Today’s Oracle takes us to the Sagittarius weekly for September 13, 2004.

Listen carefully: you are NOT, I repeat, NOT in that old mode where all you do is strive and never see tangible, concrete achievements. You are certainly doing your share of striving at the moment, and you have in fact given much of the past year to a renewed effort at success. And I realize you may feel that there is no end in sight. But I’m looking at your charts and I can see what you cannot. You are about to shift levels in a new and dramatic way.

Mars in Cancer is making some big-news aspects to many planets — particularly Saturn, Chiron, Pluto, and Eris. Eric has not covered these transits in any birthday reading or the INTELLIGENCE readings, but he just dove into 12 spirited, accessible, genuinely useful videos that put the movements of this key planet of desire, drive and aggression, into personalized context for you. These Spring Reading videos — titled Call the Astrologer! — are available for instant access in a 12-sign bundle, or by individual signs. You can see a video introduction here, and watch a sample video here.