The Day of the Cryptic Secret: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Aug. 20
The Day of the Cryptic Secret | The 2019-20 Virgo Astrology Studio can now be pre-ordered | 2019-20 Leo Astrology Studio is available for instant access | All Other Signs

Your need to express your uniqueness is a fundamental part of your being, as it is for everyone. It’ll help immensely if you give yourself the room to do so, and refuse to confine yourself to the narrow expectations of conventional society. You’d have trouble fitting into that particular box, anyway, and would soon be compelled to burst out and do your own thing. Don’t be afraid of causing a little turbulence here and there; you might consider it a service to the perpetually sleepy.
— by Amy Elliott

Do you have a Leo Sun, rising sign or Moon? Your last couple years may have left you reeling trying to figure out which path forward is best. Hear Eric’s thoughts on expediting your post-eclipse process in your 2019-2020 Leo Astrology Studio reading.

Written in the Planets

A little is likely to go a long way today, in terms of demonstrating your affections (and in seeking such from others). Venus — still close to the Sun and Juno in Leo — has arrived in the last degree of its sign. That alone can have a sort of itchy, edgy or impatient quality. But Venus is also making a trine aspect to Pholus in Sagittarius. Trines are aspects of harmony, which may help soften things a tad — but Pholus is the object of ‘small cause, big effect’. So this looks like a reminder to keep the generosity of selfless giving — rather than what would boost your ego — at the heart of what’s lighting your fire.

The Leo Sun trine the Galactic Core in Sagittarius could help you to channel a broader ‘highest good for all concerned’ type of love into all the ways you express yourself today, though it will help if you set that intention consciously. The Aries Moon swings through to complete a brief grand fire trine tonight with the Sun and Galactic Core (and then does the same with Venus and Pholus). Do you feel inspired toward warmth and illumination, or are you feeling burned out by your impulses? Notice first, and then choose how to proceed.
— by Amanda Painter

It is difficult to feel good these days; it’s challenging to focus on your growth and self-care, or even to relax. We are pulled out of ourselves constantly, and often distracted from our core purposes. IN THESE TIMES, the Planet Waves autumn reading, will help.


Read more here.

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