and that motivation; I provide some information about themes and timing. I offer a way through the noise, and an interpretation of the aspects that you won’t read anywhere else. I work with the foundational idea that astrology does not describe a problem to which it does not also offer a solution. What good would it be otherwise?

Planet Waves
Horary chart for LISTEN in my kitchen recording studio. The chart has Pisces rising, with Neptune, Chiron and the Moon in the ascendant. Pholus is on the midheaven. Chart’s data is July 7, 2012 at 10:53 pm, Kingston, NY.

I also work with the idea that the main quest we are on is healing, creativity and growth, which are aspects of the same thing.

For subscribers who have a little difficulty keeping up with how we offer products, the annual is a separate purchase from a regular subscription or any other product. It’s priced to be affordable and worth many times the price. Pre-ordering information is here.

[Note, you may now order all 12 signs (recommended, so that you can read your rising sign, Moon sign and learn about your significant others) at the subscriber discount. Soon, the signs will only be available individually.]

This year, I am making some space to do this work a little more comfortably. The Planet Waves edition you’re reading will pause for the holidays, so that we can all catch our breath and spend some time off of deadline. I’ll be sending out a special schedule notice about that later Friday or Saturday morning. Please check your email.

Today it occurred to me that it would be helpful to get some of this information to you by the winter solstice. In terms of the 2012 readings for LISTEN, I may be able to finish the audio by the winter solstice. I am not promising that — but it seems possible. The written portion would come out sometime in January, as usual.

Meanwhile, I highly recommend that you review the 2012 annual, Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. (If you were a customer of that edition, please revisit it; if you need your login information, please write to us.) If you have not signed up for it, we will be offering that next week at a special price for current subscribers. Reality Check was the culmination of four years of work researching and reading many charts leading up to 2012.

Each annual edition builds on the prior one, and is designed to have a shelf life of two to five years. It is relevant now, and so too are the past several annuals. We will make the last three editions available as a package offer (Next World Stories, Light Bridge and Reality Check).

Basically, what you see in Planet Waves annuals fulfills the dream of many astrologers who came before me — making available individually relevant astrology, affordably, in a beautiful presentation. The voice you hear and that you read is my own, and I view our relationship as a bond of trust.

I’ll keep you updated on my progress.

With love,

Planet Waves


Planet Waves

Next Stop: Deep Sagittarius

Mercury retrograde — the famous one, that began on Election Day — ended Monday, with Mercury stationing direct in Scorpio. There was an eclipse of the Moon on Wednesday morning, and much other interesting astrology clustered in.

Planet Waves
Chart for Sun opposite Jupiter on Dec. 2. See glyph legend here.

For Mercury hawks — Mercury will return to Sagittarius on Dec. 10 (Dec. 11 in Europe), making a square to Neptune. It will leave shadow phase a few days later, and then make a square to Chiron, when we may learn something a little extra about the American presidential election that everyone has fortunately forgotten.

The Moon is now in waning phase, and arrived in the sign Cancer Friday at 8:55 am EST. It makes a conjunction to Ceres, a reminder that nourishment on the emotional level is as important as food. It’s also a reminder to eat more wholesomely, remembering that everything you put into your body influences how you feel. This food-feeling relationship is often overlooked, but with the Moon conjunct Ceres in Cancer it’s impossible to miss.

Over the next few weeks, we get some clear weather, after a turbulent year of astrology that seems mainly to have pushed an inner confrontation rather than a political or social one. The general trend of the astrology continues to be more introspective than expressive. There is an interesting contrast between 2011 and this year, as last year was noted mainly for protests, uprisings and stunning disasters (one of which is still unfolding: that would be Fukushima).

We do have an expressive moment approaching, though, in the form of the Sun opposing Jupiter. This is an alignment across 11+ degrees of Gemini-Sagittarius. Imagine the Sun and Jupiter, the largest planet, in an alignment with the Earth in the middle, the approximate size of a pea compared to a beach ball (only hotter, the Sun) and a softball (but less dense, Jupiter). This is a powerful polarity that may feel a little like a Full Moon.

The Sun then makes a conjunction to the Great Attractor, a deep-space point, on Dec. 5. This is a kind of Sagittarian head rush, an event I think is partly responsible for the outrageous sense of time acceleration this time of year (forgetting the fact that it gets dark at 4:30 pm up here in the Northern Hemisphere).

We’re also headed for a significant public event: the winter solstice of 2012. This is the end of the 13th baktun of the Mayan long count. Part of its public resonance involves its occurrence on one of the solstice points. I have written many times that I don’t know the significance of this event; it’s a kind of x-factor. In a recent issue, I give my interpretation of the chart, and in that issue’s monthly horoscope for December I describe how it will influence the 12 signs and rising signs.

Apropos of much other astrology we’ve encountered through 2012, the planets seem to be describing what we need to change about ourselves and how we relate to others. One of the central questions, as I read the aspects, involves what we experience inwardly as contrasted with what we present to others (I cover this in the link above).

There is too much tension between these two poles of consciousness — who you really are, versus your public relations position. I suggest you notice when you’re saying one thing and feeling something else, acting one way but knowing that you really have another agenda.

For the rest of the year, the astrology is sending the message: your primary relationship is with yourself. I know this is an invitation to authentic sincerity, which can be as repelling to some as it is charming to others. So if you choose to take up that inner relationship, and then make yourself available to others, get ready for some mixed reactions — and notice who is nodding in your direction and saying ‘yes’.


Planet Waves

Florida Republicans ‘Fess Up, Mercury-Style

Planet Waves

Yet again, the 2012 U.S. presidential election is showing its Mercury retrograde stripes to great effect. Coinciding with Mercury’s station direct — an event known for letting the truth out — former Republican officials in Florida have admitted that their goal all along was to block Democratic votes, not to ‘prevent voter fraud’. Of course, everybody knew this already.

“I know that the cutting out of the Sunday before Election Day was one of their targets only because that’s a big day when the black churches organize themselves,” said an anonymous Republican consultant to The Palm Beach Post. Other Florida GOP members, including former Florida governor Charlie Crist, have confirmed the tactic was pure marketing bullshit. Former Florida GOP Chairman Jim Greer, currently under indictment for embezzling from the party, chimed in, saying “[Republican strategists] firmly believe that early voting is bad for Republican Party candidates.” President Obama ultimately won the battleground state of Florida.

Senators Propose Ban in Indefinite Detention Under NDAA

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) introduced an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would protect American citizens from being indefinitely detained. The amendment, which is cosponsored by several other Republican and Democratic senators, uses essentially the same language as the Due Process Guarantee Act, which Feinstein and Lee introduced last year.

NDAA, which turns the whole United States into a ‘battlefield’ in the War on Terror, was passed by Congress last year, and signed into law by Pres. Obama, while he was in Hawaii on Dec. 31. [The chart data is 12/31/2011, 10:03 am, Honolulu.]

The language of the amendment assures that no authorization to use military force, war declaration, or any similar authority would allow an American apprehended in the United States to be held without charge or trial.
During a discussion of their amendment on the Senate floor today, Sen. Lee said, “Senator Feinstein and I have worked closely together over the course of the past year to craft what we believe represents a very prudent course in protecting both our nation and our liberties at the same time. Security is important, and precisely because it’s important, it must not be acquired at the expense of our individual liberty.

“It may well be said that government’s most important basic responsibility is to protect the liberties of its citizens. Our nation has fought wars on American soil and around the world in defense of individual liberty. And we must not sacrifice this most fundamental right in pursuit of greater security, especially when we can achieve security without compromising liberty.”

Read more on Reader Supported News.


Planet Waves

Gunning for Iran? (And: Palestine Recognized as Existing)

Much has been written about Saturn in Scorpio and its relation to sexual themes, but what about governmentally designed death? (Saturn rules Capricorn, which represents governments, institutions and structure.)

In the wake of the tenuous ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, speculation emerged that Israel might be using the conflict as “something of a practice run for any future armed confrontation with Iran, featuring improved rockets that can reach Jerusalem and new antimissile systems to counter them,” The New York Times reported.

“I know there are citizens expecting a more severe military action, and perhaps we shall need to do so, but at this time the right thing for the State of Israel is to use this opportunity to achieve a long-lasting ceasefire,” said Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu.

The news broke while Mercury was retrograde and Mars, planet of war and aggression, was moving into a conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn, a potentially volatile aspect. No armed conflict that indiscriminately kills children — up to 34 were reportedly killed in Gaza in this latest conflict, to say nothing of the thousands traumatized — can be casually called a “practice run.”

Meanwhile, the United Nations has voted overwhelmingly this week to recognize a Palestinian state, against the objections of the United States and Israel. But the Palestinians still face enormous limitations. They don’t control their borders, airspace or trade, they have separate and competing governments in Gaza and the West Bank, and they have no unified army or police.

The chart for the UN’s vote has all four mutable signs on the angles (ascendant/descendant and MC/IC axis), indicating that the move isn’t rooted in anything solid. (To get an anchor into physical space, it helps a lot to have a cardinal sign such as Aries, or a fixed sign such as Taurus, on the angles.) The Sun and Moon are also in mutable signs, and the Moon was void of course, saying basically the same thing.

The UN vote seems to be a token gesture, though it gets bonus points for pissing off the U.S. and Israel. And it’s a scant admission that Palestine was in the spot that Israel now occupies for thousands of years prior to Israel’s creation by the allies after World War II.


Planet Waves

A Brighter Black Friday?

Whether the numbers are minimized by Walmart or inflated by activists, the anti-Walmart protests on Thanksgiving and Black Friday still count as significant.

Organized by disgruntled workers in a group called Organization United for Respect at Walmart (OUR Walmart), the protests were a way to get around the seeming impossibility of unionizing and get heard on issues of low wages and unfair labor practices.

The company claims that fewer than 50 employees participated in the protest nationwide. But a protest in Dallas reported that 40 workers showed up, and one in Miami claimed 70 workers.

The bulk of the protesters were not Walmart employees; when you’re scraping by and fear for your job, it’s incredibly difficult to jeopardize it — especially once the holiday season starts. But nearly 1,000 supporters took part in a Paramount, California protest and about 400 at a Maryland location, with smaller events throughout the country.

Many more people waged a kind of silent protest by observing Buy Nothing Day. Last weekend’s protesting workers, and those who staged a rolling series of one-day strikes in October, have made some history, whatever the numbers. And on the other side of the globe, survivors of a factory fire that killed at least 120 Bangladeshi workers have been protesting the working conditions they face while making clothes for — you guessed it — such companies as Walmart.


Planet Waves

MFA, MBA or BDSM? Or Just More Ignorance and Abuse?

Completely in tune with this week’s Venus-Saturn conjunction in Scorpio, which suggested consciously playing with power exchanges in sex, a story emerged in The New York Observer (see Alternet reprint here) noting that ‘S&M clubs’ are sprouting up on Ivy League campuses. But nestled in among the ultimate Frisbee clubs and chess clubs, these alternate sex clubs are running into difficulties with clear consent, coercion and accusations of rape — despite the claims of most of these clubs that they stress negotiating clear boundaries and consent. (Eric interviewed a professional dom last week in the Blue Studio Sessions).

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Photo of Zoe West by Eric Francis.

One reason we’re skeptical of the story is because there is already so much sexual abuse on campuses, nearly all of it covered up by administrators to ensure that the campus does not look undesirable to new students. Sports programs, fraternity and sorority houses and other venerated campus institutions have all been repeatedly implicated. Serial rapes are covered up, many times not reported to town police. So to say there is a special problem in s/m clubs is to miss the point.

If there is a problem, part of its basis is that young college students are being presented with the option for advanced sex when many have not had the most basic sex education — a fact borne out by recent findings that cases of HIV are on the rise among youth, especially young gay men.

“We have to correct a lot of myths and misconceptions,” said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, commenting on the rise of HIV. “It is astonishing the level of ignorance about basic physiology that many high school and middle school students have.” They are then expected to negotiate their way through the alcohol- and hormone-drenched world of a university campus, far from their friends or anyone familiar.

Both issues are obvious casualties of abstinence-only indoctrination, which assumes that as long as you practice ‘just saying no’ (till wedding night arrives), you don’t have to worry about knowing your body, the biology of men and women, the facts about STI transmission, pregnancy, what constitutes a clear boundary (and by extension, a violation of one), and the lines between ‘consensual’, ‘coerced’ and ‘forced’. Heck, even ‘yes’ and ‘no’ get obscured if you step beyond ‘no intercourse’ into the real world of sex.

Abstinence-only was begun in the early 1980s, so its first victims are now in middle age. Many in these generations know much of what they know about sex from TV talk shows and Internet porn. Fortunately, some have found their way to useful resources such as and

Even in the adult world, learning to negotiate the realm of BDSM (indeed, all sex) takes care and awareness, and sexual assault and abuse of boundaries do occur. The emerging BDSM clubs on Ivy League campuses bring the issue of boundary negotiation and consent front and center, which is great; but the Antioch Rules, which all of these schools adopted years ago, do the same. These rules state that all sexual consent must be “(a) verbal, (b) mutual, and (c) reiterated for every new level of sexual behavior.” It’s well known to be difficult to address campus rape successfully with administrators. It can be even harder — in the real world as well as in ivory towers — to get a prosecutor to touch a case of BDSM rape, where the handing over of power makes the waters murkier than most legal-types want to wade through.


Planet Waves

British Press Very Naughty, According to Long Report

In the wake of the News of the World phone hacking scandal that shook up England, fractured the News Corp empire and resulted in numerous arrests, a British commission officially declared the press in that country over-the-top corrupt. [We covered this in an article called The World in a Grain of Pholus.]

The Brits have a tabloid media that nobody who hasn’t experienced it can really appreciate. A dozen color tabloid newspapers scream for attention every day, with ever more lurid headlines, scandals, fake scandals and paparazzi photos of celebs, politicians and sports figures. In the most famous case to date, they hacked the cell phone of murdered teenager Milly Dowler, playing voice mail messages that her parents left for her, and deleting the old ones so that the parents had room to leave new ones.

Planet Waves
Now-defunct British tabloid News of the World hacked the phone of dead teenager Milly Dowler, deleting phone messages so that her parents could record new ones, which they reported on — and led her parents to believe she was alive.

To keep up with the competition, editors at many of these ‘newspapers’ employ private investigators, bribe the police for information, take vacations with top politicians and generally engage in conduct far more scandalous than that which they report on. (Each newspaper also has its own horoscope columnist, which is a lot of fun. The horoscope is the most accurate section.)

“Too many stories in too many newspapers were the subject of complaints from too many people with too little in the way of titles taking responsibility, or considering the consequences for the individuals involved,” the head of the inquiry, Lord Justice Sir Brian Leveson, said in a 46-page summary of the findings in his long-awaited, 1,987-page report published in four volumes, The New York Times reported Thursday.

“It was said that The News of the World had lost its way in relation to phone hacking,” the summary said. “Its casual attitude to privacy and the lip service it paid to consent demonstrated a far more general loss of direction.” The same can be said of many British papers; even the Times of London came close to being implicated, and many other papers guilty of the same conduct escaped prosecution.

The report calls for a special commission to regulate the media. But why not just follow existing privacy, cyber-hacking, libel and bribery laws? That would be a good start, though it’s not illegal for top editors and political leaders to take exotic vacations together. So maybe it’s a good idea if someone is watching. Old habits die hard, the profits are incredible and there are always better hackers and private-eyes. Let’s see what happens.


Planet Waves

BP Banned by Feds, But for How Long?

In the latest strike — however symbolic — against Big Oil, The United States has banned oil giant BP from obtaining new federal contracts and leases, citing its “lack of business integrity” during the Deepwater Horizon disaster, the biggest offshore oil spill in U.S. history, which killed 11 people. BP will, however, be allowed to keep its current leases.

Planet Waves
Satellite image of sunlight illuminating the BP Deepwater Horizon spill off the Mississippi Delta on May 24, 2010. Read detailed description here. Image: NASA.

BP immediately assured its shareholders that negotiations to lift the ban are already in the works with the EPA — which is apparently already drafting an agreement to do so.

Two BP rig supervisors are now facing manslaughter charges, and a former executive has been charged with hiding information about the spill from Congress. News of these charges and the ban on contracts broke the same day the U.S. government auctioned off 20 million acres, mostly deepwater, in offshore oil and gas leases in the Gulf of Mexico.

Meanwhile, the Inupiat (north-Alaskan Inuit) citizens of Point Hope, Alaska, are conflicted over Shell Oil’s recent permission to begin exploratory drilling off their coastline — potentially disrupting the migratory routes of the whales and other marine animals they have depended upon for food for thousands of years. Many in the community are desperate for the jobs, but fear their cyclical way of life could be destroyed. Shell was unable to begin drilling before ice set in for the winter, but plans to try again in the spring.

In related news, the Unis’tot’en clan of the Wet’suwet’en Nation in British Columbia, Canada, seized equipment and established a roadblock to prevent construction on the Pacific Trails Pipeline last week, and this Tuesday called for a day of solidarity protests. Activist groups across Canada and as far away as Houston, Texas, (headquarters of the company planning the pipeline) participated.

And it turns out that beleaguered U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice, who recently faced criticism of her knowledge of the Benghazi Consulate attack that has slowed her nomination to be Secretary of State, apparently holds $600,000 worth of stock in TransCanada, the firm behind the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline. If confirmed, Rice could play a role in determining whether the pipeline is approved.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves
Engineering prodigy Kelvin Doe and his radio transmitter. Image: video still from THNKR TV.

MR/DC: Mercury Retrograde Direct Current

Mercury’s recent retrograde may have been annoying, but imagine living where the lights only come on one day per week or per month. Fifteen-year-old Kelvin Doe is a completely self-taught engineering prodigy living in Sierra Leone, where electricity is intermittent. M.I.T.’s Visiting Practitioner’s Program recently brought him to the U.S. for two weeks — making him the youngest person to receive such an invitation. In Sierra Leone, Kelvin digs through trash cans for discarded, broken electronic components, which he uses to build batteries, generators, transmitters and other digital equipment, reassembling the cast-off into something beautifully useful. He’s even created his own radio station where he broadcasts news and plays music under the handle DJ Focus — since he believes that if you focus, you can create anything. His goal? To share the knowledge and experience he gained in the U.S. to continue to improve life for his community. With or without electricity, his light is bright.


Planet Waves

Tantra kids Patricia and Mark are back

In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I recap the Scorpio astrology and discuss the lunar eclipse we had on Wednesday. Then I welcome tantra teachers Patricia Johnson and Mark Michaels back to the show for another one of our super duper frank conversations. We talk about the core reality of sex (you), being guided by your sense of smell, and other fun topics. You can find their book on their website — TantraPM. My musical guest is Seth Davis.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

The December monthly horoscope was published Friday, Nov. 23. Inner Space for December was published Tuesday, Nov. 27.
The November Monthly Horoscope was published Friday, Oct. 26. I recommend reviewing the monthly horoscope at the end of the month. The November Moonshine Horoscope was published Tuesday, Nov. 20. Please note that the longer monthly horoscope is being incorporated into the Friday issue after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space still publishes on Tuesdays.


Planet Waves

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Nov. 30, 2012 #928 | By Eric Francis

Sagittarius Birthdays This Week

You can finally set yourself free of the expectations of others, or what you perceive their expectations to be. There is a difference, and it’s an important one. You still run the risk of getting lost in your relationships, though not if you pay attention. Sometimes it seems like you compensate for trust issues by throwing yourself into situations you’re unsure of (or have reasons to question) and hoping for the best. I know that at the other extreme, it’s possible for you to put all your energy into avoiding allowing anyone close to you, but that’s been getting tired, and you’ve figured out that despite being a visitor from a faraway galaxy, you like human contact. I suggest that on the way to getting that contact, you engage people in a conversation till you understand them, and allow them closer incrementally until you ave a real basis for trust. There is such a thing, and it will help you create relationships that are easier to be in, and easier to move on from should you discover that you need to. Note to Sagittarius and Sagg rising — the second-ever birthday reading for your sign is completed and available. It includes two sections of astrology, astrological afterthoughts and a reading with the Voyager Tarot. Charts and the spread are included, as is access to last year’s birthday report so you can check for accuracy. These reports are excellent for one’s rising sign as well. Lots of great astrology!! — efc

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — There is ambition, and there is aspiration. Ambition is associated with hubris — the tragic flaw. It’s about gaining advantage at any cost, including one’s integrity. Aspiration is about the desire to grow, to excel and to succeed. Now is the time in your life when you have the opportunity to sort out the difference, which is not so well understood. While this has been developing as a theoretical issue for a while, now the ‘what ifs’ are starting to manifest, and you can examine the results of your choices and your actions. The key difference between ambition and aspiration is that one requires suspending personal growth and the other requires that you involve yourself fully in it. It is easy enough to push people into doing what they don’t want to do; they are used to being taken advantage of. It is challenging to think ethically, and to consider the greater good in every decision you make. I suggest you pause and do just that, because you are entering a moment of instant karma, where it all comes back to you.

Hello Aries — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to hear your Aries birthday reading, please visit this link.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Belief is the central theme of your life — what you believe, why you believe it, and the origins of your point of view. Ideally, it would help to go ‘beyond belief’ entirely, because the concept is so flimsy. But at first it helps to sort out what you think is true, and why you think so. Once you get there, an investigation of what’s actually true is the next step. This is partly a matter of learning, and partly a matter of direct experience. Information or an idea is obviously not wrong by default when it comes from someone else, though you can go deeper into the truth when you have your own experience to illustrate or modify your perception. This is another way of saying that meaning is only truly meaningful in context, and one context you now have is a relationship or close interpersonal situation. You seem to be in a situation where someone else’s beliefs are good as far as they go. Be grateful when you reach that limit, because that’s the point when your deeper learning begins.

Hello Taurus — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). If you would like to hear your Taurus birthday reading, please visit this link.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — It is often said that the truth hurts, though it’s much better at healing. The issue that often arises, though, is what you do with your fear of hurting someone because you tell them what you really need, feel or want. If you’re in a position where you need to do this, I have a few suggestions. One is remember that ultimately, you don’t need anyone’s permission or understanding. However, the benefit of a consensus is that it protects the integrity of the relationship. Real consensus is reached by a meeting on the level of the underlying values, not just the matter at hand. Also, I suggest you factor in the social conformity piece of the puzzle, which may be a central influence within the situation. The idea of ‘hurt’ may involve the fear of not being accepted. Yet there is a deeper layer: I suggest you be keenly aware of the unresolved pain that others may be carrying, even as you embark on your own commitment to a new level of healing. You don’t have to be a slave to that pain, or fix anyone — just be aware of your environment.

Hello Gemini — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). Have you listened to your birthday reading? Click here for an hour of astrology plus a tarot reading by Eric.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The recent eclipse in the most sensitive angle of your solar chart looks like it stirred up some, well, I was going to say energy, but what I really mean is information. Secrets do not stay secrets forever, and I suggest you celebrate this cosmic truth. The beauty held for you in things being revealed — within yourself, by others or to others — is about being a unified critter. Concealed information splits you into pieces. Divisions within your life and those of the people around you tend to pit you against yourself. In a time when relationships matter to you more than ever, you need to be your own best friend, which means operating with one agenda that is tuned to your own best interests. The eclipse comes with the lasting message that you cannot keep secrets from yourself. You cannot divide your character, and you cannot be anyone other than who you truly are. I think from now on, this learning agenda will be a lot easier.

Hello Cancer — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Your charts describe a creative explosion on the one hand, combined with the productivity of Stephen King on the other. The thing is, you will need to put these two seemingly different elements together. This is good astrology if you’re someone who tends to live a split life, for example, between your creative passions and your work responsibilities, or between your career and your kids. You have the energy and the focusing power to get it all done. So I suggest that you invest your time and energy into what matters to you the most, since the ability to work so much and so well, having so much fun, does not arrive every day. You will be better guided in your choices for where to direct your energy by using your intuition rather than following a preconceived agenda. In fact, part of what you will discover is the ways that you can change your work patterns to increase your efficiency. Under this kind of setup, seeming mistakes can count as happy accidents that teach you a better way to do things.

Hello Leo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.

Planet Waves



Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You finally seem to be making some progress on the whole “too cautious to be a passionate lover” thing. Bit by bit you are dismantling the structure that contained your desire, your curiosity and your vital force. You’ve come far enough in the process of setting yourself free to feel that it’s possible and you know how good it feels. It looks as if what you’re doing is cutting yourself loose from the persistent guilt that always seems to have lurked around your sexual exploration. That has not stopped you from doing it, but it has slowed you down and mainly it’s compromised your pleasure. The problem with guilt is that it makes a person feel as if they are wrong, which seems to validate the emotion. This is the basic con job involved, and once you know the game it’s a little easier to subvert. Remember that guilt is always inserted into a person by others as a control device. I would remind you that your ancestors, right down to your parents, are entitled to a grand total of zero influence over what you do, who you do, what you like and most of all what you want.

Hello Virgo — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You seem to be making up your mind how you feel about yourself. It’s a complex matter, isn’t it? I assure you, despite war, famine and strife, this is one of the most challenging situations that humanity faces — how we feel about ourselves. It’s made more complex when everyone from your cousin to your mother to the Audi marketing department wants to get in on the game. Having misgivings about yourself makes you weak and susceptible to manipulation by any of those parties. Here is the thing: in getting strong and clear about this, you run the risk of being a little too harsh on yourself, or putting up a kind of emotional barricade to keep out certain people and to block yourself against feelings that don’t contribute to your happiness. If you do that, you might get the feeling that you’re trapped in a relationship with yourself. While it’s true that your relationship to yourself is the one affair you cannot leave, feeling trapped in there is no consolation. I suggest you open the door, just a little, and let in some light and sunshine.

Hello Libra — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link .


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — I can barely begin to imagine the ways the current astrology is manifesting for you, though the sense I have from your solar chart is that you’ve never felt stronger or more determined to participate in the world as a functional adult. That’s just fine, as long as you keep your sense of humor. That is your key to the humility that will remind you that you’re human, and keep your Scorpio water moist and humid rather than having it all evaporate. I suggest you spend as much time as possible on The Onion’s website and make sure you catch a few episodes of Stephen Colbert, someone capable of raising sarcasm to the level of inspiration. There is another side to humor, pointed out by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, who notes that humor means taking things lightly rather than with a heavy heart. I think that these days, cultivating both forms would serve you well, particularly in writing. I always consider a bit of well-wrought comic relief, irony or a satirical eye evidence that the author was actually awake whilst typing.

Hello Scorpio — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed). To hear your birthday reading for the year ahead, please visit this link.


Planet Waves



Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — The Sun’s upcoming opposition to your ruling planet Jupiter is a moment of reckoning for you. It represents you breaking a kind of deadlock or loggerheads with yourself, and will allow a confrontation with the notion that you are somehow bound by the expectations of others. The only thing you can really be bound by are your expectations of yourself, so in one gesture you’re setting free yourself and the people you care about. The thing is, you seem to be taking to heart what others say, and you’re unusually susceptible to their influences at the moment. Part of what happens over the next few days is that you actually see and feel the ways in which you may have allowed yourself to be herded into a corner. Despite your persistent quest for freedom and your love for having space around you, this happens more often than you may care to admit. The first step on the way to getting out is figuring out that you’re there. Then, if you can do that, the next steps may be obvious.

Hello Sagittarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You don’t need to push yourself, anyone or anything as hard as you may think. There is plenty of momentum carrying you, and your boundaries are working well enough that you have no need to be defensive. In fact, you could let your guard down at the same time you ease off on the push energy, just a little. Just enough to see that you feel good relaxing into an environment that you have every reason to trust. One thing you may want to be aware of is that over the next week or two, your fantasy world (yes, your rather exotic erotic one) is about to set itself on fire, as the Sun in Sagittarius makes a series of aspects and Venus and Mars continue to dance around your chart. Your imagination may even take on a life of its own, and seem so vivid as to be real (this, I call phantasy). This is sometimes a form of astral contact and it may be that you are actually communicating with some of the people who enter your mind. I suggest you stand way back from judging anything you imagine; just let it work its wonders on you.

Hello Capricorn — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — How are you doing with your fear of deep contact? You seem to have passed through a series of gateways recently, which have led you both closer to others and more significantly, to yourself. You cannot really yield to anyone, or yourself, if you’re experiencing fear — neither physically nor emotionally. Or said another way, if you pass through your fear and self-judgment, you can emerge surprisingly intact as yourself. What you are doing is dismantling inner barriers that have blocked you from your inner awareness, and trapped certain aspects of yourself within compartments that are built of what you can think of as shadow material: guilt, shame, anxiety and the fear of not being good enough. One by one these are bursting, and what’s being released into your environment are little jolts of the creative and loving energy that they were containing. After a while, these bursts will give way to a steady stream of light which will not only be abundant, it will be infinite. The best thing you can do now to demonstrate this fact is to be generous with yourself and with others.

Hello Aquarius — Eric has written a new description for your sign that you have access to from this link (no password needed).


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)