The Day of Moral Courage: Birthdays and Planet News

Posted by Planet Waves


Venus-Pluto aspects tend to reflect intense emotional and/or sexual experiences. This may be especially true regarding changes in a relationship that need to be acknowledged and accommodated so the relationship can keep growing […]

If Your Birthday is May 9
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Consider the difference between an inner fire that drives the accomplishment of something lasting, and an impulse that burns itself out. The flame kindled in the depths of your inner being could be channeled in either direction, and you are in charge of the fuel and the housing. Choose a timeframe for meeting your goals that is achievable and that allows you to sustain your pace; and check in with your wellbeing.
– by Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

Today and tomorrow, Venus in Aries moves into contact with a few important planets. First among them: the square between Pluto in Capricorn and Eris in Aries. Venus-Pluto aspects tend to reflect intense emotional and/or sexual experiences. This may be especially true regarding changes in a relationship that need to be acknowledged and accommodated so the relationship can keep growing.

Eris in the mix is a red flag to stay aware of how noticing, processing and expressing these changes can feel a little destabilizing. After all, even though relationship dynamics shift because of individual changes that are already happening to the people involved, it can feel like a threat to one’s identity when a partnership is compelled to evolve. If that feels scary to you, it’s key to see it for what it is, and own your reactions; engaging in manipulative or attention-seeking behavior in an effort to hang on to what has been is only going to cause difficulty.

In fact, even if you simply run into someone new that you’re hot for, it would be wise to stay super-aware of when you might be tempted to seek their attention via particularly subversive or ‘sneaky’ methods. Thankfully you have some support, described by Venus making a trine today to Jupiter in Sagittarius. This speaks of fun, easy, lively social interactions. It’s an aspect that’s not known for a great deal of serious follow-through, however. That could help take the edge off any insecurity-based actions and reactions. If contentment sneaks in where you truly need to address bigger issues, just know you’ll have to face them sooner or later. So why not try it now while Jupiter has your back?
– by Amanda Painter

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