Today’s Oracle takes us to the Cancer monthly for May 20, 2008.

Our predecessors left us with unfortunately few ways to think of the role or identity of a woman, and our society is profoundly confused as a result. Astrology gave us mother (Moon) and lover (Venus). Religion did us worse, giving us virgin and whore. There is an obvious problem here — your mother can’t be a virgin, so she must be something else. The truth is that we contain many facets of who we are, including the very things that we specifically refuse to allow into our self-definition. A rare and pivotal alignment is taking place in your most sensitive house, the one associated with the deep unconscious, our most unusual and even perverse desires, and the secrets we keep even from ourselves. It’s as if during the next month every inner door that you ever tried to deny comes open. At first this may strike you as a worthy source of fear. But fear is one of your most destabilizing secrets. Allow it to be, meet it face to face and challenge it to state its case. The deeper layers of awareness will emerge once you do this, and with it a truly new experience of comfort with yourself. From this space, anything is possible: that is, anything you are willing to allow.

As we go deeper into this most unusual and challenging phase of history, intelligence is the thing we need the most. That is the theme of the 2019-2020 annual edition of Planet Waves — audio now available for instant access. See more information here. If you’re looking for individual signs, order here.