Venus Opposite Uranus: Expect the Unexpected

Oct. 8 was the Aries Full Moon and lunar eclipse, with the Sun in Libra: we are now fully in the zone between eclipses. You may be noticing developments unfolding in your life along the theme of “self in relationship” — and relationships continue to be the focus with this weekend’s major aspect.

Saturday, Oct. 11, Venus in Libra opposes Uranus in Aries. At its most basic, this aspect says “expect surprise developments in relationships.”

Not everyone is conditioned to enjoy relationship surprises; it’s easy to associate the unexpected with the negative, and to forget that serendipity and synchronicity are forms of surprise that tend to open the door to a sense of belonging in the universe (or at least belonging where you are at that moment).

If you can view a break from the norm — however it presents itself this weekend — as an adventure or an opportunity to explore and play in a new way, you’ll be in a good position to put this energy to creative use. That might mean playing with new people; it might mean finally daring to go someplace (literally or metaphorically) with a partner; it could have something to do with finding or creating beauty with someone where you did not expect it. The possibilities are wide open.

Resisting or fearing new experiences and unfamiliar people is likely to generate tension. Existing unresolved tensions in a relationship could also intensify if one person feels threatened by what emerges but the other person embraces the freedom to explore it. Awareness of concurring aspects could go a long way toward tempering such interactions.

For one, Mars is still conjunct Pholus (small cause, big effect) in Sagittarius, and the two of them are in harmony with Uranus. This suggests you’ll have help in putting into action any ideas that pop up. The caution here is not to be too pushy; want what you want in a subtle way, because a little desire will go a long way.

Note also that retrograde Mercury, which slides from Scorpio back into Libra Friday, will be conjunct asteroid Pallas. Remember to negotiate for what you want, and negotiate any adventurous opportunities that emerge in or around relationships. “Negotiating” is not demanding or coercing, nor is it giving in to such behaviors; it involves empathy, clear articulation and active listening.

Especially with Mercury retrograde, beware of obsessing over the past. Understanding its influence is one thing; attaching yourself to it to shield yourself from present reality is another.

Venus-Uranus looks like some relational territory is being sparked to open up, thereby making space for a new way of relating before going deep later this month. Flowing with the unexpected this weekend could not only be fun, it could move you forward in surprising ways as we approach the solar eclipse and Scorpio New Moon on Oct. 23.

4 thoughts on “Venus Opposite Uranus: Expect the Unexpected

  1. Amanda Painter Post author

    Well, Brian, even if “fun” does not feel like the operative word, “productive, unusual exploration” might! that is, you might have to work some for the payoff that comes with the break in the norm. Robert hand suggests that Saturn square Uranus tends to be most challenging for those who have allowed their lives to crystallize and are rigidly trying to resist the pressure of whatever is pushing for change. So… it sounds like being open to new and challenging experiences is still on the table, if you can find the way through that. Saturn transits can be rough, but very productive if you work *with* the energy.

    i know: easier said than done sometimes. i wish you much luck!

  2. Len Wallick

    Absolutely brilliant, Amanda – both in form and content. You have affirmed my decision to (as you put it) “break from the norm” on Saturday, and deal with what presents itself as it presents itself knowing that doing so will serve my personal evolution.

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