“There is a Sun within every person.”
— Rumi
It’s interesting that the Republican National Convention concluded yesterday just hours before the Sun left the sign Cancer. The Sun’s subsequent entrance to Leo earlier today (an event previewed in this column on Tuesday) is thus enhanced with a meaning unique to our moment.
It is not a meaning conferred by objects in the sky, or even the signs and houses of the zodiac. Rather, it is the Sun within you that now matters most.
Last night, the Republican Party of the U.S. presented us with their spokesman and his perceptions of reality. With the Sun’s move from the Moon’s dominion in Cancer to its own domain in Leo, astrology’s emblem of consciousness is now symbolically inviting your response.
Among other things that distinguish the advent of solar Leo this year is the importance of your consciousness and your own perception of reality.
The question is whether or not you will allow your inner Sun to shine so that your perceptions may be known. The idea is that you nearly always have a choice as regards to whether that happens.
Fittingly, perception plays a big part in astrology. More to the point, astrology properly read gives you options regarding how and what to perceive. Those electives, in turn, give you power. Astrology, when properly practiced, implies that your most fundamental prerogative is nothing less than a birthright to co-create a reality, destiny and fate of your own.

Our exciting new Midyear Reading on forthcoming astrology, including Jupiter in Libra, is now available for pre-order — and you can get all 12 signs for just $47.
Power, of course, can be (and often is) given away. You can choose to accept the perception, and hence the reality, of another. You may deign to surrender choice and do — even think — as you are told. It is ultimately for you to decide whether to see the world as others do. To live through and for what is not yours, however, is only necessary if and when you deem it so.
As the Sun literally and metaphorically opens a new day in a new sign, it is more for you than for any celestial or symbolic accompaniment to determine what it means. Furthermore, it is now — more than perhaps ever in your life — a moment to determine what it means to be you.
It is for you to decide what you want or not. It is for you to imagine a future you would like to see or not. It is for you to act so as to make that vision a reality or not.
The astronomical Sun is plainly and simply the sole source of day and the only significant source of light in our solar system. Similarly, the light of awareness that your consciousness represents is the Sun within you.
It is now for you to determine whether, how long and how far you will allow your inner Sun to shine. Choose as though such a moment may not come again, and you will have done all you can to choose most wisely.
Offered In Service
Well, Len, the perception I have is of a dying system of choosing representation; by the people for the people. This charade we are calling the 2016 U.S. election process is pure theater. While the show must go on, a new system is being born, behind the scenes, Neptune style. I find it exciting and look forward to participating in this new birth of a nation. It is the dawning of Aquarius so let the sun shine in.
Barbara: Thank you for once again letting your inner Sun shine so brightly here at Planet Waves once again. Something tells me that the “new system” you have heralded is a little more than behind the scenes, already showing through where the “dying system” is spread thin. Of course, there are also competing prototypes for the “new system” – all of which makes the evolutionary process you describe a bit less than tidy. So far as enough of us attend to the inner Sun, however,
we should be able to see the continuum moving in the right direction.
A system in which each vote (by a human) matters. Please goddess … let it be 🙂
So well said … thank you, Len and Be … and happy Leo Sun to all!
Mary: I agree with you. In addition to getting a good voter turnout, there is also the issue of voters being intentionally disenfranchised in order to skew election results. There are some court cases pending as regards to such insidious efforts to deprive all voters an equal voice, and some of them could soon end up going to a short-handed Supreme Court. Yet another reason to let your inner Sun shine. Thank you again for a valuable comment.
So so nice to witness your graceful exchanges amongst one another B, Len, Mary. Beautiful to see such ever-present kindness being expressed. U light up my life 😉
puma pink: Your inner Sun also lights our world here at Planet Waves. We are always grateful for the kindness of your own words.