Dear Friend and Reader:
The Moon is in Sagittarius, moving into opposition with the Gemini Sun. That’s the Sagittarius Full Moon at 12:19 pm EDT (16:19 UTC) today, and chances are you’ve been feeling some form of energy peaking in the last day or so — possibly with the sensation of being in the right place, but at the wrong time.

Photo by Amanda Painter.
Eric explored the curious situation of this Full Moon in greater detail in his Monday Astrology Diary, with a hat-tip to Bob Dylan. The piece also updates the developing Mercury-Mars-Neptune pattern, and describes the asteroid Photographica conjunct the Full Moon.
In tonight’s Planet Waves FM, Eric’s topic is The Gemini Soul and the Sagittarius Full Moon. Eric will consider ideas from days of old that lead to the concept of Gemini, and consider where this idea fits the pattern of human experience.
He’ll also do a reading of the Sagittarius Full Moon, which is exact this afternoon. This week’s musical guest will be Bob Dylan, whose birthday was a few days ago.
Later in the week, Eric will post to Planet Waves FM his interview with Eric McLuhan, media theorist and the son of Marshall McLuhan. The topic is the renaissance that the world is experiencing now, and how the Internet is influencing consciousness. That will be posted to the Planet Waves FM site on Thursday or Friday.
Elsewhere on the Planet Waves website, check out this week’s sex-and-relationships guest-post by Charlie Glickman. He’s written about how trying to avoid disappointment (either your own or a partner’s) undermines relationships. Given the ‘right place, wrong time’ sensation you might be experiencing with the Full Moon — and since Full Moons often express themselves in our relationships — you might find some useful insights there.
Finally, in case you missed it Sunday, Eric put together a fantastic listing of the various unique-to-the-Internet (and incredibly relevant) audio readings currently offered by Planet Waves. You can read an updated version of that letter here.
It includes an audio preview of the Gemini birthday reading (which has been published!); a link to sign up for Eric’s upcoming live astrology class, called Retrogrades, Reincarnation, Re-Membering; and much more As always, we’d love to hear your thoughts about any of our readings.
Yours & truly,
Amanda Painter
P.S. In case you missed it last Tuesday, you can read your Moonshine horoscopes here. Len Wallick interpreted today’s Sagittarius Full Moon for all 12 Moon signs.
Amanda……interesting photographic perspective……(..I hope the lilacs are blooming there……….)
Thank you, Barbara! The lilacs are on their way out now. I took this photo early last week; since then, we’ve had a few unseasonable hot days (which sped the flowers up), now a few unseasonably cold and rainy days (washing them off the plants). But it has been a glorious couple of weeks!
That happened here…..warm up….cool off…….rain….rust………Enjoy it while you can…………..