We are just more than a week into 2016. Already a lot has happened. You might say the world has changed, although that’s debatable. A lot of what characterized 2015 has simply reiterated or updated. One constant is that you are still here and capable of making at least some choices.
It’s easy to think that what you do or don’t do doesn’t matter. It does not make you a bad person to feel as though you are without power to make a difference. But you can elect to give feeling and thinking differently a try.
In the flurry of personal and political events, it’s difficult to see beyond what effects you. Even so, just because you have your hands full to the point of overwhelm and exhaustion does not mean you should add to your burdens by getting down on yourself.
Instead, you can look beyond your personal concerns for perspective that, fortunately, is available at this place and time. There are individuals setting an example by doing something to act in accord with their conscience rather than simply acting on their personal interests. Perhaps you are already one of them. If not, don’t give up on yourself. Instead, look for your chance to emerge.
You can also get some perspective from the sky above us — especially as represented in the symbols and abstractions employed by astrologers. Just as in the ‘here below’, a lot has happened ‘up above’ in the last week or so. It would be fair to say the sky has changed a great deal since our new year began.
A significant number of actors (or planets if you will) have essentially changed the character they are portraying by changing signs. Others have changed their apparent direction of movement. There is no reason you can’t make a few changes of your own, either in terms of the role you play or in the direction your life is moving. Doing so will at least place you in harmony with the sky, even as you do your best to live through discord on Earth.
Traditionally, a good time to implement change is when the Sun and the Moon come together from our perspective to begin a new cycle of lunar phases with what is called a New Moon. So happens we have a New Moon coming up. The Sun and Moon will come together in the same precise degree of Capricorn at about 8:30 pm EST tomorrow (01:30:29 UTC Sunday).

Stage One of Vision Quest — the written readings for all 12 signs — have just been published! Order all 12 signs here, or purchase individual signs here.
Say it to yourself a couple times: “New Moon, New Moon.” Feel the paradox of what we know to be an ancient orb presenting itself as new. It’s enough to make you at least consider the possibility that you, with all of the weight you carry and all of the weariness you feel, can also present yourself as new in some way.
You can surprise your critics by changing some small part of the behavior they take pains to criticize you for. It is in your power to delight your friends by showing them reason to worry less about you. You can choose to comfort those who love you by helping them to remember how they came to feel affection for you in the first place.
You can make a difference if, as the Moon will do next week, you emerge from this place and time to begin yet again with a cycle of growth, phases and change.
It’s all too easy to disappear into the vast field of anonymity, and lose yourself in sports, trumped-up political gibberish or the trivia that now passes as entertainment. In fact, many who do not have your best interests at heart are depending on you to do just that. It’s only a little more difficult, however, to emerge from the background and show the rest of us a reason to follow your example and prove that we are all here in this place and time for a reason.
Offered In Service
“Trumped up political gibberish”? Oh Len you are so subtle. 🙂 Seriously, you and your co-workers would be the ones who most feel overwhelmed and exhausted at this point. But we all made it through the holidaze; an event that can cause one to lose perspective and feel like the centerpiece in a snow globe. Especially when Neptune, even now, holds us in thrall. Only yesterday did I start to feel like my old (very old!) self again. At last.
But the Neptune influence can so enable us to do as you suggest; look beyond our personal interests. Even my downstairs neighbor who has so harassed me is now IN LOVE and blissfully unaware of my existence. Thank you Neptune for this break! I do believe though that there are even better (and new) ways to utilize our power to make a difference as you are suggesting.
It can’t be a coincidence but an edict that transiting Jupiter (multiply) and the North Node (way forward) have descended on the U.S. natal (Sibly) Neptune (love and compassion) in Virgo (service). Surely we are to go forward and – in service – aid our neighbors and friends and strangers. Helping someone with a load of groceries by holding the door open or give a neighbor a lift to her doctor’s office and pick her up if possible. These are the leftover benefits of the holiday season of giving.
Look at that New Moon chart. Why even Venus is conjunct Saturn and on the U.S. ascendant too. See a little rose color when you look out at the world. Eris is sextile Ceres and together they form a yod to Jupiter and the North Node, so if Eris can do it, anybody can do it. Juno the perfect partner is trine Neptune and she’s not even complaining about her lack of respect.
I’m fired up Len and ready to go thanks to you. Hope to hear how you are doing too. Happy New Year.
“… look for your chance to emerge.” I love that, Len. And you know I’m always eager to look for a little rose color, be — and always find it! Bless you both and thanks for the pep talk.
As there are many changes taking place in the sky, and especially as Saturn approaches my natal mercury and sun, I am motivated to deal with my abuse of cannabis. Its time to get serious about it, after putting it off for more than a few years. I’ve resolved to not use it during the weekdays, to cut back to only smoking it at night or the end of my day, if at all. It’s been a best friend for many years, but it’s time for us to stop hanging out so damn much. Hold me in your thoughts!