Weekly Horoscope for Friday, April 4, 2014

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — If an involvement with someone you care about reaches a crux point over the next few days, the way to handle the matter is gently. The situation goes deeper than you think, and not every attribute of it directly involves your current relationship. Many tendencies going back to the earliest days of your life, and your earliest intimate relationships with lovers, are involved. You can avoid one error by imagining you will fix everything by fixing this one situation. I suggest that the most productive thing to do is observe. The planets are aligning in a way where what should be obvious will be obvious, if you’re paying attention. The core issue, as I see it, is the extent to which you invest your identity in another person when you’re in a relationship with them. As the month progresses, your desire to be independent is likely to press its way to the front of your mind. Yet the fears associated with this are likely to become obvious as well; you will need to address both.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $39.95 if you order before the readings publish — a significant value! Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — A maturity factor is being introduced into your life. It’s not the “act your age” kind of maturity. Rather, it’s more like “exist on the level of your true purpose, and strive every moment to fulfill that purpose.” The bottom line is being helpful all the time, and making sure that the right thing happens not just in your own life but, as best as you can facilitate, in the lives of the people around you. There is an element of submitting to the service, which is to say knowing how to be responsive to your environment. This is different from putting yourself first, even though you still have to take care of yourself. There are times when you will be called upon to put yourself second or last, and you’ll need to evaluate carefully whether that is actually appropriate. We live in a world where it’s easy to turn around and walk away, where it’s easy to take care of No. 1, and where plenty of conditioning encourages us to do so. You’re now getting information about looking right at the problem, asking for direct guidance what to do about it, and waiting for the response.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $39.95 if you order before the readings publish — a significant value! Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You may be feeling the need to take responsibility for your actions and your past decisions. You might be getting the message that if you don’t do so, you will be held accountable, and it’s better if you make the moves instead of someone else. The deeper issue, though, is about events set in motion long ago that are coming home now, and pressing you to own up for what has happened in the past. I believe that you will do this in time. I would also point out that the pressure you may be under now is exaggerated by your perceptions of how others might feel. Nobody ever really takes responsibility for something because someone else wants them to do it, which is why I suggest you set your intentions and then take your time. If you must invest your energy into something now, put it into listening, both to yourself and to others. Stating how you feel is less important than making sure you understand how others feel — and not feeling any special pressure to do something about it. This is not necessarily an easy position to hold, but I assure you there are a lot worse.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $39.95 if you order before the readings publish — a significant value! Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — If you’re feeling the urge to perform at your highest level, or to achieve something great, remember how much about this is a matter of inner focus and how little is a matter of appearance. Yes, there is some stagecraft to every dimension of success, even if you only have to keep it up for a half-hour meeting. True, there are times when you will need to dress the part. That’s not what I’m talking about, however. The world in its current form grossly overemphasizes image and false confidence and diminishes the value of what you need the most, which is the element of self-mastery. One aspect of this involves the way you relate to your talent — what you think it’s for; why you think you have it. The other aspect is emotional. They are related, because you will be limited in the use of your talent if you’re over-invested on an emotional level. Think of your talent as something that comes through you, for a purpose. Your role is to allow the flow of both talent and purpose, which usually involves getting out of your own way.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $39.95 if you order before the readings publish — a significant value! Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You need some new ideas, and your solar chart suggests that one place to look is old ideas that were forgotten, were not fully tested or never really given a chance. The byways of time are strewn with these abandoned concepts, well-thought-out solutions that were not applied to their corresponding problems, and lessons learned that were then set aside. If something has persisted, look for the lapses of awareness that may have led to that situation. You want to wake up before anyone else does. You want to be the one to take responsibility and solve any past issues before anyone else does, and you will need to be assertive. Meanwhile, back to my original premise of some of the best solutions having already been come up with — that is worth investigating and developing. Think of it like digging deeper in a mine to find the gold. Any time you’re confronted with a problem, before you try to solve it, ask yourself whether you’ve already solved it. When you need a new brilliant idea, ask yourself whether you’ve already come up with it.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $39.95 if you order before the readings publish — a significant value! Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Be mindful of the emotional reactions of others. Notice when you’re getting drawn in. This is easier said than done, particularly with the transits that your solar chart is taking right now. It’s difficult enough to maintain one’s individuality under the best circumstances in our society, when you’re confronted daily by so many forces telling you who and what you’re supposed to be. Your current charts have a potent emphasis on the emotional dimension of relationships. It’s not easy to distinguish your feelings from those of someone close to you. At the same time, there seems to be someone compelling in your environment with whom you identify closely — and that’s a temptation to ‘lose’ yourself in them. One solution to this puzzle is maintaining a high level of self-awareness and making decisions in every moment. Another potential is getting drawn all the way into the scenario, finding your way out, and evaluating what you learn. Question: how much time do you have on your hands?

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $39.95 if you order before the readings publish — a significant value! Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You must be honest with yourself. That is the key. It’s the key because it’s so easy to be in denial right now. That denial can come in two forms: what you want, and what you’re angry about. They are likely to be related, so closely as to be the same thing. So if you notice yourself feeling anger, no matter how subtle, ask yourself what you want. If you notice yourself wanting something, notice how you feel about that fact. You may have emotions around a delay in gratification or fulfillment, or merely the lack of having your desires acknowledged. Yet your charts are clear that you are the one who has to do most of the noticing of your own inner reality. In this process it’s essential that you not try to wrap what you want around what someone else wants. You may need to ask yourself what you would do were someone else not in your life, or not exerting an influence over you. One last clue: you may be responding to a past influence, such as what that person three partners ago said. Who you are, and what you want now, are what counts.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $39.95 if you order before the readings publish — a significant value! Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Note the fear factor and the healing factor, and where they meet. Most of what needs healing involves — or is specifically — fear. Yet it’s difficult to see this when so many factors are designed to inflict fear in its many forms: ads designed to provoke insecurity about your self-image, earthquake warnings, economic threats and the usual litany of health-related ‘news’. In order to exist in any kind of balance, it’s necessary to consider your responses to all of those influences. Yet there is an inner scenario that you’re unraveling, something that is distinct and personal and that cannot be accounted for by any visible influence. To a greater extent than you may recognize, your fears surround abandonment and issues of fidelity in relationships. These can take many forms, morphing and disguising themselves — that is the speciality of fear. Rather than accept this theory, I suggest you test it out, and inquire when you are feeling some deep concern whether it involves abandonment or fidelity — whomever might be responsible.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $39.95 if you order before the readings publish — a significant value! Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — In any given situation, there are two basic patterns you can follow. The thing you need to know is that in following one of these patterns, the other one is likely to be concealed, reduced to a faint memory or not part of your awareness at all. If you manage to come back to your center (which may happen as a result of frustration), notice that you have another way to proceed. When you take that route, the prior, more frustrating one will seem not to exist, and for a while you will be able to proceed in a more productive way. Yet the real mission described by your astrology is integrating both of these modes. One might have logic dominating and the other emotion dominating. One might be based on facts and the other on intuition. In order to work at full strength, both sides of the equation need to be balanced. Both originate from you; both are rooted in what you already know and have considerable experience with. All you need is to be mindful of that fact.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $39.95 if you order before the readings publish — a significant value! Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You are deep into a phase of enforced growth and changes, though you may not realize how much help you have. You seem to be feeling the pressure but not the support in your environment. True, Pluto in your sign is the original symbol of the lone wolf. Yet rather than feeling like it’s you against the world, I suggest you tune into the idea of you in cooperation with the world. If there is a disconnect, it’s emotional. Because other aspects of your astrology may have you feeling agitated and unstable, you may not notice the calmer, more consistent and friendlier influences in your surroundings. However, they are present, and willing to extend a helping hand if you would slow down and notice their presence. This will call for a change of emotional orientation on your part, which is so basic to the equation you can think of it as the whole purpose of being open to the love and kindness of others.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $39.95 if you order before the readings publish — a significant value! Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You may feel like you’ve had a thorn taken out of your foot, though if so, I suggest you make it into a piece of jewelry and wear it around your neck as an amulet for a while. You are emerging from a long phase of your life when the theme of consequences has been predominant. There may be elements of this particular journey that you can trace back to early 2005. Looked at one way, the theme of this extended transit was ‘taking things personally’ — and in the process, learning how not to do so. You might say that events of this transit (which included Chiron and Nessus in your sign) tested the whole theory of Aquarian ‘detachment’, compelling you to see your personal investment in everything around you, and to figure out whether that investment was really appropriate. Themes of your sign usually associated with control have transformed into themes of accountability, which is of course much more productive. Now a new phase has begun, which in a sentence I would describe as understanding that your values really are the bottom line; and understanding further that to be meaningful, you must update and revise your values regularly.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $39.95 if you order before the readings publish — a significant value! Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You are entering a phase of your life that I would describe as the era of Put Up With Nothing. Those with Pisces dominant in their charts are easy to transgress. Pisces is a soft sign, and it follows (or prefers to follow) different motives and guidelines than the rest of the world. This theme helps explain why artists and musicians are so often and so easily taken advantage of. Pushy people have an advantage over those who would prefer neither to push nor defend. You are now at a point of your maturity where that can, and must, come to an end. The time has arrived for you to be treated with some consistency, to have your values and intentions honored, and to be treated fairly. Yet here is the catch: you are the one who has to insist upon this. You are the one who has to set the boundary. You may have known this for a while, and may have avoided what is in the end a basic fact of life. Once you set the basic rules of play, and follow them, the next step is to get everyone around you to agree to them, which to you will feel like forcing yourself on them (it is not). And the bottom line is: put up with nothing.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $39.95 if you order before the readings publish — a significant value! Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.

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