Tonight’s top story — apart from millions of people rising up against the NRA, the criminal politicians who support them, and gun violence in general, and apart from Stormy Daniels appearing on 60 Minutes — is that Venus is passing through the Uranus-Eris conjunction.
Let’s take a step back and review: currently there is a rare conjunction happening in Aries: two slow movers (Uranus and Eris) aligning, which was exact to the degree in 2016 and 2017. This is a once-per-century kind of event (technically, about once per 90 years), and this is the outer planet conjunction of our time in history. It presents a picture of the zeitgeist or the spirit of the times.

Venus, at 23+ Aries, is conjunct Eris at 23+ Aries; it will be conjunct Uranus at 27+ Aries later this week. Chiron can be seen in late Pisces. It will reach Aries on April 17. Chart above is set for the time of this writing, set in Io Sprite by Time Cycles Research.
Eris is a new factor in consciousness and astrology. It was discovered in 2005 and named in 2006, resulting in the re-categorization of Ceres and Pluto as dwarf planets. (That is mainly what Eris, itself a dwarf planet, is remembered for. I’ll comment on the absurdity of that category in a future article.)
When there are slow, outer-planet conjunctions, occasionally faster-moving inner planets pass by, and that’s what is happening now. Today and tonight, Venus is conjunct Eris, timed perfectly for Stormy appearing in her first nationally televised interview. Then Wednesday, Venus will be conjunct Uranus.
Said another way, Venus is passing through the Uranus-Eris conjunction. Outer planet conjunctions represent environmental conditions, and can be difficult to perceive. As Rob Hand once explained to me, if you cannot see a planet with the naked eye, it represents an alternate or altered dimension of consciousness.
Yet when an inner planet passes by, it can bring the effects right down to Earth, and that is what we’re seeing happen right now. To make things more interesting, as of Sunday night, the Moon in late Cancer is square Venus, Eris and Uranus, which makes the conjunction even more available to the senses and what you might think of as ordinary consciousness. The inner (sometimes called personal) planets are more palpable, and represent feelings and events we associate with the everyday world.
When an inner planet joins an outer-planet event, the effect can be highly unusual or unlikely events in society — and that is exactly what we are seeing happen right now. Something unprecedented is occurring: the survivors of a mass shooting are rising up against an absurd cultural norm. They are speaking in a clear voice, undaunted by the prospect of failure.

Emma Gonzalez speaking in Washington on Saturday.
Most significantly, they are willing to be confrontational. We have not seen anything like this in a long, long time. We may indeed be witnessing something new.
For some years, I’ve been analyzing Uranus and Eris in Aries as the digital haze, the hyper-stimulated-and-then-cut-off condition of existing at the bottom of the digital ocean. Any technological effect, however, has the potential to flip into its opposite when pushed to a far enough extreme, and that is what I see young people, nearly all of them born 1999 or later, doing.
On tonight’s Planet Waves AM/FM on Radio Kingston (10 pm ET, 7 pm PT, 02:00 UTC), I will take a new look at the charts of this sub-generation, and describe in some detail the factors that I think are operative: Chiron in Sagittarius, Chiron conjunct Pluto in Sagittarius, and the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Taurus.
For whatever reasons, these young people are especially sensitive to the incoming influence of the Uranus-Eris conjunction that is happening now. For a historic precedent, consider the way in which those with Pluto in Leo were sensitive to the Uranus-Pluto conjunction of the mid-1960s.
In other news, Mercury is now retrograde. Please check out Friday’s edition of the Four Winds Report daily almanac for a more detailed description of that, and don’t forget to sign up for free.
That picture of Emma Gonzalez emanates the feel of a Pluto-Chiron conjunction in Sagittarius. Pained action towards something greater, on a progressively ballooning scale. All it takes is a spark to get that going, and Saturn being all barnacled up on Jupiter firmly entrenches it all in reality. I tend to see Taurus as ‘the right to just be,’ to simply exist without disturbance, and that’s certainly something worth fighting for.