Tag Archives: Monsanto Watch

Astrology for the Soul

Astrology for the Soul

Dear Friend and Reader:

As you know, I am passionate about news astrology, and using it as a way to illustrate the personal impact of current events on our private lives.

Planet Waves
Sagittarius glyph for The Mars Effect by Lizanne Webb. Here samples of written Mars Effect readings, and a few audio samples.

I’m equally passionate about personal astrology — the kind that helps us figure out where we’re at in life and how to consider our current circumstances. The astrology that helps reveal our life plan, purpose, talents and resources. The astrology that can really, truly help with career, relationships and business.

Even within our wild era, 2014 is no ordinary year — it’s unusual even on the scale of the past 50. We’re now in the peak of the Uranus-Pluto square, a time that will be remembered for its many changes and developments.

Astrology changes the world, influences every personal chart, and touches the experience of every person. How are you handling being on the planet right now? How are you keeping up with the constant need to adapt, to rethink, to confront the unknown? How are you handling the lack of certainty?

I have information that can help you — the results of four months of work, and the latest edition of a 15-year tradition of Planet Waves annual editions.

Our cresting moment is indicated by the presence of Mars within the slow-moving Uranus-Pluto aspect. Mars will soon be retrograde and will make a series of aspects to powerful forces, bringing many things to the front of consciousness. This is what I’m calling The Mars Effect. That term is also a reference to a scientific study that established a connection between someone having a strong Mars and being a star athlete — one of the most helpful scientific studies of astrology ever.

Mars is here to provide energy, to provoke action and to pose deeper questions. Mars is here as a tool for making your potential real. It’s going to be retrograde in Libra, the sign of relationships, which influence every facet of our lives.

In April, there will be an unusual grand cross (Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto in an exact X around the Earth) followed one week later by an eclipse of the Sun in Taurus. Many other events cascade later into the year, including nearly simultaneous Mars-Saturn and Venus-Jupiter conjunctions.

Planet Waves
The Mars Effect glyph for Taurus by Lizanne Webb. Here samples of written Mars Effect readings, and here are a few audio samples.

It would be easy for astrologers to make dire predictions about some of these scenarios (those will show up on the Internet in early April or so). This aspect pattern has some shadowy elements, and to be sure, it will present unusual challenges and opportunities.

I have viewed my job as getting underneath the surface level, and to apply the astrology on the most creative dimension, relating it to each of us as individuals.

Since late August, I’ve been exploring the 12 signs and rising signs for 2014, working from the most intimate and personal perspective, using a diversity of astrological tools: classical and modern planets, asteroids, centaurs, Kuiper objects (Pluto, Varuna and others) and some points that are way beyond them — such as Eris and Sedna.

I’ve been boiling my research down to two recorded readings per sign and rising sign, plus an extended written reading for each of the signs and rising signs. The result is a comprehensive work of applied astrology: The Mars Effect annual edition.

Astrology reveals itself in layers. I’ve learned to do the audio first, working the wheel in the conventional direction — Aries to Pisces. I started with gathering a chart file for each sign, added in the minor planets (with the help of Serennu.com). Then I opened my intuition and recorded the spoken-word portions, two segments per sign.

Then I took a pause — an actual holiday break — did additional research, and wrote the signs in reverse, starting with Aries and heading backwards to Taurus. In the school of astrology taught by Alice A. Bailey, the reverse wheel method gets you closer to the soul level.

Planet Waves
Sketch of 2014 astrology for the sign Virgo. Each sign gets a chart, a sketch, two audio readings and one extended written reading. I use many extra points, including Chiron and other centaurs, asteroids, Sedna, Varuna and Eris.

The written interpretations go to another depth, focusing on specific, high-energy, challenging or especially unique facets of your astrology.

I view my role as someone that is here to help ease your way, point out opportunities, explain where challenges might arise and help you use them to your benefit. I have set out to inform and motivate you to make the most out of your time and energy.

Reading your rising sign will provide you with two distinct points of view. If your rising sign and Sun sign are the same, then study your opposite sign. My readings also work for Moon signs and they are (I am told) helpful for unintrusively sussing out where your partner is coming from.

Each of these readings has an investment of at least 10 hours of preparation, recording and writing. These readings work within the rarely entered borderland between a good prepared report and a personal consultation.

They are also a study in modern astrology — how to apply and explain the classical and modern factors, and come out with a reading that not only works but that you will refer to all year.

So that is what I’ve been up to. And you have the benefits! As a Planet Waves subscriber, you can access all 12 signs for $79.

Individual signs are currently $29.95. Many people who get one end up getting more — a reason to go for the all-12 option.

If you want to upgrade to the All Access Pass, please call Chelsea at (206) 567-4455.

We anticipate the project being released on Monday night.

Thank you for your trust in me as your astrologer, for your business and for being part of Planet Waves.


PS — The horoscopes in this edition were selected by The Oracle, from past horoscopes. I personally worked the program and requested the reading for each sign. I would love to have written a new horoscope but that would have delayed the annual by another day. Please let me know how these horoscopes work. I will cover early Aquarius in next week’s edition. –efc

PPS — Here are some samples of the written Mars Effect readings, and here are a few audio samples.

Section Writing and Editing Credits: News items below are written and edited by a team consisting of Hillary Conary, Anne Craig, Eric Francis, Elizabeth Michaud, Amanda Painter, Susan Scheck, Chad Woodward and Carol van Strum. Page assembled and coded by Anatoly Ryzhenko. Special thanks to the Fact Checkers List, which goes over each edition on Thursday night — and to our main astrology fact-checker Alex Miller, and Amanda, who goes over all their suggestions. Our editions are also proofread and fact-checked by Jessica Keet.


Planet Waves

Approaching Aquarius

We’re in the last couple days of Capricorn; the Sun ingresses Aquarius, the fixed air sign in the middle of the season, on Sunday at 10:51 pm EST. Aquarius is often associated with forward-thinking technological breakthroughs, but they’re the kind that stick — so if you’re feeling as though you need to get clear on something in your life or take a particular step in just the right way, you may be sensing this impending shift in energy.

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The constellation Aquarius on a vintage map of the heavens, doing ‘the Bump’ with Capricorn.

Then again, the sky this week has been loaded with the kind of astrology that puts the pressure on, especially regarding relationships and how you sort them out internally.

Wednesday night was the Cancer Full Moon at 11:52 pm EST. Any interpersonal situations in your life that felt like they were coming to a head this week or had gotten stuck in gridlock (especially if you can trace them back in a meaningful way to Jan. 1) should begin finding some resolution today and tomorrow. Particularly consider anything that involved an authority figure or internalized authority, or how well you acknowledge your ability to create and destroy.

Also, Venus (still retrograde in Capricorn) and Mars in Libra have been building to a square that was exact Thursday at 12:13 pm. This aspect relates to noticing the conditioning forces and gender roles that have been trying to get you to feel or act a certain way, and what you decide to do about it. And how do you do it? Do you get diplomatic or assert your passion? Do you get passive-aggressive and stingy, or receptive and expressive?

All of this — the tension of Wednesday’s Full Moon and that of Thursday’s Venus-Mars square — is providing the on-ramp into the weekend, as we make our transition from the initiator energy of Capricorn into the related, but different, energy of Aquarius.

The last day or so that the Sun is in a sign can feel a little edgy, as though we can sense that one flavor of energy is loosening its hold and just want to get on with it. Today, however, you still might not feel completely clear on what exactly it is you’re itching to move on to. That’s ok.

The waning Moon moves into Virgo Saturday evening, making Sunday the perfect time to organize and clear out your physical space, giving any urges for precision a tangible, constructive application. As you clear and order your surroundings, you’re priming your consciousness for the Sun’s move into Aquarius Sunday night.

Planet Waves
Full chart for the Sun’s ingress to Aquarius. Glyph legend here.

What exactly does the Sun in Aquarius mean? We can start with its ruling planets for clues.

Saturn is the traditional ruler, which Aquarius shares with Capricorn. Along with Aquarius’ status as a “fixed” sign (as opposed to cardinal or mutable), Saturn is part of what gives people born under this sign their tendency to crystallize their beliefs and ideas, and it gives innovations made under a strong Aquarius signature their staying power.

A prime example is the Internet, which grew from academic novelty to household necessity during the time that Uranus was in Aquarius – and Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius.

Uranus is the spark, the experiment, the “Hey, what if…?” Uranus is also part of what gives Aquarius its stamp of individuality even though it’s the sign of groups. After all, a group is really made up of individuals — although modern society often makes that hard to discern, favoring herd mentality and conformity over true interchange between fully individuated people.

To quote Eric, “Aquarius people are the discriminating embracers of innovation that works.” That’s great as far as getting things moving in the right direction; but after a certain point, what was once an innovation can become fixed, static, institutionalized — and resistant to change. Such is the case of such fixed systems as political structures and religion; once entrenched, they can be hard to get rid of. The same goes for marketing which, like politics and religion, seeks to co-opt individual identity for the sake of group conformity.

Even so, Eric has also written that, “In its highest state, Aquarius is about a meeting of individuals who recognize themselves as such. It is driven by social responsibility and a devotion to service. Aquarius has a natural sense of humanity and as such is deeply humanitarian.”

That is the ideal you can hold as your template for the next month, beginning Monday. Over the weekend, see if you can orient yourself in that direction.

By Amanda Painter.


Planet Waves

Appellate Court Rules Against Net Neutrality

In a decision by the Court of Appeals for the Washington, D.C. circuit Tuesday, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) was slapped down in its attempt to make sure Internet service providers cannot slow down or block websites with competing services, or favor sites that pay extra fees for faster service. Known as ‘Net neutrality’ (as in, ‘Network’), this idea of an ‘open Internet’ led to a set of rules approved by the FCC in 2010; big cable and telecommunications companies brought the lawsuit to court.

Planet Waves
But for how long? Not long at all if we don’t ride our Representatives’ asses and get vocal.

Although the government oversees the utilities we depend on, such as telephone service and electricity, the court said that the Internet doesn’t count. At least, not under current law. This is the type of controversy that can pop up at the cusp of an age or era — which is where we are.


The thing is, even compared to just 12 years ago when the FCC reclassified cable modem services as “information services” rather than “telecommunications services” (thus leaving Net neutrality vulnerable), the Internet is a crucial utility. Entire businesses, including Planet Waves, operate almost exclusively online. Even medical records are now entirely digital in most places, allowing medical facilities to share them with doctors elsewhere without the need for a courier service.

Telecommunications companies keep swearing they’re just trying to give better service to all customers, but if you believe that, there’s a bridge in Brooklyn you might be interested in, too. It’s common sense that if Netflix gets charged more for all the bandwidth it eats up, you’ll be the one footing the bill as you stream their movies.

The FCC has suggested it will appeal the ruling, but it needs to find some teeth — and those cannot be found currently within the FCC or Congress, both of which have been left by the court to revise Net neutrality.

“The only course is for public pressure to overcome industry pressure,” wrote Michael Hiltzik for the Los Angeles Times Tuesday. “That’s a tough road, but there’s no alternative. Do you want your Internet to look like your cable TV service, where you have no control over what comes into your house or what you pay for it? Then stay silent. If not, start writing letters and emails to your elected representatives and the FCC now. It’s the only hope to save the free, open Internet.”


Planet Waves

Trade Pact Endangers Environment

WikiLeaks this week released the text from a proposed “free trade” agreement that would enable countries to subvert their own domestic laws and regulations. Called the Trans Pacific Partnership or (TPP), the document includes a chapter on environmental protection that makes it easier to pollute and destroy the environment.

Planet Waves
One of the flyers you can download from the Stop TPP website.

WikiLeaks, founded by director Julian Assange in 2006, is an online organization that publicly releases confidential documents from anonymous sources, most famous of which is the 2007 video of a U.S. Army helicopter attack on civilians. “Today’s WikiLeaks release shows that the public sweetener in the TPP is just media sugar water,” said Assange. “The fabled TPP environmental chapter turns out to be a toothless public relations exercise with no enforcement mechanism.”

“This draft chapter falls flat on every single one of our issues — oceans, fish, wildlife, and forest protections — and in fact, rolls back on the progress made in past free trade pacts,” said Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune in a statement.

In a joint analysis, environmental defenders point out weak language like “make best efforts.” Critics say the draft represents a step backward from protections established in 2007, weakening nations’ obligations to enforce multilateral environmental agreements, replacing a definitive dispute resolution process with one far more meaningless, and failing to protect fisheries, forest products and other key natural resources.

The TPP would establish a trade zone akin to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), heralded by Bill Clinton as an important step forward when it was signed in 1994. According to a report by Public Citizen, problems of income inequality have worsened instead of improving — and critics say the impact of the TPP could be far worse.

Obama and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce are pushing for Congressional authorization for a “fast track” approval procedure. Margaret Flowers, an organizer of the Flush the TPP! Campaign orchestrated by popularresistance.org, says opponents are having some success.

“They originally wanted the fast track bill in place by the end of 2012 — every time they set a deadline, it gets pushed back,” she said. “The pressure is working, but we need more — past trade agreements have been bad, but this one is worse. This establishes a tribunal where corporations can sue local governments for loss of potential profits — ‘We were going to frack in your town and make eleven million dollars, but you won’t let us, so you owe us eleven million.'”

Fast track authority is expected to come up for a vote sometime in February. “As activists we hope to keep pushing that out farther,” said Flowers. “The house leadership is saying that if Obama can’t get 50 house Democrats to sign on they won’t bring it up for a vote. So far, they’ve only got Republicans.”

To keep the pressure on, organizers plan ten days of “Stop TPP” actions for the end of the month, with an intercontinental Day of Action on Jan. 31.


Planet Waves

This is Only a Test

Scientists from the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) plan to conduct a controlled nuclear meltdown in an effort to improve their ability to handle another disaster. According to a Japan Today report, the test will take place later this year in a facility in Ibaraki, north of Tokyo.

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Controlled nuclear runaway test reaction in the Idaho desert in 1954. Photo: U.S. Government.

A spokesperson for the Agency explained to local news that the data from the experiment will help them deal with an accident like Fukushima in the future. The scientists will create a small-scale nuclear runaway reaction induced by a rapid fission process within tiny test fuel rods placed inside a stainless steel capsule.

Nuclear fission is the splitting of the nucleus of a particle into smaller parts. When nuclear fuels like uranium and plutonium are involved, fission occurs in a self-sustained chain reaction, which is the basis for nuclear energy and nuclear weapons. Reactors need a constant source of cooling water in order to contain the speed of the fission process. When the reactor core of a nuclear power plant is breached, whether by human error, mechanical failure, or act of nature, the explosive reaction is impossible to control.

Prof. Karl Grossman, environmental journalist and nuclear expert, describes the inherent danger of nuclear fission in his book, Cover Up: What You Are Not Supposed to Know About Nuclear Power. Grossman explains that the chain reaction “involves an extremely rapid and intense rise in the fission level within the nuclear core — a thousand times beyond normal — simultaneous with sudden overheating, melting of the core, and an instant steam explosion with the power of thousands of pounds of TNT, easily blowing apart the concrete ‘containment’ of a nuclear plant and letting what’s inside out.”

Grossman gives two examples of similar nuclear runaway ‘tests’; the first in the Idaho desert in 1954, with a miniaturized reactor on a scale of 1:500, which demolished a piece of equipment weighing a ton. The second, an unplanned test, was the SL-1 accident of 1961 in Idaho Falls, when the huge explosion of a nuclear reactor killed three employees.

The JAEA specifically wants to record at what temperature the fuel rods start to melt, which sets off the rapid fission process. Edwin Lyman, from the Union of Concerned Scientists, assured VOA News that “there is little risk associated with this experiment to the public.”

We All Live Downstream from Freedom Industries

One week after 300,000 West Virginia residents were told not to use their tap water for any reason after a major chemical spill in the Elk River, about half of those in affected communities have been told it is safe to turn their taps on. As the water ban has been lifted in stages, the lack of data on the toxicity of the chemical in question — along with other revelations about the severe lack of oversight and regulation for West Virginia’s chemical industry — is raising more questions than it is answering.

Planet Waves
The Elk River in West Virginia, now spreading contaminated water to states downstream. Photo: Tyler Evert/AP.

If you don’t live in or near West Virginia, you might think this is terrible, but not about you. The question is, do you actually know what industry is doing in your community? Do you know what is upstream from you, or what condition facilities are in, or what regulations are being followed to protect you (if any)?

West Virginia only requires inspections for chemical production facilities, not chemical storage facilities. This partly explains why the Freedom Industries site where the leak occurred in Charleston — about one mile upriver from the West Virginia American Water treatment plant — had not been inspected since 1991.

The rest of the explanation lies in states and communities giving dangerous industries a pass on regulation in favor of ‘jobs’, leaving entire populations at risk of considerable harm — including death and adverse health effects that can span generations. This is far more common than we like to think; and since asking questions and pushing for safer practices can be overwhelming, many of us don’t think about it at all — until it lands on our doorstep.

According to Jennifer Sass, a senior scientist at the Natural Resources Defense Council speaking to The New York Times, “West Virginia has a pattern of resisting federal oversight and what they consider E.P.A. interference,” pushed hard by the coal and chemical industries on which the state’s economy relies.

Compounding the situation in West Virginia is the astounding lack of information about 4-Methylcyclohexanemethanol (MCHM), the chemical in question. Classified as an alcohol, it is a colorless oil with a licorice-like odor, and is used to clean coal.

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“This is your community and your rights and your water”; consumer activist Erin Brockovich, holding a town hall meeting in Charleston, West Virginia, Monday night. Photo: Kenny Kemp/The Charleston Gazette.

Writing for The Charleston Gazette, Ken Ward, Jr. and David Gutman reported Thursday that there are no regulatory standards for MCHM under federal or state rules. In fact, the current safety standard used by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) of 1 part per million of MCHM in tap water “comes from two private studies from the 1990s that were done on animals.”

Dr. Vikas Kapil, chief medical officer for the CDC’s National Center for Environmental Health, relayed that information when he was finally made available for an interview with Gazette reporters Thursday morning. Kapil explained that the CDC was working with the National Library of Medicine and other federal agencies to summarize a report of the work in those private studies.

Maranda Demuth, a spokeswoman for Eastman Chemical Co., which manufactured the MCHM, told The Gazette that the studies were not published in scientific journals, and therefore were not peer-reviewed. Downplaying the lack of review, Demuth added, “The studies, however, were conducted under Good Laboratory Practices, and according to OECD guidelines, at a reputable laboratory where rigorous internal review processes were performed.”

That’s nice; but it doesn’t prove that MCHM should not be better regulated, or that it’s ‘safe’ for the environment. The fact that the studies were bought and paid for by the manufacturer is a huge red flag, practically begging for investigation. More heartening is the active approach citizens of the affected area have taken in posting new information via social media in an effort to organize and get answers, as described by environmental activist Erin Brockovich on Democracy Now! during her visit to Charleston this week.

Using “an abundance of caution” and “the most conservative estimates,” according to Kapil, the CDC has recommended that pregnant women continue to avoid drinking tap water, although they say washing and bathing in it should be fine. But no one really knows yet, given the limited, non-peer-reviewed data on MCHM.

In related news, the chemicals have reached Cincinnati, Ohio’s, water supply, where the city had shut down its water valves and used stored water since the spill was first reported. And one of the founding owners of Freedom Industries (who reportedly left the company “years ago”) is a convicted felon — tax evasion and “willful failure to pay employees’ withholdings to the government” — who also was arrested years ago on cocaine charges. More than the water smells bad in West Virginia this week; and now that polluted water is no longer local.


Planet Waves

On National and World Stage, a Tangled Web Promotes Chaos

With violence and humanitarian emergencies raging in a long list of countries in the Middle East including Iraq, Syria and Lebanon, revelations this week point to extreme dysfunction within the United States’ military, political and diplomatic establishments. Security failures prior to the Benghazi embassy attack, widespread cheating by the Air Force officers tasked with overseeing the country’s nuclear arsenal, and Israeli-backed warmongering that threatens to destroy any real hope for the diplomatic talks intended to bring Iran back into the community of nations are just three of the focal points.

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U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif at a U.N. Security Council meeting in September, when nuclear talks with Iran were more optimistic. Photo: Jason DeCrow/AP.

A report on Benghazi released by the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence indicates that warnings from the intelligence community went unheeded, and failure to increase security or position military assets to protect the embassy were contributing factors in the attack on Sept. 11, 2012, that left four Americans dead and has become a major talking point for the right wing. The report makes several recommendations, among them the suggestion that the intelligence community pay more heed to “extremist-affiliated social media.”

At the Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana, where the U.S. nuclear arsenal is kept, 34 ranking Air Force officers have been suspended in the wake of allegations of widespread cheating on monthly recertification tests. Two of those same officers are among 11 who are under investigation for possession and use of recreational drugs. Officials insist that the safety of the nuclear weapons was in no way compromised. According to reporting by The New York Times, morale at the base has deteriorated since the end of the Cold War left personnel feeling that their mission was no longer valued.

The six-month temporary agreement to freeze Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for some relief from sanctions that have been crippling the country’s economy since the fall of the U.S.-backed Shah in 1979 was signed on Jan. 12, and is set to take effect next week. Iranian president Hassan Rouhani boasted on Twitter that “world powers surrendered to Iranian nation’s will,” inflaming still further the opposition to the deal among those in Washington who are pushing for Congress to increase sanctions — mainly Republicans and pro-Israel lobbying groups. Many believe a sanctions increase would destroy the embryonic peace process.

As usual, the right-wing squawk machine is insisting on every point that Obama’s leadership abilities are the problem. But it’s hard to see how any single human being can be blamed, or indeed, how any single leader could make sense of the tangled mess. Meanwhile, the folks simply trying to live their lives among the artificially redrawn borders and sectarian disputes are dying in droves.


Planet Waves

Monsanto Defeats Organic Farmers in Supreme Court

The Supreme Court on Monday signaled the end of the road for organic farmers seeking to protect themselves against Monsanto’s predatory litigation. The court refused to hear the plaintiffs’ case challenging the company’s claims of patent infringement of their GM seeds. The suit also aimed to curb Monsanto from suing anyone whose field is contaminated by such seeds.

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Monsanto may control the legal game, but not which way the wind blows on farmers’ fields. Photo: Darren Hauck/Reuters.

In dismissing the case, the court upheld a 2013 federal appeals court decision that threw out a 2011 lawsuit from the Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association and more than 80 other plaintiffs. These parties were seeking to block the company from suing them over planting its GMO seeds without their permission. Yet the plaintiffs did not buy seed from Monsanto, instead claiming contamination from windblown seed from nearby fields.

Monsanto has filed more than 140 lawsuits against farmers for planting the company’s GM seeds without permission, while settling around 700 other cases without suing. The plaintiffs wanted more in the way of legal protection than Monsanto’s ‘binding assurances’ that they would not sue, upon which the appeals court decision was based.

Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association President Jim Gerritsen expressed disappointment, and Dave Murphy, founder and executive director of Food Democracy Now!, said in a statement: “If Monsanto can patent seeds for financial gain, they should be forced to pay for contaminating a farmer’s field, not be allowed to sue them.”

Planet Waves previously reported on the case, Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association, et al., v. Monsanto Company, et al., on March 2, 2012 and June 14, 2013.


Planet Waves

Goodbye Groovy Gary — and Thank You

Gary Grimshaw, creator of iconic rock posters from the late 1960s until recently, died Monday, Jan. 13, in Detroit, Michigan, after several strokes and a long illness. He was the co-creator of a psychedelic design style that has been imitated many times.

Planet Waves

Born in Detroit, where he was friends with members of the rock group MC5, the soft-spoken Grimshaw had a Pisces Sun.

With Venus and Mercury also loosely conjunct each other in Pisces, he was primed with creative, dreamy, groovy expressive energy; Venus and Mercury ensured that the art he created would be beautiful, visionary and speak for a generation of music lovers.

With his Moon in spiritual, justice-oriented, freedom-loving Sagittarius — and that Moon’s ruler, Jupiter, in justice- and beauty-loving Libra — it’s no surprise that Grimshaw’s art and activism went beyond music.

After a voluntary stint in the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam War (to avoid being drafted into the Army) that introduced him to psychedelic art while his ship was docked in San Francisco, Grimshaw became active in the anti-war movement and the White Panther Party.

True to the spirit of the 1960s and his Jupiter in Libra, he also beat out obscenity charges and marijuana charges between 1968 and 1970. Grimshaw worked as art director at Creem Magazine from 1976 to 1984; you can see a gallery of some of his posters here.


Planet Waves

Cancer Full Moon, Return to Fukushima and Musical Guests Gary Lucas and (the late) Jeff Buckley

Wednesday’s unusual Cancer Full Moon conjunct the Black Moon Lilith is the topic of today’s edition, as well as a look at the aftermath of Fukushima and why nobody can say that there is no risk. Our musical guests are Gary Lucas and his late bandmate and collaborator Jeff Buckley. For additional resources please see the full post.


Planet Waves

Have you pre-ordered your 2014 readings by Eric Francis yet? The Mars Effect (our 16th annual edition!) will be out this month, and will include in-depth audio and written readings for your Sun, Moon and rising signs. We always receive a flood of positive feedback for these readings, and it shows just how meaningful they are. One customer wrote, “I’m so grateful to you for the illumination and the reassurance this reading has bestowed.” We’re offering you a special package price of $79 for all twelve signs, available only to current Planet Waves members. Or you may purchase individual signs for $29.95.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

We published your extended monthly horoscopes for January on Friday, Jan. 3.  The Moonshine horoscopes for the Capricorn New Moon were published Tuesday, Dec. 31. We published Moonshine horoscopes for the Cancer Full Moon Tuesday, Jan. 14. Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space usually publishes the following Tuesday.


Planet Waves

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, Jan. 17, 2014, #983 | By Eric Francis

This is an Oracle edition of the horoscope. Sign readings this week were selected by the Oracle program, which I personally queried. These are the responses I got. — efc

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — I suggest you respond with awareness to the subtle change of direction that’s come over your life in recent weeks. It may not seem like you’re being dragged toward any specific destination, but neither are you drifting, nor are you stuck. It’s not necessary to make elaborate plans to get where you want to go, and I suggest you notice the worthwhile opportunities and extraordinary resources all located within arm’s reach and a one-hour trip of where you are now situated. Not only isn’t it too late; you’d be right on time.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also pre-order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You sense something big is coming on — a revelation in the true sense; a creative burst; the opportunity to have an experience you’ve wanted for a long time. That moment has not quite arrived, but it’s inevitable. Meanwhile, this would be an excellent moment to reflect on how restless you’ve been for how long. You’ve spent much of your energy in recent years adapting to your own emotional instability, and that constant adaptation has eaten up a lot of energy. You’ve been encountering a series of stabilizing forces that have given you a chance to relax and put some of your resources into more creative endeavors, and I suggest you keep up with that process. You face a risk that you can head off early on, which is the potential to respond defensively to an opportunity from which you will only benefit.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also pre-order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — It’s clear that the past couple of months have presented certain difficulties communicating about a sensitive matter or whole subject area that you really need to get out into the open. Actually, the person or people you need to get an exchange going with have been working their way onto the same page, though they have not necessarily been saying much about it. Once the conversation begins, it has the potential to go some interesting places, and into some deep places. There may be some role reversal involved. There will be some transposing of words into actions and actions back into words. Be bold, and please allow yourself the space to allow any idea to become a potential reality.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also pre-order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — During the course of the past year, an energetic condition or state emerged in your life that seemed to pick you up and carry you. The truth is, it took you by storm, making it difficult to track the decisions you were making as you made them; and made it more difficult to assess your motives. The more recent news is that what was once an onslaught of progress is more understandable in its constituent parts. Everything is composed of elements. The ones that are influencing you are in the process of distinguishing themselves from one another, but only so that they can re-form again in new ways. In fact there are so many possible combinations that it will be very helpful to work from the goal backwards to the process of getting there. This will save time and energy and maximize the results that you want.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also pre-order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — My friend Greg, a Gemini moonboy, had a most interesting experience recently. Quite by surprise, his own reflection called to him from a mirror, and a kind of dimension shift happened. After a while, his reflection started speaking to him, representing the mind beyond his normal waking consciousness — what some call the higher self or superconscious: “I don’t understand you any better than you understand me,” is what it said. And then: “You are one of the more interesting ones.” And finally, the promise that his self-beyond-self would always be there with him, no matter how close he got to the edge, watching and protecting him through his journey in this strange world.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also pre-order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — The continuing adventure of your life is about to chill a bit, but before that happens you’ll likely start to feel like you have more energy to meet the many challenges you face. But the greatest virtue you could hope for now is just simply patience because it’s going to take a little while for things to work out. You would do well to disconnect from what seems like the state of perpetual flux of one particular person or situation. Remember that no one can enter into a clear agreement unless they know where they stand and that, if it’s not obvious, is the root of the problem. But meanwhile don’t be surprised if your own position starts to squirm. Everything will squirm around right eventually.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also pre-order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Surviving is a gift you were bestowed with long ago and have proven over and over again that you can make use of. Yet is human life about survival? It may be, in sub-Saharan Africa. It may be, when an earthquake hits China. But as people living in an advanced culture with many creative and economic opportunities, we need to do better, and you need to do better. I suggest you go on a hunt for where your ideas about life came from. I would propose that most of them are not really ideas — they are really emotions that pass for ideas, or emotions that you try to explain or deal with rationally. Please, stop explaining and start feeling. If you can do that for a while, you will start to feel like one person instead of one person cut into many parts.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also pre-order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Your relationships may have taken a serious turn lately but I suggest keeping things a little lighter. Make sure you can always see yourself in others. And remember to focus on options rather than seeing one dubious choice staring you in the face. You have at this point in your life a responsibility not only to fulfill your commitments; you have a responsibility to shed commitments that no longer work for you. This may seem contrary to what everyone is saying and what everything is pointing to but I assure you it is true.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also pre-order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — By the time you convince yourself that it’s okay to really get involved in a rapidly developing situation, the action may have subsided. I understand that your commitment is a precious thing, though this preciousness also provides a cover story for a kind of annoying reticence that you’ve long had to contend with. What you’re really committing to is having an opinion or idea that you’re willing to state openly rather than merely contemplate. You may be concerned that if you say anything directly, you won’t be allowed to change your mind. That’s not true, but you’ll just need to say that’s what you’re doing. Closer to home is why you wonder so much what people might think about what you think. Once you call back the projection, you’ll see that this is nothing other than self-doubt. And the only thing you can do about that is take a chance on your own intelligence.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also pre-order individual signs for $29.95 here.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — I’m concerned that the pressure you’re feeling will translate to a hasty or premature decision on a financial matter. Let me be the first person to remind you that you have time to bide, and that there are certain key facts of which you are not aware. You will know when you’re working with enough information to make a key decision; it will be obvious. The fact that you’ve noticed that certain people are far from agreement does not count. You’re the person who holds the key to what everyone has in common, and that ‘what’ may be a who, in the form of yourself. But you haven’t figured out how powerful your bargaining position really is. Just be patient, like a spider in her web.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also pre-order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — It would seem you’re not getting a particular message because you’re either not believing something that’s true, or because people don’t seem to believe you. In any event, credibility is at stake at a time when you’re feeling very strongly about your values and your ideals. And whether you have all of what you want, or what you need, or not, there is a critical element of truth that’s coming into your life. Part of that truth binds you to your reality, and part of that truth leaves you free to grow into your purpose. Speaking of truth: while you’re obviously in a very excited state of sexual desire, you also seem to be a bit guarded and in an odd way, curiously asexual. Work that out and you’ll feel better.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also pre-order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Normally astrology would caution against being overly ambitious; understatement is a key aspect of writing horoscopes. It’s been a while, but to tell this story we would really need to go back to around autumn 1995, when Pluto moved into Sagittarius. This marked a time of transition from what you could call the seeking phase of your life to the actional phase. You made a commitment, or understood what was always in your heart. In the process, you’ve actually started to question what you thought was your tragic flaw, discovering that it’s different than you thought. Keep asking. There are answers.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also pre-order individual signs for $29.95 here.



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At the Still Point of the Turning World

Dear Friend and Reader:

Most years, the change of the civil calendar is more like a blur than a point of demarcation. We might count down the New Year, watch the ball come down on TV and toast to health, love and wealth — but the astrology is not usually sensitive to the civil calendar.

Planet Waves
Times Square during the 1947 blizzard. Photographer unknown.

There are actually numerous ‘new year’ events in different cultures, spanning from autumn to mid-winter, and most of them have some connection to planetary movements. This year, the civil calendar we use coincided with a major event on New Year’s Day — the Capricorn New Moon.

This would be significant on its own, though what we got was a New Moon conjunct two planets, Mercury and Pluto, as well as square two planets, Mars and Uranus, and then opposite Jupiter. I’ve left numerous smaller planets out of this description (of which there were plenty) and just covered the better-known influences. The seemingly minor influences tell an interesting story, such as how this is really a struggle about narcissism and self-interest coming up against the necessity to think collectively.

What we had was a New Moon in the midst of the Uranus-Pluto square; which is now a grand square, because Mars and Jupiter are involved. Think of this as a setup with the Earth in the middle of a crosshairs. I don’t recall a grand square (sometimes called a grand cross) this powerful since the one on Aug. 11, 1999, for which I wrote the article Thinking of You on Judgment Day.

In case you have not happened upon any of my other explanations of this aspect, I’ll take another try at explaining it. We are in the midst of a generational aspect — the Uranus-Pluto square. This spans from 2012 through 2015, but with a several-year warmup starting around 2008 and a cool down that will extend to the end of the decade.

Planet Waves
Not a blizzard on Halloween — rather, Fifth Avenue under snow, New York City, c. 1905. Photographer unknown.

2014 is the peak of this astrology; here is why. These generational aspects can fade into the background and drive along ‘life as normal’ even if the new normal is really weird. Then every now and then during one of these eras, there is a planetary alignment grouped around the generational aspect that brings it to the forefront. Suddenly it’s really obvious what is happening. It’s like you wake up one day and figure out who you are, where you are, and what is happening around you.

Often this happens because something personal enters your consciousness. You might be someone who doesn’t pay attention to politics or the news, someone who tries to ignore technology as much as you can, and just live your life. Yet then the wide-ranging astrology can reach into your personal world. You have to make a decision; you figure out that it’s time for a change; you’re confronted with a situation; your own restlessness catches up with you.

We do a lot of stuffing down of our feelings in our society, and it’s not been until recently that I’ve noticed this trend starting to slow down or reverse. There’s only so much room to stuff down your love, your anger, your desire, your creative impulses. At a certain point you must do something that you regard as more meaningful. Even if you live from day to day, on some level you recognize that time, or your time in this body, doesn’t last forever, and therefore you must start exercising your options.

You may find yourself making decisions that you’ve put off for years or for decades. Try to do that compassionately. It’s natural to feel some anger or resentment at having delayed for so long, and yet at a certain point you will have to let that go in order to fully enter the moment. I suggest you do that all as a fully conscious process.

Planet Waves
In the blizzard of 1888, the streets disappeared and the snow came down almost horizontally. Imagine being trapped at work, several miles from your home. This was the plight experienced by thousands of New Yorkers (and others throughout the northeast) that Monday.

The New Year’s Day New Moon alignment comes with a message that 2014 will be a year with its own distinct character, one that will be unlike anything we’ve experienced before. The grand cross repeats in a more focused, more potent form on April 23, and will be immediately followed by a solar eclipse in Taurus. The April 23 version of the grand cross aligns exactly with the Sun in the main chart for the United States, so you might say that this is the year the astrology comes home.

I’ve been researching this for months with my writing team and we have some special coverage planned for you, taking the story of April 2014 all the way back to the early days of American history. I believe that April 2014 will fit that pattern, which means that the months surrounding it will be especially unusual as well. It’s fair to say: you can think of yourself as living in a different country, a different phase of history, a different quality of space and time, than you were one week ago.

In light of all of this, I am now completing the THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings. I have about two weeks’ more work till these are done, and they are coming out beautifully. The audio — about 70 minutes per sign, in two readings, is finished and posted; the articles are coming in; and my sign readings are moving along. Watch my Facebook page for previews as I go through the interpretations, and watch Planet Waves FM for free audio previews (and many great new podcasts) as well.

In this edition of Planet Waves, our news team has gone wild catching you up on the main events that transpired over the holidays, while we were on break. I’ve written an astrology interpretation of 2014 in the SKY section, and we have the January monthly horoscope for you as well.

I have often wondered what it would have been like to cover the Uranus-Pluto conjunction in realtime during the 1960s; I’ve wondered if astrologers were getting the message, and how they might have conveyed it to others, without the benefit of the Internet.

In any event, we are here for you now, with in-the-moment coverage of the peak of the Uranus-Pluto square, broadcasting on every channel with the hottest news team in astrology.

With love,

PS — Today would be the 122nd birthday of J.R.R. Tolkien. I know many people are going to see that derivative film from The Hobbit. If I may recommend something authentic — here is some of Tolkien’s writing on the subject of Atlantis, read by British actor Martin Shaw.

Section Writing and Editing Credits: News items below are written and edited by a team consisting of Hillary Conary, Anne Craig, Eric Francis, Elizabeth Michaud, Amanda Painter, Susan Scheck, Chad Woodward and Carol van Strum. Page assembled and coded by Anatoly Ryzhenko. Special thanks to the Fact Checkers List, which goes over each edition on Thursday night — and to our main astrology fact-checker Alex Miller, and Amanda, who goes over all their suggestions. Our editions are also proofread and fact-checked by Jessica Keet.


Planet Waves

Know Yourself: 2014 Astrology

The spiritual path is sometimes described as a quest for one’s true identity, one’s true self. Some consider this an inner meeting with what Quakers call ‘inner light’ — the connection to one’s god-source that doesn’t depend on external circumstances or personal history. It’s a kind of birthright that we all possess, connecting to a source that speaks as loudly as you’re willing to listen.

Planet Waves
Venus will not transit the Sun as it did in 2012, shown here in a composite photo; but its current retrograde should be no less instructive astrologically. Image: NASA/Solar Dynamic Observatory.

Yet along the way to finding that light or tangible connection, most people must move through, explore and seek to understand a lot of inner material — the remnants of personal and collective history, damage that has been done, incomplete situations and relationships we don’t understand. I think that most discover along the way to their spiritual destination that it’s necessary to explore what it means to be human. That’s what we get through much of 2014, in a rather dramatic way.

A series of astrology events distinct to 2014 describe how that translates to exploring and rearranging your relationship to your gender role and identity, how you think about relationships to other individuals and perhaps most of all, how you relate to your family and corporate institutions.

First, it’s worth stating that what happens in 2014 is unprecedented, at least going back 50 years or so. We are in the midst of experiencing astrology reminiscent of the mid-1960s, which is now about to come to its peak. As far as anything in recent memory, I would say that what we’re about to experience is as influential as the 1999 to 2002 phase, only condensed within one calendar year.

The long-standing Uranus-Pluto square spans from Aries to Capricorn. Uranus is in Aries, making a square to Pluto in Capricorn. I’ve been calling this the 2012-era aspect. The exact contacts began in mid-2012 and go through early 2015. This aspect has the world feeling like a less stable place than usual, closer to the edge, and many people are feeling the shockwaves.

In 2014 this slow-moving aspect pattern reaches a peak. Part of what’s spurring this along are the respective retrogrades of Venus and Mars.

Venus is currently retrograde in Capricorn. This began the same day as the Capricorn solstice and ends on Jan. 31. Venus is retrograde least of all the planets, just over 7% of the time. This is a deeply personal transit, set within a sign that, among other topics, covers family structure, government and corporations.

Planet Waves
Mars is looking prettier already in beauty-loving Libra. Actually, this Hubble Space Telescope photo dates to 2007. Photo: NASA/UPI/Landov.

Venus retrograde is one of those conditions that tends to evoke the past — as does the sign Capricorn. Old lovers and friends can reappear from the mists of time, or you might find yourself visiting old places or remembering things that you have not thought about since you experienced them. In Capricorn this can feel nostalgic, or like family karma is being stirred up (and it may be, especially with Pluto in the neighborhood).

Yet there is also a search for the inner feminine with this retrograde. What does it mean to be a woman, and to be female? What were you told you had to feel, or be, by your family? What were you told a woman is, and what roles were you told women should be assigned? If you find yourself questioning conventional wisdom, you have some astrological guidance.

Mars will also be retrograde, starting in March and ending in May — though the process is already well begun, because Mars has entered the degree range where the retrograde will take place. This will be happening in Libra. To me it looks like Mars retrograde will stir the pot on personal relationships. The message is, come out of the role you play, and be the person you are. In this way, your relationships can become a forum for self-knowledge.

Mars retrograde will confront many people with the syndrome of a relationship being a way to hide from the world. All the usual balances will need to be rearranged; Mars will leave little that can be taken for granted. Those who emerge from the shell of a security-based relationship are likely to find themselves in a wild world, wanting some genuine adventure.

On the way to that point, you may find yourself figuring out what you mean when you say the word ‘secure’, and you may notice that the world around you is far more uncertain than you imagined. That uncertainty is your friend and ally on the way to self-knowledge. You cannot learn about yourself while you’re too certain of anything. A space of not knowing has to open up so that there is a space for the new knowledge to go.

In this regard you might say that the prerequisite of gaining knowledge is not knowing. The prerequisite of feeling safe and grounded is feeling insecure. And sometimes, what comes before love is recognizing what love is not.


Planet Waves

Fukushima: What You Have Not Read About Yet

News out of Fukushima has been difficult to come by. After the spent fuel removal supposedly began in Unit 4 in November, the media went even more silent than usual. That in turn has been fomenting all kinds of speculation, some of which turns out to have a factual basis.

The Internet has been abuzz over speculations that a meltdown is occurring in the spent fuel pool of
Reactor 3. TEPCO, the utility that owns the plant, officially reported on four separate days in December that steam was seen rising from the wreckage of the Reactor building.

An article published by Turner Radio Network began circulating, warning residents of the West Coast of the United States to begin preparation for the possible arrival of a radioactive plume. The article suggested immediately purchasing respirators, self-adhesive weather stripping and duct tape for windows, and to avoid outdoor exposure for several days.

The Reactor 3 nuclear core went into meltdown on March 13, 2011, after an explosion caused by a hydrogen buildup. The exact status of the melted core is unknown and it is speculated to have melted entirely through the containment vessel. Following the 2011 explosion, a large plume of radiation was emitted, and was carried to the U.S. on wind currents at that time.

TEPCO has not been clear about what’s causing the rising steam. Extremely high and lethal levels of radiation in the building prevent anyone from getting close enough to find out. Remote-controlled cranes and equipment are being used to remove debris and rubble from the damaged Reactor building, a process that began, unbeknownst to the public, on Dec. 17, 2013. (This is not the same as the removal of fuel from Reactor 4, which Planet Waves covered here.)

According to TEPCO, the steam is being emitted from the fifth floor of the building. Currently, 566 used and unused fuel assemblies sit in the spent fuel pool of Reactor 3. Some reports claim the Reactor 3 storage pool also contains highly dangerous MOX fuel, which consists of mixed uranium and plutonium oxide; however, there is conflicting data about whether there is MOX fuel in the pool or not. According to the TRN article, experts warn that the rising steam “could be the beginning of a spent fuel pool criticality,” meaning that there could be an atomic reaction starting in the spent fuel pool, where it cannot be contained.

This Article is Continued on its Own Page

Planet Waves

Poverty Winning the War on Poverty

For some Americans, the Great Recession was over by the end of 2013. Wall Street was breaking records, manufacturing output had grown for seven straight months, construction spending was up six percent from last November till this one, and the housing market was up in a number of places, even battered Detroit.

Planet Waves
Demonstrators, including one in a giant Grinch costume, outside a McDonald’s in Chicago last month campaigning for $15 per hour for fast food and retail workers. Photo: Paul Beaty/AP.

But those numbers, and the falling unemployment numbers, don’t begin to tell the whole story. Some 50 million Americans — about one in six — still live in poverty, 50 years after President Lyndon Johnson declared “war” on it. A 2011 report from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) indicates there’s been a steady growth in inequality for several decades: the wealthiest 1% had a 275% increase in income since 1975, while the poorest 20% saw an increase of only 18%.

The non-partisan CBO identified one of the causes as less redistribution of wealth by the government, and another as wage gaps. In 2012 a Fortune 500 CEO took home 354 times as much as the average worker, as compared to a 24-to-1 ratio that existed in 1965.

The game is rigged, and powerful Republicans have aligned themselves with the wealthy in attempting to stomp on the losers, without much pushback from Democrats. Supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP) benefits dropped in November, and there are more cuts coming in the farm bill expected to pass in mid-January. Extended federal unemployment benefits for 1.3 million people were allowed to expire on Dec. 28, although Congress is expected to discuss reinstating those when it reconvenes Jan. 6. There are still 2.9 seekers for every available job.

And many of the available jobs don’t pay anywhere near a living wage. Fast food and retail employees make so little that they are eligible for food stamps and Medicaid. Efforts to raise the federal minimum wage from $7.25 have gone nowhere fast, although 13 states have taken the initiative to do so on their own.

Impairing the political will to change this mess is the insistent drone of agitprop from the far right, well-funded think tanks that serve the 1% by preaching Blame the Poor sermons daily. Congressman Paul Ryan told a Heritage Foundation forum that poverty can only be cured “eye to eye, and soul to soul. Spiritual redemption — that’s what saves people.”

Spiritual redemption may be what would help Ryan and his ilk, but what actually helps poor people is — surprise! — money.


Planet Waves

Passengers Rescued from Stranded Ship

A rescue helicopter from the Chinese ship Xue Long (“Snow Dragon”) has succeeded in airlifting 52 travelers from the immobilized ship where they’d spent the past nine days, flying them to the Aurora Australis, an Australian icebreaker that will take them back to port.

Planet Waves
Passengers from the Akademik Shokalskiy stomp flat an area of ice for the helicopter evacuation. Photo by Laurence Topham, video producer for The Guardian, who was stuck on the ship.

The trip was intended to commemorate history, and it did so rather more perfectly than intended. Things didn’t go smoothly in 1913, when Sir Douglas Mawson made his most famous explorations of Antartica. He lost two of his companions on a mission into the interior; he and his crew of scientists and naturalists got back to Australia a year late.

The voyage of the Akademik Shokalskiy, a Russian-owned research ship that sailed from New Zealand in early December, turned out rather epic in its own right. On Christmas Eve, the Antarctic ice commemorated its untamed self when the ship got thoroughly stuck. Expedition leader Chris Turney, 51 other passengers — mostly scientists and researchers, with a handful of tourists — and 22 crewmembers spent the holidays trapped in such thick ice that three rescue attempts failed.

In contrast to the experience on the stranded Carnival cruise ship last year, passengers and crew never seemed to lose their spirit of adventure, tweeting Christmas greetings to the world and saying they were pretty much fine. The crewmembers have remained with the ship, said to be well stocked, and will wait for navigable seas.

Fox Business host Stuart Varney has suggested that a ship becoming stuck in Antarctic ice definitively disproves global warming — ignoring the fact that the ship was pinned to the shore by old ice that had broken free and had been pushed by strong winds.


Planet Waves

Is ‘Smart Farming’ Really a Smart Choice for Farmers?

Someone’s collecting enormous amounts of data about life down on the farm — climate conditions, crop growth, even how farm equipment is steered. It isn’t the NSA, but close enough. Monsanto, John Deere and DuPont Pioneer are all buying or investing in data collection companies that analyze trends and transmit directions automatically to the farm. Real-time farming decisions that used to depend on farmers’ good judgment and years of experience are being replaced by corporate ‘predictions’ — and some farmers don’t like that at all.

Planet Waves
Data collection and analysis has come a long way since the Farmer’s Almanac (which is still published) first began offering long-term weather predictions to farmers.

Last October, Monsanto purchased Climate Corp., a climate data acquisition firm, for almost $1 billion. Climate Corp. models weather data — the most critical information for farmers — and makes recommendations, such as planting on certain dates. This data is available to farmers by purchasing ‘prescription services’ from Monsanto.

Monsanto and industry analysts believe this kind of ‘smart farming’ has its benefits, allowing farmers to control crop yield with greater precision. Farmers’ groups such as the Grower Information Services Cooperative (GISC) are alarmed over the potential loss of operational and economic control.

The big questions are: who will own this data; who will profit from it; and ultimately, who will control business decisions on the farm?

In the 1990s, farmers began collecting field data and uploading it manually to their computers. Now, using ‘smart’ devices, the data can be uploaded directly to a corporation, sometimes without the farmer’s knowledge, if they subscribe to its services. Then the question is: does that information become proprietary, and when? And can the farmer access it in a non-proprietary form?

The prescription services combine vast amounts of data on soil fertility and crop yields from thousands of farms — yet much of this information is considered confidential by individual farmers. Once accessed by Monsanto, what is to stop it from discovering what makes a particular farm competitive?

“If you inadvertently teach Monsanto what it is that makes you a better farmer than your neighbor, it can sell that information to your neighbor,” said John McGuire, an agriculture technology consultant. And if the corporation gathers enough information, “it opens the door for Monsanto to say, ‘We know how to farm in your area better than you do,'” he said.

Planet Waves

Monsanto estimates prescription services to be a $20 billion market, but success depends on whether and how many farmers buy their services, and whether it can deliver profitable farming and business strategies. Whether Monsanto’s bet will pay off is “tough to validate,” said Paul Massoud, an analyst with Stifel Nicolaus.

Instead of partnering with Monsanto, GISC is urging farmers to organize and place their data in its central repository, thereby retaining legal and technical ownership of it.

“Growers need to be proactive in how their information is managed,” said Mark Cox, controller and communications director for GISC. “Otherwise all that economic power will consolidate to these corporations and the grower will be at even more of a disadvantage. We don’t want the grower to become a tenant on his own farm.”

In the end — as with everything else Monsanto — it’s not about the farmers’ wellbeing or efficiency; it’s about its own bottom line.

“Monsanto’s scheme does not really represent farmers embracing data analytics, but Monsanto embracing it to better sell the seeds it wants to sell with a pseudo-scientific rationale,” said Bill Freese, an expert on agricultural biotech and a science policy analyst with Center for Food Safety.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Traditionally, creators of these ornate balls would tuck a handwritten note of good wishes for the recipient into the center, which would remain secret. Sometimes a noisemaker, such as bells or some rice, would be placed inside for more fun when the balls are played with. Curious to give it a try? You can find step-by-step instructions here and here. Photo: NanaAkua.

Hoping You Have a Ball in 2014!

Originating in China and introduced to Japan in the 7th century A.D., temari are handcrafted, highly prized and cherished embroidered balls made from scraps of old kimonos, given by parents to their children on New Year’s Day. They symbolize the wish that the recipient enjoy good fortune and happiness, and often represent a pledge of deep friendship and loyalty between giver and recipient.

The 92-year-old grandmother of NanaAkua, a graphic designer from Japan who photographed the balls above, learned the demanding craft — which requires specific training and testing  — in her sixties. She now has more than 500 unique designs to her credit. You can see a few more of them here, or an entire gallery of 486 photos here.


Planet Waves

Many New Updates to Planet Waves FM

I’ve posted a number of new updates to Planet Waves FM, including the finale edition for 2013 that covers the Capricorn New Moon in detail, as well as audio previews for The Mars Effect (two are up; more are coming) and a series of New Year’s interviews conducted on the street in Kingston, New York.


Planet Waves

Have you pre-ordered your 2014 readings by Eric Francis yet? The Mars Effect (our 16th annual edition!) will be out in January, and will include in-depth audio and written readings for your Sun, Moon and rising signs. We always receive a flood of positive feedback for these readings, and it shows just how meaningful they are. One customer wrote, “I’m so grateful to you for the illumination and the reassurance this reading has bestowed.” We’re offering you a special package price of $79 for all twelve signs, available only to current Planet Waves members. Or you may purchase individual signs for $29.95.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

Your extended monthly horoscopes for January are published below in this issue. We published Moonshine for the Gemini Full Moon Tuesday, Dec. 10. The Moonshine horoscopes for the Capricorn New Moon were published Tuesday, Dec. 31. Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space usually publishes the following Tuesday.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope — January 2014, #981 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You’re figuring out that you’re capable of great things. Yet none of it will be possible without fostering cooperation. There is, of course, the danger of giving away your power to others by depending on them for the completion of your goals, so you need to know about that potential pitfall and remain in full alignment with yourself. That means being the primary authority in your life. Cooperation is a peer-to-peer enterprise, a consultative role, an exchange of ideas, but without the competition or authority stuff that we’re so accustomed to in nearly every facet of existence. This is a seed moment for you, particularly where your work and your contribution to society are concerned. If you’ve been having ideas that you believed could change the world (and it looks like that’s been true for years) this is the time to act on them. The gift of the present moment is twofold: one facet is the birth of a new kind of confidence, despite whatever confusion you may be feeling. You are starting to trust that you can have an actual impact. Another is discovering evidence that you were on the right path all along. You have already learned most of what you need to know, and what you gained in the past is one of your greatest resources today.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also pre-order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Faith is your rock, or said another way, the axis around which your world turns. Yes, you may have your doubts. They will come and go. But they are part of the ‘turning world’ rather than the beam of faith around which it spins. Despite many challenges and the demand to call yourself fully present for everything you do, you’ve maintained a steady course of growth, of achievement and living in the moment rather than being lost in ancient history. Your chart suggests that you’ve been burrowing your own path through the remnants left to you by many ancestors whose combined influence has added up to little more than a reason to pretend you don’t have the strength to do what you came to the world to do. Once you admit that you possess actual faith in yourself, you will see your doubts in perspective, and they will be far less meaningful. The one element that is calling for a special focus is the exchange of resources angle of your chart — the zone where you share a field of influence with another person, often in intimate situations. You seem to come up against one circumstance after the next where there is a question — though as you’re probably learning, the solution is always spiritual. Love, forgiveness and understanding will light your way.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also pre-order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — The edgy quality of your charts may be a reminder of the fragile, transient nature of existence, and this is summoning you into unfamiliar territory. That alone would be a value — the waste of time that the world withstands is a terrible loss, and most of it involves denial about beginnings and endings. You seem to be fully aware that time is transient and that relationships are experiences that exist only in the moment we notice them. With the world moving so fast, there is precious little time to waste. Many factors in your astrology have drawn you out to a region where you will feel better addressing people about what actually matters than you will engaging in any form of diversion or games. While superficiality is smothering consciousness, you are being confronted with facts about yourself that are calling you to engage fully with reality. This translates directly to having a respectful relationship with the unknown, and that which you don’t understand. It no longer serves you to do anything else — there are great rewards possible when you focus only on what is true. You may think this requires more courage than you have; courage is an option you can choose, and is almost always helpful. Meanwhile, I suggest you use curiosity and persistence as your main assets on this quest.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also pre-order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — It’s time to reclaim the young person you are inside — or be aware that little kid is claiming you. Recent years of your life have come with a maturity campaign, which has been a necessary part of your growth and have contributed significantly to your wellbeing. Yet at the same time, your chart illustrates a moment when you’re on a dare to make an impression on the world, to define your own terms and to be free from needless authority. One of the ways you render external authority as pointless is to take over the process yourself, which accounts for the value of your drive to be a mature adult. Without some discipline, you cannot get very much done. Yet the child in you wants to come out. There are a few ways that can happen — remembering what gives you the most pleasure in life, and doing those things, are among them. There is also a relationship encounter that will open the door to the playful, loving child that you are. This experience will call for a blend of maturity and thirst for freedom. The door is opening into a realm where all your relationships can deepen, as if you’ve mysteriously walked into common ground you didn’t know existed. It always has — you are opening up to it in a new way.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also pre-order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Focus on your health, which will mainly require managing your work responsibilities and your stress level differently than you currently do. You need to make some structural changes, including to your schedule and possibly to your physical work space. This is a quality-of-life issue, and you have the focusing power and determination to make real, lasting changes that help you and will improve your efficiency. If you’re facing puzzles or questions, most of the solutions or answers seem to be hiding in plain sight. One thing that may not be so obvious is addressing certain issues that are still hanging out in your life from early childhood. This may include insecurities that you’ve never quite been able to get a handle on, as well as the residual conditioning of being burdened with more than was appropriate for a child. These matters have a way of hanging on and sometimes become more challenging to address as time goes on, though the astrology of this time in your life is centered on making a clean sweep emotionally, as well as making sure your physical space is up to the task of supporting your life. It would be simpler to say take a holistic approach, where every aspect of your life, and every person in your life, is supportive of all the others.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also pre-order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — There is no question that relationships remain the focal point of your life this year, though the theme brings a deeper focus on sexuality. I would describe this as seeking a purpose rather than treating it as something that’s just there, or that can be taken for granted. Most people don’t consider the notion of existing with a sexual purpose, though they also don’t consider how disorienting the lack of one can be, and how it leads directly to giving away one’s power. You will begin to make discoveries the moment you make the commitment to doing so, and harness your creativity and life-force energy as you make contact with how real and how vital these themes are for you. The connection point to your relational experiences may seem intuitive or obvious, though it’s worth stating. What is healing and empowering to you will either strengthen the people in your life, or have a way of repelling them. You’ve needed to overcome the fear of that particular effect for a while; now you’ve reached the point where you must be in harmony with the people with whom you’re intimate, because you are now capable of embracing them more deeply than ever. To do this safely and honestly, having a sense of purpose, and sharing it openly, is essential.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also pre-order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Let this be the year you succeed at not making the same mistakes as in the past. Mistakes are excellent learning laboratories, though for that purpose, usually one or two tries is sufficient. This is your time to learn from past errors in judgment or less-than-careful decisions, whether they happened recently or in the distant past. Mars in your sign for most of the year will give you plenty of opportunities to review; so too will the retrograde of Venus that began recently. So much historical data may be bubbling to the surface that you may be overwhelmed. But it’s all going to boil down to one thing, which is how you make decisions. I am familiar with the special struggle that many born under your sign personally describe. It’s not that you don’t make up your mind; it’s about how you hesitate before doing so. That hesitation is different than considering the factors involved in a particular choice. These days, you’re likely to be pushed in some direction by circumstances or by someone close to you if you don’t choose a direction of your own. Though this may temporarily relieve the burden of making the decision, it doesn’t take away responsibility for the consequences. You know what is right for you. You always have and you always will. Trust that.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also pre-order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You may be feeling like you’re under some strange pressure, which on one level feels like the necessity to get control of your life. On another level you’re being pushed to cut loose, and to dive into your passions, your fears and the desire that you’ve spent so much time denying. So what do you do, hold fast or let go? Saturn in your sign is providing a boundary. Though it may feel like you have to make necessary changes, Saturn’s real message is about getting to know yourself. Meanwhile, Mars, your ruling planet, will be spending much of the year in the zone of your chart where you conceal your deepest feelings, needs and anxieties. Unless you follow Mars into that mysterious realm, you may feel like you’ve ‘gone missing’. If that happens, take it as a message to look within rather than obsessing over circumstances, other people or external responsibilities. You will get your work done; you will keep your promises. The time has come to keep a promise to yourself, which is to clarify your inner relationship as your top priority. Though many would think this idea as comprehensible as Mandarin, you know this already. The calling to absolute self-honesty has been nagging you very nearly forever, and it’s high time you answer.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also pre-order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Your life is not as complicated as it seems. It’s true that your sign is currently hosting one of the most impressive collections of planets I’ve ever seen (all of them ‘minor’ planets, but no less potent). You are indeed facing many deep spiritual issues, and it will help you to see them that way rather than as psychological. The prevailing theme of the next few seasons is about how you invest your life into the lives of others. It’s necessary to learn a mode of sharing with others that is not a general partnership/total surrender but rather a limited partnership on certain topics or themes. I don’t mean to imply being partially committed. I mean being wholly committed in specific ways, such that you are able to reserve enough of your time, space and vital force to create your own existence the way you want it. As you may know, it’s also time to get serious about money. It may seem like some great mystery how to acquire or concentrate the stuff, but it’s actually a practical matter based on specific skills. Make a point of acquiring those skills at the same time you do something more fundamental, which is make sure you don’t violate your own values or principles. There is no conflict here — they are really the same thing.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also pre-order individual signs for $29.95 here.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You know that you cannot be content with anything superficial or make believe, so you may as well not lose any more sleep over that. You’re discovering that you have something to say, and you may be wondering if anyone wants to listen. You can set that one aside too; your charts say that it’s time to get the word in before you get the word out. As you invest your energy in self-knowledge, and making the changes you have wanted to make for so long, you will become your message. Part of what you’re seeking in this process is an understanding of how things got to be the way they are. This applies to your life, and to any aspect of the world that you are seeking to influence, change, develop or in some way correct. The story of the world the way you perceive it corresponds directly to the story of your life. The changes you are going through connect to the urgent need for progress in the world. You are a kind of personal intersection between the two, but in order not to have that become a burden, I suggest you focus on your life and your learning process, and take action only when you feel profoundly moved to do so. Less is more — and when the time comes, that will be plenty.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also pre-order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You may be feeling like you have too much responsibility and not enough in the way of personal resources to support what you have to do. This can include money, though I am really talking about inner resources of the emotional and spiritual kind. I can see why you would feel that way; yet I can also see that you have many hidden resources that you may not have discovered yet. These might manifest as energy, ideas or strength that you can access if you want. The key thing to remember is that they are there waiting for you. To find them, you must go underneath your outer circumstances and make contact with the underlying nature of your situation. This should not be hard — the dimension where this information and energy reside are bursting with life, wanting your attention, if only you would turn it there. You may have the sensation that you would evoke chaos or tap into something that you don’t really want to know about, though I assure you that this is life-giving information. If there is chaos, that’s the thing that provides the fuel for your strength and creativity. Think of it this way: you face no situation for which you lack resources. It’s a matter of having some faith, making contact and making use of what you discover.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also pre-order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Old friends will get you far this year, and they will be happy to hear from you. I suggest you look up everyone in your life whom you consider to have been a positive influence, and even a few people whom you think were a little dodgy, and see where they are at today. This will provide a point of grounding and orientation in what promises to be a truly extraordinary time in your life, especially where your mission is concerned. You are someone with a mission, and you are imaginative enough to dream it into reality. At the moment, your dream machine is running at full strength. You’ve never been someone who has done things just for business. You always act with a creative, social or spiritual purpose, which you then extend into your professional affairs. Some call this ‘right livelihood’. I would call it being aligned with your purpose, and then extending that into your personal relationships, your community and the world. It just happens that business is an excellent vehicle to conduct this kind of energy, and conditions are favorable to get the vibes rippling out into the world. You’re about to find out how much you have done right, how much you have left to accomplish, and that you possess the determination and talent to make it happen in high style.

Looking for an in-depth reading for the coming year? Pre-order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings (plus bonus articles) that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also pre-order individual signs for $29.95 here.



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That Was Not Cute

Dear Friend and Reader:

Wednesday night, the Tea Baggers and Dominionist Christian factions of Congress surrendered the U.S. government back to the larger political system. When the Senate passed its bill reopening the government, and when Obama made his announcement that the struggle was over (for now), the Moon was in the last degree of Pisces, that is, the last degree of the zodiac.

Planet Waves
Cartoon by Jen Sorensen.

Some would say that’s a void of course Moon (making no new aspects in the current sign, therefore representing a foul ball). Yet the Moon will always have some influence in Pisces, and I grant an exception to the void Moon for the truly beautiful and strange last degrees of that sign.

When the House took action a bit later, the Moon was more appropriately in Aries, headed for a conjunction to Uranus and a square to Pluto — the members of that legislative body have obviously not had their fill. As far as they’re concerned, the Anti-Sixties are just getting cooking. Activism is fun. Revolution is in the air.

At least from what I can see on the surface, Pres. Obama handled this crisis masterfully. He refused to negotiate with terrorists, and he knew to back off from making any public comments the past four or five days to let the political pressure on the perpetrators intensify. The rest of the Democrats held their ranks. It was gratifying to see them show some spine and even a little muscle. Admittedly they were playing a defensive game — this was not about getting something done. That is still missing, in a moment when there’s plenty that needs doing.

Astrology played a role, or at least illustrated how the conflict resolved. We saw the mental orientation of Mars, newly in Virgo, have its influence. In Leo, Mars is passionate and wants to be visible — and it can also be blustery, aggressive and full of bravado. (If you have natal Mars in Leo, the unique aspects in your chart will help describe why you might be soft-spoken and introspective and express it in more constructive ways.)

In Virgo, Mars wants precision, focus and attention to detail. The inclination is to fix things rather than to damage them.

We saw the deadlock-breaking quality of the Full Moon do its thing, augmented by an eclipse. Though the shutdown of the government and pushing the country to the brink of defaulting on its debts shook up everyone paying attention, and rattled global leaders from Japan to China to the IMF, things could have been a lot worse had this persisted just another 48 hours. It’s better to have this kind of mess resolved before an eclipse rather than after one.

Planet Waves
By Tom Toles, copyright © 2013 The Washington Post.

I tend to take this kind of stuff personally. I’ve been feeling edgy the whole two weeks this has persisted. I know the potential consequences and I know the astrology. But more than that, I understand the psychology and the agendas moving beneath the surface.

Just when I thought the whole thing could not get any more appalling, I turned on the television Thursday morning to see some Republican senator gasbag on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” program trying to justify the shutdown based on how they allegedly want to protect the American people from the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Others were getting TV airtime saying we have to get the debt and deficit under control — knowing full well that the sequestration cuts are doing precisely that, and in an extreme form. And knowing full well that has nothing to do with it.

If you translate this into a domestic violence situation, it’s like someone telling the cops they beat up their spouse to prevent them from going to community college.

There are Republicans from the fringy side of the tent who are claiming victory after this whole instigated crisis, and who are no doubt coming home to their district as heroes who shut down the works of the mean, nasty federal government that pays their airfare and for their posh taxpayer-supported cars and health insurance.

Other members of the Party of No have promised that the fight is not over; they will be back in January, when these same vulnerabilities can be exploited again. Based on Wednesday night’s actions, the continuing resolution funding the government lasts until Jan. 15 and the country’s borrowing power lasts until mid-February. That is not long, but the astrology will be a little less perilous — at least temporarily. (There is a serious crunch point for the U.S. government in April, which has often been a distressing month in American history.)

Many of these emotionally and intellectually vapid people are promising more of this insanity, despite approval of the Republicans dipping below 24% and approval of the so-called Tea Party down to 21% — in politics, that’s when you know you’re in the toilet. That is true martyrdom, and martyrs make me nervous.

Planet Waves
Copyright © 2013 The International Herald Tribune / NY Times Co.

While this whole thing has our attention, I want to add a few thoughts that I have not seen offered anywhere else in the media.

The people who did this to us are people we’ve been dealing with for a while. The unholy marriage of religion and politics that really got cooking in the early 1980s, when Reagan was first president and Karl Rove was Boy Wonder making his way to the top of the game, is a dangerous thing.

This is part of the same political movement, with many of the same people, who want to turn women’s bodies into a political battlefield, and who want to control who has sex with whom, and when, and under what circumstances. They are the same people who want to ban abortion, birth control and sex education — all three.

This is the same movement that believes government should be by the corporations, of the corporations and for the corporations. They are the same people who believe that taxes are for the little people. There’s a lot of corporate money behind this movement, and thanks to the Citizens’ United decision, there is no limit to what can be spent to brainwash the population.

Meanwhile, it’s as if global warming is not happening, fracking doesn’t harm the earth or groundwater and toxic sludge is good for you. Nobody needs proper medical access; just go to the emergency room and you’ll be fine. Our society has problems, and right when we need leadership we are getting nonstop antics. The behavior we are seeing from our elected leaders is decidedly alcoholic.

The agenda goes a lot deeper than denial and petty games, however. What we witnessed the past 16 days looked on the surface like a shutdown of the government over an issue, but I think it was something more sinister: a coup attempt. It was an attempt to destabilize the government and the economy, create chaos and take power.

Planet Waves
Frightening cover of the current edition of The New Yorker. Here is a link to the related article.

We have seen a number of these in the past 50 years, starting with the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Since the late 1990s they have become more frequent — the fraudulent impeachment of Bill Clinton; the stolen election of 2000; the absurdly false-flag Sept. 11 scenario and the rise of the national security state; the disgusting wars that have infected the Middle East like a festering case of impetigo; the crash of the economy in 2008; and, skipping over a few details, this somewhat successful attempt to seize the government and, more significantly, its finances.

The United States is made of tough stuff. From my perspective, most of us who live here are political centrists, who want to be left alone. There’s a good bit of live and let live to the American way of life. I think that even to many conservatives, the kind of behavior we’ve just seen has a disgusting reek to it.

Our Constitution is flawed but strong enough to have withstood many assaults. But there is only so hard and so long you can rip at something, or beat on it, or abuse it, before its integrity starts to give way. There is only so hard you can beat on people and abuse their trust and lie to them before they get fatigued and lose their desire to fight and to participate. If the economy fails and many people have little to eat, they may or may not respond politically — it’s usually easier to cave in to whatever political forces promise to rescue them.

The attack we have just experienced is part of a much larger, longer-term political agenda than it seems to be on the surface. It is more successful than it seems on the surface. It is funded not just by money but also by mania, psychosis and I believe a kind of magic: the mustering up of dark forces, including superstition, fear, conflict and deception.

The sexual agenda perpetuated by this crew is not just a side dish but rather is a well-documented form of divide and conquer, infiltrating the most private spaces of relationship, dividing people against one another, dividing them against their bodies, tapping into the painful sexual abuse so many have suffered, harvesting human emotion and delivering it right back to the population as something dangerous and toxic but in an unrecognizable form.

It’s time we get wise to the agenda. Then it will be a lot more obvious what to do — in terms of personal work and collective action.


Note to Readers: News items below are written and edited by a team consisting of Anne Craig, Eric Francis, Amanda Painter, Susan Scheck and Carol van Strum,  with research assistance by the Planet Waves staff. Special thanks to the Fact Checkers List, which goes over each edition on Thursday night — and to our main astrology fact-checker Alex Miller, and Amanda, who goes over all their suggestions. Our editions are also proofread and fact-checked by Jessica Keet.


Planet Waves

Eve of an Eclipse – the Benefit of the Doubt
The Aries Full Moon and lunar eclipse takes place Friday at 7:38 pm EDT. And then on Monday, Mercury stations retrograde in Scorpio, the sign of secrets, shared resources and the occasional emotional drama.

Eclipses arrive with an ominous feeling, and there is certainly that kind of atmosphere surrounding this event. They describe imminent change; they describe the shift of some context. But there’s also a question: do you take [whatever] drama seriously?

Planet Waves
Artemis, goddess of the Moon, manifested on the back of the BSP Theater in Kingston two weeks ago. Note, Len Wallick says this is also an image of Haumea, and I heard a rumor that one of the neighborhood teenagers has said it also depicts another entity besides Artemis. Still tracking that one down. Photo by Eric.

That could be said of any situation that’s under the influence of this eclipse, which amounts to everything happening right now, in whatever realm, whether public or private. I suggest you ask yourself where it’s logical to place the benefit of the doubt: do you assume that everything is going to be fine, or factor in that there is some risk that needs to be addressed?

One thing I’ve noticed is that as time goes on, many people seem more willing to ignore risks, and we are seeing many results of that. Worst-case scenarios deserve mention.

When the Sun is near an eclipse, that’s a little like a karmic toll plaza. You have to settle the karma to move on, or else multiply it. It’s time, therefore, to focus on getting things in order, resolving conflicts and making sure you have a balanced view of your life.

This eclipse event may be placing some stress on relationships. The question is, to what extent does expressing your instability destabilize your emotional and sexual partnerships? How far can you go being yourself before you start to feel unstable with another person? How far can they go being themselves before you start to feel insecure?

There is some information coming from the Mercury retrograde department. I mean that literally — the issue beneath the surface, that is, the deeper material, may involve secrets being kept. If you find yourself in a relationship scenario where the independence issue seems to be a factor, go deeper and account for what has not been said.

You can start with a list of everything that you have not revealed to the person or people you’re intimate with; you can make a second list of everything you think you have not been told. Those lists will tell you where you stand with whoever is involved. Ideally, in any truly intimate situation, you would have no withholds and no suspicions — a condition that most people would probably say is unthinkable.

Planet Waves
Chart for Friday’s eclipse of the Moon. To see the corresponding solar eclipse and minor planet lists for both events, please visit this link.

One other point of astrology to cover: this week, Mars ingressed Virgo. This placement is calling for precision, for focus on the details and for a measure of impeccability. It’ll affect everyone’s chart differently — notice where your physical energy is directed, how you relate to anger and which way your obsessions tend to lean.

Notice how you relate to factors in your environment that call for attention and repair. Notice where you direct your best efforts.

While in Virgo, Mars will oppose two planets — first Neptune (exact Sunday) and then Chiron (exact Halloween). For now, let’s consider the Mars-Neptune opposition and what I will call the doubt factor.

You may doubt that it’s really worth reaching for integrity; you may doubt what you know; you may feel like your efforts are not worth much and it’s better to have a good time and not worry so much.

You may be right. But how would you know?
You may get good information, and wonder if it’s true. You may get useless information that you trust.

Under the current astrology all of this needs to be handled carefully. In the face of missing information, one must either make an assumption or wait for additional data. All of this needs to be handled consciously over the next five or six days. Who gets the benefit of your assumptions? Who gets the benefit of the doubt?

What information are you waiting for? Pay attention — it’s on its way. With additional research by Amanda Painter and Alison Beth Levy.


Planet Waves

This Week’s GMO Lawsuit Roundup

Monsanto hired on Wednesday the lobbying firm of former senator Blanch Lincoln, who used to head up the Senate Commission on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry. She’ll have plenty to do. Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson filed a lawsuit this week against the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) for allegedly unscrupulous actions it took to defeat Initiative 522, which would require labeling of genetically modified foods.

A similar suit filed by grassroots group Moms for Labeling was dismissed on a technicality earlier this month, but the attorney general has picked up the ball, alleging that the GMA has illegally concealed the identity of big-money donors after soliciting funds that went straight into a Defense of Brands Strategic Account, which has been used to fund “No on I-522.”

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Under Washington law, the 300-member trade association should have formed a separate political committee, registered with the state’s Public Disclosure Commission (PDC), and filed reports indicating who contributed, how much they contributed and how the money was spent to oppose I-522.

None of that was done, and after a citizen action letter was received by the AG’s office in August, an investigation indicated that more than $7 million collected from anonymous donors went to opposition groups.

In his complaint, Ferguson is seeking a restraining order that would immediately compel GMA to register with the state’s PDC and disclose donors’ identities, as well as attorneys’ fees and other injunctive relief as necessary. “Truly fair elections demand all sides follow the rules by disclosing who their donors are and how much they are spending to advocate their views,” Ferguson said in a press release, noting that public disclosure laws had been in place since 1972.

Washington’s battle over I-522 has been heated for months. Monsanto donated $262,156 to the “No” campaign last May, prompting a reporter at The Spokesman-Review to note that most of the anti-522 donations were flooding in from out of state. The campaign against the initiative was launched by the Washington Farm Bureau.

A similar ballot initiative was defeated in California last year after Monsanto donated $8 million to its opponents. Investor group As You Sow has filed a shareowner resolution against Monsanto and several other food giants, asking that they refrain from such activities.

Sixteen lawsuits originating in Oregon over the unwelcome presence of genetically modified wheat on a farmer’s land have been consolidated by the U.S. Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation into the Kansas City, Kansas court of U.S. District Judge Kathryn Vratil. In making the determination, the panel cited the geographic convenience of locating the cases near Monsanto’s St. Louis headquarters, where “the majority of the common evidence is likely to be.”

Meanwhile, Senator Jon Tester (D-Montana), a farmer, managed to get the Monsanto Protection Act defunded in the funding resolution that reopened the government last Wednesday night.

Don’t Miss the GMO Mini-Summit!

A global GMO Mini-Summit being held Oct. 25-27 will bring together leading scientists and food activists for an in-depth examination of the planet’s Monsanto problem.

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Hosted by John and Ocean Robbins, co-founders of the Food Revolution Network, and Jeffery Smith, founder of the Institute for Responsible Technology, the event offers three days of panel discussion on the ecological, socio-economic and health-related consequences of GMOs, as well as a look at the current politics surrounding Monsanto from the front lines.

Ten experts, including Canadian biotechnologist Thierry Vrain, environmental activist Vandana Shiva, and AllergyKids founder Robyn O’Brien, will give half-hour interviews on topics ranging from how to eat safely to global food security and in-depth GMO science.

Registrants for the weekend conference will also have access, by Internet or phone, to ten more expert presentations over the next five weeks. Basic registration is free; an optional $97 upgrade includes transcripts and digital downloads. For more information and registration, visit the summit’s webpage,


Planet Waves

Worldwide Coal Use to Surpass Oil by End of Decade
Cheaper now, immensely costly later: coal consumption is predicted to surpass oil by 2020, driven by rising demand in China and India, despite efforts around the world to curb carbon emissions from coal-fired power plants.

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Chinese coal power plant. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.

Coal is less expensive than oil, and according to a presentation by energy consultancy firm Wood Mackenzie at Monday’s World Energy Conference in Washington, D.C., that’s the power source those countries will choose to fuel their economies. Coal demand in the U.S., Europe and the rest of Asia will remain steady, it said.

China is the world’s top consumer of coal, and it will drive two-thirds of the growth in global coal use, predicted to reach 4,500 million tons of oil equivalent, overtaking oil at 4,400 million tons, according to the firm. China has no alternative to coal, with its domestic gas output limited and liquefied natural gas imports more costly than coal, said William Durbin, president of global markets at Wood Mackenzie.

Coal is abundant — encouraging lower prices — and will become even more so as lower-grade coal from Indonesia, Australia and South Africa begins to be traded during the remainder of this decade, according to Alstrom, a power infrastructure provider.


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Steubenville Redux: Maryville, Missouri’s, Football-Player Rapists

Nodaway County, Missouri, prosecutor Robert Rice added his voice Wednesday to the chorus of officials suddenly calling for a special prosecutor to reexamine a case in which two high-school athletes had charges dismissed for raping two young teenage girls after getting them drunk — all videotaped by a third boy. It’s a sadly familiar mix of teen athletes, alcohol, corrupt officials and victim-blaming.

In January of 2012, Matthew Barnett — then 17 and a popular football player and grandson of a retired state representative — and three other student athletes invited 14-year-old Daisy Coleman and 13-year-old Paige Parkhurst to a party.

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Daisy Coleman, left, and Matthew Barnett.

Barnett and the boys plied Coleman with hard liquor; Barnett had drunken, nonconsensual sex with Coleman; a 15-year-old admittedly raped Parkhurst; and Coleman was dumped outside her house half-clothed and semi-conscious in freezing temperatures.

Two months after arresting the boys in what looked like a solid case, all charges were dropped.
Rice said at the time that it was a regrettable incident among “incorrigible teens” and could not be prosecuted due to lack of evidence, despite a rape kit showing tears to Coleman’s vagina and self-incriminating statements from both boys.

Facing considerable harassment in Maryville, the Coleman family relocated to their former home in Albany. In April of 2013, the house they still owned in Maryville was burned to the ground.

After the Kansas City Star reported on the case this week, international shaming and hacktivist collective Anonymous seems to have convinced officials to reopen the matter. Officials now calling for the case to be reopened include Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder and House Speaker Tim Jones.

Plainly, there’s an effort underway to avoid Maryville’s becoming the next Steubenville, Ohio, where the focused efforts of Anonymous — although criticized by some as harsh and scattershot — are still resulting in fresh charges being brought. Anonymous plans a “Twitter storm” and an Oct. 22 rally in Maryville.


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Friends Without Benefits: Teens and Social Media

Nancy Jo Sales, writing for Vanity Fair, spoke to teenaged girls and boys across the country about their use of social media and how it shapes what they expect from their peers (and from themselves) when handling relationships, communication, peer pressure, sexual desires, boundaries — even just meeting face to face.

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Connected or alienated? The new social life or relationally stunting? Image: video still, KTRK-Houston.

The kids Sales talks to speak of peers being “obsessed with the feeling they have fame,” and of 13-year-olds posting “inappropriate” selfies, then thanking the boys who call them sexy. Asked how they transition from online interaction to real-world contact, a group of girls blinks and says, “Facebook chat.”

Kids from 8 to 18 spend more than 11 hours per day plugged into a smart phone, computer or TV.

Ninety-three percent of boys and 62 percent of girls have seen Internet porn before they turn 18, according to a 2008 study in CyberPsychology & Behavior. And although the CDC reports that teen sex is not on the rise, the landscape around it is changing.

Porn’s influence and that of the impersonal world of digital contact is evident in the kinds of sexual requests and demands being made, how kids react and how deep the social and psychological repercussions can be. What counts for entire ‘relationships’ are begun, ended and used as weapons via social media and texting.

High-profile news stories are becoming increasingly common about teens attempting or committing suicide after enduring merciless bullying, slut-shaming and slander by their peers. Steubenville and Maryville are extremes, yet in a way, just the tip of the iceberg. Kids used to get a respite from abusive peers when they left school; with social media, there is nowhere to hide.

“Social media is destroying our lives,” said one girl to Sales. “So why don’t you go off it?” Sales asked. “Because then we would have no life,” replied her friend.


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Google Switches Teams, Joins ALEC

Google is now a member of ALEC, the right-wing American Legislative Exchange Council, according to NationofChange.org. Google joins fellow Internet companies Facebook and Yelp in supporting ALEC.

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ALEC is a corporate-funded organization that teams with like-minded state lawmakers to roll back labor rights, environmental protections, civil rights, and public health measures.

Google built its image as a pioneering anti-capitalist company, yet its membership in ALEC belies that image, and ‘Netizens are not pleased. A recent email alert from RootsInAction.org garnered some telling responses:

“Better check your definition of EVIL — look it up on Google,” and “Please don’t fund tyranny. You were supposed to be one of the good guys.”

Trans-Pacific Treaty Proposes Restrictions on Internet Usage

If the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement is ratified — possibly as early as the end of this month — a free and open Internet may be one of its first casualties.

“We know from leaked drafts [of proposed changes] that these draconian measures could criminalize your everyday use of the Internet, force service providers to collect and hand over your private data, and give old industry conglomerates more power to fine you for Internet use,” according to an Alternet.org article.

President Obama is trying to fast-track the TPP through Congress, meaning that members would be forced to vote on the agreement without the possibility of sharing, discussing or amending its contents. Some representatives have objected, such as Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL), who has described the Obama administration’s secrecy about the TPP as “an assault on democratic government.”


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Detail of the container painting “Muses” by Riuske Fukahori, in the ICN Gallery in London last year.

Goldfish Salvation

Never underestimate Mother Nature when you need some help in the creative inspiration department. While artist Riusuke Fukahori was struggling with his creative vision, he let his pet goldfish be his muse. Since then, he has developed this passion into incredibly lifelike three-dimensional paintings by layering acrylic paints onto clear resin, until the fish appear suspended in time and space. You can view a brief, wordless video here showing Fukahori making magic.
Planet Waves

U.S.A. on the Brink — and Mercury, and the Eclipse, and Mars

Every edition of Planet Waves FM I forget to mention one thing — and unlike text, I cannot do a quick edit before sending it out. This week that thing is the role of religion in the current government crisis. I mention that a bunch of Fundy Xtians — Dominionists, as they are properly known — are behind this. What I don’t make is the connection to their “let’s take a federal default out for a spin” mentality.

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Scene from Kris Perry’s “Machines,” installed in the main theater at Backstage Studio Productions as part of the O+Festival this past weekend. Photo by Eric.

They know it would be catastrophic; and that is what they live for. Things going well is not enough. Getting their way is not enough — their way is The End. This is why the founders of the United States divided church and state, not just in the Bill of Rights but in the Constitution itself.

In this week’s edition I cover the federal mess and the associated astrology: Mars ingressing Virgo; Friday’s eclipse of the Moon in Aries; Mercury stationing retrograde in Scorpio; and an eclipse of the Sun in Scorpio. Amanda has been tracking all of this copiously and competently in Daily Astrology; I provide some extra commentary and context here.

Our musical guest is Kris Perry and his MACHINES project. I describe my experience of the music-sculpture installation, meeting Kris and why I think the whole thing is so impressive. Kris is a genuinely interesting guy, an artist down to his cells, and sufficiently “not a musician” to have invented many instruments and what amounts to a new genre of music. If you go to the project’s homepage, you will see Kris explain what he does.

If you’re curious about the O+ Festival and want to hear some cool interviews, Rob Galgano spent the weekend cruising around the event with his digital recorder getting spontaneous impressions. Here’s a playlist, which he says is growing as he processes the audio and posts it to Soundcloud.
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We are happy to offer once again one of our most popular products: the Planet Waves All-Access Pass for 2014. The All-Access Pass is for members who want access to everything we offer in a calendar year. In recent years our product line has grown considerably, and the response from our All-Access subscribers has been overwhelmingly positive. You can read about everything that’s included with an All-Access pass here. For those who can’t get enough Planet Waves astrology, it’s an unbeatable value. Plus, if you order now, we’ll include the rest of the readings that come out in 2013, and you’ll save $100.


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Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

We published the extended monthly horoscopes for October on Friday, Sept. 27. Inner Space for October was published Friday, Sept. 20. Moonshine for the Libra New Moon  published on Tuesday, Oct. 1. We published Moonshine horoscopes for the Aries Full Moon Tuesday, Oct. 15. Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscopes on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space usually publishes the following Tuesday but for now it’s substituting for one Friday horoscope a month.


Planet Waves

Weekly horoscope for Friday, Oct. 18, 2013 #971 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Friday’s eclipse in your birth sign reveals that you’re trying to shake off an old emotional influence of some kind, knowing that it’s not serving you. You can let it go, and you seem determined to do just that with every cell in your body. The challenge, though, is the sensation of instability that comes with not being boxed in by this feeling or expectation. This is one of the ways that negative attachments and emotional habits can keep you or anyone trapped — by that little thing they seem to offer. I suggest that you address that directly, and do what you can to stabilize on a new level of understanding. You have that available, as your ruling planet Mars has changed signs to Virgo. This will allow you to ground in your work, in a firm sense of purpose and in a framework of ideas far more stable and useful than the dramas that were keeping you busy.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You are being called to address certain details of your erotic or romantic life in a new way, with greater focus and determination. But do you have all the information you need to be working with? Various factors suggest that many details will be emerging over the next few days. You don’t need to go digging, though you do need to pay attention for subtle changes in the story, shifts in where the people involved are coming from, and secrets that have yet to be revealed, including what you may be withholding from others. You are in a situation where honesty is the best policy for all concerned, though you only have control over yourself. You have influence over others, though, and one way you can exert that influence  is not to settle for partial information. This is a moment of reckoning, when it’s time to get to the roots of the situation. Remember, there is no such thing as a half-truth.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Have you noticed the direct connection between your emotional well-being and your physical stamina? There are emotional factors that may be putting a drain on your overall health; they look like stuck patterns that are hangovers from unresolved transactions with others. Said another way, be on the lookout for situations where promises may have been made but not kept, or where information that should have been forthcoming was withheld. You can address all of that in fairly short order, if you focus on it now. With Mars crossing the sensitive home and security angle of your solar chart, changes in your living situation are in motion, and if that is true, you want to be working with full information from anyone concerned. If you find yourself getting irritable or angry, or feeling worn down, stop and ask a few questions. Knowledge is power, and there’s no substitute for it.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Be conscious how you use your power, which includes your visibility. With an eclipse of the Moon in your 10th house, you may be feeling invisible or like you lack influence — though if so, you’ve got the equation backwards. You have extra influence now, though I suggest you use it in subtle ways. While you may have to do some overt taking charge, your solar chart suggests that in many situations, the best course of action will be to work from behind the scenes. The factor to work with is trust rather than authority; that’s because in truth there is no more authentic authority than trust. Focus your efforts on those whose intelligence you respect and can depend on. They are most likely to be the people with whom you will feel like you’re on level turf. You’re in a position of authority and responsibility, though I suggest you work from the ground up rather than from the top down.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The way is open for a dialog in some of the most sensitive situations in your life. Yet the operative word is sensitive. The other operative word is open. The situation calls for little else; if you can maintain that, others are likely to take the initiative and say what they need to say to you. Even if others don’t say anything, if you listen and are receptive you will learn enough, and your awareness will have a positive influence on the situation. Meanwhile you seem to be involved in a delicate balancing act of your own — your emotional body is telling you one thing and your political or strategic sense is telling you another thing. There is a point of contact, and you’re approaching it gradually. I can give you a clue how it looks or feels. You seem to be facing an inner dilemma, which involves two conflicting points of view. As you do your best to work it out, a third viewpoint will emerge that helps you transcend the conflict that turns out not to have been one.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — The arrival of Mars in your sign has helped take some pressure off of you, and has demonstrated that your worst fears were both unrealistic and untrue. What matters is what’s both true and connected to reality, and by that I mean what you can verify in documented fact. This will be critical over the next few days as Mars makes an opposition to Neptune, which may lead you to question things for which you have solid evidence and observations that are based on careful analysis. Remember — just because you may have a momentary doubt does not mean that you’re wrong, no matter how potent your insecurity may be. The best course of action is to keep an open mind for additional information and insight, while keeping your eye on the known data and what it points to. The Grand Canyon was not formed 6,000 years ago, no matter what some people think they believe.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.

Planet Waves

Attention Libras (and those with Libra rising or Moon): We’ve got big news for you: Your 2013-2014 birthday reading by Eric Francis is ready!

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Friday’s lunar eclipse in your opposite sign Aries is a reminder that you can only be yourself; you cannot be anyone but yourself. If that is true, it’s also true of the people in your life, including those with whom you are the most intimate. One of the most common modes of ‘preserving’ relationships and ‘making them work’ is that our culture trains us to be someone other than who we are. At the same time there’s relatively little information about how to be oneself, and few situations where it’s appropriate. That all said, it’s ultimately inevitable — and people put in the same room, the same home, the same company or any other form of the same time and place, will eventually figure that out. Being who you are and acknowledging others for who they are is the foundation of a relationship, even if it seems to threaten it at first.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — The more self-accepting you are, the more others will be accepting of you. The only reason this might be seen as a trite or clichéd bit of advice is if someone has not tried it, or if they struggle to get there. Self-acceptance provides a form of inoculation against anyone’s judgment of you. It also provides a pass for all kinds of inappropriate or hurtful behavior. The way your chart is set up, the theme comes along with an imperative for integrity, which is under focus now. The message is: embrace yourself and patrol your own borders. Monitor your own conduct. Love yourself, share yourself when you feel it’s appropriate and make amends when you’ve acted in a way that is out of integrity. That’s not a pre-condition of self-love — but forgiveness is. In the end, you will get there; you may as well go there sooner; and eventually you figure out that it’s the place to start.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You have an extended opportunity to accomplish some great things, though to get there you must focus on the details. If you’re in a leadership role or even in a parental role, you may have to focus on the details of others. In either case you will need to go out of your way to do so gently. The sensation is persistence and setting an example rather than any form of aggressive leadership. You have available to you a depth of emotional access that gives you what I can describe as a heart connection. The same factor also puts you in contact with your sense of injury. It’s a fine line to walk, but for you it’s necessary; you are gradually approaching a crossroads where you will make a firm commitment to the mutual healing of yourself and the people in your life, or perpetuating something from the past that you know really needs to end.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Many efforts have been made to reconcile religion with science. It’s a noble effort, though I think that the only possible point of contact is the honest pursuit of truth, which is not guaranteed by either mode of inquiry. Frequently we see where both have become the same form of dictatorship. What will help you most now is to ask honest questions. Ask them of yourself, ask them of others and ask them of existence. Consider the responses you get to be like food, which must be chewed in order to be digestible. When you get a response, from whatever source, the best thing you can offer back, and offer to yourself, is thoughtful consideration. Make the choice not to be intimidated by the search for truth, or for understanding. Learn not to be intimidated by thinking you were wrong; bypass that entirely in place of what is real.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Even the principle of accountability can be taken too far — such as when you’re expected to take responsibility for the actions of others. This is an important boundary though one demarcated by a fine line, perhaps a bit too fine. In my reading of Friday’s lunar eclipse chart, your accountability centers around knowing what you are and are not responsible for. Perhaps the most challenging thing is being responsible for your own feelings, especially when you’re in the context of a relationship to someone else. One thing I would remind you of is that you’ve covered this territory before, and quite possibly mastered it more than once. You don’t need to go back to a prior level of knowledge or experience, though to do that you must use what you know. So I suggest you spend some time considering what you’ve learned about yourself, in recent years and over the course of your lifetime. Your situation will feel a lot simpler.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You need fear no one. Whatever rattles or chills your bones — be it aggression, deception, delusion or chaos inflicted by others — you are larger than it, and it’s no match for you. For this to work, though, you need to remain open, and you need to remain connected to yourself. It’s your true essence that will protect you, not your defenses. Your values are what protect you from being swallowed bPisces (Feb. 19- March 20)y the madness of the world, and guide you away from conforming to what others say you should believe or how you should act. It’s your openness to others and your willingness to relate on mutually acceptable terms that gives you your standing among them, rather than any illusion of ‘going it alone’. You can therefore afford to look at everyone and everything with a twinkle in your eye, remembering that your presence in the world is based on strength, openness and love.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.


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A Spiritual Crisis, and a Political One

Dear Friend and Reader:

Just a few brief comments on the government shutdown. Like most people, you may be having difficulty tracking this issue; to me it looks like a government shutdown for its own sake. But it’s one that makes most building takeovers that I’ve covered seem mature, since most students know enough to focus on a few demands that can actually be met by the administration.

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Donna Rice with her husband Barry after they traveled from Chicago to Zion National Park in Utah, closed due to the government shutdown. Photo by Trent Nelson.

One of the ways you know that this situation is drama for its own sake is that the first demand (defund the Affordable Care Act) was not going to happen. By the time the government was shut down and the creeps behind this protest figured that out, the demands started changing — the current one being the promise of discussion of slashing social programs.

All the Republican talk of “jobs, jobs, jobs” has led to their blocking hundreds of thousands of people from being able to go to work. All the talk about supporting small business has been belied by the thousands of businesses hurt or destroyed by the shutdown.

A few things are bugging me. One is that the original pretense, how bad the ACA allegedly is, is not an issue that warrants this kind of radical intervention. Not, particularly, since it’s the affirmed law of the land. Our extremely conservative Supreme Court already approved it, after Congress voted it into law and the president signed it into law. If a small minority wants to take matters into their own hands, that is one definition of tyranny — and thankfully it’s become obvious.

If a minority of politicians are declaring the ACA unconstitutional, and saying that it’s illegitimate despite being approved by every branch of government, they must be citizens of some other country. The reward they have got, if you believe a new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll published in the past 24 hours, is that the Republicans and the Tea Party have never been less favorably thought of, while popularity for Obamacare has never been higher.

That some politicians would take advantage of the disgraceful health-care situation, using it against people, even going so far as to try to convince women not to go for routine gyn exams, is authentically disgusting. Health insurance, at minimum, provides some thin safety net between a routine disease and going bankrupt. In no other advanced country besides the U.S. do people flirt with this fate — and it’s especially propbematic given the unemployment situation, when people have lost their jobs and their health coverage.

Another problem is the involvement of Dominionist religion in this crisis, and that seems to be significant. Personally I don’t have a good feeling about people who preach the end of the world, and they seem to be the ones calling the shots.

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The Dominionist position is old hat: you accept our point of view or we will burn you at the stake. I don’t think these people have any proper role in government.

We also have what I will call a spiritual problem involving John Boehner, the speaker of the House of Representatives. He is not who he pretends to be, a dude from Ohio; to see what kind of entity he is one’s third eye needs to be open, and I don’t consider it safe to conduct this kind of inquiry because of the energies involved. In human form, he controls the flow of bills to the floor of the House of Representatives. This one entity has the power to choke off whether progress is possible; he can personally keep this going or let it resolve, and we have no reason whatsoever to trust him.

That this is essentially a spiritual problem means that we might find a spiritual solution. I think that Boehner must be a focal point. The meek integrity that is binding him to the physical plane appears to be weakening, but he still has some thrash and resistance left in him. Holding him in white light will help neutralize him, though he won’t like it as much as the synthetic UV rays his leathery, orange skin seems to devour in his tanning bed.

It’s true that our debt crisis is what has made us subject to this kind of blackmail and other forms of external control. It’s essential to see this for what it is — the debt itself is an intentional construction. At the end of the Clinton administration the U.S. was well on the way to paying down its debt and had eliminated the yearly federal budget deficit. Economically and in many other ways, things were going pretty well at the time.

Then came a stolen election; a false flag terrorist event; a series of tax cuts for the wealthiest few Americans; eliminating taxes on many of the largest corporations; a huge, unbudgeted, federally funded drug giveaway; a bloated national security state taking over nearly everything and occupying a billion square feet of office space; several very long, ongoing wars; and then a second 9/11, in financial form, allegedly requiring trillions in bank bailouts.

All these things have at least one common factor — they start under Cheney-Bush, and they got us into this position. And that is where we find ourselves — compromised, and in a sense, possessed.

Planet Waves
Colbert takes on the shutdown, proposing games like Not Sorry! and Operation Denied Due to Pre-Existing Condition.

The astrology lurking around is not all that encouraging. The federal shutdown has now been conflated with the debt ceiling issue. The debt ceiling is about the government’s ability to borrow money to make interest payments on funds that it’s already borrowed, and to meet some current obligations as well. Both could be resolved by simple, one-sentence acts of Congress.

Non-political federal budget officials say we hit the debt ceiling on Oct. 17, which is on the eve of a lunar eclipse, and just four days before Mercury stations retrograde. Depending on how you look at it, that combination of factors could represent a breakthrough or it could be a further descent into mire and chaos. We don’t know what would happen if the U.S. defaults on its obligations, since it has never done so.

As I’ve mentioned, the main U.S. chart, the Sibly chart, is under a lot of stress. That comes to a peak next April, when the grand cross including Mars retrograde in Libra, Jupiter in Cancer, Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn, is focused to the degree around the U.S. Sun.

Many have wondered how we are going to wrest our country back from these bizarre interests that have nothing to do with the general welfare of the American people, or even the business community. It is a pressing question; we will be asking it for a while.

There is a simple political analysis here: many Republicans who would vote to get us out of this mess are going along with the mob because they don’t want to be “primaried” — that is, knocked out of their Republican slot by a candidate further to the right. So they put their own self-interest above the collective interest. Their federal job is more important than everyone else’s federal job — or the stability of the world economy.

Here we see the problem with self-interest and why, once again, this is really a spiritual crisis rather than a political one.


Planet Waves

Accelerate, with Precision

Our current astrology is about acceleration. The Moon is now waxing toward a Full Moon eclipse in the sign Aries, which happens Oct. 18. Eclipses often come with the sensation of concentrated experience, events speeding up and a sense of destiny or fate in operation.

Planet Waves
Next stop — a lunar eclipse in Aries, followed by a solar eclipse in Scorpio. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

The mid-Libra Sun is applying in a square aspect to Jupiter in Cancer. This looks like some emotional/relational drama, with the principle of balance (via Libra) pushing up against the tendency to over-feel and run in cycles (Cancer). It’s necessary to honor both and to remember that you cannot smooth out the surface of water with a canoe paddle.

Venus, which is often cautious and tends to speak second, is now in Sagittarius, a more freewheeling sign than many others – and Venus is headed for a square to Chiron, which is emotive, given to taking risks, and is anything but cautious. This is a reminder to stick to your values; they are your guiding principles. But if your principles back you into a corner, this is a time to reevaluate rather than overreact.

Venus square Chiron likes to push limits and can have a tendency to be so emotionally driven as to suspend judgment. The quest may be for an emotional high, sexual power or just the need to have fun. Yet where Chiron is involved, it’s necessary to engage the sentient part of one’s mind — the part that actually makes conscious decisions about what you do and do not want to do. If not, the Venus-Chiron square can have a sense of emotional injury. In this case, the opposite of injury would be integrity.

Perhaps most significantly, we are about to experience the fourth of seven Uranus-Pluto squares, the generation-defining aspect involving two of the most potent outer planets. This spans from 2012-2015 with a margin of at least three years on either side of that date range. The fourth event, the epicenter of the whole series, is within range now, and will be exact on Nov. 1. The series of Uranus-Pluto aspects is about acceleration of the historical process, the chaos factor and the drive to change that we are all experiencing so poignantly now.

To sum up, we’re experiencing many energetic, compelling aspects at the moment and, like using a chain saw or a welding torch, this kind of power demands precision, control and focus. If not, there can be mishaps, opportunities lost and time and energy wasted.

Planet Waves
Chart for Mars ingress of Virgo on Tuesday, Oct. 15. From there, Mars will oppose both Neptune and Chiron, an interesting combination.

Mars is currently in the last degrees of Leo, which is slippery and a little dangerous. It’s fiery Mars in a fire sign working the edge of the territory. That alone calls for precision and thoughtfulness when it’s more likely to signify bravado, risk-taking and a bit of machismo.

It’s also a comment on subject matter relating to male gender material. For example, there is the question: what is the relationship between sexism and male homophobia? One possible contact point is that male homophobia involves a man’s relationship to his inner feminine, as does his relationship to women. By one analysis, homophobia and sexism are the same thing — with inner and outer manifestations.

Mars will slide through the last degrees of Leo and arrive in Virgo on Tuesday, Oct. 15. Here is where some precision enters the picture, though you don’t want it to be too late. I suggest you get ahead of this transit, and focus on the details early, as annoying as they may be.

This theme is repeated by Mercury, which is slowing down to a retrograde that begins on Oct. 21. Some have noticed that the effect is starting to take hold, now that Mercury is in its first echo phase ahead of the retrograde; that’s happening now, as Mercury crosses the degrees where it will be retrograde (from Oct. 21 through Nov. 11).

Mercury stations retrograde within a couple of days of the Full Moon eclipse in Aries on Oct. 18 (which also happens to be the deadline for the debt ceiling limit). The world may be going crazy, but you don’t have to — or at least you can use a little planning, and just a bit of caution, to prevent mishaps and keep focused on your plan. If you don’t have one of those, I do suggest you make one up, and keep it flexible.
Planet Waves

Angry About their Own Idea

It’s clear the far right dreads the possibility that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) may actually improve the health care situation for uninsured Americans. What’s amusing is that in 1989, the guts of what’s now called Obamacare — requiring individuals to obtain coverage or face a tax penalty — was proposed by the Heritage Foundation as a way around single-payer health care.

Planet Waves
President Obama signing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act on March 23, 2010.

The idea was adopted with a vengeance by Republicans in 1993 as a counter to the Clinton health care reform proposals under the name Health Equity and Access Reform Today Act. (You can view a chart comparing the two here.) Now, it’s what they seem to revile the most. What is in reality corporate medicine is deceptively being called socialized medicine.

As of Thursday, Republicans in Washington had dropped their demand to defund the ACA and were pushing for an agreement to postpone the debt ceiling crisis for six weeks while their proposed negotiations continue over government expenditures. (Those discussions have been happening for a long time.)

Defaulting on the debt, although some on the far right have said it’s no big deal, is widely viewed as a prescription for a worldwide recession that would make 2008 look like a hiccup.

Meanwhile, congressional approval ratings have fallen to 5% in an AP-GFK poll; the evidence is clear that conservative groups have been pushing for this idea since Obama’s re-election.

A “memo to the movement” signed by a long list of right-wing leaders was endorsed last Valentine’s Day by FreedomWorks, a direct offshoot of the Koch-funded Citizens for a Sound Economy. The memo lays out a blueprint for the defunding of Obamacare, “easily done through a series of appropriation riders” attached to a continuing resolution to fund the government. Perhaps it’s not so easy, since Republicans have dropped that as a demand.

Heritage Foundation branch Heritage Action for America is a signatory to the memo, which describes the Affordable Care Act as “an unprecedented attack on life and religious liberty.”

Trans-Pacific Partnership Marches On

Uncle Sam’s shutdown may have placed obstacles in the path of various citizens attempting to access everything from monuments and parks to FHA loan information, but never fear: collusion with multinational corporations continues unobstructed.

Secretary of State John Kerry appeared in place of Pres. Obama at a Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) summit in Indonesia this past week, where plans are being finalized for the agreement involving Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the United States and Vietnam.

Planet Waves
Don’t let the cute monkey mask fool you: the TPP is neither friendly, fair, nor more fun than a barrel of you-know-what. Photo of protester in Japan this spring by Issei Kato/Reuters.

The Citizens’ Trade Campaign has raised serious questions about the trade agreement, which has been in negotiation since 2008 with massive input from corporations and hardly any from legislators of the nations involved.

Writing in 2012, Laurel Sutherlin of Rainforest Action Network foresaw dire consequences for “everything from affordable medicines, Internet freedoms and intellectual property rights to democratically enacted labor laws and environmental protections … a wish list of the 1%.”

Unlike past trade agreements, this one has not been rolled out for public review; what is known about it has come mostly via Wikileaks and includes a provision whereby corporations’ lawsuits against governments will be heard by a tribunal of international trade lawyers.

Past leaks of draft sections include provisions that allow Big Pharma to undermine access to affordable medicine in developing countries, privilege corporate banks over credit unions, favor fossil fuels over alternative energy and establish some provisions of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), already rejected by the U.S. Congress.

In fact, “This is not mainly about trade,” said Lori Wallach, director of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch, on Democracy Now! “It is a corporate Trojan horse.”

Right-wingers at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Heritage Foundation, to name but two, get all melty and tingly at the idea of greater globalization; the Heritage folks believe it will help neuter state-owned enterprises. Obama is currently seeking a “fast-track” authorization process that would allow him to sign off on the agreement without Congressional approval.
Planet Waves

Political Wrangling Holds Up Hawaii Pesticide Bill

One of the Kauai County (Hawaii) councilmen who earlier this year introduced a bill that would increase the county’s oversight of the heaviest agricultural users of restricted-use pesticides on the island — Dow, Syngenta, BASF, Pioneer — is accusing the county administration of dragging its feet on a vote.

Monsanto is not subject to the bill because Roundup is classified by the EPA as a general-use pesticide, not a restricted-use pesticide, according to activist group Stoppoisoningparadise.org.

Planet Waves
Supporters urging the Kauai County Council to stand up for the island’s children by supporting the public’s right to know what chemicals are being applied, plus when and where. Photo: www.StopPoisoningParadise.org — Pass Kauai Bill 2491.

Kauai Mayor Bernard Carvalho Jr. asked Tuesday during a full council hearing for a two-month extension so his administration can work with the state and county government on the issue.

But Councilman Gary Hooser believes severe budget cuts to the state Department of Agriculture’s pesticide oversight function make it crucial that local authorities take it over immediately, to prevent more harm to people and the environment.

For instance, 150 residents on the west side of Kauai, where most of the biotech operations are situated, filed a lawsuit in 2011 against DuPont-Pioneer, alleging their products were making them ill and driving down property values.

Included in the measure would be restrictions around schoolyards. Studies cited by Stoppoisoningparadise.org have proven neurotoxic pesticides contribute to the “rising rates of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism, widespread declines in IQ and other measures of cognitive function” and that “evidence of links to certain childhood cancers is particularly strong.”

“We need to do something. We can’t count on the state. In our particular situation, I believe there is urgency. The doctors we talked to in those committee hearings believe there is urgency and we can’t sit around and wait for the state to get its act together,” he said.

Yet county officials know that pesticide oversight is not cheap — Kauai County Council Chair Jay Furfaro initially put the price at $4.4 million for the first two years and $911,000 every year after that. Supporters of the bill would like to see the biotech companies responsible for the pesticides absorb the cost.

Last month, days before the Kauai council committee voted on Bill 2491, Gov. Neil Abercrombie promised that he would work with the Hawaii legislature to restore funding and positions for pesticide regulation within the health and agriculture departments.

He also suggested that agricultural companies would voluntarily comply with new safety and health guidelines that would be put in place while the legislature and department heads deliberated on stricter controls. Supporters are skeptical of the governor’s promises, saying he is trying to derail the county’s efforts for stricter controls.

Planet Waves reported in August on this bill, the original version of which included extensive regulations of both pesticides and genetically modified organisms.

Last month, however, the Kauai County Council’s Economic Development and Intergovernmental Relations Committee amended the measure to focus more closely on pesticide use. The committee passed it 4-1 on Sept. 27, and the council will reconvene next Tuesday to address it again.
Planet Waves

Judge Set to Determine Fines Against BP in Deepwater Horizon Case

Phase two of the civil trial against BP for its role in the April 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil disaster began last week. The focus this time will be on determining how much oil actually spilled — and if government attorneys succeed in proving their number, 4.2 million barrels, it could mean the demise of BP.

Planet Waves
Marine reef ecologist Scott Porter works to remove oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill off his hands in June 2010, south of Venice, Louisiana. Photo: Eric Gay/AP.

The first phase of the trial about two months ago centered on whether BP was grossly negligent or not, and in this Judge Carl J. Barbier has not made a ruling.
But if he agrees with the government’s position that there was gross negligence and that 4.2 million barrels were spilled, the fines could amount to more than $18 billion, according to a New York Times article.

“They would have to sell assets to keep the company afloat,” said Fadel Gheit, a senior oil analyst at Oppenheimer & Company. “It would wipe out all of their cash.”

BP is arguing that it was simple negligence and that only 2.45 million barrels were spilled. If the judge finds in its favor, it will pay fines of no more than $2.7 billion. Legal experts believe the actual fine will fall between the two extremes, according to the article.

This phase of the trial will also determine if BP prepared adequately for a blowout and if it responded properly once the oil started flowing.

Update: The director of Greenpeace International, Kumi Naidoo, has offered to exchange his own freedom for the release of 28 environmentalists and two journalists facing piracy charges in Russia after they allegedly climbed aboard a Russian Arctic oil platform from their ship last month. In addition, Russia is charging them with possession of illegal drugs reportedly found on the seized Greenpeace vessel.
Planet Waves

A Women’s Health Win in California

Amidst the near-constant onslaught of states passing ever-tighter restrictions on abortions (68 passed by states so far this year), California is bucking the trend. Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill into law Wednesday that allows nurse practitioners and other non-physicians to perform abortions via “vacuum aspiration” during the first trimester.

Planet Waves
California isn’t just L.A., San Fran and San Diego; 52% of California counties lack an accessible abortion provider. Image: thisispersonal.org.

Critics accuse the governor of putting abortion-industry profits above the well-being of women and children and argue the bill will lower the standard of medical care for women.

Asked for commentary, Planet Waves member and medical consultant Hal J. Cohen D.O., remarked that as long as non-physicians are “well trained and credentialed,” the system should work fine.

He added, “The key to having this function smoothly is appropriate backup.

“For instance, NP anesthesiologists have backup in the hospital. Relatively quick, nearby access to a hospital is needed here as well. If these above safeguards are in place, I think it’s a reasonable and relatively safe way to expand much needed services.”

California joins Washington, Montana, Vermont and New Hampshire in allowing nurse practitioners to perform this type of abortion, which uses a tube and suction. California and several other states already allow non-physicians to prescribe drugs for pregnancy termination.

According to The New York Times, at least 8,000 such abortions have been provided safely by nurse practitioners, certified midwife nurses and physician assistants since 2007, as part of a University of California, San Francisco, pilot program. Complication rates for non-physicians were comparable to those for surgeons (below 2%).
Planet Waves

What Are We Modeling? One in Ten Youth Commit Sexual Violence

If the title alone does not disturb you, perhaps this will: according to The Los Angeles Times, “One in seven believed that he or she was ‘not at all responsible for what happened,’ and almost 4 in 10 said they considered the victim somewhat or completely responsible for the reported incident.”

The numbers come from the Center for Innovative Public Health Research, a non-profit organization based in San Clemente, Calif., that surveyed 1,058 teens and young adults. Nearly one in ten reported having been a perpetrator of sexual violence. The numbers are supported by bi-annual stats compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Planet Waves
Image by Katherine Streeter for NPR.

Survey respondents ranged from 14-21 years old, with slightly less than half aged 14-17. One in four respondents answered that their last victim was not a dating partner; previous research in this area has focused mainly on violence among dating partners and in college-aged individuals acting outside the need for parental consent.

The research, published by JAMA Pediatrics earlier this week, focused on participants in the center’s ongoing Growing up with Media study, which began in 2006. Among its findings is that 17% of the perpetrators had looked at violent or X-rated material in the past year; only 3% of the non-perpetrators had done so.

Michele Ybarra, the center’s president and director of research, cautions that the “findings should be interpreted cautiously” and that the study should be replicated — but warns even more urgently of the need to emphasize “bystander” training and intervention in the nation’s secondary schools and colleges. “Such training emphasizes the responsibility of peers not only to discourage and prevent negative behavior within their group or community, but also to recognize, stop or report such behavior when they witness it,” according to the Times article.

It also underscores the need for adults to be aware of the attitudes, behavior and speech they are modeling for youth when it comes to sex and relationships — both in terms of what we do, what forms of media we bring into our homes or support with our consumer dollars, and what we say to teens directly.

“We absolutely need to have conversations with our kids about what healthy sex is and what unhealthy sex is,” says Ybarra. Parents could say, “‘If you have to convince your partner, maybe that’s not the right way to have sex.’ Even simple messages like that are important.”


Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Please note: Planet Waves does not endorse inebriation for inebriation’s sake (Pholus, we’re watching you!), nor does the publisher or his staff wish to upset or trigger anyone recovering from substance abuse. That said, Neptune, Dionysus and Bacchus have all endorsed this messaging campaign — and heck, at this point, taking almost any kind of action must be better than taking none. Thanks, Uranus and Pluto!

Drunk-Dialing Congress

When life hands you lemons, make lemonade — or, in this case, lemonade spiked with vodka while you call up members of Congress with your free hand.

A group called Revolution Messaging has designed a website for the purpose — drunkdialcongress.org — complete with talking points, drink recipes and an embedded calling platform so that all you have to do is type in your own phone number to be connected to a random member of Congress. The idea is based on the time-honored (or dishonored) ‘tradition’ for people under the influence to dial (or misdial) a friend, lover, ex or random stranger and weep, babble or rant embarrassingly into the receiver.

Why do this? The site notes, “As Members of Congress quickly returned from their final symbolic, non-effective and otherwise useless votes to avert a government shutdown, the heavy drinking began. Reports of our representatives getting plastered on the government’s dime — the one we have left — have come streaming in from witnesses all over Capitol Hill. Now’s your chance to tell your Representative what you really think of their actions.”
Planet Waves

We are happy to offer once again one of our most popular products: the Planet Waves All-Access Pass for 2014. The All-Access Pass is for members who want access to everything we offer in a calendar year. In recent years our product line has grown considerably, and the response from our All-Access subscribers has been overwhelmingly positive. You can read about everything that’s included with an All-Access pass here. For those who can’t get enough Planet Waves astrology, it’s an unbeatable value. Plus, if you order now, we’ll include the rest of the readings that come out in 2013, and you’ll save $100.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

We published the extended monthly horoscopes for October on Friday, Sept. 27. Inner Space for October was published Friday, Sept. 20. We published the Moonshine horoscopes for the Pisces Full Moon Tuesday, Sept. 16. Moonshine for the Libra New Moon published on Tuesday, Oct. 1. Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscopes on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space usually publishes the following Tuesday but for now it’s substituting for one Friday horoscope a month.


Planet Waves

As mentioned, I’ve taken a week off from the horoscope. However, I’ve tried something I’ve considered for a long time — allowing the Oracle to choose interpretations from the vast database of prior horoscopes. The Oracle is a bit spooky responding to individual queries to individual questions; it works beautifully as a daily feature. So I thought I would try sign-by-sign. I made the queries myself on Thursday, asking for a weekly horoscope for each of the signs, one at a time. The returns are absolutely random, with about a 1 in 10,000 chance of any one entry being chosen. Some themes recur — the idea of ‘ethics’ shows up twice. There seems to be an emphasis on professional activities. I am curious how they work for you. Please let me know. — Eric Francis

The Oracle Horoscope, standing in for Weekly Horoscope 970, Oct. 11, 2013

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Reassurance has not come in quite the form you expected, but it has arrived and it’s here to stay. There is more news to come, in both personal and professional relationships, and the sometimes strange territory where they meet. It’s true that mixing personal involvement with work, or daring to allow a relationship to take on a purpose, are considered risky by many people, and often threaten to have sloppy results if things go wrong. The actual problem is people having no real sense of what others are thinking and feeling, and not bothering to ask. I suggest you take this opportunity to reveal yourself, and to make any long-overdue inquiries that could give you an excellent change of perspective.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Not everyone has to agree with you. Not even you have to agree with yourself all the time, but, sooner or later, you eventually work it out. What you may soon discover is just how prophetic you’ve been at predicting your own life, despite the mental and emotional challenges you’ve been through lately. On one level it may seem like you’ve been getting accurate images of your future. Looked at another way, you’ve been taking your visions and, by some mysterious process you may not understand, you’ve been making those images real. There’s a word for it: imagination.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — About six weeks ago, around the Virgo New Moon, you learned something about yourself. I reckon you had a revelation that gave you permission to take a certain risk, and your thoughts quite likely pointed to why that risk was the logical step to take. I want to remind you of that thought process, and let you know that you stand in the spot where the choice or action is possible. This may involve a relationship, one which you are ready to approach directly and with a level head. And it, too, is ready to approach you. Remember, though, that the true meeting is within yourself.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — I can see you writing in your notebook, or on a napkin, “Okay, this time I’m actually going nuts.” Well, okay, I hear you, but it’s not quite for sure. What’s happening is that a lot of internal energy is getting liberated (associated with Mars) at the same time a marvelously complicated situation is unfolding in your mental world. Conditions are such that the increased energy is amplifying your perception of what is happening, though the situation does warrant a close look. It is dangerous to be too invested in your own personal value system; that’s one message of this crisis. There are a lot of ways to accomplish the same goal, or meet the same need. One message of your current chart is to strive for diversity in your thinking, including what you learn from other cultures and people from other countries.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — If the astonishing run of luck, activity and inspiration the past few weeks has eased off, all that’s happened has indeed left you a different person. I would propose you figured out the importance of being grounded and building your dreams on solid foundations. Yet in truth, nothing has left the neighborhood or passed you by. Its form has changed, and in many respects, it’s become more accessible to thought (as inspiration sometimes is not). Also, you are starting to ask the important financial questions about the idea, and they do indeed have answers. Remember, if something doesn’t have a solution, it may not be a problem.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Close partners seem to be of two minds — or perhaps two bodies, in that people who usually vehemently disagree seem to be singing from the same book of hymns. It may be that the passing of yesterday’s lunar eclipse has released the tension in the air like a good thunderstorm, or that people went so far into polarized directions on their opinions that they have finally started to meet on the other side of the house. Everything that seemed so incredibly important yesterday can now fade happily into memory. So don’t focus so much on the details that you miss the surreal nature of the moment, when the cat lays down with the mouse. Resist fits of jealousy as well — these people all love you.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.


Planet Waves

Attention Libras (and those with Libra rising or Moon): We’ve got big news for you if you’re a Libra, or were born with Libra as your rising or Moon sign: Your 2013-2014 birthday reading by Eric Francis is ready!

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Not all problems can be solved by money. Money can be very useful, but it is utterly useless without ideas to back it up. Isn’t it amazing that virtually any crisis, difficulty, struggle or puzzle can be solved with a single thought? In case you are trying to work something like this out (and people may be depending upon you to do so) here is the formula that will work for any difficulty this month. Consider your problem, any problem, and imagine that a mom and a small child (about five years old) are working on solving it together. There are some suggestions the mom has, and others that the child has, but between them they see the whole situation, and poof, the solution appears.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — People treat you fairly but that’s partly because you stand up for yourself. It’s also because you’ve long ago figured out that this elusive little thing in the world called ‘ethics’ is alive and well in your mind. You live in a world where there is actual right and wrong. This week may present you with an ethical dilemma that comes in various shades of gray. At the time it may not seem like there is a correct answer or solution. You may in the end have to make a decision that’s based on your intuition or do what feels right. You can trust yourself. With you the chances are that if it feels right it is.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — When seeking money, remember your ethics. When working for advancement in your career, remember your ethics. I say these things knowing we live in a world where the concept of ethics seems outmoded and even useless. I assure you, it’s not. Whatever the current trend in thought, no matter how popular, useful and effective it may be to forego questions of authenticity, or matters of right and wrong, there is such a thing as karma. We are all subject to it. I don’t think you’re an unethical person; rather, I see a spell of astrology where the ends might seem to justify the means. They do not. How you go about something, from the specific methods you use, to the motivation that drives you, is every bit as meaningful as what you accomplish. Indeed, the two are so closely related as to be the same thing: if you notice you’re being driven by some form of ambition, you might want to check your goal and make sure that it’s really something you want. For an extended phase of your life, you are being granted a mantle of power. You have an aura of authority, and that connotes responsibility. I suggest you live like your telephone is tapped and like you’re being followed around by a television crew. Live as if you are actually accountable for your actions. You are. You are also accountable for the constructive, creative and sincere deeds to your credit, but on that particular theme, I suggest you let others do the talking.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — A variety of unusual factors are conspiring to push your professional life ahead by light years. These are recent developments and they’re impossible to miss. You may at times feel like you’re losing control of the process, but that’s part of what happens at times of big change, and part of how you know you’re actually there. Within the experience, you have a lot of room to make several very specific decisions about what you want to be doing and how. You may need to negotiate with certain people a little bit — but you’re in the perfect position to do so.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Things seem to be going well. But how well is well enough? Usually we have no idea how good life is until we express our wealth, personal gifts or success in some tangible way. Misers are miserable simply because they withhold themselves. The prevailing logic of the world says that to give something is to give it up. I would propose that in this case, to give what you have is to keep it. And it gets better yet. The accompanying discovery is that you have far more than you ever imagined. Take this on the most private level (rather than business or social) and you’re more likely to see what I mean. Your instincts are telling you that you need to express an emotional reality of some kind, and express it from the deepest and most generous place within you. It may feel like a tremendous personal risk. More good will come of it than you think.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Apply creativity to everything you touch, thought you think and person you know. That’s how to access the miracle no matter what situation you find yourself in. Living is an art; loving is a science; emotion is a craft in which we sail the waters of feeling and passion. You can afford to take absolutely any chance you want as long as you keep your mind in the most alert state available. This may seem like a great responsibility but the alternative is far too dull to seriously consider.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.

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Astrological Hurricane Season (and monthly forecasts)

Planet Waves

Barred spiral galaxy NGC 1300. Photo by NASA, ESA, Hubble Heritage Team.

Dear Friend and Reader:

It’s now hurricane season, a time of year when the conditions are correct for the formation of big, cyclonic storms. Hurricanes get their energy from the ocean’s warmth, and as the oceans have increased in temperature, more energy is available. You might describe the positions of the planets this way as well: the hotter they get, the more energy is available here on Earth.

The short version of the story is that the Sun is now moving through the Uranus-Pluto square — what I call the 2012-era aspect. We are also about to experience two powerful eclipses concurrent with Mercury retrograde in Scorpio. The combined result will be a sustained phase of planetary energy that will make itself known many ways.

In one sense the whole year has led to this moment — the extended moment of autumn 2013. In reality the setup goes back a lot further; let’s see if I can bring you up to date. (If you want further background, search for an article called The Road to Xibalba in the Planet Waves archives.)

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Hurricane Earl, from 2010, was a long-lived and powerful tropical cyclone which became the first major hurricane to threaten New England since Hurricane Bob in 1991. Photo: NOAA.

Around 2008, an aspect pattern started forming, which involved Pluto ingressing Capricorn. If you were following the astrology blogs at the time, it was just about the only topic going. Pluto is a slow-mover (the slowest-moving planet used by most astrologers, who will be catching up to the Kuiper Belt and Eris in their next lifetimes). Slow means influential; slow means that Pluto events last a while. Pluto means that nothing is the same after he’s come through town.

Speculation about Pluto in Capricorn goes back many years; it was perceived in advance as one of those really ominous transits, and now we are in the midst of it. Pluto in a sign helps define a whole era of time, concentrating and focusing change in the topic areas associated with the sign in question. Depending on where Pluto is in its orbit, it can take between 12 and 30 years to make it through one sign. It will be in Capricorn until 2023-2024.

The subject area of Capricorn is the structure of society. Corporations, governments, families and traditions all are covered by Capricorn.

Pluto is both creative and destructive. It brings change, and in the path of those changes there can be considerable progress. Yet the door can also open up for some serious negativity. One example was the Saturn-Pluto opposition of 2001-2002. A few astrologers predicted terrorism for this era; none that I am aware of predicted a world war lasting 12 years and counting.

The first year that Pluto touched the foothills of Capricorn, we experienced the financial collapse of 2008. I can still see the smirk on Henry Paulson’s face as he announced that the bailouts would begin, trying so hard to suppress his glee. I remember well John McCain suspending his presidential campaign, allegedly to solve the problem with his own bare hands. Financial institutions were collapsing in house-of-cards style, and the money was flowing freely.

Astrologers around the world muttered, “Pluto in Capricorn has begun.” (Banking policy spotters around the world muttered, “yep, I told you so.” They had.)

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One of the momentous institutional failures at the beginning of Pluto in Capricorn was American International Group, a vast insurance company. Many banks were bailed out; many that you have not heard of went under. Photo by Neil Irwin.

In 2011, another (somewhat quicker) slow-mover — Uranus — ingressed Aries. On that very day (March 11, 2011), within hours of the ingress, a tsunami and earthquake took out a chunk of Japan, causing a huge mess at several nuclear power plants, the most famous of which was Fukushima.

Astrologers around the world muttered: “Oh shit. Uranus in Aries. And oh. Uranus square Pluto. Here we go.” Those who follow global astrology no doubt noticed the connections of both transits to the Aries Point — the first degree of Aries, where all things political intersect with all things personal.

Everyone remembers 2011, the year the Uranus-Pluto square really began: the protests that spread through the Middle East and across North Africa; the protests in Wisconsin; and then that autumn, the worldwide Occupy movement began in a private park in New York City. Real people were taking their bodies to the scene of the crime and demanding action.

And you may remember, if you haven’t suppressed it, the agony of that first month after the meltdowns in Japan, as the truth slowly came out. People who understand nuclear power know that it’s perhaps the most personal-as-political thing there is if, for instance, a little strontium-90 lodges in one’s bones.

The Uranus-Pluto square has been working its way across the signs Aries and Capricorn, and will make a total of seven contacts. The next one is on Nov. 1. It is the midpoint of the cycle — the fourth of seven events. There will be another during the next eclipse season, on April 21, 2014; and then another on Dec. 15, 2014. The last will be on March 16, 2015. Then the energy of the aspect will slowly wane, though it can do so with considerable influence, even for another five years.

Every now and then (quite a bit, lately), other planets get into the aspect pattern, and bring its properties out into the open. For example, Jupiter is now in Cancer, making what’s called a T-square with Uranus and Pluto.

Recently Venus and then Mercury passed through Libra, completing a grand cross. Challenging events associated with Mercury’s passage through the aspect were the Colorado floods and the mass shooting at the Navy Yard. When that Libra leg of the cross is filled, it can be intense. Part of that is because the grand cross is the most powerful aspect pattern. Adding to the energy is the fact that there’s a little-known slow-moving planet, similar to Pluto, already in Libra opposite Uranus and square Pluto — Typhon, the namesake of typhoons.

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The Occupy Wall St. movement was a herald of the Uranus-Pluto square. Photo by Eric Francis.

The first thing that happens this autumn is that the Sun in Libra passes through the aspect structure. On Oct. 1, the Sun will square Pluto (that is deep, introspective and compelling changes that can take root on the soul level). On Oct. 3 it will make an opposition to Uranus (surprises, shocking developments, revelations, inventions), and over the next few days, a conjunction to Typhon (exact Oct. 6) (perhaps passing through the eye of the storm). On Oct. 12, the Sun will make a square to Jupiter, which tends to magnify things and also provoke decisions.

Even if these aspects were happening inisolation from each other, we would feel them. That they are happening concentrated within a few days means there is likely to be a global effect. You don’t need a crystal ball to guess what that effect might be — some lunatics in Congress are threatening to hold the United States, and by extension the world financial networks, hostage.

Their issue is that they don’t want the Affordable Care Act (also called Obamacare, invented by the rightwing Heritage Foundation, enacted by Congress, signed by the president and approved by the Supreme Court) to be any further entrenched. This autumn is the time that the health insurance exchanges open in all 50 states.

If you live in England or Canada or Sweden or someplace civilized like that, this must sound awfully weird — to threaten to push the country into default, and/or to defund and therefore shut down the government, because a small minority of legislators don’t like a law that provides health services for people. I wish I was making this up, then I could edit it and things would be different.

If that happens, we will certainly experience the Uranus-Pluto square full-on, in solar style. Note that the Sun, which is doing all the passing-through, in mundane astrology (the astrology of worldly affairs) represents the head of state. The fact that the head of state is going to have a wild ride for at least the first two weeks of October means that the whole government may be in turmoil.

Speaking of Oct. 1, that’s the day that Mercury enters what’s sometimes called shadow phase — the earliest measure of the Mercury retrograde effect beginning. The retrograde itself — the peak of the event, when Mercury appears to move in reverse longitude through the zodiac — begins on Oct. 21 and ends Nov. 10. The second shadow phase ends Nov. 27. This is definitely something to plan around. Follow the Planet Waves blog and Planet Waves FM and your member editions for ongoing details, which will be useful to keep up with.

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Typhon, the most fearsome monster of Greek mythology, was so terrible that it took Zeus himself to fight him. Now a planet by this name is part of the cardinal grand cross — Typhon, Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto — and in a moment, the Sun.

This is actually pretty good timing for most purposes in the Western world, since we leave Mercury retrograde behind around Thanksgiving, and well before the end-of-the-year madness reaches its peak. However, as this happens, Venus is warming up to one of its relatively rare retrogrades (Venus is retrograde least of all the planets). That takes place Dec. 21 through Jan. 31 (not including shadow phases). I will come back to that one next month.

Right in the mix of Mercury retrograde, making things especially interesting, is a pair of eclipses. Both are impressive in their own right. All eclipses come with a sense of acceleration, concentrated experiences and the feeling that fate is in operation. Eclipses are points of no return — and these two occur in the mix of much other astrology.

As for the eclipses — the first is the Aries Full Moon, which is a penumbral lunar eclipse. The Moon will pass through the outermost edge of the Earth’s shadow on Friday, Oct. 18. One of the most interesting features of the eclipse is that the Moon will be conjunct a major new discovery, Eris (the planet that got Pluto ‘demoted’).

Then as the Moon is waning, the Sun ingresses Scorpio on Oct. 23. About 10 days later on Nov. 3, we experience the corresponding New Moon event — a part-annular, part-total eclipse that is one heck of an impressive chart.

Planet Waves
Eclipse of the Sun in Scorpio on Nov. 3 is a combined total and annular eclipse, notably, conjunct Saturn. It also happens during Mercury retrograde in Scorpio. You can see the eclipse group of planets to the left side of the chart. They include Mercury, the North Node, the Sun, the Moon and Saturn. Juno, square the eclipse group, makes more than a cameo (potentially stealing the show), bringing in eternal themes of relationship and social justice.

The eclipse (a conjunction of the Moon and Sun) will be conjunct Mercury, the North Node and Saturn. That’s a lot of planets concentrated together, during what’s already one of the most profound times of year even when nothing special is going on.

It will be essential, in the midst of all of this, to keep your focus, to maintain emotional grounding, and to stay in balance — all of which will be easier said than done. When the astrology is acting up, a good astrologer can be helpful. Through this whole season, I plan to be working on my 2014 annual readings for all 12 signs and rising signs.

For the past few weeks I’ve been studying and casting charts for the next 12 months, and they are pretty special, even by contemporary standards. What’s interesting about the autumn of 2013 is that it closely resembles what will be happening all through 2014 — the peak year of the Uranus-Pluto square.

My annual will be called The Mars Effect. Having read this article, when I say that Mars will be passing through the Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto-Typhon configuration not once but three times, that will be meaningful — we are about to go on one heck of a ride. We are, as of this moment, embarking on what may be the most profound phase of the extended 2012 era; I would estimate this stretches from October of 2013 through August of 2014.

Confronted with this information, some astrologers will say hold on and some will say let go. I will say: stoke your vision, pay attention and look where you want to be.


This week’s news briefs were written and researched by Amanda Painter, Susan Scheck, Carol van Strum, Anne Craig and your friendly neighborhood news editor, Eric Francis.


Planet Waves

We are happy to offer once again one of our most popular products: the Planet Waves All-Access Pass for 2014. The All-Access Pass is for members who want access to everything we offer in a calendar year. In recent years our product line has grown considerably, and the response from our All-Access subscribers has been overwhelmingly positive. You can read about everything that’s included with an All-Access pass here. For those who can’t get enough Planet Waves astrology, it’s an unbeatable value. Plus, if you order now, we’ll include the rest of the readings that come out in 2013, and you’ll save $100.
Planet Waves

After the Fake Filibuster, a Game of Chicken

The rightwing fringes of the Republican party have been moaning for the past couple of years that candidates like McCain and Romney, despite unstinting support of big business and blustering on about American exceptionalism, simply weren’t conservative enough. The 2012 election cycle brought in a fresh crop of Tea Party-fancying congressional representatives, including the junior senator from Texas, Ted Cruz.

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Illustration from the Encyclopedia of Psychiatry under the term “narcissistic personality disorder.” Photo by Jonathan Bernstein.

If you recognize his name, that’s because he increased his visibility considerably this past week with a “filibuster” on the Senate floor lasting more than 21 hours, claiming that his intention was to bravely fight to defund the Affordable Care Act, known to most as Obamacare.

That was the first step in endlessly awaited health care reform designed to make medical coverage more accessible to more people. It’s the one thing that Obama has accomplished, and it seems that no matter how popular it is, Obama’s political enemies want to deny him a positive legacy.

As you may know, the federal government runs out of money in mid-October. To stay in business, it must pass what is called a “continuing resolution” (CR, in Beltway-talk), which extends the nonexistent budget. The federal government no longer uses a budget; it sputters along from CR to CR. The next one expires Tuesday, Oct. 1.

Last week the House of Representatives passed a 45-day CR that includes a condition: at the insistence of the Republican majority, funding the government only if the Affordable Care Act is cut off from resources. In other words, the majority of our representatives are willing to shut down the government if Obamacare is not starved of resources. Forget the fact that it’s been approved by all three branches of government, including a conservative-leaning Supreme Court.

So the Republicans, who now resemble anarchists, are planning a kind of holdup: they say they won’t approve a CR without also killing Obamacare. That in turn could force a government shutdown just as the Sun squares Pluto, setting off the rest of the grand cross — just as Mercury gets ready to station retrograde.

Friday, the Senate is scheduled to take up the House version of the bill, which will fail in the Democrat-controlled Senate. That means the country will still be without a CR, and the money runs out around Oct. 17. Most people are expecting pressure from the business community, meaning banks and financial markets, not the local tailor shop, to dissuade the Tea Partiers to allow the government to function. But that might not work.

Meanwhile, Republicans — eager for any influence they might have, and to do anything to make Obama look bad — have trained their guns on the rapidly approaching debt ceiling deadline. That is the limit on money the government must borrow to pay for things already purchased (wars, etc.).

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How Ted Cruz missed the irony of his choice of ‘fake filibuster’ reading material is a mystery: once the narrator actually tries the green meal, he likes it. Image: MSNBC.

That issue must be resolved by Oct. 17, when the debt ceiling must either be raised — as has been done more than 50 times in recent decades — or the U.S. government will be in default on its current financial obligations. Republicans are offering to avert this crisis provided that Democrats will agree to (among other things) approving the Keystone XL pipeline and delaying the implementation of Obamacare for a year.

In other words, the Republican position is: do it our way or we blow the place up. Default would have many repercussions, including messing with financial markets, banking, thousands of businesses and hundreds of thousands of employees who depend on federal paychecks; not to mention the millions of people who depend on the government being there.

Will the federal government shut down? At this point, it seems unlikely that Congress will manage to get its collective self together and prevent that eventuality by midnight on Monday. Even if it does shut down, various Obamacare provisions will continue to go into effect.

One thing we can all count on is a bitter fight on the debt ceiling issue as we approach mid-October.

The glaringly obvious fact that emerges from the Cruz performance is that, rather than a good-faith effort to govern, the end game was all about either one guy getting attention, or one guy taking the fall for what a lot of people want to do but don’t want to stand up for.
Planet Waves

Warren Revives Softer Draft Guidance for GMO Labeling

Senator Elizabeth Warren, a staunch consumer-protection advocate, is calling for the Food and Drug Administration to finalize a 12-year-old draft guidance in relation to the labeling of foods containing GMOs.

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Is a little GMO labeling better than none? Elizabeth Warren seems to think so.

GMO labeling supporters are not entirely pleased with this, since the guidance is voluntary and not as tough as the mandatory national labeling requirements they seek.

The guidance calls for food manufacturers, should they choose to identify foods as containing GMOs, to use statements that explain how the food was modified through genetic engineering and avoid the phrase “GMO free” for foods that have not been modified.

“The term ‘GMO free’ may be misleading for most foods, because most foods do not contain organisms (seeds and foods like yogurt that contain microorganisms are exceptions),” the guidance explains. “It would likely be misleading to suggest that a food that ordinarily would not contain entire ‘organisms’ is ‘organism free.'”

However, 85% of corn and 93% of soy grown in the U.S. in 2013 has been genetically modified. These ingredients are added to many processed foods sold here — a leading reason for mandatory labeling.

Cross-contamination — GMO seeds finding their way into non-GMO corn and soy fields — is common, and therefore a wild card in any food product containing corn or soy. Mandatory labeling would eliminate at least some of the mystery in what we are eating.

Update: The Monsanto Protection Act will not be part of a bill to avoid the government shutdown, due to opposition by Senate Democrats Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) and Barbara Mikulski (D-MD), chair of the Senate Committee on Appropriations, as well as strong action against it by the public. Mikulski announced Tuesday evening that it will be stripped from the Senate version of the bill.
Planet Waves

Russia to Prosecute Greenpeace Activists for Piracy

Russia’s top investigative agency, the Investigative Committee, said Tuesday it will prosecute Greenpeace activists on piracy charges for trying to climb onto an Arctic offshore drilling platform owned by the state-controlled gas company Gazprom. Their ship, the Arctic Sunrise, was seized last week by the Russian Coast Guard in Murmansk, a Russian Arctic port.

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Greenpeace ship ‘Arctic Sunrise’ is escorted by a Russian coast guard boat, off the Kola peninsula in Russia, on Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2013. Photo: Efrem Lukatsky/AP.

Piracy carries a potential prison sentence of up to 15 years and a fine of 500,000 rubles (about $15,500).

Two activists tried to climb onto the Prirazlomnaya platform last Thursday and others assisted from small inflatable boats. The Greenpeace protest was aimed at calling attention to the environmental risks of drilling for oil in Arctic waters.

Investigative Committee spokesman Vladimir Markin said the activists posed a danger to operations on the oil platform. “Such activities not only infringe on the sovereignty of a state, but might pose a threat to the environmental security of the whole region.”

Greenpeace insisted that under international law Russia had no right to board its ship and has no grounds to charge its activists with piracy.

Russian president Vladimir Putin weighed in Wednesday at a forum on the Arctic, saying, “It is absolutely evident that they are, of course, not pirates. But formally they were trying to seize this platform … It is evident that those people violated international law.”

A spokesman for the Investigative Committee said the charges might be changed if new evidence emerges.
Planet Waves

Hunger Strikes: Pussy Riot, Guantanamo

Nadia Tolokonnikova, one of two incarcerated members of Russian feminist punk group Pussy Riot, has begun a hunger strike in protest of “slavery-like conditions” in a Mordovian penal colony. She is serving a two-year sentence for protesting Russian president Vladimir Putin with her band, who staged a “punk prayer” inside a Moscow cathedral on February 21, 2012.

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Pussy Riot’s Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, prior to being sent to Mordovia’s Gulag-like prison colony No 14. Photo: AP

Tolokonnikova wrote an open letter, published in The Guardian UK, describing how inmates are in charge of giving others beatings and depriving them of rights, under the approval of prison officials; work sewing shifts as long as 17 hours; and endure inconceivable filth in an atmosphere of antagonism, terror and despair.

“A threatening, anxious atmosphere pervades the work zone. Eternally sleep-deprived, overwhelmed by the endless race to fulfill inhumanly large quotas, prisoners are always on the verge of breaking down, screaming at each other, fighting over the smallest things. Just recently, a young woman got stabbed in the head with a pair of scissors because she didn’t turn in a pair of pants on time,” she writes.

According to her husband, Peter Verzilov, Tolokonnikova has also faced death threats in retaliation for a complaint she sent through her lawyer.

In May the other jailed member of Pussy Riot, Maria Alyokhina, went on hunger strike for 11 days to protest prison conditions; allegedly many of her demands were met. A Mordovia prison system spokesman has denied Tolokonnikova’s allegations.

Meanwhile in Guantanamo Bay, the U.S. military says it will stop reporting the number of prisoners on hunger strike when the official tally of striking prisoners has dropped below 19. The strike against indefinite detention began in February, with 106 out of the 166 prisoners participating at its peak, prompting Pres. Obama to address his failure to close the prison as promised. At this time, 18 prisoners are listed for force-feeding through inhumane nasal tubes.
Planet Waves

Ego, Sexual Expectations and Viagra: More is Not Merrier

For centuries, human beings have done foolish things to boost their sex appeal, sex drive and sexual ability — often carrying (or thinking they must meet) unrealistically high expectations. Once in a while, the pursuit of sexual prowess has tragic consequences, as two men recently demonstrated with their misuse of Viagra. [Read earlier Planet Waves coverage of Viagra here.]

According to The Daily Mail, which cites the Columbia Reports website, a 65-year-old Colombian man recently underwent the amputation of his penis after intentionally overdosing on Viagra in an attempt to impress his new girlfriend.

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Halloween is coming — but don’t eat a handful of these.

The man, from Gigante, Colombia (no joke), suffered an erection for several days before being forced to seek medical help (Viagra’s label advises seeking medical help for any erection lasting more than four hours). At that point, his penis was showing signs of gangrene; doctors chose to amputate to prevent its spread to other parts of his body.

He is now recovering physically (no word on his ego). A 25-year-old in Yemen was not so lucky last week.

The young man sought to impress his new bride by taking five Viagra pills at once on his wedding day. Upon his arrival home after the ceremony, he collapsed and died despite doctors’ attempts to revive him at a hospital.

By no means is this the first case of a man suffering heart attack or arrhythmia while using Viagra; the same effect the drug has on the nerve activity of the penis can also increase sympathetic nerve activity, which makes blood vessels constrict. And there are numerous other potential side effects.

That the death occurred in a man so young highlights a disturbing trend: young men taking erectile dysfunction drugs when they are not suffering from ED. In fact, one 2012 study found that young men using ED drugs ‘recreationally’ may actually be more likely to develop the condition, by creating a psychological dependence on them.

Pfizer, the maker of Viagra, warns quite specifically that combining Viagra with certain other medications, or using it in the presence of certain health conditions, can be dangerous. Pfizer’s website and labeling also advise that a man’s doctor may prescribe a lower dose if he is over 65.

But do the warnings need to be stronger? Even if they were, is it enough to sway a man who’s so desperate to be ‘enough’ for a woman in today’s world of non-stop sex in the media and Internet porn? People tend to think that ‘if a little is good, more must be better’ about everything from Tylenol to chocolate cake. Will we ever learn?
Planet Waves

We Can Save the USPS — If We Want To

The Carper-Coburn bill (S. 1486), which threatens the viability of the U.S. Postal Service by ending Saturday delivery and door-to-door delivery, plus laying off more than 100,000 workers over several years, has been the subject of congressional hearings this week. It has also inspired legislation meant to counter the brick-by-brick dismantling of the USPS by reimagining how the struggling organization could recapitalize itself through diversifying its services.

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With the sensible Postal Service Modernization Bills, Mr. ZIP could help you with your banking — and fund infrastructure — while keeping the USPS viable.

Representative Peter DeFazio (D-Oregon) and Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) have brought The Postal Service Modernization Bills, a pair of companion bills, to their respective wings of Congress.

“Needs that the post office might diversify into include (1) funding the rebuilding of our crumbling national infrastructure; (2) servicing the massive market of the “unbanked” and “underbanked” who lack access to basic banking services; and (3) providing a safe place to save our money, in the face of Wall Street’s new ‘bail in’ policies for confiscating depositor funds,” writes Ellen Brown, president of the Public Banking Institute, in a Truthout article.

“All these needs could be met at a stroke by some simple legislation authorizing the post office to revive the banking services it efficiently performed in the past.”

Bipartisan support for founding a national infrastructure bank (NIB) over the last six years keeps meeting opposition to using tax money for such a thing (while never-ending wars get continual funding). But Frederic V. Rolando, president of the National Association of Letter Carriers, asks:

“[W]hat if we set up the NIB without using taxpayer funds? What if we allowed Americans to open savings accounts in the nation’s post offices and directed those funds into national infrastructure bonds that would earn interest for depositors and fund job-creating projects to replace and modernize our crumbling infrastructure?

“A post office bank … would not offer commercial loans or mortgages. But it could serve the unbanked and fund infrastructure projects selected by a non-partisan NIB.”

The idea has precedent: currently 1 billion people use the postal sector for savings and deposit accounts worldwide. With about one in four U.S. households counting as “unbanked” or “underbanked,” an NIB could serve as a true alternative to such extortionist options as prepaid debit cards, check cashing services and payday loans that keep people locked into poverty.
Planet Waves

It’s a Dangerous Job but Somebody Has to Do it Well

New York Times staff photographer Tyler Hicks hadn’t planned on working last Saturday morning, Sept. 21. He was picking up some framed wedding photos in a shopping center when the neighboring Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, exploded into screams and shouts and gunfire.

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People who had been watching a movie in the Westgate Mall being evacuated. Photo: Tyler Hicks / The New York Times.

You may know his name because he and three colleagues were held captive for six days by pro-Qaddafi fighters during the Libyan revolution.

Hicks ran toward the scene as everyone else was running away, and entered the mall through a service entrance with Kenyan security forces, photographing chaos with the little camera he had handy until his bride, fellow photojournalist Nichole Sobecki, got there with his Kevlar and pro gear.

By coincidence, then, the world ended up with a view of the attack’s early hours through the lens of a Pulitzer Prize winner. Long before the nearly five-day siege was over, Somali-based hard-liners Al Shabaab (“the youth” in Arabic) claimed credit. In a message released Wednesday, Al Shabaab blamed Kenya’s incursion into Somali and “Western states that supported the Kenyan invasion and are spilling the blood of innocent Muslims in order to pave the way for their mineral companies” for its attack.

The attack was carefully planned — Al Shabaab apparently rented a storefront within Westgate from which to plan and stage its bloodbath. This upended the conventional wisdom that AMISOM, made up of several African nations including Kenya and with substantial Western backing, was close to a decisive victory in the bloody Somalian conflict taking place against a backdrop of devastating famine.

Meanwhile, Kenyan military security forces were woefully unprepared for such an event, which is why it took days to bring under control. Counterterrorism planners said that this particular mall was such an obvious target, it was recently used for terrorism response training exercises.

Planet Waves
Photo by Tyler Hicks / The New York Times.

Al-Shabaab, which grew from a relatively small offshoot of a formerly governing coalition to claim the al Qaeda brand, is reportedly unpopular within Somalia. The hardline political Islamists have plenty of innocent Muslim blood on their own hands. Reports of the mall attack demonstrate an effort to spin the PR fallout in their favor by checking to see if victims were Muslim before shooting them.

Kenya has the largest Somali refugee population in the world. Over half the Kenyan population survives on less than a dollar a day, and youth unemployment is over 75%, creating fertile ground for Al-Shabaab recruiters who work through Saudi-backed Islamic youth centers and offer $500 a month.

Expatriate Somalis living in the United States reject the idea that Al-Shabaab would have any great success recruiting among American youth, despite reports they’ve made it all the way to Minneapolis. Still being sorted out are reports that there were several nationalities among the mostly young attackers; Interpol has issued an arrest warrant for Samantha Lethwaite, the widow of a man who was killed participating in a London terror attack several years ago.

As of Thursday, 67 civilians from a dozen different countries and five militants are confirmed dead, including children as young as five; 61 people are still unaccounted for as forensic teams from several nations sift the rubble. Eleven militants are in custody. Also on Thursday, fighting ramped up along the Somalian/Kenyan border.
Planet Waves

BlackBerry Sells Out, Goes Private, Stays In Business

It’s been a rough couple of years for RIM, makers of the iconic BlackBerry. At least it was rough before this week’s announcement that the company — called BlackBerry, after it’s smartphone product for the past year or so — would accept a $4.7 billion buyout. That offer came from Fairfax Financial Holdings, a Canadian consortium headed by Prem Watsa. The $9 a share proposition came Monday afternoon, following an announcement last Friday of layoffs and poor earnings.

Planet Waves
A tool, not a toy — try selling it to teenagers.

Watsa was a BlackBerry board member until August, when the company announced it was for sale and the “Canadian Warren Buffett” stepped aside to avoid conflict of interest. Fairfax already holds about a tenth of BlackBerry stock, and the deal would make the formerly public company private.

Rumors of a buyout had been swirling around the company since at least 2011, when RIM stock dropped by 80%. In the past year, government agencies including the Department of Defense, the FBI, and the ICE all announced that they were opening up their portable IT bidding — formerly an exclusively BlackBerry niche — to rival companies like Apple and Samsung.

When the Defense Department announcement came last October, BlackBerry’s vice president for government solutions whistled a happy tune to CNET, claiming confidence that BlackBerry would continue dominating the business and government sectors. The device that revolutionized the communications world back around the turn of the century still has diehard fans, who gather on a dedicated forum to talk “Crackberries.” Pres. Obama famously carries one. But even Obama for America, his campaign organization, spent a pile of money on Apple devices for its workforce.

Watsa has said that he believes in the BlackBerry and that taking the company private will allow for retrenchment and healing. On the Crackberry board, they’re not a happy group. Many claim that when it comes to sheer solid functionality, nothing beats a BlackBerry. But the company that’s long marketed its devices as tools, not toys, seems unlikely to survive without some re-visioning going down. Even the Navy wants apps these days.
Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Kaleidolapse moment frozen in time: if you’ve been to Barcelona, do you recognize that tower?

Turning the World Inside Out: Barcelona Kaleidolapse

A walk around Barcelona would be enough eye candy for most of us, but now there’s this: a Kaleidolapse of the city, turning church spires, trees, people and streets into a wild moving mandala.

Kaleidolapse is a visual technique that applies a kaleidoscopic effect to different shots taken with time lapse photography. The multiple moving images are symmetrically multiplied, giving them an abstract look.

The technique was developed by MyLapse, a Barcelona-based production company specializing in time-lapse photography. The creative team set a single mandatory criterion: “At some point in every shot anyone should be able to identify the site of Barcelona that was filmed.” If you need some help with that, click here for a list.
Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Sean Lennon and Charlotte Kemp Muhl — Ghost of a Sabre Tooth Tiger.

Equinox, New Moon and Sean Lennon

In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM I cover the Libra Equinox, the Libra New Moon and a Libra rock star — Sean Lennon — and his Leo collaborator, Charlotte Kemp Muhl. I cover the approach of the Sun to the Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto-Typhon alignment on the cardinal cross — something that heats up for real over the weekend. My in-studio guest is Mike Amari, one of the truly bright minds behind attracting talent to BSP. (Read my coverage of BSP on Planet Waves here.) Meanwhile, Sean is playing this week at Backstage Studio Productions here in Kingston, NY. His performance group is called Ghost of a Sabre Tooth Tiger. Planet Waves FM is welcoming him to the neighborhood with an astrological tribute.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

The extended monthly horoscopes for October are published below in this issue. Inner Space for October was published Friday, Sept. 20. We published the Moonshine horoscopes for the Pisces Full Moon Tuesday, Sept. 16. Moonshine for the Libra New Moon will publish Tuesday, Oct. 1. Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscopes on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space usually publishes the following Tuesday but for now it’s substituting for one Friday horoscope a month.

Planet Waves Monthly for October 2013 #968 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Others will have little choice but to deal with the fact that you cannot be anyone but yourself. Now, from one point of view, is it really possible ever to be anyone but yourself? Yet we all know how much faking so many people do. You’ve even done a little yourself every rare once in a while. You can count on opening your mouth and saying exactly what comes to mind, and trusting that the results will sort themselves out. I suggest you notice what you say to whom. Rather than being far flung and out of control, you’re being more precise than you may think. It just may take you some time to have respect for your own point of view, especially if you manage to send out some ripples or have a few objections sent your way. Pay attention to who says what; notice who is turned on by your outbursts of authenticity. The one thing that nobody can complain about is that you’re getting a lot done. I suggest you engage that fully, and focus an agenda of everything you want to get done for the rest of the year (assuming you’re on such a schedule) and set about doing it sooner rather than later. Get a solid start on every project; get your research and your facts together; make progress while there’s progress to be made.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You could set free an enormous amount of passion, of creativity, of karma — perhaps all three. This is less likely to happen following a conscious plan on your part, but is more likely to follow the path of one thing leads to another. Taurus is often described as a reserved sign, and on the surface it may seem to be that way. Yet right below your exterior is an ocean of energy; you know it and so does everyone around you. In some ways it’s amazing that you manage to keep yourself contained — though for the next few weeks, I don’t suggest you try too hard. Rather, do what you can to sense where you’re experiencing a buildup of energy. Vital force is vital force, though it takes a number of forms, and can be directed many different ways. You might think you’re experiencing anger when you’re really feeling the drive to connect. You might think you’re experiencing fear when you’re experiencing desire. If you can pay attention to the content of your feelings below the form they seem to be taking, it’ll be easier for you to use your energy productively and avoid a mishap — such as directing your emotions in a direction that might not be appropriate. You still have the power of choice, and with it the ability to access wisdom — which will become stronger the more you use it.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Maintain your boundaries, especially at work. You may not be able to mind your own business but it will be helpful if you give the impression that you’re doing so. Rather than asking questions, listen to what people say. You’re likely to find that people voluntarily tell you everything you need to know. All you’ll have to do is assemble the pieces, though be aware that on any matter of real significance, this could take until the second week of November. That’s when the forthcoming Mercury retrograde ends. Mercury, as the planet associated with Gemini, has personal relevance to you. Apart from the usual de rigueur stuff about making commitments or major purchases, the movements of Mercury are closely related to information coming to the surface of consciousness. Because this Mercury retrograde is in Scorpio, that relates to what is concealed below the surface. The retrograde is about going deeper, though there will be bursts of revelation both around the 21st of this month and the 11th of next month. I suggest, therefore, that you not finalize decisions, plans or even opinions about pending matters until you’re fully informed. What is brewing looks important enough to take seriously. This astrology could represent an opportunity, the solution to a problem, or an insight about a health matter. Most notably, it represents the emergence of a currently concealed option you will be happy to have available.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Take advantage of unusual developments in your professional life to stake out new territory. Your chart has been pointing you in the direction of new horizons for a long time. By that I don’t mean a change of career but rather the exploration of your talent. I also mean establishing yourself on a new level as a respected member of your profession, and one known and valued for what you do. This is a sensitive phase, and rather than being about guaranteed achievement, it’s a time to preserve what you’ve gained, build on your achievements, and notice the specific opportunities that are available to establish yourself. You may notice some contrast between what you’re capable of and what others are capable of — which is not an invitation to be competitive. Rather, you’re at a phase of your work where teaching and learning are emphasized strongly. Stabilize yourself and build your confidence by both working with a mentor and taking one or two people under your wing. The process of developing your own talent will be greatly enhanced by engaging with the skills, ideals and approach to life that others use. Your professional success depends less on your standing out than it does on making yourself an integral part of what you do — what you might think of as your inner reputation as opposed to your outer one. As you’ll see, the two are related.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You may think it would be wonderful if you could resolve that tension between dreaming big and wanting a perfect sense of security about the future. At the moment there is plenty of it — the bigger your vision, the less ‘safe’ and stable you may feel. Yet much as an electrical battery depends on those two polarities holding a charge, you are depending on this tension. In physics it’s called potential difference — with voltage. I suggest you work with the seeming contradiction between the way things are and the way things could be; between having your life be good enough and taking a risk to create something better. Much of this is in the realm of developing ideas that may ‘threaten’ your old ideas, or the mental patterns of the people around you. This, too, will present you with a form of tension that you can work with as a source of energy. At the same time, you seem to have no shortage of creativity and drive to move your ideas and plans forward. Here is the thing I would caution about: When you shake things up, that can come back to you as self-doubt, and in a weird way, as guilt. I suggest you proceed with the feeling that you’re entitled to express yourself as you are called to do, and to work with the formula “improvement is a form of necessary change.”

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Treat joint finances and ‘permanent’ commitments with more care than usual. I don’t mean hesitancy — I mean scrutiny. Inaccuracies that slip into the mix, whether intentional (deception) or seemingly unintentional (overlooking details) or careless (skipping over due diligence) will cause problems in the future, so there is an added necessity to proceed with impeccability. With Mars soon to be in your sign that would not normally be an issue, though an opposition to Neptune is saying that your mantra needs to be ‘reality check’. Check the facts, investigate your doubts; if everything seems perfect, get another opinion; if you find a problem, solve the problem and then find two others to fix. The heart of the matter, however, is how you handle negotiations with close partners. This is especially true if you don’t know they’re negotiations. However any time there is an agreement on the table, especially if it involves money, pause, remember that you’re actually in a negotiation-commitment process, and then invoke your ‘reality check’ mantra. You need to take your time discerning the motives of the people around you. Even if your intuition gives you good information, make sure that you back it up with evidence collected from observation over time. When you’re dealing with Neptune, which you are at this time in your life, taking careful, dated notes is one of the most useful ways to stay awake.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.

Planet Waves

Attention Libras (and those with Libra rising or Moon): To get the best price on your 2013 birthday reading by Eric Francis, pre-order now here. Pre-ordering gets you $10 off the published price, and we’ll email the access info to you as soon as it is ready.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — An eclipse in your opposite sign Aries will give you a new perspective on a relationship. It’s like a veil will be pulled back allowing you to gaze into the unknown. The underlying reality is different than the one you can see under normal circumstances. You have experienced plenty the past couple of years that you don’t fully understand, spread throughout a diversity of situations. They all have something in common, and this is what I suggest you look for when you have those momentary opportunities to peer beyond the facade of existence. What you learn will help you sort out the issue of what you seem to want versus what you seem to get. You will feel better taking even small steps in this direction; I can offer you a clue — what you (really) want is unlikely to be the standard scenario of a comedy ending in suburban marriage. You have something edgier in mind; something more creative; something with more potential. Along the way, I suggest you evaluate your experiences not on whether they add up to your fantasy but rather how you feel about yourself. Each experience you have with another person has a way of influencing your inner relationship. This has nothing to do with the storyboard of expectations — it’s all about the real chemistry that you share with others, which in turn shapes your life and your experience of living.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Consider any and every change you’ve avoided making the past few years. Consider everything that’s stuck in your life, the places you experience boredom, and the ways you want to break free. Make some notes on all the promises you made with yourself about what you would be doing by the time you reached your current age. Astrological influences are gathering that may incline you to catch up on everything, all at once. I don’t recommend that as a method. Saturn is still in your sign; as much as that is reputed by astrologers to represent something that will not move, in fact Saturn never stops moving, and is your most dependable longterm influence when it comes to making real changes. Saturn’s presence is about focusing your energy and directing your passion in a way that’s directly integrated with that elusive thing known as logic. If you set out to accomplish a longterm goal, you need to be willing to take the necessary actions on the days that you don’t feel like doing it; on the days when that particular goal is not high on your priorities. This is a form of discipline that’s not inherent in your emotionally dominated sign — though I suspect it’s a personal goal for you to be able to focus on this. You now have an incentive. I’ll remind you in a month, but please don’t forget.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You seem to be pursuing some recognition or success, which you’re associating with money. Is this a valid connection? What if you considered the participation-visibility aspect of your work as one idea, and the business success as another? I know that the two are often conflated — for example, fame (a form of participation, based on acclaim) is associated with fortune (financial success). They’re not the same thing, on any level. Acknowledgement for what you do, and the opportunities that open up, is its own critter. Along with this you may include the integrity you put into your work, the message, and the ways in which you grow as a result of expressing yourself. Success in business is not assured from any of this, nor is it a matter of luck. It’s a matter of careful planning, conscious decision-making, a learning process and the careful choice of partners. Looked at this way, it’s clear why scrambling up these two kinds of success ladders doesn’t work so well. No matter how well-known a person is, no matter how well respected, that does not ensure or even hint at cleverness when it comes to handling money and business arrangements. And, sadly, skill with money is often associated with lack of integrity — that is not inherently true. Take these two sides of the equation separately and you will make a lot more progress — of the kind known as maturity.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — It will be a good idea to step back from the festivities, the fuss and the fireworks that develop later in the month and into early November. You’re focused on certain specific tasks right now, and you know you’re operating within the constraints of time and resources. Your astrology suggests you have enough of both, but not if you squander them on a drama that, in the end, you will discover had nothing to do with you. There are many ways to use the substantial astrology that’s rapidly approaching — astrology that will grant you visibility, the potential to meet new friends, and most of all, that will focus your sense of purpose. Therefore, start with purpose, which is similar to intent, and then rather brutally, evaluate every situation on whether you think it will advance your cause or work against it. As the next few weeks develop, this will be especially true of social situations, in which I would include parties, partying, going out and mindless diversion on the Internet. Alternately, the environment you’re in is very well suited for establishing your reputation based on real accomplishments, developing working relationships with people and carving out your special niche in the culture. Some of this is subject to serendipity and synchronicity; none of it is casual or haphazard. The temptation to be popular is more likely to work against you than it is to help. Therefore, keep your focus.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You may be thinking: is this all some kind of test of character, or of my integrity? I don’t know if it’s a test, but you may be experiencing the consequences aspect of life more than you’re experiencing its promise or potential. They are all related. All consequences are results, and what they are results of is, precisely, some form of potential. This works for ‘good’ things and for ‘bad’ things. The law of cause and effect is in action all the time. The difference between a sleeping person and an awake one is consciously using causes (motives, intent, decision) to get an effect (a result of some kind). This implies becoming conscious of all the superstition that is used as a substitute for good, old-fashioned karma. You are moving into a time of increased power of manifestation — what some astrologers might call success, but I think it’s edgier than that. Your choices will get results, though those results are the product of something. You are also living with the effects of what you have created — and the astrology I’m describing will grant you extra power to make adjustments to what currently exists. This will be especially true if you develop your understanding of how things got to be the way they are. And once you arrive at that understanding, consider it a rough draft and go deeper. Cause and effect are never separate, which is an idea that could save the world.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You would be amazed, if you could see the truth, the extent to which your choices today are based on beliefs that are many years or many generations old — and which are no longer applicable to the world in which we live. Some of these may masquerade as traditions, respect for the way things are done, morals, ethics and ‘fundamental values’. I suggest you put the lot of it up for evaluation. It’s impossible to question a belief unless you know you have it, so the first step is knowing what it is you think is true. Then take the next step and evaluate why you think it’s true. Question every assumption until it’s a habit, which may lead you to reject assuming anything at all. The very most important thing you can question is anything — anything and everything — taught to you by your parents. Questioning it does not make it, or them, or you, wrong — rather, it’s that once you start clearing the clutter, you will discover windows and doors, and the light and fresh air they allow into your awareness is known as a vision. I don’t mean this as a metaphor, but rather as a direct idea: what has the strongest potential is what you can actually see, and visualize, down to the details. Visualizations might ‘come to you’ or you might construct them like a draftsman makes a drawing. Either way or both — have at it.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.

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And Now We Are Arming al-Qaeda

Dear Friend and Reader:

Let the Akashic Record reflect that on the 12th anniversary of the Sept. 11 incident, the United States began providing weapons to al-Qaeda. It’s not being advertised that way — it’s being advertised as the U.S. providing weapons to the Syrian anti-government rebels (who you might happen to know include al-Qaeda fighters).

Planet Waves
George Bush, atop the WTC rubble with retired FDNY firefighter Bob Beckwith, promises to get the terrorists that his government accused of the Sept. 11 attack. Today we promise to get them some guns.

Thursday’s Washington Post story doesn’t include the term “al-Qaeda” — that would be nauseating so close to the anniversary, though everyone involved in government and media knows the truth. Even Syrian Pres. Bashar al-Assad mentioned this fact in his recent interview with Charlie Rose.

This development fulfills yet again the astrological chart for the Sept. 11 incident, which has as its main feature an aspect pattern recognized back to the days of Ptolemy — a mutual reception. Among other things, the chart pattern describes terrorists and the government trading places. Though it doesn’t prove anything, the chart nicely illustrates the variable — Mercury (representing the terrorists) is rising in Libra; Saturn (representing the government) is in Gemini. Saturn is exalted in Libra and Mercury rules Gemini.

The two planets can therefore reverse placements in the chart. They are also in a perfect trine, indicating cooperation and easy flow of energy (in whatever form). Spotters of the classical rules may note that the exact trine makes the mutual reception all the more prominent, as does the fact that Mercury is rising to the degree.

At least from the standpoint of traditional astrology, it’s not stretching things at all to say that the chart illustrates a false flag event — something where the wrong party was blamed, for a political or military purpose. It also suggests that the government was the terrorist. Twelve years later, this is not so shocking. Based on a seemingly endless flood of evidence, many people have figured out that something smells about the Sept. 11 story. Though the initial shock has taken a while to wear off, it’s a little easier to see the many pieces of the story that don’t fit together, that blatantly contradict one another or that are outright lies.

Though I fancy myself someone who has looked into the matter, I was not aware until this week of the numerous reports of what were called “secondary explosions” in World Trade Center towers 1 and 2 that on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, a top Fire Department official believed brought the buildings down, killing hundreds of firefighters. Now, those “secondary explosions” are esoteric knowledge or relegated to the realm of conspiracy theory.

Planet Waves
Tried and convicted by 11:47 am, MSNBC shows a photo of Osama bin Laden, said by intelligence officials to be in Afghanistan. Even on the 11th, the government was promising military action against Afghanistan. The Army cornered him in late 2001, then let him go.

With the dust and smoke and pain still fresh in our hearts and minds, the United States proceeded to embark on an open-ended war for 12 years and counting, sacrificing more than 5,000 American lives and countless severe injuries to our troops, and millions of people displaced, and hundreds of thousands killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, all ostensibly to get al-Qaeda.

You might say it was costly, but that also translates to profitable. The trillions expended on these battles and on the national security state went somewhere, to people and corporations.

And now we are providing the supposed terrorists with weapons, which arrived in Syria none other than on Sept. 11, 2013. There was apparently some kind of bureaucratic delay that was resolved none other than on the anniversary.

You might think that someone could have delayed either the shipment or the announcement by a few days so as not to be crass about it. But it makes one wonder whether someone either has a sick sense of humor or they were sending a message to the American public that the whole business had finally come full circle.

Speaking of full circle, the one thing that has indeed come back around to where it started was Jupiter, which has returned to its natal position and just today just crossed the midheaven (the government angle) of the main chart for Sept. 11, 2001. We must once again ask the question: who benefits? Who in the corporate and government spheres is making a lot of money on this whole seemingly endless business? It’s a very, very long list and it probably does not include you.

The gift of guns to al-Qaeda fighters arrives at the end of what was by any measure an astonishing week, which began Monday morning in London with a CBS News reporter named Margaret Brennan asking John Kerry what it might take to stop the attack on Syria.

Planet Waves
On the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, Pat Dawson of NBC News reported that FDNY’s chief of safety, Albert Turrey — one of the first to respond to the scene — said there were “secondary explosions” in the World Trade Center that he believes brought down the towers and killed hundreds of his men. Today, this is a conspiracy theory. View full video here — skip to 1:25.

Kerry answered off the cuff that they could turn over all their chemical weapons stockpiles, which of course (in his opinion) would be impossible. The State Department issued a statement an hour later trying to walk back the offer, claiming that Kerry was merely speaking “rhetorically” (a good description of how Kerry talks).

But Russia picked up on it, signaling that it was a good idea. Then Obama picked up on that — for him, it was a great idea for many reasons: he didn’t have the votes in Congress to approve the bombing campaign.

Peaceniks were aligning with hard-right Republicans in opposition to the attack. That’s pretty amazing — and it presents a template of how we can actually accomplish something difficult in times of strife and controversy.
No matter how much centrist, conservative and liberal views may diverge, there is always common ground. There are always common values, even if they have seemingly different motives.

It helped that a wide swath of the American public was not signing on to the project, contacting their congressional representatives in droves. Many Democrats felt betrayed by Obama, who was not supposed to be following in George Bush’s footsteps. So this provided Obama an important means of saving face before the public. Accounts of the alleged gas attack the night of Aug. 21 were not adding up — they still are not, and the Internet was exploding with this sentiment.

Given that Kerry is touting an exact number of people presumably killed and an exact number of children presumably killed, to me the most significant missing fact is a list of the dead. We don’t even have an accounting of how many are militants and how many are civilians, and also the time of the incident. If something really happened and if we have a body count, we should at least have those basic facts. It might be easier to accept this on faith, except we all know the story of Iraq: a war started on a litany of lies. Some people remember Vietnam, a war started on a total pretense; a fabrication called the Tonkin Gulf Incident.

Planet Waves
Margaret Brennan of CBS News put the question to John Kerry: what would Syria have to do to avoid being bombed?

It was this rare combination of factors that prevented a bombing and missile campaign, one that could have inflamed a regional war, indeed, a kind of world war — the planet is so rigged with nuclear bombs and other weapons systems that anything of this nature has the potential to run out of control.

So, we have a rare example of how the perfect storm of factors can actually stop a war, or at least the expansion of a civil war into a full-on bombing campaign by the United States, with an uncertain outcome. That’s a pretty special moment.

And back in Damascus, while that vicious civil war rages on, at least there is not, for now, the prospect of it raining artillery on civilians and the soldiers sitting in bunkers. But American arms, delivered by the CIA, are now going to the people who are fighting the Assad government. Among the organizations with an agenda taking advantage of this situation is al-Qaeda, which will now have access to fine American-made artillery.

This is enough to make anyone’s head spin, except it’s the normal way things go when war is on the agenda. It’s one reason why it’s safe to be against war in all circumstances — there is always a sham of some kind, people are always hurt, and there is never an agenda that benefits people.

It’s well about time we figured that out.


Note, I’ve covered the events of the week, and of the Syria conflict and the associated astrology, in detail in two recent editions of Planet Waves FM. Additional research: Amanda Painter.
This week’s news briefs were written and researched by Amanda Painter, Susan Scheck, Carol van Strum and your friendly neighborhood news editor, Eric Francis.


Planet Waves

Mercury in Libra, Through the Maze

If this past week wasn’t an exercise in anger management (or stress management) with Mars making a square to Saturn, consider yourself fortunate. While this astrology presented a diversity of emotional challenges and may have offered some back-handed progress, I would propose sending out a big rousing ‘amen’ for the fact that the U.S. didn’t start bombing Syria, dragging Iran and Russia into another phase of endless war.

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Jonah, with Virgo Sun-Moon, uses The Moment of Astrology by Geoff Cornelius as a pillow. Photo by Beth Bagner.

Mercury in Libra takes the lead through the weekend. Monday, Mercury reached Libra (representing news about diplomacy). That put it on course for the often-mentioned Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto configuration (sometimes called the Uranus-Pluto square, now with Jupiter in the mix).

Located in Aries, Cancer and Capricorn, that’s a cardinal-sign T-square that’s been setting the tone of the times we’re living through.

Each week we live through a month of news or personal movement, remember that alignment. Every day that feels like everything, all at once, you know what to look to for information.

Libra is the open end of the square. It’s the one cardinal sign without a (well-known or traditionally used) slow-mover present. (There is a not-so-well-known slow-mover there, called Typhon, a strange object discovered orbiting our Sun in 2002.)

On a fairly regular basis something we recognize passes through Libra and completes the square — and currently that something is Mercury. Recently it was Venus; soon it will be the Sun. For now, it’s Mercury. Though my astrology tends to depend on the slow-movers for its emphasis, I’ve noticed that Mercury is a planet of truly extraordinary influence — underrated by most astrologers.

Its influence may come from the fact that we live in a time where nearly everything we do falls under a Mercury rulership — all of our gadgets, everything we say with them, this ocean of ‘communication’ that we live in, all of it is thematically connected to Mercury.

But Mercury is more than the means of delivery, such as the device or the printing press — it’s also the message itself. And going closer to the source, it’s also the awareness that conjures the thought — borrowing from the Bhagavad Gita, “the mind of the senses, the consciousness of creatures.”

Planet Waves
Mercury square Pluto on Saturday, Sept. 14. Note the imminent conjunction of Venus to Saturn in Scorpio (upper right side of chart).

Libra is the sign of beauty, justice, balance and fairness. I suggest you make sure these things are ingredients in whatever you do.

For the next few days, Mercury is passing through one of the most powerful aspect patterns of our lifetimes. Putting things into context, in my opinion the Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto-Typhon alignment is up there with the top five most influential patterns of the past 50 years (two others took place from 1989-1991, and 2001-2002).

And now the ‘mind of the senses’ is about to jump into the fray. You may experience your thoughts going deeper, getting weirder, being more focused or more creative in unexpected ways. This aspect pattern has a touch of Tim Leary and Ram Dass to it — it’s the kind of thing that can change your perspective on life, and indeed can change you.

It’s a time to respect the power of ideas, something that’s too-rarely done, especially in our age of disposable thought. It’s a time to be real with yourself and real with others; it’s a time to recognize the importance of beginnings, endings and points of decision.

Venus emphasizes the point, now in Scorpio about to make a conjunction to Saturn. Along the way Venus will be part of the grand water trine, suggesting that you not allow emotions to rule everything — a fact emphasized by both the approaching conjunction to Saturn (a full stop, and moment of reflection) and the aspects that Mercury is making, described above.

As this develops, the Moon waxes toward full phase in Pisces — the Full Moon is on Sept. 19. That may come with a sense of gathering momentum, flashes of insight and maybe a touch of clairvoyance. You might be more sensitive, reactive or intuitive. You might find yourself up at night, which would be a time to use creatively rather than tossing and turning.

Yes, it may be a restless moment, and also a profoundly meaningful one, when real breakthroughs and turning points are possible.
Planet Waves

We are happy to offer once again one of our most popular products: the Planet Waves All-Access Pass for 2014. The All-Access Pass is for members who want access to everything we offer in a calendar year. In recent years our product line has grown considerably, and the response from our All-Access subscribers has been overwhelmingly positive. You can read about everything that’s included with an All-Access pass here. For those who can’t get enough Planet Waves astrology, it’s an unbeatable value. Plus, if you order now, we’ll include the rest of the readings that come out in 2013, and you’ll save $100.
Planet Waves

NSA Passing Citizens’ Data to Israel; Weakening Online Encryption

If you’re already incensed about the NSA intercepting your private communications — it gets worse. The Guardian reported Wednesday the NSA has routinely passed raw intelligence to Israel without first removing information about U.S. citizens.

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Skype worked with intelligence agencies last year to allow Prism to collect video and audio conversations. With weakened encryption, why ask permission? Photo: Patrick Sinkel/AP.

“The NSA was sharing what they call raw signals intelligence, which includes things like who you are calling and when you are calling, the content of your phone call, the text of your emails, your text messages, your chat messages,” said Alex Abdo of the American Civil Liberties Union on Democracy Now! “It sounds like all of that was handed over.”

Documents leaked by Edward Snowden detailed the secret intelligence-sharing agreement between the NSA and its Israeli counterpart, which places no legally binding limits on the use of the data by the Israelis. This is in contradiction of assurances by the Obama administration that safeguards exist to protect innocent citizens’ data caught in transit.

News of this raw-signal sharing came less than a week after Glenn Greenwald, collaborating with The New York Times and ProPublica, revealed that the NSA has developed methods to crack online encryption used to protect emails, banking and medical records.

“Encryption is really the system that lets the Internet function as an important commercial instrument all around the world,” said Greenwald.

Documents released by Snowden show the NSA spends $250 million a year on a program that works with technology companies to covertly influence their product designs, deliberately weakening international encryption standards. Documents also show the NSA’s British counterpart, the GCHQ, is trying to gain access into encrypted traffic on Hotmail, Google, Yahoo and Facebook — the “big four” service providers.


Planet Waves

Public Asked to Protest Monsanto Protection Act

House Republicans are extending the controversial Monsanto Protection Act rider (officially named the Farmer Assurance Provision) that was quietly slipped into a governmental spending bill last spring, and later signed by the president amidst huge public protest. The previous bill containing the Monsanto rider is about to expire, and without action to remove it on the part of lawmakers, it will stay there.

Planet Waves

The rider in essence prevents judges from placing injunctions on GM seeds even if they are deemed unsafe. Planet Waves reported last March on the legal issues surrounding the Monsanto Protection Act and the intense opposition to it at that time.

Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), sponsor of a petition last spring that garnered more than 100,000 signatures against its inclusion, is taking action again. “I will fight the House’s efforts to extend this special interest loophole that nullifies court orders that are protecting farmers, the environment, and public health.”

GMO activists hope the public gets involved again, in greater numbers than they did before. Petitions last spring by Food Democracy Now picked up 100,000 signatures and one by CREDO Action, an online progressive group with about three million members, had more than 250,000 signatures.

“That’s big for us, the fact that it went from zero to 100,000 in just 24 hours,” Becky Bond, the head of CREDO, said in an article at the time. “People are really passionate about this issue. A lot of time people feel helpless with regard to corporate decisions … The fact that there’s someone in the Senate who’s fighting for this is exciting to people, and they’re eager to get their names on it.”

Center for Food Safety, another organization critical of the Monsanto Protection Act, is asking Americans to protest the rider once more. You can sign on to the petition here.
Planet Waves

After ‘Secret Fracking’ Expose, L.A. Leaders Call for Moratorium

City Council members in Los Angeles have called for a moratorium on fracking (hydraulic fracturing) in the region after residents near areas of the controversial drilling process reported increased health problems and severe property damage. Council members Paul Koretz and Mike Bonin are concerned that fracking threatens L.A.’s water supply, air quality and private property.

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Actor and environmental activist Ed Begley Jr. speaks at a news conference on the City Hall steps in support of a ban on fracking in Los Angeles, with Councilmen Paul Koretz, left, and Mike Bonin, right. Photo: Gary Friedman / Los Angeles Times.

The move comes two months after Truthout and the Associated Press revealed that at least 12 fracking operations had been approved on oil rigs in the Santa Barbara Channel off the coast of California as long ago as 2009 — minus the updated environmental impact review that federal law may require, and without any public notice.

The California Coastal Commission and other state officials reportedly had expressed surprise at the news.

Koretz and Bonin are hoping to outlaw fracking by changing the city’s zoning laws. Several local and national citizen-action organizations are joining forces in support of the ban, in a state where the oil industry is the biggest corporate lobbyist and Governor Jerry Brown is reportedly fast-tracking a plan to build peripheral tunnels under the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta. The tunnels would be used to transport massive quantities of water to oil companies’ fracking sites, as well as to agribusiness — threatening several species of fish.

“If a group of people poisoned millions of gallons of California’s water while no one was looking we would label it terrorism and call out the troops,” Koretz said. “Yet that is what’s happening with fracking right now in California.”

Koretz and Bonin’s measure has gone to the Council’s Planning and Land Use Management Committee for review and public hearings, which have yet to be scheduled. David Graham-Caso, communications director and environmental policy advisor to Bonin, let Planet Waves know yesterday that readers can support the moratorium by signing a petition with CREDO here.
Planet Waves

Planet Waves

“My outfit is not an invitation”; “Critiques about my body are not welcome”; “My name is not Baby, Shorty, Sexy, Sweetie, Honey, Pretty, Boo, Sweetheart, Ma” — just a few of the messages that could appear in street art by Tatyana Fazlalizadeh in a city near you.

Street Art vs. Street Harassment

When does someone cross the line from ‘just trying to be friendly’ to ‘being invasive’? Is it the tone of voice, the words said or an expectation that the person one is speaking to is obligated to respond in kind? It’s a fine line, and the men who cross it make life harder for those men who really do try to be sensitive, considerate and friendly — though arguably things are even harder for women subjected to it.

Brooklyn-based artist Tatyana Fazlalizadeh is challenging this rampant lack of awareness and respect through her street-art project Stop Telling Women to Smile. After talking to friends about their experiences with street harassment, she drew their portraits, coupled them with text speaking to offenders (who often are not called out), and began posting the work in Brooklyn and Philadelphia.

“For most of [my friends], we sat and had a conversation about their experiences and what it is they’d like to say back to harassers. I used those conversations as inspiration for the text underneath their portraits.”

Fazlalizadeh says she is open to expanding the project to men who have experienced harassment:

“I know it happens, and it’s important, and it’s something I may take on in the future. Right now though, I want to focus on women — of varying backgrounds — to really tackle the ways in which our bodies are sexualized and mistreated in the public space.”

Fazlalizadeh has started a Kickstarter campaign to raise money for traveling to other U.S. cities to talk to and draw women across the country, putting the art up in their neighborhoods.
Planet Waves

Syria Scam Derailed; Sept. 11 Anniversary

In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I look at the astonishing events that began the week, including a diplomatic path of resolution suggested by Margaret Brennan, a CBS News reporter who questioned Kerry Monday morning about what it would take to stop the bombing proposal.

I describe the astrology associated with this, though I neglected one meaningful point — there will be a development over the weekend when Mercury in Libra reaches its square to Pluto, and then continues on to an opposition to Uranus and then a square to Jupiter. That is to say, I hope the whole deal doesn’t come unraveled — however — the longer this drags on, the less likely there is to be a bombing campaign.

After the music break I tell the story of how I figured out that the official story of the Sept. 11 incident was a lie — from a photo of the Pentagon, reproduced in high resolution here. Look at the photo at full size and see if you can find any hint of an airplane crash. Remember, an airplane is 100 tons of aluminum, titanium and plastic, full of people, baggage and fuel.

I don’t talk about the astrology — though I’ve covered that many times. I reference an article called Were it So, in which I tell the story of my discovery of how the official story of Sept. 11 was not true.

My personal favorite astrology-news piece on Sept. 11 is called History, Turning on a Phrase. Here is last year’s podcast going into detail on the Sept. 11 incident.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

We published the extended monthly horoscopes for September on Friday, Aug. 23. We published the Inner Space horoscopes for September Friday, Aug. 30.  We published the Moonshine horoscopes for the Aquarius Full Moon on Tuesday, Aug. 20. The Moonshine horoscopes for the Virgo New Moon were published Tuesday, Sept. 3. Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscopes on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space usually publishes the following Tuesday.
Planet Waves

Weekly horoscope for Friday, Sept. 13, 2013 #966 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Someone close to you is going through what you recently went through, or at least something similar. Even if it seems to be less meaningful (to you) or seems (to you) to have less impact, I suggest you recognize their emotional reality for what it is. You, and the people around you, are having certain experiences of coming up against your limitations, which you may be experiencing as reaching a breaking point. What you may observe as both interesting and informative is the way in which a partner or loved one demonstrates their flexibility in ways that you tend to be rigid, stuck or stubborn. It’s not that they’re going through less than you — indeed, what they’re experiencing appears to be profound and to reach a deep place. Their response and approach to the equation is informed by other values, including the concept of equilibrium. This is something you would do well to learn, and you can learn a lot from observation.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Pause and reconsider your point of view. There’s an urgent need for a mature approach to a relationship question, and that approach involves getting clear about how not to make everyone or anyone into your parent figure. Our society is rife with parent-child dynamics, from how we interact with cops and politicians, to how we relate with intimate partners, colleagues and bosses. It’s up to each individual person to grow up and be an adult. Often the excuse for not doing so is not wanting to lose one’s child-like nature. Yet that nature is vulnerable without an adult to protect it, and that adult must be you, not someone else — despite what is currently a tremendous temptation to project that responsibility onto another person. This may be for the sake of companionship, or of seeking approval, or because you need protection. Yet is any of that true? I suggest you ask yourself whether how you’re handling things is more or less likely to offer you the sense of belonging and safety that you need.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Awareness of mortality is awareness of life. It’s closely related to awareness of change and growth. How we feel about death closely resembles how we feel about existence. It’s therefore unhelpful to deny mortality or to pretend that you have no relationship to death. Being mindful of how forms transform, and of what elements follow the story from one phase to the next, will all be helpful. If you find yourself feeling backed into a corner, like nothing matters or like your time is running out, you may be suppressing something from your awareness. In the most basic psychological terms, that might be the need to change. There appears to be some element in your environment that’s inviting you to do just that. It might be a commitment to someone, your sense of contact with something greater than yourself, or your changing relationship to the passage of time. Work with it, not against it.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — There’s certainly something elemental and childlike about sexual play, though for adults it calls for the conscious use of ethics. The way society deals with this is to turn sex into a moral issue, which it’s not. Imposed morality only tends to make people less answerable to themselves. Morality makes everything wrong, especially pleasure. As I define the term, ethics is about the ability to discern the shades of appropriateness, and to make a decision about what is right for you at any given time. If you can do that, you’ll have more freedom; if you cannot, you’re more likely to encounter an imposed limitation. As well, what you have now is the opportunity to explore the nature of a certain blockage that’s been lingering around in your body, emotions or energy field for the past few seasons. On one level this seems to be about what is right and wrong for you. On another it’s about how you take a risk in an ethically conscious way.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Mars in your sign is showing you how consistency and persistence are the way to work through obstacles. If you slow down just a little, you’ll see that they are not providing the resistance that you thought they might offer. Brilliant ideas save work and get results. And they are available to you if you open up to them, which is another good reason for why you want to pause and think about any obstacle or problem before you attempt to tackle it. What you can have right now is a mix of inspiration and deep thinking. It’s not a matter of one or the other — every useful idea needs to be applied in a conscious way. The inspiration part is about the insight or the idea; the deep thinking part is about how to use it. Remember to match the right solution to the right problem. They may not be interchangeable but if you try out a few combinations, you will find a few perfect matches.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Lately it’s as if you’ve been making your way along a narrow ledge on a tall building. While this would obviously be a tense situation, you seem to have a source of anxiety originating somewhere else. This is not about whether you’re right or wrong. You do so much of what is right that you should have no anxiety whatsoever. Here’s a personal question: have you considered the possibility that much of the background static that you experience involves your experience of your sexuality? This is a specific form of anxiety that psychologists don’t like to talk about that much, though not only is it real, it’s connected to the core source of vital energy — which is why it’s so powerful. This, in turn, is perhaps the most significant factor for determining a person’s self-esteem, particularly your own. Society sends many messages not to think about any of this, to focus on appearances and the supposed monetary value of your sexiness. What you experience over the next few days will reveal the value of going much deeper.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.

Planet Waves

Attention Libras (and those with Libra rising or Moon): To get the best price on your 2013 birthday reading by Eric Francis, pre-order now here. Pre-ordering gets you $10 off the published price, and we’ll email the access info to you as soon as it is ready.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You have many options open, though they may feel like situations to which you must respond. That’s a compelling kind of option, and included in it is the chance to turn what looks like a problem into an opportunity. I know a lot of people have probably made a lot of money with that statement, which relatively few people know what to do with. Here’s how it looks in the chart: You encounter something that triggers you emotionally. You have the option to gloss over the issue and move on, or figure out what was at the bottom of your response. I suggest you do that, because as Mercury moves through your sign, it does so in an increasingly provocative and emotional way. The sooner you make contact with the material at the root of the matter, the sooner you will make sense of your situation and be able to find the opportunities within it. Most of them involve emotional healing and finding a place of clarity with someone who you really wish you could understand a lot better.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — When in doubt, be brave. Take a chance. You have an emotional state that’s urging you to caution at the same time you have one that’s encouraging you to be bold and determined. The question is which one you’re going to listen to. I suggest you listen to the one that’s really you. Here is a clue: There’s one level of worry or concern that belongs to someone else. It comes from somewhere else and belongs to another place and time. There’s another dimension to what you’re experiencing that feels unusually bold, and in some ways unlike you but in other ways familiar and welcome. Though this feels good, and may make you a little nervous, you may be wondering whether that’s accurate or whether you’re feeling too big for your britches. Now take these two emotions and match them to people in your family of origin. What feeling resembles whom the most accurately? Which feeling seems unique to you?

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — It’s time for a dialog about what makes you the most uncomfortable — that is, your personal taboo. This will seem bolder and braver before you do it and maybe for the first five minutes, and then it’s likely to feel perfectly normal. Whomever you’re discussing this with is likely to have a similar experience, so don’t worry about burdening them or thinking that you’re pushing them into weird territory. Rather than push, lead the way with a personal disclosure that at least seems daring and like you must cross an inner boundary to get there. That will get the discussion going. There are likely to be a few surprises as you proceed, potentially quite pleasant and liberating. While there are a few possible emotional and intellectual destinations, you will discover something about your own point of view as well as that of your conversation partner. One discovery might be something like how little you need to have in common in order to have something really special between you.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Focus on your message, which means having clear ideas and putting them into clear words. Keep it simple: don’t worry about being deep. You can do this without dumbing down anything, or compromising your point of view. Indeed, the idea is to get closer to your actual position, so that it can be more understandable to others. In that spirit, be accurate, precise and clear. If you’re writing and you make an error, admit to it and correct it visibly. Impeccability will lead you in the direction you want to go. Along this same line of reasoning: it’s important that you not push an argument or point of view; state it clearly and wait for a reply, even if that response takes several days to come back. Your words carry considerable authority, and one reason that someone may delay in responding is because they are having a response that they cannot articulate yet. Give any scenario till the 22nd to work out — the equinox is an obvious turning point. Till then, be patient. And be precise.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You have a lot on your hands, including much that you were not expecting to be dealing with. Help is on the way. The key element in receiving that help will be trust, in particular, trusting whomever responds to your needs is not also running another agenda. If you have a real question, ask — and listen to the answer. You may choose to have faith in the situation despite some actual concerns. Sort those out. If you do, you’ll see that some are old and no longer apply to you or your current environment; this is a good time to address any lingering hangover from the past. Some will involve what may be a level of mistrusting women. That, too, is a lingering artifact of history. Treat people as who they are today. Setting all that aside, you need to delegate at least some of your responsibility to someone who arrives to assist you, which is always a matter of having faith in a person; so keep this on a human level and start there.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Emotions are complex; lately yours have been especially so, though you now seem to be in a moment of clarity. I would suggest you not push too hard against anyone or anything. There is always an easier way to get a result, and I suggest you look for that easier way. One thing to bear in mind is that time is on your side, and that momentum is carrying you in the right direction. Plant the seed of an idea in anyone you need to persuade, and then allow the conversation to develop. Don’t worry if negotiations are stalled or if you seem to hold inferior cards. There are a number of developments that will come to light, as partners and associates gain an understanding of the environment and their own responsibilities. Then over the next week, as the Full Moon in your birth sign approaches, it will be easier for you to work out stalemates, deadlocks and impasses without needing to exert much effort.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.

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How You Can Tell Syria is a Scam

Dear Friend and Reader:

Saturday afternoon, with an aircraft carrier battle group underway to the eastern Mediterranean Sea, Pres. Obama managed to stun the world by saying he would defer to Congress the decision on whether to bomb Syria. The prior week Obama was ready to move against Syria without congressional approval under the War Powers Act.

Planet Waves
Michel Foucault’s pendulum swings in the Pantheon of Paris, tracing the turning of the world on its axis. Photo by Eric Francis.

Obama’s and Kerry’s rationale for the bombing campaign, as you’ve no doubt heard, was an alleged chemical attack by Syrian Pres. Bashar al-Assad on rebels involved in an internal war within the country. That war was an outgrowth of the Arab Spring protests, which began with a government crackdown on protesters in March 2011.

The alleged gas attack on the Syrian rebels is said to have taken place in a Damascus suburb the morning of Aug. 21. The exact time is unknown; the death toll varies by a factor of five, depending on whose estimate you listen to; and a U.N. team has not yet produced its report on the incident. No proof has been offered who actually did the attack, assuming it happened. Even after Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, government officials are asking the public to just simply trust that they are telling the truth and know what they’re doing.

Last year Obama made his infamous red line statement — that the U.S. would get involved in the Syrian civil war if the government used chemical agents on the rebels, who include al-Qaeda fighters and who are now supposedly allies of the United States. The U.S. has been providing weapons to these insurgents for about a year, who this week were shown executing seven members of the official Syrian army in a video obtained by The New York Times.

Obama and Kerry reminded everyone of the horrors of chemical weapons in World War I and how the world was almost unanimously against their use. Gas also has an irrevocable connection to the Nazis, who killed many civilians in the death camps using Zyklon B, a cyanide-based insecticide used to murder millions in Nazi gas chambers.

Assad was accused of using chemical weapons, and Obama immediately promised to retaliate, presumably along with the British and the French. But days later, the House of Commons dumped a proposal by Prime Minister David Cameron to join the United States in a bombing campaign. Public support in the U.K. and the U.S. was and remains nonexistent.

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British Prime Minister David Cameron speaks during last week’s debate over Syria before the House of Commons. Many MPs defied orders to vote with their party. Photo: Daily Mirror.

That’s when Obama got on television and said he would be seeking congressional approval. You can look at this as a clever political move, deferring potential blame back to Congress and in particular the Republicans in case the project went badly (or dragged the U.S. into a long war, as may be the plan).

My impression is that Obama was under pressure from corporate leaders and his own top military advisors to go in without congressional approval. But with no backing from the U.K. and no public support at home, he had to pass the responsibility for the decision.

Notably, the British government was accused of “breathtaking laxity” in its arms controls after it emerged this week that officials authorized the export to Syria of two chemicals capable of being used to make a nerve agent such as sarin a year ago, the [UK] Independent reported.

Speaking of nerve gas, a Turkish newspaper reported that, “Russia has called on Turkey to share its findings in the case of Syrian rebels who were seized on the Turkish-Syrian border with a 2kg cylinder full of nerve gas sarin.” This calls into question who actually deployed the chemical agent, assuming it was used, the night of Aug. 21.

Meanwhile, reports that the Assad government has a stockpile of chemical agents at least seem plausible; after this is all over, assuming they exist, they will end up in the hands of someone, and neither side in this struggle seems particularly friendly — the government we’re planning to punish or our supposed friends the rebels, who are demonstrably vicious as well.

In light of this impressive mess, it’s not surprising Obama balked on his threat of military action and deferred to Congress. He knows that congressional approval is required to start a war (even if that requirement has been ignored many times). I don’t think he wanted to take full responsibility for whatever might happen next, or if any of these facts — not reported in the American press, so far — came to the surface.

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Kerry testifies before Congress in 1971, protesting the Vietnam War. He asked his famous question, “How can you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?” Photographer unknown.

Then Kerry went on a kind of dead children tour, repeating again and again, in press briefings, in congressional hearings and now on an international trip, his one and only talking point: that there were lots of dead bodies, including 426 kids, insisting that the U.S. must respond with bombs. It’s the right thing to do. It’s the only thing to do.

Don’t worry, it’ll be limited action — in theory designed to send a message and to destroy chemical weapons facilities. It will send a message to Assad, whom the American government claims has more WMDs than Saddam in his wildest dreams.

Don’t worry mom, I know the garage is full of oily rags; it’ll just be a small fire. I just want to send one smoke signal.

This week as the congressional debate set in and people started taking sides, the rationale shifted, but it’s others who are delivering this part of the message, from a diversity of political points of view: the United States (in the person of Obama) promised to bomb Syria and it must do so, lest we signal our weakness to Iran or North Korea; lest we signal that the United States doesn’t speak with one voice. (This, as if nobody knows that Democrats and Republicans can barely get together to pay the bills.)

If we don’t bomb Syria we lose our credibility. In order for that to be true, we would need some credibility to begin with, and where matters of war are concerned the United States is running an extreme deficit. That’s why the entire public is telling Obama and Kerry to sod off and why brutal dictators do whatever the heck they want.

Then let the commercial break go by and you see video of Kerry talking about the 426 dead kids. In a gas attack. Just like World War I. Which the civilized world abhors. It’s our responsibility. We must maintain the rule of law. We will bomb them and it will all go beautifully. This week the Senate Foreign Relations Committee narrowly approved the use of military action; it goes to the full Senate next week, and to the House of Representatives.

Members of both the House and the Senate are facing overwhelming resistance from their constituents. And any Republican who goes along with Obama risks being forced out of office by a primary race from someone to the right. This is putting hawkish Republicans in the odd position of being against military intervention — their favorite thing ever.

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Medea Benjamin and other members of Code Pink hold up hands symbolically painted in blood as Kerry testifies before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee this week. C-Span video.

If it’s not plainly obvious that Obama and Kerry are lying, and working several layers of some agenda they are not stating out loud, the bald hypocrisy of their moralizing over a chemical attack and dead children should be enough to provoke extreme nausea.

After the Bush War I, the United States and the U.K. maintained a bombing campaign of civilian facilities in Iraq that killed 500,000 children, mainly through destruction of fresh water plants that resulted in outbreaks of cholera.

Madeline Albright, then Bill Clinton’s secretary of state, said on 60 Minutes that she thought it was worth it. It still amazes me that we don’t think of this every time we see Clinton’s face.

Add to that all the children killed and displaced in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Nicaragua, El Salvador, East Timor, the first bombing of Iraq, Afghanistan, Bush War II featuring Nixon retreads Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, and then relentless drones in Pakistan, and Yemen, and all the “unidentified enemy combatants” that Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange told us about, and it sounds disingenuous that Obama and Kerry want to go to war over some dead civilians in Syria.

In the 30 months the Syrian civil war has raged, 100,000 civilians have been killed; we didn’t find it necessary to get directly involved before last week (though the U.S. has been aiding the conflict in various ways for two years). Do they think it’s better to be killed by a cluster bomb or by starvation or disease than it is by a chemical agent?

Here’s how you really know the gas attack rationale is a lie: it’s the only reason they’re giving for going to war. This would be a war in an extremely volatile part of the world, which could have entirely unpredictable results. Besides the facts on the chemical attack not adding up, there’s never just one reason for dropping bombs on a country. You know Kerry is lying because on Thursday he told MSNBC’s Chris Hayes: “I don’t believe this is taking America to war.”

You know Obama and Kerry are lying because they’re making it sound so simple, stating just one rationale. No country ever goes to war for one reason alone. In addition to concealing all of their other motives, they’re refusing to address the supposedly ‘unintended’ consequences of military action, such as the enemy fighting back. Nobody seems concerned that we would be going to war to support a branch of al-Qaeda, and that the Senate version of the bill calls for arming the rebels.

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Bill Clinton’s Secretary of State Madeline Albright on 60 Minutes saying it was worth killing 500,000 Iraqi children, mainly from cholera, after the first Gulf War. See video here.

Both Obama and Kerry, who are clearly spokesmen for a larger organization of some kind, are omitting from the discussion the incredibly vast complexities involved in the Middle East situation, including unstable governments, extreme factionalism and the way that the region is like an exploding chessboard where an eternal proxy war is being staged.

They are omitting the influence of petroleum in the region and its central role in the American and global economies. They are omitting the fact that Syria is Iran’s closest ally, and many in the United States power structure have wanted to bomb Iran for years.

Yet the macabre, pointless and expensive wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have made that challenging. We also didn’t have an explicit reason to bomb Iran — but now we have an excuse to go after Syria, which would be an easy way to get Iran involved in a war.

Before getting into the astrology of this whole scenario, let’s consider a few of these potential influences, the reasons that nobody is talking about. I don’t know if you watch cable news, but when you turn on a news channel all you hear about are basically two things — the gas attack and the credibility of the United States in keeping its promise to bomb Damascus.

Situation One — the petrodollar. Most oil is traded in dollars, which creates an artificial demand for American currency. Countries must stockpile dollars and treasury notes in order to have money to spend on oil. That demand props up the value of the dollar, which would have little value otherwise because it’s backed neither by gold nor by exports.

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Nixon took the dollar off of the gold standard, locking in the petrodollar.

Basically, the dollar is our export. And if countries don’t buy it, we have nothing to fall back on. The Federal Reserve is in essence printing counterfeit dollars, but those dollars are in demand because they can be traded for oil. This pumps wealth into the United States, which we’ve largely used to buy a massive military machine.

If oil-exporting countries switch to the euro as a standard currency, the value of the dollar and thus the whole U.S. economy can go into free fall. That’s what Iraq did just before the U.S. began its latest 10-year bombing campaign there in 2003.

This doesn’t make that much sense in terms of bombing Syria, which ranks 35th in world oil reserves, but it makes a lot more sense if you consider how a war with Syria would be a proxy war with Iran. Read more about the petrodollar issue here.

Situation Two — Iran. Granted, the United States is not very good at handling Iran; U.S. policy always seems to make the problem worse. But the central powers of the United States and its business partners want a Western-controlled Iranian government, just like we had under the Shah of Iran prior to 1979. And one way to do that is to clobber them in a war or two. That is the theory anyway.

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Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran.

The United States is made nervous by any country that it doesn’t control. Our government is still freaking out over Cuba, which is stockpiled with sugar, cigars and sex.

And it has a lot of reasons to want to control Iran. The ongoing excuse to go after Iran has been that they might turn out to make an atomic bomb. That’s true enough — every country with nuclear power sooner or later ends up with a nuclear arsenal, and Iran has nuclear power. That fear is made worse by the notion that Iran might give one of its bombs to terrorists.

However, there’s a lot of oil sitting under Iran. And that oil is going to be sold somewhere, in some currency. As peak oil takes hold, these big stashes of oil become even more valuable. Saudi reserves are not all they’re cracked up to be.

Far from being a “limited intervention,” an attack on Syria could lead to something akin to a world war, though certainly a war with Iran is possible. It’s so possible that it seems to be an intentional means of drawing Iran into the conflict, and giving the U.S. an opportunity to ‘defend’ itself and end up in a not so finite, not so limited war that goes on forever.

Situation Three — intra-Muslim politics. I know so little about this that I can barely write a whole sentence, but I know the issue exists and that it’s extremely complex. The Sunni and Shia branches of Islam have been slugging it out since the earliest days of their existence.

Planet Waves

The situation in Syria is complicated by the fact that Assad and most of those in his regime are Alawite (a branch of Shia Islam) but most Syrians are Sunni. This contributes to the conflict, since Alawites are a minority in Syria yet they have been in power for decades.

I know that most Americans think of all Muslims as being the same thing, but that’s not how Muslims see it. If we get into a war with Syria, we are jumping not only into the midst of a civil war in that country; we would be plunging into the Sunni-Shia battle.

U.S. officials might have a political intent in doing this; for example, Saudi Arabia is Sunni; Iran is Shia. We owe Saudi Arabia about a million favors after both Bush Wars and in particular how badly the second one went. The U.S. consumes a lot of Saudi oil — oil that is running out. So the U.S. pretty much does what the Saudis want.

But don’t think about that — think of how heinous chemical warfare is. Don’t think about how the U.S. waged chemical war in Vietnam and the rest of Southeast Asia, featuring napalm and Agent Orange, and forget about the white phosphorous that the U.S. used in Iraq, including on civilians.

Forget how American police departments use chemical agents on American activists on a regular basis, less dangerous than sarin but chemical agents nonetheless.

Think about the sarin victims, even though we don’t know who they are, by name or family affiliation; and we don’t have a suspect based on real evidence — we don’t know exactly what happened, who set off the gas if indeed any was used, or where the suspects got it (except for the part about the Brits selling the stuff to the Syrians last year — don’t think about that part). And just because someone has something does not implicate them; one would think that to go to war evidence besides the government’s say-so would be necessary.

Well, Obama has done us a big favor by referring the proposed bombing of Damascus to Congress — we are at least having a discussion, even if you get very little of it in the mainstream media; there is plenty to read about on the Internet. In this case the pretense of following the Constitution is not such a pretense.

What all of this says to me is that there is some other much larger agenda at work, one that is currently obscured by the fog of war.

Astrology of the Syria Situation

The Syria situation is making a lot of charts. The problem is that there is no one accurately timed chart to connect the situation to. After doing hundreds of news chart analyses, I’m made skeptical by any widely notorious event that cannot be precisely timed. The gas attack has no known exact time. Many people would have heard the first missile strike.

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Syria’s natal chart, per Nick Campion’s Book of World Horoscopes. Note the Mars-Uranus-Vesta conjunction to the upper right side of the chart. Also note that Syria’s Sun is at 9+ Capricorn — right in line with the Uranus-Pluto square. This goes on for a while longer.

My astrology collaborator Tracy Delaney said Thursday, “Trying to read that chart seems to bring home the fact that this did not happen in a vacuum; it kind of says go join the dots then.”

When we start doing that, we find a pattern of interlocking charts that includes the 1944 chart for Syria; Pres. Obama’s chart; the current Uranus-Pluto square, including the night of the chemical attack; the current charts; and the fact that Bashar al-Assad was born during the Uranus-Pluto conjunction of 1965-1966Let’s connect some of those dots, considering a few of the charts involved. The background is the Uranus-Pluto square — the 2012 aspect pattern that lasts from 2011-2015 with effects that will reach into the end of the decade. Uranus is in Aries; Pluto is in Capricorn; Jupiter is now in Cancer; planets keep moving through Libra, completing the grand cross in the cardinal signs. Through all of this, Chiron is in Pisces, just like it was for the Uranus-Pluto conjunction of 1965-1966.

Here are some highlights:

The Syrian Protest Movement Begins on March 15, 2011. This happened just four days after Uranus ingressed Aries, and officially takes its part in the Uranus-Pluto square. That’s also four days after the tsunami and earthquake that set off the worst nuclear disaster in history — at Fukushima, Japan, which has apparently killed the Pacific Ocean and is at this moment spinning out of control. This is the same astrology that sets off the rest of Arab Spring, the Wisconsin movement and the international Occupy movement.

The Aquarius Full Moon. This was exact the night of the alleged sarin gas attack. The time range of 2 am to 4:40 am directly encompasses the exact Moon-Sun opposition, which was at 4:44 am (daylight savings) local time. The Full Moon was conjunct Nessus, a centaur associated with revenge, poison and karma coming back to the person who sets off the chain of events (in the myth, in the form of how his own poison comes back to Heracles and kills him).

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The alleged sarin gas attack was timed with the second Aquarius Full Moon. The Moon was conjunct Nessus, which is associated with poison and revenge. The event sets off Syria’s natal chart as well.

This is a colossal chart. Within hours of the Full Moon, Jupiter in Cancer makes its exact square to Uranus in Aries and a trine to Chiron in Pisces. Speaking astrologically, it’s one of the biggest moments so far in the 2012 era. It’s the moment of first contact between Jupiter and the square; and Chiron is right there to pick up the energy and throw the door open to something a lot bigger (one expression of the trine aspect).

A reading of the full aspect list from that day shows Mercury making five different exact, simultaneous aspects to minor planets, including a door-opening trine to Eris, who in one manifestation exists to precipitate war and strife, and a square to Varuna — the breaking of a promise.

The dubious chart for 2 am, the earliest stated time of the alleged gas attack, is indeed a chart illustrating a situation where “the government attacks its own people,” but that chart takes a ride and it’s not clear what really happened. But it’s clear that something happened.

The Natal Chart of Syria. The source of this data is the eminent Nick Campion’s Book of World Horoscopes. This is not a friendly chart. We really do have the horoscope of a duplicitous, volatile, pent-up raging enemy of the people of the world. Go figure.

The chart features a Mars-Uranus conjunction in Gemini on the 8th/9th cusp. The chart has Pluto in Leo on the North Node, like a warhead. We really don’t want this country in possession of too many fancy weapons. Is this really someone we want to bomb?

The chart was set for hair-trigger the night of the Full Moon. And it fits another world horoscope rather nicely…

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Natal chart for Barack Obama. It fits many ways with the Syria chart and the chart for the current moment (see SKY section below).

Barack Obama’s Chart. Barack Obama’s sensitive Gemini Moon is conjunct Mars-Uranus in the Syria chart. He feels personally provoked and he probably does not know why. But he had the good sense to pass on responsibility for the decision to bomb Syria. Meanwhile, Obama and Syria have planets piled up all over one another — when you put the two charts around one another, you get all kinds of conjunctions, with Obama’s Neptune making an impressive appearance in Syria’s chart: it’s square Syria’s North Node and Pluto.

The Current Chart — Mars square Saturn. One last. We are currently under the influence of Mars in Leo square Saturn in Scorpio. I unpack this fully in the current edition of Planet Waves FM and in some detail in SKY below.

The upshot is that Mars in Leo is bringing a lot of passion, drive and vital force into contact with Saturn, which in Scorpio is chilly and represents some form of stuck energy. The sensation is that of pressure building, which comes to a head on Tuesday — the congressional debates of early next week will sure be interesting.

What stands out is that the Mars-Saturn square fits — to the degree — Pluto and the lunar nodes in the Syria chart, and Obama’s Neptune. And along comes Mars, plunging into the whole arrangement.

As has been asked before though never often enough: what could possibly go wrong? What has ever gone wrong before?


Additional Research: Wesam Badr, Sunya Bhutta, Priya Kale, Kelly Karalis, Amanda Painter, Susan Scheck and Lizanne Webb.


Planet Waves

Mars-Saturn: The Slow, Steady Burn

The Virgo New Moon was exact Thursday at 7:37 am EDT. That’s a conjunction of the Moon and Sun in Virgo. This New Moon stands out because it’s the last New Moon before the equinox, and it stands out because it’s opposite Chiron.

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Simplified chart section for Mars square Saturn, exact at 7:06 am EDT Sept. 9. From top: lunar North Node, Saturn and Moon in Scorpio, Mercury in Libra, the Sun in mid-Virgo and Mars in Leo.

On one level this chart contrasts fact and imagination, mental experience and emotional experience. It points to the need to balance the two sides of the Virgo-Pisces equation. This translates to keeping a mental perspective on your emotions. This can be challenging in a world where we’re taught to emote in all directions rather than to think in any one direction, though it’ll be worth rising to the occasion.

In the background of the current astrology is an aspect that’s developing — Mars square Saturn. While this aspect is exact early next week, we are under its influence now. It contrasts the fiery passion of Mars in Leo with the chillier, potentially tuck quality of Saturn in Scorpio.

You will likely experience this as some form of pressure or drive. It might be emotional pressure, such as experiencing the effects of emotions and desire you’ve denied; it might be creative drive, such as a push to express an idea or bring to completion a project that you started a while ago.

The key to this aspect is the slow, steady burn. Don’t try to storm the mountain or demolish all your inhibitions at once. Take them one at a time; approach your feelings gently, or at least as gently as you can. If you push too hard, you run the risk of burning out. If you don’t apply enough heat and pressure, your energy could fizzle out.

Mars in Leo encountering Saturn in Scorpio is calling for a conscious blend of yin and yang, of assertive change and voluntary letting go of what is blocking your progress.

As this develops, on Friday (today) the Moon ingresses Libra; on Monday, Mercury follows suit. Anything that ingresses Libra (as the Sun will soon do) gets involved with the longstanding Uranus-Pluto square and will come with events that reveal deeper facets of the times in which we’re living.

For those following the situation in Syria, Mercury ingressing Libra is a sign of ‘news about diplomacy’. But Mercury makes a series of surprising moves over the next week, as it passes through the Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto configuration. That means agreements made now will be subject to some radical revisions over the coming days.

One last astrology item: the Moon eclipses Venus in Libra Sunday. There’s something here about sussing out the difference between desire and need. If you find yourself in a discussion on the emotional content of a relationship, that would be a topic to bring into focus.


Planet Waves

We are happy to offer once again one of our most popular products: the Planet Waves All-Access Pass for 2014. The All-Access Pass is for members who want access to everything we offer in a calendar year. In recent years our product line has grown considerably, and the response from our All-Access subscribers has been overwhelmingly positive. You can read about everything that’s included with an All-Access pass here. For those who can’t get enough Planet Waves astrology, it’s an unbeatable value. Plus, if you order now, we’ll include the rest of the readings that come out in 2013, and you’ll save $100.
Planet Waves

The Price of War Debated at Global Economic Summit

Is anyone really surprised that war clouds over Syria also have clouded the Group of 20 economic talks now taking place in St. Petersburg, Russia? The summit on the global economy among the leading 20 developed and developing nations was overshadowed by the conflict, with U.S. President Obama facing growing pressure by members not to go forward with a military strike.

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Putin and Obama not looking too thrilled at last year’s G20 in Los Cabos, Mexico. This year, they might get downright nasty over Syria.

Russia, China, the European Union, the BRICS emerging economies (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) and Pope Francis — in a letter — warned of the dangers of military intervention without the approval of the U.N. Security Council.

“Military action would have a negative impact on the global economy, especially on the oil price — it will cause a hike in the oil price,” Chinese Vice Finance Minister Zhu Guangyao said.

Obama said before talks at the summit with Japan’s prime minister that the use of chemical weapons in Syria was “not only a tragedy but also a violation of international law that must be addressed.”

He was to present his case at the leaders’ dinner and hoped to build support for military action, according to aides, who also conceded a consensus might be hard to find.
Planet Waves

Prison Officials Say Castro Killed Himself

Less than a month after being sentenced to life plus 1,000 years in prison for pleading guilty to 937 counts including rape, kidnapping and aggravated murder, Ohio prison officials said that Ariel Castro was found hanging dead in his cell Tuesday night. Castro had held three women captive in his Cleveland, Ohio, home for a decade. He was arrested in May after Amanda Berry and her six-year-old daughter escaped and called police, who freed Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight.

State officials claim that an autopsy has determined Castro’s death to be a suicide; they say he used his bed sheet.

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Ariel Castro; photo: Cuyahoga County Sheriff’s Department.

Castro’s attorney, Craig Weintraub, has said that his client was initially put on suicide watch, in part due to a history of psychological problems, but was later downgraded. When Castro was transferred to the Correctional Reception Center in Orient, Ohio, he was put in protective custody, which meant he was in a cell by himself and checked by guards every 30 minutes — standard practice for inmates who are at risk from other prisoners. A guard found Castro hanging at 9:20 pm, and attempted to revive him.

The chart for the incident is inconclusive whether it was murder or suicide, and it looks a bit cheerful for either possibility (Venus in Libra is the strongest planet, followed by Mars in Leo.) There does appear to be an accomplice present who was involved in whatever happened, and there also appears to be government complicity. Perhaps he’s now hanging out in Cuba with Kenny Lay.

“As horrifying as Mr. Castro’s crimes may be, the state has a responsibility to ensure his safety from himself and others,” said ACLU of Ohio executive director Christine Link. “Questions remain whether Mr. Castro was properly screened for suicide risk and mental illness. Prisons officials must address these issues, not only to fully account for how Mr. Castro was able to commit suicide, but also to prevent this from occurring again.”

Ohio prison officials have begun a review of Castro’s death. The Ohio State Highway Patrol will conduct a separate investigation.

According to Weintraub, he had asked Cuyahoga County jail officials to allow Castro to be interviewed by a forensic psychiatrist in the presence of his lawyers after the Aug. 1 sentencing. That request was turned down — surprising given the disjointed excuses given by Castro, his lack of remorse and a suicide note reportedly found in his home after his arrest.
Planet Waves

EU Ban on Bee Killing Chemicals Challenged by Bayer, Syngenta

Displeased with having to wait out the two-year European ban on their bee-killing chemicals, Bayer and Syngenta late last month began legal action toward the European Union to abolish it. The ban, which comes into force on December 1, covers three neonicotinoids: clothianidin, imidacloprid and thiamethoxam.

Certain studies have linked neonicontinoids in lab experiments to bee fatalities, yet some scientists say these experiments do not correspond with what happens in nature. A spokeswoman for the European Commission said that its measures were based on scientific information and the conclusions of the European Food Safety Agency, which has ruled that these insecticides could pose a risk to bees in some circumstances.

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Greenpeace activists scale the Syngenta headquarters in Switzerland in May to hang a protest banner. Photo: Greenpeace.

Syngenta, based in Switzerland, is challenging the EU only on thiamethoxam, saying the decision was made “on the basis of a flawed process.” John Atkin, the company’s chief operating officer, added that the European Commission, which initiated the ban, was wrong to link thiamethoxam to declines in bee health.

“Syngenta continues to ignore scientific evidence that clearly links thiamethoxam and other pesticides to bee-mortality. Instead of taking the Commission to court, it should act responsibly and stop marketing its bee-killing pesticides,” Greenpeace spokesperson Mark Breddy said.

Bayer CropScience of Germany is challenging the ban on all three chemicals. In a statement, it said that the Commission’s move is “unjustified, disproportionate and goes beyond the existing regulatory framework.”

Historical note: Bayer is a former subsidiary of the principal Nazi German company I.G. Farben. It was the state-run corporation that had a near-monopoly on chemical production in Germany during the war, and which owned the patent on Zyklon B gas.

The Nazis worked hand in glove with Farben, to the point where chemical factories in conquered territory were turned over to the company, which in turn did work for the war effort, for profit. (This is why fascism is also called corporatism.) After the war, the company was broken up; three of the units survive today.

One of the units became BASF, which makes recording tape and many other products. BASF appears in the history of dioxin, as one of the worst offenders (there is something called the Badische incident, infamous in dioxin history, where people were contaminated). Agfa we’ve all heard of — you can buy their film in drug stores today. Bayer sells their products in every 7-Eleven and supermarket in the world.
Planet Waves

Arizona Nuclear Power Plant Fire Sparks Emergency Status

An “unusual event” (a technical class of near-emergency) — the second in two months — was reported in the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station in Arizona on Monday night. Nuclear Regulatory Commission spokesman Victor Dricks said it appeared that insulation that covers very hot metal surfaces had become soaked by bearing lubrication over time.

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Sure, the Palo Verde station looks pretty in the moonlight. But what happens when something worse than an “unusual event” happens? And what about all the radioactive waste from this and other plants? Photo: Arizona Public Service Co.

The night fire did not interrupt power production at the three-reactor plant located 50 miles west of downtown Phoenix, and Arizona Public Service Co. said the plant continued to run normally Tuesday, and there was no release of radiation or threat to public safety.

An unusual event is the lowest of four emergency levels for nuclear power plants. The last unusual event was on July 2, when a reactor temporarily reduced its power production after there was a minor explosion in a cabinet that holds electrical switching gear.

Dricks said officials were not concerned because the two incidents were not related. However, astrology says that the ongoing Pluto-Uranus square speaks to sudden changes in nuclear-powered equipment — and common sense says that nuclear power is not viable for the long term, regardless of the astrology.
Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Calling All Creators of Erotic Art!

Sheri Winston, friend of Planet Waves and founder of the Center for Intimate Arts, is in the final stages of her new book, Succulent SexCraft: Your Hands-on Guide to Erotic Play and Practice. One of the final steps is to augment her selection of classical and historic erotic images with new, original art — and she’d like you to get involved. Sheri writes:

“Do you create erotic artwork that’s sexy, fun, funny, interesting, hot, controversial, beautiful? If so, we’d love to consider your art!

“We’d love to have images that depict a range of sexiness, including color, gender, orientation, body type, age and anything else you can think of that’s inclusive of diversity. We’re looking for images that are non-porny (if you know what I mean).”

To submit your art for consideration, send your images in JPEG form to fatima@intimateartscenter.com, or else a link to an online gallery. If Sheri and her production team are interested, they’ll let you know. While she is unable to offer payment for use of your art, you will receive a signed copy of the book, “boatloads of appreciation and gratitude,” plus full credit with your URL and contact information.
Planet Waves

Proposed Syria Attack, Virgo New Moon & Mars square Saturn

Will we go to war with Syria? Why are we asking this kind of question again? Yes, we’re being invited once more to endorse the state of perpetual war. I do my best to untangle this overwhelming situation. Mars is the leading planet — the congressional vote requested by Pres. Obama on Saturday is likely to happen just as Mars and Saturn form their exact square. Along the way is the Virgo New Moon, exact Thursday morning EDT, bubbling with tension, passion and the sense of something about to happen. My musical guest today is Graveyard Lovers from New York City, with two songs from their new CD “Dreamers.”


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

We published the extended monthly horoscopes for September on Friday, Aug. 23. We published the Inner Space horoscopes for September Friday, Aug. 30.  We published the Moonshine horoscopes for the Aquarius Full Moon on Tuesday, Aug. 20. The Moonshine horoscopes for the Virgo New Moon were published Tuesday, Sept. 3. Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscopes on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space usually publishes the following Tuesday.

Weekly horoscope for Friday, Sept. 6, 2013 #965 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — If you find yourself meeting the resistance of a partner, I suggest you explore your options rather than fight. You may feel ready to take on whatever issue directly, though it’s unlikely to get you the results that you want. One result might be the freedom to express your passion, curiosity and creativity without the interference of someone else. You may be feeling like a certain agreement or commitment has reached the point where it’s no longer useful. That may be true, and you may also be able to get yourself over the hump and continue on. How many times has this happened? How many times have you reached the point of maximum tolerance and/or frustration? If more than three times, you might consider that there’s more to life than frustration, and why you need anyone in the role of restrictor, enforcer or defender of the faith — yourself included.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Be conscious of a tendency to divide your personality to deal with feelings that are too intense to be comfortable. This is sometimes described as compartmentalization; sometimes it’s known as denial. The polar opposite tendency might be some form of confrontation, whether with yourself or someone else. Between these two extremes is plenty of room to maneuver. What will make it easier to do so is the idea that you can compromise on anything except how you feel. You can adapt your life patterns, your actions and to some extent, what you say. Yet how you feel is how you feel. That alone may be the issue, and if it is, if your emotional response or reaction to anyone or anything is what you’re grappling with, then start there. If you are direct with yourself about your anger, passion, rage or restlessness, you will be less likely to project the cause onto someone else and more likely to use your ability to choose.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — If you end up in the role of diplomat or mediator, you may be taking on more than you can handle, or at least more than you’re expecting. That said, you’re likely to take this role, if only because it feels natural and you’re up for a challenge. Therefore, be aware of the landscape that surrounds you. What appears to be a lack of balance is actually the result of some factor pushing the situation out of balance intentionally. Whomever or whatever this may be, it’s the one element of the equation that’s non-negotiable. I suggest therefore that you not try to negotiate with a typhoon, or try to become one to get a result. You may know the truth about something and notice that others are less than interested. Proceed in a way that works for you and that also serves the greater good — not in your opinion but in a documentable way. Vast forces are in motion all around you; please respect them.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The way to move stuck sexual energy is to focus on feeling good about yourself. I don’t mean getting your nails and hair done. I mean acting in the world with courage and determination, and standing up for your most deeply held values in the situations where they matter. If there’s a situation involving what feels like an erotic blockage of some kind — a lack of dates, a stall-out in bed with your current partner or a lack of drive or desire — I would propose that it’s not what it seems. You may be taking way too much personal responsibility for what someone else is directing at you. You may be uncomfortable about how you would be perceived if you were freer with yourself and your desires — and this might not be merely a figment of your imagination. You still have the power to penetrate this and come out in a better place. I would remind you that if it’s liberation you seek, seek liberation within yourself first, and then share it.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You may be encountering the intractability of another person on an important matter, probably a domestic situation. Now is not the time to push the issue. By now, I mean over the next few days, tempting though it may be. This situation looks like a playback of family material, so the person who seems to be involved may be a sock puppet rather than an actual cause. I suggest that before confronting anyone or making a decision you cannot reverse, investigate the ways in which the matter is a projection of your inner reality. You may conclude that there are other causes or factors, but the astrology of the moment is pointing you within first, to seek a thorough review of your own emotional and psychological factors. Once you do that, and you’re fairly certain you’re not projecting, it will be far easier to address your concerns in a friendly, productive way — though I would suggest not before the middle of next week.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.

Planet Waves

Hello Virgo — your birthday reading is ready! For $29.95, you’ll receive an hour of astrology in two segments and a tarot reading, plus access to an extended description for your sign, photos of the charts and tarot spread, plus access to last year’s reading so you can check my accuracy. Order here now.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You may be feeling extremely edgy, as if someone is following you with binoculars, or like everyone knows your secret fears. They don’t actually — you’re far more inscrutable than you think. What I suggest you guard against, meanwhile, is allowing others to dictate the terms of your relationship with yourself. This could happen over the next week or so as you find yourself moving through a series of challenging circumstances with colleagues or associates. What you have that they may lack (at least temporarily) is a sense of connection to the world; the priority that oneself is not the only thing that matters. If you find yourself in a disagreement with anyone, probe that as a possible source of the friction. You would be wise to associate with people who not only care about the world but who are actually doing something about it. Values are like talents — they are merely potentials until we put them to good use.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Over the next few days Venus leaves your sign and Mercury enters your sign. One implication is that it’s time to share with others how you really feel, rather than entertaining them with pretenses of any kind. Appearances can be important; we are now in a get-real moment. You may be concerned about how others who are more blunt than you are will react; what I suggest you pay attention to is your response to whatever they may be saying or doing. You face an ongoing challenge to speak up for yourself, accentuated by how powerful you perceive others as being. Yet their power is mediated by how you perceive them, your style of ommunication and more significantly how you relate to yourself. If you’re intimidated, people will seem powerful in ways that are disproportionate to reality. If you pluck up some courage and have a conversation about what really matters, they will seem more like your equal.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You have nothing to live up to except your own passion and drive to move forward. If you forsake that in service of an easy life, you may feel tossed around by forces outside your control. This is a moment to take authority over your life. You may be aware that once you do, that will have a cascade effect and you will need to make many decisions that you’ve put off, potentially for years. That alone might be enough to get you to decide that you’ll wait for the next opportunity to come along; you’ve had many and you may be assuming that many more are coming. Even if that’s true, there won’t be another moment like you have today. You may be hesitant to act on what you perceive as irritation, negativity or conflict, but you might ask what else would get you to make a decision. And you would probably get an answer that fits the current scenario, if you look at it honestly.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Make sure you’re playing a supportive role in the lives of the people around you. By supportive I mean something other than competitive; preferably collaborative. That would call on you to let go of what may be considerable anxiety, which seems to flare up every time you want to do something that taps into your determination and creative vision. Listen to the fear and don’t let it stop you. Listen and don’t put others into the role of rival. You may have the feeling that you and everything and everyone around you are balanced on a hair-trigger, and that if you say or do anything meaningful there will be an earthquake. You’ll have to be willing to test that theory to claim some emotional space, though a good start is reminding yourself, every time you feel a burst of anxiety or uncertainty, that you can act in modest ways to hold the world together — and you’ll feel better for doing so.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You may fear that the conversation will veer in the direction of sensitive issues or extremely private subject matter, and if that’s true then it’s exactly where I suggest you allow things to go. You want depth and many factors in your life are offering the opportunity to go there. I suggest you be mindful of how much you may fear your secrets getting out into the public. Indeed it may be your worst fear, but if you allow that to run your private life then you’re living like an emotional hostage. People care a lot less about your secrets than you may think. Everyone has plenty else on their mind; what you’re experiencing is the fear of an illusion. That said, there is a lot of relief to be gained when you stop caring about the views of others on your most private matters, or perhaps more to the point, when you decide you simply must be known for who you are.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You may feel out of your element, or like a certain relationship situation is pushing you beyond your limits. Yet in a strange way you also might feel entirely comfortable with where you are. You’re moving through the emotions and demands of your situation more gracefully than you may reckon, and in many ways it’s bringing out the best in you. Still, I am sure you would appreciate some relief from the constant pressure, particularly where the necessities of a personal situation intersect with those of a professional one. It would be great if you could devote yourself to one or the other and really go in deep. Yet your astrology as it’s currently structured is suggesting that the opposite is true. As you toggle back and forth between commitments, you will gradually design your life in a way that integrates both and excludes neither.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.
Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You would be surprised the extent to which you’re living under an externally imposed belief system of some kind. It could be something installed by your parents, by teachers or by religion; it could go back much further than that, including being legacy material from institutions who have held down humanity for a long time. If you know this, you stand a decent chance of getting free from whatever this is. The way to do that is not to dissect or dismantle it but rather to make contact with what you value, and in particular, how radical it is in contrast to much of what you see, feel and hear going on around you. Make peace that you’re the weird one. Trust that even if you don’t have an influence on some of the stuffy people around you (which you do) that your determination to live your own truth is attracting people who appreciate you and whose company you will enjoy.

Wondering about how astrology is influencing your life now? Eric has prepared a written and recorded reading for you that tells the story. You can get all 12 signs of LISTEN, your 2013 reading, for the special reduced price of only $29.95. LISTEN gives you a detailed reading, available immediately, covering work, relationships, personal growth and creativity.

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Threefold Goddess in a Field of Grain

Dear Friend and Reader:

El Sol is now in Virgo; it made its ingress to the sixth sign of the zodiac Thursday at 7:02 pm EDT. Virgo is the mutable earth sign (the only one). Mutability is a form of changeability; earth is a form of stability. We have some tension manifesting through that contrast.

Planet Waves
Grain field in West Branch, Iowa. Photo by Theresa Luttenegger.

Of course, the Earth is in a constant state of flux and change, especially in our era of Earth changes. We live with that tension, as we expect the climate and geography to be reasonably stable, though so often in our moment of history it’s anything but.

Virgo is the third sign of the summer up here in our part of the world; as a mutable sign, it’s the disseminating phase of the season. (Note that all the seasons end with a mutable sign — Gemini ends Northern Hemisphere spring, Virgo ends summer, Sagittarius ends autumn and Pisces ends winter.) That is part of what makes the sign mutable: it arrives in a moment of transition. Mutable signs can also express themselves as a cardinal sign or as a fixed sign — another example of their changeability.

Associated with Mercury, in the traditional ruling planet we get another image of changeability. Mercury changes directions six times a year, more than any other planet (three stations retrograde, and three stations direct). Its speed is varying constantly, and it accelerates and decelerates (in and out of its stations retrograde and direct) more quickly than any other planet.

If you look up Virgo in a dependable old text, you’ll find that it’s associated with dairy production, cornfields, granaries, malt-houses, or places where barley, wheat, peas, cheese and butter are stored. In other words, going back to the significant agricultural roots of astrology, Virgo is the sign that’s about having enough to eat. Not surprisingly, given the time of year that it occurs in the Northern Hemisphere (where our astrology was developed), Virgo is the sign of the harvest.

Virgo is also associated with libraries and studies — revealing of the scholarly traits that modern astrology books associate with this sign. Fred Gettings, in his excellent astrology dictionary, describes Virgo as a sign “deeply committed to the intellectual process.”

Planet Waves
The eminently wise William Lilly, friend to humanity and embodiment of the Violet Ray, was the first to create an astrology text in English.

Those of us who know and love Virgos are familiar with intelligent, clever, somewhat nervous people who can never seem to do enough. And it’s difficult to figure out where you stand with them, since like the motion of their ruling planet Mercury, every day is a little different.

You can think of this as Virgo in its outer form — how it expresses itself in ways that we can observe with the senses and eat for breakfast. Then there are the deeper layers. We can find something about this in a 1951 text called Esoteric Astrology by Alice A. Bailey.

“The sign Virgo is one of the most significant in the zodiac,” Bailey writes in her introduction to this sign, “for its symbology concerns the whole goal of the evolutionary process, which is to shield, nurture and finally reveal the hidden spiritual reality. This every form veils, but the human form is equipped and fitted to manifest it in a manner different to any other expression of divinity and so make tangible and objective that for which the whole creative process was intended.”

She describes this process as being conveyed in three female figures from mythology: Eve, Isis and Mary. Each of these goddesses conceals and gestates the inner spiritual quality of humanity until it’s born in human form as Jesus, the Christ. I don’t think she means this literally as much as she is presenting a metaphor of spiritual development, and a model of the feminine being what gestates a deeper quality in humanity.

Eve “took the apple of knowledge from the serpent of matter and started the long human undertaking of experiment, experience and expression” of our journey on and with our planet. Isis “stands for this same expression down onto the emotional or astral plane.” Mary “carries the process down to the plane
or place of incarnation, the physical plane, and therefore gives birth to the Christ child.”

Many things are going on here, in the midst of the anachronism of these three figures; one of them is that Bailey is describing Virgo as an expression of the threefold goddess, which takes many other forms. Another is that she is describing Virgo as a sign that, through a series of steps, brings humanity closer to its essential spiritual nature — the one we know exists at least in theory and more probably as a spark of light within us — being born in real life, as a physical manifestation.

Planet Waves
Alice Ann Bailey.

An idea becomes real; a potential manifests. The germ of life inside the seed of grain is protected, and when the conditions are right, it emerges and grows. That is the essence of Virgo, where we see so much in the way of intellectual expression yearning for a place to take form. To do this, it’s necessary to honor the life within what we’re doing, and the deeper life within ourselves. This takes patience and care. It requires living in service of that inner light, until it’s fully born.

Even in the most ordinary themes of Virgo we see these qualities expressed — for example, the undeniable emphasis on service that Virgo so often presents. When a person with strong Virgo in their chart is in conflict or crisis, it would be a good idea to check for the extent to which they are honoring and are in harmony with that inner life. Note: service does not necessarily mean being a nurse or a teacher. It means doing what one came here to do; it means following one’s true calling, which almost invariably serves humanity.

Notably, many people alive today have unusually powerful Virgo signatures in their charts — for example, everyone born between 1957 and 1972 has Pluto in Virgo (there will be some small exceptions on the far ends of that date range, when Pluto was transitioning between signs).

Through the core of that era Uranus was also in Virgo, as this sign was the scene of the Uranus-Pluto conjunction of 1965-1966. That conjunction has a wide orb of influence, spanning at minimum from the late 1950s to the early 1970s. And we are experiencing a manifestation of that event today, as Uranus and Pluto are now making their famous square aspect — the defining aspect of our era.

One recent manifestation of the deeper nature of Virgo came with the discovery of Chiron in 1977. While Chiron is not the ‘ruling’ planet of Virgo, there are many associations between Chiron and Virgo, and Chiron does indeed seem to have transformed our notion and experience of Virgo.

Chiron is physically a massive comet. At 160 to 180 kilometers across, it is thousands of times the size of even the largest comets we can typically see — but too far away to resolve even for most telescopes. Chiron orbits our Sun in a 51-year egg-shaped path that crosses Saturn’s orbit and goes out nearly as far as Uranus.

Planet Waves
Education of Achilles by Jean-Baptiste Regnault. This is Chiron — mentor to many — teaching Achilles how to use bow and arrow.

The discovery of Chiron, and considerable early enthusiasm about it, raised much speculation about what sign this new planet might rule. This notion was based on an assumption that new planets rule anything at all. But by 1977, the modern planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) were said to rule Aquarius, Pisces and Scorpio respectively. So when Chiron came along, astrologers were ensconced in the dubious habit of thinking that something new had to rule a sign.

While this issue is potentially debatable, Chiron certainly has a lot to say about Virgo and a close affinity for it. Chiron’s dedication to healing, service and perfecting the human experience is related to Virgo rather impeccably. Chiron always seems to be struggling to bring something from a ‘higher level’ into the physical plane.

Chiron will do whatever it needs to do, again and again, until it gets our attention. If you track your lifetime Chiron transits, you will see this in action. It is not easy integrating the energy of one level of experience into the other — anyone who has tried to bring loving vibes into their place of work might know what I’m talking about — but with persistence, it can be done. And Chiron is persistent if nothing else.

Chiron of Greek mythology was a surgeon and the primary teacher of Asclepius, the god of medicine. There is not a lot of room for error in these distinctly human fields of work. The roles of both teaching and nursing have long been associated with Virgo.

The mental obsession that Chiron can bring helps us see through Virgo in a way that’s helpful. As Barbara Hand Clow has pointed out, this obsessive quality is one of the most important links between Chiron and Virgo, something that tricksterish, often annoyingly neutral Mercury could not really explain fully. Chiron is no messenger, and he’s not neutral; he is someone with a mission, who speaks through action.

That mission has been likened to the Christ from the earliest days of astrologers interpreting Chiron, so we might speculate that Virgo has given birth to the Christ energy in the form of this new planet. Many of the early astrologers who considered the mythology of Chiron, which involves an immortal who experiences death and resurrection, have made this connection, particularly Zane Stein. But what exactly does this mean, in a world where the mythology of Jesus is twisted in ways that are used to preach intolerance, hatred and mass murder?

Planet Waves
Smile, bitch! Betty Dodson being jabbed by her business partner and attorney-in-situ, Carlin Ross, getting her to chill out in front of the camera. Photo by Eric Francis.

It means that a) we had better start thinking of Jesus a bit more compassionately (Christians: stick to the red letters), and b) that Chiron is going to push us to become whole, authentic people, whatever it takes.

Chiron is now in Pisces, the sign opposite Virgo. It is therefore influencing everyone with planets in any mutable sign.

But it’s especially significant for those with any strong Virgo signature — such as the Sun, Moon or ascendant, and anyone born during the Pluto in Virgo era. This is a second activation point of the Uranus-Pluto conjunction of the long and deeply influential era we call the Sixties.

Speaking of goddesses, Virgo, Chiron and Uranus-Pluto, Betty Dodson turns 84 on Saturday. Betty is the patron saint of sex education here at Planet Waves. The author of the first factual book about masturbation (with a focus on women), Betty has spent the past 40+ years working and playing as a sexual revolutionary. She was one of a very few people who were willing to break the silence on all matters of sexuality, not as an expert or scientist but in her role as human being — especially on gender-queer and masturbation issues.

I think of Betty as the ultimate incarnation of Virgo, from the level of personality (her immaculate home, her impeccable attention to detail especially in her art and writing, and her somewhat fussy personality) right out to how she expresses her deepest mission, as an incarnation of the healer-initiate.

When she entered mainstream public consciousness in 1973, she was willing to go where no outspoken person had gone before: advocating female masturbation. It’s easy for us to take this for granted now, when the topic is a favorite of popular sexual cinema (i.e., ‘porn’), a bona-fide fetish and something that nearly all women do. She offered the idea that they could love that fact, and express it openly with one another and in their intimate partnerships. Her publishing debut was an August 1973 article in Ms. magazine that her editors made her rewrite more than a dozen times over two years before they finally published it.

It wasn’t always that way. Indeed, when Betty published that article in Ms. and her subsequent (associated) pamphlet, Liberating Masturbation, the topic was verboten, even disgusting and disgraceful; it was easier to get information about ancient pagan rituals, the Illuminati and the secret ingredient in Coca-Cola. You could probably could have gotten a good few doctors to agree that having the mumps was healthier for you.

Planet Waves
One of Betty’s early drawings of female masturbation. She came to be a writer and sex educator as an outgrowth of her fine art.

For any woman who today complains that any man in her life, or men in general, are into women’s masturbation, thank your lucky stars. You don’t want to go back to the old days, when it was a criminal act of moral turpitude, a disease, an embarrassment and a betrayal of relational fidelity. (Note, some people still feel this way; I encourage you to arise from your slumber and get with it.)

To the extent that people today think that female masturbation is a beautiful thing (or that it exists at all, and is a healthy, necessary expression of sexuality), we can personally and individually thank Betty Dodson.
Trust me: this took guts, determination and intelligence. And she brought all her talent as a writer, artist and activist to the project. She took big chances and was made an outcast many times along the way.

To the best I’ve been able to research the topic, the assault on masturbation started with a 1612 book called Onania, and this work of demonic propaganda is not answered until Betty comes along and openly corrects the record and offers a new set of teachings. [You can read more about Onania in this article.]

When you look up “sex-positive feminism” in Wikipedia, you find out that, “also known as pro-sex feminism, sex-radical feminism, or sexually liberal feminism, [it] is a movement that began in the early 1980s that centers on the idea that sexual freedom is an essential component of women’s freedom.”

Betty was opening up the topic long before the 1980s. During second-wave feminism of the 1960s and 1970s, sex was not a welcome topic or point of serious consideration; feminism was generally an intellelctual political movement, and the main role of sex within politics is scandal.

Planet Waves
A collection of Betty Dodson videos, all now available on DVD.

It was rare at that time to associate masturbation with liberation or personal growth, but consider how logical it would have been: if feminism is about liberating women from the bonds of and dependency on men, a significant part of that dependency involves sex.

The fact that young women can have access to information about masturbation potentially saves them from all kinds of sexual mishaps early in their erotic maturity.

For all it attempted, pretended and succeeded to do, the sexual revolution overlooked masturbation — except for lil’ ol’ Betty Dodson, who had a marvelous way of keeping the message coming.

Today sex-positive feminism is an established movement (even if it’s something of a boutique item most places) and an essential part of what’s called third-wave feminism — the “not your mother’s variety” of feminism. To the extent that we can have a genius sex educator like Laci Green offer us the Freaky Labia video, we have Betty Dodson to thank for going there first. Most young sex educators have heard of Betty but don’t necessarily know the vacuum of ignorance that she was speaking into and how far we’ve come since she first did so.

Betty is also aware of how far we have to go — and how much backsliding into propagated ignorance and fear has happened under the American Taliban in recent years. We have yet to fully assess the damage caused by three decades of abstinence indoctrination, obsession with premature marriage and prosecuting minors for having sex with one another.

Betty’s chart is the essence of Virgo: with Virgo Sun and Neptune in the ascendant, and Chiron on the North Node, she is born of pure determination and devotion to her mission. It’s not easy to be a sex education pioneer in a society that is devoted to guilt, shame and exploitation — and it’s taken the kind of spiritual strength indicated by this placement to help her get there.

Sun-Neptune rising gives her the chart signature of a documentary filmmaker; she has made many such films. Even though most of her other films feature many scenes of individual and group female masturbation, my favorite work by Dodson is called “Her Life of Sex and Art,” which is now available free on YouTube.

Planet Waves
Sample of Betty’s 1973 article in Ms. Magazine, published 40 years ago this week.

One thing that jumps out of Betty’s chart is that she was born during the Uranus-Pluto square of the early 1930s. She was born in 1929 but that was well within range of the square — she has Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Cancer. We are now experiencing a Uranus-Pluto square once again, only this time Uranus is in Aries and Pluto is in Capricorn. Uranus and Pluto together bring out revolutionary tendencies, and Betty surely qualifies.

In a similar light, she’s having her Uranus return — the planet with an 84-year orbit has returned to its natal position in her chart, having completed one full cycle in her lifetime of stirring the pot, speaking truth to power and inventing the notion of legitimate female orgasm.

There are many gems in her chart (most of them involving asteroids), but the crown jewel is Chiron conjunct the North Node in Taurus in the 9th house. This combines the physicality and self-focus of Taurus with the healing mission and pointed determination of Chiron, coupled with a global spiritual calling of the 9th house.

It is worth mentioning that she took aim at the religiously indoctrinated body shame that pervades all of modern Western culture to some degree or another (usually deeply) — an expression of Chiron in the religiously-oriented 9th house as well, with the added determination and momentum of the North Node — a deeply karmic mission.

One last thing. This week, Chelsea Manning, formerly Bradley, came out as transgender. This goes out over the wire services, we look at the story and think: gee, that’s interesting. And some people think: that’s fantastic. Even the FOX News dwellers know that her decision to choose her gender is part of the fabric of life. Can you imagine this happening 10 years ago, much less 40 years ago?

Betty was one of the first people to openly advocate gender-queer, long before there was any culturally accepted notion of such a thing. Chelsea, if by some miracle you’re reading, Betty is proud of you and is grateful for what you’ve taught us and who you are.

So are all of us at Planet Waves.



Chelsea Manning: Revolutionary and Sex Revolutionary

Let the Akashic Records reflect that the week Private First Class Chelsea Manning was sentenced to 35 years in prison for revealing information about war crimes, she came out as transgender. As much as this must come as a relief to Manning and something interesting for the rest of us to ponder, it is especially galling to homophobic and/or closeted military brass and politicians who find Manning’s existence offensive enough as it is.

For those not aware, the first we heard from Pfc. Manning was the Collateral Murder video. She leaked encrypted helicopter cockpit video of an attack on civilians, including children and journalists, in Baghdad. It is a disturbing video but I think it’s essential viewing. Manning leaked the video to Julian Assange, who said it took him months to decrypt frame by frame.

Planet Waves
Army Pfc. Bradley Manning, now Chelsea, in Fort Meade.

After revealing this video and hundreds of thousands of classified documents, focusing the attention of the press for months on atrocities of war that it would have never dared write about, Manning comes out as a woman? She is a revolutionary by at least two different definitions of that word. This is illustrated in her astrology. I only have time to touch on it briefly today, but I want to mention it while Chelsea is on our minds.

For any Monday morning quarterbacks of national security trying to decide whether it was really OK for Manning to spill the whole database while Ed Snowden only revealed select documents, I would remind us all that what Manning told us about was how many civilians are being massacred in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars — lives for which we are responsible; military action which we have personally financed with weekly deductions from our paychecks known as federal income taxes.

Everyone in the military and government and hopefully anyone who has taken a social studies class has heard of the Nuremberg principles. These were a set of guidelines developed after the Nazi atrocities of the 1930s and 1940s that inform anyone who may be concerned that it’s a crime to murder people, even if someone told you to do it, even if you’re a soldier and even if you’re a president or other head of state.

The most famous is Principle IV: “The fact that a person acted pursuant to order of his Government or of a superior does not relieve him from responsibility under international law, provided a moral choice was in fact possible to him.”

In other words, if you’ve committed an atrocity of war, you cannot offer as a defense that you were just following orders. However, since all soldiers are trained to follow orders (including on pain of execution), this requires the invocation of conscience. Soldiers, generals and heads of state are required by law to think about what they are doing and take personal responsibility for it.

Principle VI states specifically what must not be done: “Murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation and other inhumane acts done against any civilian population, or persecutions on political, racial, or religious grounds, when such acts are done or such persecutions are carried on in execution of or in connection with any crime against peace or any war crime.”

Whatever someone thinks they think about a private first class revealing a trove of “classified” documents to the public, we have a right to know about war crimes committed in our names. We have a right to know about the antics, schemes and contrivances of our ambassadors.

Planet Waves
Natal chart of Chelsea Manning (noon chart, no time available).

We have a right to know that thousands of civilians are being murdered on the excuse of “national security.” We have a right to know what our government is doing, if we want to have any pretense of living in a free society. I assure you that when a government is keeping secrets, it’s to conceal its own acts of evil, not to protect us from anything.

Manning has been sentenced to 35 years in prison for revealing information to journalists that we are entitled to know — and that we and our elected leaders are responsible for acting on. The distressing thing about the WikiLeaks revelations is that they demand that all of us act on our consciences, particularly the people sworn to uphold the Constitution — of which Manning is one. Note, as an approved treaty, the Nuremberg principles are part of our national body of law.

Let’s take a quick look at how that appears in her chart. Manning has a cluster of energy focused on the Galactic Center — at about 26 degrees of Sagittarius. What makes contact with the Galactic Core can have an overwhelming effect on society, but one that will be difficult to see until it fully manifests. (Think: social engineer Robert Moses, who was born with the Sun and other planets there and till now was my Galactic Core poster child.)

In Manning’s chart, this cluster around the Galactic Core consists mainly of three points: the Sun, Saturn and Uranus. The Sun is the vital force and expressive identity. Saturn is the principle of discipline and structure; Uranus is the principle of disruption, invention and revolution. Manning has equal devotion to both. In her chart they are all working together. She also has Mercury there — she was born to serve as a messenger of something on what you can think of as a galactic scale.

This whole arrangement is opposite Chiron — another galactic messenger and agent of change (see above article). This opposition may be the aspect most impossible to ignore. There is no way that Manning was going to let this all slide by without doing something. I think in her case that would have been a fate worse than a life sentence. And to make matters about 100 times more compelling, all of this is square the lunar nodes — this is what she came to the planet to do in this lifetime.

Manning has another exceptional conjunction — that of the Moon, Mars and Pluto in Scorpio. This is raw transformational power that she holds in her body. It’s also the expression of what I would call the pure warrior — and in this case, that involved calling out her superiors, all of them, for all they had done the past decade or more. Manning is immune to the usual bullshit that generals, politicians and the people who believe in them eat for all three meals, and convince themselves is wholesome.

It is not, we know it and Chelsea Manning helped make sure we need not have any doubts about it.

Planet Waves

Sun in Virgo: Harness Your Creativity in Service

The Sun entered Virgo yesterday (Thursday) at 7:02 pm EDT. This mutable earth sign is the last sign of Northern Hemisphere summer; Leo was the peak, and now the season begins to loosen its hold. For those of us who find winter to be long and dark, late summer’s warmth can have a touch of melancholy — even as we revel in the Earth’s incredible bounty of fruits and vegetables.

William Lilly, the 17th-century astrologer who wrote the
first English-language astrological text, associated Virgo with the places where food is preserved. Ruled by Mercury, Virgo is also about food for the mind. If you know any Virgos, you may have noticed that their minds are always active — and that without ways to focus that mental energy, they can start to run themselves in circles.

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Young corn plant; photo by Amanda Painter.

Happy Virgos are those who have ways to use their minds — indeed, their entire beings — in the service of others. There appears to be something inherently spiritual, transcendent of ego and dedicated to world service that is apparent in who many Virgos are and what they represent.

When the Sun is in Virgo, the rest of us can tap into this call to service a little more deeply than usual — if we’re willing. The idea of ‘the highest good for all concerned’ becomes less of an abstract thought and more of a tangible, practical thing, though you still have to invoke some extra mindfulness if it’s not your usual wavelength.

Part of the trick is to stay focused on the ‘helping others’ part and not get drawn into any tendencies to feel guilty about not doing more. Don’t stop yourself before even getting started by judging your ideas. The shadow side of Virgo can be a form of pickiness manifesting as criticism of others and of oneself.

When the Sun enters Virgo, it will conjoin a hypothetical point called Transpluto. (View full chart here.) Transpluto seems to be about a narrow opening. This could be useful in terms of focusing your mind and motivation on service, though it does underscore the need to be aware of the instant you start to get pulled into harsh self-criticism or a too-narrow view of what counts as ‘helping’. That serves no one.

Opposite the Sun in early Virgo is Neptune in early Pisces. Neptune was there last year, too, when we published this wisdom on the Planet Waves blog:

“At its best, Sun opposite Neptune can provide a kind of push-pull dynamic that spurs very imaginative, creative achievements. Sun opposite Neptune can feel like an extra mystical Full Moon. However, this aspect is also known for its propensity for delusion, projecting one’s own emotional ‘stuff’ onto a partner, and subsequent disillusionment.

“It is key to use the creative, dreamy, idealistic power of Neptune in Pisces in service of some sort of artistic process. If you can use your creativity for some larger purpose in some way, all the better — you’ll be enlisting the power of the Virgo Sun in this opposition.”

The Sun conjunct Transpluto and opposite Neptune is about focusing your awareness of yourself and how you put your creativity out into the world. In itself, using your creativity is a kind of service. It helps to be grounded (Virgo is an earth sign), clear some space (mental and physical), and have a plan with steps that you follow. Mercury-ruled Virgo also says: remember to communicate.

Self-criticism is a dream-killer — as is isolation, even of the mental variety. Neptune in Pisces opposite the Virgo Sun urges more fluidity in creative contact with others; it’s the collective dream (the human condition) that we’re all ultimately serving, after all.

— written by Amanda Painter
Planet Waves

Manning Sentenced to 35 Years, Announces Gender Transition

Army Private Chelsea Manning — until Thursday known as Bradley Manning — was sentenced to 35 years in prison this week for the release of 700,000 governmental cables and videos to WikiLeaks. Although much less than the maximum possible sentence of 90 years, it is much longer than any sentence given to governmental officials who have leaked information before now — a clear message meant to cow other would-be whistleblowers.

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Chelsea Manning, in her previous identity as Bradley Manning.

The documents Manning sent to WikiLeaks for release included video evidence of civilian murders by U.S. military personnel. Leaked diplomatic cables revealed the U.S. government’s support of the corrupt regime in Tunisia — helping to spark the 2011 uprisings across the Middle East, and domestically with the Occupy movement.

Manning has requested a pardon from President Obama. Defense attorney David Coombs read a statement from his client in which Manning acknowledged that, “If you deny my request for a pardon, I will serve my time knowing that sometimes you have to pay a heavy price to live in a free society.”

Part of the price Manning has been paying all along has been living life in a gender that has never felt right. Early on Thursday, she released a statement thanking supporters and announcing her decision to change her name to Chelsea and transition her gender:

“As I transition into this next phase of my life, I want everyone to know the real me. I am Chelsea Manning. I am a female. Given the way that I feel, and have felt since childhood, I want to begin hormone therapy as soon as possible. I hope that you will support me in this transition.”

Manning will begin serving her sentence in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Under current guidelines, she could be released on parole after seven years, inclusive of time served in detention — which was deemed to have been “cruel, inhumane and degrading” by the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture. Manning’s defense team is appealing to the U.S. Army Court of Criminal Appeals in relation to this sentence and also for due process violations during the trial.


Planet Waves

The Other Side of the Factory Farm Nightmare

CAFOs (concentrated animal feeding operations) — also known as factory farms — have long been known for their heinous confinement of animals. Yet those conditions comprise only one-half of their suffering. A new book reveals the horrific physical ailments now known to be caused by the animals’ GMO-based corn and soy feed, especially those containing glyphosate.

Planet Waves

Leah Dunham, the daughter of Dr. Art Dunham, an Iowa veterinarian who has treated farm animals for several decades and believes GMOs are directly responsible for damaging them, recently wrote America’s Two-Headed Pig. Drawing on her father’s clinical notes and the work of plant pathologists and other scientists, Dunham describes what a glyphosate-tainted, GMO diet does to farm animals.

And those conditions — digestive disorders, damaged organs, infertility, weak immune systems, skeletal deformities, chronic depression — are the same found in humans who eat GMO food.

“This has been an age during which too many human beings treated animals and children like guinea pigs, feeding them genetically modified, chemically coated, antibiotic resistant experiments, despite the overwhelming evidence that these foods are serious risk factors for illness and disease,” she writes.


Planet Waves

Fukushima ‘Containment’ Spinning Out of Hand

The Japanese government and TEPCO, the utility that oversees the ailing Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, is finally admitting what most of us have suspected for two years — that the severity of radioactive leakage and the complexity of the cleanup appears beyond their capacity to handle.

TEPCO announced last week it is preparing to remove in November 400 tons of highly radioactive spent fuel from Reactor No. 4, a dangerous operation that has only been simulated on a computer, never attempted at a nuclear power plant.

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Officials and experts from local towns inspect a coastal embankment where contaminated water is leaking near Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant Units 1 and 2 of Tokyo Electric Power Co., in Okuma, Fukushima prefecture, Japan. AP.

More than 1,300 spent fuel rod assemblies packed tightly together need to be removed from the reactor building, which is vulnerable to collapse in another large earthquake. The assemblies contain radiation equivalent to 14,000 times the amount released in the atomic bomb attack on Hiroshima 68 years ago.

“They are going to have difficulty in removing a significant number of the rods,” said Arnie Gundersen, a veteran U.S. nuclear engineer and director of Fairewinds Energy Education, who used to build fuel assemblies.

Of more immediate concern, on Tuesday TEPCO said about 300 tons of water contaminated with high levels of radiation have leaked from a storage tank into the ground. It is reportedly the worst leak to date from the tanks.

In light of this, Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority is about to declare a toxic water leak at the Fukushima nuclear plant a level 3 “serious incident” on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale, pending confirmation from the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency.

It is the country’s gravest warning since the massive 2011 earthquake and tsunami that sent three reactors into meltdown.

Mycle Schneider, an independent consultant who has previously advised the French and German governments and who is lead author for the World Nuclear Industry status reports, said the situation is dire.

He said water is leaking out all over the site and there are no accurate figures for radiation levels.

“The quantities of water they are dealing with are absolutely gigantic,” he said in a BBC article. “What is worse is the water leakage everywhere else — not just from the tanks. It is leaking out from the basements, it is leaking out from the cracks all over the place. Nobody can measure that.

“It is much worse than we have been led to believe, much worse.”

Planet Waves will be covering the developments at Fukushima in depth in an upcoming edition.


Planet Waves

Mystery Chemical Attack Hits Rebel-Controlled Damascus Area

A pre-dawn poison gas attack in a rebel-held suburb of Damascus, Syria, killed hundreds of civilians on Wednesday, with neither the rebels nor the Syrian government admitting responsibility. Western powers are demanding that U.N. chemical weapons experts, in a hotel just a few miles from the scene, be given immediate access to it.

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A girl with cheeks painted in the colors of Syria’s flag takes part in a protest in front of the U.N. building in New York on Wednesday. Photo: Reuters/Adrees Latif.

President Bashar al-Assad’s opponents gave death tolls from 500 to well over 1,000 and said more bodies were being found, according to a Reuters report.

France and Britain are calling for a forceful foreign response, while Russia and the United States appear more cautious.

After months of negotiating with Assad’s government to let inspectors into Syria, a U.N. team arrived in Damascus four days ago. They are to check on the presence, but not the sources, of chemical weapons that are alleged to have been released in three specific, small incidents several months ago, the Reuters article said.

The rebels have little confidence in the U.N. team’s mission.

“We’re being exterminated with poison gas while they drink their coffee and sit inside their hotels,” said activist Bara Abdelrahman.

“We are asking for this team to go directly, with complete freedom … to the site of the crimes which took place yesterday,” George Sabra, a prominent member of the umbrella opposition’s National Coalition, told Reuters.

The Syrian government has not responded publicly to the request for access.


Planet Waves

Few Airport Rights for Miranda — or Anyone

David Miranda, Brazilian partner of Guardian UK reporter Glenn Greenwald, was detained for nine hours in London’s Heathrow airport over the weekend. Greenwald is the reporter through whom Edward Snowden has leaked information about the U.S. and U.K. governments’ extensive surveillance of civilian communications.

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David Miranda (right) with partner Glenn Greenwald, in the Rio de Janeiro airport on Monday. Photo: Reuters.

Under schedule 7 of the U.K.’s Terrorism Act 2000, people may be detained for up to nine hours without arrest in an airport for questioning about suspected terrorism. Most such detentions last less than one hour.

According to Miranda, his computer, cell phone and other devices were confiscated. Six agents asked him about everything except terrorism — with a focus on what “Guardian journalists were doing on the NSA stories.”

The governmental bullying extended into The Guardian‘s home offices. Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger said on Tuesday that he agreed to smash several computers containing Greenwald’s files in an effort to avoid legal action that could have halted publishing. Copies of the files exist with reporters in the U.S. and Brazil, but officials insisted on the destruction (psychological intimidation) anyway.

Earlier in the week Greenwald said he would respond by writing reports “much more aggressively than before.”

“I have lots of documents about the way the secret services operate in England,” he said.

“I think they are going to regret what they did.”

Political detention of journalists in airports — under the guise of investigating ‘terrorism’ — is becoming increasingly common, as recent Democracy Now! interviews (including with filmmaker Laura Poitras, who has been assisting Snowden and Greenwald) make chillingly clear.

“The British government’s conflation of journalism with terrorism in the case of David Miranda is problematic largely because journalism, like terrorism, is no longer performed by discrete, centralized entities,” wrote Philip Bump for The Atlantic Wire. “You post a video of police detaining a suspect to your Facebook wall, and you’re committing an act of journalism — one that authority figures may not see as subject to First — or Fourth — Amendment protections.”


Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Why would anyone go to the middle of nowhere, in searing heat by day and desert cold by night, often thwarted by alkaline dust storms and surrounded by tens of thousands of crazy artists shooting flames, playing thumping music, burning things and dancing about 24/7 in costumes (or nothing at all)? Well… why not? Video still from the trailer for “Spark: A Burning Man Story.”

Light a Spark, Burn Forever

Now showing in New York and Los Angeles (and available through video on demand, iTunes, Amazon and Google Play, with showings in other major cities coming soon) is the film Spark: A Burning Man Story. According to the film’s website:

“Rooted in principles of self-expression, self-reliance and community effort, Burning Man has grown famous for stirring ordinary people to shed their nine-to-five existence and act on their dreams.”

“Spark takes us behind the curtain with Burning Man organizers and participants, revealing a year of unprecedented challenges and growth.”

If you’ve never been to Burning Man, reviewers are calling this film “the next best thing.” That said, if you’ve ever had an urge to experience That Thing in the Desert for yourself, start planning now for next year; this year’s participant-driven experiment in temporary community with a gift-only economy and lots (and lots) of dust begins this coming Monday, Aug. 26, in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada.


Planet Waves

Aquarius Full Moon — Age of Aquarius

In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I cover both the Aquarius Full Moon (exact Tuesday, Aug. 20 at 9:44 pm EDT) and the elusive theme of the Age of Aquarius. I do so with some help from the book Esoteric Astrology; I’ve provided a few quotes from that book below, selected by Laurie Burnett. Our musical guest is the phenomenal Treetop Flyers, some boys out of England that I met at Backstage Studio Productions in Kingston. In the program I mention an article called You Are Who You Are, a Planet Waves member-area favorite that covers the precession of the equinoxes and the difference between the two zodiacs.

pg. 395

It will be apparent to you that a whole new field of study will open before the astrologers of the New Age and fresh light on this greatest of all sciences will be available.

pg. 485

Aquarius is affecting the world disciples and initiates, leading them to world service on a large scale, producing group activity and that living usefulness which is the hall-mark of the pledged disciple.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

Your extended monthly horoscopes for September are published below in this issue. The extended monthly horoscopes for August were published Friday, July 26; I recommend reading the previous month’s horoscopes again at the end of the month. On Tuesday, July 16, we published the Moonshine horoscopes for the Aquarius Full Moon. We published the Moonshine horoscopes for the Leo New Moon on Tuesday, Aug. 6. We published the Moonshine horoscopes for the Aquarius Full Moon on Tuesday, Aug. 20.
Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscopes on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign; Inner Space usually publishes the following Tuesday.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes for September 2013, #963 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — One challenge of the coming weeks involves discerning self-interest from your calling or desire to support others. Ideally there would be no separation of those concepts. That we can and so often do play games that have one winner and many losers is a problem. That we tend to lack the idea of ‘the greatest good for all concerned’, or what are called win-win scenarios, is the deeper issue. It’s essential that you bear this in mind now. Your interests are not separate from the people you care about, and in truth they’re not separate from those of anyone else. Understanding this requires reaching a new level of consciousness — which you’re reaching for, capable of and where you may already be. In this scenario, it will help to know what you want, and at the same time you must also know about (and care about) the wants and needs of the people with whom you share space and time. To do that, you’ll need to ask, listen carefully and listen to what people say when they’re speaking freely. Simply put, you’re being called upon to be fair, to the point where you set aside competition in exchange for creating a mutually beneficial situation. This calls for a heightened level of honesty, first with yourself and then with others.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You’ve been through a lot recently — and I am sure you’d be grateful if things would cool off. Take any opportunity to slow down, remove commitments from your schedule and give yourself a chance to focus inwardly. Consider each of the past five or so episodes in your life and notice how many would have benefitted from extra introspection beforehand. Events in the early part of the month will repeat that reminder, serving as encouragement to understand yourself before you engage too deeply with others. This is the best way to keep your center and also to prevent yourself from getting into situations that are so deep you cannot see a way out or a way through. At the same time, you’re being invited to go deeper with others, or with someone in particular, and it may seem like you have to make a decisive move before too long. I would remind you of a fact often overlooked in our romance-obsessed world: your first relationship is to yourself. That statement may be the ultimate blasphemy against the prevailing relationship mythology, though it’s based on the notion that you cannot relate to anyone unless you have a self to do that relating with. Once you do that habitually, it will be clearer what to do with others.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You may go through a few more emotional twists and turns before you figure out how safe you are, and how much freedom you have. You could go a long way by recognizing there is not a narrow formula for emotional security. You cannot just check off the points on a punch list and be done with it. This is not a technical matter; it’s a spiritual one. It also seems that your sense of confidence in your surroundings, and a sense of belonging, arise as a result of your own ability to tune in and be present, rather than from some external factor. It would help significantly if you were less obsessed with security and instead considered the many ways you can explore life and love. If I may offer some confirmation, your astrology is saying you’re ready to do that. Yet there’s another message about being called further, into true courage, creativity and doing something that honors your passion for life. That involves taking emotional risks. Each time you heed this calling, you may be confronted with a new occasion to admit, confront and go beyond another level or type of fear. Most people would take this as an opportunity to back off, give up and go home. I don’t think you will.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Mars transiting the angle of your chart that addresses self-esteem is pushing you to act as if you had the confidence to do what you want. There seem to be plenty of details involved, though you have options for how you handle them. I suggest that you work your way from the big picture inward to the specifics, which is to say, in the order of priorities necessary to accomplish something. A large goal is always made of many small parts. Many small parts do not automatically add up to something meaningful. Therefore, stick to your vision, which your chart suggests you’ve been cultivating in its current form since around early 2011. Meanwhile, there’s likely to be some necessity that you encounter, one that makes you question whether all the effort you’re exerting is really worth it. You will feel better for having met this challenge or answering this question yourself, rather than giving up or getting someone else to do it for you. If this involves a financial matter, trust that you have the determination and maturity necessary to make it happen. This is not a test of your maturity — it’s an opportunity to cultivate and deepen it. It’s not about proving your creative power, but rather about putting your natural gifts to work for yourself and the world.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — If you encounter something that seems immovable — a person, a situation, an emotion — it’s more like a floating object than a stationary one. It will move, if you apply energy in the right direction; but I suggest you proceed more like a tugboat than like the Titanic. But do you really need to move this thing, whatever it is? Do you need to exert so much energy? Or would it be better to organize your life around its presence for a while? What you have over the next few weeks is an opportunity to determine the size and scale of the situation, and to make an assessment of how it’s influenced you in the past. That’s really the question — what you’re going to do about something that already happened, perhaps long ago, and potentially reaching into past generations. What you’re doing that your predecessors have not done is acknowledge its existence. What you seem to be dealing with is a secret of some kind. There are at least two levels to any secret: one is figuring out that it exists, and the other is figuring out what it contains. It may seem nearly useless to know that there is some concealed information but to not know what it is. But in truth, you’re more than half the way there.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Exerting too much control is the best way for things to go out of control. I suggest that you embrace the uncertainty factor, especially the part about not knowing the impact people will have on your life, or the influence that you will have on them. One thing is for sure — that you and someone significant will shape one another’s experience and worldview. I can also tell you that the way to make this the most positive experience possible is to focus on communication. What feels like the impulse to take charge, get a handle on things or to attempt actual control will best be sated by an exchange of ideas. That’s the whole point, anyway — and what makes this such a positive opportunity. In order to do that, you will need to develop the skill of responding rather than reacting. There are instances when you may be seized by emotions that seem to demand the latter — and the best thing you can do is pause. If something, or someone, seems like it might hurt you, I would urge you to remember that your astrology is saying that no matter how polarized a situation gets, that’s unlikely. To sum up: communicate rather than control. Respond rather than react. One last: in any exaggerated situation, keep your sense of humor.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — I’ve written before that most of the problems that people face can be traced back to self-esteem. Your current astrology says that any question, issue or emotion that you experience will come back to this same theme. This has been going on for a while, though it’s a special focus right now. I suggest you focus on who in the past has gone out of their way to make you feel less worthy of love or of any benefit or reward of life. What you’re dealing with is not an actual fact of worthiness — it’s a feeling, and that feeling did not emerge from a vacuum. Meanwhile, I suggest you be conscious of the people around you and what influence they have on you. While it’s true that on one level how you feel about yourself is your business, it’s also true that others have an influence on you, and they will at times run their own agenda. If you have to push back against that, then do it in a creative and positive way. Rather than rebel, set out to achieve something that you want to do, and give yourself credit for having done so. In the end, though, how you feel about yourself is a choice, and I would remind you that nobody is your judge and jury.


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You need to set your sights higher. When I say need, I mean it’s actually a matter of necessity: commit to something more challenging, demanding more of your personal resources, experience and talent. I see you involved in something visible, that makes a difference in the world. Yet doing something challenging means encountering challenges. They may seem like they’re worldly in nature — involving your circumstances. In truth, all the territory you’re covering is personal. You’re being called to some new and potentially unexpected form of leadership, one that you’ve known for a while you were aspiring to in theory. This month you go from theory to action. Action means taking charge, staying grounded and bringing both a dynamic, even dramatic quality to what you’re doing at the same time you call forth your deepest maturity. As you know, maturity is useless unless it’s put to good use, and this is the order of the moment. As you see the rewards of this way of doing things, I suggest you reinvest them rather than take them as profits. What you need more than anything is momentum toward a tangible goal. Part of that quality is bringing yourself fully into what you’re doing, creating and expressing — and every inner challenge you overcome will get you one step closer to that spot.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Every time I see the charts from the point of view of Sagittarius, I want to write about sex. Maybe that has something to do with your ruling planet being in your solar 8th house — the one that represents the sex you want the most. Yet it may also represent what you fear the most, where you must encounter the most compelling aspects of relationship and where it’s possible to get lost in another person. That may indeed be your concern, and it could be valid. You may be wondering what to do: go deeper, or extricate yourself? I suggest you start with a good meditation on Be Here Now. Jupiter is also in Cancer, the sign of nourishment and comfort. This is a meaningful place to be, and I can say with some confidence that at least it’s not boring. And you’re getting more of what you need than you may recognize. In fact you could get a lot more of what you need, and share with others what you have and that they need. If relationships are about exchange, then you’re in the ideal place to do that. You have plenty to give, you have lots that’s being offered and all you need to do is be open — especially to doing that elusive thing known as receiving.


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — How much are you willing to reveal about yourself, and why would you hold back at all? There seems to be some tension between what is ‘really going on’ and what you want to be known in some public context. I don’t think the paparazzi are after you, but it may feel that way. You could entertain yourself with paranoia about what might come out, though if you’re hanging out there I suggest you ask yourself what you want the world to know about you. I don’t mean what soap you use. I mean what would ordinarily be considered entirely inappropriate, presumed to be damaging to your reputation or image, and even dangerous. The flirtation is between hold back and let go. There may be a diversity of opportunities you have that you want to explore and the deciding factor may seem to be what people might think. You have some options here: one of them is to blow the doors off and be happy that they might discover anything and everything. Assuming felonies are not involved, that could work out well for you. The obsession with secrecy is one of the things that is choking not just your experience but that of many, many people, and I would count the urge to set ourselves free as a healthy impulse.


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Will you depend on others to push you, or will you allow yourself to do what you want? Will you play a game of resisting, perhaps to make some point to yourself or to them, or will you say yes when yes is appropriate to say? By that I mean: you have the option to do what you want to do, without a lot of drama, and it’s enough that you want to do it and nobody else’s influence needs to matter. Yet what I see in your chart is that you may decide it’s easier to allow someone else to provide the initiative or motivation, and you come along for the ride. You have that option but it won’t be as much fun. This is akin to the difference between reading something in a book or discovering it yourself — or seeing a picture of someplace as opposed to going there personally. Which has a deeper influence on you? You will have a deeper experience of someone or something if you make the choice yourself, rather than allowing yourself to be pressured or seduced. The only question is what you want, though this is not as urgent as you think. This is about tuning into your feelings. It’s also about not being a control freak, though you would be surprised how much these two things have in common.


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Emotional material will be easier to move through than you may think. You may have the fear or expectation that going deep will mean having to process or respond to something you cannot handle. Ordinarily the astrology evoking this feeling might be more challenging, but there are mitigating factors — particularly, such an impressive collection of planets currently in the water signs. That’s providing you with plenty of your most important element. Said another way, you have what you need to have the emotional, relational and sexual experiences you want. It seems more a matter of putting the ingredients together, and responding to your circumstances appropriately. One hint I can give you is to use emotional tension productively. If you have friction with someone, that is potentially a helpful indication that you have some energy with them. Take the risk, go beyond your prejudices and first impressions, and go deeper. Those prejudices might involve the residue of moralism from whatever source. This needs to be seen for what it is, which is a philosophy that will eventually determine that any human pleasure is wrong. This is more than unhelpful; it’s void on its face, and I suggest you treat it that way and move onto your mission of making contact with whoever focuses your attention in a lusty, sparky, appealing or provocative way.


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