The Day of Fateful Prediction: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is March 13
The Day of Fateful Prediction | Order Your 2019-20 Pisces Reading | All Other Signs

Take decisive steps this year to claim your place in the world. Act on every opportunity to stand up and stand out, though also ensure what you have to share is substantive and can help make a difference. Some effort may be needed initially to refine or expand your ideas; yet you have the seeds in place and you know where you want to be heading. Getting people to pay attention probably won’t take long.
— By Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

Wield your creative powers for good today, particularly the good of all concerned in any particular endeavor. The Pisces Sun is making a couple of aspects indicating that you can get a lot done right now. With the Sun’s sextile to Pluto in Capricorn, consider first focusing on clearing up anything that has become disordered or confused (including your home, work area, or an interpersonal situation). That should open up some space in which to really get into a project, plan or goal that excites you — the territory of the Sun’s square to Jupiter in Sagittarius.

If you’re naturally a go-getter, you may need to guard against overextension; on the other hand, if you typically tend to be cautious, you may be able to succeed at more than you normally might. The one thing to watch for with all this good juju is the potential to get a little self-righteous, or to believe a little too fervently in anything that’s not solidly factual — including your own personal mythos about who you are in the world. There’s always more than one side of the story of how we affect others, and of our origins. You may encounter fertile, multifaceted imaginative territory today, but it will be up to you to meet it constructively so that chaos does not reign.
— By Amanda Painter

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