The Day of the Heights: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is March 15
The Day of the Heights | Order Your 2019-20 Pisces Reading | All Other Signs

Be sure to keep in mind all that you have achieved so far, especially in recent years, and you will be able to fend off any moments of self-doubt. You need to retain a clear head and focus on what is true, what you know in your bones. Doing this will empower you to move forward with the next item on your to-do list, and effectively silence any critics either within or without.
— By Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

Feeling optimistic about some long-range planning you’re doing? Excellent! Just be sure you slow down enough to account for any details that could trip you up. With retrograde Mercury in Pisces making a square to Jupiter in Sagittarius, creative inspiration and spiritual reflection abound. So why not act on it? Keep your point of view flexible, though; and don’t assume you have all the answers or information you need. You almost certainly don’t at this time, but you likely have the motivation and tools to find most of them. Key insights might not emerge until Mercury stations direct on March 28, but you can still move toward where you want to be — even if the path bends like a river rather than flying straight like an arrow. Keep an eye out for beliefs about yourself that are ripe for review (and possibly for transformation or outright dismissal) along the way; same with self-righteousness. A little humility could go a long way currently.
— By Amanda Painter

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