Tag Archives: desire

The Day of Temperament — Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Nov. 18
The Day of Temperament | 2019-20 Scorpio Astrology Studio available for instant access | All Other Signs

Whether you realize it or not, you’ve retrieved a great deal of personal power that has been held hostage in the past. This is a year to draw those curtains fully aside once and for all, and put the finishing touches on integrating emotional material that’s come to light. You’re on the precipice of a series of breakthroughs that will enable you to express your will in the world like never before. Pay attention to what triggers frustration, and use that self-knowledge to hone your vision of what you really, really want.
— by Victoria Emory

Do you ever feel like your Scorpio Sun, rising sign or Moon gets a bad rap from astrologers? Eric Francis understands the potential held in your depths — and can walk you through how the planet Uranus in your relationship zone might be stirring things up. Order your 2019-20 Scorpio Astrology Studio reading to move past the stereotypes, and meet your life at full strength.

Written in the Planets

A busy and turbulent astrological week ahead kicks off today with Mars in the last degree of Libra, an inherently tense and edgy placement. The final degrees of a sign are considered ‘critical,’ and planets there can inspire a sense of urgency. This could go double for Mars, which expresses ego drives and the action we must take to fulfill them. The warrior of the planetary pantheon has been debilitated in Libra; it’s a scratchy combination where martial energies must work within diplomatic channels, instead of acting with direct force. As the ruler of the Scorpio Sun and Mercury, this might have translated into feeling frustrated and more hampered in your efforts than usual, even and especially given Mercury’s retrograde.

Mars enters its feminine home sign of Scorpio overnight (2:40 am Tuesday, EST), setting the stage for Mercury’s station direct on Wednesday. That means we’re in the Mercury storm, and usual precautions for extra attentiveness are in order. In Scorpio, the swirling and potentially confusing conditions as Mercury approaches its apparent change of direction might register with a heavy sense of emotional momentum, lurking beneath the surface.

Mars in Scorpio is very strong; it’s the brilliant strategist with a black belt who never loses sight of the target. Mars functions to fulfill desire, and Scorpio is the sign of instinctual, emotional needs. Woven into the Scorpio signature is the desire for truth, to get down to the nitty-gritty core of mystery and experience that power. What desires are you most passionate to fulfill? What strategies can you imagine that will help you do so? Forward motion resumes this week, with plenty of mojo to help you seek and find.
— by Victoria Emory

In 2020 we have not one but two conjunctions that mark the turn of a generation, and of an era in history. On Jan. 12, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn form their once per 33-year conjunction. Then on Dec. 21. 2020, Jupiter and Saturn, both now in Aquarius, form a conjunction in the first degree of that sign. Read more here…