Tag Archives: Mars

The Day of the Reformer — Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Nov. 19
The Day of the Reformer | 2019-20 Scorpio Astrology Studio available for instant access | All Other Signs

After a period of lying low, you’re finally ready to emerge, take charge and put yourself out there. You can accomplish a tremendous amount this year, and make quite an impression on those you work with. Just don’t be so assertive that you run others over. Take time to consider what you want to express, and keep your sensitivity radar tuned to the environment. Some kind of higher wisdom is trying to get through, so pay attention. What you receive can feed your soul, widen your mind and strengthen your sense of security.
— by Victoria Emory

Do you ever feel like your Scorpio Sun, rising sign or Moon gets a bad rap from astrologers? Eric Francis understands the potential held in your depths — and can walk you through how the planet Uranus in your relationship zone might be stirring things up. Order your 2019-20 Scorpio Astrology Studio reading to move past the stereotypes, and meet your life at full strength.

Written in the Planets

Mars finally entering its own sign today will no doubt relieve some of the edginess that has dogged the past few days. A spring has been uncoiled, and if the world has seemed a little unreal recently things will now feel like they make much more sense.

The last quarter Moon also takes place later today, at 4:11 pm ET (21:11 UTC). Quarter Moon phases, when the Moon and Sun are in a square aspect, tend to signify a phase of action. You may be spurred to move forward on matters that have lain dormant or appeared somewhat impassable. However, it’s worth holding back a little on the momentum until Mercury has had a chance to switch directions, since the station direct almost always comes with a revelation of some kind.

Jupiter catching up to the Galactic Core may bring a revelation of a different nature. This rare conjunction in Jupiter’s own sign could denote a turning point, or new ideas emerging, in terms of spiritual orientation — like a compass enabling you to make a steering correction. With the Galactic Core, though, you need to make sure you keep records as your understanding changes, since the information obtained through this point has a way of disappearing into the ethers.
— by Amy Elliott

In 2020 we have not one but two conjunctions that mark the turn of a generation, and of an era in history. On Jan. 12, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn form their once per 33-year conjunction. Then on Dec. 21. 2020, Jupiter and Saturn, both now in Aquarius, form a conjunction in the first degree of that sign. Read more here…

The Day of Temperament — Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Nov. 18
The Day of Temperament | 2019-20 Scorpio Astrology Studio available for instant access | All Other Signs

Whether you realize it or not, you’ve retrieved a great deal of personal power that has been held hostage in the past. This is a year to draw those curtains fully aside once and for all, and put the finishing touches on integrating emotional material that’s come to light. You’re on the precipice of a series of breakthroughs that will enable you to express your will in the world like never before. Pay attention to what triggers frustration, and use that self-knowledge to hone your vision of what you really, really want.
— by Victoria Emory

Do you ever feel like your Scorpio Sun, rising sign or Moon gets a bad rap from astrologers? Eric Francis understands the potential held in your depths — and can walk you through how the planet Uranus in your relationship zone might be stirring things up. Order your 2019-20 Scorpio Astrology Studio reading to move past the stereotypes, and meet your life at full strength.

Written in the Planets

A busy and turbulent astrological week ahead kicks off today with Mars in the last degree of Libra, an inherently tense and edgy placement. The final degrees of a sign are considered ‘critical,’ and planets there can inspire a sense of urgency. This could go double for Mars, which expresses ego drives and the action we must take to fulfill them. The warrior of the planetary pantheon has been debilitated in Libra; it’s a scratchy combination where martial energies must work within diplomatic channels, instead of acting with direct force. As the ruler of the Scorpio Sun and Mercury, this might have translated into feeling frustrated and more hampered in your efforts than usual, even and especially given Mercury’s retrograde.

Mars enters its feminine home sign of Scorpio overnight (2:40 am Tuesday, EST), setting the stage for Mercury’s station direct on Wednesday. That means we’re in the Mercury storm, and usual precautions for extra attentiveness are in order. In Scorpio, the swirling and potentially confusing conditions as Mercury approaches its apparent change of direction might register with a heavy sense of emotional momentum, lurking beneath the surface.

Mars in Scorpio is very strong; it’s the brilliant strategist with a black belt who never loses sight of the target. Mars functions to fulfill desire, and Scorpio is the sign of instinctual, emotional needs. Woven into the Scorpio signature is the desire for truth, to get down to the nitty-gritty core of mystery and experience that power. What desires are you most passionate to fulfill? What strategies can you imagine that will help you do so? Forward motion resumes this week, with plenty of mojo to help you seek and find.
— by Victoria Emory

In 2020 we have not one but two conjunctions that mark the turn of a generation, and of an era in history. On Jan. 12, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn form their once per 33-year conjunction. Then on Dec. 21. 2020, Jupiter and Saturn, both now in Aquarius, form a conjunction in the first degree of that sign. Read more here…

The Day of the Bridge — Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Nov. 17
The Day of the Bridge | 2019-20 Scorpio Astrology Studio available for instant access | All Other Signs

Ideas you offer this year can have greater impact than you realize. Educational pursuits and achievement have been ongoing themes for a while, and you’ve reached a stage where you might serve in a teaching or nurturing capacity to others in some way. You’re approaching a major breakthrough, so stay on course. Let any emotional challenges or frustrations you may encounter be as dust in the wind. You have too much to gain and too much to give. Trust yourself.
— by Victoria Emory

Do you ever feel like your Scorpio Sun, rising sign or Moon gets a bad rap from astrologers? Eric Francis understands the potential held in your depths — and can walk you through how the planet Uranus in your relationship zone might be stirring things up. Order your 2019-20 Scorpio Astrology Studio reading to move past the stereotypes, and meet your life at full strength.

Written in the Planets

Through much of the day Sunday, Cancer Moon will square Mars (in late Libra). Mars is not at home in Libra, and this aspect from the Moon may feel irritating and cause highly charged reactions. This is a typical anger aspect; a diplomatic response, and letting the matter pass, would work better.

Be mindful of your responses to provoking situations. That said, this aspect is most useful for making positive changes for your health and wellbeing. Listening to your physical sensations and your instincts could yield helpful solutions.

The Moon will then enter Leo Sunday at about 4:57 pm ET (21:56:55 UTC) and make a square to Uranus (in early Taurus). This is a wakeup aspect, likely to have an effect more on the innovative and inspiring side; perhaps you’ll feel motivated to take up some slack, or try a new approach to an old problem.

Both aspects presage the forthcoming Mars-Uranus opposition, which takes place in one week’s time. Contacts between Mars and Uranus are often volatile, reflecting the jumpy nature of these two planets.

The Moon’s involvement today offers a potentially valuable insight into the benefits of playing with what might feel edgy or even annoying. This could highlight unresolved matters swimming beneath the surface, and bring them out. If you can engage with this material, it may enable you to work constructively with what are often difficult and discomfiting emotions.

In 2020 we have not one but two conjunctions that mark the turn of a generation, and of an era in history. On Jan. 12, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn form their once per 33-year conjunction. Then on Dec. 21. 2020, Jupiter and Saturn, both now in Aquarius, form a conjunction in the first degree of that sign. Read more here…

The Day of the Boss — Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Nov. 16
The Day of the Boss | 2019-20 Scorpio Astrology Studio available for instant access | All Other Signs

You’re on a path of knowledge, and your emotional compass is your best guide along that road. Part of this process involves gaining perspective on aspects of your past, and becoming conscious of limiting concepts that have held you back. This is your dharma in the coming year, and a profoundly creative, healing process. You’re on a quest: the goal is nothing less than liberation from a worldview that no longer fits who you’ve become.
— by Victoria Emory

Do you ever feel like your Scorpio Sun, rising sign or Moon gets a bad rap from astrologers? Eric Francis understands the potential held in your depths — and can walk you through how the planet Uranus in your relationship zone might be stirring things up. Order your 2019-20 Scorpio Astrology Studio reading to move past the stereotypes, and meet your life at full strength.

Written in the Planets

Under today’s emotionally tuned Cancer Moon, you may be particularly sensitive to the strengthening radiations of multiple cycles that culminate over the coming days and weeks. Mars will soon enter its watery home of Scorpio, as Mercury prepares to station direct. Jupiter will wrap up its year-long sojourn through its home sign of Sagittarius, to magnify the mounting pressure of Saturn’s tightening conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn. Change is in the air.

As the lunar cycle winds down, today is an especially good time to nurture yourself, take care of personal needs that bolster moods, and strengthen your sense of emotional security. Hearts are tender yet open during the first part of the day, and some form of sharing, caring or communication with those you love can be a balm for the soul. It’s a fine time to dig into creative or domestic projects, if you’re feeling more private than social. As night falls on the East Coast, the sweet and protective Cancer vibes lock into the weighty presence in its opposite sign of Capricorn, which can exacerbate feelings of vulnerability. Remember that the Moon’s influence is powerful but temporary, and tend to your inner child.
— by Victoria Emory

In 2020 we have not one but two conjunctions that mark the turn of a generation, and of an era in history. On Jan. 12, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn form their once per 33-year conjunction. Then on Dec. 21. 2020, Jupiter and Saturn, both now in Aquarius, form a conjunction in the first degree of that sign. Read more here…

The Day of Earthly Temptation: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Nov. 9
The Day of Earthly Temptation | 2019-20 Scorpio Astrology Studio available for pre-order | All Other Signs

Your psychic radar should be especially well tuned this year, and able to pick up important information from the subtlest channels. Pay attention to emotional prompts, including dream material, with themes involving partnerships, jealousy, competition and self-esteem. Conditions are right to bring old buried wounds into the conscious light of day, and reclaim a great deal of energy you might not even realize had been held frozen. Revelatory insights are possible that free you from repeating patterns based in the past. I suspect you’re more than ready.
— by Victoria Emory

Do you ever feel like your Scorpio Sun, rising sign or Moon gets a bad rap from astrologers? Eric Francis understands the potential held in your depths — and can walk you through how the planet Uranus in your relationship zone might be stirring things up. Pre-order your 2019-20 Scorpio Astrology Studio reading (offered now at its lowest price!) to move past the stereotypes, and meet your life at full strength.

Written in the Planets

As described in Thursday’s Written in the Planets, Mars in Libra opposes Eris in Aries today. So we have the planet of anger (among other things) in the sign of seeking balance, facing off against the planet of discord in the sign of individual identity. This could describe a situation where one person is acting out attention-seeking behaviors, leaving the other person to decide how to respond.

The main options are to stay disengaged and diplomatic or to get triggered and react in kind. Chances are you know what the more “constructive” choice is; yet if that’s not how an encounter is going, you can still learn a lot about what buttons got pushed and why. Additional aspects today suggest a need to actively reconcile current relationship tendencies with past family patterns and your emerging sense of self. It’s all connected, after all.

Retrograde Mercury in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn describes the opportunity and incentive to unravel the puzzles being presented to you. Those could include anything from a business proposal to a sexual proposition to some psychological or occult subject — or even a matter of your own health, psychology or spiritual regeneration. Actively inquiring into the matter could reap profound results.
— by Amanda Painter

In 2020 we have not one but two conjunctions that mark the turn of a generation, and of an era in history. On Jan. 12, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn form their once per 33-year conjunction. Then on Dec. 21. 2020, Jupiter and Saturn, both now in Aquarius, form a conjunction in the first degree of that sign. Read more here…

The Day of Discovery: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Nov. 7
The Day of Discovery | 2019-20 Scorpio Astrology Studio available for pre-order | All Other Signs

Provocative openings to explore the sacred space where sexuality, wisdom, devotion and transformation all intermingle are ripe with creative potential this year. Encounters with others may spark inspiration in this department, though the real journey is your own. Your conceptual framework has been undergoing profound transformation, and that process will continue. This year expands what amounts to an ongoing master class, to introduce a more spiritual and artistic component.
— by Victoria Emory

Do you ever feel like your Scorpio Sun, rising sign or Moon gets a bad rap from astrologers? Eric Francis understands the potential held in your depths — and can walk you through how the planet Uranus in your relationship zone might be stirring things up. Pre-order your 2019-20 Scorpio Astrology Studio reading (offered now at its lowest price!) to move past the stereotypes, and meet your life at full strength.

Written in the Planets

Although Mars won’t complete its opposition to Eris in Aries until Saturday, it’s in the zone now. Mars represents a number of things: motivation, sex drive, physical energy, violence, and anger, to name some primary themes. Opposite Eris, the goddess of discord, anger might be the thing to keep tabs on for the next couple days. Mars in Libra can alternate between ‘mild-mannered’ and ‘hellfire’ in its responses to others.

The question for you is: if you encounter someone who seems to be crazy-making for its own sake (or for internal, attention-seeking reasons you don’t quite understand), or is clearly manipulative, or is sabotaging their own best interests, how will you respond? You have a choice. You can fly off the handle, but that will likely just feed whatever inner monologue of persecution the other person is running. It also takes you out of your power.

Or, you can choose to stand your ground in as detached, magnanimous, diplomatic and optimistic manner as possible. Fires burn themselves out quicker if you don’t fuel them. Once the fury has subsided, then there might be space for negotiation.
— by Amanda Painter

In 2020 we have not one but two conjunctions that mark the turn of a generation, and of an era in history. On Jan. 12, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn form their once per 33-year conjunction. Then on Dec. 21. 2020, Jupiter and Saturn, both now in Aquarius, form a conjunction in the first degree of that sign. Read more here…

The Day of Actuality: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Nov. 5
The Day of Actuality | 2019-20 Scorpio Astrology Studio available for pre-order | All Other Signs

A birthday square between your ancient and modern planetary rulers signals creative friction around desires. This might register as anxiety or anger that bubbles up without apparent cause, but you’re a natural detective and the instinctual realm is your specialty. You can harness tremendous energy this year by following intuitive trails and tracking your dreams. Buried emotions might trigger either confusion or profound insight, depending on your ability to integrate unconscious and conscious input. Psychic exploration can lead to enhanced self-expression and artistry.
— by Victoria Emory

Do you ever feel like your Scorpio Sun, rising sign or Moon gets a bad rap from astrologers? Eric Francis understands the potential held in your depths — and can walk you through how the planet Uranus in your relationship zone might be stirring things up. Pre-order your 2019-20 Scorpio Astrology Studio reading (offered now at its lowest price!) to move past the stereotypes, and meet your life at full strength.

Written in the Planets

Today’s square between Mars in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn should offer a good deal of energy to get a lot done — especially creatively, or to transform some facet of your immediate environment. Yet this energy could also provoke power struggles, or may signal tripping over loose ends you’ve been disregarding. Whatever you encounter and however you feel today, just don’t behave ruthlessly or underhandedly. Even if you seem to get away with it now, chances are it will come back to bite you down the line.

During most of the day, you may feel yourself somewhat at odds with group endeavors, as the Moon continues to move through Aquarius, which is square the Scorpio Sun. A little after 6:00 pm Eastern, the Moon will slide into fellow water sign Pisces, signaling greater inner (and hopefully outer) harmony. Immersion in the arts, entertainment, or quieter pursuits (anything from meditation to sex, no matter how loud you tend to be in bed) could feel especially good. If you have not had a chance to tune in to subtler realms or to honor deceased loved ones in this time when the veil is thin, the next couple nights appear especially suitable for that.
— by Amanda Painter

In 2020 we have not one but two conjunctions that mark the turn of a generation, and of an era in history. On Jan. 12, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn form their once per 33-year conjunction. Then on Dec. 21. 2020, Jupiter and Saturn, both now in Aquarius, form a conjunction in the first degree of that sign. Read more here…

The Day of Organizational Cohesion: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Oct. 26
The Day of Organizational Cohesion | 2019-20 Scorpio Astrology Studio available for pre-order | All Other Signs

You may find yourself drawn to explore your inward consciousness; your dreams, your deeper feelings, your secrets. Keep a dream diary; notice if you experience unusual emotions during sleep, or particularly vivid imagery. At some point there will probably be a significant revelation, on the theme of your essential being, or a concept you hold dear. If you’re open to this potential and hold space for it without judging, you could transform your relationship to yourself.
— by Amy Elliott

Do you ever feel like your Scorpio Sun, rising sign or Moon gets a bad rap from astrologers? Eric Francis understands the potential held in your depths — and can walk you through how the planet Uranus in your relationship zone might be stirring things up. Pre-order your 2019-20 Scorpio Astrology Studio reading (offered now at its lowest price!) to move past the stereotypes, and meet your life at full strength.

Written in the Planets

Several planets making contact around the zodiac appear to be emphasizing relationships of various sorts. Some factors speak of getting quite particular about emotional needs. Those conversations will likely be very incisive, zeroing in on the most fundamental desires and triggers, and cutting through the fluff and bullshit. If you find yourself in a situation like that, you may need to bring in some lightness consciously — though not in the form of evasiveness. Think more in terms of reminders of the bigger picture, and of how amazing it is to keep learning about those closest to you and about yourself.

Other factors suggest a combination of intense passion, an ability to speak about deep or intimidating topics in a rational way, and maybe even holding space for an atypical sexual experience or unconventional relationship. Bear in mind that ‘holding space’ for somebody else’s process implies a lack of expectation of reciprocation; it’s a form of service, and service is a form of love — more in the ‘agape’ sense than in the romantic sense.

Yet with so much Scorpio (and Taurus) energy right now, the healing process that you’re bearing witness to could indeed be fairly saturated with emotion or erotic energy. That’s not a terrible thing, it just might be a lot to handle for some people, or could contribute to confusion about ‘intentions’. If feelings of possessiveness or jealousy are creeping in, that’s a signal that something other than ‘holding space’ is going on. You might need to check in (with yourself and/or with the other person) with direct, specific communication to get clear again.

With Mercury less than a week away from its station retrograde (on Oct. 31), you can’t be too careful when it comes to what and how you’re thinking, what you think you’re perceiving from others, and what everyone is and is not saying. Expect the unexpected all weekend, as we approach tomorrow’s Scorpio New Moon opposite Uranus. Note also that a square between Mars in Libra and Saturn in Capricorn describes feeling blocked and getting frustrated. Don’t let that — or fears that you’re not up to the task of overcoming an obstacle — get the better of you. Just proceed very deliberately, patiently and thoroughly — with everything.
— by Amanda Painter

In 2020 we have not one but two conjunctions that mark the turn of a generation, and of an era in history. On Jan. 12, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn form their once per 33-year conjunction. Then on Dec. 21. 2020, Jupiter and Saturn, both now in Aquarius, form a conjunction in the first degree of that sign. Read more here…