The Day of Buoyant Optimism: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is June 12
The Day of Buoyant Optimism | Order Your 2019-20 Gemini Reading | All Other Signs

Can there really be a battle between the past and the present? The past exists only in our minds, though for many people, that’s compelling enough to hold them there permanently. You are being summoned to find the present, and to resolve to live your life your way. That means you will need to abandon the seeming requirements and obligations others placed on you in the distant reaches of your history. Commit yourself to being the person you are today, not the figment of anyone’s imagination, including your own.
— by Eric Francis Coppolino
Hear Eric speak about your year in-depth in your 2019-20 Gemini Astrology Studio Reading.

Written in the Planets

Current aspects being made by Mars in Cancer appear to be marked by things like pushing against authorities, an urge to try a new path, or the impulse toward “aggressive caring.” Yet Venus — newly in Gemini, and opposing Ceres in Sagittarius today — seems to favor a lighter approach to interpersonal situations. For example, notice whether you find intellectual rapport, easygoing flirtation or verbal-philosophical banter to feel especially engaging now, and even nourishing on some level.

What new modes of relating do you feel like exploring? Does it vary like night and day, or like two sides of a coin, depending on who you’re interacting with? David Byrne once said, “Sometimes it’s a form of love just to talk to somebody that you have nothing in common with and still be fascinated by their presence.” Today could be one of those days.
— by Amanda Painter

Did you know that Eric Francis has recorded new videos for all 12 signs, specifically investigating Mars interacting with some of astrology’s most influential planets this season? His Call the Astrologer readings are available individually or as a 12-sign set to share with your loved ones. Check out samples here and here.

2 thoughts on “The Day of Buoyant Optimism: Birthdays and Planet News

  1. Kelly Grace Smith

    A term I use with my coaching clients is akin to your use of “aggressive caring,” so I thought I would throw it out there because I think it really brings the concept home…

    It’s a commonly used term, but we don’t really think about the depth of its meaning…care-taking.

    Care-taking is literally…taking someone’s cares from them. And the truth is, they need their cares. They need to learn to care for themselves, they need to learn the consequences of not taking care of themselves; to falter and fail and fall if need be.

    Care-taking – aggressive caring – in fact, in a spiritual sense…robs people of their opportunities to learn from their experiences. And sometimes what it takes is a pretty hard fall for someone to finally see how important it is to take care of themselves.

    While it is lovely to care “for” others, care-taking really does not serve them. And, care-taking is almost always…about you. You proving your value. You…needing to be needed.

    (As a recovering care-taker, I can attest to the truth of this!)

    We all have needs; and to some degree we all need relationships in which we provide for one another’s needs. But on a tangible level – as well as spiritually – a relationship in which we are first and foremost “wanted” – wanted for who we are, rather than what we can provide – is not only fulfilling, but usually guarantees an intimate adventure in which you are never bored with one another.

    When the impetus for a relationship is being wanted for who you are…each partner is valued for who they are and what they bring to the relationship and each is separate – but not alone – and in pursuit of becoming more of who they are. This keeps things pretty interesting and engaging!

    From all I have learned and experienced, I will be bold and assert that someone can only, truly, love you…as well as they love their own self. So, someone who is already caring well for their own self is a pretty good bet! People who love themselves well, holistically – not narcissistically – are capable of loving others well, too.

    1. Amanda Painter

      Kelly Grace Smith — I really appreciate how you and Sue (on another post) have chimed in with such well-thought ideas about “aggressive caring” and care-taking and the need to let people make their mistakes and learn. It’s all material I’m familiar with, but as with most important ideas, bears repeating — especially as we encounter situations and people that ask us to learn new layers of the lesson.

      Being wanted — and wanting another — for who we/they are, rather than what we/they can provide, is such a clear way of putting it.

      “Care-taking is literally…taking someone’s cares from them. And the truth is, they need their cares. They need to learn to care for themselves, they need to learn the consequences of not taking care of themselves; to falter and fail and fall if need be.”

      It’s so easy to think of lifting someone’s cares from them as being the thing we’re “supposed to do” if we’re loving, kind, empathetic. But if we’re also whole in ourselves and desiring to receive others in their wholeness, the dynamic definitely needs a second look. We all need a helping hand once in a while, and support and encouragement… we also need to learn our own lessons and fail and try again and grow stronger in the process. Thank you for fleshing out these ideas!

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