The Day of Conviction: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is July 18
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It’s possible you’re lately feeling stretched a little thin. If so, make a point of keeping in mind that your time, energy and funds are all precious and have their limits. Everyone needs to withdraw from the bustle of the outside world sometimes, even the most flamboyant of extraverts. You can be unapologetic about taking a little more space for yourself when you need it, and you can delegate where necessary. There’ll still be more than enough to keep you busy.

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Written in the Planets

Today’s trine between Venus in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces suggests a pretty thorough soaking in all things day-dreamy, fantasy, intuitive and sensitive. Yet it’s been in the works all week — so rather than getting suddenly doused, chances are it’s been more like gently wading deeper into the warm waters of your more romantic or sentimental inclinations. If that has felt at all worrisome (or too soggy to be able to stay on top of practical matters), know that this is the peak and the effect should begin gradually evaporating in a few days.

Trines do not speak of an urgent need to express oneself as with a square; they’re not confrontational like an opposition. Even so, if you have any creative leanings — or simply a desire to move your life in a new direction — you might see if you can funnel some of this imaginative juice into a tangible form you can play with. The Moon in Aquarius today could describe the potential to do so in a group setting, particularly if there’s an unusual project that meshes with your inner musings.

Stay aware that Mercury is still very much retrograde (through July 31). If you noticed that it felt especially trickster-like in the buildup to the Full Moon on Tuesday, you’re not alone; take it as a reminder not to be too quick on the trigger with emails and verbal assertions. Today, Mercury makes a trine to retrograde Ceres, which is in the first degree of Sagittarius. If some person or situation has been gently, subtly teaching you things about yourself, related insights might be especially accessible today.
— by Amanda Painter

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