Tag Archives: Leo Horoscopes

Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Thursday, Sept. 1, 2016


Eric has completed the 2016 Midyear Reading, BALANCE. We strongly recommend you get all 12 signs. If you prefer, choose your individual signs here. Photo by European Southern Observatory.

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Leo weekly for Sept. 18, 2009.


You reach a turning point asking you to be brutally honest with yourself. More than what you “want,” this is a question of what you “think” you are worth. If you listen to what someone is saying to you; this is not criticism but can heal you of the voices that keep you trapped inside your head saying you’ll never be “good enough.” You are indeed more critical of yourself than anyone else. No matter what you feel has power over you, recognize the value of what you have to give. You can renegotiate arrangements now to bring greater understanding and balance. There is no success that is out of reach if you are willing to work towards it with your selfless devoted affection. The results of this will be emotional and tangible success that opens your heart to the very real magic that surrounds you every day.

The Daily Oracle offers a horoscope selected randomly by our Intelligent Archive Oracle program, unique to Planet Waves. It’s also a database of my horoscopes going back to the late 1990s. You can use the Intelligent Archive Oracle to answer questions and give you ideas for how to handle problems and situations you cannot see through. This feature is available to our Galaxy, Backstage and Core Community members. See this link for more information.

Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Sunday, Aug. 21, 2016


Eric has completed the 2016 Midyear Reading, BALANCE. Get all 12 signs for the bargain price of just $57 while you still can. Image from the 2012 Blue Marble by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Leo weekly for Sept. 19, 2003.


You must keep a sense of proportion as you get the message that certain adjustments are necessary in your life. This is particularly true regarding a health issue. It’s wise to make adaptations involving your body in gradual degrees, and now is a good time to start. Yet the dominant health issue involves your emotional state, and it may be subtle. In particular, I see a struggle between your need for creative expression and your need to get your work done. In theory everyone goes through this, but most people have given up the ship. Finding the correct balance will do more to help you feel better than any medicine or therapy. Faced with any question, ask another question: What do I value?

The Daily Oracle offers a horoscope selected randomly by our Intelligent Archive Oracle program, unique to Planet Waves. It’s also a database of my horoscopes going back to the late 1990s. You can use the Intelligent Archive Oracle to answer questions and give you ideas for how to handle problems and situations you cannot see through. This feature is available to our Galaxy, Backstage and Core Community members. See this link for more information.

Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Sunday, Aug. 14, 2016


Eric is busy creating the new 2016 Midyear Reading, BALANCE. Covering Jupiter in Libra and other forthcoming astrology, this exciting reading will carry you well into 2017. Get all 12 signs today for just $57. Image from the 2012 Blue Marble by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Leo monthly for June 2007.


Gestation is a sensitive process, as anyone who has gone through pregnancy has learned. It’s delicate for the fetus, and equally so for the host. The relationship compels us to explore the boundary between the two, recognizing the ways that we are one with what we create, and the ways we must distinguish ourselves from it. And more than anything, on some level we come to terms with the creative process being something that works through us and with us, but which is not entirely under our control. What exactly are you creating, and how? Whatever it may be, it’s leading you on a deep journey into yourself, and very likely deep into your past. The image that comes across in the astrology is something akin to diving into a deep, watery inner world, swimming down to the bottom of the ocean, and retrieving yourself down there. If you feel limited by any factors in the outer or waking world, remember that a large part of your consciousness is preoccupied. Shape your life with that awareness and you’ll have enough energy for everything.

The Daily Oracle offers a horoscope selected randomly by our Intelligent Archive Oracle program, unique to Planet Waves. It’s also a database of my horoscopes going back to the late 1990s. You can use the Intelligent Archive Oracle to answer questions and give you ideas for how to handle problems and situations you cannot see through. This feature is available to our Galaxy, Backstage and Core Community members. See this link for more information.

Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Thursday, Aug. 4, 2016


Eric is busy creating the new 2016 Midyear Reading, BALANCE. Covering Jupiter in Libra and other forthcoming astrology, this exciting reading will carry you well into 2017. Get all 12 signs today for just $57. Image from the 2012 Blue Marble by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Leo weekly for April 28, 2006.


You finally seem to be finding a balance between your personal needs and your professional goals. I don’t think you’ve resolved the strange division between these two seemingly different hemispheres of your life. Yet at this stage of your growth, you are the living embodiment of serious aspiration, and you have some very tangible objectives in mind. You need to be something of a politician where it comes to getting the support of close partners, but you can trust that people close to you look up to you more than you may realize. This is true even if they complain.

The Daily Oracle offers a horoscope selected randomly by our Intelligent Archive Oracle program, unique to Planet Waves. It’s also a database of my horoscopes going back to the late 1990s. You can use the Intelligent Archive Oracle to answer questions and give you ideas for how to handle problems and situations you cannot see through. This feature is available to our Galaxy, Backstage and Core Community members. See this link for more information.

Leo 2017

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 25, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mercury has just changed to direct motion in the angle of your chart connected to creativity, pleasure and play. So the question here is: what are you doing for fun? There’s plenty of emphasis on work these days, and a new phase of your life opening up that’s based on getting the job done well. Yet you need to do that Leo thing and express the thing you love to do the very most, and in a big way. If you’re fortunate enough to have some time off for the holidays, do the thing you want to do rather than what anyone else might think you should do. You may need to coax yourself into this, given that there’s so much important business to attend to. You will have time for that; and, going forward, you will need to make a special effort to pace yourself, strive for efficiency and, most of all, prioritize.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 18, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your solar chart is currently an orgy in an art studio in an airport being broadcast onto the internet with thousands of people watching the paint, passion and airplanes fly randomly, with nobody minding the control tower. By the end of the week, your solar chart looks like a calm but busy office, where everyone is productive, and where creative ideas are welcome and encouraged. The schedule becomes the most important structure, which keeps everything else organized. An aura of chaos will give way to calm order, and a priority being placed on wellbeing. You may not believe such a transformation is possible in just seven days. In truth it will take a little longer, though the groundwork — the revelations, the obvious necessity, and the most basic decisions — are likely to manifest in a very short time. There may be some turbulence in the process; though if you keep your priorities in order (mainly, your wellbeing and your productivity), that will not last long.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Dec. 14, 2017, #1180 | By Amy Elliott

Just now you appear to be on the threshold of a rare, precious and powerful creative moment. What makes this so unusual is that, almost as soon as the inspiration comes, you’ll probably have the means to begin making it into something concrete and lasting. Seeing the whole project through will likely require a good deal of hard work and persistence. That should be easy enough for you, as long as you’re patient with yourself and place the emphasis on quality over speed.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 11, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It would be helpful to notice, and to admit, the extent that your emotional life is grounded in your sexuality. This is neither inherently “good” nor “bad” but rather a fact of biology, which you can use and experience any way you like. At the moment it would seem like you’re working out some interesting, even exciting, creative and/or erotic kinks, though these things are not an abstraction. They’re not external or extrinsic to you; they are you. It would be truly helpful if you focus your energy on self-expression, and give yourself a vent for everything you’re experiencing inwardly. You need some excitement, you need some feeling of taking a risk, and you need to see some result of your creative power. You could have great fun on a paintball range, though you might choose something more sophisticated. For example, a notebook and oil crayons; though potentially only in shades of red, yellow and orange, to match the fiery nature of your astrology.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Dec. 7, 2017, #1179 | By Amy Elliott

There would seem to be a perpetual hunger in our culture for discernible progress and measurable results, and an eternal pressure to push forward. This is partly why these three-week Mercury retrograde periods can feel so disruptive: we don’t understand the importance of downtime in the creative process. Yet sometimes ideas need to be left to ferment. This week, allow yourself some well-earned relaxation time. You’ll be all the more refreshed afterwards.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Dec. 4, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It’s essential that you calculate the physical risks you take during the next few days to a week, and that you err on the side of caution. It’s especially important that you play it safe wherever alcohol is concerned, and that you actually know and trust anyone you have sex with. Your chart is bubbling over with the potential for mistaken judgments. However, you can compensate for this by raising your awareness level and not letting anything impair your intelligence or power of observation. Do not let yourself be persuaded by people. Delay decisions if you feel pressured, particularly financial ones. Mercury retrograde just began today (Dec. 3), and it’s developing in an especially sensitive angle of your chart: a crossroads where your business and professional lives intersect. It’s not possible to say how much is on the line, though this is one of those rare instances when an abundance of caution in all matters, even seemingly minor ones, is appropriate.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Nov. 30, 2017, #1178 | by Amy Elliott

We all need to play from time to time. It’s important and nourishing to relax and let your hair down. Yet your chart is warning you to avoid taking unnecessary risks. This can seem exciting; and risk, to a degree, is part of living one’s life and growing as a person. There’s a difference, however, between that and recklessness. Part of Mercury retrograde is allowing ourselves to ease back and take stock. There’s plenty you can do in the next few weeks. A little forethought won’t hurt.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 27, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

These days, you live on that line between art and work. The task at hand is to eliminate the line. Bring the full force of your creativity into whatever work you do, and bring the ethics of service and a job well done into whatever you consider your art or talent development. Some of the most gifted and accomplished people you’ll encounter live in their studio, or allow their home to be taken over by their work. We might call that bad boundaries today, but usually it’s necessary to break the rules or social norms to get the job done. How much can someone really care about something where they punch out at 5 pm and don’t think about it again till they punch back in at 9 the next morning? We might ask, though, how you can take care of yourself properly when your mission is what counts 24/7. Fulfilling your dharma requires taking care of yourself. Focus on food and sunlight, and then try to get enough rest. You don’t need much else.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for December 2017, #1177 | By Eric Francis

The whole concept of work is largely misunderstood, and it would be fair to say that upcoming transits will bring you to a deep level of understanding. Work is variously presented as a necessary evil; as a burden; as the conversion of time and labor into money (yours, or someone else’s); as duty; and as mere activity (that, particularly lately; working is keeping busy no matter how unproductive). Work is rarely presented, or experienced, as something meaningful and relevant. It’s rarely presented as something satisfying, and which makes a contribution. Powerful forces have been operating in your life, helping you dismantle your old ideas of work (meaning what was given to you by various ancestors and other authority figures). Now you get to start putting something together that you can live with, grow with, and develop into something beautiful. There’s just one cost: to have meaningful work, you must give yourself to it. There’s an element of submission to the task that must be completed, and to the larger purpose involved. This is about true commitment, which moves you from within. You must want it more than a good time, or being liked, or being social. Most of all, it’s essential that you be following a calling of some kind. That might be about your own mission, or joining with someone in their mission: positive results require both approaches.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 20, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may be feeling that your romantic, creative or erotic life is like a London youth hostel on the first day of the summer season. Who are all these people (or what are all these ideas), where are they from, and how are you going to handle them? Yet in reality this is about you and your personal development as artist, lover or both. You are at a breakthrough point. If the past two or three years have come with special challenges in these areas of your life, or if you’ve felt frozen, or like you could not get a result, be aware that something is cracking open. You won’t feel all the results immediately, as this astrology describes a long-term process. Yet there will be unmistakable signs that you’re coming to the end of this process. They might seem positive, such as an emergence or transition with a partner, or with your creative work. You might also find yourself in the midst of resolving some conflict or karma that emerges, and that work will carry you forward.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 13, 2017, #1176 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Monitor your emotional state carefully this week. Track your response to your environment, such as how you feel the moment you walk into a room. If you step into a restaurant and the air smells a bit off, that’s a sign you probably should eat somewhere else. If you get a burst of inviting vibes, sit down and eat. Take that as a metaphor for life, and take charge of your environment, particularly your home: it’s the perfect time to get your place ready for a season when you’ll be spending more time indoors. You’re also in a position to take some leadership with your household or family; astrology that will treat you kindly may be bringing on some stress for others. Pay attention to the wellbeing of close partners or your spouse; do what you can to provide some structure in areas such as food, rest and getting a little time off from work. You are respected, and you have a clue.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Nov. 6, 2017, #1175 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You can say anything you want, as long as it’s true. You might over-share, fumble around a bit, feel stilted, or need to repeat yourself: it’s all good, as long as you’re saying what is actually valid and honest. Even if you change your mind or your point of view, you’re still covered: you won’t have to issue a retraction, only a revision. This is the creative process in action. As one artist said, paintings are never finished; they just pause in interesting places. So, by that measure, even your silence matters. Hesitation is a creatively pregnant place. One reminder your charts are offering is about not needing to prove anything. Your true colors will come out when you don’t have to establish the validity of what you say, do or make — as long as you know you’re being real. From your point of view, experience is its own reward.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Nov. 2, 2017, #1174 | By Amy Elliott

Recent accomplishments are now putting you somewhat in the public eye. Whatever success you’ve had, the chances are it’s fully earned, and underpinned by the integrity of your character. If others ask about your achievements, be gracious and encouraging. Remember, though, how much more you can still do; at some stage you must move forward, and focus on your next goal. Even resting on laurels gets boring after a while. Newer aspirations are waiting for you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 30, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

In astrology there are points called the lunar nodes, and at the moment they are moving through your sign and your opposite sign, Aquarius. This describes the many ways in which you’ll be bringing your life into balance over the next year. This week, though, the planet Mercury meets the nodes at a right angle (technically called Mercury square the nodes). Mercury is reminding you how necessary it is that you express your feelings. This aspect also describes a turning point; and, inwardly, a tipping point or decision. Take this slowly, because it has the kind of potency to influence your life for a long time. Certain factors in your chart describe a tendency to slip into denial, yet others caution that you must be absolutely real with yourself at all times. Make sure the people you’re getting advice and information from are committed to honesty and accuracy; if so, they can help keep you focused.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for November 2017, #1173 | By Eric Francis

You simply must be more confident. This is a choice. It’s not something bestowed on you by a fairy godmother or earned like the Eagle Scout badge. You just wake up one day and decide you’re going to take some bigger chances with your life. You decide it’s time to push your seeming limits. You arrive at the point where you must be your own authority, and consciously boot the vestiges of your parents and various other control freaks out of the way. You seem to have been hesitating for a while; you may have run into the same limits repeatedly. One factor to unravel is any fear you might have of going out of control. One mental meme that’s been circulating goes something like this: If I let go a little, I won’t be able to reel myself back in. Or, if I have some fun, I won’t want to work. Or, if I smile at that person, I’ll get stuck in a 20-year relationship. These thoughts, which come in a thousand other forms, do nothing but undermine confidence, and creativity. They interfere with your ability to live your life rather than have your life live you. In these very weeks, ultra-serious Saturn is ending a long, three-year run through Sagittarius, which is your 5th solar house of pleasure, play and passion. It’s time to move on.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 23, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Planets are on the move. Mars has entered the communication zone of your chart, meaning that you’re likely to have stronger opinions than usual. You could dial your energy back halfway and still make your point brilliantly, though really there’s nothing to argue about. Even better, the Sun enters Scorpio early Monday morning, joining Jupiter and Mercury. This begins a year where the emphasis of your life is on your home and private world. Design your living space into the perfect environment to think, to create and to love. This inner refuge becomes more important as the world goes insane. You’re someone who is fully involved in life, and you need both the space and the time to rest, repair and regenerate. You also need dependable, wholesome sex, on your own terms. Yet that cannot get in the way of your deep, biological need to be totally at home, in the place you call home.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 16, 2017, #1172 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You can tap extraordinary powers this week, though you will need to orient your ship and its sails with the wind and the currents. It will be possible to go absolutely nowhere, or to sail across the sea in record time. Therefore, focus on your orientation. Here are some possible examples. One is the place where your daily life meets up with your larger and longer-term plans. Anyone who has aspirations to do anything beyond what they’re currently doing must work this territory: the one where little old today meets (or seems not to meet) the far away future. If you’re even conscious of this, you will be able to make better decisions. It will help if you perceive the future as real and, therefore, your actions now having a guiding influence there. As for the relationship between the present and the future: that reminds me of something John and Yoko once wrote in a letter to their fans, where they reminded us that the sky extends all the way down to the ground.

Jupiter in Scorpio Horoscope for Oct. 12, 2017, #1171 | By Amy Elliott

Sometimes people can have a few sessions of therapy and expect that to resolve everything. Others can become trapped in their past, unwilling to let themselves out. Truly moving on, however, often means long-term effort, and seeking out the line where the past meets the present; that is, where your personal responsibility for living your life takes over. To some extent this is about understanding how the two interact. Yet you must also make a firm commitment to live the best life you can, regardless of the past. Believe in yourself.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 9, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

While most of the world is busy going insane, I suggest you focus on food. Pay attention to what you eat. Shop more carefully, and dial back your tendency to eat out. You’ll feel better, save money and raise your awareness. Slow down your life to the point where you have time to prepare a couple of meals every day, especially breakfast and dinner. At the moment, food is central to your wellbeing and indeed to your success. Emphasis on food will lead to an emphasis on your home space. You will branch out into taking better care of your kitchen, bedroom and bathroom, which is a central theme of the next four seasons of your life. You must claim your home as your own. You will know you’re doing this because it becomes the place you want to be the most, the place you feel truly yourself, and the place where you feel safe.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Oct. 2, 2017, #1170 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

What we call the spiritual dimension of existence is not all love and light. Much of it is about learning methods of handling the darker emotions such as fear and guilt, living with deep questions, and resolving troubling aspects of the past. What we call spiritual is an approach to existence, which begins with being aware, and which continues with asking for help — whether of other people, or of your inner teacher. Over the next few days, you may go through a journey wherein you get to apply the skills you’ve learned. Think of this as a test or experiment. Do you respond lovingly, and mindfully? To what extent are you able to consider the needs and desires of others, and to perceive them as being related to your own? Are you willing to offer yourself entirely in the service of others, with no thought of what’s in it for you?

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 25, 2017, #1169 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Minor planet Ceres has entered your birth sign, which describes you taking a step up in the world. While Ceres (of ancient Roman fame) is usually considered in the context of food, she’s also associated with rising to a different social class. Don’t be in a rush to do this, however. Rather, notice the ways it’s already happened. When one transcends a limit of some kind, there’s not usually a pyrotechnics show. Rather, doors unlock and spaces open to which you did not previously have access. So, therefore, give them a try; reach out to people you’ve wanted to connect with; and do what you want until someone tries to tell you that you can’t. Your solar chart is set up such that accessing one place or group of people will open doors to the next and the next. You don’t need every opportunity, though. You only need the ones that you want the most, so it will help if you have an idea what your agenda is.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for October 2017, #1168 | By Eric Francis

Your solar chart is all about the theme of what happens close to home. Your community is calling you to invest your energy. Your home is the place to meet people, to share food, and to live your life. And it’s the center of your spiritual life, your personal sanctuary. The world is struggling with whole notion of ‘local’; and for many people, their home is no longer the central place in their life. Often it would seem there is not one, save for one’s workplace, and that’s not usually a cozy place where people would voluntarily hang out after hours. This same astrology parallels an emotional and spiritual picture that’s calling for you to take some space to yourself and orient on your inner life. One way this appears in your chart is that Jupiter will soon enter Scorpio, which is your 4th house of your inner life and sense of security. This also covers your home and private spaces. Jupiter’s presence here is about making home, and almost always indicates a time of improvement and investment in your home. Mercury will enter Scorpio around the same time, giving this a personal, immediate and less abstract feeling. There are problems and emotional states that you can address much more effectively simply by being in your home, and doing everything you can to ensure that it’s a place where you feel welcome.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 18, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It’s been about one month since the solar eclipse in your sign. This event represented a significant mile marker in your life, though the theme of the world right now is inundation. It’s easy to forget these things, and to return to prior patterns, even if they are outmoded. Your astrology this week is reminding you to keep the commitments that you made to yourself. That will start with remembering what they were, so take the time to do that. While the effects of a new phase of life can take a while to set in, an eclipse in your sign is powerful enough to make an actual difference, and to correspond with some immediate progress. When the New Moon sweeps through the neighborhood midweek, you’ll be reminded of this fact. And when the season turns two days later, you’re likely to feel the surge of energy and confidence that arrives when the Sun enters a cardinal sign.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Sept. 14, 2017, #1167 | By Amy Elliott

The astrological spotlight has now assuredly moved on from your sign, and is in the realm of your values and possessions. This is probably something of a relief after the intensity of recent experiences, though it may well require you to do some work in terms of bolstering in the outside world the concepts you hold most dear. If you encounter a situation that seems to need your input, practice speaking up as opposed to reticence and silence. Doing this will almost certainly boost your self-esteem and confirm you in the beliefs underpinning your action.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 11, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Venus in your sign is giving you a boost of confidence that comes with being recognized and appreciated. You may, however, be falling short of appreciating yourself, instead filling in the blank with some kind of harsh self-critique. You’re not helping yourself by doing that, though you may believe the harder you are on yourself, the better person you are. While that could be debated, it’s not a formula for feeling good about who you are. It’s not a formula for self-respect. Consider that you could respect yourself for correcting your mistakes (rather than, for example, striving to be someone who never makes any). Ask yourself honestly: under what scenario would you have the opportunity to learn more? Gentle correction is the best way to proceed, which includes seeing the potential benefit in any error, and the potential unintended consequences of any seemingly good choice.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Sept. 4, 2017, #1166 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

What you’ve learned the past few weeks has provided you with gems of wisdom that you will be able to bank on for a lifetime. In long hindsight, once some time passes and you have some perspective, August 2017 will be a before-and-after turning point on which your whole life seemed to pivot. What happens over the next few days will remind you what you learned and reinforce the teachings that have been offered to you. You may have missed a few subtle points or ideas for how to proceed, and you may also be making a few final decisions for how you’re going to advance in the short term. Make sure those decisions are based on new information, which is likely to be flowing in abundance. The point of gaining knowledge is to use it, rather than merely collect it. The only way to confirm whether a theory or approach is valid is to do an extended real-time test.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 28, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

It’s already been a week since the total solar eclipse. Yet the degree where the eclipse happened, the next-to-last degree of Leo, will be the scene of some significant events during the next week or so. Most notably, Mercury retrogrades into Leo and forms a conjunction to Mars. This happens just as the Full Moon peaks and then Mercury stations direct. The setup is perfect for asking yourself about your motives, and considering whether you think they’re legit. If you’re not asking yourself about what’s driving you, it’s likely to do so in an unconscious way; for example, as self-sabotage, or as anger that just goes off randomly and without a specific focus. You are too powerful for such nonsense. The way to honor your power is to know yourself, and seek to understand yourself more deeply every day. Act on what you learn, and sincerely make amends where necessary.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for September 2017, #1164 | By Eric Francis

The world, and your world, is still reverberating with the effects of the total solar eclipse that happened in your sign on Aug. 21. Whatever may be going on for the people in your life, you’ve arrived at a threshold of your journey on Earth. You may now see that the signs of this go back about two years; many events happened in preparation for what you’re experiencing now, and what you’re about to experience. Hang loose, stretch your body, and feed yourself well. Keep dedicated people around you. You’re entering a period of achievement, which will require that you have a high level of accountability — and that you bank on all of your skills. As events progress in the outer world, you will be focusing inwardly on an incredible process of becoming. This is the full development of what used to be called personhood. Most people don’t have this quality inherently upon being born. It’s learned, earned, claimed and re-claimed many times in the course of a lifetime. Some acquire it through loss, pain and sorrow. Some learn it consciously, by taking on the challenges of growth, by consciously embracing change, and by persistently seeking understanding of themselves. There’s nothing convenient about this, though in the end, you will only gain. In the coming seasons, vast new horizons of experience will open up. Welcome them joyfully.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 21, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You have incredible potential, but have yet to devote to yourself fully. You’re driven forward, and at the same time, seem to have an odd attachment to the past, or to your ideas from the past. Step one in rising above your foundations is to recognize this when it happens. Notice when your expectations are specifically based on what you’ve done before, or what has happened to you before. This is the snag, and it’s one that’s taken for granted nearly all the time. Yes, it’s true that “the past is the best way to predict the future,” though that’s the thing you must get beyond. If you want to accomplish what is unprecedented, you’ll need to do what’s never been done. So in a sense, the past becomes the record you plan to break, the mistake you’re not going to make again, or the activation of what was previously latent potential. You will like living this way.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Aug. 17, 2017, #1163 | By Amy Elliott

For some time now you’ve been getting used to being at the center of astrological events, in a way that’s unusual even for the sign of the zodiac ruled by the Sun. You’re dealing with questions relating to the very heart of your identity. One theme that’s emerging in this moment is the fact that only you can determine who you are. True freedom and independence are predicated on you learning to break free from any earlier habits that make you feel stifled. Look within yourself and trust your resources.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 14, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mars and the Sun are streaking through your sign, on course for a rare total solar eclipse that takes place Monday, Aug. 21. You would have to be living in a cave under a rock on another planet not to know about this, though you may have questions about what it means for you. Simply stated, it’s time to take hold of your life and live as if it’s your own. If you’re tuning into the astrology, you’ll probably feel a bit daunted by the possibilities and also by your desire to stretch, grow and, in general, change things up. You had best think big, since it’s rare to have this kind of leverage point, where you can actually attain a degree of progress that truly makes a difference. The more you cooperate, the more creative and less destructive this will feel. Yet no matter what there is the necessary component of letting go of elements of the past — which you will not miss.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Aug. 7, 2017, #1162 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Monday there is an eclipse of the Moon in the angle of your chart that describes your relationships, and the environment that surrounds you. Suddenly it seems that environment is changing in significant ways. Mostly this will come in the form of letting go of old friends and getting some new ones. It’s essential to go through this every once in a while, especially if your goals, your sense of purpose, or your idea of who you are becoming are changing. Essentially, you need friends who are not threatened by your willingness to change and grow. There’s no way to overstate this necessity. You are indeed evolving rapidly; and having people around you who in some way object or are made nervous by that fact is a perfect way to thwart your own progress. If someone really cares about you, they will honor your need to grow.

Aquarius Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope, #1161 | by Len Wallick

The greatest service is rarely rendered by a subordinate. The most rewarding of undertakings are seldom assigned. Those who would lead must set an example of what it means to follow, and right now that probably means you. For the time being, at least, you are among the best equipped to see what needs to be done for the greatest good. To go even further, it would not be surprising if you felt it was your duty to get those needs met. What you want to avoid is getting burned out or otherwise disillusioned. Hence, don’t be a lone wolf. Continuous sustenance for your commitment to others will only be drawn from fraternizing as an equal, distinguished only by the deference you earn. What’s more, everybody concerned would be better off if you considered your time and energy as limited assets to be invested carefully, only where and when you can rightfully expect a just return.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 31, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The spotlight is on Leo now, with Mars and the Sun streaking across the sky, and two eclipses soon to arrive between today and Aug. 21. This means your life is in transition; and if that is true, then it’s essential that you stay in contact with what you want. Mars, the planet of desire, will help you focus your goals, and erase any guilt or apprehension you may be feeling about being authentically bold. To live the way you want requires courage, on several different levels. Most people are easily given to living with difficult situations rather than taking the chance of changing them. Yet because you have so much energy (Mars and the Sun are both hot and fiery), it’s essential to dial in the power of Saturn. This is about discipline, careful timing and using structure to your advantage. Incremental changes are the right changes, at least for now.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for August 2017, #1160 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Once again, one of the outstanding astrological events of our lifetimes occurs in your sign. That would be the Great American Eclipse of Aug. 21, 2017. There’s a precedent for this: the total solar eclipse of Aug. 11, 1999. Consider what you were doing that summer, and what you were doing for the next three or so years. When you think of 1999 as a ‘before and after’ moment, what do you get? You are now standing at the threshold of another such moment. What you’ve lived through the past several years is the ‘before’; the moment you’re in is like a dimensional gate; and the future is unwritten. Take the time and the care to point your life in the direction that you want to go. This need not take longer than a few moments, though deep meditation and grounded decisions usually require more investment of thought. Remove the no-longer-valid priorities from your agenda; decide what no longer serves you. Then, search your soul and remind yourself what you simply must do. Be exceedingly honest with yourself about this, and don’t be distracted by whether you think something is or is not possible. You might know what this agenda is without even thinking about it. Use the power of your mind and point your existence in that direction. Then, steady as she goes.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 24, 2017, #1159 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Sunday there was the first of two New Moons in your birth sign, both of which are extraordinary events, and are here to deliver a message. At this stage of your life, you have little choice but to stand in your power. This is not a state of mind or a mood; it’s not a thing you do. It’s a property of who you are, though perhaps the more accurate word is influence. You cannot control the world around you, and you cannot force anything to happen. But you can influence the flow of events, in ways large and small. The single most relevant thing you can do is to know what you want, and have some idea why you want it. Don’t make assumptions; check yourself, verify your ideas about life, and let curiosity be your guide.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 17, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Over the next few days, Mars and the Sun will enter your sign, followed by the Leo New Moon Sunday, July 23. This is good news many times over, initially coming as relief from anxiety, followed up by an energy surge. I would suggest, however, letting yourself get a slow start on your new plans — particularly if they involve self-improvement. Mars is going to be pushing you to “do it now,” though the New Moon is saying, “begin gently and gradually build momentum.” There’s power in solid beginnings; that is, ones marked not just by a statement of intention but rather with concentrated action. Before that phase, you may find that odd things happen to existing plans, which will offer opportunities to clear the deck of priorities that are no longer valid or that no longer serve you.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for July 13, 2017, #1158 | By Amy Elliott

A recent period of introspection has likely made you better acquainted with the deeper side of your nature. This week, the work you’ve done could become a source of inspiration. Document your dreams, and keep a notepad or some form of recording implement with you, especially when you visit somewhere new. What’s taking place now is preparing the ground for when the Sun enters your sign in ten days or so, and involves exploring who you are in a new light.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 10, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You possess your own value. Be real about this: it doesn’t come from anyone or anything else; you don’t have to negotiate; you don’t have to be endorsed or have any letters after your name. Remember this if you find yourself in some strange conversation where you’re being expected to establish your worth. You don’t need that person, and you don’t need to convince them of anything — they’re unlikely to be convinced, so there’s no point trying. Focus your creativity and do the projects that you want to do. Don’t worry about monetizing your ideas at this stage. That would be minimizing their worth, and it will hamper your creative process and diminish your potential. Do what you’re doing for its own sake — that’s so rarely done in our era. You can afford to proceed without fear or concern for the future, and let the developments of this week reveal their interesting wonders.

Monday Morning Horoscope for July 3, 2017, #1157 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

For many weeks, you’ve been learning about a certain kind of devotion, where your own interests must stand entirely apart from something larger than you. We often see this in shadow form: people sucking up to power, or using work and projects to avoid intimacy. You are being drawn, as if by some invisible force, to offer yourself in seva, or selfless service. This is not altruism; it’s not about ‘doing good’. Rather, you’re being summoned to a soul-level calling, which is only growing deeper. This is not easy. Compelling influences are not merely calling you or guiding you, but are drawing you like a tractor beam that you cannot easily escape. The real question to ask is: why would you want to? Uncovering your true spiritual nature is not a walk in the garden; it’s about tending that garden, understanding that it’s something equal to or greater than you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 26, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

With the world in such a panicky state, it’s amazing anyone has any peace of mind at all. You may be walking a delicate edge this week, as you’re in a heightened state of emotional and psychological vulnerability. As long as you remember that, you’ll be able to handle it, and even use it productively. The real gift of this week’s aspects is the insight they bestow. You’ll be able to peer into the minds of others, and have an unusual level of clarity about yourself. Here’s the thing: Don’t assume you’re right. Phrase your observations as questions rather than as statements. You might even keep silent and let people reveal themselves. The thing to avoid is making any statements about how someone else feels, no matter how much insight you might have. However, empathy is always welcome.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2017, #1156 | By Eric Francis

Be mindful any time you seem to be doing something useless or futile; pause and ask yourself why you’re involved and what outcome you want. If you feel like you’re working off karma, stop and question that. Be even more mindful if you feel tempted to tout your own accomplishments in a way that is even vaguely inappropriate. Aspects this month and into August demand humility, sensitivity and awareness of your environment. You must focus on correct action, and reaching for a sense of ease and flow, and a mutually supportive approach to all people and all projects. You are approaching an unusual birthday season, with two New Moons in your sign, on July 23 and Aug. 21. The second of these is one of the most noteworthy solar eclipses of our lifetimes, and it represents a potentially beautiful turning point in your life. Yet you must not lose your way in the glare of ambition; the most suitable approach to any task is to do it for its own sake, because it’s the right thing. Rather than taking a clever approach, take a sensible one. Rather than being competitive, be cooperative. Most of these things are likely to be lurking beneath consciousness until you find yourself in a situation where they become a concern. For that reason, it will help if you proceed with full awareness and caution.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 19, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

This week’s developments will go a long way toward easing your stress and any lingering anxiety. Mercury and the Sun join Mars in the most sensitive area of your chart (a trippy place called the 12th house). That will bring awareness and warmth where there was previously some odd, difficult-to-name concern. With your inner lights on, you can focus on your most cherished professional goal. I don’t mean an ordinary new job or promotion: I mean the thing you know you’re destined for. Remember that destiny is not usually like winning the lottery. Rather, it’s an invitation to aspire to what’s meaningful, which wholly depends on your courage, persistence and the use of all of your talent, all the time. As you begin, be prepared to start fresh every day, and put feeling into every stitch of effort.

Weekly Horoscope for June 15, 2017 #1155 | By Amy Elliott

This week you might go through phases of being utterly inspired on the one hand, and a little confused on the other, as if you’re not quite sure what to do with all this enthusiasm. Don’t let the confusion part lead you to doubt yourself: you’re drawing from a good source. At the same time, keep your head on straight, and take the next steps in a logical order. You have plenty of emotional energy in your chart, and it’s up to you to direct its flow. Invest in your creative process, and use your powers of perseverance.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 12, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The Sun in Gemini continues to emphasize the feeling that you’re on public display. Yet you might also feel like no matter what you say or do, you’re bending the truth. You might have one or two harrowing moments where you feel like a phony. That’s natural enough. It’s difficult to feel like everything you say and do is subject to public evaluation, and it’s all too easy to get lost in the nonstop public relations effort that our lives have become. There is a truth of who you are, and that’s all you have to concern yourself with. If you discover that you’ve exaggerated something, correct yourself and move on. However, what the planets are describing is you putting yourself into the world and showing people how beautiful you are, and what you have to offer. You can trust that.

Monday Morning Horoscope for June 5, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

People need ideas to live by more than they need food. There’s a survivalist impulse moving through society, though it’s sly, subtle and is rarely revealed as rooted in desperation: a toxic brew of naiveté and cynicism. You are offering something different; you have your own message, which people around you need to hear. You might invite your closest friends to your home for dinner, and engage them in a real conversation about life, or about anything. Just make sure you have them leave their devices in a designated location and pick them up on the way out. This whole digital thing is very nearly ruining human relationships, because it’s so grossly used, overused and abused. Take part in as many face-to-face conversations as you can, whether it’s small talk or about the fate of the Earth.

Short Monthly Horoscope for June 2017, #1154 | By Eric Francis

Offer yourself fully to what you’re doing. Don’t hold back, and don’t make excuses for why you should do less, or be less present. Lead with your heart, and take the opportunity to be more like a dog, and less like a cat. That means expressing your passion about everyone and everything you’re involved with. Then you will ride the positive momentum to entirely new experiences. Your solar chart describes both passion and discipline, and these are the two main ingredients in your success. Know when to set limits, and know when to blow them away as if they don’t exist or don’t matter.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 29, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Be mindful of engaging in public controversies this week. Before you weigh in, you’d be wise to assess the energy you would expend, and the potential damage to your reputation. If you’re going to speak up about something, you might start behind the scenes, asking people what they’re thinking, and engaging them in a dialog. One potential risk is that you don’t know where the loudest voices in the room are actually coming from. The thing to look for is financial motivation, particularly as it might impact you. While you’re at it, make sure you account for your own motives where money is concerned, and decide how that would look, were it to enter the discussion. The overall planetary setup is calling for everyone to have a little more integrity. Don’t get any mud on your clothes.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for June 2017, #1153 | By Eric Francis

You face the challenge of working out the balance between giving, receiving and seeking what you need. This can be a delicate equilibrium to maintain, especially with so many people in such a depleted state, and you having so many responsibilities. You know that you must take care of yourself; and at the same time, you take the idea of dharma seriously. That means “acting as if to hold the world together,” or said another way, making every effort to actually participate meaningfully in the lives of the people around you. This is a bold and necessary philosophy, and every now and then it calls for a cold, clear re-evaluation. You might ask: when you invest your energy into someone, what are they doing with it? Are they, too, building the world, and passing the gesture forward? When you direct your time, thought and motivation into an organization, have you considered its motives? What is its purpose on Earth, and whom is it helping? Are your most intimate relationships nourishing or depleting? You need dependable sources of strength. It’s clear that one of them is leadership and serving a purpose. Yet this month and this summer, you must go deeper, and make contact with a source of energy that you draw from the Earth, such as better food, time in nature, your own creative projects, and love that both gives and receives.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 22, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

In today’s world, leadership is about communicating ideas, and then getting people on the same page. That involves a process of listening, expressing yourself, and being flexible about including the ideas of others in what you’re doing. Even though you’re born under what’s called a fixed sign, the more inclusive and cooperative you are, the more you magnify the influence of your creativity. People need to know they’re being heard; indeed, that anybody at all cares what they think. And just as vital, they need a strong influence to tie together all the loose ends and serve as a kind of coordinating editor. You’re in the perfect position to do precisely that. Just do your utmost to keep pride and ego out of the picture. Leo can be brilliant at embodying the role of public servant. Now is the time.

Weekly Horoscope for May 18, 2017 #1152 | By Amy Elliott

The present social, technological and political environment is designed to polarize everyone. Seeing all sides of a complex issue is out of fashion. Yet this is precisely what you’re now being called on to do. Very few situations are as simple as they appear. Make it a point of honor to be diligent in seeking out the truth and communicating clearly; also, keep judgment to a minimum. Know in which situations you hold the conductor’s baton; this is also where you must lead by example.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 15, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Mercury is about to enter the career and reputation angle of your chart, which is likely to revive a goal that you had to set aside earlier in the year. Make sure you know what you’re working for; it will be beneficial to refine your thinking and focus on what really matters. Once you know that, the way to your objective is through communicating with others. This won’t be about brute force, time-consuming labor or lots of money. Rather, you need to make sure that you say what you need to say clearly and in a compelling way. Be diplomatic, and speak the language of others whenever you can. Do your best to verify that you’re understood and that you know the concerns of others who are directly involved. Certain individuals have more influence than you may think, so be respectful to everyone.

Scorpio Full Moon Moonshine Horoscope, #1151 | By Len Wallick

Somewhere in the details of what has undoubtedly been a busy time for you lately are likely intimations of potential futures. Perhaps a superior at your employment has broached the subject of a promotion. Maybe a personal relationship has evolved towards greater commitment. It could even be that somebody has noticed a heretofore hidden talent or proficiency you have, and brought it to your attention. No matter what form these inklings of ‘what could be’ have taken, they will remain only notions unless pursued. Luckily, it appears that you have at least six months to lay the groundwork and another year to get there. In the meantime, pay attention to how you respond whenever your life goes from routine to challenging. That’s because your present will someday be revealed to be a rehearsal for what is yet to come. If you want to play well then, practice well now.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 8, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

There’s a new energy in your life these days, which is guiding you to be especially devoted and potentially self-sacrificing. Go lavishly on the devotion part and sparingly on the sacrifice part. The new planetary influence is Vesta, the goddess of the hearth. Vesta is the perfect fusion of a spiritual influence and a practical one, and they work approximately the same way. Holding intention in the style of Vesta is about making space for something to happen. This includes emotional and physical space. If you want something to happen, clear out the room and make yourself available. With Vesta there’s one other thing, which is about having a central organizing principle. Think of this as the hearth in the middle of the home, around which all the other rooms are arranged. Again, we’re talking about something on the psychic or emotional level, and something in real space and time.

Short Monthly Horoscope for May 2017, #1150 | By Eric Francis

You may feel the need to be more honest with others about who you are, and that’s a healthy impulse. Consider all that you don’t talk about. Notice all that you have not mentioned to close partners and friends. You might question your motives for remaining silent. You can also simply be more forthright and let people into your desires, your thoughts and your feelings, and see what happens. Most people fear disaster would ensue if they told the truth about themselves, though the actual results are usually much more liberating and energizing.

Monday Morning Horoscope for May 1, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Not everything you believe is true, and that’s a beautiful thing. Be happy when a discovery proves you didn’t quite have the story right, because then you’ll have the information that you need. When investigating something, do the extra research. Dig back onto page five of the search results, read the forums, read the reviews and study the comments. In the spirit of investigative reporting, pick up business cards you see lying on the street, skim through newspapers and magazines and generally, cast a wide net for what you’re looking for: but be attentive to the smallest details. This effort will pay off with a timely discovery that gives you the advantage you need. If I were writing this horoscope in 1960, I might also say, “look for a letter from a pen pal abroad,” though in 2017 I’ll say, reach out to your friends in other countries. It’ll be more fun than going to the movies.

Weekly Horoscope for April 27, 2017, #1149 | By Amy Elliott

There’s a Buddhist parable that illustrates how we don’t see things as they really are in the darkness (presumably, of a non-enlightened state). Without suggesting you’re about to become the next bodhisattva, you appear to have found a torch that allows you to see reality more clearly, at least to an extent. You’ll know this is occurring when you feel a sense of relief, or of appreciation. It’s easy to tie oneself in knots over a problem that’s relatively minor. Once you start to look past that, you’ll realize you don’t need to worry quite so much.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 24, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re the one with the winning strategy, and people are counting on you for that. The world is so confusing right now, it’s difficult to see a clear path forward. Yet you know that matters are not so cut and dried as people would like them to be. Your real talent is your ability to handle a bit of chaos and unpredictability, which really comes down to two things: know your planned goals and your proposed methods, then be willing to adapt and adjust to conditions as they develop. What starts off early in the week as one thing will be quite another by midweek and unrecognizable by the weekend. Therefore, your strategy must be one of constant evaluation and adaptation. Leo is said to be a ‘fixed’ sign, though you know you can summon flexibility, which is no doubt one of your greatest personal assets.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes for May 2017, #1148 | By Eric Francis

Of the many, many things it’s possible for you to do, you must narrow your possibilities down — so that you can do any of them. Right now your mind is teeming with ideas, which are not just about what you can do, but also who you want to be. You might focus on the relationship between doing and being: what do you do that inspires you to live the way you want to live? If you were exactly who you wanted to be, what would you do? You might want to narrow the possibilities by choosing the one thing that feels most intuitively right, and do that for a while. One clue that you’re conducting a valid experiment is that you may feel like you’re too narrowly focused. It’s a little like new shoes: you need enough room to wiggle your toes, but you don’t want them to be loose. You want them just a little snug, so they have some space to break in. From there, you can stretch and expand. You can branch out and open up. Many of the ‘great possibilities’ are a distraction and are based on image: that is, your concept of how you’re seen. That is The One Thing to forget. This is not about your image; you will build your reputation by the honest work of your heart, hands and mind.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 17, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Set aside any concerns you may have about your professional reputation and make the decisions that you need to make. While this may be slightly more complicated than going out for ice cream, understand what that complexity really entails. First of all, there may be an actual question of ethics involved. What’s the right thing to do, as objectively as you can see it? This involves assessing the impact of your choices both on yourself and on others. There’s something deeper as well: whose thinking is influencing you? Whose unresolved baggage is clouding up your mind? You may think something is exclusively your issue, only to discover that one of your parents passed it on to you, thinking they were doing you a favor. If someone taught you to be afraid of your own shadow, maybe they didn’t deal with their own.

Weekly Horoscope for April 13, 2017 #1147 | By Amy Elliott

A breakthrough on your current project appears to be imminent, though there seems to be at least one issue remaining to tackle. This can be done, though it will likely require time and patience, as well as devotion to the task for its own sake. Keep in mind your initial vision regarding the public service element of this work. Ultimately, it’s this alone that will carry you through when you feel you’re at a sticking point. Don’t dwell on personal accolades or rewards: these will come at the right moment. It’s vital that you leave this dish in the oven till it’s done.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 10, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Take any delays in your professional plans as an opportunity to rethink what you’re doing. In these times, it’s essential that you not be stuck in old or outdated plans. If the planets are any indication, you’re craving work that comes with the human touch. Speaking of, you might set aside any intense activity in the professional realm and invest your time and energy into private matters. Close partners, especially anyone with whom you may share a bedroom, will appreciate your devotion to the most sensitive matters of relationship. Make yourself available, and express in words that you’re open to conversations that have been eluding the relationship. Here’s a suggestion — make sure you’re 100% sober; even a glass of wine can distort your emotions; and it’s better to discuss sex anywhere but in bed (such as the kitchen table, or the living room).

Short Monthly Horoscope for April 2017, #1146 | By Eric Francis

You may not consider yourself an inventor by nature or profession; however, your mind is poised for a creative breakthrough. Remind yourself every day that no problem is too complicated for you to solve, and that you can plot the course to any goal that you have. Practice on small things as a way of building your confidence. Originality is like a muscle that develops the more you use it, so be bold. This skill could become genuinely valuable on the work front, where the most important leaders are those who can both innovate and solve problems as they go.

Monday Morning Horoscope for April 3, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’ve been eager to make progress in your career, particularly getting your name out there, and making sure you’re properly compensated. You’re likely to be doing much better than you think; however, you’re also at a stage where you have to slow down and consider your business plans. Most of this involves messaging: what is the message you’re sending, for example, with your CV or resume, your web page, your social media and so on? You must be 100% in accord with whatever ideas you’re delivering; it’s fair to say, you must become your message or let it become you. Once you commit to this, you’ll probably undergo a rapid series of revisions, as part of your process of gaining clarity. This will be fruitful, especially if you don’t rush matters and give yourself space and time to think about what you want.

Aries New Moon Moonshine Horoscope, #1145 | By Len Wallick

It’s a good bet you have recuperative gifts beyond what you are currently aware of. Right about now would be an excellent time to begin either developing or adding to your flair for repair — and not just for your own sake. There is at least one other who needs the form of relief only you can offer. In all probability, it will not require drudgery or a long time to discover or enhance your unique genius for alleviation. Nor should it incur any form of sacrifice in the bargain. It’s much more likely you will realize your penchant for restoring ease while enjoying the sort of activity that makes time itself seem to fly.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 27, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Hold to a steady course. Whatever revelations came out over the weekend, or whatever challenged your beliefs, or showed you some amazing new potential, hold steady. Persist in what you’re doing. Don’t be distracted by any bright, shiny objects, or by any notion that you could be doing something more glamorous. You certainly could be. It would also be less meaningful. Yet the road you’re currently on encompasses many of the possibilities that you want but don’t see yourself having available now. Indeed, it does so in much better ways, more solid, more dependable and based on your integrity. That’s the thing to keep your mind on: doing the right thing for the right reason. Regarding a question of shared finances, the planets advise to stick to your plans for all these same reasons. Don’t be lured by any promise of seemingly easy money. You have more honorable motives.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for April 2017, #1144 | By Eric Francis

This month, you’ll need to take some time and resolve a prior emotional or sexual bond. If this is something that did not end well, you’re the one who will need to set aside your ego, extend the proverbial olive branch, and take the risk of vulnerability. This is a complex situation. All the people involved have brought an element of past injury to the scenario, which has little to do with those who are immediately involved. See the situation in that context and it’ll be easier to understand. You may have stepped away because it was just too complex, or because of some uncertainty about whether you were being told the truth. However, your personal truth is more important than some abstract notion of a valid point of view, and you’re now much more confident in who you are. In a similar way, ‘the situation’ is not what needs to be resolved: rather, you must come to terms with your own feelings and your own healing process. You may or may not get the full cooperation of others, though that does not matter. What counts is that you make yourself available for an exchange, without judgment. Then, as you do that, notice what happens: how people respond, what they say and, most of all, the contrast between what you remember and what you see now.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 20, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

For the past month, the Sun has been inching its way through Pisces, which for you is the sign of shared finances, emotional bonding, sexual passion and the place where all these things meet. From the look of your solar chart, this has been a somewhat complicated few weeks, where you’ve had to sort out various situations that really did need honesty and clarity. Now the Sun has entered your fellow fire sign Aries, moving into an angle of your chart where you are free to leave all that behind. Moreover, you can turn your mind and your aspirations toward some future possibilities that have been patiently waiting for you. The world has become a much bigger place while you were taking care of other things, and you have some beautiful possibilities waiting for you. Don’t worry about what to choose: that will be obvious when the time comes.

Weekly Horoscope for March 16, 2017, #1143 | By Amy Elliott

Your dreams and aspirations could take out a new lease on life very soon. When inspiration strikes, it helps to follow up with hard work, commitment and determination. Strategy and planning are useful tools as well. In the current environment, carrying a long-term project through to completion is more challenging than ever, due to all the potential distractions. Be wary and shrewd about avoiding those that might appeal to you. You’re a fixed sign and you have all the natural tenacity you need to persist; however, it’s easy to be drawn in. Stay alert.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 13, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

This is the week to unravel any financial problems that you may be having: partnership matters, tax issues, banking questions, or anything involving investments. You can get to the bottom of the issue; you can get the facts you need to make some important decisions; and you can get the cooperation that you need. You, however, must take the leading role in all of this. You must set the goals and objectives, and know the outcome you want. You must trust your instincts, your intuition and, most of all, the facts of the situation. Where any matter of finances is in question, you want the hard numbers, not just approximations. You want to use multi-year comparisons. And remember that in a situation where sex and money are mixed, the financial questions must be attended to first. This is a top level of psychic hygiene. Honoring money is a matter of respect. Hold yourself and everyone else to that standard. Do not blink or retreat.

Moonshine Horoscope for Virgo Full Moon, #1142 | By Len Wallick

If you have been feeling misunderstood or under-appreciated as of late, worry not. In all probability, the way others see you (or your perception of how others see you) is on the verge of changing for the better. More to the point, you can hasten a real or perceived improvement of your sense of value among others by following three guidelines. First, when others rush to judge you harshly, remember that you don’t need to take all of that on, or in. Chances are you’ve learned ‘when to say when’ when it comes to being self-critical, and quite possibly you’ve learned that the hard way. Next, accept responsibility for your actions only. Allow others the opportunity to be accountable for what they do. Finally, before speaking, always put yourself in the position of those about to hear.

Monday Morning Horoscope for March 6, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You can reach a positive resolution to a matter involving taxes, shared finances or some personal situation. But this will involve setting aside the seeming complexity of the scenario for an elegant solution that works for everyone. If you’re setting a goal, that’s the place to begin: not just with what works for you, but what will encompass the needs of everyone in the scenario. For this to happen, however, you must be working with all the true facts, and everyone must have their agenda on the table. You’re likely to be the one to facilitate this process. Here’s the thing to remember: you can only work with the willingness of others. You cannot overcome their unwillingness. Therefore, you must figure out what you want, and what everyone else wants, and then start building on the common ground. If others bring up differences, encourage them to talk about what they support and agree with.

Short Monthly Horoscope for March 2017, #1141 | By Eric Francis

You seem unsure whether to have total confidence in your abilities, or to doubt yourself with the same devotion. There’s plenty of territory in between. True self-assurance is often informed by insecurity. You need to keep checking whether you’re on the right track, and whether your predictions or projections about the future are accurate. For example, review the budget of any project against the actual expenses on a regular basis. Make sure the content and tone of any message are correct for what you’re doing. As long as you navigate consciously, you will get where you’re going in excellent style.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 27, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Within an intimate partnership, one door is closing and another is opening. The relationship in question will need to develop into its new form before you really understand what it is. I suggest, till then, that you refrain from labeling or attempting to define the rearranged circumstance. There is still plenty of fog that has to clear, and that will take some time. You’re learning to see your relationships beyond your rose-colored point of view. It will help if you keep your eye on the bank balance, and on matters of balance that involve sexuality in any form. Everyone involved must be willing to bring their whole truth to the discussion. Be aware of seemingly passive forms of deception, such as when you’re not provided with full disclosure and are expected not to care. There remains one additional question, which is what you do with the truth when you have it.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2017, #1140 | By Eric Francis

Belief has become the new standard of proof. This is causing chaos in the world, and it will cause chaos in your life: with one exception only. You must believe in yourself, and have faith in yourself. To an extent, this must transcend the known facts. You cannot base your idea of the future on what you’ve accomplished in the past, or where your results have fallen short of your goals. You simply must see beyond your history, while taking with you everything you’ve learned. Then, you can embrace your potential as if it’s real, and keep that thought at the front of your mind. There’s one more step to this process, however, and it’s especially meaningful today. To get anywhere, you need discipline. That means focused effort, sustained over time. You are in the process of manifesting something, of turning an idea into a physical reality. While creation is the whole purpose of the human experiment, it’s not usually so easy. Things go wrong, life is busy, and plans have a way of being set aside. It’s time to go past these common human foibles. The kind of sustained and applied focus that gets things done is the factor that you need to work with the most often and the most consciously. Apply yourself with devotion and without expectations, and then note the results that you get.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 20, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

Your beliefs about your relationships largely determine what you are. By beliefs I mean your ideas about what you owe people and what they owe you. Often this works for you, and your sense of service and ingratiation to others provides a focus for your life. You do, however, need to check in periodically and make sure that your current approach is taking in all the known facts. You need to make sure there’s some form of balance that’s appropriate to who you are now. Most of all, you need to review your recent life and make sure you’re being honest with the people around you, and that you’ve answered all of your questions about the veracity of others. Over the next week or so, questions are likely to arise, and those questions deserve answering. Those answers may be perfectly satisfactory, and you will feel better for having them. If they are anything but copacetic, it’s time for a patient, careful and most of all honest conversation.

Planet Waves Horoscope for Feb. 16, 2017 #1139 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

On the day the Sun enters your sign, it does so in a conjunction with several planets, including Mars. Energy, drive, individuality, self-assertion: Mars will help you with all of these. Mars conjunct the Sun in Leo is pure cardio, the pump of vitality. Mars and the Sun are conjunct a little-known centaur planet called Thereus, which has just entered your birth sign and will be with you through 2020. In one manifestation Thereus represents aggression and warriorship, though not necessarily the spiritual kind of warriorship. The message here is to moderate your energy. As the year develops, you may find yourself increasingly driven to conquer, rebel or revolt; a gentler approach will serve you better. The thing to beware of is frustration. By beware, I mean be aware. You will act differently when you’re irritated and when you feel like your efforts are getting you little for your work. That’s the time to stop and think. Thereus has an interesting property of what you might call multiple solutions or multiple workarounds. If you do something not-so-Mars-like — contemplate your situation — you will see that there are many ways through whatever puzzle or maze you’re looking at. You might take as your motto, ‘There is a better way’. When you solve a problem, try to solve it again, only better the second or third time. Look for a more elegant solution. When you see your way through a social pattern, look more closely for additional information or ideas. The ultimate answer to any social puzzle can be found in considering whether or not you feel equal to the people around you, and why.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 13, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

What happens in one of the fire signs happens to all of them. And the fire signs are indeed on fire right now, with such amazing events happening in Aries (the Uranus-Eris conjunction, the presence of Venus and Mars) and Sagittarius (Saturn conjunct the Galactic Core and too many minor planets to fit into an article). But what about Leo? Ordinary astrology charts reveal nothing, though that’s not true. A slow-moving mystical point is there, called Sila-Nunam (a binary, co-discovered by my favorite astronomer, Jane X. Luu). I don’t talk about it much, but every time I think of Leo, I think of Sila-Nunam. And what is this thing? Here’s a tidy summary from Wikipedia: “The two components are named after Inuit deities. Sila ‘spirit’ is the Inuit [Eskimo] god of the sky, weather, and life force. Nunam or ‘earth’ is the Earth goddess, in some traditions Sila’s wife. Nunam created the land animals and, in some traditions, the Inuit people (in other traditions Sila created the first people out of wet sand). Sila breathed life into the Inuit.” End of quote. Please tell me if this reminds you of anything about who you are and what you’re doing.

Planet Waves Horoscope for Feb. 9, 2017 #1138 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

For many people, it’s special simply to have something they care about, some purpose that drives them, even if they don’t make it their daily occupation. I think the spiritual seat of one’s true work is in the 5th house of creativity. This continues into the 6th house of day-to-day work and service. But the motive for why one would bother getting up every day has to be some creative impulse, which for you is blended impeccably with your spiritual connection. In essence, the secret to doing what you love involves working the connection between your 5th house Sagittarius (where spirituality and art merge into one thing) and your 6th house Capricorn (where you do what you do for its own sake, and to succeed at it for its own sake). The two signs you have on these houses are a perfect fit for meaningful independent employment. Yet the root of this energy, for you, comes from Sagittarius. Creativity is so crucial to Leo because of that spiritual connection. If you’re looking for Goddess or God, look no further than art, however you define art. It’s vital that you define this idea for yourself, and that you dive into some new expressions of the creative divine in your life. What is special about this year is that Saturn makes a long conjunction to one of the most sensitive points in Sagittarius, the Galactic Core at 27 degrees. This one event will cast its light on all the world, and be available to everyone; where it shows up for you is your devotion to your creative process.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Feb. 6, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You seem to have a clearer view of the horizon now that you’ve extracted your goals from a foggy situation. You seem to have discovered that your life is easier if you don’t confuse your needs, desires and intentions with those of totally unrelated commitments. This is especially true of your finances, though. Do you have your own bank account, and if so, who else has access to it? Who has access to your time? Who has access to your space? The planets are suggesting that you get a moment of independence, a taste of what it’s like to be free from those involvements. What do you want, when nobody else is influencing you, or when you don’t feel like you owe anything to anyone? Here’s one more layer of that: what do you know you’re capable of, when you don’t have to justify your existence to anyone? The chances are, that’s exactly, precisely what you have the ability to do.

Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 2, 2017 #1137 | By Len Wallick

Don’t take even the smallest fortunate events for granted. More often than not, good luck is no accident. In all probability, at least one person is doing what they can to steer some good cheer in your direction. For the moment, all you really need to do in response is get better at cultivating gratitude. For all but a fortunate (and perhaps even fictional) few, life is rarely easy. It’s all most people can do to keep up with what they have taken on. Only rarely does anybody end a day with enough left over to project either good or ill will outside of their circle of influence. Yet, if anybody is currently getting the best of what somebody else has to spare, it’s almost certainly you. Someday, it will be your chance to offer the same. When that time comes, the quantity of difference you make for someone else will be in proportion to the quality of your gratitude now.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 30, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You must set your own agenda. Right now, you run the risk of letting your choices be made or influenced by the people around you. Stop and ask yourself what you want, and why. Be honest about this. There are likely aspects of life that you’ve set aside for the benefit of others, perhaps as a result of relationship or family responsibilities. That’s not going to work forever. At a certain point you need to establish a pattern of your life in which you are fully included, and that grants you some independence. Remember that many of the patterns holding you down are in your mind. They are part of your own psychological conditioning, and that’s more difficult to change than any relationship structure. That’s because your relationship structures are based on your own thinking. If you’re wondering what’s going on or what to do, that’s the place to start.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for February 2017 #1136 | By Eric Francis

This month’s Full Moon in your birth sign (exact Feb. 10) is inviting you to break consensus and do what you want. It would seem that there’s a committee of some kind saying you must live the way you supposedly agreed to, and that if you don’t, bad things will happen. Whether this is implied or being stated outright, I would encourage you to question this notion long enough to walk through an open door and try something new. You don’t have to live your life by consensus. The thing is, Leo is both an individualistic sign, and also one sensitive to the needs of the group or the tribe. Once you understand this about yourself, it will be easier for you to have some balance in your life. However, at first, you may feel like you’re stealing. But you cannot steal yourself. Your life is your life — it’s really that simple, and anyone who tries to convince you otherwise is playing a game that can only happen with your consent. What is the actual nature of your commitments to others? What exactly did you promise them? And what was your promise to yourself, before they even met you? That’s the true promise you must keep. As you do that, as you reaffirm your commitment to yourself, certain partners are likely to rise to the occasion with you.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 23, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

The Sun is now in your opposite sign Aquarius, which looks like it’s taking some pressure off of you. It’s also reminding you to ask for the help you need, and to remember that many hands make light work. People love you, and they’re willing to provide support to make your life better and easier. Ease is the very thing you need the most. Taking a relaxed, calm approach to your affairs will remind you that you’re safe, and help you to notice how many caring people are around you. If you allow your energy to flow, everything and everyone in your environment will seem more relaxed and open. You may find yourself deeply moved by the feeling that people care, and that life does not need to be such an uphill struggle. So, be honest about what you need, and take any opportunity to share something you have, or to share yourself.

Short Monthly Horoscope for February 2017 #1135 | By Eric Francis

You don’t owe anyone anything. Nobody has a right to be your judge. Remind yourself of those facts every few hours. Once you can hum those ideas like a familiar tune, you’ll make an even more important discovery: it’s useless judging yourself. Yes, you want to be the best person you can be. Here’s a surprise: that’s a gentle process, not a harsh one. When you make an assessment, remember the whole idea is that you can grow, change and evolve. Seeing yourself as a work in progress will make room for more progress. You can feel good about that.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 16, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You may feel like you have so much to work out that you don’t know where to begin. Don’t let your mind get lost in the seeming complexity of your circumstances, or overwhelmed by how much feels unresolved. You don’t need to have all the answers or solutions for everyone, and you must pause and remind yourself what really is not your problem. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, you need to set some boundaries. If you notice yourself being called upon to make sacrifices that don’t seem fair, take a step back and reconsider your viewpoint. When the Sun enters your opposite sign Aquarius in a few days, you will find the present moment much more interesting than the lingering problems of the past, particularly those that are not your own. You like to have clear understandings with people, and you’re free to emphasize those relationships where there is a genuine mutual consideration.

Moonshine Horoscope for Cancer Full Moon #1134 | By Len Wallick

Discipline is admirable, but it can get old and wear you down. Devotion, on the other hand, never tires and seldom expires. It could very well be that you are currently searching for an endeavor worthy of your devotion. If that is the case for you, maintaining your discipline for its own sake in the meantime will be essential. In order not to burn yourself out on the way to getting fired up again, take extra measures to sustain (and preferably improve) your physical health. Start with what touches the ground; then work your way up. When it comes to expenditures on yourself, prioritize comprehensive foot care for at least the next month, possibly longer. Once you have hit upon the combination that keeps your feet in optimum condition, do all you can to strengthen and steady your ankles, then your calves, and so on. When it finally comes time to enhance the health of your neck and throat, you will probably find that a revived devotion has already taken care of your head.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 9, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

You’re on the edge of a creative breakthrough. It looks like you have the idea, and are both prepared and committed to developing it into something real. Keep in mind that ideas go for ten bucks a case. All of their value is found in their development and use. This is where you have a real advantage, because your concept is visionary; and going forward, the emphasis on practical matters is available. Yet you must remember the seed idea at the center of what you’re doing. Remember why it’s so beautiful. Doing the day-to-day work of developing even a relatively small project can completely distract you from its original qualities. You must supply the fuel to keep your passion hot as you proceed through the worldly details rather than visionary ideals. Then you plant a little of that vision into everything you touch and everyone you speak to.

Short Monthly Horoscope for January 2017, #1133 | By Eric Francis

Stay away from making ‘final’ arrangements until the end of the month, particularly on matters involving contracts and financial agreements. A diversity of factors are clouding your view, namely of what’s really your responsibility and what is not. Under current conditions, you might be persuaded to pay, or do, far more than your fair share. A few weeks from now you’ll have a much clearer view and deeper understanding of why you need to be on the receiving end of the agreement rather than the one paying. This theme will come up again — pay attention.

Monday Morning Horoscope for Jan. 2, 2017 | By Eric Francis Coppolino

There are two aspects to any career: the outer play of prestige and achievement, and the actual work that you do in the course of the week. Right now the planets are emphasizing the second. Potent activity in your 6th house of day-to-day business is saying you must attend to the details of whatever you’re doing, and get it right the first time. Get the proofreaders, the fact-checkers and the BS detectors into your game. Run every document past people with 10 years more experience than you have.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for January 2017, #1131 | By Eric Francis

This will be a highly productive year if you don’t allow yourself to get enmeshed in the problems of others, no matter how close they are to you. To accomplish this may take all your discipline, though it will be worth it. The place to start is the agreements you have with others. Every agreement is a contract and every contract is a map to the future. When you make any arrangement with another person, you’re involved in an envisioning process. There are some currently existing agreements that need to be brought to full clarity. This will indeed have an impact on the relationships; some people may resist clear understanding, and you may find pockets of resistance in yourself. Be honest with yourself about those feelings, and investigate them even as you work through them. Most of what you want from life, be it intimacy, creativity or wealth, is shrouded in some fog and confusion, and you have the power of spirit to penetrate the mists. You might use a strategy of choosing the most difficult material and going there first. This will deal with the intimidation factor. Once you’ve resolved what seems like a difficult problem, you will be dauntless about the easier ones. One last thought: note early and often the fact that you cannot change others. They can only change themselves, if they are actively willing; and that is out of your control.