Uranus Square Pluto — and Your Moonshine Horoscopes

Dear Friend and Reader:

This week we’re in the midst of oceanic astrological forces; a time when internally and externally, much is in motion. Friday is the fourth exact contact of the Uranus-Pluto square, the astrological signature for this moment — and this entire era. And that’s only part of it.

Planet Waves
Rainbow near the top of Vernal Fall, Yosemite National Park. Photo by Amanda Painter.

The other major astrological event defining this week is the Scorpio New Moon and solar eclipse on Sunday. Genevieve Hathaway has made the New Moon eclipse the focus of this week’s Moonshine Horoscopes, interpreting it for all 12 signs.

In tonight’s Planet Waves FM, Eric will pay tribute to the elemental force known as Lou Reed, celebrating his life in music, interviews and astrology. He’ll also dive into the symbols coming out of the sky and the forthcoming total eclipse in Scorpio. Planet Waves FM posts by 8 pm Tuesdays, usually much earlier.

Today’s Daily Astrology column explores another angle of the week’s astrology, which is strong with Scorpio vibes: Mars is suggesting that getting focused on the physical is a way out of any sense that sex has gotten too ‘spiritual’ to be practical. And a Mercury-Saturn conjunction in Scorpio could get you introspective and focused on any very personal projects.

We began the week with an overview in Monday’s Daily Astrology of the forces available to us now. Despite the cautions that go with Mercury retrograde, this truly is a week in which to “Do it while you can.” Whatever “it” may be for you, there are openings through which you can step to advance your life forward; take them.

Len Wallick’s column will post at about noon. Today, he covers the building energy between Mars, Pluto and Chiron, with thoughts on how to use it constructively, rather than as a double-edged sword. Healing takes courage — and it is available to you now.

Yours & truly,

Amanda Painter


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