By Jen Sorensen

By any standards, 2018 will be a distinctive year astrologically. Get your essential guide to riding the waves of the next 12 months and beyond. Pre-order The Art of Becoming, the 2018 Planet Waves Annual by Eric Francis.
By Jen Sorensen
By any standards, 2018 will be a distinctive year astrologically. Get your essential guide to riding the waves of the next 12 months and beyond. Pre-order The Art of Becoming, the 2018 Planet Waves Annual by Eric Francis.
Dear Friend and Reader:
This week as the Sun passed through the Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto T-square, the world moved and shook and many collective events contributed to the ongoing reshaping of society. We experienced a surge of the astrology that is shaping our time in history, defining the turning point we are coming through.
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Photo by Charlie Lemay.
Before we go into the collective realm and consider some historic events, I have a personal thought — a suggestion for you to document where your own life is at right now, and also make a note of what you want, and what you want to change. I mean this in your own sphere of experience and what you would want to change in the world.
I’ve been describing how April 2014 represents the peak of 2012-era astrology. This will arrive as a series of events of which this week’s aspect pattern was but one. Each of these events represents a crux point that will include decisions, changes in your environment, rearrangements of relationships and potentially some forces that seem outside of your control.
Focus on your environment, your options and your power of decision. Decision, the power of choice, is the mechanism of freedom. Awareness of choice will make the difference between experiencing the developments of April’s astrology (or any astrology) as a function of fate or of free will.
The backdrop of the astrology is a T-square pattern involving Jupiter in Cancer, Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn. The pattern is now aligned to about two degrees. As you’ve read over the past couple of weeks, Mars retrograde in Libra is entering the pattern and will reach an exact alignment to the other three planets, completing a grand cross on April 23.
Here is what happened over the past few days. On Tuesday, April 1, the Sun in Aries made a square (90-degree aspect) to Jupiter in Cancer. On Wednesday, April 2, the Sun made a conjunction to Uranus in Aries. Then on Thursday, April 3, the Sun made a square to Pluto in Capricorn. Each of these alone is a significant event; that they happened within hours of one another multiplies that exponentially. [See charts for Ft. Hood and Supreme Court ruling side by side.]
When I say “the Sun” I really mean “the Sun and the Earth,” since the Sun does not actually orbit or change longitude; the Earth is doing the orbiting, and yet the Sun’s longitude is what appears to change in the astrology chart. So, said another way, the Earth has passed through the Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto configuration, in alignment with the Sun. (That, in turn, aligned with the United States’ natal Sun in Cancer in the chart for July 4, 1776.)
And it felt that way. News this week was dominated by a series of major earthquakes in Chile (and other notable seismic activity in the United States, including a rare quake warning issued in Los Angeles). American politics had a huge shakeup, in the form of Wednesday morning’s Supreme Court decision allowing unlimited spending by wealthy people on political campaigns.
Then later on Wednesday afternoon, as the Sun separated from Uranus and applied to Pluto, there was a second mass shooting at Fort Hood in Texas, killing four and injuring an additional 16 people — the latest example of The War Comes Home. The shooter was a soldier who had served in Iraq, was being treated for depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, and who then killed himself. If he was being treated for depression, I would like to know what mood-altering drugs he was on.
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Military personnel wait for a press conference to begin at Fort Hood on April 2, 2014. Photo by Deborah Cannon.
In our age of consequences, this event is a consequence of the U.S. being at war for more than a decade and pushing many of our stressed-out, psychologically damaged veterans to extremes. A mass shooting is an example of a consequence that makes the news only because it’s so dramatic; the pain of mentally ill, homeless, unemployed, injured, sick, impoverished and anguished vets is, nearly all the time, a non-story.
From an astrological standpoint, what is interesting is that all of these events happened with the Sun within one degree of Uranus, which most astrologers would read as ‘expect the unexpected’. Earthquakes always come out of nowhere; mass shootings seem to, though we have indeed come to expect them.
Meanwhile, I had no idea the lawsuit that was decided Wednesday was even in the works. Obviously people who observe the Supreme Court more closely than I do knew about this, but I think it took most of us by surprise.
I would like to take a moment and describe some of the implications of the Supreme Court decision, on the case McCutcheon and the Republican National Committee v. the Federal Elections Commission.
In 2010, the Supreme Court determined that corporations have the same free speech rights as people, and free speech was defined as the right to spend unlimited money on elections. The court ruled that corporations, including unions, can donate unlimited amounts of money to political action committees (PACs or super PACs), which can then spend that money on advertising to influence campaigns.
As former MSNBC anchor Keith Olbermann explained it in this chilling special comment on Jan. 21, 2010, “In short, there are now no checks on the ability of corporations or unions or other giant aggregations of power to decide our elections. None. They can spend all the money they want, and if they can spend all the money they want, they will, sooner or later, implant the legislators of their choice from president to head of the visiting nurse service.”
Wednesday, the court ruled that based on the same principle — money as an expression of free speech rights — the Federal Elections Commission has no right to cap the total spending on political campaigns by flesh and blood individuals. There is still a per-candidate limit, but there’s a loophole big enough to drive a campaign bus through. This ruling only increases the influence of money in politics, which is causing endless problems as it is.
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Keith Olbermann explaining the problems with the Citizens’ United case in his special comment of Jan. 21, 2010. This is a not-to-miss video.
Unlike Citizens’ United, which was — somewhat shockingly — decided by a bipartisan majority, McCutcheon and RNC v. FEC was decided by the usual conservative majority — Justices Roberts, Kennedy, Alito, Scalia and Thomas.
I’m finding it entertaining (in that demented way) that the fact that the Republican National Committee was a plaintiff is being left out of the discussion, not even mentioned (that I have seen yet) on TV, including by some miracle on left-leaning MSNBC. The plaintiff is usually described as “an Alabama businessman.” Yet this case could not have happened without the resources and motivation of the RNC to drive it forward. It is a Republican idea to have unlimited money in elections be the law of the land.
In writing for the majority, Chief Justice John Roberts professed, “There is no more basic right in our democracy than to participate in the election of our political leaders.”
I would say there is no more cynical statement he could make. Notice that he did not say “no more basic right than to vote.” That’s because there is no guaranteed right to vote — it is not, for example, in the Bill of Rights. It is an implied right, subject to no guarantees, many exceptions, and with no consistency between the states (except for voting age) and under constant attack.
Every day we live, assaults on voting grow more aggressive; state legislatures have passed (and continue to adopt) countless laws requiring voter ID (equivalent of a poll tax, or pay-to-vote scheme), limiting voting hours and locations (including blocking Sunday voting, a tradition among African-American churches), purging the voter rolls and many other dirty tricks — all of them waged by Republicans who know that limiting voter turnout helps their chances of getting elected.
Justice Stephen Breyer, writing a lengthy dissent that he read from the bench, said that the court’s ruling “eviscerates our nation’s campaign finance laws, leaving a remnant incapable of dealing with the grave problems of democratic legitimacy that those laws were intended to resolve.”
In the majority decision, Chief Justice Roberts said that the only “compelling governmental interest” in this case was preventing corruption or the appearance of corruption — which he defined narrowly as a direct quid pro quo arrangement — that is, bribery.
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Shaun McCutcheon sued the Federal Elections Commission, with a little help from the Republican National Committee. His motto is “Less government and more freedom,” which reminds me of the Mafia opposing “regulation” of its activities by the FBI.
But as Justice Stephens pointed out, it’s all subtler than that. Donors dumping millions of dollars into party and candidate war chests has an effect on policy.
One last point. Chief Justice Roberts seems to salute the flag and Article One of the Bill of Rights (the First Amendment) when he says, “Money in politics may at times seem repugnant to some, but so too does much of what the First Amendment so vigorously protects.” He cites Nazi rallies and flag burning as examples.
He does not mention that protesters are routinely arrested at demonstrations for no reason, funneled into “kettles” where they will get sprayed and arrested, kept in cages known as “Free Speech Areas” outside national political events, spied on and otherwise have their right to dissent chilled to the point of being frozen.
Yes, we are a great nation because we allow flag burning and Nazi rallies, but that is a ruse if we gas protesters and violently arrest reporters who are doing their jobs. It’s a ruse if the “right” to influence elections belongs solely to the wealthy and the largest business interests.
As Keith Olbermann said of Citizens’ United in his special comment, parsing the logic of the people who won the case, the reasoning being used is, “As a function of the First Amendment, you must allow for the raping and pillaging of the First Amendment by people who can buy the First Amendment.”
Granting rich people and corporations the right to buy millions of votes is not free speech. It’s fascism, using the purest definition of the word — the merging of state and corporate interests — and it’s time we understand that.
We know from history that Uranus-Pluto aspects like we are experiencing right now are revolutionary events. But as I have asked before, whose revolution?
If we want this to be our revolution, we need to commit to that. I don’t believe we need a revolution in the streets, throwing pavement stones at riot police. The revolution needs to begin with commitment to the truth, by which I mean commitment to real understanding.
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NYPD uses pepper spray on protesters already contained in a ‘kettle’ during the Occupy movement of autumn 2011. This is not exactly encouraging of free speech or the right to dissent. Rather, the message is “protest and you will be tortured.” It’s much easier to write a check.
Our society has grown rotund and had its arteries clogged on hydrogenated fats, high fructose corn syrup and wheat gluten. We have also grown intellectually flabby, uncurious and worse, easily intimidated. Americans, as salty and gritty as they perceive themselves, have become an easy lot to con out of their common sense.
The revolution we need right now is one of passionate awareness, curiosity and the drive to gather and use knowledge. Gather and use, not just sit around all day and read and click.
There is a need for personal involvement and for leadership on the most basic community level. Even if it’s unpopular to push your friends, relatives and associates into awareness and action, that cannot stop you. When you look at the world, and at your life, and you consider the future that you want for the next generations — be they your children and grandchildren or those of your friends or those of distant posterity — ask yourself if you’re ready to give up.
And if you’re not ready to give up, that means it’s time to commit. Yes, that means embarking on many steep learning curves and setting out on an uncertain course. There is a need, particularly in American society, to go beyond the superficial, beyond appearances and to give up our precious naivete about how the world works. And that can be painful.
Part of what people struggle with, or use as an excuse, is that they care and nobody else seems to. So what can they do alone? That is obviously not true. As the old saying goes, don’t mourn, organize.
Aunt Josie Forever
Today would be the 110th birthday of my godmother, Josephine Nicastro Sharp, known to everyone as Aunt Josie. She was born in Sicily on April 4, 1904. Though the place is uncertain, I received an astonishing astrological confirmation that I was in the right place when I put my feet on the ground in Piazza Armerina, Sicily, one day in 1996.
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Me with Aunt Josie outside her home in Brooklyn, 1992, when she was 88 years old. Photo by Sabine Ferandou.
As an immigrant from the Old World, Aunt Josie is my most direct root into my mother country and gives me some claim to being a first-generation American.
Aunt Josie was my godmother in the true sense of the word, taking the place of my parents, particularly my mother, in various times of extended absence. She also helped raise my father, and was his mother’s sister, so she knew something of the family influences that were at work in my life.
Josie was the most interesting blend of forgiving and shrewd; faithful and worldly; loving and insisting on integrity, particularly from herself. A deeply spiritual woman, the Roman Catholic Church was her spiritual home, particularly in her relationship to Msgr. Jolly, who ran the local parish.
Before being married, Josie worked scrubbing floors and then was in the typing pool of Westinghouse. She never finished high school but was highly literate and an expert secretary. Like many of her generation, she scrimped and saved and could stretch a dollar. She was a clever stock trader and made something of her modest, handmade fortune. My father said that she insisted on having a separate stock account from her husband, my uncle Howard Sharp, because their theories of trading were so different.
Aunt Josie was something of a mystic, and we had many fun experiences of psychic contact, such as she standing by the phone waiting for it to ring the moment that I called. We talked for hours and in the process I learned much about life, and the past, from her and told her about my perspective from the viewpoint of someone 60 years younger.
That 60-year age difference made us both green dragons (element wood) in the Chinese system of astrology. We were definitely a couple of odd birds of a feather, with more in common than really seemed possible or practical for our age difference. There were a few points on which we disagreed, such as cast iron frying pans (which she didn’t think were sanitary) and chop sticks (which struck her as a bit uncivilized). We definitely agreed on chicken and rice.
Aunt Josie believed in me, in my talent and in my leadership skills. When I was working my way through the ranks of the campus publishing community at SUNY Buffalo, she would regularly send me care packages, complete with her amazing oatmeal and/or oatmeal peanut butter cookies and various treats. These were always a big hit with my staff.
After I graduated, I told her that I was not really into sweets and shared all the stuff she sent with my crew, a bunch of college students who devoured it voraciously. She said she understood the politics involved.
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Estimated natal chart for Aunt Josie. Time was whispered in my ear while making breakfast this morning. She and I have many contacts between our charts — we both have Jupiter in Aries and Saturn in Aquarius. Her Mercury is exactly conjunct my Jupiter. She has several planets including Venus conjunct my Sun and Juno conjunct my Moon, exact. I would venture a guess we’ve known one another before.
Several times in my writing career, Aunt Josie intervened to make sure I could keep going. She paid for my 5th year at SUNY Buffalo. She purchased my first Macintosh, which in 1991 got her a mention in The New York Times, her favorite newspaper (on page one of the Metro section, no less).
Mike Winerip wrote: “In 1989, as a graduate student here, he founded Student Leader News Service, covering the state and city university systems. It was really just Mr. Coppolino, a computer that his Aunt Josie bought him and three buddies who worked the phones in exchange for a place to sleep. They did good journalism. Mr. Coppolino was one of the few people not on the state payroll who understood the budget.”
On several other occasions, she made it possible for me to keep going at what I was doing. After she died in 1994 at age 90, an inheritance of 333 shares of Exxon stock funded my becoming an astrologer, laying the foundation for Planet Waves. I dread to imagine what my life would be like without her consistent love, faith and her support of my work.
Astrologically, here is some information. She had the Sun, Jupiter, Mercury and Mars in Aries — an independent woman far ahead of her times. She knew who she was and nobody could shake that.
It’s unclear whether she had a Scorpio Moon or a Sagittarius Moon. Her shrewdness, psychological insight and cleverness with money argue for Scorpio; her vibrant spirit that nothing seemed to sink, and her mystical bent, all argue for Sagittarius. So let’s count her as both. She had Saturn in Aquarius and was always a fair judge, taking her time before making up her mind about anything. And she had a Venus-Nessus-Eris cluster conjunct my natal Sun.
I would say that Aunt Josie was the early influence who was never ambiguous in how she felt about me, or treated me. There was no double edge. She was straightforward and put love first. She was consistently an adult. She understood that most of the time the world offers a dirty deal, and insisted on holding the place of faith and warm welcome for me till the present day.
Research, Writing and Editing Credits: Planet Waves is produced by a team consisting of Hillary Conary, Eric Francis, Elizabeth Michaud, Amanda Painter, Susan Starr, Carol van Strum and Chad Woodward. Page assembled and coded by Anatoly Ryzhenko. Special thanks to the Fact Checkers List, which goes over each edition on Thursday night — and to our main astrology fact-checker Alex Miller, and Amanda, who goes over all their suggestions. Our editions are also proofread and fact-checked by Jessica Keet.
Nessus Moves Into Pisces; Mars-Sun opposition
Nessus, the third-discovered centaur and one of the most interesting minor planets I’ve ever seen, has changed signs for the first time since 2005, moving from Aquarius to Pisces. I consider this big news. Nessus in Aquarius has been present in many important news charts, but moreover the feeling of this aspect has permeated society as much as any Pluto transit.
The sensation of this transit as I perceive it has been the group as bully. It’s also the experience of how several very smart, sensitive people can turn into a collective total asshole when you group them together. It’s the sensation of how an individual has to take responsibility for their actions, but a group gets to pass the buck.
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Venus conjunct Nessus in Pisces.
Consider the child sexual abuse scandals of the Roman Catholic church, which rose to a peak in the past decade and resulted in the resignation of the pope (whose immediately prior job was to preside over the coverup, which was run out of the former Inquisition Dept. office).
The Sun conjunct Nessus in Aquarius was the highest aspect in the chart of the pope’s resignation. (I am looking at this chart for the first time in a year — man, what a chart.)
I am aware this could be described as a factor of the human condition going back nearly forever, but in the Nessus in Aquarius years it’s become so obvious that the only way to miss it is if you want to.
In its most positive expression, Nessus is about boldly taking responsibility; it’s about being the place where the buck stops. In Aquarius, that would represent the person within who blows the whistle on a corrupt organization. It’s the person in a family who goes to therapy and stops the cycle of abuse. Nessus at its best is the person who understands karma and why it’s necessary to acknowledge its existence.
Nessus entered Aquarius together with Chiron, the first-discovered centaur, in early 2005. Chiron was moving more slowly at the time. Both are moving further from the Sun and taking longer to move through their respective signs. Nessus will take about 20 years to move through Pisces.
Since nobody alive on the planet has lived through Nessus in Pisces (it has an orbit of 122 years, so it left Pisces about a century ago), I can only read the energy of the placement, which involves some speculation as to the themes that will emerge. I think this transit will take us deeper into the era of consequences, and serve as a compelling force to deal with the consequences of what we believe or refuse to accept.
Said another way, we have some help seeing the problems with what it means to live in an illusion with total commitment — that is, to divorce oneself from the reality-based community. I would also add that Nessus in Pisces will encourage those willing to clean up their edges, tidy their boundaries, and patrol their own borders.
I will have more to say about this placement as time goes on. In terms of the basic facts, Nessus will remain in Pisces moving direct till early June, when it stations retrograde; it will re-enter Aquarius in early August, station direct in early November and re-enter Pisces to stay (for 20 years) in early February 2015. Here is an ephemeris.
Focus on Venus and Mars
Venus will ingress Pisces this weekend (on Saturday), immediately making a conjunction to Nessus. So we may get an early clue what this transit is about. I am not sure it rises to the level of a proving moment, but we shall see. This may come with recovered memories, unusual psychic experiences and unusually deep feelings of a kind you’ve never experienced before, as Nessus has never been in Pisces in our lifetimes.
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Sun opposite retrograde Mars in Libra.
Mars, for its part, is about to stretch into an opposition with the Sun. That is the midpoint in the Mars retrograde cycle. This happens April 8 at 5:03 pm. The Sun is conjunct asteroid Juno at the time of the opposition, which once again puts that point and all it represents into the spotlight.
In other words, with the Sun shining directly on it, we will get a look at what Mars retrograde is really about.
Mars is the planetary ruler of Aries, and is in its opposite sign Libra. This sounds like involvement, investment or overcommitment in a relationship or a concept of relationship.
It’s another version of the message of Mars retrograde that people need to be individuals who enter into partnership rather than “half people” who then complete one another; the idea that we’re partially human until we conjoin and fill in the missing piece.
The opposition of the Sun and Mars is still close enough to the Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto pattern to count; that is, to have a resonance effect, which may feel like an eruption of the need to be independent. That will be accentuated by the Sun conjunct Eris on Saturday, April 12, an aspect that I will come back to in greater detail next week. Sun-Eris aspects are always revealing and have inspired two Planet Waves articles in the past — including Calling Home the Castaway Woman. (I cannot remember the second one, please let me know if you do. Aah here it is — Dancing With Discord.)
I also have a monograph on Eris, written just after it was named, called Facets and Fragments of Self. This is a free download.
— Eric Francis
Out of the Mouths of Babes… Sort of
The beauty of children’s imaginations is just how boundless they are. Narrative structure or logic? Who needs it! The laws of physics? They don’t need no stinkin’ laws! So when kids make up stories, the results can be trippy in the most awesomely innocent way.
Now, add to that adults acting out these stories, lip-syncing to the kids’ improvised dialogue, and you have some comic video gold. Enter Kid Snippets, a video series produced by Bored Shorts TV and usually featuring several of the adult siblings of the Roberts clan. In fact, it may partly be the family connection that allows the actors in these videos to capture so much of the nuance of the kids’ voices in their facial expressions and body language — that’s what makes these videos so brilliant.
This week’s Editon of Planet Waves FM is Sponsored by Geico
This week’s edition of Planet Waves FM is the April Fool’s edition. It starts with a real discussion of ethics in astrology practice, then the trickster fun begins. I interview the esteemed Rev. Dr. Roberta Hand Green de Geoffrey, who channeled the Gargamel Symbols — the latest, hottest new trend in astrology. Daniel Sternstein makes his return to the program, after rising to the top of his profession, then giving up guitar to pursue other interests.
Well in time for the Spring 2014 grand cross (Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto) I’ll be publishing a 12-sign reading focusing on intimacy and trust. The readings will focus on the influence of Mars in the grand cross as well as the lunar and solar eclipses. All of this happens in April. Each sign will get a 20- to 30-minute reading, the signs will cross-reference (each being a special point of focus), and everyone will have access to all 12 signs.
I’ve recorded an informative and authentically interesting audio preview of the project (worth listening just to hear our original theme music). As usual we offer incentive for early purchase. The final price will be $59.95 but we are offering it through the weekend at the current pre-order price of $39.95. Get it while it’s hot!
A Boutique Item: Bali for Astrology and Yoga
Last weekend I took a seminar and then taught an astrology class with Rebecca Gordon, one of the truly soulful members of my profession, and learned that she’s arranging an astrology-yoga expedition to Bali in a few weeks (June 8-20, with Mars direct).
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Astrologer Rebecca Gordon.
I recognize this is something of a boutique item, but I’m putting it out there in case you’re interested in the idea. Immersing oneself in yoga and astrology on an island paradise sounds like a fun way to spend 12 days.
Here is how Rebecca describes the trip: “Here is an opportunity to experience one of the world’s greatest treasures and enjoy a luxuriously planned trip through the lesser known and pristine landscapes of the planet. Whether an adept Yogi or having never set foot on a mat, you will have the private attention to begin a practice or go deeper into the one you already have while poised over the most compelling vistas of the south seas.”
I suggest you make direct contact with both teachers before planning to go, ask them any questions you may have and, as a first priority, make your decision based on who they are.
Once again, here is the link with full contact info and trip details.
Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes
Your extended monthly horoscopes for April were published Friday, March 21. We published your extended monthly horoscopes for March Friday, Feb. 21. Moonshine horoscopes for the Aries New Moon published Tuesday, March 25. Moonshine horoscopes for the Virgo Full Moon were published Tuesday, March 11. We also published an Inner Space horoscope for April Tuesday, April 1. Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign.
Reader Feedback on my Recorded Readings
This is an excerpt of a letter that floated into my inbox this morning. It’s from someone who just experienced The Mars Effect annual readings, and apparently a few others. The Aries birthday reading is available now. See above for the special Spring Report, which will be ready late next week. — Eric Francis
“I’m highly grateful for the work you do. All of the readings I have gotten from you have touched my Soul the Core of its very essence. I just ordered a Gemini Reading for my Other Half, aka Soul Mate. We both listened to the reading together this morning and it had such a profound effect in more ways than one; with this knowledge we become closer in knowing that we have the power to create a life of abundance and purpose. I’m thankful to you for sharing your gifts with Hue Manity and yes I did say Hue Manity.”
Weekly Horoscope for Friday, April 4, 2014, #993 | By Eric Francis
Aries (March 20-April 19) — If an involvement with someone you care about reaches a crux point over the next few days, the way to handle the matter is gently. The situation goes deeper than you think, and not every attribute of it directly involves your current relationship. Many tendencies going back to the earliest days of your life, and your earliest intimate relationships with lovers, are involved. You can avoid one error by imagining you will fix everything by fixing this one situation. I suggest that the most productive thing to do is observe. The planets are aligning in a way where what should be obvious will be obvious, if you’re paying attention. The core issue, as I see it, is the extent to which you invest your identity in another person when you’re in a relationship with them. As the month progresses, your desire to be independent is likely to press its way to the front of your mind. Yet the fears associated with this are likely to become obvious as well; you will need to address both.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — A maturity factor is being introduced into your life. It’s not the “act your age” kind of maturity. Rather, it’s more like “exist on the level of your true purpose, and strive every moment to fulfill that purpose.” The bottom line is being helpful all the time, and making sure that the right thing happens not just in your own life but, as best as you can facilitate, in the lives of the people around you. There is an element of submitting to the service, which is to say knowing how to be responsive to your environment. This is different from putting yourself first, even though you still have to take care of yourself. There are times when you will be called upon to put yourself second or last, and you’ll need to evaluate carefully whether that is actually appropriate. We live in a world where it’s easy to turn around and walk away, where it’s easy to take care of No. 1, and where plenty of conditioning encourages us to do so. You’re now getting information about looking right at the problem, asking for direct guidance what to do about it, and waiting for the response.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You may be feeling the need to take responsibility for your actions and your past decisions. You might be getting the message that if you don’t do so, you will be held accountable, and it’s better if you make the moves instead of someone else. The deeper issue, though, is about events set in motion long ago that are coming home now, and pressing you to own up for what has happened in the past. I believe that you will do this in time. I would also point out that the pressure you may be under now is exaggerated by your perceptions of how others might feel. Nobody ever really takes responsibility for something because someone else wants them to do it, which is why I suggest you set your intentions and then take your time. If you must invest your energy into something now, put it into listening, both to yourself and to others. Stating how you feel is less important than making sure you understand how others feel — and not feeling any special pressure to do something about it. This is not necessarily an easy position to hold, but I assure you there are a lot worse.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — If you’re feeling the urge to perform at your highest level, or to achieve something great, remember how much about this is a matter of inner focus and how little is a matter of appearance. Yes, there is some stagecraft to every dimension of success, even if you only have to keep it up for a half-hour meeting. True, there are times when you will need to dress the part. That’s not what I’m talking about, however. The world in its current form grossly overemphasizes image and false confidence and diminishes the value of what you need the most, which is the element of self-mastery. One aspect of this involves the way you relate to your talent — what you think it’s for; why you think you have it. The other aspect is emotional. They are related, because you will be limited in the use of your talent if you’re over-invested on an emotional level. Think of your talent as something that comes through you, for a purpose. Your role is to allow the flow of both talent and purpose, which usually involves getting out of your own way.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You need some new ideas, and your solar chart suggests that one place to look is old ideas that were forgotten, were not fully tested or never really given a chance. The byways of time are strewn with these abandoned concepts, well-thought-out solutions that were not applied to their corresponding problems, and lessons learned that were then set aside. If something has persisted, look for the lapses of awareness that may have led to that situation. You want to wake up before anyone else does. You want to be the one to take responsibility and solve any past issues before anyone else does, and you will need to be assertive. Meanwhile, back to my original premise of some of the best solutions having already been come up with — that is worth investigating and developing. Think of it like digging deeper in a mine to find the gold. Any time you’re confronted with a problem, before you try to solve it, ask yourself whether you’ve already solved it. When you need a new brilliant idea, ask yourself whether you’ve already come up with it.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Be mindful of the emotional reactions of others. Notice when you’re getting drawn in. This is easier said than done, particularly with the transits that your solar chart is taking right now. It’s difficult enough to maintain one’s individuality under the best circumstances in our society, when you’re confronted daily by so many forces telling you who and what you’re supposed to be. Your current charts have a potent emphasis on the emotional dimension of relationships. It’s not easy to distinguish your feelings from those of someone close to you. At the same time, there seems to be someone compelling in your environment with whom you identify closely — and that’s a temptation to ‘lose’ yourself in them. One solution to this puzzle is maintaining a high level of self-awareness and making decisions in every moment. Another potential is getting drawn all the way into the scenario, finding your way out, and evaluating what you learn. Question: how much time do you have on your hands?
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You must be honest with yourself. That is the key. It’s the key because it’s so easy to be in denial right now. That denial can come in two forms: what you want, and what you’re angry about. They are likely to be related, so closely as to be the same thing. So if you notice yourself feeling anger, no matter how subtle, ask yourself what you want. If you notice yourself wanting something, notice how you feel about that fact. You may have emotions around a delay in gratification or fulfillment, or merely the lack of having your desires acknowledged. Yet your charts are clear that you are the one who has to do most of the noticing of your own inner reality. In this process it’s essential that you not try to wrap what you want around what someone else wants. You may need to ask yourself what you would do were someone else not in your life, or not exerting an influence over you. One last clue: you may be responding to a past influence, such as what that person three partners ago said. Who you are, and what you want now, are what counts.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Note the fear factor and the healing factor, and where they meet. Most of what needs healing involves — or is specifically — fear. Yet it’s difficult to see this when so many factors are designed to inflict fear in its many forms: ads designed to provoke insecurity about your self-image, earthquake warnings, economic threats and the usual litany of health-related ‘news’. In order to exist in any kind of balance, it’s necessary to consider your responses to all of those influences. Yet there is an inner scenario that you’re unraveling, something that is distinct and personal and that cannot be accounted for by any visible influence. To a greater extent than you may recognize, your fears surround abandonment and issues of fidelity in relationships. These can take many forms, morphing and disguising themselves — that is the speciality of fear. Rather than accept this theory, I suggest you test it out, and inquire when you are feeling some deep concern whether it involves abandonment or fidelity — whomever might be responsible.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — In any given situation, there are two basic patterns you can follow. The thing you need to know is that in following one of these patterns, the other one is likely to be concealed, reduced to a faint memory or not part of your awareness at all. If you manage to come back to your center (which may happen as a result of frustration), notice that you have another way to proceed. When you take that route, the prior, more frustrating one will seem not to exist, and for a while you will be able to proceed in a more productive way. Yet the real mission described by your astrology is integrating both of these modes. One might have logic dominating and the other emotion dominating. One might be based on facts and the other on intuition. In order to work at full strength, both sides of the equation need to be balanced. Both originate from you; both are rooted in what you already know and have considerable experience with. All you need is to be mindful of that fact.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You are deep into a phase of enforced growth and changes, though you may not realize how much help you have. You seem to be feeling the pressure but not the support in your environment. True, Pluto in your sign is the original symbol of the lone wolf. Yet rather than feeling like it’s you against the world, I suggest you tune into the idea of you in cooperation with the world. If there is a disconnect, it’s emotional. Because other aspects of your astrology may have you feeling agitated and unstable, you may not notice the calmer, more consistent and friendlier influences in your surroundings. However, they are present, and willing to extend a helping hand if you would slow down and notice their presence. This will call for a change of emotional orientation on your part, which is so basic to the equation you can think of it as the whole purpose of being open to the love and kindness of others.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You may feel like you’ve had a thorn taken out of your foot, though if so, I suggest you make it into a piece of jewelry and wear it around your neck as an amulet for a while. You are emerging from a long phase of your life when the theme of consequences has been predominant. There may be elements of this particular journey that you can trace back to early 2005. Looked at one way, the theme of this extended transit was ‘taking things personally’ — and in the process, learning how not to do so. You might say that events of this transit (which included Chiron and Nessus in your sign) tested the whole theory of Aquarian ‘detachment’, compelling you to see your personal investment in everything around you, and to figure out whether that investment was really appropriate. Themes of your sign usually associated with control have transformed into themes of accountability, which is of course much more productive. Now a new phase has begun, which in a sentence I would describe as understanding that your values really are the bottom line; and understanding further that to be meaningful, you must update and revise your values regularly.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You are entering a phase of your life that I would describe as the era of Put Up With Nothing. Those with Pisces dominant in their charts are easy to transgress. Pisces is a soft sign, and it follows (or prefers to follow) different motives and guidelines than the rest of the world. This theme helps explain why artists and musicians are so often and so easily taken advantage of. Pushy people have an advantage over those who would prefer neither to push nor defend. You are now at a point of your maturity where that can, and must, come to an end. The time has arrived for you to be treated with some consistency, to have your values and intentions honored, and to be treated fairly. Yet here is the catch: you are the one who has to insist upon this. You are the one who has to set the boundary. You may have known this for a while, and may have avoided what is in the end a basic fact of life. Once you set the basic rules of play, and follow them, the next step is to get everyone around you to agree to them, which to you will feel like forcing yourself on them (it is not). And the bottom line is: put up with nothing.
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Dear Friend and Reader:
When The Beatles landed at the newly named John F. Kennedy Airport on Feb. 7, 1964, it was just 78 days after one of the most profound collective griefs in decades, one that unlike many before it was amplified by the power of television. The young president had been struck down in broad daylight in an American city, sending the Western world into shock.
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The Beatles, moments after stepping off their Pan Am flight on Feb. 7, 1964. Photo: Library of Congress.
The Beatles did not merely arrive; they stepped into a gaping void, a psychic and emotional cavern that had been violently ripped open like the president’s skull. With JFK’s death, the nation had lost it’s father and was still reeling with disorientation. Even people who detested him cried. The loss is palpable till this day.
The death of the president also meant there was a vacuum of male presence and leadership. Then a group of young men in their early 20s had unwittingly stepped up to the task, though I am sure this was not recognized for what it was at the time.
We cannot say what would have happened with The Beatles had JFK lived, whether they would have had the same impact or been received so passionately. We only know what actually happened.
When you consider the morbid scenes from that prior November, the presidential motorcade passing through Dealey Plaza, the unshakable Walter Cronkite crying on the air, Jackie Kennedy with her dress stained in her dead husband’s blood, Lyndon Johnson being sworn in aboard Air Force 1, the ambulance taking the president’s body to the morgue, the funeral procession with its riderless horse — it seems like a different universe from the screaming girls and clever lads taking questions from the press.
People huddled around their televisions watching Kennedy’s casket go by morphed into families clinging to their TVs as screaming teenagers stampeded through airport corridors and Ed Sullivan introduced The Beatles that Sunday night.
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John F. Kennedy, Jr.
Indeed it was a different universe. Sometime during those 78 days, the Sixties had begun. That contrast of a collective wound and something to fill the void, or some element of healing, set a pattern and would repeat many times in this era.
Though the Sixties aspect, the Uranus-Pluto conjunction, would not make its first exact contact until October 1965, encounters between these two slow-moving, world-changing planets have a long warmup during which the most notable effects can be felt in advance.
If you want to understand the influence of this aspect, consider that The Beatles went from “I Wanna Hold Your Hand” to “I Am the Walrus” in a few short years.
The Sixties were a rough time in history. For many, it was an exciting time; for many others, painfully controversial, as many facets of the old order were stripped away and something else began to take their place. Many more people struggled to hold onto the familiar as everything seemed to change around them — not recognizing that the changes were within them as well.
The nascent Civil Rights movement, which had begun to make progress in the Fifties, had some successes and also came under ongoing violent attack, surveillance and infiltration.
At the same time, there were numerous artistic and technological breakthroughs, and many horrid political tragedies. It’s difficult to sum up an era that included the assassinations of the Kennedy brothers and Martin Luther King, Jr., the Vietnam War, the election of Richard Nixon, Woodstock, the Moon landing, protests on campuses across the nation and students murdered at Kent State.
From the Conjunction to the Square
Fifty years after The Beatles arrived, we are now at the next major meeting of Uranus and Pluto — the square. These two planets move so slowly that it’s taken them nearly half a century to go from their conjunction, the equivalent of the New Moon phase, to the square, the equivalent of their first quarter phase.
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The Beatles with Ed Sullivan during a rehearsal for their Feb. 9 performance on the program in New York City. Photo by AP.
The first quarter is a major turning point in any planetary cycle, and also a time of structural change. It’s a time of re-evaluating events since the beginning of the cycle, though usually history moves so fast at the time of Uranus-Pluto events that you can have the feeling that there’s no time to think. What the Sixties and our era have in common is how easy it is to feel overwhelmed.
The square can have many properties similar to the conjunction, though of course it happens in a different historical context. The square also lasts longer. The conjunction had three exact contacts in 1965 and 1966. The square has seven exact contacts from spring 2012 through winter 2015. Both have a wide margin on either side.
We saw the early influence of the square with the Arab Spring movement, the public union protests in Wisconsin and then the global Occupy movement, all of which began and peaked in 2011. Those protests were suppressed by governments pretty effectively, and also by various chilling effect measures like discovering that the NSA is databasing everyone’s phone records, email and other communications.
Laws that define participation in the environmental movement as a form of terrorism are going to deter some people. So will mass arrests, pepper spray and the prospect of lifelong surveillance. It all adds up.
Though there are some similarities, I think there is one significant difference between the Sixties and today. In the Sixties, many people believed that change was possible, and moreover, that their personal actions could lead to progress — not merely to personal or corporate profit. There was widespread idealism in the air, despite the many terrible events that took place.
There was the sense that anything is possible. The craving for freedom first described in Jack Kerouac’s On the Road had become a sweeping social movement.
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Recycling is not enough. All plastic ends up in the ocean, in one form or another. Much of it collects in gyres, or places where currents converge and the material cannot escape.
There was the feeling that if we don’t do something about this — that is, about whatever problem society is facing — nobody will. That value may not have saturated the culture, but there were plenty of people who felt that way, and they got a lot done. Out of the Uranus-Pluto conjunction era were born many movements that are still active today — anti-war, environmental, women’s liberation, gay rights, black power and others.
Today, cynicism has replaced idealism. The sensation that ‘we’re goin’ down’ has replaced ‘we can change the world’. I am aware that there are activists in our time working earnestly for change. What I object to is how little help they have, and how easy it is to dismiss their efforts as futile.
That so many people are overwhelmed is, I believe, the result of many factors. We know more than we did then — for example, about how serious the environmental situation is. What can anyone do, or think they can do, about a radioactive plume spilling out of a nuclear power plant in Japan, encompassing the north Pacific Ocean and spreading into all of its currents? What can we do about the tons and tons of plastic collecting in ocean gyres? Imagine trying to live without using plastic, no matter how much you want to.
What can we do about the rate at which fossil fuels are being extracted from the ground and injected into the atmosphere, trapping heat on the planet? What about all the methane being released from frozen reservoirs as the Arctic ice cap melts, doing far more damage than carbon?
How about politicians wasting time and resources trying to ban birth control and take away food stamps when the world is headed for a diversity of different brinks?
Every individual problem is overwhelming on its own, with 100 more like it right behind: GMO foods, the banks that get away with anything, billionaires by the million, chaos reigning in Iraq and Afghanistan and Syria and many, many other countries, an economy that is vacuuming wealth to the top faster than the Fed can print cash, people in massive debt from educations that are now worthless for getting a job, the cancer pandemic…and it goes on and on.
It’s amazing that anyone has the gumption to be able to confront the future at all, much less envision some great improvement that might happen. Many people are reduced to getting through the day. Many are reduced to doing whatever it takes to get by.
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Actual scene from Chrysler ad on the Super Bowl featuring Bob Dylan, in which he claims that people in sweatshops assemble cell phones out of cultural pride. We’ve come a long way since his calling attention to the plight of workers collecting 30 cents a day.
In this environment, you could describe cynicism as the more appropriate response than idealism, or hope, or faith. It’s hard to have faith when greed has gone from being a problem that some people had to the religion of the masses.
At the Uranus-Pluto conjunction, Bob Dylan came up to The Beatles’ hotel suite and encouraged them to do something relevant with their platform; to recognize that they could deliver a message.
They listened. Dylan may have been the single biggest moral and artistic influence on The Beatles.
It was Dylan, the visionary, who warned of “guns and sharp swords in the hands of young children” before anyone outside of Rand Corporation, the White House or the Foreign Relations Committee had heard of the Vietnam War.
Now at the Uranus-Pluto square, we have Bob Dylan doing a Chrysler advertisement on the Super Bowl. No doubt he rationalizes it on the basis of American pride, the theme of the ad. Would that be the same patriotism that was drummed up to start the past 10 wars?
This one-time passionate advocate for blacks and the poor, who has decried slave labor in Singapore, Malaysia and Taiwan working for 30 cents a day, personally encouraged tens of millions of Americans watching the ad to “let Asia assemble your phone” — because they do it out of pride in their work.
Ask people why Dylan did the ad and they will probably say “he needed the money,” as if that’s a good reason for someone who has put out 35 studio albums and a heap of boxed sets. He can only top this one by going onto FOX News and encouraging us all to support the bombing of Iran.
The Common Ground of Pisces
Besides top-shelf Uranus-Pluto aspects, the astrology of our era has something else in common with the Sixties, which is Chiron in Pisces. This placement is a profound spiritual longing, which has many potential answers.
It is interesting that throughout the entire Uranus conjunct Pluto era of the Sixties and the current Uranus square Pluto era, Chiron is simultaneously in Pisces. The astronomical synchronicity involves Chiron’s 50-year cycle and the nearly 50 years it’s taken Uranus and Pluto to go from conjunction to square (0 degree relationship to 90-degree relationship).
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The Tsonga people of South Africa. All, as in all, humans are tribal. We need one another. When that need is replaced by alienation, the human condition becomes toxic. Photo from Kwekudee Blog.
Pisces, particularly with such a strong influence as Chiron, can be activated as a vast common ground, where people can discover how much they have in common, how much they can share and how much they can accomplish together.
I consider Chiron in Pisces The Beatles factor of the Sixties — the loving and spiritual element without which there would have been very little grounding or sense of purpose. It was not just The Beatles, but they personified it effectively, in a way that millions of people could relate to.
This can be expressed as well as related to or identified with — for example as art, music, community, intimacy and sex — among a million other friendly activities.
Yet Chiron in Pisces can also evoke a mystical longing that can be answered in toxic ways as well. The mystical longing is usually evoked by suppressing healthy expressions of emotion, passion, desire and creativity. People need to be people, which means we need to be together, feel together, do tribal things together and have collective experiences. When that natural instinct is suppressed, it expresses itself in many toxic ways.
One of them is rallying around the flag — a poisonous abstraction of the tribe. Another is worshipping a charismatic leader, which Dr. Wilhelm Reich identified as one of the key ingredients of a fascist takeover. Get people so desperate for sex and closeness, they will flock to a dangerous substitute, one that can destroy a society or a culture.
In our era, we are seeing the corporate form of this. It seems that every last thing is sponsored by a multinational or “nonprofit” corporation. Capitalism and greed are revered with religious fervor, and violating them can get someone branded a heretic or infidel. This common ground is becoming so crowded by corporate culture, I am surprised there aren’t Nike ads in yoga studios.
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Spasija Aleksoska’s extended family was taken in Trebenista, near Ohrid (in Macedonia), during Easter celebrations in 1959. The extended family was alive and well in the United States until the end of World War II. After the nuclear bomb, the nuclear family.
Oh wait — there already are, on yoga mats, garments and bags. Next we will have advertisements telepathically broadcast into meditation.
What corporate authority can interfere with but not completely suppress is the authentic inner spiritual and creative calling. No matter how much the Merlins of advertising and branding and finance may strive to do so, they cannot entirely vanquish your humanity. That’s why they have to spend so much money trying to do so.
They can come close. You can be anesthetized into thinking you’re not who you are, for a while. You can be lured away from your humanity, conditioned what to think, distracted from your soul or consume alcohol and fast food until you’re semi-blotto — but you’re still human, because you possess the Inner Light, the inner connection to the same intelligence that orchestrates your DNA. You are, even if you forget. So you may as well remember.
Yes, remembering your humanity can be painful in such dehumanized times. One of the paradoxes of awakening is the encounter with how many other beings are struggling. As you improve your life, you have to figure out what to do with any potential guilt that you have it good and others do not.
If you pay attention, you will find some people who have their ideals intact. Be kind to them and keep them in your life. There is very little you can accomplish alone, though you are personally the starting point for everything that happens to you. You are the one thing that all your relations have in common.
Remember that, as the world seems to grow darker than we ever dreamed it could.
Five Astrologers and an Entertainment Lawyer Comment on The Beatles
Sara Victoria
Belief met destiny on the stage of the Ed Sullivan Theatre, and the chart Eric cast for that performance makes the karmic scale of The Beatles’ relationship with the United States strikingly clear.
When the show began, the Moon in Capricorn was conjunct the South Node in the 4th house. This represents a deep, emotional, soul-level ambition that is fostered by discipline and karmic in nature — part of the destiny path of the event. Its placement in the 4th house indicates that this ambition has not yet reached fruition; it is still within, underground, unseen. The South and North Nodes are calculated points that describe ‘evolutionary intention’; the South Node evolves into what is represented by the North Node.
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The Beatles appear on the The Ed Sullivan Show. The Capricorn Moon on the South Node suggests that something is not just happening — it’s happening again. Are The Beatles a reincarnation phenomenon? If so, I would nominated Gilbert & Sullivan as their last go-around.
The ‘karmic destiny’ of The Beatles’ performance that night is written in the symbolism of the North Node in Cancer, in the 10th house of public profile. The evolutionary purpose of the event was for their emotionally charged ambition to spring forth from its hidden root and flower upon a world stage.
The staggering impact of the Ed Sullivan performance on The Beatles’ destiny path is seen in the conjunction of the North Node with the natal Sun of the United States. The U.S. and The Beatles were introduced by a cosmic matchmaker that night. The achievement of their karmic intent was inextricably joined with the collective identity of the United States. An astrologer could not have planned a more auspicious time for their American debut.
Dale O’Brien
Fifty years corresponds approximately to when Chiron returns to the exact place it was that many years ago. Since mythological Chiron was the wisest of all beings, god or human, the Chiron return is an opportunity to begin to live a wiser life based on one’s life experience.
Chiron is now in Pisces, as it was starting within hours of JFK’s presidential inauguration. Aug. 16, 1962 was the beginning of The Beatles as John, Paul, George and Ringo. Chiron in Pisces was exactly conjunct Jupiter in Pisces, with both trine Neptune in Scorpio. Chiron and Jupiter were also both opposed to Pluto and Mercury.
The Beatles were even more than just a huge financial success (Jupiter-Pluto). They were even more than a profoundly popular musical group with a sense of fun and humor (Jupiter-Neptune). Despite their youth, they were looked to as wisdom figures, and retained their popularity and credibility even when pursuing the wisdom (and to some extent the music) of India.
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The Beatles arrive at John F. Kennedy International Airport. The official stated time of touchdown is 1:20 pm, which gives you the very, very, very end of Gemini rising. Add just two seconds to the time (less time than the plane rolling down a little bit of runway) and you come up with the Aries Point in hearts and spades — 00 Cancer 00 rising — and that tells the story, of the impact of the event, of its lasting influence and how many people the event reached. It’s called the ‘Aries Point’ because the first degree of Cancer is square the first degree of Aries; Libra and Capricorn work too because they are opposite and square the Aries Point.
As we celebrate The Beatles now, Chiron in Pisces tells us to remember, in part, that we are all one; that music enchants and heals.
Debbie Keil-Leavitt
The Beatles’ arrival in New York on the afternoon of Feb. 7, 1964, was a profound moment in the healing of a reeling nation. It was no cosmic mistake that The Beatles were first interviewed for American television on Nov. 22, 1963, only to have the broadcast delayed by the assassination of President Kennedy that same day.
Joy, pride and youth had all been lost to that murder, exposing America’s shadow, and the nation was in desperate need of a change of mood. The chart of The Beatles’ arrival has the important characteristic of the Uranus-Pluto conjunction on the 4th house cusp (angular; therefore, potent). This signature of the birth of worldwide transformation was in full force in the 1960s. The chart indicates a pivotal moment with Uranus-Pluto opposing the Teacher/Healer Chiron. The universe was handing us guidance to create a new cultural reality.
Chrissie Blaze
One may not immediately think of hard-hitting, rebellious John Lennon as a typical Libra because it is known that one major characteristic of this Sun sign is a desire for acceptance and to ‘fit in’. Those of us who knew and loved John in the 1960s and 1970s would find it hard to believe this was true of him. However, what we see about a person is not always what they feel inside. In John’s own bitingly honest words:
“I always was a rebel…but on the other hand, I wanted to be loved and accepted…and not just be a loudmouth, lunatic, poet, musician.”
Don’t let anyone ever tell you that Venus-ruled Libra is indecisive and concerned only with love, romance and relationships. Once this intelligent, passionate Sun sign does espouse a cause worthy of their time and energy few can surpass their noble efforts to literally change the world.
T. C. Gardstein
The songwriting team of Lennon-McCartney was a formidable force. John Lennon’s Sun was in Libra, Paul’s in Gemini; the trine between the two musicians’ Suns manifested in mutual inspiration and what Beatles producer George Martin deemed “a healthy competition.” John and Paul rarely wrote songs together — but they often wrote in each other’s presence, sought out each other’s feedback, and helped each other with lyrics.
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The chart of a true and whole-hearted pervert! John Lennon has Chiron, Transpluto, Pluto, Vesta and Juno in the 5th house of flirty, risky sex — but Juno’s presence means he likes to do it with his wife, unless of course someone interesting comes along.
The finest Lennon-McCartney composition, “A Day in the Life,” was the result of two separate, unfinished songs grafted together into pure genius. This song also perfectly symbolizes the opposition between their Moons: John, the explosive “teddy boy” and drug-oriented, intellectual iconoclast, had an Aquarius Moon; Paul, the magnanimous, regal, pop-oriented showman, had a Leo Moon. This lunar opposition magnetized John and Paul to each other from the day they met and formed the duo’s backbone.
George Harrison was in his own private corner, as one might expect from a Pisces Sun and Scorpio Moon.
In 1965, during the Uranus-Pluto conjunction, George first came across the sitar. Through his subsequent study of this difficult instrument and Eastern philosophy, George was responsible for bringing the East to the attention of the “new world” (hip Sixties Western culture). He continued to support the Maharishi even after his band mates became disenchanted with the yogi. Apropos of his Scorpio Moon, George was also the first Beatle to explicitly reference sex in a song: on Revolver‘s “Love You To” (1966). Yet George’s water-sign vision, which ranged from sarcastic (“Taxman”; “Piggies”) to mystical to just plain beautiful(“Something”), was overshadowed by the Lennon-McCartney duo.
Michael B. Ackerman, entertainment and IP attorney
As for The Beatles’ impact on music, I think you know my answer: it’s like Jesus, there’s before The Beatles and after The Beatles; and after The Beatles everything changed.
Seriously, The Beatles‘ arrival is probably the biggest pop culture impact event in the 20th century. Only Elvis’ arrival comes close and even then it’s not as multilayered. Someone once explained Elvis’ importance to me and I’ve never forgotten it: “Before Elvis boys grew up wanting to be their father, Elvis presented an alternative.” So on that level Elvis’ arrival is very culturally significant, also, Elvis added value to hillbilly status. Elvis was neutered pretty quickly by his induction into the Army. Then he did the movies, which made him meaningless in a pop culture context. The 1968 comeback special was good and a stunning return to form but he was never again the cultural force he was from 1956-1958.
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The chart of the mystic artist — another 5th house chart, this time with Pisces Sun there. If there is a chart about art for art’s sake, or communicating because that’s what you feel, this is the one.
But The Beatles brought long hair, Brits, upward class mobility for England and others (and the disarming of the slagging of the lower class and lower class accents), mass hysteria as a cultural phenomenon, complete dominance of pop music for a time, and major dominance thereafter (every new Beatles record or TV appearance was an event, which always drew ratings and piqued curiosity). Furthermore, a band who wrote their own songs? Elvis put his name on those songs but he didn’t write them.
Not to mention the other stuff — the introspective songs, the psychedelic stuff, the drugs, the fashions, the controversial remarks, or the pioneering approach to making music in the studio. Heck, even their films are quite good (notably A Hard Day’s Night), and I’d say the films and The Beatles‘ flippant style in press conferences were a big influence on later comedy.
I say this not just as a fan, but The Beatles are the Big Bang of the 20th Century. The only other event that comes close is the Moon landing, which had ripple effects in terms of technology (Velcro, satellite communication which enabled cell phones, microwave technology which gave us the microwave oven, and many other developments came directly from the Moon missions).
Think about this: in the 50 years since The Beatles have come along, and with the rise in the standard of living and with the vast expansion of television as a phenomenon (most households at the time of The Beatles’ debut had one television, if they had a television at all), there are very few television shows that had more viewers than The Beatles on Ed Sullivan, and you know all of them: the finale of MASH, the finale of Seinfeld, the OJ ‘chase’, the finale of Cheers, the finale of The Fugitive, the finale of Dallas.
Seriously a half dozen shows (and I do consider the OJ chase a show — it wasn’t a chase, it was a parade) have topped or equaled the Beatles’ ratings on Ed Sullivan in 50 years despite the proliferation of the television set. As more television sets entered homes, viewing habits segmented and those communal events were fewer and further between. Some would say that’s the reason there aren’t more. I’d be one of them.
— Section editor: Elizabeth Michaud
Section Writing and Editing Credits: News items below are written and edited by a team consisting of Hillary Conary, Anne Craig, Eric Francis, Elizabeth Michaud, Amanda Painter, Susan Starr, Chad Woodward and Carol van Strum. Coordinating Editor: Elizabeth Michaud. Page assembled and coded by Anatoly Ryzhenko. Special thanks to the Fact Checkers List, which goes over each edition on Thursday night — and to our main astrology fact-checker Alex Miller, and Amanda, who goes over all their suggestions. Our editions are also proofread and fact-checked by Jessica Keet.
Back in the USSR
What a great idea — start the Winter Olympics in Mother Russia just as Mercury stationed retrograde in Pisces.
Yes, that Russia — the same one that we were told was the reason why we were hiding under our school desks and out of the way of flying glass; the very Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the bastards with all those missiles pointed at us and spies in trash cans and cameras in cigarette lighters who have taken over Hollywood and are seducing our youth with sex and vodka.
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Nikita Kruschev and some Cuban guy are very excited about the Winter Olympics being in Russia.
The Russia of “I hope the Russians love their children too” fame.
Well, all is forgiven — unless of course something goes horribly wrong during the next 17 days. As of press time Friday morning, hours before the opening ceremony, we were seeing a lot of information about the condition of bathrooms and water in Sochi hotels. We also learned that the United States had again banned liquids and gels on all flights into Russia based on purported information about explosives concealed in toothpaste tubes.
Meanwhile Vladimir Putin, who has an interest in keeping things cool because he wants everyone to think he’s cool, and he’s definitely been on a roll since Pussy Riot’s appearance on The Colbert Report this week [see part one and part two, sorry about the insulting credit card ads], has reportedly been watching over potential “black widow” suicide bombers — women who are not necessarily widows but rather female operatives.
“What is interesting about Russia’s terrorism problem is the number of women who carry out attacks is greater than any other country in the world,” writes Stuart Ramsay, the chief Russian correspondent for Sky News.
We see this specter hanging out on the western horizon of the opening ceremony chart, as asteroid Juno. She’s right there, occupying the relationship angle (the 7th house cusp), right out in the open where everyone can see her. I will admit, it’s a little ominous having her there. I’ve been looking at this chart for a couple of weeks wondering what this is about.
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Chart for the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics.
Juno has several incarnations, though two main ones. In the first instance, it’s the emotionally disaffected person, generally a woman since her character is that of the jilted wife. But Juno’s problems emerge less from the fact of her being jilted and more from her inability to state her needs. She can represent all kinds of relational insecurity, fear of infidelity and the “maintenance of one’s position with the other,” as my colleague Martha Lang Wescott puts it.
The second incarnation of Juno is that of the guardian of justice and good causes. This is a slightly weird delineation given the other one, but I’ve seen it work sufficiently to trust this theme.
Everyone knows the problem. It’s easy to mess things up. It’s difficult to keep them in order. All it takes is one little freelance terrorist or cell to ruin the whole party. Given that, we might ask why things go so smoothly nearly all the time; whatever that turns out to be is what will protect everyone here.
While Juno can be the jealous bitch or the powerful guardian, the 7th has a similar property — it’s the house of partners and also of open enemies. So we have some ambiguity here. Checking 120 extra points, we discover that today Juno in this chart is in an exact conjunction to Aphrodite, an asteroid named for the Greek counterpart of Venus.
The chart has two other significant points of ambiguity. The first involves the Moon, which is void of course in Taurus when the ceremony begins. Void of course Moon means that the Moon is done making major aspects to major planets in its current sign. It can have a slippery feeling, noncommittal or uncertain.
Again checking 120 extra points, we find the Moon’s one applying aspect while it’s in Taurus is an opposition to asteroid Siva. I’m going to give you Martha’s whole delineation of that point, at least this one version: “Episodic, catabolic (breakdown/through) process that precedes insight; destruction of density/fixated beliefs (relative to aspects); crisis of death (stagnation) or regeneration; The Far East (including Vietnam, India, China, Malaysia, Japan;) periodic occurrence; ascetic; attention to sound.”
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Juno and Aphrodite on the western horizon? Well, close enough — it’s Pussy Riot on Stephen Colbert.
Personally I’ve always taken the “attention to sound” bit with Siva to heart — I use it as one indicator to LISTEN. However, this Moon looks like it’s about confronting the fear of change and instability; appropriate enough under the circumstances. There is no certainty in this situation.
Second ambiguous thing involves Mercury, which just stationed retrograde on Thursday. Mercury is a powerful element in the Winter Olympics chart — the chart has Virgo rising (ruled by Mercury) and Gemini on the midheaven (ruled by Mercury). And Mercury occupies Pisces, the 7th sign from the ascendant; hence it’s angular, i.e., near the horizon and more influential.
Plus Mercury does something called ‘fall’ in Pisces, a negative dignity which means that it’s slightly uncomfortable there but has to do some extra work to get its point across, then it can become significantly influential. And it’s also retrograde, which is another supposed negative, but Mercury just loves to be retrograde. So what we get is this weird Mercury that rules the 1st and 10th houses and is swimming upstream in Pisces.
If there was ever a chart that said, “You can’t really tell from this chart what the heck is going on, but it really doesn’t look that bad,” this is the one. Plus it has a lot to say about water, which is what has been dominating news reports from old Mother Russia.
Now I will say this, and I intend it as a warning.
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Stacy St. Clair of the Chicago Tribune tweeted: “My hotel has no water. If restored, the front desk says, ‘do not use on your face because it contains something very dangerous’.” Then after water was restored with this pee-colored blend, she tweeted, “I just washed my face with Evian, like I’m a Kardashian or something.”
Every time I hear one of these news reports about signs in Sochi bathrooms that say “don’t wash your face with this water,” I think that if Americans are not careful, we are all next. Water contamination is currently a big story in the U.S., the drought on the West Coast should be bigger news and fracking away all of our remaining fresh water should be even bigger news.
Anyway, back to the Olympics: journalists have been on the water beat from their water closets in their hotel rooms. Reports of group toilets and contaminated water have been bouncing around for days.
Here is my personal fave, out of The Wall Street Journal:
“Dmitry Kozak, a Russian deputy prime minister in charge of preparations for the Olympics, mistakenly revealed during a press conference that at least some hotel guests are under video surveillance in their own bathrooms. ‘We have surveillance video from the hotels that shows people turn on the shower, direct the nozzle at the wall and then leave the room for the whole day’.”
Wow! “Security” cameras in bathrooms! What fun! I’ve just checked asteroid Photographica in today’s chart and I predict that cell phone photos will provide some of the most entertaining moments from Winter Olympics XXII.
The Chris Christie Prediction that Came True
In the Jan. 10 edition of Planet Waves I said that the Chris Christie scandal would take a big turn once Venus stationed direct on Jan. 31, which is exactly what happened.
Here is what I said:
Leo, the sign that represents the president or the king, is on the cusp of the 12th. That indicates that the governor presided over the whole matter. The Sun, ruler of Leo, is also found in the 12th. He’s right in the mix, fully aware and sharing responsibility for the whole thing. To sum that up, the planets that rule the official government and its leadership, as well as the sign associated with the king, and its ruler, are all crammed into the 12th house.
This is your classic 20 pounds of shit in a 10-pound bag kind of scandal. And it wasn’t staying in the bag. The fact that the email got out, making it clear that the traffic jam was payback, that he fired a member of his team and accused her of lying, and that his appointee at the Port Authority said he wanted immunity from the feds, New York and New Jersey tells you that there was criminal activity involved. I think that will come out around the time that Venus stations direct on Jan. 31.
Here is what The New York Times said happened that day, among other things:
In Wildstein’s letter to Darrell Buchbinder, the general counsel at Port Authority, he claims the decision was “the Christie’s administration’s order.” (Apparently the letter was sent as part of a dispute over Wildstein’s legal fees — the Port Authority does not want to pay his legal fees related to the investigations into the lane closings.)
“It has also come to light that a person within the Christie administration communicated the Christie administration’s order that certain lanes on the George Washington Bridge were to be closed, and evidence exists as well tying Mr. Christie to having knowledge of the lane closures, during the period when the lanes were closed, contrary to what the governor stated publicly in a two-hour press conference he gave immediately before Mr. Wildstein was scheduled to appear before the Transportation Committee. Mr. Wildstein contests the accuracy of various statements that the Governor made about him and he can prove the inaccuracy of some,” the letter said.
Business as Useless, Uh, as Usual
The legislative branch of the U.S. government actually managed to legislate last week, passing the deeply flawed farm bill. But lest anyone take this as a sign that the gridlock is thawing, witness the snarling and snapping and grandstanding that is heating up over the prospect of raising the debt ceiling this month.
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Playing the blame game as usual; Republicans and Democrats can’t help but point fingers. Photo by Jonathan Ernst.
There is little doubt that the debt ceiling — the limit on the Treasury Department’s borrowing ability — will ultimately be raised, as it has been 80 times since the 1940s, with the largest number of increases happening during the Reagan/Bush I years. But earlier this week, Republicans who seemingly didn’t learn much from the government shutdown battle this past fall were seeing the debt ceiling deadline as a golden opportunity.
As per what passes for normal these days, Republicans are deeply split. Some loathe the idea of any raising of the debt ceiling no matter what. Others would be willing, but only if there’s quid pro quo; ideas that have been floated by this faction include speeding approval of the Keystone XL pipeline, canceling an Affordable Care Act provision intended to prevent premium increases, and undoing recent changes to military cost-of-living allotments.
The idea is to come up with something so brilliant and hard to criticize that every single Republican will get on board, but no such item has emerged from the fray. If it did, Democrats would block it at the Senate level anyway.
Any hopes of actual progress on issues such as jobs, infrastructure, immigration reform or unemployment insurance extensions, meanwhile, have fallen very nearly off the map as both sides focus their energy on the coming midterm elections. Democrats are hoping to mobilize the youthful vigor of Obama’s 2012 ground game, while Republicans are urging the IRS to loosen spending rules.
Riding Disinformation on the ACA Highway
Right-leaning media outlets including FOX News and The Washington Post sounded the battle cry yesterday in response to a report released by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) outlining the projected effects of the Affordable Care Act (ACA, or ‘Obamacare’) on the nation’s budget, the economy and employment. The charge? That the ACA will cost the United States more than two million jobs over the next ten years — but it seems that in the rush to pillory Obama’s crowning achievement, the Right got it wrong.
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What the CBO report actually states is that the ACA will reduce the number of full-time workers by 2.5 million over the next decade:
“The estimated reduction [that is, the reduction of available labor] stems almost entirely from a net decline in the amount of labor that workers choose to supply, rather than from a net drop in business’ demand for labor.”
The key phrase here is “workers choose to supply.” We’re not talking about workers getting laid off; we’re not talking about hours being cut by employers; we’re not talking about jobs being sent overseas. The CBO is saying that 2.5 million people will voluntarily leave the workforce because they no longer need to stay in jobs just to get health insurance.
You’re familiar with the situation: people staying in jobs they hate or that are a poor fit for them, and older workers staying in jobs past the point when they might otherwise retire, solely because they need the health insurance offered. The ACA allows people to get health insurance privately, freeing them to leave the workforce if they can get by on retirement savings and social security, or to reduce their hours, or to find employment they actually prefer. It’s still not universal single-payer health care, but the CBO report indicates we may be edging closer.
The Right-wing media misinterpretation seems less a legitimate confusion and more like a deliberate move in the chess game of disinformation being played by the Koch brothers, et al.
“Too bad this reality isn’t permeating the liberal force field of thinking only positive thoughts,” crowed the op-ed in The Wall Street Journal, claiming projected job loss. Too bad the fact of what the report actually stated is not permeating the Right-wing force field of crazy.
Nuke News: Never a Dull Moment in Japan
GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy, a joint venture between the two multinational conglomerate corporations, has agreed to pay a minuscule $2.7 million fine to the U.S. government. The settlement comes after GE Hitachi was accused by the Department of Energy (DOE) and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) of making false statements about known flaws of their nuclear reactor designs.
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Just what you always wanted — an Economic Simplified Boiling-Water Reactor, brought to you by GE and the people who make the Hitachi Magic Wand.
GE Hitachi concealed problems in its Economic Simplified Boiling-Water Reactor [see propaganda video here], specifically involving a steam dryer that removes liquid water in boiling-water type reactors. The companies knew that vibrations from the steam dryers could cause cracking of the vessel and loose debris entering the steam lines, thereby compromising the safety of the nuclear reactor.
U.S. Department of Energy supplied federal funding to GE Hitachi between 2007 and 2012 for up to half the cost of developing this steam dryer and acquiring certification. According to a Wall Street Journal report, a spokesperson for the company denies the allegations and says they settled the lawsuit in order to resolve the accusation. GE and Hitachi both engineered reactors for Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi in the 1970s, where four out of six units were crippled in the earthquake and tsunami in March 2011. Three experienced total core meltdowns.
Meanwhile TEPCO, the utility operating Fukushima, says that it decommissioned units 5 and 6 last Friday, the only two reactors left intact after the disaster. Units 1, 2 and 3 experienced complete core meltdowns, and Unit 4 incurred severe structural damage due to hydrogen explosions and is in the process of having its spent fuel removed.
TEPCO’s decision to decommission the reactors reportedly came at the urging of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who visited the plant last September. The prime minister’s administration is cultivating the image of taking a firm stance that the government is handling the disaster at Fukushima.
Public concern in Japan over nuclear power is growing, despite attempts to keep the subject quiet. Last month a radio show host quit his job after the program director told him to avoid discussing nuclear power because his comments “would affect voting behavior” in the upcoming gubernatorial election in Tokyo.
Despite the prime minister’s efforts to keep concerns over nuclear power out of the spotlight, three out of four candidates for mayor declared they were against nuclear energy in a debate on Saturday.
Monsanto Votes Down Proposal Supporting GMO Labeling
Sometimes you have to get into the belly of the beast and give it a stomach ache to get your point across.
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Colorful fish art cars drive past protesters outside Monsanto’s shareholder meeting. Photo by Sarah Conrad.
Advocates for GMO labeling did just that last week at Monsanto headquarters in St. Louis, Missouri, at the annual shareholder meeting. They were there to lend support to the first-time-ever Monsanto shareholder vote on a resolution to support GMO labeling — brought by shareholder and food safety activist Adam Eidinger of Occupy Monsanto, and presented by family farm advocate Dave Murphy of Food Democracy Now!
Outside the building, five colorful “fishy cars” representing the unlabeled fishy food that has been genetically modified and consumed for years drove home the protesters’ point: Label it.
“We’re just coming to their shareholder meeting as a response to what they’ve been doing around the country,” said Cesar Maxit, designer and architect of the five fish art cars. “We’re taking the fight to their home, their shareholder meeting, saying we’re sick of it.”
“We’re asking that Monsanto stop fighting the will of the American people, 90 percent of whom want to know if their food has been genetically engineered in a laboratory,” said Murphy.
Monsanto shareholders said ‘screw you’ to the 90%, however, when 95% of them voted “No” on the resolution. The text of the resolution is here, along with Monsanto’s board of directors’ recommendation to defeat it.
If Mercury Taught Photography
In honor of Mercury retrograde (which began yesterday), check out these “50 Most Perfectly Timed Photos on the Internet,” collected by Reshareworthy.com. Mercury is a clever, creative trickster — and while most of us are all-too familiar with the ways the fastest planet can cause trouble, we don’t always stop to appreciate the happy accidents that can occur when things don’t go exactly as planned. Some of the photos featured actually are the results of careful planning; others capture once-in-a-lifetime moments of happenstance, never to be recreated. Hopefully they’ll inspire you to play Mercury’s game with a little more curiosity, playfulness and appreciation of the unexpected.
Mercury retrograde and Philip Seymour Hoffman
In the current edition of Planet Waves FM [link to program] I take you on a tour of the coming Mercury retrograde, Ceres in Scorpio and also revisit Venus in Capricorn. Then I look at the charts of Philip Seymour Hoffman. Our musical guest is Big Spoon.
Options for Apple users and a downloadable MP3 are available on the Planet Waves FM page.
Have you ordered your 2014 readings by Eric Francis yet? The Mars Effect (our 16th annual edition!) has just published, and includes in-depth audio and written readings for your Sun, Moon and rising signs. We always receive a flood of positive feedback for these readings, and it shows just how meaningful they are. One customer wrote, “Every minute of Eric’s reading is worth gold.” We’re offering you a special package price of $79 for all twelve signs, available only to current Planet Waves members. Or you may purchase individual signs for $29.95.
Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes
We published your extended monthly horoscopes for February on Friday, Jan. 24. Your extended monthly horoscopes for January were published Friday, Jan. 3. We published Moonshine horoscopes for the Cancer Full Moon Tuesday, Jan. 14. Moonshine horoscopes for the Aquarius New Moon published Tuesday, Jan. 28. Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign.
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT — You are invited to join Planet Waves tarot writer Sarah Taylor for her first U.S. tarot workshop — on Saturday, Feb. 15, in Rockport, Maine.
“Romancing the Tarot: Learning to Speak the Language of Intuition” is a four-hour, participative journey through the tarot deck, and into the realm of the intuition. Gain a practical understanding of tarot and how it communicates its message; learn how to perform simple, useful, tarot readings; discover a stronger, clearer connection to your intuition. All levels are welcome, including absolute beginners. You can also book a private reading with Sarah the day before the workshop.
To reserve your place, and for more information, call The Maine Beehive, Rockport, at 207-236-3111 or visit www.integratedtarot.com/events.
Aries (March 20-April 19) — This is a visionary moment, though you may be experiencing it with anxiety in a way that you cannot describe. Perhaps this is coming across as a sense of hesitancy, uncertainty or a struggle making a decision that has no basis in physical reality. In truth there is more going on below the surface of your mind than on the surface level. However, in order to tune into that, and get the benefits, I suggest you take some time alone and do some soul searching. Your orientation on life has become even more external than usual in recent seasons. The real nourishment that you need, whether for success or happiness or intimacy, will come from your relationship to yourself. And from the look of your solar charts, that can be a compelling experience — richer and more wholesome than nearly any experience you can have with someone else, at least right now.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may already be getting the message to get serious and focus on your work, and your highest goals. This is the time to put those together — to recognize the relationship between achievement, reputation and developing your competence. Those three factors will continue to add up to one thing: self-confidence. There are markers in your solar chart that you’re cultivating faith in yourself, though I’ve noticed this is something that needs to be claimed, taken possession of, and put to good use. You can ask yourself the question, “Were I more confident, what would I do?” Meanwhile, beware of social diversions this weekend. They are precisely that. Devote your time with friends to the ones who matter the most. ‘The crowd’ loves to waste its time — I suggest you make contact with someone, or with a few people, who you care about deeply. There is the potential for some profound honesty and emotional exchange.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Any real career is likely to be a story of two steps forward, one step back — though the good news is that there are more forward steps than backward ones. One brilliant detail about your astrology right now is that any setback has the potential for conversion into achieving something that seems impossible. Your charts look like you’re coming close to your dreams, but are not fully willing to take the plunge. Over the next few weeks, I suggest you consider what it would mean to dive into a goal so important, it may have stalked you since you were a child. Go back to that original notion of “what I want to be when I grow up,” the first one or two that you can remember. Then look around at the world today and see what needs you perceive that match with what you have to offer. Note, I am not talking about a five-minute think-over — more like a five-week investigation.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — There is an overwhelming amount of water energy in the sky right now, which means you’re right in your element. Remember that crabs live on the bottom, in the deeps of the ocean. You are less affected by what is going on with the other elements than they are by what is happening in the water signs. So as Mercury retrograde picks up momentum, you’re likely to be feeling more at home than many people around you. However, as Mercury retrogrades into Aquarius on Feb. 12, you have reason to pay close attention to joint financial matters. There is the potential for both confusion and for making mistakes in contractual issues. Therefore I suggest you follow the wise advice of “don’t sign, don’t buy, don’t commit” until after Mercury stations direct on Feb. 28. By that time you will know what you need to know — and there is plenty. String people along, call them up and talk about puppies or tell them your astrologer said to wait. Whatever it takes.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The financial news I’ve related in the Cancer horoscope applies to you as well, only sooner rather than later. This is not a good time to be negotiating, but it’s a great time to figure out where people are coming from, what they have to offer and how you can mutually benefit. However, that information will come out in layers rather than all at once. People will tip their hand a little at a time, though you can be certain that you will find out what you need to know, under a couple of conditions. One is that you use your “sixth sense” or intuition — however you prefer to think about it. Most people feel the hankering of their intuition but few actually respond. I suggest you focus on careful listening — to yourself, and to others. People will give you the clues you need in order to understand their point of view. Indeed, most will state it outright, usually toward the beginning of any interchange; the question is whether you’re paying attention.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You will need to play it cool with a partner, and not allow yourself to get caught in an emotional current that may have nothing to do with you. The question seems to be whether and how much you’re willing to be part of someone else’s delusion. You may have a clue that this is what’s going on, though till now you have not been able to do much about it. As the next few weeks progress, it will gradually become clearer what has been happening. The biggest trap remains trying to fix someone, or persuade them to your point of view. They will either come around to reality or not — the more vital matter for you is your own commitment to reality. At a certain point, logic and your own commitment to your healing will take over. You have been firm about this for a while; you get how important it is. Remind yourself again.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — The current astrological news involves Mercury retrograde, which may be making it more challenging than usual to keep your composure and your focus. However, for Libra, the more compelling factor in your solar chart takes place on March 1 — Mars stations retrograde in your sign. Retrogrades of Mars are among the most palpable. They can put even confident and decisive people into a state of limbo, because Mars is all about going for what you want. When retrograde in your sign, Mars will have the effect of putting you into contact with the aspect of yourself who desires and who chooses. If there is a healing crisis associated with this, it’s along the lines of being honest with yourself about your desire. It’s also about maintaining a steady keel when you have reasons to doubt — that is, not allowing your doubts to take over your whole mind. The next three weeks of Mercury retrograde will be excellent practice for the real adventure.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Scorpios are often regarded as the sign known for their intensity rather than for taking care of people. My take is that this involves the anxiety others experience when confronted by someone who compels them to feel something other than a sugar high. I want to propose that your presence is an actual source of nourishment and support, even if you make people uneasy sometimes. Or to refine that statement, you have the option to focus your presence and your influence in a wholly positive way, and you’re in a moment when the faint of heart are more receptive to you than they usually are. Don’t underestimate the extent to which you play into their fantasies and their desires. People often refuse to admit who and what they want, or worse, they’re afraid that actually having that experience will in some way change them. In honor of that, I suggest that you be open to what you want, and to having it, with full awareness that you will change for doing so.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — At this time in your life, the concept of fair exchange is a necessary ingredient in your growth and your happiness. Be aware what you can contribute to any situation — that is to say, without feeling exploited. Be aware of the people who give to you so generously. Be aware of their devotion to you. It may seem un-Sagittarian to openly express gratitude, but I assure you that it would merely stand as evidence that you are a conscious and magnanimous citizen rather than another of the blocks and stones we so often keep banging into. There is no situation in your life that feeds you that you don’t have the power to feed and support. Your own well-being, your sense of belonging and most of all your need for fairness depend on it. Without aiming to appeal to your self-interest, let me say this another way. Everyone benefits from your generosity, of heart, of soul, of your wisdom and your resources. You benefit by being reminded how much you have.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You may be feeling like your mind is anything but clear, however, your astrology is saying you have an opening for something better than clarity, which is originality. The chaos that’s swarming around your thought process is a necessary ingredient of authentic creativity. Perhaps a musical metaphor will help. It’s necessary to learn scales and theory and be somewhat disciplined to be able to play an instrument. When it comes down to having your own ideas, improvising or letting your feelings out, you have to step outside those frameworks and embrace the unpredictable with a flexible state of mind. Current planetary movements may seem to be overdoing this a little, though think of what you’re doing as surfing rather than paddling around a heated swimming pool. Also I would note, you cannot actually drown in an idea, and if you find one that seems like it could do that, you can be sure it’s a pretty darned powerful concept.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — This would be a good time to avoid making decisions about money, including those about how you feel about your self-worth and the monetary value of your work. One thing about many, many Aquarians is an egalitarian spirit about money. This does not usually harmonize well with a world where the primary value seems to be greed. Indeed, in my short lifetime, I’ve seen greed go from a problem that some people have to a virtue to be aspired to. One productive thing you can do is remind yourself that you have an entirely different take on money than all of that. While you may not be ‘liberal’ on all issues, I am sure you’re firm on everyone having a right to food, shelter and pleasure. You don’t believe that others need to lose so that you can gain. Here is where you have a major advantage. Aquarius is one of the most structured signs, and wealth flows toward order and organization.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Do your best not to let anyone who seems thick or dull get on your nerves. Have some compassion for the fact that those who resist their own intelligence or intuition are out of their element with you. There is a slight conflict in that you are not thick, you value your own intelligence and you are ridiculously perceptive — therefore you notice the fact that so many people are walking around in a coma of denial. Here is the good news: You do have your influence on them, which is about as dramatic as layers of salt melting off of a deer lick (that’s a big block of salt people leave in their backyard in winter for deer). You may not see the block changing shape regularly but the deer notices that they are getting something good, which is also a vital nutrient. You may not notice people having radical revelations but you can trust that you’re having your influence, which will gradually get results in the form of having a deeper exchange with whoever is involved.
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Dear Friend and Reader:
Working with my collaborators at Planet Waves, I set out on a mission of finding signs of progress amidst the many strange and tragic news events of 2013. Americans, as a lot, are people averse to following current events, and when we do, we rarely look back in an honest way.
It’s true, there’s hardly time these days. Yet part of not looking back means not remembering what we’ve learned in the past, not taking advantage of our mistakes. It sounds good to praise the power of now, but that serves little purpose if you forget a discovery about yourself that you made a day or a week ago and never put it to use.
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Butters prays to the all-knowing NSA, asking for protection for his friends, his family and even Cartman. Image: South Park Studios.
By many accounts, we are alive in a momentous era in history, and events of 2014 are going to ramp this up by a few orders of magnitude. Astrology describes this scenario in a longterm aspect called the Uranus-Pluto square, part of a cycle that you can trace back through history and observe the upheavals, revolutions and transformations of society. This one pattern is enough to shake up any skeptic who claims astrology isn’t real.
The last time we experienced a major phase of this cycle was in the mid-1960s, when Uranus and Pluto formed a conjunction. It’s only in hindsight that we can see the positive developments of that era. Yes, it was an exciting time to be alive if you were not wracked with anxiety or paranoia. There was great music, better drugs than we have today and the social environment was far less uptight. Many people felt the calling to get involved politically. Yet sadly, many look back and describe their experiences of that era as empty.
There were also the assassinations of many progressive leaders, and while that was happening, tens of thousands of 18-year-old boys were being shipped to Vietnam and coming home in flag-draped coffins a year later, or soaked with dioxin and terror three years later. Many people lost close friends, boyfriends, fathers, husbands and brothers to a war that just about everyone now admits was a pointless disaster. Yet who stands up to the equally corrupt, profit-driven war machine today? Do you?
Mars retrograde in Libra is going to send a jolt of energy through the Uranus-Pluto square, and precipitate many events long in development.
In searching for the positive, just about everything fell into one category — the revelation or acknowledgment of a problem that had been previously concealed or denied. The main developments seemed to be evidence of people waking up to injustice in one form or another.
There is a lesson in the workbook for A Course in Miracles that is titled, “Let me recognize the problem so it can be solved.” It begins, “A problem cannot be solved if you do not know what it is. Even if it is really solved already you will still have the problem, because you will not recognize that it has been solved. This is the situation of the world. The problem of separation, which is really the only problem, has already been solved. Yet the solution is not recognized because the problem is not recognized.” [Full text of lesson.]
Problem 1: NSA Spying Is Unconstitutional
In June, a man named Edward Snowden revealed to the world that the Obama administration had expanded the program of spying on the American people, created by the Bush administration. This caused an actual fuss.
Snowden, fearing for his life and his freedom and preferring not to be tortured, went first to Hong Kong, then to Moscow, where Vladimir Putin gave him a visa to stay for a year.
Various courts have litigated the program and in logic befitting Alice in Wonderland, managed to find it constitutional.
Then in late December, a federal judge named Richard Leon came out and said the obvious: the program is a violation of the Fourth Amendment.
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Judge Richard Leon. Photo from Suffolk University Law School.
That is the one that supposedly guarantees that the American people shall be secure in their papers and their possessions, which will be subject to search only with warrant specifically naming the thing to be seized.
Leon was appointed by Pres. George W. Bush, which may seem a little strange — but a true conservative believes in following the Constitution, and federal judges are appointed for life to make it possible for them to think with their own minds.
“I cannot imagine a more ‘indiscriminate’ and ‘arbitrary’ invasion than this systematic and high-tech collection and retention of personal data on virtually every single citizen for purposes of querying and analyzing it without prior judicial approval,” Judge Leon wrote in a 68-page ruling. “Surely, such a program infringes on ‘that degree of privacy’ that the founders enshrined in the Fourth Amendment.”
We contacted Judge Leon’s chambers to get his date of birth, so we could look at his chart. The court clerk said that we could have the data as long as we promised to keep it private. So I will not be publishing the chart, but I can tell you about his chart. Judge Leon has a conjunction of the Sun and Chiron in Sagittarius, the sign of the higher courts. Sagittarius is a sign known for its guts and its love for freedom. Sun conjunct Chiron is the very image of a maverick willing to hold Big Daddy government accountable.
Sun-Chiron in Sagittarius emphasizes teacher of ethics quality of Chiron. Mars conjunct Saturn in Virgo is someone who actually cares about the details, and who doesn’t want to be pushed around.
With a little tuning up, it’s easy to get a potential birth time, which emphasizes his willingness to take responsibility (Nessus rising, ‘the buck stops here’, in Taurus based on truly-held values) and that characterizes his nature as a public figure who wants to keep some vestige of privacy in his own life by not publishing his private data. It’s also interesting that he trusted us enough not to — that tells you something about him.
“He loves Beethoven and he loves rock-and-roll,” Richard Hauser, a vice president and assistant general counsel at Boeing, as well as a former law partner of Leon’s, told The Washington Post. Now that explains everything.
Judge Leon’s ruling will work its way up through the D.C. circuit appellate court and most likely to the Supreme Court. Whether it’s upheld or not, the ruling was a shock to all the apologists who made excuses for how it was ok to mass harvest data, including for example MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell, who really seems to think that we’re being spied on for our own good.
The same week, a panel commissioned by Pres. Obama recommended that the president remove NSA authority over phone data, leave it in the hands of private companies, and put the NSA under civilian control.
We are very close to recognizing this is a problem. Why most people don’t get angry about it is interesting, and can be explained by the idea that someone cares enough to listen to them. I proposed this in one of my columns, and then South Park noticed the same thing and used the concept in an episode from September (Let Go, Let Gov), featuring Butters praying to the NSA for the protection of his friends. NSA spying plays into a God complex that both the government and its citizens have. At its essence this is a spiritual problem.
Problem 2: Government-Subsidized Minimum Wage
In 2013, protests about below-poverty wages erupted outside fast food restaurants and big box stores like Walmart. It actually made the news when Walmart suggested that employees donate food to one another so they could have a good Thanksgiving.
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Fast food workers stage a protest against McDonald’s outside one of its restaurants in NYC. Photo by Eduardo Munoz.
One of my favorite facts of the year is that megacorporations that pay minimum wage (and often, minimum taxes) have massive numbers of employees on public assistance. An astounding 52% of McDonald’s employees receive food stamps or other forms of public assistance, costing the government $1.2 billion a year, while the company makes $5.46 billion in profits.
McDonald’s CEO Donald Thompson is paid $6,875 an hour. Were he paid the federal minimum wage, he would have to work 1.89 million hours a year.
Conglomerate Yum! Brands comes in second place for pumping the government, with Pizza Hut, Taco Bell and KFC eating $648 million in public assistance; Subway is next, costing $436 million, Burger King $356 million, Wendy’s $278 million and so on. Fast food corporations chiseling their employees costs the government $3.8 billion each year.
It is good news that we know this. It makes it a lot easier to see that those who advocate for “free market” capitalism are full of shit. This kind of information may take a little time to sink in, and it has to sink in deeper than the public’s addiction to fat, salt, sugar, cheap meat and carbs, but it still counts for raising consciousness.
Problem 3: Monsanto (and it’s now a household word)
I have covered the crimes of Monsanto since 1991, so it’s always been a household word wherever I live — and a secret just about every place else. This year, Monsanto came under the spotlight after a worldwide protest was called against the agricultural nightmares it creates.
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March Against Monsanto — the first-ever global protest against a company — in Venice Beach, CA. Photo by Lizanne Webb.
On May 25, the March Against Monsanto was staged, with protests in cities around the world. While this was not exactly the Occupy movement, it was a miracle that people came out to protest a corporation that until recently was known mostly to farmers and people who visited Disney World as a kid.
The battle over labeling genetically modified foods did not go well, but it’s now on the surface of awareness. On the eve of the March Against Monsanto, 71 senators voted against an amendment that would have guaranteed states the right to enact mandatory GMO labeling laws. Meanwhile, the FDA tried to run interference on state labeling, saying that it could not conflict with federal labeling regulations. It all comes down to money, and everyone involved in the issue knows that.
One problem is the bribery known as campaign contributions. One of GMO’s biggest apologists, Sen. Debbie Stabenow of Michigan, received $739,926 in campaign contributions from agriculture firms in 2012, which would give her a reason to chirp endless lies about how wonderful GMO crops are, how they resist disease and feed the poor and resist droughts. All of this is now out in the open.
One problem getting the country on board is junk food. Those who chow down on Doritos don’t really care what kind of corn it is.
Problem 4: Relationship Bigotry
We actually made some progress on this one. The Supreme Court threw out the Defense of Marriage Act, one of the most ridiculous laws ever written, passed thanks to two serial adulterers, Newt Gingrich and Bill Clinton.
California’s referendum allowing same-sex marriages was also upheld by the Supreme Court. There are now 17 states that allow same-sex marriage and 33 that ban same-sex marriage. That may seem lopsided, but the cat is out of the closet. The important thing is that the Supreme Court has set a precedent, and any law that is challenged could easily fall on its face.
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Pope Francis just likes to have fun, he loves women and he doesn’t think that the church should judge gay people.
Many places with a ban have populations that are not nearly as bigoted as their neanderthal, religious-nut politicians. Speaking of neanderthals, Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty and Alec Baldwin got spanked — to the tune of millions — for making homophobic comments. Baldwin lost his program after making an anti-gay slur to a photographer.
Phil Duck took a public flogging from A&E for stating in an interview with GQ magazine (among other things) that the United States has a problem with sin.
“Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men. Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers—they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.”
For additional emphasis and color, he added: “It seems like, to me, a vagina — as a man — would be more desirable than a man’s anus. That’s just me. I’m just thinking: There’s more there! She’s got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.”
His apologists are saying he has a right to express his views under freedom of speech, which is true — and A&E has a right to dump him for the same reason. Let’s see if they do. It’s too bad Anything That Moves is not in print anymore — I would buy him a gift subscription.
Meanwhile in Rome, the new Roman Catholic pope even got into the act, telling reporters, “If a person is gay and seeks the Lord and has good will, well who am I to judge them? The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains this in a very beautiful way, but says, wait a moment, how do you say…it says, [that] these persons must not be marginalized for this, they must be integrated into society.”
Then came the best surprise of all. In December, a federal judge ruled that laws prohibiting what the Utah law called ‘cohabitation’ — that is, a word in the statute substituting for polygamy — violate the First Amendment right to freedom of religion and assembly. The law said that, Clark Waddoups quoted Supreme Court Justice Kennedy, saying that the Constitution provides people with “an autonomy of self that includes freedom of thought, belief, expression and certain intimate conduct.” Judge Waddoups was also appointed by George W. Bush. Go figure.
It’s worth adding a bit about Frank Schaefer, the United Methodist minister who officiated at the wedding of his gay son. He was suspended from the ministry after a church ‘trial’ in November, but he has refused to step down.
And Then There’s Us
It seems in hindsight that the collective awareness has indeed cracked open within a relatively short amount of time. Much of what I’ve just reported is indicative of raising consciousness. What seemed totally impossible just years ago is now a palpable reality. Each of these developments offers some evidence of actual change.
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A high school student at an anti-government protest in Paris sees her reflection in a riot officer’s shield. Photo by Eric Francis.
Yet those of us who have been aware of these problems for a while know there is still a long way to go. Fortunately, we are in the midst of an acceleration process indicated by the Uranus-Pluto square.
Awareness is a crucial first step. That’s where we are, on the verge of fully recognizing what we know. Many people are observing that an old order is dissolving. Yet for real change to happen, many individuals need to take up the work in a deeply personal way. With awareness comes the need for incredible responsibility; for a kind of impeccability.
New consciousness can start to rise, and then be blocked by old hangups, habits, the fear of change and other facets of the past weighing on people who say they want to move ahead. Progress requires more than hope and good intentions. There is the reality of the road ahead.
Those who have already treaded the path of real change for a while know how deep and dark the journey is; how uncomfortable; the extent to which any seemingly outer issue must be embraced as an inner reality in order for actual change to come. We know how much therapy, spiritual work and experience it can take to unravel deeply ingrained patterns.
It is challenging to take that kind of responsibility and do something about what we feel and see; it’s much easier to stand in dumbfounded paralysis, completely shocked and desensitized, or to entertain ourselves to death, watching events unfold like a circus. How we respond is ultimately a personal choice. The moment of decision is arriving.
— Additional writing: Chad Woodward. Additional research: Hillary Conary, Elizabeth Michaud and Len Wallick.
Note to Readers: Subscriber editions will be off next week for the Christmas holiday. We will resume subscriber editions on Friday, Jan. 3. The blogging team will be working as usual, and I plan to keep doing Planet Waves FM as I work through the 12 signs of your annual readings.
Section Writing and Editing Credits: News items below are written and edited by a team consisting of Hillary Conary, Anne Craig, Eric Francis, Elizabeth Michaud, Amanda Painter, Susan Scheck, Chad Woodward and Carol van Strum. Page assembled and coded by Anatoly Ryzhenko. Special thanks to the Fact Checkers List, which goes over each edition on Thursday night — and to our main astrology fact-checker Alex Miller, and Amanda, who goes over all their suggestions. Our editions are also proofread and fact-checked by Jessica Keet.
Venus Retrograde: Something Old, Something New
We are hours away from the southern solstice, when the Sun aligns with the Tropic of Capricorn. That’s also known as the Northern Hemisphere winter solstice, or summer solstice for our readers in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.
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Sculpture by Jim Dowd made from redwood driftwood, on the Grandmother Land in High Falls, New York. Photo by Eric Francis.
For those of us on the northern side of the globe, we are pointed as far away from the Sun’s rays as we will get — therefore, we’re having the shortest days of the year. The Sun appears to rise and set at the same position on the horizon (sol + stice, the Sun seems to stand still), and if you have not noticed yet, winter begins.
The short days and seeming remoteness of the Sun create what I call a compression effect, which is sensory (fewer hours of sunlight, cloudier days, standard time imposed on us), nutritional (vitamin D starvation, unless you like super chilly nude sunbathing or supplement heavily), plus emotional and psychic, as the Earth reaches an extreme of its annual cycle. The days fly by this time of year even more swiftly than usual. It’s not just because of the holidays.
Despite the cold weather, the Earth is actually closer to the Sun this time of year. This reminds me of Ali G’s interview with Buzz Aldrin, the astronaut who accompanied Neil Armstrong to the Moon the first time people went there in 1969.
Ali G: Do you think man will ever walk on the Sun?
Buzz: No. The Sun is too hot. It’s not a good place to go to.
Ali G: What happens if they went in winter, when the Sun is cold?
Buzz: The Sun is not cold in the winter.
Entering Capricorn, the Sun jumps onto the cardinal cross, where it will make aspects to many other planets positioned there, including nascent Mars in Libra, the Uranus-Pluto square and Jupiter in Cancer.
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Ali G (Sacha Baron Cohen) asks his ‘main man’ Buzz Aldrin whether man will ever walk on the Sun, perhaps in winter.
This year the solstice comes with a special twist — Venus stations retrograde a few hours later. Just as the Sun enters Capricorn, Venus stations retrograde in Capricorn. Venus retrograde lasts about six weeks, ending on Jan. 31.
Venus is retrograde least of all the planets, just over 7% of the time. By contrast, Mercury is retrograde 19% of the time, and it sure seems that way.
Note that this is the first Venus retrograde since the Venus transit of the Sun in June 2012 — that day when Venus could be seen walking across the surface of the Sun (even if we can’t do it, she can). Venus retrograde (or Mercury for that matter) happens when Venus passes between the Sun and the Earth.
Venus retrograde is one of those conditions that tends to evoke the past. Old lovers and friends can reappear, or you might find yourself visiting old places or remembering things that you have not thought about since you experienced them. In Capricorn this can feel nostalgic, or like family karma can be being stirred up (and it may be, especially with Pluto in the neighborhood), so make sure you wear your psychologist hat to family gatherings rather than your ‘they push my buttons’ hat.
Images of Venus retrograde in Capricorn include romantic relationships with older people (which implies older people having relationships with younger ones), spending time with older people in any context, seeing the value in prior ways of doing things, curiosity and passion for history and poring through old photos and nostalgia. (Remember this for your late holiday gift purchasing — here are some hints).
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Venus transit of the Sun from 2004. The corresponding event was in June 2012. The next will happen in 2117, many Venus retrogrades from now. Photo series by Anthony Ayiomamitis in Athens.
I have a theory, somewhat supported by experience, that the more unusual the astrological event, the more unusual is whatever it represents. At the end of its retrograde, Venus stations direct in Capricorn on Jan. 31; this seems to be something that happens every eight years in our era. However, for all of those Venus stations direct in Capricorn going back many decades, the retrogrades started in Aquarius and ended in Capricorn.
I had to go back to the Venus retrograde of 1802-1803 to find one that happened exclusively in Capricorn, to the days when Pres. Jefferson was in office. So we’re about to experience something that has not happened in about 210 years.
Around this time in 1802, a war between Sweden and Libya (then Tripoli) ended. In January 1803, Almanach des gourmands was published, naturally, in France — forerunner of Zagat, the first guide to restaurant cooking (the Italian restaurant had not been invented yet). The inventor of the “first practical steamboat” demonstrated his invention, in Scotland. And speaking of France, future president James Monroe headed to Paris to discuss purchasing New Orleans — and completed the Louisiana Purchase.
Venus retrograde in Capricorn will remind us that the past is not as far away as we like to think, try as we may to escape, pretend or forget what we have learned. As William Faulkner famously said, “The past is never dead. It’s not even past.”
For the coming weeks you might discover that it’s very much alive.
Activists To Be Included in Russian Amnesty
An amnesty bill put forward by Russian president Vladimir Putin and passed by the Russian parliament has sparked cautious optimism among supporters of the two jailed members of the band Pussy Riot and the Greenpeace members facing trial as part of the Arctic 30.
The conviction of the punk pranksters of Pussy Riot for “hooliganism” following an anti-Putin protest staged in a Moscow cathedral, drew condemnation from free speech advocates, artists and human rights groups worldwide. The band, whose members cite the riot grrrl movement in the U.S. as an inspiration, is vocal in support of feminism, eco-awareness and LGBQT rights.
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Protesters calling for the release of Greenpeace activists imprisoned in Russia, on Oct. 31, 2013, in Paris. Photo by Pierre Andrieu.
Two band members were sentenced to serve two years; a third was acquitted (see Planet Waves coverage here). Both the imprisoned women — Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Maria Alyokhina — are mothers of young children, one of the groups targeted in the amnesty bill along with minors, pregnant women, women over 55 and men over 60, the disabled, Chernobyl cleanup workers and military veterans.
The Arctic 30 members, all but one of whom have been out on bail pending trial, were facing charges stemming from an attempt to board an oil rig in September of this year. The activists, who come from 13 different nations, originally faced charges of piracy that were reduced to “aggravated hooliganism” in late October, and were facing up to seven years. (See Planet Waves coverage here.)
The amnesty is a commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the Russian constitution,and will affect 25,000 people in all, freeing 1,300 prisoners convicted of minor offenses and relieving others of pending charges and non-custodial criminal sanctions. Supporters of the activists are holding their breath until actual freedom’s achieved.
Family members of Tolokonnikova and Alyokhina say the amnesty is “too late” so close to the end of their sentences; given Tolokonnikova’s description of the conditions, however, any time shaved off imprisonment may well be precious.
In other pardon-related news, President Obama has extended an olive branch to eight federal inmates convicted on crack cocaine charges and sentenced under laws that have since been changed. Six of the eight faced life in prison. All eight are now expected to be freed within 120 days.
GMO Seeds at Heart of Alleged Conspiracy to Steal Secrets
A glamorous James Bond spy story this isn’t. Yet two cases of alleged international espionage by Chinese nationals have rocked the halls of Monsanto and other biotechs, with the intellectual property contained in their GMO corn and rice at stake.
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Weiqiang Zhang and Yan Wengui, accused of trying to steal samples of seeds from a research facility in Kansas. Photo: Reuters.
The FBI filed two separate cases last week. In one, Mo Hailong, also known as Robert Mo, a Chinese citizen lawfully residing in Miami, was the alleged head of a plot to steal GMO corn seeds and send them back home to his employer, Kings Nower Seed, a subsidiary of the Beijing Dabeinong Technology Company.
For several years, Mo drove around Iowa and other Midwest states in rented cars, with a changing cast of Chinese companions — followed by FBI agents down dusty back roads — stopping at secret test fields owned by Monsanto and DuPont Pioneer to gather seeds. He also bought seeds from farmers, but refused to sign the standard paperwork required by the companies for their use.
Mo has been jailed in Florida, awaiting transfer to Iowa where the charges were filed. He has not yet been indicted, according to his attorney, who says the FBI cannot prove the seeds were proprietary property of Monsanto or DuPont.
Mo may have had help from “several potential ‘insiders’ at U.S.-based seed companies,” said the FBI. These individuals may have provided Mo and his alleged co-conspirators with information on where the companies were growing seeds from an “inbred line.” Inbred lines are the parents of the hybrid corn that seed companies sell to farmers, and are patented.
“Pioneer executives estimated that the loss of an inbred line of seed would result in losing approximately 5-8 years of research and a minimum of $30-40 million,” the FBI filing stated.
In Kansas, charges were also filed last week against Weiqiang Zhang, a Chinese lawful permanent resident of the U.S., accused of stealing genetically modified rice from Colorado-based Ventria Bioscience and providing the seeds to scientists in China.
From a letter filed with the court documents, Zhang — a Ventria agricultural seed breeder who got the rice from a company farm in Kansas where he worked — apparently was angling for a job in a research facility in China, and thought access to Ventria’s technology might make him an attractive candidate.
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Monsanto Co. DeKalb brand seed corn sits on a pallet at a farm in Princeton, Illinois. Photo by Daniel Acker.
It’s unclear whether anyone in China asked him for the seeds, although he was also accused of handing them to agricultural officials from China. A second man, Wengui Yan, a naturalized U.S. citizen, has been named as a co-defendant in the case.
The Chinese are in a hot debate over allowing GMOs into their food supply. The general public strongly opposes it, while government officials see it as an answer to their country’s expanding food needs. China has been importing GM soybeans since 1997, and also allows the import of some varieties of genetically modified corn, though both are subject to strict controls. GM corn and soy are only approved for processing into soy oil, soymeal and animal feed, not direct human consumption.
In November 2009, the agricultural ministry issued bio-safety certificates to two strains of pest-resistant GMO rice and one variety of corn, approving them for use on experimental plots. Commercial planting of GMO crops is strictly prohibited, thought to be due to the government’s concern with fierce public opposition.
“China doesn’t need to develop GMO. If we cultivate land well and waste less feed (don’t throw dead pigs into rivers), China’s agriculture can feed the Chinese people,” Gu Xiulin, a Yunnan University of Finance and Economics processor, wrote on Weibo, a popular Chinese microblogging website similar to Twitter. “GMO is a magic knife that can annihilate mankind and destroy the environment… don’t be fooled.”
Targeting Target — and Possibly You
As many as 40 million people who used credit and debit cards at Target stores between Nov. 27 and Dec. 15 may have had their private banking information stolen, the corporation revealed in a notice to consumers released on Dec. 19.
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If only the dog had stolen the card numbers, shoppers would still be okay; most dogs can’t read or type that well.
The theft, first reported by Krebsonsecurity.com and confirmed by Target’s CEO one day later, took place at brick-and-mortar Target stores across the United States and involved the data encoded in the magnetic strip that’s swiped through card-reading machines. Thieves of the data would be able to use it to create counterfeit cards. Online transactions at Target.com were apparently not affected.
Data that may have been stolen during the breach includes names, card numbers, expiration dates and three-digit security codes.
Target advises all customers who used major credit or debit cards or Target store cards during the period when security was breached to watch their statements for any suspicious transactions, and says it is working with a “leading third-party forensics firm” as well as major financial institutions and the Secret Service to investigate the matter fully.
The news comes at an inauspicious time for Target, whose executives recently reported great success in enticing consumers to sign up for its own store credit cards.
Year in Review: Abortion Rights and Women’s Reproductive Health
The Guttmacher Institute has not yet released its comprehensive ‘year in review’ report detailing the setbacks and advancements in women’s heath care policies and abortion rights in the United States. But Guttmacher’s midyear report painted a clear picture for the first half of the year, one easily extrapolated with some highlights (and lowlights) from the full year.
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Texas state Sen. Wendy Davis voting against a motion during her filibuster. ‘V’ is also for ‘victory’; as temporary as hers was, it empowered pro-choice activists. Photo by Eric Gay.
During the first half of 2013, state legislators enacted 43 provisions aimed at restricting access to abortion.
“Although this is significantly lower than the record-breaking 80 restrictions that had been enacted by this point in 2011,” notes the Guttmacher Institute, “it is nonetheless a higher number of restrictions than in any year other than 2011 and as many as enacted in all of 2012.” (Emphasis added.)
The report also notes that, “Although initial momentum behind banning abortion early in pregnancy appears to have waned, states nonetheless adopted myriad restrictions on access to abortion. However, this year is notable also for positive action on other reproductive health issues in a few states, including important new provisions enacted to expand access to comprehensive sex education, expedited partner treatment for STIs and emergency contraception for women who have been sexually assaulted.”
2013 began with the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade in January, the landmark Supreme Court decision upon which abortion rights in the U.S. are founded. According to Democracy Now! a poll at that time indicated that for the first time on record, a majority of Americans (70%) opposed overturning Roe v. Wade.
Much of the lawmaking this year indicated otherwise, although in March a federal judge struck down a 2011 Idaho law banning most abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. At the time, it was believed to be the first such instance of a federal court ruling such a law to be unconstitutional; abortion rights supporters hoped it would set a legal precedent for challenges to similar laws in other states.
In fact, a kind of legal back-and-forth actually looks like a hallmark of 2013, with a noticeable trend of federal judges blocking (even if temporarily) extreme and potentially unconstitutional abortion restrictions in a number of states including North Dakota, Alabama, Wisconsin, Arkansas and Mississippi.
The harshest anti-abortion bill in a decade to come before the U.S. Congress was approved by the House in June. Pres. Obama vowed to veto the bill and it got no traction in the Senate, but its appearance at all raises a red flag. The previous week, the bill’s sponsor, Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.), pissed off many when he remarked that the number of pregnancies resulting from rape is “very low” — as though only rape survivors deserve choice over their pregnancies and bodies (but only after being violated first).
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Opponents to an abortion bill in the Senate chamber as Sen. Wendy Davis filibusters against the abortion bill. Photo by Eric Gay.
Perhaps the most memorable highlight for pro-choice activists also came in June: Texas state senator Wendy Davis helmed an 11-hour filibuster of a bill that would have banned abortion after 20 weeks post-fertilization and imposed harsh regulations that would have closed nearly all abortion clinics in Texas.
Sadly, the bill was passed in a special legislative session and signed into law by Gov. Rick Perry — but not before hundreds of people on both sides gave public testimony, highlighted by Katie Heim’s “If my vagina was a gun” poem.
Hopes were raised in October, when one federal judge ruled parts of the Texas law unconstitutional — only to be dashed the next month, when a federal appeals court reinstated the law.
On a slightly different tack, just last month Michigan became the ninth stateto require insurance companies to charge additional fees to women for abortion coverage, often referred to as “rape insurance.” (Planet Waves coverage here).
In November and December, we’ve had some mixed birth-control news. On the one hand, the Guttmacher Institute has released a report showing that the Affordable Care Act is getting something right, enabling a significant wave of women to receive birth control without paying a copay. However, the Supreme Court also recently announced it will hear claims by two for-profit companies that think they should be able to deny employees birth control under their insurance plans. (Planet Waves coverage here.)
In short, we’re still trying to prove that women are people and corporations are not. It will take more than luck to make 2014 the year that we do, and full-on vigilance to ensure Roe v. Wade stays intact — along with its predecessor, Griswold v. Connecticut, which legalized birth control.
For an outline of major abortion law developments, use this link; or access all 2013 Democracy Now! headlines and stories on the topic here.
Your Capricorn Solstice Tunes
If you’re in the northern hemisphere, the first official day of winter is Saturday as the Sun enters Capricorn. What could be a better soundtrack to your solstice rituals than the four musicians of Ethnobeat, from Irkutsk, drumming on the thick, melodic ice of Lake Baikal in Siberia in this video?
Lake Baikal contains roughly 20% of the world’s unfrozen surface freshwater (presumably during the summer), making it the largest by volume (and it’s the deepest, at 5,387 feet/1,642 meters). Even better, it is thought to be the oldest lake in the world at 25 million years — and you know how much Capricorns love the past!
Gemini Full Moon: Federal Judge Rules Against NSA
In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I cover Tuesday morning’s Gemini Full Moon and the revelation that came with it: there is a federal judge who was willing to go on the record and say that the NSA spying program is unconstitutional. I also cover the chart for the solstice and Venus stationing retrograde. My musical guest is MISSION TO MILO.
In the program, I reference the natal chart of Edward Snowden, who blew the whistle on the NSA harvesting of phone records. You can see his chart and my article about it on the blog of The Mountain Astrologer on Snowden’s chart.
Have you pre-ordered your 2014 readings by Eric Francis yet? The Mars Effect (our 16th annual edition!) will be out in January, and will include in-depth audio and written readings for your Sun, Moon and rising signs. We always receive a flood of positive feedback for these readings, and it shows just how meaningful they are. One customer wrote, “I’m so grateful to you for the illumination and the reassurance this reading has bestowed.” We’re offering you a special package price of $79 for all twelve signs, available only to current Planet Waves members. Or you may purchase individual signs for $19.95.
Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes
We published the extended monthly horoscope for December Friday, Nov. 29. Inner Space for November was published Friday, Nov. 1. Moonshine for the Sagittarius New Moon was published Tuesday, Nov. 26. We published Moonshine for the Gemini Full Moon Tuesday, Dec. 10. Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space usually publishes the following Tuesday.
Aries (March 20-April 19) — To accept the idea that ‘this is the way things always were’ is an excuse, especially if you know the theme of your life is change. The question seems to be, will you take initiative, or are you expecting someone else to do it for you? I suggest you make your own decisions and initiate your own moves rather than expecting something in your environment will start the process. What you come up with will be a lot more interesting than what anyone else does, even if others talk louder. Just think your plan through a couple of times, especially if it’s work-related. Things are changing around you, and I suggest you see where they shake out over the next five or six days before doing anything too radical. The best idea will be a simple, easy-to-understand and, most of all, useful one.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Imagine that you visit an older relative you have not seen in years, and while you’re there you wander up to the attic. You see a trunk that seems to be for you, illuminated by the light from a small window, and you open it up. It’s full of artifacts from a century ago, stuff belonging to people to whom you’re related but who came through the planet decades before you. Old diaries, letters, newspaper cuttings, photographs, physical objects from life in the past, are all neatly, lovingly preserved in this trunk, and as you go gently through them, you figure out that they were indeed intentionally left for you. But who left it there? And how did they know you would find it? This is all a metaphor, and from a psychological point of view, you’re the one who has left a gift, an inheritance or a trousseau for yourself. There’s a lot in there, as will slowly become obvious over the next month or so.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Be careful not to take on the issues of others. You may be especially reactive over the next few days, especially if people around you are in an intense mood. I suggest you choose your influences and your company carefully, especially through the 24th. Don’t let anyone push you into any agreement, longterm or otherwise, that you don’t really want to make, no matter how infectious their enthusiasm or persuasion may be. Events of the next week or so will help you figure out where you really stand with yourself, and therefore, put the opinions and feelings of others into context. It is this context — remember the concept — that is essential to your making healthy decisions for yourself. You’re someone who is inclined to consider the wellbeing of others in the choices you make, so you don’t have to worry about that factor; at the moment, you cannot count on others to do so.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Keep your heart and mind open and you’ll be better able to receive what others are offering you in your intimate relationships. You may sense that there’s a lot to their feelings, and you may be hesitant about allowing yourself to experience that. Phobia about intimacy, and hesitation in matters of the heart, do little to foster your happiness. Every relationship experience requires taking a risk, though in truth most of that involves allowing yourself to be vulnerable. A little self-therapy on that topic would be a great place to start. Ask yourself what you fear, when it comes to getting close to someone you care about. Is it about hurting someone else? If so, how long can you keep that up for? Or is it about the way a relationship might change your life? You already know how you feel. You know what you want. That’s actually worth something.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You may have health matters on your mind, though I don’t suggest you stress about them; stress seems to be the problem. There’s also some missing information that will clarify matters considerably, and you won’t need to wait for long. I suggest that you strictly maintain a few guidelines, however. Make all your own decisions, based on what you know and understand. That’s another way of saying pay attention, take an active role and use what you know. Don’t succumb to anyone’s authority merely for its own sake or on the assumption that someone else must know more than you do. Your vitality is what helps you heal, grow and create your environment, and all three of those elements are interrelated. Your existence is holistic — part of an integrated whole, with each aspect influencing the others. You don’t need to treat symptoms, but rather, seek deeper understanding, shift your orientation and keep reminding yourself that everything is connected.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You seem to be experiencing boldness and hesitancy at the same time. The combination, if left unaddressed, could create delays and waste energy; there’s no point spinning your wheels to get nowhere. And you have plenty of places to go, and experiences you want to have. If you have any form of mixed feelings, take the elements in the mix one at a time and see what they are trying to tell you. See if you can notice your source. The self-assertiveness you’re feeling does indeed seem to be about you; the insecurity and hesitancy seems to be coming from somewhere else, perhaps even someone’s influence from the deep past. It would not vaguely surprise me if that turned out to involve another person’s religious baggage that was leaking into your environment. In plain terms, you don’t have to worry about what others will think. You don’t have to be pure or give the image of being ‘not a slut’ to project some kind of faux conservatism. What you feel is more meaningful than what anyone else thinks.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Venus, the planet traditionally associated with your sign, stations retrograde over the weekend. That’s a fairly rare event; no planet is retrograde less than Venus, though this event happens entirely in Capricorn, where Venus has not been exclusively retrograde since 1802. The next two months are a truly beautiful time to resolve old family issues, particularly on your father’s side of the family. The material may surface on its own; you may be aware of topics or themes that you’ve been brewing for a few years, which you’re now ready to address as a conscious choice. Please use this time well. Nothing like it will happen again for years to come. For you, making peace with the past also means understanding what happened, why it happened, and how it influenced you. Nobody is going to hand you easy answers, but you are eminently capable of putting the pieces together. Take your time; be both careful and intuitive.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You’ve got to let some of this pressure off. It seems as if you think you’re supposed to feel a certain way in certain situations, as if the ‘correct’ emotional tone were prescribed in advance. This extends to your opinions about things and the specific way you’re supposed to think. None of this is valid; much of the pressure is your attempt to respond to the illusion that it might be. I suggest you question that assumption, and consider the possibility that it has a source. Once you make the decision to express yourself rather than suppress yourself, you will feel less depressed, more alive, and more in control of your life. You may feel that to do those things, you have to change your whole way of thinking, though it’s easier and subtler than you were told, especially with the kind of cosmic support you have right now.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Consider carefully the influence you have on someone close to you — you’re a much more potent force than you may imagine. That includes on individual people and also on your total environment. You may be going through so much interesting, intense, strange or curious inner movement that you may not be noticing how it’s radiating out into the world around you. Take the time to get some feedback from others about what they perceive about you. Open up the space for a dialog and put more energy into listening than into speaking. Trust that people already get what’s on your mind. You will learn a lot from what they have to say and from slowing down enough to get a sense of what they are feeling. While this theme is focused right now, it’s going to be a recurring theme for the next two or three seasons. So, take a deep breath.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — The sky is now focused on your sign. The Sun makes its annual return to Capricorn on Saturday (the southern solstice), and just a few hours later, Venus stations retrograde in your sign. This is a combination of factors that are likely to ignite your passion, help you focus your energy and feel how strong, loving and creative you can be. The reason you can be these things is because you are them already, so this is really a matter of emphasis, and of bringing out what is already inside you. I suggest, in that spirit, that you remove as many encumbrances on your time and energy as you can for the next few weeks. Make room for yourself. Take time to reflect and to appreciate who you have become and what you’ve created for yourself. This will be a meaningful time of reflection that will have the power to shape the course of your life.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You seem to be asking yourself some deep questions about a relationship, and about the meaning of all intimate partnerships. This is not a fleeting inquiry but rather a crux point where you are finally getting to the heart of the matter. These questions involve whether you’re able to fully express your emotional needs, what kinds of commitment you’re comfortable with, and the role of marriage in your life. There is the ever-present question of negotiating your independence. This is a moment to consider all of your reasoning around the concept of permanence, and the way that it influences your emotional climate. There is also the not-so-small matter of how and why resources are exchanged. What falls under the category of an obligation, what do you feel is taken from you, what is a fair exchange and what is freely given? Once you have unpacked these subjects, you’ll find it a lot easier to relate to others in a way that is fair, and that you understand.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Take advantage of excellent opportunities to expand your income the next few weeks, beginning immediately. You already know of some prospects; there are others you have not thought of, and still others that you came up with and set aside or forgot about. You may find it easier now than ever to cast off any doubts or misgivings you have over the so-called profit motive, which you can replace with the elemental fact that your work and your ideas have value and worth to the people who get the benefits. However, you don’t even need to go there; it still has the feeling of an excuse. Look at your life, size up your resources, consider what you’re capable of doing and decide what you want to do. Develop a strategy that you adapt as necessary, but use as a guideline. In worldly terms, this should involve income for work and services provided, how to efficiently handle debt and tax-related matters, and an overall business plan. Get competent help when you need it.
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Protest in New York City on Thursday night, walking from Foley Square toward the Brooklyn Bridge. Photo by Miah Artola for Planet Waves. Thank you to the many Planet Waves readers who faithfully called with field reports or sent in photos and reportage of the N-17 protests Thursday and overnight.
“The future’s here. We are it.” — John Perry Barlow
Dear Friend and Reader:
There is a kind of combat happening on the streets of New York City, and many cities across the United States. Evicting the calm, sedate protest from Zuccotti Park Tuesday morning caused the Occupy Wall Street movement’s two-month celebration, long planned for November 17, to cascade into a massive event that New York City officials could not control. There are more people than police in New York City and every city in the world. Nearly everyone is affected by the economic issues that the Occupy protesters are organizing around, and crackdowns are only having the effect of bringing more people into the movement.
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Dorli Rainey, age 84, was pepper sprayed this week by Seattle Police. She would have been trampled after the police started a stampede by plunging their bicycles into the crowd, but she was saved by an Iraq veteran who got her to safety. Image: Screen shot from Countdown with Keith Olbermann.
We’re now witnessing a standoff on the streets of the United States that has been brewing for decades, as wealth condensed into the hands of a very few people and one war after the next was fought for profit. Many of the wealthiest 1% have made their money profiting from the national security state that has emerged since Sept. 11, 2001. Now, the economy is so top-heavy that it’s toppling over.
As I write Thursday, I’m watching live video of a doctor with the organization PNHP.org talk about how the number one reason for personal bankruptcy in the United States is medical costs — even among those who have health insurance. He described a patient who came in with a broken leg with the bone sticking out who told him, “Do as little as possible. I cannot afford this.”
When people with legitimate concerns rise up exercising their constitutional right to peaceful protest and are pushed down by armed police, who broadcast pepper spray into a crowd or plunge bicycles into groups of people, that is not civil society; it’s a combat situation. It’s a coordinated assault on human beings and on civil rights. I believe that this week’s multi-city eviction of Occupy movements was part of an organized effort to deny people their constitutional right to protest.
Yet it’s more than that. When police shoot videographers, arrest accredited journalists and inflict critical injuries on military veterans, that is open combat on a free society, and that is exactly what we’ve been witnessing in recent weeks.
When the powers that be react to political speech with a show of absolute power, responding to unarmed people with violence and aggression, you can be sure they feel threatened. They are outnumbered, and they know they are the less popular side, when it comes to hearts and minds. And they know more than we do. We’re experiencing massive, nearly nationwide protests with the banks open, funds moving and food available in stores. I am sure they dread to think what might happen were that to change.
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New York City Council member Ydanis Rodriguez, who represents northern Manhattan, was arrested by the NYPD Tuesday morning as he observed the eviction of Zuccotti Park. He was held for 17 hours without access to an attorney. Photo: Video screen shot.
As I write on Thursday afternoon, the NYPD has barricaded hundreds of people into Zuccotti Park. There are police with helmets in every direction. Let’s remember that this is not a student protest. It’s a statement by people of all ages and many backgrounds demanding redress from the ripoff of the economy by bankers, the corporate money that controls politics and government, the untold thousands of jobs that have been converted to slavery in Thailand and Sri Lanka.
Thousands of people have figured out they have nothing to lose. And they are under psychological pressure they experience mainly as fear, and then that bursts through and comes out as energy. That is the Occupy movement: an economic civil rights movement. What historians don’t know when they question why this is happening now is that the astrology is right. The confluence of oppressive events in the economy and the rest of society is meeting with the astrology of revolution.
There are always mass uprisings, revolutions and unprecedented cultural breakthroughs when Uranus and Pluto get together. That’s what we’ve been seeing all year. (Incredibly, Arab Spring was just a few months ago, even though it seems to be in the distant past.) As I have written many times, this is only the beginning; the first exact square of Uranus and Pluto is not until June, and the last one isn’t until late 2015. I know I keep saying this. We won’t really have a clear picture of what this energy is going to bring until the first square next spring. That is when the real acceleration begins.
What we’re witnessing now is a process of polarization. People are being radicalized, coming to terms with the nature of existence, and taking a stand, many for the first time in their lives. In the process we’re realizing we’re neither alone in what we feel or what we’re experiencing. Then the power structure is responding with unrestrained brute force, and rage that almost seems personal in nature. Years ago, Mike Frisch, my American Studies professor, explained that the purpose of a protest is to bring out the nature of the beast. By that, he meant that the nature of the power structure, its agenda and its conduct are latent until they are challenged. Then they show their true colors.
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Riot squads arrive Thursday at Occupy Los Angeles. Photo by Kyle C.
That’s what you’re seeing when you see Iraq or Afghanistan veterans being clobbered by the cops, young women being pepper sprayed and people being corralled someplace they would never go and arrested by the hundreds. Then others respond to this, and the protests grow. City officials and police feel more desperate, fearing they’re going to lose control, and they act more aggressively, which only feeds the protests and raises awareness of the issues.
Thursday, you had to produce corporate ID or proof of local residency to walk down a street in lower Manhattan. At Brooklyn College, there was an incident where an Occupy general assembly being held in a campus building was interrupted by police, who demanded student ID and would not give them back to the students until they left. Students were then pushed by campus security down a hall, down a flight of stairs and out into the rain. We don’t even need to ask whether this is necessary. It’s not, but it’s telling us something about the people who are responding this way. We can gather a clue that they fear this is going to get larger.
As this goes on, we are seeing just how much firepower the civilian police actually have: the kinds of weapons and tactics, the sheer numbers, all of which is being brought to bear on protesters. Someone just told me they were concerned that the NYPD might bring out the Hercules Teams, which New York magazine describes as “elite, heavily armed, Special Forces–type police units that pop up daily around the city. It can be at the Empire State Building, the Brooklyn Bridge, Times Square, or the stock exchange, wherever the day’s intelligence reports suggest they could be needed. These small teams arrive in black Suburbans, sheathed in armor-plated vests and carrying 9-mm submachine guns — sometimes with air or sea support. Their purpose is to intimidate and to very publicly mount a show of force.”
Actually that would be worth something: let’s see what power they are willing to bring out in the face of little kids riding piggyback on their parents’ shoulders, young people with their dogs and pet rats, unemployed nurses protesting the lack of jobs, people playing drums and young women holding placards about peace and love.
Centaurs, Personal Planets and the Great Attractor
On Tuesday, I summed up the astrology that blended the personal planets (Venus, Mars and Mercury) with highly potent planets called centaurs (at the moment, Chiron, Pholus, Nessus and others). These in turn are aligning with the Great Attractor, and the mixture is illustrating a kind of rapid acceleration and transformative alchemy. My impression from this astrology was that we would witness events that would have impact far into the future; that this would be a week of both history precipitated, and catalysts of future developments.
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Protesters in New York City. Photo by Sherry Mazzocchi.
Yet this kind of energy movement can raise the sense of fear and conflict in many people. How you feel under potent astrology depends on your density level. The more fearful and contracted your energy, the more panicky you’re likely to feel. The more open you are, the more exciting and momentous it’s likely to feel. This is not a time to be caught in ideology, in denial or even in anger. It’s time to hang loose and pay attention.
In January 2010 I wrote that the next few years would make the 1960s seem like a walk in the park, in the same article proposing: “When the energy rises like this, many people feel it as something passionate. Yet for those who are struggling with obstacles, it can be extremely frustrating. We can find ourselves at a moment of awesome potential with nothing but chores to take care of. I suggest we remember that we’re in a moment of quickening. There are no shortcuts to growth, but there are moments of rapid acceleration, and we’re about to stroll into one of them.”
That was nearly two years ago, and we’ve been through this over and over again. This week, some of the most emotional planets, the ones that are closest to the core of how it feels to be human, have been (and still are being) catapulted through the realm of the centaurs — energies which for many people are the most uncomfortable. For most people, centaur energy is so far beyond the edge they would never go there voluntarily. Centaurs can represent the emergence of subject matter that (at times) is no more pleasant than the pus coming out of an infection.
In the midst of this acceleration, there is something extremely personal developing: the Penn State child rape scandal. This may seem entirely removed from the Occupy protests, but I would say they are aspects of the same thing, developing under the same astrology. The common thread can be summed up in one word: power. There is another common theme: group dynamics.
The difference between rape and voluntary sex is precisely the exercise of power as opposed to choice. That power can take many forms, and in the case of Jerry Sandusky, the coach accused of 40 counts of sex crimes, it took many different forms. By that, I mean within the one-to-one relationships he had with the boys he raped.
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Hundreds of police surrounded protesters as they marched through nearly constant rain and rapidly falling temperatures in New York City on Thursday. By most accounts, police were hostile but restrained; there were relatively few arrests and only isolated incidents of violence against protesters. Image is from video by Tim Pool.
Yet there was part of his power that came from beyond him, which was the vast, decade-long conspiracy to cover up what he was doing. It extended through the ranks of the Penn State athletic program and administration and straight into the judicial system.
The cover-up included an active, aggressive and persistent form of denial, and lots of seemingly passive but equally toxic looking the other way. From testimony we’ve heard so far, Sandusky apparently had the active cooperation of university officials in committing his crimes, which is why the president and many other campus officials have been prosecuted or fired in recent weeks. I described this Tuesday as an aspect of the centaur Nessus in Aquarius, the sign of groups. Nessus is a focal point of the Uranus-Pluto square, and it’s calling group dynamics into focus. This can reflect how otherwise ‘good’ people can surrender their power and become a group that perpetuates evil. It’s almost as if many people have two identities — the one they show to people one on one, and the the other that emerges when in some form of collective. I believe this is a dangerous form of psychic fragmentation, responsible for much pain in the world.
Now that this is spilling out, we’re hearing on TV that there are many, many Jerry Sanduskys in the world. Actually, the Jerry Sanduskys, that is, the serial pedophiles of non-related children, are fairly rare. The vast majority of child sexual abuse happens inside households.
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Photo by Wesley Middleton.
Yet in terms of the denial element, and the power element, what happened at Penn State — up to the revelations of the crimes, that is — is the same thing that happens in many households where the children are sexually abused by adult caregivers right under everyone’s gaze. That is the more common setup and it’s in many ways worse, because the betrayal is so intimate.
I am aware as an absolute fact that many of my readers have been harmed this way, and many others have been stricken indirectly (for example, they’re aware of or unconsciously struggling with what has happened to their parents, siblings or cousins), and the repeated exposure to this story is likely to be stirring up old wounds and unresolved anger. So too is the current astrology (please see ERO section below).
All of this is happening in a sexual environment where there is constant feigning of care and concern for underage people, whether this involves federal regulation of sexual imagery on the Internet or the potential suspicion of anyone who takes care of kids. Today, two 14-year-old girls who voluntarily choose to have sex with one another can be charged with statutory rape. Yes, it’s rare that they would be charged, but the laws are in place, and prosecutions do happen, despite the lifelong pain this can cause to kids who simply do not deserve it.
Now we find out what was going on, and being suppressed, in one of the most famous university athletic programs in the world, and how many well-placed, influential people had to cooperate in order for it to continue as long as it did.
The positive side is that this takedown is providing some healing for the many people who were raped by Sandusky, they will have access to civil damages, people will go to jail, and some future attacks may be prevented. There may be a sense of poetic justice and some healing for those who have suffered at the hands of others. Yet this whole incident also offers evidence of how much work we have to do on the personal level, even if we succeed in creating economic or political reforms. I suspect, however, that engaging in actual inner personal reform is the prerequisite for any meaningful changes in society as a whole.
The negative side is that any sex scandal is bad for all sex. Publicly associating attack, grief, shame and humiliation with any form of sex, no matter how evil, may evoke a sense of justice, but it also chills the entire emotional and erotic environment. Even as the toxins are cleansed from that one situation, they enter the total environment, adding to the pain that is already there.
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Photo by Eric Francis — Book of Blue, New York.
This verges on impossible to see because the background level of guilt and the feeling of wrongness about sex is so pervasive even in those who have done nothing to intentionally harm or abuse others. The feeling of betrayal of emotional trust is so pervasive. The dishonesty that surrounds sex is so ubiquitous, and many respond with an attitude of sanctimonious purity — despite whatever they may actually do behind supposedly closed doors.
What are we going to do about this? I am pretty sure there’s a sexual revolution on its way. I can’t exactly tell you what kind, but sexual mores have become so restrictive on the one hand and so ridiculously unbridled on the other, that they are due for the kind of revolt that Uranus-Pluto events are famous for. Has anyone read the story about the Egyptian woman who decided to protest against macho by undressing on her blog? She nearly caused the Internet to explode. We might think, oh, that’s a Muslim country. But Westerners carry most of the same inhibitions as everyone else, rooted just as deeply. And we’re at a huge disadvantage for thinking we’re so free.
During the last sexual revolution, the thing that didn’t happen was an actual renegotiation of relationships. Sex became more available, but the terms largely remained unconscious and rooted in the economic discrepancies between men and women. If power relationships changed, much of the change was superficial. One starting point is learning to openly negotiate the terms of our relationships, and to be able to communicate our own point of view clearly enough for someone to understand it. We have to make room for one another, but closer to home, we have to make room for ourselves in our own lives. If you ask me, the next sexual revolution will start in the mirror and expand outward from there.
It’s truly beautiful and exciting that people are rising up in the face of economic injustice and political corruption. What we need just as much is to go inside, and begin to make peace with ourselves, and then to reach out to the people around us.
Publishing Schedule Note to Readers: Planet Waves will be on a Thanksgiving holiday schedule next week. There will (most likely) be just one horoscope — the December monthly edition, with its month-ahead introduction. I’ll also do a basic guide to Mercury retrograde. I have not settled on the dates of these mailings. Please watch your inbox for more information. — efc
Something to Try: Infrequently Asked Questions
Patricia Thomas of London, a friend of Planet Waves (and Eric’s former editor at The Ecologist), has created two virtual decks of questions designed for anyone who would like to challenge their assumptions and shift their thinking — and anyone who already feels this process occurring and would like to engage with it proactively.
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Questions have a way of creating momentum, of moving us forward. They make the mind active rather than passive, make us attentive to new ideas, open up new worlds and possibilities. Questions define and refine our thinking and our philosophy of life; they are the basis of our search for the truth of things. Questions are a manifestation of curiosity — and curiosity helps build awareness, appreciation and understanding.
What started as a way to remember the questions that were most important to her personally and in her work as a journalist — questions that often get forgotten under pressure of life and deadlines — evolved into two rough decks of cards, and eventually into a web-based project, Infrequently Asked Questions. The website features two virtual decks of cards with more than 100 questions each. The CultureShift and InnerQuest decks prompt the user with the kind of questions each of us needs to ask when we find ourselves on the threshold of a new challenge — whether personal, cultural, technological or philosophical. They work like Tarot in that we often draw the cards to us that we need — even if their meaning is not always immediately apparent. It’s a game — but it also has a serious purpose. Have fun with it and feel free to help it evolve further by providing your feedback.
Today is the last quarter Moon, which is when the waning Moon makes a square to the Sun — in this case, from Leo to Scorpio. The Moon then enters Virgo just before 5:19 pm EST this evening, and continues through that sign until Monday evening, when it enters Libra. Mercury is about two-thirds of the way through its shadow (or echo) phase, as it continues to slow down in Sagittarius. It will station retrograde on Nov. 24, and continue retrograde until Dec. 13. Right now Mercury is still close on the heels of Venus, also in Sagittarius. Venus, moving a little faster, makes a sextile to the centaur planet Nessus today. Currently Mercury is quincunx (or inconjunct) Jupiter in Taurus, and Saturday it will make a sextile to Vesta in Aquarius. The major news in the sky this weekend is the Scorpio Sun making a square to Neptune in Aquarius. That aspect is exact Sunday, but we are feeling it now. Both the Sun and Neptune are very late in their signs; the Sun ingresses Sagittarius Tuesday.
Sun square Neptune, exact Sunday but with a long time orb, offers a caution that you might not know what you’re feeling, or that you might keep forgetting what it is or changing your mind. I suggest you let this pass like a wave rather than trying to fight the sensation. Friday as the Leo Moon passes through last quarter phase, it also makes an opposition to Neptune and a square to the asteroid Ophelia, which is conjunct the Sun. The natural turning point (or stress point) of the quarter Moon can trigger just the kinds of paranoia and sense of betrayal that the astrology is warning against. As the Moon moves into more pensive, analytical Virgo (making aspects to both Chiron and Mars), that’s the perfect setting for excessive self-critique — so you might want to find a creative alternative to that.
This is the weekend to discuss and indeed to embark upon authentic sexual healing. Both Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius make sextiles to Nessus in Aquarius. That’s a way of saying that Venus (female desire nature, deeply-held values) and Mercury (androgynous, communication tools, reasoning ability) are in a position to negotiate with the wounding/healing power of the centaur Nessus. Despite a strong sense of potential, you may have the feeling of wading through uncertain territory. That is exactly the sensation you want in any form of a therapeutic situation: a sense of certainty is usually counterproductive. Remember that healing is usually something that happens in layers, and it takes many forms. This astrology is suggesting you go for another layer or two deeper, and that one form the process will take is being able to share with intimate partners what has been bothering you. Putting things into words is more significant and helpful than most people realize. As you do, notice the emotions that come up, be they anger, a sense of powerlessness, a sense of empowerment, pain, desire or pleasure. If you choose to focus on this aspect of your life, you may experience a mix of feelings. Mercury slowing down toward its retrograde suggests that the conversation may be an extended one, which takes you far deeper into the past than you were expecting to go.
Centaurs in the Fog
A new edition of Planet Waves FM is ready. Our current astrology is happening in two dimensions — many planets aspecting centaurs (Pholus, Chiron, Nessus) and then the Sun square Neptune. One is a wake-up influence, the other is a fog-over influence. Which one will win the day? There are other clues. Mars in Virgo is also saying pay attention to the details. Mars will be retrograde in Virgo fairly soon.
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In this edition, I also decode some current news events, including the Penn State scandal. The fans (including students) are experiencing a deep struggle in coming to grips with the truth about the coaching staff there; the centaur planets are working to shift us to another level of consciousness.
I also get into the apparent low IQ Republican requirement from its presidential candidates, a kind of ignorance test; and a catch-up on the Occupy movement. Over 200 people were arrested Tuesday when police broke up the New York Occupy encampment. Said NY mayor Bloomberg, “There is no ambiguity in the law here — the First Amendment protects speech — it does not protect the use of tents and sleeping bags to take over a public space. Protesters have had two months to occupy the park with tents and sleeping bags. Now they will have to occupy the space with the power of their arguments.” We’ll see what the astrology has to say about that.
Here you’ll find the full archives and a downloadable zip file. They’re also available on iTunes.
Aries (March 20-April 19) — Are you feeling like you’re about to explode? That’s what it looks like from your chart, more or less. There is indeed something in you that’s pushing to be reborn into the world, which is a version of yourself that has faith in your own confidence. You keep going through this, and every time you hope you’ll get it right. Try this visualization. You’re standing face to face with a being you perceive as much greater than yourself: taller than you, enormous on a scale different than human, and the essence of creative power. Now imagine this being morphs into someone who resembles you, before your eyes. It is you, and you can ‘become’ this seemingly separate entity — and then you remember. You’ve made a promise to yourself. It feels more like a sacred vow, and you know that the time has arrived to honor that commitment. But how? I am sure you know. Aries, your birth sign or rising sign, is getting a transit from the planet Uranus — which is a wild wakeup call, and a bold creative influence. I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and a tarot card reading for you. Learn more by visiting this page. |
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may feel like you’re out of place, in over your head or that too much is expected of you. Yet at the same time, you’re a determined, persistent person, who loves a challenge and who has some real ambitions to do the right thing in the world, and for the world. How can both conditions be true at the same time? Well, they can be, though the meeting point is making peace with being called to live up to your potential. Yet called by whom? If it feels like you’re being called by someone or something outside yourself, you may be projecting the matter. But then, that’s often how ‘callings’ arrive in our lives. We are presented with opportunities, and the means to explore them. What is presenting itself directly to you, in your immediate environment or your mental environment? What are you doing in response? I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and done a tarot reading especially for you. It’s information that will help with your relationships, your professional life and your personal growth. Visit this page to find out more. |
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — When we admire someone, the question is, are we seeing something in them, or seeing something about ourselves that we identify with in them? And is one more legitimate than the other? These are questions you have to ask for yourself, with regard to one particular relationship. Both conditions may turn out to be true. This would also be worth inquiring about if the situation is a negative attachment of any kind, which might be a judgment or the perception of someone as egotistical, self-serving or arrogant. I know that first impressions mean a lot; if that is the case, go back to your very first impression for more information. In the meantime, I suggest you give this involvement the rest of the year to work itself out, and make careful observations before you take any action or make any commitments. In the world of personality, anything can be a mirror, so use your discernment. Gemini is one of the most misunderstood signs — and as someone born under this sign, part of your role is to hold a mirror to the world. I’ve recorded an hour of audio for you, plus a 20-minute tarot reading. You can get access to these by visiting this page. |
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — This may feel like a particularly messy or alienated time where your relationship commitments are concerned, but what if those mattered far less than being true to yourself? You may think that you’ve lost your way, but your astrology suggests that your true quest has just begun. It’s far less about your relationships and more about a soul journey that you’ve been preparing to embark upon. Most of the time, this gets confused with having a ‘soul mate’, which is a distraction from the elemental truth that your journey through the world is an experience unique to you. The intimacy you’re seeking is a state of spiritual harmony with yourself. This is something you can share with others; and the more in tune you are with yourself, the more meaning their self-presence will have for you. I would just remind you that this is not about relationships, it’s about being in tune with your own existence. I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and done a tarot reading especially for you. It’s information that will help with your relationships, your professional life and your personal growth. Visit this page to find out more. |
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The next few days you may feel like you’re walking through a fog. It’s likely you’ve driven through a fog, and you know what to do: slow down, increase your mental focus, and relax at the same time. The problem with this fog is that it has a psychic charge to it, and the charge is a kind of reactivity. If you have any sensation of mistrusting others, or the feeling of lurking betrayal, slow down. I don’t know the source of these thoughts, but a careful reading of your solar chart advises caution about believing your own fears. Once the Sun enters your fellow fire sign Sagittarius next week, you will proceed with new confidence, but I suggest you be vigilant any time you feel your confidence falter. You’re stronger than you think, and your awareness gives you more information than you know. Proceed with care rather than caution, and faith rather than hope. The 2011 Leo birthday report is 70 minutes of in-depth astrology plus a 20-minute tarot reading for you, exploring relationships, personal growth and your professional life. Visit this page for additional information.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Be careful what promises you make for the next few months; make sure you’re fully prepared to come through immediately when you offer something to someone. I also suggest you conduct an inventory of promises you’ve made but have not kept. You don’t have to fulfill all your old commitments at once, though I suggest you keep them in mind, and get in contact with anyone you feel you’ve neglected and let them know you’re aware of that fact. You’re doing this more for your own sake than for anyone else’s. The chances are that you’ve injured people far less than you may fear, if at all. Yet the way things go in our particular world, people are always grateful when someone voluntarily makes amends. Often the result is a greater overall gain than if the whole thing had not happened, coming with the subtle but authentic feeling of faith in humanity being restored. The 2011 Virgo birthday report is ready! I’ve recorded 70 minutes of astrology plus a tarot reading for you, exploring how you’re working through family material, your use of spirituality, some new energy in your relationships and your professional goals. Visit this page for additional information. |
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You’ve had an unusual week, that’s for sure. I suggest you write some diary notes about what you experienced, thought, felt, heard and said — because it’s going to come in handy. The beauty of it all is you’ve had a chance to assert yourself in some unusual ways, but this is not the moment to stop: rather, it’s your jumping-off point. You may not at this moment recognize the influence you’ve had, or the strength of your ideas; you may not know the power of what you’ve discovered or indeed that you’ve discovered anything at all. This is why I’m suggesting you put some notes in your journal, take some photos of yourself, save a few artifacts and bookmark the whole thing. What you’ve created is a formula that blends freedom and responsibility, neither of which is meaningful without the other. Your Libra birthday audio for 2011 is finished. I’ve prepared a comprehensive reading for you, covering the astrology for your sign in about 70 minutes (in two segments) and offering a tarot reading of just under half an hour. Visit this link for additional information. |
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — As the Sun moves through the final degrees of your sign, it’s making an aspect to Neptune in Aquarius — a square, which implies tension, emotional conflict and the sensation of not knowing what’s true. This looks like a playback of confusion you’ve experienced many times before, particularly around your birthday. If you’ve never quite arrived at the point where the confusion became your teacher, now is a great moment to let it be just that. The space of not knowing is a vital one to enter fully. Usually we react with denial, which often comes in the form of false certainty. The thing you want to watch out for these days is false uncertainty. You know you’re pushing certain issues a little more than some people who say they like you would prefer. Don’t worry about being popular. Don’t argue for your cause. Pause and walk away before you respond or react in an emphatic way. You may think that others challenge you at their own risk, but if you overreact, the peril is yours and yours alone. Hello Scorpios! Your 2011 Birthday Report is ready. It’s about an hour of astrology, plus a 20-minute tarot reading. Prepared with the Sun in still in Scorpio, it’s hot with transformational energy. I focus on your ruling planet Mars, your imagination and desire nature, and a phase of solid achievement. Please check this page for more information. |
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — If our culture is infused with narcissism, how can we distinguish it from anything else? We live in a society that confuses self-esteem with arrogance, self-love with vanity, creativity with self-obsession and self-awareness with having a big ego. Yet there’s another layer as well. Having grown up in such an environment, many people lack any sense of who they are or what they want, since that rarely mattered to their early caregivers. Being raised by narcissistic people means their goals became your goals, and their fears became yours — another way of saying that you didn’t exist in your own right. In the midst of a sea of narcissism, the first step is often to come back to — or find for the first time — what we value and desire. Be aware of that, and take the next step and encourage others to discover what matters the most to them. To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Sagittarius, please go to this link. |
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Someone close to you may be offering intuitive or common sense guidance, but you may still have your doubts. I suggest you take a look at why you feel that way. It may be reluctance to take any guidance at all, or it may be that you’re questioning their motives. You may be concerned that you’ll have to rearrange your life if you change your mind about something. But most likely you’re resisting information that comes from this elusive thing known as intuition. Fear may be getting in the way of your own subtle senses, and you may think you’re getting conflicting information. Anyone who is offering their viewpoint is likely to have a lot deeper information than they’re letting on. If you want to know more, ask. In the end, you’re responsible for any decisions you make, but decisions are best made having considered several points of view. To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Capricorn, please go to this link. |
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You may feel like you’re under some unusual pressure that you have no idea how to respond to. It’s like the air is getting heavier and the walls are growing closer in, but I suggest you pause and ask how much of this is some combined effect of your mind and your feelings. This is adding up to a sensation that feels like it’s coming from your environment. I suspect this is true, though you’ll have confirmation (and some relief) soon enough, when the Sun changes signs to Sagittarius next week. Meanwhile, Neptune has just stationed direct in your sign, about to exit after a 12-year journey. There’s some natural advice that comes with this: you have a window of a few months to tidy up any matters of self-deception that have afflicted you going as far back as you can remember. The pressure you may be feeling is the need to be real with yourself, something that’s best done gently. To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aquarius, please go to this link. |
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — I suggest you do a little study of the times when taking care of your own needs was used against you. This can include anything from being responsive to your own feelings to taking care of your dietary needs. Start with your parents and other dominant adults who were present when you were a child. One result, especially for you, can be a guilt complex around taking care of yourself, which many try to assuage with self-neglect. It doesn’t work. But neither does fighting for the ‘right’ to look after your own basic interests. You can go a long way by noticing when you’re having either response — guilt, or fighting. You may have the impulse to run from either. I suggest you hang out with the feeling and see if you can map it out, and learn something from it. Then, observe how you feel as you focus on basic self-care with a clear conscience. I know, it can be a little strange. To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Pisces, please go to this link.
Dear Friend and Reader:
This week I’ve been enjoying the stream of paranoid emails and Facebook messages that have started to reach me, wherein people are freaked out about how there is actually a populist uprising going on the United States. I concede that we have good reason to believe that the power brokers will be nervous that someone is actually noticing that the average Goldman Sachs employee makes $292,000 per year. This is the same company that placed bets that an oil rig would blow up in the Gulf of Mexico. Remember that? Fabulous Fabio and his infamous, “Suck it up, fishies and birdies”?
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Occupy Wall Street poster created for the original Sept. 17 action, by Adbusters in Vancouver, BC.
The big boys have had the luxury of thirty years to take advantage of a public that has, until now, yet to call them to task. Most recent polls I’ve heard of give the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators the support of at least 57% of the American public, with many more who don’t agree with them saying they have the right to protest. Some neighbors of Zuccotti Park are, understandably, annoyed at the drumming and 24-hour activity in a neighborhood that after 6 pm previously resembled a cemetery. I heard this week that the drummers were asked to go elsewhere, in order to address this problem.
Meanwhile, most other New Yorkers are into the protests, which have sprung up literally from coast to coast and many places beyond. This sounds like the United States of my wildest fantasies. More to the point, it sounds like the Uranus-Pluto cycle heating up, so reliably you could set your atomic clock to it. Though neither the protesters nor the protestees are likely to know this, this movement is going to have traction because it’s synced with an astrological cycle that is specifically about revolution and social progress on real issues.
One concern I’ve heard is how the CIA, the FBI and the NYPD are trying to infiltrate the movement. (This is an old story — cops have tried to infiltrate activist movements since they both existed.) The main fear going around is that they will try to provoke the activists into coming off like the scruffy mob that Fox News is making them out to be. One person writing to me is worried that Anonymous, the hacker collective, is really a CIA front operation. We have a commenter on the Planet Waves blog who is tweaked by the Guy Fawkes masks that people wear to the protests. She thinks those are the actual members of the Anonymous collective, who you cannot trust because they’re wearing masks. (If you get on their bad side, a mask is the last thing you’ll have to worry about.)
One astrologer in New York City tried to send me an encrypted file that had all the goods, but after a few tries the encrypted email would not go through. I encouraged her to just email it the old-fashioned way. After several tries, the PDF arrived last night via the ultra-secret, immune-from-domestic-surveillance Hushmail. I clicked on it with the eager anticipation of a document junkie.
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Poster for “Buy Nothing Day,” the second-most famous event created by Adbusters, the Vancouver-based anti-corporate magazine that got the #Occupy ball rolling.
Scanning over its chaotic pages, I read about the links between the Wall Street sit-in to the Sandinistas, Barack Obama, MoveOn!, the Independent Media Institute, Adbusters magazine, ACORN, the League of United Latin American Citizens, the League of Women Voters, the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, the National Organization for Women, Planned Parenthood, Public Citizen, the Rainforest Action Network, Refuse & Resist!, the Ruckus Society, the Service Employees International Union, San Francisco Physicians for Social Responsibility, the Sierra Club and the Soros Foundation Community Fellows.
Wait — the Sandinistas? Really? Those cool people down in Nicaragua who were into building farm cooperatives, community hospitals and schools? Who supported mass literacy and gender equality? The ones Ronald Reagan hated so much he nearly lost his presidency trying to destroy them? They still exist? Where can I send a check?
And the Ruckus Society? No wonder this is all causing such a ruckus.
And what about George Soros? Isn’t he one of them? Why would he be going against them when he’s really one of them? There has to be something weird going on. He must be a double agent, or maybe a triple agent. He’s going to infiltrate the movement by having one of his front organizations send a shipment of air mattresses and a case of chai.
The involvement of Adbusters I learned about after someone posted a comment to the website of the Daily Freeman here in Kingston, really nervous and concerned, after there was a little protest march in front of the courthouse, with the participants’ average age looking like about 60. The commenter said that Occupy Wall Street was started by a “Canadian ad agency,” insinuating foreign infiltration.
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Occupying The Other Wall Street — protesters in Kingston, New York gathered outside the county courthouse on our Wall Street last week, staging their own demonstration. Nobody slept over, and nobody got arrested. Photo by Tania Barricklo for the Daily Freeman.
I asked around and put this comment together with the splashy, snarky anti-consumerist magazine that your local Barnes & Noble gets all of five copies of each month — Adbusters. The magazine critiques the ‘mental environment’. Count on them for articles about how it’s wrong to be forced to watch 10 advertisements sitting in a movie theater. They’re the ones who invented Buy Nothing Day (commemorated each year the Friday after Thanksgiving).
Adbusters’ editor Kalle Lasn, a refugee from the advertising industry, was the one who first put out the concept of occupying Wall Street in a July email to his reader list. With a little help from the deputy inspector of the NYPD who pepper sprayed some women just because he felt like it, #Occupy is the coolest thing in the world. Or rather it is unless you’re freaked out that if anyone questions the legitimacy of the corporate-government-national security state, or dares to blaspheme the religion of the Free Market, or questions that some dude sitting in a cubicle ripping off the economy should make $292,000 a year — then clearly whole system we love and benefit from and pay handsomely for the privilege of using debit cards is going to come crashing down on our heads.
Today, someone posted an undated picture of a riot to my Facebook page and said in that frantic tone that can only be conveyed in sentence fragments, “look at this ‘peaceful resistance’!…somebody will say it’s nothing to do with wall street occupation…let me tell you — they (on the street) declare opposite!..it’s just ..not everybody is ready and has right consciousness for a change..and there is someone leading them in a trap.” Um, not everyone has the right consciousness? Therefore call the whole thing off and go back to yoga class?
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Guy Fawkes mask, a reference to the film V for Vendetta. The mask image is sometimes used by the hacker collective Anonymous, which has been supporting #Occupy various ways. Photo by Eric.
The posh New York City astrologer who smuggled me the top-secret file, for her part, is absolutely certain that this is all a setup for martial law. I asked her about her spiritual training on the issue of ‘fear’ and she replied, “While spirituality is very important, unfortunately there are some not-so-nice people on this planet with us.”
No, really?
I replied, “To say that something is a setup for martial law is, at best, presumptuous. I’m not saying you’re wrong, but to me there are many other possibilities.” Since she’s an astrologer, which at least implies some metaphysical learnings, I added: “The plane of reality to which you’re attached or typically reside will influence your perception of the flow of events and the validity of information. Indicators [of your mindset] are things like the polarization level of your experience, your love/fear quotient, and what you perceive as real.”
People who are paranoid about Occupy Wall Street might have one of a few things going on, psychologically speaking. First, they may have authority issues, which result in a blowback of guilt when they or anyone they see challenges authority. (This connects to unresolved relationships with their parents, which by the way usually involve money issues.) Or, they are getting off on the self-importance of warning people about a big threat that nobody else is informed enough to see. Trying to send the file by encrypted mail comes with the message, “I’m so important, they’re spying on me.” And many people feel too cool to support the protest, like economic justice was a good thing until it became trendy. So naturally, all of a sudden it’s a CIA plot. Personally, I take the suggestion of David Byrne, from the old Taking Heads song: Don’t worry about the government.
I would say that the real problem the Occupy Wall Street movement has is great expectations. We are a country so starved for leadership and moral guidance that many people actually expect this uprising to solve the nation’s problems. One question going around is, “How are they going to influence Washington?” As if to say — finally we have something that actually might do so.
The Chart for Occupy Wall Street
And the funny thing is, not only might it work, it’s likely to be having an actual influence even in this nascent stage. Earlier in the week, a friend documented the birth data for the Occupy Wall Street movement. According to a poster that was circulated announcing the event, the first protest was called for noon on Sept. 17 in New York City. That’s good enough to cast a chart. Here it is.
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Note Mercury at the top of the chart, the planet of messages and messengers in the house of corporations and governments. Many planets not shown in this rendering are aligned with Mercury — see the table below. Click for larger version.
The first thing that leaps off of the page is that green planet at the very top of the chart, next to the dark line. Can you see that one? The one with the little horns? That is Mercury, the messenger. Mercury is strong in this chart: placed in Virgo, one of the signs it rules, and also it’s the most elevated planet in the chart. It’s located in the 10th house — the one about the government, the corporate system, and in general, influence, reputation and fame.
Mercury so powerful in the 10th house translates to “speak truth to power.” So far as I can see, whatever constitutes power is going to be getting the message. What they do about it remains to be seen, but Occupy Wall Street is coming across in their boardrooms loud and clear. Mercury in Virgo this prominent is also about thoughtful, intellectual leadership in an era when you usually have to be an idiot to get on TV.
Contrary to this being a confused movement that is looking for a message, it is the embodiment of a message. The movement has, in one month, re-framed the discussion about the economy. At the time this little gathering happened, the national discussion was about why we could not pay to rebuild bridges in Vermont after Hurricane Irene. But how come we have trillions for bank bailouts and wars and executive bonuses? Now suddenly we’re talking about economic equity, jobs creation and puttying the Glass-Stegall act back into place.
The reason so many people are sympathetic is that they already understand the issue, or rather, they understand how all of the issues being raised by the protesters (which means, the public) are related. Yet there’s another factor, which is that Mercury is hooked into a lot of energy coming from a group of minor planets in mid-Sagittarius.
A few days before the first Occupy event, I wrote an article about the Pisces Full Moon, called The Chaos Generator. This was a rather strong Full Moon, and it too aligned with the cluster of minor planets in Sagittarius, but not as closely as that Mercury, which nails it to a fraction of a degree, right at the moment of the first gathering. When you align a fast-moving planet with a group of slow-moving ones, you ramp up the power of the fast planet, giving it extra purpose and influence.
Here is a thought from that article: “The Pisces Full Moon also makes a square to the solar eclipse in Gemini earlier in the year (both are mutable signs … this will add public resonance — eclipses have that sensation … it’s a potential turning point, which includes all of the themes associated with the planets in Sagittarius.”
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Minor planets in the Occupy Wall Street chart, focused on 14+ degrees of the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) which function as one influence. Many planets are aligned with Mercury, the most powerful planet in the chart. Included in the alignment are Sappho, which brings people together, and Panacea, which is about far-reaching solutions. Ephemeris calculation from Serennu.com.
I also pointed out the presence of the Great Attractor, located at 14+ Sagittarius, which was part of the aspect structure. “What aspects the Great Attractor takes on part of the energy — especially a conjunction. People who have natal planets in aspect to the Great Attractor can have an odd kind of charisma, where they seem untouchable. It’s as if they have an invisible boundary around them, that makes you keep your distance but want to get closer at the same time. The word attractor is used because everything is rushing toward it, but nothing can ever keep up.”
Continuing: “It can also have a magnifying effect on whatever is there, like a cosmic repeating station that might take the relatively subtle theme of a planet or asteroid and broadcast it outward. Remember, the Great Attractor is the mass of many thousands of galaxies; it’s positively enormous. Then things come along and line up with it, and that’s exactly what we have going on now.”
I concluded the article, “The simplest way to say this is that unless we take our political problems to a higher level, what you might call a spiritual level, we’re going to be caught in the same game endlessly. The issue is evolutionary. We might ask ourselves not about when we’re going to come up with a solution to our political problems, but rather to the problem of politics.”
One thing that’s interesting about Occupy Wall Street is that it’s being run as a collective. There are mass meetings called general assemblies held a couple of times a day. It’s further organized into working groups that take on specific tasks. But there is no name or face associated with Occupy Wall Street. It does not have an ego identity and nobody is ‘claiming credit’ for it. This is actually a reasonable first step in solving the problem of politics. Obviously the absurd rules of the U.S. Senate have outlived their use; it’s dumb to have one drunk politician be allowed to hold up progress for the whole country.
As for how it all unfolds, we influence that with our choices. I mean this actively, each of us. Leadership is now in plasma mode. This is a new mental environment for some, perfectly natural to others — but it’s the environment we are in. We are in a different universe from the ‘freaking out is mandatory’ environment of the post-9/11 decade. How we think and how we feel contribute to the greater body of thought movement. This is not merely a sit-in or series of protest marches; it’s an evolution of thought in a highly quickened psychic environment. I suggest you learn to navigate the energy. It’s lighter and requires more agility. And if you stay flexible, you can have a lot more fun.
Friday, Oct, 21, the Sun is conjunct Juno and trine Neptune. We’ve covered this aspect here. The Sun ingresses Scorpio at 2:30 pm EDT Sunday. We’ve covered the Scorpio ingress here. In other news, the hypothetical planet Transpluto has ingressed Virgo, changing signs for the first time in 70 years (to the best of our research, it has a 686-year orbit). Ignored by most astrologers, Transpluto (associated with narrowness, focus and self-criticism) will crawl back and forth over the Leo-Virgo line for the next couple of years, though the first ingress is one to watch carefully. This will get extra emphasis as Mars makes a conjunction to Transpluto when it ingresses Virgo on Nov. 11. This conjunction will be exactly opposite Chiron in Pisces, bringing it into the discussion. For those who are Chiron trivia buffs, you may have noticed that Jupiter is currently sitting in the Chiron discovery degree, 3+ Taurus.
The Moon is past last quarter and is in waning phase, about to approach the waning crescent. The Leo Moon is conjunct Mars Friday, suggesting some combination of anger, passion or creativity. Be aware of being angry at women, or your mom. The Moon moves into Virgo Saturday morning, first making a conjunction to self-critical Transpluto (which is in Virgo for the first time in 600 years — this is a new kind of event, and the point was undiscovered the last time it was in Virgo). The Moon ingresses Libra Tuesday just before noon EDT. While the Sun is early in Scorpio there will be a New Moon, which happens at 3:55 pm EDT on Wednesday. This is an interesting event — the New Moon is conjunct Atlantis, which we covered in the article Here at the Edge of the World. This is a clue to watch the fear index carefully. Note that most people who are scared are actually horny but don’t know what to do about it.
Questions of attachment and what to do about it, and with it, dominate this week’s astrology. Mercury and Venus are in Scorpio — anything in Scorpio stokes passionate sex. But then there’s the relationship question. Friday’s conjunction of the Sun and Juno is suggesting that we need to separate our identity from our identity as a relationship partner. This is a bigger issue for some people than for others, but it seems to be underappreciated as a mental trap. In any event there is an opportunity to dissolve some of that energy and unfold one’s sense of personal identity within a relationship or beyond it. More significantly, there’s an opportunity to recognize the degree to which we tend to consider ourselves whole people as a benefit of being in a relationship.
Astrology of Marriage; My Theory of Healing
In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I look at the current astrology, which involves a Sun-Juno conjunction in Libra — an aspect that is asking some questions about our concept of marriage. I include a discussion of Juno as an astrological factor, as well as some approaches to what it tells us about ourselves. In the second half of the podcast (starting at 30 minutes in) I explore the concept of healing — one of the most misunderstood ideas there is.
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This is a follow-up on last week’s discussion with Elisa Novick and I offer some of my thoughts about healing process, what a healer is, and how to work with one. I suggest we go beyond seeing a healer as someone with magic powers, or the ability to fix us with their technology, and look at them a someone who holds space and facilitates our process.
Toward the middle of the program, I mention a CD, called My Life in the Bush of Ghosts. This is a masterpiece of found art, an experimental collaboration based on random sounds and assembled with composition by two of my favorite Tauruses, Brian Eno and David Byrne. If you haven’t tuned into the solo work of either of these two composers, you’re in for a treat. This is their first collaboration (as composers — Eno had produced Talking Heads for years). They recently came out with a second one, called Everything that Happens Will Happen Today. These guys are not really musicians — they are artists who happen to express themselves through music (both are excellent painters as well).
Here is your program — and the complete archives — in the old player.
Aries (March 20-April 19) — What are you up against? Do you have the sensation that you have some kind of an invisible obstacle or adversary? Does everyone seem to be treating you with the same attitude? It can be difficult to see how your internal psychological dynamics manifest as events, situations and trends in your relationships — but now would be a good time. There is something here about the ways you were treated as a child that is showing up in your life now. Most people have little idea what their early environment did to inform them about the seeming ‘bottom lines’ in the world. If you find yourself having strange or inexplicable encounters, or getting drawn into peoples’ dramas, I suggest you try making the lines directly back to your early history. With these added points of reference, you’ll be able to change your mind about things that have troubled you for a long time. Aries, your birth sign or rising sign, is getting some of the most potent transits of them all right now. I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and a tarot card reading for you. Learn more by visiting this page. |
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You seem to be experiencing considerable sexual tension. This appears to be less about how you relate to others than about how the male and female polarities within you relate to one another. There is something in psychology known as projection. In sexual relationships, projection often comes in the form of seeing the attributes of your inner male in the men around you (usually, this happens to women), and of your inner female in the women around you (usually, this happens to men). In the current setup, this may be reversed, and you may be looking to same-sex examples for who you want to be, or what you can confidently express. If you perceive certain people as ‘more sexual’ than you, make contact with the aspect of yourself who is just as intense and passionate. Note your same-sex attractions and fascinations. Sex and gender are a puppet show — remember who is the master. I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and done a tarot reading especially for you. It’s information that will help with your relationships, your professional life and your personal growth. Visit this page to find out more. |
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — As the next few days unfold, make sure you know what’s bothering you. Keep your energy moving rather than bottled up. A steady burn-off will prevent larger explosions. Be aware that you could pick up on someone else’s rage, or be extra sensitive to the injustices that others around you are facing. If you’ve got jealousy on your mind or weighing on your feelings, I suggest you ask yourself what good that particular emotion ever did anyone. I think people avoid understanding jealousy for two reasons: one is that it can veil something we really think is hotter than hot, but are afraid to admit; and it can veil the fear of death, disguised as the fear of losing a relationship. I suggest you investigate. The deeper you take your inquiry, the deeper emotional healing you will access — and that is the point. Gemini is one of the most misunderstood signs — and as someone born under this sign, part of your role is to hold a mirror to the world. I’ve recorded an hour of audio for you, plus a 20-minute tarot reading. You can get access to these by visiting this page. |
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — For the moment, I suggest you keep financial matters and sex as far apart as you can. They often get intermingled, whether it’s the dinner date that leads to sex, the trip to Vegas or the intricately woven erotic-economic threads of marriage, do your best to separate these two topics. People can have this weird tendency to vindicate sex because there was a cash exchange of some kind. I suggest you give your pleasure away for free, and see how that feels. For free would translate to without expectation of some other return. If someone you love or desire has another erotic interest, I suggest you surrender to that experience and explore how you feel doing so. Right now your charts are all about tapping into unusual sources of passion, exploring taboo emotions and leaving yourself free to feel exactly what you are feeling. Start with allowing sex to be sex for its own sake, with no other value. I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and done a tarot reading especially for you. It’s information that will help with your relationships, your professional life and your personal growth. Visit this page to find out more. |
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Pay attention to what someone close to you has gone through, and how it still may be influencing them today. You may think that it was clearly more intense than something you went through — and it may have been, but there will be parallels in your own life. Indeed, what happens over the next few days could shed light on your experience of relationships going back many years. This involves how people respond to you when you desire them. It also involves how you perceive the desire of others, directed toward you. Have you noticed what conflict this can cause? I’m inclined to say that it’s needless conflict, but there is a cause, and it involves the relationship of desire to power. An astonishing number of people have been subjected to some form of sexual abuse, and this always involves the conflation of desire and power. We would all relax a little, if we could see this for what it is. The 2011 Leo birthday report is 70 minutes of in-depth astrology plus a 20-minute tarot reading for you, exploring relationships, personal growth and your professional life. Visit this page for additional information.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Virgo is famous for its self-critical tendencies. However, they are really a problem when your judgments are lurking below the level of awareness. Once you become aware of them, they are easier to address; they are easier to see as being distortions. You are entering an extended phase of your life when the theme is learning how to relax these strict expectations, rules and standards that you have set for yourself. Before you get there, you’re going to see them in a whole new light, and you’ll become aware of the cost to you in energy, pleasure and freedom. As you do this, you’re likely to notice something else: you can bring out specific talents and intentions and focus on them with unusual power. That, by the way, would be a result of using the energy you gain from relaxing your false or negative expectations on yourself. Your gifts are much more beautiful seen in the light. The 2011 Virgo birthday report is ready! I’ve recorded 70 minutes of astrology plus a tarot reading for you, exploring how you’re working through family material, your use of spirituality, some new energy in your relationships and your professional goals. Visit this page for additional information. |
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — We usually think of relationships as involving two people, but they are always part of a larger human constellation. We’re taught to wear these little blinders: If it’s not a marriage/official partnership, it’s not an official relationship, and every pair-bond is an island. There is this subtle paranoia that if we let go of that notion even a little, the result will be anything from an instant orgy to the decline of Western civilization. Well, cheers to orgies and the decline of civilization, but that’s not what usually happens. Many relationships need to be let out of their jar. They need a walk in the park. Many people in relationships need to go to a party on their own, flirt with everyone, and maybe meet someone for coffee the next day. Many people not in relationships would benefit from noticing the many, many possibilities for how two or more people can relate to one another. Your Libra birthday audio for 2011 is finished. I’ve prepared a comprehensive reading for you, covering the astrology for your sign in about 70 minutes (in two segments) and offering a tarot reading of just under half an hour. Visit this link for additional information. Zoom H4n recorder, ready for work, Tuesday afternoon on the Grandmother Land. Libra Birthdays: Recorded Live on the Grandmother Land Your Libra Birthday Reading is ready for Libra and Libra rising people. This is literally a fireside chat about your astrology for 2011, recorded in the hours before the Aries Full Moon. It covers the unusual events in your relationship, family and creative angles. Going well over the usual hour or so, this presentation was recorded outside on the land, after crossing the stream and scaling the side of the waterfall with my gear, collecting firewood and getting the fire going, ending shortly after dark. The Libra Report includes three sections of astrology plus a reading from the Voyager Tarot. The chart and a photo of the reading are included, along with access to special discounts on other projects. Here is your link to purchase.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — The Sun is about to ingress your sign this weekend — that’s excellent news. Even better news is that the first thing the Sun does is make a trine to Chiron, which will help open up the flow of passion and emotional energy. You will have many choices where to direct that energy, and an invitation to participate in an experiment. But I suggest you be conscious of one thing, which is that passion, erotic energy and love can have a tendency to flush out many of what we call negative emotions. Many of those emotions show up as projections — things we see in others, and which are calling for some resolution within ourselves. For you, a place to shine the light is where erotic energy meets control. You’re in an unusual position to see this emotional dynamic for what it is, and to take a step toward setting yourself free. To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Scorpio, please go to this link. |
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — All kinds of deep and dark emotions seem to be brewing at the bottom of your psyche, and as the Sun moves into your neighboring sign Scorpio this weekend, you’re likely to get some insight into what’s going on for you. It looks like there’s a lot you’re not expressing, but at the same time you don’t have the words to do so. I think that’s the first step — gradually identifying what you’re feeling, at least clearly enough to make a short sentence. As you do so, you may discover that these emotions go a lot deeper than you think, and each new discovery may be wrapped in a layer of frustration. Don’t let that deter you. Keep your gumption. You’re the one thing in the world that you need the most information about. Nobody is going to tell you; you’re going to discover it yourself, and that will take some gumption. Be patient and dauntless and you will learn a lot. To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Sagittarius, please go to this link. |
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You have the solution to a joint financial issue right in your hands. It’s so obvious and so close to you that you might look right past it without seeing it. Said another way, the solution to the puzzle is exactly the thing that your intuition is telling you it is. One clue I can give you is, you have recently gained some insight into the larger forces that are operating around you. You’re aware that there are people with agendas, some of which affect you directly and some of which don’t affect you at all. Make sure you can tell the difference. You may have this idea that if you want something, someone else will automatically not want it, or prevent you from getting it. If you have this notion, I would say it’s time to test the theory. Take a step outside the established rules (or unspoken rules) of your situation. Notice what happens when you decide you’re not going to let fear or resentment run your life. To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Capricorn, please go to this link. |
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You have a theory of relationship, and a corresponding reality that does not always match. No matter how idealistic you are, it always comes down to who or what pushes your buttons, or treads on your most sensitive spots in an insensitive way. It would help if you bear in mind what those spots are, and rather than defending them or guarding them, gently guide the discussion in another direction. This may be challenging, as you’re likely to have at least one situation in the coming few days when you feel like someone is treading directly on one of your deepest injuries. Whatever this may represent, bear in mind that the person involved may not be aware of what is going on with you — nor may they be in a position to help you talk it out. You may decide it’s worth daring an actual conversation — but that will work better if you don’t blame anyone for what is yours to work through. To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aquarius, please go to this link. |
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Patric Walker, the master of the horoscope column (1931-1995) once wrote that if you scratch a Pisces you will find a Virgo under their skin. I would say if you put your fingers on the wrist of a Pisces, you will feel a Scorpio pulse running through their veins. This will be especially true now, as the Sun enters Scorpio this weekend, lighting up Chiron in your own sign as it does so. This translates to an easy flow of passion and desire — as long as you get out of your own way and allow the energy to flow through first. Said another way, take care of yourself. Don’t let the emotional or mental blocks of others frustrate you. There may be nothing you can do to help them — and there are others who are in a better position to exchange energy with you. Then look around for others who are curious, adventurous and creative — you will find them, and you will have plenty to share. To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Pisces, please go to this link.
Breaking story — ABC News ticker informs protesters at Times Square in New York City on Saturday, Oct. 15 that the #Occupy movement has gone global. Photo by Eric Francis. More Times Square images here.
Dear Friend and Reader:
On Saturday, I went to a big rally in Times Square that was part of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Around the world in an estimated 1,500 other cities, similar protests were happening. This was one day after Mayor Michael Bloomberg wisely chose to not clear out the movement’s base camp in Zuccotti Park, in New York’s financial district. I arrived a little early, wondering what would happen. By 5 pm, the stated time of the protest, Broadway was packed from 42nd Street north up to 47th Street. A small ocean of friendly, sincere people had come out to make their presence known to the world — not to celebrate New Year’s Eve but rather to state their objection to greed.
For many years, we have all watched the injustices mount against the American people. I’ve long wondered when we were going to hear an objection, and this event was something of a miracle. A decade of war, years of economic decline, jobs being shipped overseas, people with enormous college debt unable to find work — the silence was deafening and disturbing. Suddenly I was standing in Times Square, surrounded by people aware of the problem and choosing to join together as one voice. As the crowd gathered, the news ticker above ABC studios delivered the message, “Occupy Wall Street Movement Goes Worldwide.”
Notably, this was the first coordinated day of global action since the F-15 protests against the Iraq war on Feb. 15, 2003 — just over eight-and-a-half years ago. I’m not sure what is more amazing — that the F-15 protests happened at all, or that they didn’t continue. But they put on the record, before the fact, the public’s objection to an invasion that went horribly on every account. The current movement is happening in a different era of history, presumably for a different reason. In 2003, the economy was still riding from bubble to bubble, and objecting to a war was seen as a political statement; a statement of principle or of moral objection to what in fact became a moral outrage.
In 2011, we have another situation on our hands, one requiring neither prescience or an especially sensitive moral compass. There are millions of people for whom the economic system is not working. The real unemployment rate is closer to 20%, poverty rates are increasing, and one in five Americans is having trouble feeding their family. At the same time, people are seeing headlines over and over again about huge banks that took bailouts reaping profits, giving bonuses to top executives and laying off workers. You don’t need to be an economist to understand this is a problem.
Every day, we are told again that tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans will lead to more jobs, and after a decade of those tax cuts the economy is where it is today. The people who create these problems, making huge profits, are nervous. They know that everyone else is starting to figure out what happened, and understanding has a way of rippling out, once it gets rolling. And it is now rolling: awareness and a movement of people who are at least willing to get off the couch and step out from behind their computer and get together and discover that they are not alone.
Stop the Drones: By linking the economic crisis to the war, protesters are risking being perceived as being a ‘left wing’ movement — but this has not hurt the movement’s popularity with the public (including city residents). The #Occupy demonstrations have spread to many countries around the world and are overwhelmingly supported by the American people. Photo by Eric Francis.
Mainstream news outlets may keep portraying Occupy Wall Street as a movement of unwashed people who have never accomplished anything and who are confused about their goals, but for the moment, at least, we can tell the story ourselves. There is now an alternative media that is so far-reaching it would have been incomprehensible 20 years ago when I was writing for In These Times and Sierra. When two dozen people get arrested at a Citibank branch for trying to close their accounts, the video goes viral within hours. That both informs many more people than would have heard the story otherwise, and puts significant pressure on the bigger news outlets to at least acknowledge what happened.
This is a very special moment we are in. When I say that we must use it wisely, I mean that we all have something precious and useful in our hands, something that many, many people recognize, however dimly, belongs to all of us.
A few times at the protest I was asked what I do, and I said that I’m the editor of an astrology website. In answer to, “Is this in the astrology?” I said yes — it’s the Uranus-Pluto cycle. It’s the same cycle that was going off in the 1960s. I know I’ve explained this a few times. It’s not easy for everyone to understand. We are now entering an extended peak of this cycle, and at the moment we have many options for how we use this energy.
The Earth Day flag made an appearance at Times Square on Saturday night, a reminder that we live on one world. Photo by Eric Francis.
Uranus (the faster of the two planets, orbiting the Sun once in just over 84 years) has the themes of sudden upheaval, surprises, invention and forward-thinking. When Uranus gets into the picture, events proceed quickly. The best advice any astrologer can give is to expect the unexpected, and work with it rather than against it. Pluto (the slower of the two planets, taking 251 years to go around the Sun) takes anything it touches deeper. In the psyche it’s related to the drive to make contact with one’s soul, as well as profound transformations. In society, Pluto can represent control dramas as well as profound restructuring of cultural institutions: for example, the government, banks, corporations and the empire itself.
Put these two planets together and amazing things happen. Uranus and Pluto will make a big aspect every 40 to 50 years or so, which is like a shakeup of the accumulated material, outdated ideas, stuck institutions and stuck people. It’s almost always a revolutionary era.
It’s astonishing how dependable this particular cycle really is. When I say that the current movement is just getting going, and is going to last for years, I am speaking with authentic confidence that is grounded in history. Perhaps the most famous time frame associated with Uranus-Pluto is that of the French Revolution. Uranus and Pluto were opposite one another (literally, on opposite sides of the Sun) from 1787 through 1798, closely overlapping the revolutionary era of 1789 through the late 1790s. This revolution was not all fun and games. The accumulated outrage both at centuries of repression by the monarchy and the church came busting out violently. It did not end well; in many ways the opportunity was squandered. After a brief period of a constitutional republic, by late 1804 France had an emperor, in the person of Napoleon I.
Another famous period was the Uranus-Pluto conjunction of 1848-1849. This was the peak of a wide-reaching wave of change that culminated with revolutions spreading across Europe faster than the mail could travel, including Paris, Berlin, Vienna, Budapest, Dresden, Baden, Prague, Rome and Milan. Astrologer-historian Richard Tarnas describes this as “the sudden eruption of a collective revolutionary impulse affecting an entire continent with mass insurrections, the emergence of radical political and social movements, revolts for nationalist independence, and the abrupt overthrow of governments.”
The heart of the matter: sign saying that the richest 1% of Americans control 40% of the wealth. Photo by Eric Francis.
Then there was the conjunction of the 1960s, which had a similar revolutionary spirit. This was expressed in student uprisings, stunning advances in art, music and technology, the anti-war movement, the environmental movement, the Moon landing and Woodstock — to name a few events we think of that happened during a concentrated time in history. John F. Kennedy was assassinated, which was a kind of revolution, and Richard Nixon both came to power and was finally thrown out of office as the conjunction waned. That also had the feeling of a revolution, perhaps more poignantly than the JFK assassination. After a brief period of collectivism, we then embarked on a 30-year phase where politics and nearly every other facet of public life swung toward corporate power and military domination of the world.
It’s fair to say that Uranus-Pluto aspects are amazing while they last, and then the end result is a gamble. It’s easy to throw out the stodgy old jerks who were oppressing you; it’s hard to build a new world. What world we are going to build is exactly what we need to be thinking about right now. What we would do if we had the power to make changes is not just something we need to be pondering but putting into action right now.
One of the first things I think is essential is going beyond the usual left/right, liberal/conservative storyline. We all have human needs, and yet many people are stuck to their old tales of why things are wrong. If so-called liberals and conservatives would listen to one another, they would discover plenty of common ground — especially on economic issues, which are the core theme of these protests. This is going to be as challenging for many people as a lifelong Catholic going to Jewish services every Saturday. And certain facts (such as about the actual current distribution of wealth) are going to need to enter the picture.
As Matt Taibbi, one of my favorite journalists, wrote Monday [Oct. 17] in his blog at Rolling Stone, “What nobody is comfortable with is a movement in which virtually the entire spectrum of middle class and poor Americans is on the same page, railing against incestuous political and financial corruption on Wall Street and in Washington. The reality is that Occupy Wall Street and the millions of middle Americans who make up the Tea Party are natural allies and should be on the same page about most of the key issues, and that’s a story our media won’t want to or know how to handle.”
Yet it’s essential that we who care unify toward some common goals. This is not easy for people who are programmed to be divisive and divided. For this to happen, I think two things are necessary. One is that the person or group with the greater understanding has to work to reach for the common ideas that underlie the problems we all agree are real. This is evolutionary work. You could say that it’s the Pluto side of the equation. Pluto represents the need for all of us to go deep and therefore reach a place where there is more likely to be mutual understanding. If we own our shadow material — our fear, guilt, anger and related emotions — we will be less likely to project those feelings onto others, and therefore less likely to blame them. There’s also something here about taking personal responsibility for that aspect of the problem that was caused by individual greed — such as the many people who used their home as an ATM, or who got their mortgage by lying about their income.
Taking this on the level of personal responsibility in order to actually do something new: to not only let go of the patterns of the past, but to create new patterns that are fundamentally different. You could say that instead of working this out as a cultural game of left versus right, we each need to get the left and right hemispheres of our brains talking to one another.
Our tendencies to divide against ourselves and hence against one another can seem intractable. They involve cultural and family patterns, emotional patterns and ideas about relationships, and I believe all these things are rooted in our DNA and what some call karma. That is to say that in addition to any revolutionary activity, for the revolution to stick, we need to do some deep healing work and understand how we got to where we needed a revolution in the first place. Fortunately there are a lot of people who have been doing that deep healing work for many years. You may be one of them. And as the revolution spills out into the streets, we will need to guide it into the hearts and souls of those who would be free.
Stay tuned for pre-ordering information for Reality Check: The 2012 annual edition of Planet Waves.
Dear Friend and Reader:
Last week, I cautioned that some kind of false-flag event might be used to disrupt the Occupy Wall Street protests that have now spread to 1,100 cities in the United States. As of press time, the protesters had too strong a presence in Zuccotti Park for New York City to move ahead with its proposed ‘cleaning’ of the park first thing Friday morning. Protesters spent the night mopping and scrubbing the plaza in the financial district. That is a real movement, and it’s going to grow as the Uranus-Pluto square — the 2012 aspect — comes into focus. Unlike protesting a war, which might be seen as ideological and unpatriotic, there’s nothing un-American about wanting to feed your children. Wednesday night Keith Olbermann reported that according to a new survey, one in five Americans said they had trouble feeding their families the past year.
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Her sign reads, “I inherited money at 21. I have had health and dental insurance all my life. I want to live in a world where we all have enough. I have more than enough. Tax me! Rich kid for redistribution! I am the 1% and I stand with the 99%.” Photographer unknown; city unknown; source: Electrical Audio website.
Directly or indirectly, it seems that the world economic crisis is affecting everyone, and even if it’s not affecting you, you may still be outraged by the ways in which the ‘bailouts’ of Wall Street firms and U.S. banks seem to have gone directly into bonuses for top executives. Bank of America, which got nearly a quarter-trillion dollars in bailouts, is about to lay off 30,000 workers.
This kind of greed is what the Occupy Wall Street protests are about — and they are catching on. Saturday is the planned worldwide 15 October event, which officially takes the #Occupy movement global. Though this protest movement started a month ago with the big story being how it was being ignored by the media, I would say it’s doing very well right now. Sure, much of the coverage has been pretty stupid, which The Onion summed up this week as, “Nation Waiting For Protesters to Clearly Articulate Demands Before Ignoring Them.”
Though Fox News portrays those protesting as a bunch of anarchists who have never worked for anything in their lives, in truth this is a broad-based movement of educated people who know that our society is being ripped off and our economy is being destroyed. To my ear, those so-called conservative elements calling for dismantling the government (what they call deregulation) so that it’s easier for them to do business have as much credibility as the mafia calling for the dismantling of the organized crime unit.
As author and war correspondent Chris Hedges put it last week, “Those who are protesting the rise of the corporate state are in fact on the political spectrum the true conservatives because they’re calling for the restoration of the rule of law. The radicals have seized power and they have trashed all regulations and legal impediments to a corporate reconfiguration of American society into a form of neo-feudalism. And that’s what we’re really asking for — is the restoration of the rule of law.”
That is an interesting image of Pluto in Capricorn — and this is going to be an interesting revolution. The hippies are now the conservatives (who would preserve the power of the state) and the self-acclaimed conservatives are now the anarchists (who are doing a good job taking it apart).
Speaking of the rule of law, on Tuesday, the federal government’s top cops held a press conference and announced that a big terrorism plot had been foiled. Let’s see if I can get this right. The Iranian government was going to hire a Mexican drug cartel to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the United States, while he was in New York. This was supposed to happen in a restaurant and in theory lots of innocent people would have been killed. The plot was disrupted and it never got anywhere near actually happening.
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Protest at Chase bank in San Francisco on Sept. 29, 2011. The signs say, ‘Make Banks Pay’. Photo from open-source Flickr stream.
“Though it reads like the pages of a Hollywood script, the impact would have been very real, and many lives would have been lost,” said Robert Mueller, head of the FBI, claiming victory on behalf of the nation.
Funny, this was the same scenario for an action-thriller I suggested to my literary agent last month, though in my version, the plot was foiled by an astrologer who was asked by Iran to cast the perfect chart for the event. The astrologer had a friend who was an FBI agent, he passed the tip along and saved the day. Okay, just kidding about that part.
My favorite critique of this ‘terror plot’ came from Glen Greenwald’s blog on Salon.com. He wrote, “The most difficult challenge in writing about the Iranian Terror Plot unveiled yesterday is to take it seriously enough to analyze it. Iranian Muslims in the Quds Force sending marauding bands of Mexican drug cartel assassins onto sacred American soil to commit Terrorism — against Saudi Arabia and possibly Israel — is what Bill Kristol and John Bolton would feverishly dream up while dropping acid and madly cackling at the possibility that they could get someone to believe it.”
In case you don’t know those names, Bill Kristol was Dan Quayle’s chief of staff when he was vice president, he’s associated with several prominent neoconservative think tanks, and is the godfather of the Neocon movement. John Bolton is the big guy with the walrus moustache who wanted to blow the top 10 floors off of the United Nations (to which he was a delegate under Bush). Now imagine them taking LSD together, and dreaming up something really weird. That’s what this plot sounds like.
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Queens Galley soup kitchen in Kingston, NY, which feeds anyone who walks in three meals a day and provides emergency housing for 50. According to a new survey, one in five Americans has struggled to feed themselves or their family this year. Photo by Eric.
Thursday, The New York Times informed us that Mansour J. Arbabsiar, the suspect allegedly at the center of the alleged terrorist plot, was someone who was so disorganized he literally could not manage to wear matching socks. “He was perennially disheveled, friends and acquaintances said, and hopelessly disorganized,” the newspaper wrote. They quoted an old friend: “He was always losing his keys and his cellphone. He was not capable of carrying out this plan.” Hmm, he’s got something in common with many of the alleged 9/11 hijackers.
The Times noted, “American officials, who say the plot was endorsed by top Iranian authorities, were exploring why the sophisticated Quds Force might have chosen to rely on so amateurish an agent as Mr. Arbabsiar.”
Maybe astrology will give us a clue. Let’s take a look at the chart for the big announcement that the terror plot had been foiled. When I first looked at this chart, the story seemed plausible. But as I studied the placements more carefully, the whole thing seemed, well, the word is tidy. Tidier than a chaotic lead conspirator who could not keep track of his cellphone. Tidier than an international conspiracy to commit mass murder. How was that Mexican gang going to get into the United States? I guess they were going to sneak past right where the fence along the border is supposed to go.
The chart is basically that of the Aries Full Moon. Federal officials made their announcement Tuesday just a few hours before the Moon reached its exact opposition to the Sun. It’s true that the Full Moon can have a precipitating effect, like the wind blowing through a tree full of ripe apples. [That was the case in August 2006, when another such plot was uncovered on the Full Moon, this one in the UK. That was the famous one that led to not being able to bring more than a few ounces of liquid onto an airplane. It turned out to be a domestic plot, based right in England.]
This chart has Capricorn rising, and we find Saturn (the ruler of Capricorn) standing at attention up on top of the chart — about to be conjoined by the Sun. So we have a Sun-Saturn conjunction straight up at the top. This could be the image of the servants of justice and government doing their job — which is precisely what it seems like: an image. In Libra, this image has come out of Central Casting and been attended to by $400 an hour stylists. It’s so realistic, it makes me want to stand up, put my hand over my heart and wipe a little tear from my eye.
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Chart for Eric Holder announcing that the U.S. government had foiled a terrorism plot by Iran. Click for larger image.
The Aries Moon for its part is down in the 3rd house (of media) and it’s precisely — to the exact degree — square the ascendant. Very neat and tidy.
Here is something interesting as well. The Moon in this chart is also exactly on the horizon of the chart for the Sept. 11 incident — the relationship angle, one of the most sensitive lines in the whole chart. If George Bush had made this announcement, he would have come out with a hunk of still-smoldering debris from the World Trade Center. The Obama administration is somewhat subtler in its sales approach, evoking the sensation of Sept. 11 rather than the gory details. But the theme is ‘terrorism’ and the effect is a distraction. I don’t think the guys in the Obama administration want to rain havoc and death on anyone, but they do have their agenda.
No matter how long I’ve looked at this chart, I could not see the chart of a foiled terror plot. But I do see a chart about government, money and banking. The houses in this chart that have the most activity are that 9th/10th blend (the government going about its business, looking very handsome as it does so) with the Sun and Saturn blowing in the breeze. The money and finance houses have a lot going on, and the theme is that it’s 1) extremely narrow and 2) deceptive and 3) aggressive. We see this among many other places as Mars in the 8th house of banking, combined with a variety of other planets (some not shown in this chart) that speak of a focused, closed-minded conspiracy to do something very specific — involving money.
In any chart of a conspiracy, there is a way to check and see who the main conspirator is. That will be by studying the 12th house. If we check that house, which tells us about the ‘secret enemy’, we find Sagittarius on the cusp. Follow that to the ruler of Sagittarius, which is Jupiter, who is wealthy, fat and happy, retrograde in Taurus lurking right at the bottom of the chart. The secret enemy in this chart of a foiled terror plot is a banker, at home, sipping Romanée Conti from a good year.
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Still standing — the occupation of Zuccotti Park was alive and well Friday morning, apparently too large for Mayor Bloomberg to evict for cleaning of the privately owned plaza. Cellphone photo by Beth Bagner, who will have lots more photos on our website later Friday.
So, the plot to end all protests didn’t work. Thursday’s lead story on CNN.com was about Republicans being friendlier to the protesters. Heck, Mitt Romney said he’s worried about the 99%, and “I understand how those people feel” despite his being one of the 1%.
Even Eric Cantor, whose chart could work as drain cleaner and who was just last week referring to ‘mobs’, on Wednesday said, “People are upset, and they’re justifiably frustrated. They’re out of work. The economy is not moving. Their sense of security for the future is not clear at all. People are afraid, and I get it. When we have elected leaders stirring the pot, if you will, that’s not good.”
Speaking of stirring the pot, we’re aware that as of press time Friday morning, the presence of protesters at Zuccotti Park was too strong for the city to move in on them. The last time Mayor Bloomberg took action against the protesters was on Oct. 1, which helped send #Occupy international. A new phase of this is planned for this Saturday with the 15 October day of action. Perhaps Bloomberg has figured out that this movement is bigger than he and his billions — something the protesters apparently figured out long ago. Good thing, too.
Saturn and Libra Sun are currently opposite Eris in Aries. Eris, a relatively new discovery, is a longterm visitor to Aries, taking more than a century to cross this one sign — and redefining it as it goes. Sun and Saturn opposing Eris present an image of the rigid human ego gazing into the chaotic mirror of human nature as it plays out in the world. It’s also a comment about how we seek and use relationships for stability of our own personality. Venus opposes Jupiter at 7:53 pm EDT Friday. The Moon ingresses Gemini at 10:15 am EDT on Saturday. Venus squares Vesta at 9:07 am EDT Sunday. Mercury opposes Jupiter Monday at 2:55 pm EDT, though both of these personal planets opposing Jupiter will be in effect all weekend. Beware of an emotional exaggeration effect as that happens; things are unlikely to be as big as your emotional filters make them seem, so be careful not to overreact. The Moon enters Cancer Monday evening, doing its weekly thing of ringing the bell of the 2012 aspect, Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn. If events, discussions or emotions seem tense, Monday is a possible release point, as the Moon makes a trine from Cancer to Chiron in Pisces, and also trines Mercury and Venus in Scorpio. One last: though Mercury and Venus appear close together, they don’t actually form a conjunction until June 2012, the same month that everything else happens all at once.
This weekend’s emotional tides are being driven by Venus and Mercury in Scorpio opposing Jupiter. Yes, that’s a bit more emotional than it is erotic, but anything with Scorpio so prominent is going to have a sexual flavor. But first we need to sort out the power struggle or negotiation indicated by the opposition aspects. Venus in Scorpio wants what she wants, and Jupiter retrograde in Taurus may not be in the mood to give it up. So if an opposition carries tension, this one especially does, with extra emphasis considering that Venus (in Scorpio) rules Taurus — the sign that Jupiter now occupies. Venus is opposite a planet in her own sign, and feels kicked out. There is an intervening or mediating factor in this push and pull experience: Both planets are square Vesta. With Vesta in the picture, nothing can ever be a quest for self-interest, no matter how interested anyone is in pushing that agenda. In Aquarius, her role will be to raise the discussion to the level of ‘the greatest good for all concerned’. This may call for what seems like a sacrifice of some kind, but that’s a loaded word; you can think of it more as making a contribution to the common good. Mercury has entered Scorpio as of Thursday, and this may represent the interests of another party — such as a child or young person — as part of the picture. The Moon will be in Gemini most of the weekend, at least providing an intuitive pull toward putting feelings into words.
Translating this aspect directly into sex, it looks like two available people rejected by a third person get together and have some fun. Or, it could represent a threesome, though this is becoming a lost art. Or one last potential – a situation wherein someone is apparently withholding. I would suggest that in any form of sex, the space be honored — that’s a Vesta thing, creating the appropriate setting. This is more important than most people recognize, especially if the sex isn’t the ‘taken for granted’ kind that can occur in a ‘committed’ partnership but rather something happening under other circumstances. Many object to the notion that sex can be planned; it’s supposed to be spontaneous and therefore romantic. Sex can definitely be planned, and is often better for being so. Yet this starts with making the space available, guiding social situations gently, and then seeing if the energy catches on. What may develop is more like a safe, steamy, very unusual conversation (a factor of both Vesta and the Gemini Moon). All this Vesta suggests that the sex that may happen is the ‘non sex’ kind, which might be erotic writing, hot talk, masturbation or sharing masturbation with a friend or lover. Once the definition of sex is expanded, the possibilities are endless.
Note, this was written Thursday night, prior to Mayor Bloomberg making the decision not to raid the occupation at Zuccotti Park. I’m leaving the original text: As mentioned, Mayor Bloomberg was planning to clear out Zuccotti Park Monday morning at 7 am. This is a loaded chart. Sunrise happens at a few minutes past 7, so both the Sun and Saturn are exactly in the ascendant of this chart. Venus, the ascendant ruler, is opposite Jupiter. On the 7th house cusp we have Eris, who can be a chaotic influence. The upshot of this chart is, everyone better keep their cool or it will be a bad scene for both sides. It will help that there are going to be a thousand or so video cameras trained on the situation, and city officials know that the non-Fox News-watching public supports this protest movement. It appears that the protesters are the ones who are practicing discipline and restraint while the city has a harder time keeping its forces in line. Check the Planet Waves blog later today for photos and updates. And check the 15 October website for information about demonstrations in your city.
A Conversation with Elisa Novick
Greetings. We’re ready with a new edition of Planet Waves FM, this week featuring an interview with Elisa Novick. I would describe Elisa as a master healer — words I don’t use very often or speak lightly. The longer I know Elisa, and the more I work with her and learn from her, the better I understand what that means.
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Elisa Novick, photo by Eric.
I spent an evening with her Monday at her home in Great Barrington, MA, speaking with her about what she does and how she does it. You will hear things in this discussion that are definitely out of the ordinary, but — as I prefer to keep all matters of a spiritual nature — eminently practical. She is someone who works on a planetary level but also serves groups and individuals.
Anyone who aspires to this kind of work would benefit from hearing from her. I’m curious to hear your responses to both the material she presents and how you feel listening to her speak.
I give a brief overview of the week’s astrology at the top of the program, then I quickly move on to the conversation. The whole program is about one hour and 15 minutes, without a music break. If you would like to contact Elisa, you can reach her through her website, ThrivingPlanet.org. She mentions a Tree Play workshop, which will be held near Rhinebeck, NY (right near the Omega Institute) on Saturday, Oct. 29, and this is open to anyone who is interested. Check her website for more information.
Here is your recording in the old player, as well as the zip file, with the complete archive of all of my podcasts. The old player will open in a new window.
Aries (March 20-April 19) — Beware of subtle tensions that could be brewing under the surface of your professional or social contacts. Things you barely notice have the potential to trigger disproportionately large reactions from you or from others. The first person to monitor is yourself; in particular, any sense of pressure that has the feeling, ‘if I don’t deal with this, I might explode’. The real subject matter may be masked by more obvious dramas or conflicts that are in truth meaningless. Carefully look past any drama for the actual subject matter, which will relate to circumstances that you have not been able to change no matter how hard you try, or qualities in yourself that seem intractable. Don’t wait for any kind of straw to break the camel’s back, or the fire to start that runs out of control. There’s a long-established pattern pointing back to what you are trying to work through here. Be patient and connect the dots. Aries, your birth sign or rising sign, is getting some of the most potent transits of them all right now. I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and a tarot card reading for you. Learn more by visiting this page. |
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — How often, or rather how dependably, do you see the world from the viewpoint of others? Now it would seem that you have little choice, though to do so means indulging in some complexity and sorting out what may be a mixed message or some exaggerated point of view. The real information you’re seeking will come more in the form of a whisper. When you really notice something about another person, your confirmation will be that it tells you something about yourself. The sensation will be one of closeness rather than alienation; of common ground rather than a polarity, and your own desire to grow and evolve. It’s true, there is plenty you can point to that is different about someone, and the helpless sensation of a deadlock is always available. Go below the surface and tap into something more creative, a feeling or observation that draws you toward contact and empathy. I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and done a tarot reading especially for you. It’s information that will help with your relationships, your professional life and your personal growth. Visit this page to find out more. |
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Most people choose to remain ignorant because they think that exposure to new information will not only threaten their viewpoint — it will threaten their identity. I suggest you let go of any such irrational fear. I suggest you be most willing to embrace anything that contradicts or challenges your point of view. Make a conscious effort to see all of the sides of any situation without being judgmental or dismissive. Pay special attention to your environment, and notice the agendas of anyone involved. Someone seems determined to create a conflict where there otherwise would be none, but they are leaving clues along the way and you may have had a run-in with them recently. Listen carefully and keep your sixth sense on. You have the ability not only to defuse this situation, but to make sure that it’s turned into a positive gain for everyone. Gemini is one of the most misunderstood signs — and as someone born under this sign, part of your role is to hold a mirror to the world. I’ve recorded an hour of audio for you, plus a 20-minute tarot reading. You can get access to these by visiting this page. |
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The feelings of others may be especially compelling right now, but don’t lose your center. You could easily have your emotions drowned in an issue that someone is claiming is extremely important but is really just an over-reaction. The key will be to listen without getting caught up in the current. Over the next few days you may have a tendency to forget yourself, or at least to forget what’s important to you. Meanwhile, if you keep your focus and maintain a sense of perspective, there is an opportunity brewing that is likely to appear quickly and disappear just as fast if you don’t take notice. The opportunity relates to a financial situation that you recently determined was top priority. It’s not just about money; you have a lavish creative opportunity that’s on the verge of opening up. Remember your potential and how many times you have promised yourself to do something about it. I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and done a tarot reading especially for you. It’s information that will help with your relationships, your professional life and your personal growth. Visit this page to find out more. |
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — I suggest you directly confront something that you don’t understand, no matter how confounding it seems. You will benefit from doing so, even if you have to encounter some confusion along the way. You may think you have to sort everything out, but what you’re really trying to do is get yourself out of a corner you’ve somehow gotten yourself into. Your sense of being overwhelmed has more to do with your viewpoint than it does with your environment. The more flexible you become, the clearer you’ll feel about what’s going on in your environment. You may have to feel really, truly stuck before that happens, but it won’t last long; and as you get to the breakthrough point, you’re likely to recognize that you can make many similar adjustments to your thought patterns. Looked at another way, you’re seeing the beautiful difference between thinking clearly and not thinking at all. The 2011 Leo birthday report is 70 minutes of in-depth astrology plus a 20-minute tarot reading for you, exploring relationships, personal growth and your professional life. Visit this page for additional information.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Something has been bothering you — potentially for years — and you are about to discover what it is. I may have used this analogy before: imagine you got a shard of metal embedded in your skin as a child, then forgot that it happened. Over the years, your body has gradually pushed the shard up toward the surface. Then one day it breaks the skin, and you can grab it with a tweezers and pull it out. The little injury that you get from the skin breaking is nothing compared to the sense of relief of the thing coming out. An odd tension you barely noticed will release itself, giving you new flexibility. What is this thing? It’s something old, and it’s directly related to the ‘self-critical’ thing that so many astrologers — and Virgo natives — have noticed about your sign. Working out the unfinished business of the distant past has been a theme of recent years of your life, and this is one tangible result. The 2011 Virgo birthday report is ready! I’ve recorded 70 minutes of astrology plus a tarot reading for you, exploring how you’re working through family material, your use of spirituality, some new energy in your relationships and your professional goals. Visit this page for additional information. |
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You are different from the people around you. We all are, I know — but you’re in the midst of a major discovery right now. Certain individuals in your life can stand a lot more chaos, uncertainty and instability than you can. Yet the more you hunker down and cling to stability, the more you notice how much instability annoys you. Let’s see if we can figure out what’s really going on. One way to look at the situation is that everyone is just being who they are. Another way is that you and the people around you are influencing one another, as living things coexisting in one environment will always do. There are specific things you can learn about how to integrate change into your life. For you, this is more about working with variables than it is about embracing chaos. There are patterns that make perfect sense, and which point to viable options — as long as you look at the world with an open mind. Your Libra birthday audio for 2011 is finished. I’ve prepared a comprehensive reading for you, covering the astrology for your sign in about 70 minutes (in two segments) and offering a tarot reading of just under half an hour. Visit this link for additional information.
Libra Birthdays: Recorded Live on the Grandmother Land Your Libra Birthday Reading is ready for Libra and Libra rising people. This is literally a fireside chat about your astrology for 2011, recorded in the hours before the Aries Full Moon. It covers the unusual events in your relationship, family and creative angles. Going well over the usual hour or so, this presentation was recorded outside on the land, after crossing the stream and scaling the side of the waterfall with my gear, collecting firewood and getting the fire going, ending shortly after dark. The Libra Report includes three sections of astrology plus a reading from the Voyager Tarot. The chart and a photo of the reading are included, along with access to special discounts on other projects. Here is your link to purchase.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You seem to be considering something you never would contemplate otherwise. I get the feeling that you like the sensation of doing this, and you seem poised to make a spontaneous decision that might leave everyone wondering what got into you. From the look of your solar chart, this involves your career — you finally figured out that you could not be boxed into an old idea or goal, and the desire to grow took on a life of its own. Even if you make a significant change now, you will be able to find the roots of that thought process going back years; you’re reaching the critical mass point now. Carrying through on a decision is sometimes more challenging than making the decision in the first place, so make sure you take one step at a time and keep going till you get where you want to be. Let your passion guide you. That will be a lot easier now that you know in which direction to head. To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Scorpio, please go to this link. |
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You can indulge your fantasies — no matter how lurid, ‘inappropriate’ or hormone-drenched. If I had to guess these won’t feel like your usual erotic daydreams but rather like some form of actual, living contact, though on a slightly different plane of existence. I’ve noticed that the more vivid and easy a fantasy feels, the more likely it is to happen. It’s like you think a thought and then it thinks you back just as fast. The contact between you and the focus of your desire is so palpable, it’s vivid and alive. I would ask you a simple, potentially controversial question — how does it feel to be so turned on? Do you feel drawn in, a little panicky, or both? I would say that a touch of fear would be normal given the placement of the planets, but it’s something you can brush aside to claim the pleasure that’s directly on the other side. To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Sagittarius, please go to this link. |
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Someone may be getting on your nerves. Since you’re the kind of person who can handle really, really annoying people, this is saying a lot. Translated into Goat Speak, someone who has been irritating you for a while is on the verge of becoming such a significant pain in the ass you might have to whack them with your head once or twice. However, the planets suggest one fact pretty clearly — this person is more of a hazard to themselves than they are to you. So I suggest you keep your distance and let the situation unfold. I think you’ll get one of those ‘lessons of leadership’, which amounts to: sometimes you don’t need to do anything. Therefore, keep your agenda moving forward; focus on what you want to create rather than fixing anything that’s bothering you. Many other forces are working in your favor; your friends love you and want to help you. To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Capricorn, please go to this link. |
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Belief is a strange thing. Consider how if you believe something that is utterly and absolutely wrong, it can have the full force and effect of being true. You may have just discovered something like that in your life. This is why it’s really healthy to challenge your beliefs before they get around to challenging you. This one had something to do with whether you feel confident enough to assert your authority. That in turn may have involved the confidence of whether you will be liked or loved. This is the thing you sometimes have to chance when you assert yourself. It could be that you’ll be liked more for being authentic, but in any event, the real issue is integrity. And this you have demonstrated, and you’ve learned something in the process of doing so: as in, don’t always believe your beliefs. Take them out for a spin and see if they actually roll. To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aquarius, please go to this link. |
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — When sexy planets show up in Scorpio, I like to remind you that sex is your religion. By this I mean that your notion of what is spiritual is what most people think of as erotic, or at least it starts there. You can leave it to others to proclaim that ‘God is love’ or ‘God is everything’, and then you get to experiment with living as if that’s actually true. The erotic dimension is one your most meaningful points of contact with what others call ‘spiritual’. Keep that in mind over the next few days, especially the part about this all being an experiment. That would include having faith in passion and exploring the ways in which beauty is nourishing. I would offer you one last idea: when most religious leaders use the word ‘sin’ they mean sexual sin. What if this were absolutely not true? What if there were no such thing? There may not be one answer to that question, but rather a doorway to a world of possibilities. To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Pisces, please go to this link.