Traffic Jam

Posted by Len Wallick


You may have to deal with some literal or metaphorical gridlock in the next week, as planets and points pile up in early Libra. But Len Wallick reassures you that you don’t have to let a traffic jam be your life. It is something to move through — minus the road rage, but with awareness of how your actions in the past may have contributed to the situation.

You’re just like crosstown traffic, so hard to get through to you.
— Jimi Hendrix

Could be you really are going to run into some actual traffic jams going into next week. Or you may have to deal with gridlock on a metaphorical level. Perhaps there has been a breakdown in communication with a relationship.


More likely, something you did (or did not do) as far back as one year ago is now showing up again, dressed up in tension.

If not one year ago, try nine months, or six, or three months ago. Think of something you might have allowed to drop through the cracks or left to simmer too long on a back burner.

Most of all, whatever it is that could have come back to hold you up, slow you down, frustrate or overwhelm you at this time, don’t get down on yourself. We are all human in times that would try a superhuman.

In all probability you did not take a wrong turn in life. It’s distinctly possible that you did nothing wrong at all. In the longer perspective there is almost certainly a reason for how things have come to this pass, however.

It’s just as possible that there is a way to avoid any worst-case scenarios you might be worried about. It’s simply a matter of realizing you can’t turn back; or that you’ll have to move through something you may have had a part in bringing on.

In addition to not throwing yourself under the bus, try to avoid blaming others as well. Additionally, if others blithely tell you to “get over it,” don’t let that set you off. Road rage is no solution, only an unnecessary complication.

Fortunately, astrology indicates more than the possibility of some sort of heavy crosstown traffic for you; it also indicates context with perspective, and a timeframe. It has to do with a symbolic traffic jam in the first degrees of Libra. Maybe you have already run into its manifestations.

If not, you could very well encounter some sort of slowdown when the Sun enters Libra shortly after 4:20 an EDT (08:20:29 UTC) on Wednesday to initiate a new season. If you do, remember that a slowdown is not a dead-end street. It is something to move through and get behind you.

When the Sun arrives in Libra next week, it will encounter a large number of objects which, taken singly, probably do not show up on the radar of your life.

First off, there will be the dwarf planet 13672 Makemake, which has been hanging out on the cusp of Libra for months upon months now. To paraphrase Eric, Makemake (which orbits the Sun in the Kuiper Belt out past Pluto) has a lot to do with how things got to be the way they are.

In this case, things may have gotten to be the way they are for you as result of something you did (or did not do) when the Sun last entered Libra about a year ago; or when it entered Capricorn (on Dec. 21 of last year); or Aries (on March 20 this year); or Cancer, back on June 21. On or about any one of those dates in the past, the Sun (which represents your consciousness, among other things) was at a challenging angle to Makemake.

Now sharing the first degrees of Libra (and also orbiting the Sun out in the Kuiper Belt) is another slow mover: 58534 Logos. Logos indicates (among other things) that the reason things got to be the way they are can be explained.

Completing the traffic jam at Libra’s on-ramp are four more objects or points. The lunar ascending node, or North Node, points toward the future. The mean lunar apogee, otherwise known as Black Moon Lilith, corresponds to doing the right thing. Asteroid Juno relates to making your needs known. Finally, there’s a center of profound gravity far away from our own galaxy, which astrologer Phil Sedgwick refers to as the Super Galactic Center (SGC).

That’s a lot of stuff that the Sun will soon encounter upon precipitating a new season next week. It may feel like a heavy burden. It’s okay to honor your feelings. The key is not to let the whole season be ruined by a traffic jam at the beginning.

Although the actual Sun itself will not be slowed down, your consciousness (as represented by the Sun) may encounter some crosstown traffic over the next week or so.

Should that be the case for you, leave blame behind. Accept only what responsibility is yours. Do the right thing. Let your own needs be known, and yield to the needs of others as much as you possibly can. You are not alone in whatever crosstown traffic you encounter. Keep moving towards the future. Don’t let a traffic jam be your life. Let it be what it is: something you can get through and see the other side of.

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

Posted in Columnist on | 9 comments
Len Wallick

About Len Wallick

Besides endeavoring to be of service to all of you here at Planet Waves, Len strives to live in Seattle while working as a professional astrologer. To contact him for an astrology reading you can send an e-mail to: His telephone number is 206-356-5467. In addition to his profession, Len contributes to the Seattle community without monetary compensation by serving as a Reiki practitioner and teacher through classes and outreach offered by the Seattle Reiki Mastery Series modality.

9 thoughts on “Traffic Jam

  1. DeborahDeborah

    “Damn this traffic jam! How I hate to be late, hurts my motor to go so slow, time I get home my supper be cold. Damn this traffic jam!”
    Thanks for your good direction, Len, as it comes in handy on these mean galactic highways.

  2. Pisces SunPisces Sun

    Thank you Len for your articulate and well-researched piece. I am always struck by your insightful writing. For some reason I am fixated on the 1 degree Libra and looking to the Sabian Symbol, it is the butterfly impaled by a dart. The allegory of the butterfly calls to mind change and transformation but the dart can indicate suffering.( I am looking at Dane Rudhyar’s interpretation) who describes it as an archtype as the perfect form of man.
    Your use of a traffic jam made me consider the human collective, and how transportation is not only a means to an end from point A to point B but also communication. In fact a few hundred years ago the word transportation was not in existence, the word was communication, hence the term lines of communication. Since the aspects are flows of energy, it is a form of communication and how intuitively receptive we are to all its forms could be one way to interpret what may be happening.
    I can appreciate the grace you urge in reacting to others and yourself, to avoid frustration and “road rage.” Sometimes, idleness is okay. In the end, lines free up and traffic moves, it always does in the collective. It’s interesting but we often forget that when we are in a traffic jam, we are equally contributing to the conditions of the traffic jam, which you so eloquently explain. Their is no blame, it just is, so that we can live our life, in going from point A to point B.

    1. Len WallickLen Wallick Post author

      Pisces Sun: Your highly perceptive and deeply cogent elaborations are deeply appreciated. i was previously unaware of the etymology of the word “transportation”, so thank you for a valuable teaching. Most of all, thank you for your continued assertion of an ethic which combines the qualities of compassion and perspective in a way i have never seen quite equalled.

  3. Barbara Koehler

    Thanks Len, I too have been focused on the traffic jam at the start of this new season, although not so much from a personal perspective as an evolutionary perspective. It seems Makemake, although new to the scene for astrologers at the time of the Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, was conjunct Saturn at 29+ Virgo (about to enter 0 Libra) and opposite Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces. Makemake had a message about a precipice we (as a whole) were approaching.

    That was in April, 2010, and we can see Makemake is very focused, having only moved about 5-6 degrees forward in 5+ years. The Easter Island god’s mythology involves birds, fish and water, just like the Deepwater Horizon disaster did. With slow-moving Makemake now at the Aries Point (0 Libra) with the other “jammers” like Juno, “making her needs known” – especially regarding partnership, it would behoove us to stop. Listen. Timing is everything. With this traffic jam at 0-1 Libra , are we (as a whole) being warned not to continue down our same old path but to follow the path of opportunity (symbolized by the North Node at 0 Libra)?

    Today as trans. Saturn is moments away from entering Sagittarius, he sits with trans. Atlantis (over dependence) and Bacchus (over indulgence) at 29+ Virgo, the sign most directly concerned with the planet we live on. I assume he will carry into Sagittarius the suggestions and concerns these two symbols represent and, when in sextile to the traffic jam in Libra, will impart the obvious warnings regarding over-indulgence and excessive dependence. Combined with the symbolism of Makemake (from an environmental perspective) I believe it’s possible that Juno too will champion this concern.

    And yes, you are right, it could feel like a heavy burden, and yes we must do the right thing. We must each accept some of the responsibility for bringing our planet Earth to the precipice it now faces. If we all will just do what we can do, then yes, we will get through it and on to the other side. Bless you Len, and all your readers too.

    1. Len WallickLen Wallick Post author

      Barbara (be): Thank you for you brilliant correlation of Makemake with the deepwater horizon chart (a profound chart to study if ever there was one). Your “birds, fish, and water” correspondence makes an excellent point and makes me what to do some research regarding how Neptune its in it all).

      1. Barbara Koehler

        Hey thanks Len, it can be very revealing by going back and reviewing older charts; let us know if you find something new regarding Neptune’s role in the Gulf oil disaster. So sorry too about writing that Bacchus and Atlantis were in Virgo when they were actually in Scorpio. There’s an old saying “My tongue got in front of my eye tooth and I couldn’t see what I was saying” which might fit here, but frankly sometimes I just can’t handle all the info when it comes in by the truck loads. Have a nice weekend.

  4. Pisces SunPisces Sun

    As you describe it be and Len, and then me looking at the signs individually, it makes more sense to me, the novice reader. Could the partnership aspect be that joined with man and earth. Earth does not need man, per se, but man certainly needs earth! Earth would need man, if there were any sort of divine purpose to have mankind exist, as perhaps the sabian symbol of 1 Degree Libra suggests (the “path of opportunity,” as you stated be). Overindulgence (consumerism) overdependence (political apathy) immediately come to mind as a current state of US affairs. In the pub debate last night, Marco Rubio was asked about his position on climate change. It was his opportunity to make a campaign speech, not about whether it was happening, for that he did not deny, but rather that the US could not compete with other countries, like China, and that to try to curb restrictions on air pollution or any other regulatory measures would equate to taking jobs from the American working class. He completely ignored the US ability to negotiate climate change treaty and conventions that all nations abide (it occurs) and the fact that money is to be made in the “green industry,” just as money has and still is made in the “homeland security industry.” if structures and rigidness are being tested with Saturn in Sadge political structures should prove to be interesting.

  5. Barbara Koehler

    Yes indeed it could Pisces Sun. Thank you for sharing that observation. Libra makes us think partnership, usually marriage comes to mind first. It also symbolizes balance and harmony, something a traffic jam doesn’t bring to mind.

    And yet, when forced to sit in traffic, not knowing why or for how long, there is an opportunity to regain balance. We are at the mercy of something; traffic lights or traffic cops. Something up ahead that we can’t see has stopped the flow for us, maybe lots of us. We can react with frustration (Black Moon Lilith) or we can think (logos) other thoughts, or we can consider an alternate route (north node). If that fails to help us deal with the situation at hand, we must accept that each of us is going to have to wait until the one ahead of us is freed up. One at a time.

    If we were to consider Juno’s beef we would probably agree that she is more than willing to share equally. What she’s not willing to accept is inequality. And so it is that some of us DO take more than our fair share without considering the results on the whole, which creates imbalance. Marco Rubio, by not considering negotiation, is just such an individual. A pause or slow-down in forward movement COULD provide time to reconsider alternatives, something that could work for all.

    By giving equal time to the Jammers; ie. Makemake (environment), Juno (equality), Logos (logic), and listening to their take on things as they are (from their perspective), our own perspective grows wider. New Ideas begin to develop. Chances are good that the Universe planned for that to be the result of the traffic jam. A fair and just Mankind could conceivably be useful in a partnership with Earth.

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