Tag Archives: Weekly Update

This Week on Planet Waves: Mercury Ingresses Sagittarius


Dear Friend and Reader:

Just when you thought you’d finally gotten used to Mercury hanging out in water signs for long stretches, the planet representing our minds and how we think will finally leave Scorpio and enter Sagittarius at 9:42 pm EST Wednesday. Mercury can be a little impatient here, but it tends to be honest — and what our minds may miss in terms of details will likely be made up for with a greater long-range focus.

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Stars of frost formed around grasses in the icy Mill Pond, Casco, Maine. Photo by Amanda Painter.

In Planet Waves FM tonight, Eric will look at Monday’s Sagittarius New Moon, check in with Mars in Libra and the 2014 astrology, do a wild rant on Obamacare, and describe the chart of the Metro North train wreck.

Mercury’s ingress to Sagittarius brings it into a square with Neptune, compromising its honesty. Combined with the Sun’s conjunction to the Great Attractor, this week’s themes include the potential for self-deception, chasing ‘cosmic’ truths, false controversy and a reminder to notice the facts and details along the way — all covered in today’s Daily Astrology.

Yesterday’s Sagittarius New Moon was the focus of Monday’s Daily Astrology — including its aspects to the Great Attractor, the asteroid Pallas and centaur object Chiron. While the Moon has moved on, the Sun is still in aspect to all three points, meaning that focusing the mind from two different points of view and steering clear of controversies continue to be on the agenda through this week.

Len Wallick adds his voice to the conversation at noon today, when his column — on Mercury’s ingress into Sagittarius and its potential to ignite your inspiration — posts to the Planet Waves blog.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter

P.S. If you have a Sagittarius Sun, Moon or rising sign — or know someone who does — be sure to pre-order the 2013-2014 Sagittarius birthday reading now to get the best price ($19.95). It can be tough having a birthday in the midst of focus-grabbing holidays; show a Sag some extra love this year with more than an hour of Eric’s in-depth astrology and tarot interpretation. Note: This reading will be ready soon, and once it is the price will increase to $29.95. Pre-order now for the discounted rate!




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This Week on Planet Waves — and your Moonshine Horoscopes

Dear Friend and Reader:

Mercury in Scorpio enters new territory Wednesday for the first time since its retrograde, which ended earlier this month. It does so after having made a conjunction to Saturn, which acted like a barrier between the old and the new (as Saturn often does). Infinitely curious, Mercury in Scorpio is the image of considering everything that’s off the usual menu, and/or taboo — the perfect complement to holiday get-togethers.

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Black oak in Yosemite National Park. Photo by Amanda Painter.

Other factors this week are reminders to keep your mind on what matters and not to get obsessed over or dragged into petty discussions or debates. Remember the larger scenario, and let the facts speak for themselves. That said, where travel is concerned, the details are everything right now, particularly with large swaths of the U.S. experiencing the first winter storms. Leave yourself plenty of time, travel with cash and warm clothes, and make sure you have Plans B and C thought through.

Genevieve Hathaway’s Moonshine horoscopes for the Sagittarius New Moon are ready for you now. The Sag New Moon is Dec. 2 or Dec. 3, depending on your time zone.

In tonight’s Planet Waves FM, Eric looks at 2014 astrology, the Sagittarius New Moon, and the nuclear deal with Iran. His musical guest is Jessica Montague. The program posts by 8 pm EST.

Today’s Daily Astrology column asks where the balancing point is between self-evolutionary power and the urge to nourish others in relationships (Pluto square Ceres); and between an excess of self-preservation/ambition and excessive spending/eating/care-taking (Venus opposite Jupiter). It’s the familiar question of individual desire versus familial obligation.

If you keep feeling compelled to ‘fix’ things that might not really need to be fixed today, check in with Monday’s Daily Astrology column. We began the week with a Mercury-Saturn conjunction in Scorpio, and Mars in Virgo still is not making any major aspects to major planets. Both situations can make it easy to get a little small-minded or obsessive.

In Len Wallick’s column today, he considers the parallels between Mercury as it leaves its last water-sign sojourn of 2013, comet ISON as it approaches the Sun, and the life of Jimi Hendrix — asking, after this year of growth in your life, how will you apply it?

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter



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This Week on Planet Waves: The Last Days of Scorpio

Dear Friend and Reader:

First a quick reminder that as we wind down this year, your 2014 annual readings, called The Mars Effect, are available for pre-order. We offer the best price on these best-selling readings early, and right now you can pre-order all 12 signs for $69 — an incredible value that gives you access to your Sun, Moon and rising signs (and those of loved ones). After Thanksgiving (Nov. 28 this year) we’ll be increasing the price to $79.

Planet Waves
John F. Kennedy in the Oval Office, July 11, 1963. White House photo by Cecil Stoughton.

Currently we’re in the last days of Scorpio — and what a Scorpio season it’s been, winding down with flair thanks to Sunday’s Taurus Full Moon. The astrology this week is perfect for further exploration into any kind of sexual healing process you may have embarked on in the last few weeks, and then the Sun moves into cosmic Sagittarius on Thursday.

Today’s edition of Planet Waves FM will look at the charts of John F. Kennedy and his assassination. The program will focus on how the question of who killed him and why is a different question from what it was 50 years ago. Eric will consider the festering wound of the unsolved murder, and how this has thrown American society into nearly nonstop chaos and leadership crisis.

In today’s Daily Astrology column, the emphasis is on healing communication — and communication as healing. With minor planet Eros in the Uranus-Pluto square, this is a true “get it off your chest” moment when it comes to those erotic ideas you’ve never managed to speak out loud before.

Monday’s Daily Astrology column offers an overview of the week’s astrology, in particular the potential for Mars in Virgo to get obsessed with ‘getting it right’ at the expense of others (or yourself). Jupiter in Cancer offers a way out by asking you, “What feels good and is nourishing?”

Today Chiron stations direct in Pisces, on the anniversary of its similar station direct in Pisces 150 years ago as Abraham Lincoln delivered his famous address at Gettysburg. Len Wallick’s column today on the Planet Waves blog asks us each to take up the unfinished business of Chiron’s holistic, healing work in our own lives. That column posts at noon.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter


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A Steamy Sky — and Your Moonshine Horoscopes

Dear Friend and Reader:

In case you missed it, earlier today we sent out a mailing announcing that Eric’s 2014 annual edition, called The Mars Effect, is now available for pre-order at its lowest possible price: $59 for all 12 signs (the first price increase will be on Thursday). Check the full letter here for details. Please note: one of Chelsea’s phone numbers was wrong in that mailing. The correct toll-free number is 877-453-8265.

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Photo by Amanda Painter.

In the meantime, we’re in a fertile mix of predominantly water astrology and some richly earthy astrology this week. Intuition and secret-dissolving clairvoyance are heightened for the first part of the week; as we move toward Friday, the emphasis shifts to some kind of ‘sexual revolution’ as super-personal Venus mixes with the Uranus-Pluto square.

All this activity is setting the scene for the Taurus Full Moon (Scorpio Sun opposite Taurus Moon) on Sunday, Nov. 17. Genevieve Hathaway has written today’s Moonshine horoscopes specifically for the event — a deeply sensual and potentially provocative Full Moon.

In tonight’s Planet Waves FM, Eric covers Venus moving through the Uranus-Pluto square, takes a look at the chart for the storm that hit the Philippines, follows up on Pandora’s Promise (the CNN infomercial for nuclear power) and looks at the chart for GridEx II — a large-scale blackout drill scheduled for Wednesday. He’ll also be celebrating the birthday of Scorpio-with-Aquarius-Moon Neil Young.

Today’s Daily Astrology column asks what might happen if you let go a little and have some kind of surprising, transformational and even sexy experience with Venus, as she meets up with Pluto and Uranus this week. Do you dare to choose what you truly want?

We began the week with an overview of the current watery, earthy astrology in Monday’s Daily Astrology column. What if everyone knew those ‘secret truths’ you keep about yourself? And are you willing to release the ‘good girl’ image in favor of some soulful passion?

Len Wallick notes in his column today that thanks to next month’s retrograde, Venus will not travel its current stretch of Capricorn for over a year. He urges us to appreciate consciously the value of the people, places and events in our lives over the next seven days.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter


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This Week on Planet Waves: Sun Conjunct Saturn

Dear Friend and Reader:

We’ve just come though one heck of an eclipse season mixed with a Mercury retrograde in Scorpio. Approaching Mercury’s station direct on Nov. 10 (and just after), there can be an increase in retrograde-y snafus (Mercury’s ‘storm’ phase), calling for awareness and attention — especially with communication, electronics, money and travel. Noticing when your mind is not fully on a task can save you the time and effort of fixing mistakes, and frees you to work with the rest of this week’s astrology.

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View from Lembert Dome, elevation 9,450 feet, Yosemite National Park. Photo by Amanda Painter.

In tonight’s Planet Waves FM, Eric looks at the combined influence of Sun conjunct Saturn and Mercury stationing direct in Scorpio — the truth comes out, the setting of boundaries and the clarification of agreements. This includes what to do with the concept of ‘limited time’.

On that theme, he introduces the rather dangerous situation at Fukushima Unit 4, which we will be covering in the Planet Waves Friday edition. And he devotes the second half of the program to his sexual awareness advocacy riff that he’s been on for the past few weeks.

Eric’s musical guest is the magnificent, incomparable Monogold, who performed at Backstage Studio Productions last week. Planet Waves FM usually publishes to the website by 8 pm, often much earlier.

In today’s Daily Astrology column, we take a look at Venus in Capricorn square Ceres in Libra and ask: What happens when a “fear of giving too much of oneself” bumps up against the imperative to make sure that all of us, in all our relationships, are fully nourished?

Monday’s Daily Astrology introduced this week’s astrological highlights, plus the main themes invoked by the Sun-Saturn conjunction. It’s an aspect that can manifest as reserve or restraint, but can just as easily provide the strength and discipline to get things done. In Scorpio, that could spell some deep inner transformative work that builds on Sunday’s eclipse.

Len Wallick also investigates Venus in Capricorn in his column today, which posts to the blog at noon. He suggests a simple, sustainable dance beginning with your feet on solid ground each day.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter




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Uranus Square Pluto — and Your Moonshine Horoscopes

Dear Friend and Reader:

This week we’re in the midst of oceanic astrological forces; a time when internally and externally, much is in motion. Friday is the fourth exact contact of the Uranus-Pluto square, the astrological signature for this moment — and this entire era. And that’s only part of it.

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Rainbow near the top of Vernal Fall, Yosemite National Park. Photo by Amanda Painter.

The other major astrological event defining this week is the Scorpio New Moon and solar eclipse on Sunday. Genevieve Hathaway has made the New Moon eclipse the focus of this week’s Moonshine Horoscopes, interpreting it for all 12 signs.

In tonight’s Planet Waves FM, Eric will pay tribute to the elemental force known as Lou Reed, celebrating his life in music, interviews and astrology. He’ll also dive into the symbols coming out of the sky and the forthcoming total eclipse in Scorpio. Planet Waves FM posts by 8 pm Tuesdays, usually much earlier.

Today’s Daily Astrology column explores another angle of the week’s astrology, which is strong with Scorpio vibes: Mars is suggesting that getting focused on the physical is a way out of any sense that sex has gotten too ‘spiritual’ to be practical. And a Mercury-Saturn conjunction in Scorpio could get you introspective and focused on any very personal projects.

We began the week with an overview in Monday’s Daily Astrology of the forces available to us now. Despite the cautions that go with Mercury retrograde, this truly is a week in which to “Do it while you can.” Whatever “it” may be for you, there are openings through which you can step to advance your life forward; take them.

Len Wallick’s column will post at about noon. Today, he covers the building energy between Mars, Pluto and Chiron, with thoughts on how to use it constructively, rather than as a double-edged sword. Healing takes courage — and it is available to you now.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter


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This Week at Planet Waves: Under a Scorpio Sun

Dear Friend and Reader:

This week the sky deepens its shift toward Scorpio, as tomorrow the Sun ingresses this fixed water sign that ‘fixes’ the season begun last month. For those in the Northern Hemisphere, that means autumn; for all readers, it means a season marked by the themes of secrets, sex, deep transformation and taboos.

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Photo by Amanda Painter.

Eric will take up these themes and more in his broadcast of Planet Waves FM tonight, which will post by 8 pm EDT. He will add some extra commentary on the theme of codependency, alcohol and substance abuse, covered by Amanda in today’s Daily Astrology — see below.

Eric began the week in Monday’s Daily Astrology column by inviting readers to see and challenge the many ways we carry denial about ourselves. Mercury stationed retrograde in Scorpio Monday, initiating us into a three-week period designed to cut though any games of ‘pretend’ we’re playing with ourselves. An upcoming solar eclipse in Scorpio should give us a boost in that.

In today’s Daily Astrology column, we’ve noticed that the current astrology calls to mind “the Karpman triangle” — a configuration that shows how the abuser-victim-enabler relationship of co-dependency can become a self-perpetuating system. A square between Vesta in Virgo and Pholus and Ixion in Sagittarius brings in the way that alcohol and a sense of detachment can be used to justify immoral or toxic behavior.

Later today Len Wallick describes how, once the Sun enters Scorpio tomorrow, its aspect to Neptune in Pisces offers an opportunity for you to understand more consciously that elusive yet pervasive planet. Len’s column posts to the blog at about noon.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter

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Aries Full Moon Eclipse — and your Moonshine Horoscopes

Dear Friend and Reader:

If you’re feeling a little like this week is packed to the gills full of some kind of edgy anticipation (whether creative and positive or stressful and negative), yet it’s been tricky to get traction on all the things you must do, you are in tune with a busy sky. It’s a sky that continues to find at least partial expression in the deadlock in the U.S. government. Chances are you can see and feel it in your personal life, too — and everything is about to shift.

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Old apple tree at Gilsland Farm, Falmouth, Maine. Photo by Amanda Painter.

We’re covering the astrology for you on several fronts. First up, Genevieve Hathaway has written this week’s Moonshine horoscopes specifically for the Aries Full Moon eclipse.

Eric sifts through these events and more in tonight’s broadcast of Planet Waves FM. He will cover the astrology and the religious issues associated with the budget showdown, looking closely at Friday’s Full Moon eclipse and Mercury retrograde.

For an overview of this week’s primary themes, check out Monday’s Daily Astrology column. Covering Mars entering Virgo and opposing Neptune, this Mercury shadow phase and more, the column outlines some of the reasons you may feel ready to take action — and the reasons why doing so with extra mindfulness, attention to detail and careful communication matters.

Today’s Daily Astrology column considers the Libra Sun opposite Eris in Aries. This is a ‘proving moment’ for Eris — and a great reason to consider the “individual self” versus “relationship self” dilemma so many people find themselves in.

If you check back on the blog around noon today, you can read the latest from Len Wallick. In today’s column, he’ll be outlining how to prepare for the “whirlwind trip” of our upcoming eclipse season.

Finally, we wanted to let you know that Genevieve is teaching an hour-long workshop on Mercury retrograde tonight, Oct. 15, from 7-8 pm PDT at Shift Massage in Seattle, Washington. She will be covering the basics of Mercury retrograde, how to avoid the setbacks and delays generally associated with Mercury retrograde, and how to use the astrology to your advantage — plus specifics about the upcoming Mercury retrograde, which begins Oct. 21. If time permits, she can answer participants’ questions about how Mercury retrograde affects their natal charts.

You can register here and contact Genevieve directly at genevieve@venusinblue.com.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter

Planet Waves

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