Tag Archives: Jupiter in Leo

The Sign of the Cat

She comes out of the Sun in a silk dress running
Like a watercolor in the rain

— Al Stewart

Dear Friend and Reader:

The Sun is now in Leo, though this is no ordinary run of the Sun through this sign. Jupiter has just arrived here, Mercury arrives any moment and Venus (now in mid-Cancer) will soon be there. Note that we have not had many slower-moving planets in Leo in recent years; the most recent prior one was Saturn (2005-2007). So the presence of any major planet in Leo is a change of pace.

Planet Waves
Infrared photo of the Great Sphinx by Sarite Sanders.

There is one new discovery in Leo, which I’ve been working with (particularly in The Mars Effect and other large projects) but have not mentioned, called Sila-Nunam, discovered in 1997. This is an object orbiting our Sun, out a bit past Pluto, in Leo from late 2001 through mid-2025. It’s orbital period is a shade over 291 years (making it a classical Kuiper object).

Its name is from the Inuit tradition and means “spirit-earth.” Its current position is 17 Leo, very close to next week’s Moon-Sun opposition across Aquarius and Leo. More on that soon, as the Full Moon is rapidly approaching, and we’ll be hearing from Sila-Nunam more ways than one.

Now we have one of the transpersonal planets showing up in Leo for a year, joined by the Sun and Mercury, which will bring Leo and all that it represents into focus.

Leo is illustrated by a lion, which is of course a cat. There is the King of Beast aspect of the cat, and then there is the more familiar version. Cats have an unusual relationship to humans. Of the two species that serve primarily as our companion animals at this time, cats are the newcomers, and as such are less integrated into the total human experience and are much closer to their instincts than are dogs. That is why they seem so independent and aloof, and don’t take well to being bossed around.

In terms of the service they provide, dogs excel at helping us hunt and guard the camp; cats do their best work at night, protecting us from diseases caused by vermin, carried by night-crawlers. Vermin are a specific problem of civilization; hunter-gatherers don’t have grain or dairy storehouses that attract mice and rats. Dogs helped us concentrate enough energy (in the form of meat) to create agriculture. With agriculture came food storage, and with food storage came vermin. Without cats, humans, already susceptible to numerous plagues, would have had more serious problems on their hands.

We find a cat represented on what may be the oldest monument on Earth, the Great Sphinx of Giza. Wikipedia repeats the household knowledge that, “It is commonly believed to have been built by ancient Egyptians of the Old Kingdom during the reign of the Pharaoh Khafra (c. 2558–2532 BC),” but John Anthony West and photographic documentarian Sarite Sanders have pointed out that the sphinx has repairs of water damage that date to the Old Kingdom, so the sphinx may long predate Egypt itself.

Planet Waves
The Great Sphinx, photographed on slide film by Charlie Lemay.

Where Leo the Lion meets Virgo the Virgin seems to resonate nicely with the concept of a creature that is half-cat and half-human, right around the Leo-Virgo cusp.

Cats also provide a distinct kind of spiritual protection. It is interesting that the word sphinx means the terrifying one.

I have seen cats on the astral and they are much larger and more imposing than you would think. There is a reason witches primarily use cats as familiars — they play the role perfectly, seeming to understand intuitively just what they’re needed for.

Once you are harmonized with your cat, you have both a psychic bodyguard and also a living barometer for when things are weird. If your cat is acting normal, the chances are there is nothing harmful in the vicinity. If your cat gets tweaky or does not like someone, pay attention fast. For an interesting episode involving cats and ghosts, I would refer you to this article. See the section on “A Vast World of Ghosts.”

It’s a very good idea for anyone interested in astrology to harmonize with the concept of Leo, with how Leo works in their charts, and to get to know people who are born with the strong presence of this sign.

The Astrology of Leo

For my description of the astrology of Leo, I will rely on my own observations and two sources — Alice Bailey’s Esoteric Astrology and Aleister Crowley, whom few people know was an astrological author. But he was indeed one of the greats. One of my favorite astrology books, which I don’t think I’ve ever quoted, is The General Principles of Astrology.

Many of the entries are ghost writings for Evangeline Adams (1868-1932), who is considered the mother of American astrology. As her secret co-author, Crowley (1875-1947) is therefore the illegitimate father of American astrology. I have read that he wrote much of this material in a cabin owned by Adams in upstate New York, not far from where I am sitting.

Planet Waves
Aleister Crowley, one of the people who had a clue about astrology, though few know that.

Both Bailey and Crowley make an interesting point in their discussions of Leo. The sign is so central to astrology and such a pillar of the entire zodiac that in classical astrology, the sign Leo is ruled by the Sun and has no planet of exaltation. Most of the other signs have a ruler and a kind of secondary ruler; for example, Cancer is ruled by the Moon and Jupiter is exalted there. In classical astrology, the Sun gets Leo all to itself.

In Bailey’s alternate system of planetary rulerships, she has three levels — traditional, esoteric and hierarchical. Leo is the only sign where the Sun is the ruler of all three. What this tells you about Leo is that its spine is nicely stacked and is one of the central organizing principles of the astrological system. That makes sense. All the other planets orbit the Sun, which is the source of nearly all energy that powers our biosphere.

Bailey associates Leo with the development of self-awareness and the evolution of consciousness. While all of astrology can be said to follow these principles, she describes Leo as the core engine of individuation. She calls this “the theme of the unfoldment of consciousness,” and elaborates by adding that Leo is about “the response of the conscious entity to the vibratory impacts to which it is subjected.”

In a class I took with her in 1996, Barbara Hand Clow said something similar — her theory is that astrology works because the Sun picks up the positions of the planets that surround it, and broadcasts their vibration into our experience. Since it’s associated with the Sun, Leo would have a similar role, as a kind of central processing core of astrological experience. (As I have already suggested, please find out where Leo is in your chart and what planets you have there.)

Ok, here is a bit more of Bailey commenting on Leo. She is not Susan Miller. Bailey’s job in Esoteric Astrology is to reveal the invisible ways that astrological influences work, and then to bring them out into the open. She writes on pages 292-293:

Mass consciousness in Cancer gives place to the individual consciousness of Leo. Out of the mass or the herd emerges the self-sufficient unit which becomes increasingly aware of its oneness, its aloneness and its isolated attitude as ‘one on the center’ of its small cosmos. This attitude continues to develop and to become empathic and dynamic (I use these words with intent), leading to the pronounced egocentric consciousness of the selfish, intelligent man and to the ambitious display of selfish power of the man who desires place and position. But eventually the time comes when the nature of the Fixed Cross begins to dawn upon the consciousness of the man and the influence of Aquarius (the polar opposite of Leo) begins to balance that of Leo. Then there comes the gradual shift of the focus of attention away from ‘the one who stands alone’ to the environing group, and an equally important shift away from selfish interests to group requirements.

Read this three times if you have to; print it and highlight it and make notes on it. This paragraph contains the core idea of Leo but also one of the central ideas of the whole book — that opposition polarities work together as one energy system. Here she is describing how people begin to individuate, then think of themselves as standing alone, then they begin to integrate themselves into group consciousness. This process is happening for many, many people, not just Leos, but you can imagine that Leo is like one of the core biocomputers facilitating the process.

Planet Waves
Jerry Garcia, one of the most original Leos ever, photographed at Three Rivers Stadium by Robbi Cohn.

Let’s check in with Crowley’s ideas about Leo, and also Jupiter there. Crowley begins his chapter by saying, “The Sun in Leo is its greatest strength, for Leo is his own house, and his influence is not even complicated by the exaltation of any other planet therein. We find the most enormous vitality and strength of constitution.”

I would agree — so long as the person knows how to use their strength for themselves and not against themselves. That much vitality must be cared for, cultivated carefully, nourished carefully and maintained. The more power something has, the more energy it moves, the more attention it must be given.

“People with the Sun in Leo are not only strong for themselves, but shed forth this strength on others. It is emotionally the most magnetic of all the signs for the Sun; perhaps in consequence of this the disposition is usually masterful, and may possibly in some cases become almost tyrannical. There is immense generosity and nobility of feeling, and this again may sometimes degenerate into extravagance. The native is a tremendous worker, but anything in the nature of menial tasks revolts his soul. While not ashamed to do anything of this kind when necessity calls or as an example to others, he will not do it as a matter of routine when there is anyone else to do it for him.”*

Again, true enough, though this partly depends on whether the Leo is at the ‘standing alone’ stage or in the ‘group integration’ stage, wherein he or she will be more likely to draw support and be willing to let go of responsibilities that others can perform just as well, and keep the ones that only they can do.

Crowley continues, “If he finds himself in a situation where people will not do for him what he thinks they ought to do, he generally prefers to let the work go undone. The nature is excessively proud and incapable of meanness. Such persons must be trusted or they can do nothing. As long as they feel they are in positions of authority and responsibility, they will kill themselves, if necessary, in order to justify the confidence reposed in them. If forced into any other situation, they will despise their work and so neglect it.”

Planet Waves
Another original Leo, so recognizable you don’t even need a name in the caption.

There is definitely something going on with Leo and work ethic. Many people have a perception of Leo as being the ‘bad boss’
— too bossy and too lazy. My perception of Leo mostly comes from what I know about the homeopathic remedy Aurum Metallicum — pure gold. These are the people who will indeed take on so much responsibility that they never get to go home from work. It is therefore very important that they learn how to teach and how to delegate responsibility. It’s good that this facilitates the evolutionary imperative of Leo, which is developing group consciousness.

OK, one more topic for the day — Jupiter in Leo, of which this will only be a brief comment. Many astrologers take a negative view of this placement — describing it as know-it-all or arrogant. Crowley is a bit more open-minded: “Leo brings out to the full the frank, expansive, exuberant nature of Jupiter, but the materializing influence of the Sun, as Lord of Leo, is felt markedly and therefore the religious qualities of Jupiter are not very strong.”

In other words, the Leo vibration aligns Jupiter with actually getting something done. Crowley notes Rudolf Steiner, the founder of Anthroposophy, as one of the more religious natives with this placement, though Steiner was a real builder. And he adds that “the Leonine materiality of Jupiter’s religious nature is shown very clearly in Brigham Young, who was more of a theocratic state-builder than a truly spiritual descendant of Joseph Smith.”

He also offers Aldous Huxley, author of The Doors of Perception and Brave New World, as an example. “We look here not for the science of man, but for his religious feeling and his general outlook on life; we are able to consider man by his fireside and not in his laboratory.”

On Crowley’s recommendation, I will leave you with a few quotes from Huxley, which offer a perspective on Jupiter in Leo. By the way, this is a placement that is prominent in the chart of Planet Waves, Inc. — the corporation has Jupiter in Leo in the 11th house of its natal chart.

“The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age, which mean never losing your enthusiasm.”

Planet Waves
Madonna Ciccone, not just another pretty face — a tireless worker.

“The most shocking fact about war is that its victims and its instruments are individual human beings, and that these individual beings are condemned by the monstrous conventions of politics to murder or be murdered in quarrels not their own.”

“That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history.”

“A child-like man is not a man whose development has been arrested; on the contrary, he is a man who has given himself a chance of continuing to develop long after most adults have muffled themselves in the cocoon of middle-aged habit and convention.”

“It is a bit embarrassing to have been concerned with the human problem all one’s life and find at the end that one has no more to offer by way of advice than ‘try to be a little kinder’.”


*Run-on sentence in this passage edited by me for clarity.

Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoon in Kingston, New York by Planet Waves, Inc. Annual basic subscription rate: $99/year. Core community membership: $149/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric Francis Coppolino. Business Manager: Chelsea Bottinelli. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Copy Editor: Jessica Keet. Research, Writing and Editing: Planet Waves is produced by a team consisting of Fe Bongolan, Brendan Merritt, Amy Elliott, Judith Gayle, Kelly Janes, Elizabeth Michaud, Amanda Moreno, Amanda Painter, Casey Smith, Carol van Strum, Len Wallick, Lizanne Webb and Chad Woodward. Special thanks to the Fact Checkers List, and to our main astrology fact-checker Alex Miller, and Amanda, who goes over all their suggestions. Aunt Josie Forever!


Good as Gold: the 2014 Midyear Reading for All 12 Signs

If you have not already noticed, 2014 is really two years in one, with version 2.0 beginning right about now. With all of the inner planets direct, Jupiter entering a fire sign and Mars coming home to its native Scorpio, a whole new concept of life and of astrology is reaching out to us.  I will be unfolding this brand-new aspect pattern for all 12 signs and rising signs in my midyear reading, called Good as Gold.

Planet Waves

Good as Gold will explore the relationship between self-esteem, creativity and money. The three are so closely interwoven that in a successful person they are indistinguishable. While you’re on the way there, these elements need to be understood one at a time, as specific concepts, goals or challenges.

I will provide ideas, strategies, motivational rants (my speciality) and ideas I’ve learned in therapy to get the blocks out of the way, access your courage, and invoke your vision for yourself. Jupiter is about potential, but that also means that the human part of the equation is making that potential real.

How do you manage the transition out of something old that is not really working and into something new, with the simultaneous demands of a learning curve, balancing yourself financially and staying inspired? These and other things are what I will be exploring.

Good as Gold is available for pre-order now, at $49.95 for all 12 signs. As usual, we start with the lowest price for all 12, gradually raise the price, then sell one reading for about what we were initially asking for all 12. Now is the
time to get the best rate on the whole package, so you can listen to your Sun, Moon and rising signs, and check in with the readings for your collaborators.

Thank you David Roell

When I first started studying astrology, I discovered a guy named David Roell, who had an astrology bookstore in Southern California. This was during the winter of 1994-1995. I didn’t have astrology software; David had a chart casting service that I used copiously. He had every book you could imagine, and I spent most of my money casting charts and purchasing books.

Planet Waves
David Roell, at age five and a few years ago.

I would do this by phone. Dave had a lot to say. He was lonely where he was, I think around Oxnard somewhere, in a neighborhood without a lot of people. My calls to him would turn into extensive astrology classes.

I would call his toll-free number, 1-800-475-2272, night after night, and get donated lessons the entire winter, each of which went on as long as I could keep going. I learned a lot of astrology from Dave. He explained every book he sold me, and answered my questions on many, many charts.

He had read a lot of books. I am sure he holds the unofficial world’s record in English for reading astrology books. The benefit of that among others is that he could navigate around the history of astrological ideas and traditions. This was mingled with his love of music, as a listener and as a composer. I think he may have identified as a musician first and astrologer second.

He was also a repository of knowledge about Eastern religion, various matters of psychic affairs, Blavatsky, occultism in general, ghosts, reincarnation, UFOs and numerous other subject areas, and had something intelligent to say about all of it. More than being an opinionist, which he definitely was, he was a theorist. That is what Aquarius is famous for – coming up with theories. Usually they were interesting; sometimes they were funny – he believed that Porphyry houses should be banned. Everyone should know someone like this.

He also warned me about some untrustworthy people in the astrological community, filled me in on backstory I would have no other way to find out, and explained the political ropes of the profession. Starting way back at the beginning, I had some vital intel and took it under advisement, paying attention but never publishing a word of it. He was also the source of many contacts for me – he knew everyone’s email dating back to the beginning of the medium, and their phone number. Every astrology journalist should know someone like this.

Then after these conversations, all night I worked for the Jackie Stallone Psychic Circle reading tarot cards. That winter was one of the most interesting times of my life. Mars was retrograde in Leo and Virgo. Pluto was in the very last degree of Scorpio. The Uranus-Neptune conjunction was beginning to drift apart. That winter and spring is one of the few times I am actually nostalgic about.

One day at the end of a phone call, he said, “OK, you’re ready. Hang out your shingle and be an astrologer. Charge $50 an hour. And don’t undersell your tarot. Charge the same for that.” And that was it. He had graduated me. This was some time in early 1995.

I was determined to be an astrologer and clearly it was meant to be. I had seven years of prior preparation, therapy, spiritual training and esoteric studies including tarot prior to these conversations, but still, astrology is not exactly easy and it’s a big responsibility. I am not sure I would have had the confidence after just one year of focused study to do it professionally.

So I hung out my shingle, printed postcards, started writing a horoscope column in a little newspaper called Free Time, and that was pretty much that.

I have always found the astrologers I resonate with to be generous with their knowledge; I could make a long list, and it was those examples that influenced me to model my career the way that I have. But David was a little unusual and never seemed to run out of time for me. Over the past 19 years I’ve called him countless times, any time I had a difficult case or needed to get some insight on an astrological issue, especially involving horary.

When I arrived in my godmother’s hometown in Sicily, I put my feet on the ground, recorded the time, called him and gave him the horary data and he faxed back one of the most interesting charts I’ve ever seen to my little motel in Piazza Armerina — one of the charts that proves astrology.

Planet Waves
William Lilly (1602-1681), author of Christian Astrology, the first astrology text in English. David Roell was the most recent publisher of the book, in a modern three-volume edition Lilly would be grateful existed.

Speaking of horary, it was David who made the point that you can find out anything you need to know from horary astrology, which is the astrology of the hour, usually of a question. He is the person who recommended that I read The Moment of Astrology, a book about horary, which is one of my favorite books, ever.

He was always at his desk, answered on the first ring, and said, “Hello Eric Francis.” I continued to buy books from him, some for myself but mostly for students and Planet Waves staff members and friends. David was the person to go to; my credit card was always on file.

He was one of a very few people I could go to for detailed information about the book Christian Astrology by William Lilly, the first astrological textbook written in English, of which he was the most recent publisher, and translator of the book into modern English, and of all the charts into modern charts.

This week he ran out of time. A few minutes ago I got an email from his wife Elizabeth saying that David had died. She sent the last edition of his weekly newsletter. He is also survived by a young daughter.

In one of our last conversations, he said that he wanted to preserve his astrological knowledge, particularly in spoken word recordings rather than written materials because he felt that this was the more powerful way to teach.

I am aware that David grated on certain people, and expressed some views that people found strange and hurtful. He had some carefully chosen enemies and some not so carefully chosen. I knew, which is to say I had met, that hyper-catty side of him a couple of times, but that never deterred me from being his friend. He had strong opinions and seemed not to care what other people would think, though I am sure he did. His kind of intellect has a lot of emotion behind it. That is Aquarius for you.

My sense of what he was going through was the fear that his life would not matter; that all his study and theories and teachings would not mean anything. David meant a lot to me, his nuts and bolts approach to astrology helped shape my own, and his faith in me as an astrologer has a lot to do with why I am an actual, practicing astrologer today. I considered whatever he said whether I agreed with him or not, and made up my own mind, which was just fine with him. That’s exactly what a teacher is for.

Horary on the death of David Roell — not the death chart. Chiron is rising. The Moon’s next aspect is a trine to Pluto, then a sextile to Venus, a sextile to Saturn, and an opposition to Chiron. The Moon’s last aspect in its sign is a sextile to Mercury.



Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Number 22: Nipple Clamp Photo Holders. Sean Jameson writes, “Hang your memories on the wall to remind yourself of times past.” Don’t worry — your mother will never notice what those things really are.

Do Try This at Home

By Amanda Painter

With the Sun and Jupiter in Leo, the sky is emphasizing child-like (or childish?) fun. Add Mars making a square from Scorpio, and you get a layer of erotic motivation urging you to let your creativity loose and to push the edge.

Cue up this week’s CREATE candidate: a series of images and GIFs demonstrating 29 Insane Life Hacks With… Sex Toys. Created by Sean Jameson for website Bad Girl’s Bible, this is decidedly unsafe for workplace viewing — but perfect for a laugh and some ribald inspiration as you look for ways to repurpose the castaway gadgets in your own home.

Isn’t that one scuffed wall in the living room just calling out for a dildo doorstop?
Planet Waves

Scorpio Mars square Leo Jupiter — and Astrology Mailbag

Planet Waves FM is presented without commercial interruption, sponsored exclusively by our subscribers and our Core Community members — that would be you.

In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I comment on one aspect in the current sky — Mars square Jupiter, which will be exact Friday. I call this the “push the edge” aspect — it’s all about taking a chance on something you’re passionate about. In the second half of the program, I answer reader queries about the rising sign, locational astrology and how new planets are delineated by astrologers.

Our musical guest is the magnificent Sloan Wainwright. She is the youngest sister to Loudon Wainwright, aunt to Rufus Wainwright and Martha Wainwright. She is Sloan, with a voice like nothing else in the universe.

During the program, I promise certain resources. One is my magnum opus on the history and delineation of the minor planets, originally published in The Mountain Astrologer. Here is an article that demonstrates how the delineation process works in action, called With Love from Borasisi. Another is a follow-up to my thoughts on the purpose of the “spiritual path,” from last week’s subscriber edition of Planet Waves. That article is called World Without End. Here is Marco Rubio trying to take a drink of water on national television. Who can blame the guy? He was thirsty.



Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

Your extended monthly horoscopes for August were published Thursday, July 24. We published your extended monthly horoscopes for July  on Thursday, June 26. We also published an Inner Space horoscope for August Tuesday, July 29. Moonshine horoscopes for the Capricorn Full Moon published Tuesday, July 15. Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign.



Planet Waves

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, July 31, 2014, #1009 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Your charts are a beautiful mix of dark and light, which I suggest you think of as colors and hues. The planetary alignment of Mars in Scorpio and Jupiter in Leo is granting you access to the full spectrum of experience — particularly sexual experience, which always translates into some form of relationship. Yet while this energy is coursing through you, I suggest you think of it in its creative and biological form rather than as needing some kind of social structure, form or commitment. The pleasures and benefits of this astrology are available in the moment, and would best be shorn of attachment to the past or the future. You might think that requires instant enlightenment, which is true, in a way, if you think of enlightenment as being in tune with yourself, what you want and what you have to share. Focus on that and you’ll have this odd sense of knowing who you are.

Pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for only $49.95 for all 12 signs. Opportunities are opening up this year; these readings will prepare you for them.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Someone’s desire for you, or the intensity of a particular relationship, might ordinarily be the kind of thing that shakes your foundations. I suggest you experiment with being able to hold the energy. There is plenty of it, resonating within you emotionally, and while it’s intense it may have you feeling insecure. It’s as if under some circumstances it might be the right thing but the waves of passion may be reaching you at an odd or awkward angle. If you feel the desire to retreat or pull back, maybe take a breath and see where the passion or attraction leads you. You might not be ‘exactly equally attracted’ but does that matter so much? Someone’s interest in you does not mean that you owe them anything, only that you have an opportunity to experience life in a new way, that moment.

Pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for only $49.95 for all 12 signs. Opportunities are opening up this year; these readings will prepare you for them.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Turn it up, by which I mean, turn up your energy, and turn yourself on. Your ideas are sweet and juicy right now, especially if you happen to love words, which you do, though the current astrology is lavish for photos, video and other forms of imagery. Your mind is hot right now and if you tap into your idea core, you won’t be able to stop yourself. At the same time you have energy and drive to get a lot of work done, so choose what you want to do and do it. Pick the thing you’ve wanted to say or express visually and get about doing it. Don’t worry if you end up working all night. You will have plenty of energy for more mundane tasks the next day. And as I suggest to every true artist or writer, keep a notebook or sketchbook with you at all times. Graft it to your cellphone and keep them in your hand together. Write down or sketch everything that comes to you. Don’t worry what your friends might think. They know you don’t work for the NSA — because it would be too boring.

Pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for only $49.95 for all 12 signs. Opportunities are opening up this year; these readings will prepare you for them.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Venus is in your sign now, which has you cast in the role of love magnet. Focus on that and love that about yourself. Keep your energy moving and pay attention to your environment. People are noticing you. You could roll out of bed and throw on any clothes and you would be turning heads. Now, what to do with this seemingly mystical power? Remember anyone you’ve wanted to connect with and pay them a visit — preferably in person, so they get the full experience of you. Be bold and ask them out even if you think they’re out of your league. If you’re already in a relationship, this is the time to soak it in some fresh energy, new experiences, or any immersion in beauty. One way to do that is to love as much as you can from wherever you are. You are in fact free to love, no matter what anyone may say, think or do. Remind yourself of that every time you need to.

Pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for only $49.95 for all 12 signs. Opportunities are opening up this year; these readings will prepare you for them.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Jupiter has been welcomed into your sign by a spectacular New Moon. Mars in Scorpio is lighting a fire underneath you and looks like it’s challenging you to get free of your emotional comfort zones or discomfort zones — whichever the case may be. In any event, be aware of the fear that might hold you back from fully expressing yourself or from taking advantage of the fact that you carry immense protection right now, as well as charm, charisma and a sense of potential. The only thing that could stop you is being afraid or wanting to exert control over what does not need to be controlled. Part of the scenario involves what happened to certain relatives if they started to feel ‘too good’ or as if life was going ‘too well’. This is an old story that you’ve wanted to end for a while, and you can now write its last chapter.

Pre-order your 2014 birthday reading for the lowest possible price ($24.95) now!  This year’s reading includes a live Q&A session with Eric (recorded for those who cannot attend).


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Use your imagination — for everything. It is a powerful resource and it’s especially rich right now. Your tendency at the moment might be to think in ways that are more narrow, more connected to what has gone wrong in the past, or to consider your options with a hyper-vigilant sense of responsibility. I suggest you go in the opposite direction — wide open, considering the possibilities, no matter how risky or dangerous they may seem. Think way outside your normal sense of scale. If you consider a long trip 100 miles, multiply that to 1,000 miles. If you are considering renting an apartment, consider a house and imagine what you might do with the extra space. Apply this to your whole life — what you do, what you want to create, and most of all, who you are. You are much bigger than you think.

Pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for only $49.95 for all 12 signs. Opportunities are opening up this year; these readings will prepare you for them.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Yes, you are naturally social, though this is going past all limits now. You are in a moment of contact, so spend as much time around other people as you can, especially in small groups rather than crowds. Of course, the meeting that turns out to be the most meaningful could come at any moment, so be alert to who is around you and take every opportunity to say hello to someone you don’t know who you happen to meet in a public place. There’s another side to this — this is an excellent time for financial negotiations, particularly where your career is concerned. The thing to remember is that you are a rare resource, you possess knowledge and skills and you get results even in the midst of the unraveling world. You have solid ground to negotiate from. Your asset value to others will have at least one fine moment this week where you get no compensation; the term is pro bono.

Pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for only $49.95 for all 12 signs. Opportunities are opening up this year; these readings will prepare you for them.


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Consider the ritual aspect of everything you do — making breakfast, getting ready for work, preparing to go out. Think of these things less as habits than as moments of preparation for an experience. Take every step consciously, with as much mindfulness as you can muster. Notice how you feel while you’re doing this. One attribute of ritual is preparing space — that might be your desk or your living room or a clearing in a forest. It might be your kitchen before baking or your bedroom before a lover comes over. Focus on the use of space, its purpose, how it feels and how it looks. Remove anything that is extraneous. And consider the central organizing principle of the space, the way that a hearth used to define the central idea of a home. Every space has its hearth — know what it is, and tend the fire.

Pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for only $49.95 for all 12 signs. Opportunities are opening up this year; these readings will prepare you for them.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Allow your fear to motivate you. Most spiritual paths teach that fear is false or that it’s meaningless or that it’s bad. I believe that fear is energy. It’s also connected to an early-warning system that has been hijacked by various entities (religion, warmongers, drug salesmen) and which basically drives people insane. Yet addressing fear is an essential element of growth, no matter what branch of growth we’re talking about. Right now, your fear describes something about your potential. It’s as if when you identify something that you’re anxious about, consider whether the opposite is true, and let that be a statement of the possibilities that are open to you, or a comment on what you want to accomplish. You could say that fear is sending you the worst possible information. You could say that it’s sending you truly useful information if you know how to work with it.

Pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for only $49.95 for all 12 signs. Opportunities are opening up this year; these readings will prepare you for them.


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Rare aspects this week suggest you have a knack for investments and other topics related to shared finances. You may experience a windfall, or the solution to a longstanding problem may suddenly manifest. It might look too good to be true. Of course, it’s your job to perform due diligence on even the best-looking opportunities or solutions, though you don’t need to approach this with suspicion. Contrary to popular belief, there is a surplus of energy in the universe, including money. If you want money, I suggest you be friendly with it and toward it. Recognize that nearly any profit or success emerges out of a collaboration of some kind, and that resources and talents can combine to create a synergistic condition — the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. If you proceed in an atmosphere of trust, and with people you respect, you’ll do very well.

Pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for only $49.95 for all 12 signs. Opportunities are opening up this year; these readings will prepare you for them.


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Your life seems to be a story of claiming something and then giving something up. If you take charge and assert yourself, you may be noticing that there is a sacrifice associated with leadership — it might be added responsibility or a demand for impeccability. Yet while this is happening you are also being offered new opportunities and gifts from people who care about you. Indeed, beyond the world of duty and authority there is a whole other environment opening up, what you might think of as a gift economy. At first it may seem that it’s offering you more than you are offering back, and you may be wondering if there is a catch. Yet your chart suggests that you will never be asked to give more than you can offer, and that what seems like a small gesture to you might be experienced by someone else as truly significant and indeed unavailable elsewhere. Have confidence in that.

Pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for only $49.95 for all 12 signs. Opportunities are opening up this year; these readings will prepare you for them.


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You have just about everything going for you right now. It’s important to recognize these moments, because they’re relatively rare. One thing that might be getting in the way is how much you have to do, though you may have noticed that your responsibilities have taken a lighter vibration. You are able to get more done with less expenditure of energy. Take advantage of that and make sure you collect on the dividends. Speaking of, your work is worth more than you know. Send that message and send it consistently. More than anything, know it in your heart. While you have an abundance of energy, make some important changes that you’ve been putting off. They may involve your physical space, your diet, your work patterns, or taking up some activity that you’ve wanted to do for a long time. As for love, keep your heart open and the universe will take care of the rest.

Pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for only $49.95 for all 12 signs. Opportunities are opening up this year; these readings will prepare you for them.

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The Vexing Issue of Self-Esteem

Dear Friend and Reader:

Jupiter has taken up residence in Leo for the next year, which in our astrological microcosm is a real change of pace. Mars is now making its way through the last degrees of Libra; it will enter Scorpio next week and then form an exact square to Jupiter on Aug. 1. If Jupiter in Leo is about passionate expression of life, Mars in Scorpio joining forces with Jupiter is going to push that with a nice jolt.

I have a nice thick folder full of charts for July and August, and every time I look at them my mind goes back to the topic of self-esteem. I devoted Planet Waves FM this week to the topic of Self-Esteem, Art and Business, which opened up the topic in a new way for me.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

The more I consider this range of topics, and the more people who open up to me about their reality, the more obvious it becomes to me that underneath our political, social and economic crises (they are all related) is the issue of self-esteem.

I’m even finding that this is relatively easy to explain — perhaps because people relate to the issue of not valuing themselves, and know that it has a way of taking over their life. Yet one thing I am noticing is that lack of self-esteem takes so many forms that it’s often difficult to identify. Many of them are so encrypted into the culture, they are sold to us as normal.

A great many others involve sexuality, which is sold to us as abnormal despite being the normalist thing in all of existence. In our society (and many others) sexuality is infused with guilt, to the point where most people cannot experience sexual expression without some infiltration of guilt, or a total seizure. This is a problem. One reason it’s a problem is that in order to heal your self-esteem, your creativity and your sense of existence, you will need to tap into your core creative energy, which is also your sexual energy.

I will offer a metaphor. Let’s say you’re driving or riding along in a car. The engine (of most cars anyway) is running on gasoline. In a human, this is the equivalent of vital force, which on the physical plane and a broad spectrum of other nearby planes of reality is the same thing as sexual energy, desire and impulse — the core vitality that procreates, co-creates and all around creates the human experience.

When you turn on the CD player in the car, that is run by electricity. But the electricity making the music is created by a generating device that draws energy from the engine. If you turn on the headlights, same thing. If you turn on the wipers, same thing. If you charge your cellphone, same thing. In this way, all the nuances of that car are created from the same pool of energy at the core — the fuel running the engine, which burns and releases energy that can be used many different ways. If you cut off that core flow, then none of the peripherals work.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

Humans work the same way. The cutting off usually comes in the form of judgment. When we misinterpret or misunderstand that core energy reaction as bad, as sinful, as sick or as troubled; when we deem it a bad thing and are ashamed of it, then we start to choke off our vital force.
When it’s siphoned off from us by social conditioning and advertising, and sold back to us as product, our vital force becomes co-opted and weakened.

I am aware of a few problems with applying my theory (which is not really my theory, I’m speaking for an old tradition), even if it happens to be valid. One is the reaction, “Are you saying that to address my self-esteem problem, I have to deal with my sexuality?” Yes, that is what I am saying, among other things that will come up in the process.

Another is the hot mess that is sexual and relational reality in our era. We do not live in a moment where it seems vaguely appealing to experience or express a higher level of consciousness on these themes, because it’s not a jungle out there, it’s worse. We live in violent, angry times, which people are papering over with iPhone apps and bits of glitz and glam to help us feel better for a moment. A lot of that paper is money.

Once you peel off those layers, it’s necessary to deal with the shadow side of sexuality. It’s difficult to write a convincing marketing pitch for that, but I’ll give it a sentence or two. Unprocessed shadow — guilt, shame, sexual injury, any form of secrecy connected to intimacy, the feeling of having skeletons in the closet, and many other forms of the stuff — all consume creative energy.

The more you address shadow, the more you convert it back into the light of which it’s made. Remember that plenty of our shadow material, maybe most of it, comes from our ancestors, in particular our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents — not necessarily some wanderer in the Egyptian desert, but someone we’ve actually met.

Many people realize that the core of their pain and misery involves a sexual injury. Some suspect it, and the suspicion comes and goes; it fades in and out, but it keeps coming back. However, there are not a wide variety of options where to go for help. And among those options, very few of them connect the different planes of reality — for example, emotional, mental, physical, creative and psychic.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

I can give you an example of how this works in the most positive way. By now everyone has heard of gay. Imagine someone is gay, which is their sexual orientation, but refuses to admit it or do something about it. How happy will they really be? The solution is to come out, which we all know means to be real about one’s sexuality. That is good for self-esteem and for everything else. What I am saying is that coming out is essential to resolving self-esteem issues.

But we have this strange pressure coming from somewhere — the pressure to be a puritan. I don’t see anyone walking around in those old-fashioned hats with black coats and huge buckles. But loads of people feel the pressure to be, or to act like, puritans. I can tell you exactly what this pressure is — it’s denial. Puritanism is the way to pretend everything I’ve just said in the past 1,000 words does not exist and/or is not true.

I don’t have the answer for where to go if you want to get help. I can tell you that there are people who are capable of helping and willing to do so, though you have to network your way to them, or follow the synchronicity pattern, with clear intent.

But before you get professional help, the first thing you need to do is be honest with yourself. The second thing you need to do is find a few people with whom you can be open. Not just one person, though one is a start. You would have to go past any trust issues, fear of judgment or personal shame and actually open up about how you feel. This is true whether there is a specific incident you can point to, or whether you’re addressing a sensation that is lurking below the surface of your personality.

Healthy expression of, and values around, body and sexuality are core elements of self-esteem. If you’re trying to figure out where you stand with yourself, I have a few more ideas. I’ve said that lack of self-esteem takes many forms that are difficult to see. If we can see those forms, then it’s possible to do something about them. This is a key to deducing whether what you’re experiencing involves self-esteem. With each of these concepts I will include what I think is an appropriate response.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis / Book of Blue.

Telling yourself and others that you’re stupid. It blows my mind how often I hear someone tell me how stupid they are. Even if someone doesn’t know something, or cannot figure something out, self-affirming one’s own supposed stupidity is not going to help. It’s actually possible to take the posture, “I don’t know, and I’m going to figure it out, and if I cannot, I will find someone who knows.”

Lack of forethought. Do you plunge into things with no real concept of what is motivating you? Do you think through the potential consequences of your choices, for example, getting drunk in an abandoned factory with people you don’t know, getting married on the spur of the moment, putting a lot of money into an investment you have not carefully evaluated, or getting a serious operation without second and third opinions from other doctors? Forethought is an important element of self-esteem, and you will feel better about yourself if you carefully consider the implications of your choices.

Unwillingness to help oneself. Many people suffer in silence, and at the same time are consciously unwilling to help themselves, which often means refusing to seek help from others. There are many excuses — “I don’t trust therapists” or “nobody will believe me” or “it’s not that important anyway.” If you want to pluck up some self-esteem, make a choice to get help, stick to it for a while and see what happens.

Deciding in advance something will fail. Many people want to do new things but decide in advance that they will fail. They might even have an experience of failure that seemingly proves the point. Two points here — you don’t know if something will succeed unless you’ve tried it a few times. Also, anything that establishes itself in the world is the result of sustained, focused effort. The most successful people have ‘failed’ a good few times. You might take on the motto, “Nothing attempted, nothing gained,” or my favorite, “If you’re not fucking up, you’re not doing it right.”

Conscious choice not to commit to something because it’s not worth it. It’s really important to track any excuses you might make for not doing something. If you know something is an excuse, then it’s easier to address. Commitment is indeed connected to value, however, the paradox is that you might not know the value until you commit, which means persist for a while.

Planet Waves
Sarah Renaud sees her Book of Blue portrait nine years later. The original was taken in Paris in July 2005 (in the artist’s squat at 59 Rivoli). This one was taken in Kingston in July 2014. Photos by Eric Francis.

Obsession with trivia. What do you think about? What do you consciously not think about? Do you avoid important topics because they are too difficult or don’t seem to be fun? Do you emphasize petty issues, gossip, the price of things, and judgments about others? No guarantees, but you might find it satisfying to think about important, deep issues; people write books about them, many of which are deeply engaging and which will help you open your mind. If you find reading difficult, go slowly, and look up all the words you don’t know, one at a time. Using a dictionary is one of the secret keys to self-esteem.

Narcissism and pretention. Do you find yourself counting the ways you’re better than others, or more sophisticated than they are? This is a sure sign of insecurity, and it’s also a really great way to feel horrible about yourself. If you decide you want to do something else, you have a lot of options, such as asking people about themselves. Once you hear a person’s story (the equivalent of walking a mile in their moccasins), you may decide they are your equal.

Deciding for other people that they don’t like you. You know that thing where people insist that everyone hates or disrespects them? Or that if they have a problem, that nobody will care? This is both evidence of low self-respect and it also stokes it. Why decide how others feel about you? Why not let them demonstrate their feelings? Anyway it’s unlikely that people think about you as much as you think about you. Everyone has a lot on their mind and you’re unlikely to get much bandwidth unless you give someone a reason to focus on you.

Insisting that others be as shut down as you are. Does it make you nervous when others express vitality, talent or creativity? The answer is not to make anyone feel they must be less than you, or to undermine their opportunities by interfering. The more supportive you are of others, the better you will feel about yourself — and the more you will learn from them about how to be expressive. This is especially true when it comes to sex — you have the choice to insist that others shut down, or to support them, or to live and let live. You might say this is the ultimate measure — and expression — of self-esteem.

In all of these things, there is more choice than you may think.


Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoon in Kingston, New York by Planet Waves, Inc. Annual basic subscription rate: $99/year. Core community membership: $149/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric Francis Coppolino. Business Manager: Chelsea Bottinelli. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Copy Editor: Jessica Keet. Research, Writing and Editing: Planet Waves is produced by a team consisting of Fe Bongolan, Brendan Merritt, Amy Elliott, Judith Gayle, Kelly Janes, Elizabeth Michaud, Amanda Moreno, Amanda Painter, Casey Smith, Carol van Strum, Len Wallick, Lizanne Webb and Chad Woodward. Special thanks to the Fact Checkers List, and to our main astrology fact-checker Alex Miller, and Amanda, who goes over all their suggestions. Aunt Josie Forever!


Good as Gold: the 2014 Midyear Reading for All 12 Signs

If you have not already noticed, 2014 is really two years in one, with version 2.0 beginning right about now. With all of the inner planets direct, Jupiter entering a fire sign and Mars coming home to its native Scorpio, a whole new concept of life and of astrology is reaching out to us.  I will be unfolding this brand-new aspect pattern for all 12 signs and rising signs in my midyear reading, called Good as Gold.

Planet Waves

Good as Gold will explore the relationship between self-esteem, creativity and money. The three are so closely interwoven that in a successful person they are indistinguishable. While you’re on the way there, these elements need to be understood one at a time, as specific concepts, goals or challenges.

I will provide ideas, strategies, motivational rants (my speciality) and ideas I’ve learned in therapy to get the blocks out of the way, access your courage, and invoke your vision for yourself. Jupiter is about potential, but that also means that the human part of the equation is making that potential real.

How do you manage the transition out of something old that is not really working and into something new, with the simultaneous demands of a learning curve, balancing yourself financially and staying inspired? These and other things are what I will be exploring.

Good as Gold is available for pre-order now, at $49.95 for all 12 signs. As usual, we start with the lowest price for all 12, gradually raise the price, then sell one reading for about what we were initially asking for all 12. Now is the
time to get the best rate on the whole package, so you can listen to your Sun, Moon and rising signs, and check in with the readings for your collaborators.



Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Danse fantastique, planche 7, La Caricature, volume 1, numero 4 du 25 Novembre 1830; lithograph by J. J. Grandville (Jean I. I. Gerard; 1803-1847).

Danse Fantastique: Adieu to Solar Cancer

By Amanda Painter

Whether they’re celebrating the Sun’s last few days in Cancer, or bidding Jupiter a fond farewell, these two capering crustaceans wish you well for the weekend. They were created by Jean Ignace Isidore Gerard, who was better known by his pseudonym, J. J. Grandville.

Born to a theatrical and artistic family (“Grandville” was his grandparents’ stage name), Gerard rose to acclaim in 19th century Paris for his uncannily nuanced caricatures, wherein animal heads were grafted to human bodies — often in political satire — until a previous ban on caricature was reinstated. At that point, he illustrated books exclusively, maintaining his inventiveness and keen eye for character.

You can view a gallery of 70 images here from his book Les Metamorphoses du jour, which launched his fame — and imagine what a field day he would have with today’s bourgeoisie.



Planet Waves

Jupiter in Leo: Introduction to Self-Esteem, Art and Business

Planet Waves FM is presented without commercial interruption, sponsored exclusively by our subscribers and our Core Community members — that would be you.

The new edition of Planet Waves FM begins the discussion of Jupiter in Leo with an introduction to self-esteem, art and business. It’s not a very astrological discussion, but it’s based on both astrology and my work as a consultant to many artists and creative people over the years.

I mentioned an article — The Cosmic Voice of Reason. Thanks Len for mentioning that the other article is the one on the Thema Mundi. I’ll have that crazy psychedelic cup soon.



Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

We published your extended monthly horoscopes for July on Thursday, June 26.
We published your extended monthly horoscopes for June  Friday, May 23. We also published an Inner Space horoscope for July Tuesday, June 24. Moonshine horoscopes for the Capricorn Full Moon published Tuesday, July 15. Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign.



Planet Waves

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, July 17, 2014, #1007 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Humanity seems to live in terror of its own creative strength. We see this play out so many ways — in schools that ban creativity, in political movements where people sacrifice their own freedom, in people who object to sex in any form except for a scandal, or those who deny any notion that there is more to life than they have today. Fear of creative strength also comes in the form of denying the kind of pleasure that nourishes in favor of pleasure that depletes. This is no longer your path, to the extent that it ever was. I would describe this phase of your life as being about pumping your vital force with gusto, in every form you know it to take. Make your choices based on how edgy they are, not in terms of what you get but what you must offer or take the risk of becoming. Take the risk not of danger, but of failure — you will be glad you did.

The sky is finally opening up for the second half of 2014, and now is your chance to embrace the opportunities coming your way. Right now, you can pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for only $49.95 for all 12 signs. You get access to your Sun, Moon and rising sign, plus readings for loved ones, all for one low price.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may be tempted to do or say things in an effort to please those you feel are in positions of authority. Yet it would be better to take authority, especially over your own ideas. You don’t have to meet any standard except for being real. However, in our society this concept needs some explanation. Being real means matching your words to your actual opinion. It means matching the expression on your face to how you really feel. It means asking a question when you don’t know, instead of guessing, though that includes first checking in with yourself to assess what knowledge you already have. To take authority you have to be your own authority, which is a complex task; rather than being about bossing yourself around, it’s about having a balanced viewpoint, taking different opinions under advisement and ultimately being responsible for your own decisions. Someone who can do that is a valuable person within any group or organization.

The sky is finally opening up for the second half of 2014, and now is your chance to embrace the opportunities coming your way. Right now, you can pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for only $49.95 for all 12 signs. You get access to your Sun, Moon and rising sign, plus readings for loved ones, all for one low price.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — It’s been said that a smart person learns from his or her own mistakes, but a truly wise person learns from the mistakes of others. You are now entering territory that you’ve seen others struggle with many times. You may be concerned that you have to go through some similar crisis, though I assure you that you do not. The experiences of others do not need to warn you off of any ambition or intention you may have. Rather, I suggest you get some information about the territory from those who have been there. In the end, your success is going to depend on how resourceful you are. So I suggest you take a wide view of resources, including your own talents and skills, what people close to you might be able to offer (starting with blood relatives you actually trust), and finally, money. There may also be one well-positioned individual who can be a positive influence. Remember: use your allies.

The sky is finally opening up for the second half of 2014, and now is your chance to embrace the opportunities coming your way. Right now, you can pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for only $49.95 for all 12 signs. You get access to your Sun, Moon and rising sign, plus readings for loved ones, all for one low price.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — There remains the ongoing puzzle of how you translate what you feel into words. Anyone who has been friends with a dog knows that it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it. With humans, what you say is as meaningful as how you say it, and this often translates to the feeling behind the message. That is also the challenge — actually feeling when you speak, and aligning your emotions with your words. It’s worth stepping up to that one. At the same time, there’s that little problem of words being so easily misunderstood. Today and for the next few days, it would be a good idea to choose your words with extra care, and to go through several drafts of anything you want to put in writing. Leave it on your screen for a while and stare at it before pushing ‘send’ — for hours or a day or two. You will be glad you did.

The sky is finally opening up for the second half of 2014, and now is your chance to embrace the opportunities coming your way. Right now, you can pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for only $49.95 for all 12 signs. You get access to your Sun, Moon and rising sign, plus readings for loved ones, all for one low price.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You may be concerned that you have some unknown or undetected weakness or vulnerability, which is persisting even with Jupiter in your birth sign. It’s true that there is something concealed, that you’re concerned about revealing or don’t want known about you. But that is not necessarily a disadvantage. If you work with this feeling, you may discover that it contains power. You can, for example, consider that something you perceive as fearful may play to your advantage. Whatever you’re sensing has the power to go both ways. That much is clear. But that does not mean that it’s a random factor. On one level you’re experiencing a test of your expectations, or of what you presume in the face of missing information. Life is holding out some unusual promises for you now. That is sometimes a little edgy. Keep your thoughts positive. In the end, you will be glad you saved yourself needless anxiety, and fostered the skill of positive thinking.

Listen up, Leo: Jupiter has entered your sign, and Jupiter is about potential — but it’s up to you to make that potential real. For insights on how to do that, pre-order your 2014 birthday reading for the lowest possible price ($24.95) now! This year’s reading includes a live Q&A session with Eric (recorded for those who cannot attend). Says one Leo listener, “Leo birthday readings are totally FANTASTIC!!! I so totally recommend if you are Leo or Leo Rising. Wow!”


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Notice who you meet or even randomly encounter over the next few days, and treat everyone with fully conscious respect. Eliminate any standoffish attitude you might have, burn off any fog that might sometimes surround you, and focus on who you are speaking with. Treat everyone with care and compassion, and lean in with an ear for how you might help. Go out of your way to treat everyone the same way, which means with the utmost attentiveness. It is an unfortunate habit of current society to take an uppity approach with people based on the flimsiest excuse, with no excuse or out of habit. It seems too much to ask for people to present themselves to the world with even a modicum of humility, as if to do so is to lower oneself in some way. This is a profound misunderstanding, and it’s one that you don’t want and cannot afford right now.

The sky is finally opening up for the second half of 2014, and now is your chance to embrace the opportunities coming your way. Right now, you can pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for only $49.95 for all 12 signs. You get access to your Sun, Moon and rising sign, plus readings for loved ones, all for one low price.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Although Mars stationed direct in your sign on May 19, it has yet to enter new territory. Said another way, Mars is still in ‘shadow phase’ and has not gone past the degree where it stationed retrograde back in March. This happens soon — but not before one final experience of whatever the retrograde symbolized. True, it meant many things to many people, but since early December your life has had a dominant feeling, a recurring theme or persistent issue. It’s the one thing that many or most things have had in common. There is an underlying circumstance or pattern that is related to this issue, and you’re about to see what it is. There is some theme of fairness, and it’s related to honoring commitments. It may also be related to the ways in which you hold others to honoring their commitments to you. The way you did things in the past will no longer serve you. Now you have one distinct advantage: you know this, and that will help you make the decision you need to make.

The sky is finally opening up for the second half of 2014, and now is your chance to embrace the opportunities coming your way. Right now, you can pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for only $49.95 for all 12 signs. You get access to your Sun, Moon and rising sign, plus readings for loved ones, all for one low price.


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Sleepwalking, being in autopilot, trance state, spacing out. Everyone drifts into this state at some point, though currently many people are drifting through life paying as little attention as possible. Often this is aided and abetted by alcohol, pills or other substances. I don’t know your personal circumstances, but I do know your solar chart. Right now you need to pay attention. I could list off a dozen reasons from just your solar chart, though let’s skip that. Pay attention. Notice where you are and who is around you. Notice what you’re doing and why. Come out of the dream state and enter fully waking state. That means taking nothing for granted and yes, as one of your Scorpio cousins recently said to me, it means keeping your mind alert and active at all times even if this seems really weird. Engage your awareness fully, in manual mode, and keep waking up as many times as necessary.

The sky is finally opening up for the second half of 2014, and now is your chance to embrace the opportunities coming your way. Right now, you can pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for only $49.95 for all 12 signs. You get access to your Sun, Moon and rising sign, plus readings for loved ones, all for one low price.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You are starting to see possibilities where you did not see them before. Correspondingly, you may also be seeing problems you didn’t notice before, though I would propose that those problems may not exist. You may be saying that if the problems are not real, then how do I know the potentials are real? Well, the mind is better at making up problems that don’t exist than it is at coming up with solutions or creative options. Even if this is a matter of emphasis, it will pay to focus your attention on what works, or what will help, rather than on what might not be going well. One thing I’ve noticed in my decades of working with people as their astrologer is that most are not so good at seeing the possibilities. You are — and if you want, you also have the discipline to make them real.

The sky is finally opening up for the second half of 2014, and now is your chance to embrace the opportunities coming your way. Right now, you can pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for only $49.95 for all 12 signs. You get access to your Sun, Moon and rising sign, plus readings for loved ones, all for one low price.


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Your chart describes an inheritance of some kind. That concept can be expressed many different ways, though the overall inference is success and benefit. You have resources available to you and there are people willing to help you out. Should you be in a position to receive assistance of some kind from an investor, make sure you preserve your rights, that you don’t get in over your head and that you have a relatively easy way out of the arrangement if it does not work. Understand who is taking the risk and what risk that really is. Finally, keep the benefits in mind. Any arrangement would best be based on mutual benefit and on love of the work. The same aspect pattern describes a very friendly scenario in love and sex. Just keep reminding yourself that every person is their own individual, free to come and go as they please.

The sky is finally opening up for the second half of 2014, and now is your chance to embrace the opportunities coming your way. Right now, you can pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for only $49.95 for all 12 signs. You get access to your Sun, Moon and rising sign, plus readings for loved ones, all for one low price.


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Who is your reference point for self-esteem? You need an example, and if you discover that you’re not finding too many of them in the world, consider that a sign that you’re using your discernment. Your astrology suggests that the past few months have had a special theme, which is understanding the emotional basis for self-worth, or lack thereof. It is not a mental exercise. For you self-worth resides at the root of your emotional nature. The central message of this time in your life is that no matter what anyone has done to you, or what has happened to you, you are the one who decides how you feel about yourself. You decide who you call as a witness. You decide who you believe. Ultimately, you make your own decision about who you are. Yet that decision has an emotional basis, not a logical one. That is the beauty, and the biggest challenge.

The sky is finally opening up for the second half of 2014, and now is your chance to embrace the opportunities coming your way. Right now, you can pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for only $49.95 for all 12 signs. You get access to your Sun, Moon and rising sign, plus readings for loved ones, all for one low price.


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Make your work count. Recognize the value of what you do, by which I mean look carefully, note the facts, observe the world around you and really get it all the way. You have no need to look to others for reassurance, even though it’s likely that you are being recognized for your contribution. Part of this means recognizing the economic value of what you contribute. By that I mean its inherent value and its value to support you and those who directly benefit from it. Yet in the same way that a dollar is exchanged many times and is therefore more than its face value, your work extends far beyond your immediate circle of awareness and benefits those who you may never meet or know about. Therefore I suggest you use some exceptionally positive astrology and make it work for you — in every way, including how much fun you have doing it, and the special pleasure that comes from total dedication to quality.

The sky is finally opening up for the second half of 2014, and now is your chance to embrace the opportunities coming your way. Right now, you can pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for only $49.95 for all 12 signs. You get access to your Sun, Moon and rising sign, plus readings for loved ones, all for one low price.




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Full Moon Door: Across the Nodal Axis

Dear Friend and Reader:

Full Moon events often feel like a threshold, though Saturday’s Full Moon in Capricorn is a psychic gateway to another phase of existence. It’s a transitional event between eight months dominated by planets in all four of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn), into a new phase of the dream that will be initiated by Mars in Scorpio and Jupiter in Leo.

Planet Waves
Although pyramids are associated with Egypt, there exist 16 examples of pyramids across Greece! Perhaps the most well-preserved example of a Greek pyramid is that at Hellinikon, situated approximately 155 km southwest of Athens and less than 10 km from legendary Argos. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

Events will proceed rapidly from this last burst of energy from the cardinal grand cross. Mercury is about to leave shadow phase and re-enter Cancer. Venus will be close behind. Jupiter ingresses Leo on July 16 and Mars ingresses Scorpio on July 25. Only two of the main players will remain in cardinal signs — Uranus and Pluto.

Their ongoing square aspect is the backbone of the cardinal grand cross. Uranus-Pluto aspects have at least one thing in common — they come with an onrush of history and an especially intensified experience of life. You could say that life always feels like this. Yet these are distinct periods of time where things happen that in retrospect seem unbelievable or at least are recognized as being highly improbable.

Uranus-Pluto aspects throughout history are well documented by Rick Tarnas in his book Cosmos and Psyche. [Here is a fantastic interview with Rick conducted by Shelley Ackerman and published by Planet Waves.]

The last major Uranus-Pluto phase was the mid-1960s (the conjunction). That was obviously a distinct period of history where many unprecedented things happened. As The Eagles said in the song Hotel California, “You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.”

They were referring to the Sixties, which in many ways did not end — what was counterculture became official culture (for example the gay rights movement), and the exponentially increasing chaos kept increasing exponentially until so-called reality started to seem like a psychedelic dream with few tangible reference points.

There was a miniature peak of this energy with Uranus and Pluto making a semi-square (45-degree angle) in the early 1980s — a very exciting time for some, and also a preview of what would happen in our era, which was the dawn of a kind of conservative revolution.

Since 2008 we’ve been living with the effects of the Uranus-Pluto square (the 90-degree meeting), one of the major events in the Uranus-Pluto cycle. Both of these planets are slow-movers, so their mutual aspects last a while.

Planet Waves

Detailed chart for the Capricorn Full Moon, used to write the horoscope below. This is a typical chart from my notebook, with a number of extra planets penciled in, and with the ascendant set for where I am in upstate

New York. The main events in the chart are written as a series of aspects across the top, and 1006 is the horoscope ID number.

As I’ve mentioned before, there will be a total of seven square events between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn, the first of which was in June 2012 and the last one being in March 2015. But just like we started feeling the effects four years in advance, the square will take time to cool down, and we will see some of the most interesting expressions in 2015 and beyond.

Notice how quickly this phase of history has gone by. True, it’s far from over, but it seems like just yesterday that Pluto entered Capricorn and Uranus entered Aries. Now both Uranus and Pluto are hovering around the midpoints of their respective signs. In our time of history, even the planets that used to be considered inchworms seem to cruise along.

What we experienced in the first part of 2014, actually starting with the Capricorn New Moon on New Year’s Day, was a peak of the Uranus-Pluto square. The peak was created by inner planets coming along and amplifying the energy of the outer planets. By inner planets I mean the Moon, the Sun, Venus, Mars and Jupiter. Mercury has also passed through the Uranus-Pluto square a few times (it’s about to do so again).

But for the most part, the long-standing grand cross has been Uranus in Aries, Jupiter in Cancer, Mars in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn. Now Jupiter has moved on to late Cancer, and the Sun is taking its place in mid-Cancer. Mars is moving along in Libra but it’s still within close range of Saturday’s Full Moon. Pluto is having an influence from Capricorn, and then the Moon comes along, makes a conjunction to Pluto and reaches full phase on Saturday (Sunday in Australia).

Notably, the grand cross came with a grand trine in the water signs, and this is in effect now. The Sun has replaced Jupiter in this pattern, and is forming a trine to Saturn in Scorpio as well as the Neptune-Chiron-Borasisi group in Pisces. [For more about the grand cross/grand trine, see the article A Matter of Trust.]

The grand water trine continues to provide the potential for some emotional grounding, and presents many options for how to handle watery energy — one option per planet, and then various combinations. A wide spectrum of potential frequencies of feeling is being offered right now, from the most solidly physical (Saturn in Scorpio) to the most etheric (Neptune in Pisces).

The Aries-Libra Axis — Aries First

There are some rich details in this chart. For one thing, the Aries-Libra axis is becoming extremely interesting. Let’s take those signs one at a time.

In Aries, we currently have three main points — Uranus, the South Node and Eris. If you recall, Eris was the planet discovered in the mid-2000s that was responsible for the ‘demotion’ of Pluto. Now Eris and the South Node are in a close conjunction. Eris has a diversity of meanings, from the kind of identity chaos that is so representative of our times, to the subversive way that so many people relate to one another.

Planet Waves
Tidy version of the Capricorn Full Moon chart. You can see the grand cross in the red lines (with the Mars-Eris-nodes configuration in the purple lines). The grand water trine is indicated by the light green lines, not as easy to see. There is also a compound trine from Venus and Mercury to the Mars-Ceres-Vesta pattern. See glyph legend here.

While the South Node can have a feeling of “I’m through with this thing,” (whatever it may be) it can also represent something that is stuck to one’s consciousness or life pattern — and keeps showing up. We live in a time when many, many people are having a hard time getting a grip on who they are. Some are figuring out that if they set aside the pretense of who they are it’s a lot easier to get to the real thing.

People who don’t lie as a way of existence naturally live closer to the truth. Those who don’t participate in dishonest transactions find it easier to engage in the honest ones. Being real often seems to be more a matter of what one does not do than what one does.

Uranus in Aries may be serving as a huge distraction more than anything. Uranus can act as a chaos generator. Aries is an assertive or even aggressive sign, named for the cosmic warlord Ares, who also goes by the name Mars.

In contrast to the prevailing group value of the Sixties (let’s take care of one another, styled by Uranus and Pluto in Virgo), we now live with a kind of victory-at-all-costs militancy. This is fueled by testosterone and does not have the quality of humanitarian service that was so easy to access when the energy was in the feminine (and eminently thoughtful) sign Virgo.

Revolution in the style of Uranus in Aries is, “Religious freedom means imposing my religion on you.” It no longer seems to mean, “I believe what I believe, you believe what you believe,” (that was the Sixties).

Uranus in Aries is also creating a massive distraction with technology. All these devices are feeding a drug-like haze which is doing what drugs often do — isolate people from one another, and induce people to bury their feelings.

Planet Waves
Here in the Anti-Sixties, many activists come out to demand that other people should be denied a constitutional right. However, in this rare photo, a group of unusual people are protesting last week’s Hobby Lobby decision. Photo by Doug Mills for The New York Times.

Technology is a vast consumer enterprise (think of the iPhone case industry) that is almost always packed with advertising. Advertising sells more than products. It sells self-image, it sells values and it sells cosmology. [I cover this in a recent edition of Planet Waves FM, one not to miss.]

Between the South Node, Uranus and Eris, we have a lot of Aries in the sky right now. In fact it’s time to start thinking about the Uranus-Eris conjunction, which is technically exact in 2016-2017, but the way these outer planets work — as we have seen — there is a long warm-up. I recently figured out that Uranus conjunct Eris will be one of the defining astrological events of our era, and it is now within orb. This will present us with the best opportunity yet to get an understanding of what Eris really is about.

At its best, Uranus-Eris in Aries could be a mass awakening to individuality. Such an awakening would take us out of the mass-consciousness haze and provide an opportunity to be self-aware, which is always available of course. But it could also represent the rise of toxic egotism, which is already a serious problem.
If there’s one thing our society does not need, it’s more narcissism. The problem with narcissism is that it gets lonely, and humans are inherently social. At a certain point it may collapse on itself as people break down and realize that they want and need to be close to others.

And Then There’s Libra

Over on the other side of the dial, or rather the solar system, is Mars in Libra, still working its way out of the degrees where it was retrograde (also called shadow phase). Mars in Libra has definitely had its relationship themes. There are many relationships that could not endure this kind of emphasis — the long review of the retrograde, one or more partners asserting themselves, and the many contacts of Mars with Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto exaggerating the effect.

Planet Waves
Society sells an idealized image of what a relationship is supposed to be, without a lot of information about how to handle ourselves or one another. Our culture’s concept of relationship does not usually account for change, or for the extent to which so many people struggle with themselves and lack basic self-respect. Many relationships are based on projection of the masculine or the feminine onto a partner, rather than on balancing and integrating the energies. Until we internalize both male and female properties, feelings and consciousness, there will be contention in our relationships — and lots of room for projecting shadow onto the other.

Mars has had some work adjusting to an extended stay in Libra, and once it leaves, it will carry its experience there forward.

If you pay attention you may find that if you’re a woman you’ve integrated masculine energy into your bio-psychic field, and there are many men who have made contact with their feminine side under this extended transit.

If you’re having trouble finding those men, check inwardly and make sure you’re expressing your own masculine energy in a healthy way. Really get a feeling for how you express your inner man. If you’re a man, this is also an invitation to check in with how you express your inner woman. If we want to deal with projection — including the projection of sexual violence — this is an essential step.

Mars is currently exactly opposite Eris. This alone is a standout aspect, representing a kind of confrontation. This could work many ways, but it seems to be a comment on who people try to be in relationships versus who they actually are. It is also a comment on how so-called ‘passive’ aggression comes back to people as overt aggression.

Once a long time ago I walked into my then-therapist (now mentor)’s counseling room and asked, “What is passive aggression?” In his usual wise and witty way he said, “You’ll understand it a lot better if you leave off the word ‘passive’.” That is why I prefer to call it covert aggression, which can take many forms, and those seem to be preferable because it’s easier to get away with for a while.

We do a lot of projecting in our human encounters. People often attribute aspects of their own personality to others, and they take on what others claim about them. In the haze of contemporary life, with all its public relations efforts (profile pages, personal ads, Facebook, blogging, Instagram, etc.) we can easily get lost in the haze of who we are or might be.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis / Book of Blue.

Mars is closely conjunct three other points: Ceres, Vesta and the North Node. This is interesting — and too complex to fully delineate. But let’s say that Mars and the North Node are lending some compelling authority to the goddess energy of Ceres and Vesta. There is the potential to balance out feminine energy with Mars, something that rather desperately needs to happen.

The dominant theory of gender is that male energy is running out of control. There is another theory that says feminine energy is also out of control. The answer here is not control but rather balance. That need for balance is indicated by the lunar nodes so prominent in the chart picture.

Saturday’s Full Moon crosses the axis of the lunar nodes — it makes a close square to them. The Sun and Moon square the nodes represents a turning point, and this seems to be one associated with the story of our relationships. At the same time, it
makes a square to all the planets that are involved — Mars, Vesta, Ceres, Uranus and Eris.

If this aspect says one thing to me, it’s “wake up and pay attention.” If it says one more thing, it’s “the way things seemed to work in the past may not work now, it may be failing entirely and we need some new ideas and new values to create a new way of life.”

Of course this is always easier if you’re motivated — and nothing says motivation like the Capricorn Full Moon.


Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoon in Kingston, New York by Planet Waves, Inc. Annual basic subscription rate: $99/year. Core community membership: $149/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric Francis Coppolino. Business Manager: Chelsea Bottinelli. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Copy Editor: Jessica Keet. Research, Writing and Editing: Planet Waves is produced by a team consisting of Fe Bongolan, Brendan Merritt, Amy Elliott, Judith Gayle, Kelly Janes, Elizabeth Michaud, Amanda Moreno, Amanda Painter, Casey Smith, Carol van Strum, Len Wallick, Lizanne Webb and Chad Woodward. Special thanks to the Fact Checkers List, and to our main astrology fact-checker Alex Miller, and Amanda, who goes over all their suggestions. Aunt Josie Forever!


Good as Gold: the 2014 Midyear Reading for All 12 Signs

If you have not already noticed, 2014 is really two years in one, with version 2.0 beginning right about now. With all of the inner planets direct, Jupiter entering a fire sign and Mars coming home to its native Scorpio, a whole new concept of life and of astrology is reaching out to us.  I will be unfolding this brand-new aspect pattern for all 12 signs and rising signs in my midyear reading, called Good as Gold.

Planet Waves

Good as Gold will explore the relationship between self-esteem, creativity and money. The three are so closely interwoven that in a successful person they are indistinguishable. While you’re on the way there, these elements need to be understood one at a time, as specific concepts, goals or challenges.

I will provide ideas, strategies, motivational rants (my speciality) and ideas I’ve learned in therapy to get the blocks out of the way, access your courage, and invoke your vision for yourself. Jupiter is about potential, but that also means that the human part of the equation is making that potential real.

How do you manage the transition out of something old that is not really working and into something new, with the simultaneous demands of a learning curve, balancing yourself financially and staying inspired? These and other things are what I will be exploring.

Good as Gold is available for pre-order now. We’re introducing this at $39.95 for all 12 signs. As usual, we start with the lowest price for all 12, gradually raise the price, then sell one reading for about what we were initially asking for all 12. The first price increase will be Monday. So now is the time to get the best rate on the whole package, so you can listen to your Sun, Moon and rising signs, and check in with the readings for your collaborators.



Planet Waves

Moon Conjunct Rabble Rousers in Sagittarius

Between now and July 10 at 11:24 pm EDT (July 11 at 3:24 UTC) when the Moon ingresses Capricorn, it will be transiting the corner of the sky with numerous centaurs, slow-moving outer planets and two deep space points — the Great Attractor and the Galactic Core. Since the Moon often represents emotional and physical sensation, this may present challenges to some whose density leans toward the solid end of the spectrum.

Planet Waves
Rabble rousers: the friendly punks of The Outsiders.

Yet Sagittarius itself is psychically buoyant and it’s possible to reach some of the subtler levels as the Moon makes a series of conjunctions — first to the Great Attractor and asteroid (3811) Karma between now and midnight EDT, then some hours later to Ixion, Pholus, Charkilo, Amycus, Quaoar and Hylonome. These are not asteroids but rather planets closer to what you might recognize with energy similar to Chiron and Pluto — the deeper sort of contact, demanding attention and focus and calling forth the intention of healing.

Each of these planets one by one, very, very gradually, is making a conjunction to the Galactic Core, which serves as a spiritual homing signal. The meta theme is take care of what troubles you. Admit that change is possible, no matter how stuck you may feel. Recognize that there are means of healing not recognized by the people who control the systems of the world, and not endorsed by any conventional form of science or religion.

The Moon is strong and bright now, gaining momentum as it builds toward full phase, exact early Saturday (EDT). This pattern is an invitation to look below the surface, below the level of the story (your own, or the ones people tell you), and below the level of ordinary social interaction, and reach for the deeper contents, motives and themes of your own consciousness.



Planet Waves

Planet Waves

The Sun is in Cancer, which relates to the Moon, cycles, mothers and nurturing, the home and domestic concerns, and (you guessed it) breasts. You, too, can celebrate solar Cancer (and challenge hypocrisy) with the TaTa Top. Photo by Michelle Lytle.

Don’t Be a Boob — They’re Just Illustrations of Nipples!

By Amanda Painter

Spurred two years ago by a story of two gals from Amsterdam being told by a lifeguard in Chicago that they couldn’t swim topless — that “in America, you cannot show your nipples” — while he stood there shirtless, Robyn and Michelle Lytle realized there needed to be a fun, harmless, funny way to alert people to the hypocrisy. And then to begin desensitizing ourselves (and others) to the idea and sight of women’s nipples bared in public.

They came up with the TaTa Top™: a string bikini top printed with a cartoon image of bare nipples.

“You look topless…but you aren’t, and therefore, are not breaking any laws,” they write on their blog; “It really calls to attention what is being legislated.” Insightfully, they ask, “Who is this law protecting and what are they protecting them from?”

After all, in some cultures, it’s not a big deal. What exactly are people in the U.S. so hung up about?

The TaTa Top is currently in limited production with a patent pending, and Robyn and Michelle plan to expand the product into more sizes, skin tones and designs (such as nipple piercings) once things get off the ground. Best of all, $5 of each purchase supports a variety of organizations on a rotating basis — so you can do good while you look good, all while challenging perceptions.



Planet Waves

Capricorn Full Moon, the Last Hurrah of the Grand Cross,

the Void of Course Moon and the Progressed Horoscope

Planet Waves FM is presented without commercial interruption, sponsored exclusively by our subscribers and our Core Community members — that would be you.

The new edition of Planet Waves FM covers the Capricorn Full Moon and the last stand of the cardinal grand cross, as well as an astrology lesson on the void of course Moon and reading progressed horoscopes. Don’t skip over that too fast — explanations of the progressed horoscope are few and far between. You are lucky to find even one! This is a pretty good one, too.



Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

We published your extended monthly horoscopes for July on Thursday, June 26.
We published your extended monthly horoscopes for June  Friday, May 23. We also published an Inner Space horoscope for July Tuesday, June 24. Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign.



Planet Waves

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, July 10, 2014, #1006 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Focus your ambition on actually getting something done, and you actually will. It’s easy to make plans and to spin out ideas. It requires a little something extra, such as focused effort, a game plan and one other thing — the desire to make it happen. You can have all the other ingredients, and they add up to nothing without the desire to make it happen. This weekend’s Full Moon in the angle of your chart associated with success and recognition will give you a boost of confidence, and the contact with Pluto will help you focus your determination. I suggest you stop talking about your plans and put all your energy into taking the concrete steps to completing something that you know is meaningful, necessary or potentially urgent. Focus on quality but not at the expense of getting hung up. Appearance is important but in the current equation it could be a serious distraction. Stick to integrity.

The sky is finally opening up for the second half of 2014, and now is your chance to embrace the opportunities coming your way. Through Monday only, you can pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for the lowest price — only $39.95 for all 12 signs. You get access to your Sun, Moon and rising sign, plus readings for loved ones, all for one low price.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — From the look of your solar charts, you’re getting a lot done, though you seem to be feeling edgy about something, such as money. I would not be surprised if there are moments when you get a bit panicky for no special reason. The deeper story of your charts, however, is about your commitment to living differently from how previous generations in your family did. If you do, of course, they may think you’re weird and some people will express vocal disapproval. You may have an inner attachment to approval. Be determined to let none of these things stop you, or sap any of your confidence. Indeed, I suggest you draw strength and confirmation from any disapproval you might encounter, or that you may fear. Be aware of how many generations of tradition you may be breaking with your determination to do what is right for you, and to love in the way that is right for you.

The sky is finally opening up for the second half of 2014, and now is your chance to embrace the opportunities coming your way. Through Monday only, you can pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for the lowest price — only $39.95 for all 12 signs. You get access to your Sun, Moon and rising sign, plus readings for loved ones, all for one low price.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You can afford to feel better about yourself. Better would mean less worried about what other people think and what they do, and more focused on what you want to do, and what you want to share with others. You’re working with a potential emotional distortion, which might manifest as difficulty expressing your needs and your feelings. Complicating things somewhat is the fact that you seem to feel two different ways, which are likely to conflict, so you’re never fully sure that you are expressing a true need or feeling. There is one absolutely safe one that you can explore — express love, gratitude and care. It’s always appropriate to share your appreciation and your loyalty, particularly since so few people do it in words. Support people in whatever they want. Set them free from your expectations and attachments and you will set yourself free from those same bindings. Then, love is possible.

The sky is finally opening up for the second half of 2014, and now is your chance to embrace the opportunities coming your way. Through Monday only, you can pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for the lowest price — only $39.95 for all 12 signs. You get access to your Sun, Moon and rising sign, plus readings for loved ones, all for one low price.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — This weekend’s Full Moon in your opposite sign Capricorn will shine the light on how much potential your relationships have, and how far you’ve come redefining yourself in the context of partnership. Having Capricorn as your relationship house is not easy, because it places an emphasis on structure in our already over-structured concept of what it means to share an experience of love with another person. But Pluto has been doing its work in this angle of your chart, and you’ve cleared out a fairly large space where it’s possible to be yourself. This might include having relationships on common ground much closer to your own terms; sorting out the extremely annoying and usually false differences between friend and lover; and not living like you owe some debt to the past five generations. If you owe them anything, it’s being happy in ways that they could not or did not consider possible.

The sky is finally opening up for the second half of 2014, and now is your chance to embrace the opportunities coming your way. Through Monday only, you can pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for the lowest price — only $39.95 for all 12 signs. You get access to your Sun, Moon and rising sign, plus readings for loved ones, all for one low price.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — If you are concerned about a matter of health, I suggest you guide yourself away from worst-case scenarios, and keep a focus on taking care of yourself. Self-care is the theme of your life these days, which comes with many different dimensions. One of them is finding that space where your work is integrated in a healthy way with the rest of your existence. For a while it may seem like you’re resolving a paradox, which is true. You may have to experiment with one end of the equation for a while, then the other, in order to find not only the right balance but also the point of integration you’re looking for. Jupiter ingressing your sign next week will give you more energy and better ideas to work with. You will have a bolder idea of what success is, and what it means to you. That will give you a goal you can work toward, and that you can feel good about. In healing, in work and in every facet of life, motivation is everything.

The sky is finally opening up for the second half of 2014, and now is your chance to embrace the opportunities coming your way. Through Monday only, you can pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for the lowest price — only $39.95 for all 12 signs. You get access to your Sun, Moon and rising sign, plus readings for loved ones, all for one low price.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — In all matters professional, keep your strategy in mind. You are likely to have your goal in mind, and there is a chance you will put your goal above everything, which will not get you any closer to that goal. Part of your strategy must involve an extreme helping of diplomacy. You must present the right demeanor or posture to the appropriate person, and be aware at all times to whom you are speaking. Your solar chart cautions that you could be perceived as authoritarian or driven by jealousy — which are unlikely to be true (however, I suggest you do a careful check-in with yourself on these matters, since it is possible). I suggest you strive for consistency with people, which is a sign of maturity and your respect for them. And be cautious at the least thought that others do not care about you, or don’t respect you. That is a trap, and it’s unlikely to be true.

The sky is finally opening up for the second half of 2014, and now is your chance to embrace the opportunities coming your way. Through Monday only, you can pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for the lowest price — only $39.95 for all 12 signs. You get access to your Sun, Moon and rising sign, plus readings for loved ones, all for one low price.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Mars in your birth sign, combined with a variety of other factors, describes you in a situation where you may have to push an issue that you don’t feel comfortable doing. The sensation will be something like exceeding your authority, and possibly feeling guilty about it — but knowing intuitively that you’re correct in doing so. This might also come with the feeling of claiming some space to exist that you might have previously abandoned. Be aware of the fear of others wanting to get revenge or acting against you subversively — this is more of a feeling than an actual probability, but the feeling is what counts, because it has the power to dominate your reality. Said simply, the time has come to pluck up the courage to run your own life. That means being direct with others, which means speaking up, not festering on your own secrets till they ferment into resentment.

The sky is finally opening up for the second half of 2014, and now is your chance to embrace the opportunities coming your way. Through Monday only, you can pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for the lowest price — only $39.95 for all 12 signs. You get access to your Sun, Moon and rising sign, plus readings for loved ones, all for one low price.


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Saturn in your sign is the original symbol of enforced growth. Saturn is saying, “It is time.” It’s true that most people experience Saturn as a depressive influence, as a burden or as a limit — though this is a limited perspective, and it most likely does not take into account the essential factor of maturity. Saturn in your sign is saying you need a structure to your life that embraces all of the functions you want to fulfill as an adult with the freedom of choice. Your life is not about recreation. It’s not about self-fulfillment. Those are ingredients in a whole life, but not the whole purpose of life. In a word, your current purpose is fulfilling your function; taking up elements of why you came to this planet at this time. One measure of purpose is your creative work product. It’s about what you make, which is an expression of your purpose. The key here is tangibility — the actual substance of achievement, not merely an abstract concept of growth.

The sky is finally opening up for the second half of 2014, and now is your chance to embrace the opportunities coming your way. Through Monday only, you can pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for the lowest price — only $39.95 for all 12 signs. You get access to your Sun, Moon and rising sign, plus readings for loved ones, all for one low price.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Your ruling planet Jupiter is about to change signs, and this means it’s time to focus your energy and your intentions. There is enormous potential in this transit, but you will need to be clear, apply energy and follow through on what you start. For the past month or so it’s been possible to run a little wild, to skimp on commitments and to let yourself be dominated by your emotions rather than on what actually makes sense logically. At the same time, you’re seeking real creative freedom and solid collaborations. And, I would remind you that you’re working with real creative power — which comes with responsibility, and connecting your creative power to an actual purpose that serves humanity. Jupiter in Leo will boost your creative confidence, and make sure you get to live out the connection between creativity, passion and fun — but when you get to the essence of Leo, it’s about responsibility to the community. Leo puts work above play, and above money. Look after these details. You are well respected but this will raise the stakes — your integrity is on the line.

The sky is finally opening up for the second half of 2014, and now is your chance to embrace the opportunities coming your way. Through Monday only, you can pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for the lowest price — only $39.95 for all 12 signs. You get access to your Sun, Moon and rising sign, plus readings for loved ones, all for one low price.


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — This weekend brings an extraordinary Full Moon in your birth sign, and with that will come a surge of confidence and energy. Mixed in with that might be some bouts of insecurity, which may have you wondering which side of the equation is really true — your strength or your fear. This is a situation where the presence of fear serves a useful purpose, which is to alert you that you’ve entered (or are about to enter) some new personal territory. You may think of this as alerting you to actual, external risks. The real risk, it would seem, is to your dependency on structure, on following past patterns, and on the fear of venturing into unfamiliar territory — in a word, your ego. But don’t think of ego as an identity, rather as a set of attachments that hijack your identity. Your job is to get it back. Recognize your attachments and focus your courage. You asked to be set free from your past and this is your chance. You asked to do something different, and this is your opportunity.

The sky is finally opening up for the second half of 2014, and now is your chance to embrace the opportunities coming your way. Through Monday only, you can pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for the lowest price — only $39.95 for all 12 signs. You get access to your Sun, Moon and rising sign, plus readings for loved ones, all for one low price.


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Inner vision provided by this weekend’s Capricorn Full Moon will show you just how much space in your mind you’ve cleared out. Space translates to additional energy, room for your own thoughts and freedom from worry about what other people think. Space means freedom from the burdens of others, to an increasing degree. You’re not totally liberated, but it’s as if you realized you were living in an ancient mansion that had been passed down from generations before you. You took over one wing of the house, cleaned it out and started decorating and furnishing it the way you want. You have made it your own, which translates to many large and small developments in your life. This progress would not have been possible without all the inner clearing and renovation that you’ve been involved with. Consider this a good start. The light of the Full Moon will reveal how much further you can take the same basic idea.

The sky is finally opening up for the second half of 2014, and now is your chance to embrace the opportunities coming your way. Through Monday only, you can pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for the lowest price — only $39.95 for all 12 signs. You get access to your Sun, Moon and rising sign, plus readings for loved ones, all for one low price.


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Use your allies. Or perhaps better said, count on your friends and your closest colleagues. You have some influential or even powerful friends, and you share plenty of common ground with them in terms of a desire to accomplish what is right and what is true. I suggest you be bold about making proposals and exploring your options for partnerships and associations that are not only mutually profitable but also beneficial to the wider community. Though Pisces has a reputation for lacking structure and direction, you do the best when you work with and within an organizational group of some kind, and you would be the likely person to initiate that. It’s not merely that you have that particular talent. You have something else going for you, which is the ability to go beyond the cynicism and defeatism that is so popular right now. Your Pisces vision can show you what is possible — and if you open your eyes and look you will see that means anything.

The sky is finally opening up for the second half of 2014, and now is your chance to embrace the opportunities coming your way. Through Monday only, you can pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for the lowest price — only $39.95 for all 12 signs. You get access to your Sun, Moon and rising sign, plus readings for loved ones, all for one low price.



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Good As Gold

Dear Friend and Reader:

July is the month when Jupiter changes signs to Leo. Jupiter takes about 12 years to go around the Sun, so it spends about a year in each sign. It’s been in Cancer since last summer, and quite a time it’s been. During this phase we’ve lived through some genuinely challenging astrology that is, as I write, letting go of its grip. That’s happening exactly while you may be finally getting a grip.

Planet Waves
Photo by Charlie Lemay.

Jupiter is what’s called ‘exalted’ in the sign Cancer, meaning that it’s a very strong placement, which I believe has offered protection from what otherwise could have been considerably more difficult. One of Jupiter’s roles in the solar system is to attract inbound objects such as comets and little asteroids, which prevents them from hitting the Earth. Jupiter can work a similar way in astrology.

To my perception Jupiter in Cancer has also been about guiding us in the direction of keeping matters focused on an emotional level. That’s a fine line to walk in a world that tends to deny feelings and create situations where it seems like vulnerability is dangerous or impossible. Then, as much as people claim to want others to be present in their feelings, or even to express them, they can get just as freaked out when they meet someone who actually does that.

Now Jupiter is about to change signs, from water sign Cancer to fire sign Leo. This happens July 16, with another peak soon after on July 24, when the Sun makes its one and only conjunction to Jupiter in Leo for this cycle. Now is the time to adjust to the new environment, drink up this rare energy with every cell and put it to creative use.

In my perception, the core message of Jupiter in Leo is about focusing on self-esteem. This is directly related to courage. It’s my observation that the most troubling spiritual crisis of our society and our time in history involves self-esteem, which you might think of as self-respect, and which I will do my best to demonstrate is really about cultivating a healthy relationship to yourself and your existence. Courage, or coming from the heart, is integral to this.

A Review: End-to-End Retrograde Inner Planets

We have just experienced more than six months of consecutive retrograde inner planets. This is fairly rare. Inner planets, because they’re closer to the Earth, are retrograde a lesser percentage of the time than are the outer planets. They tend to have more pronounced effects, and they speak to topics that are more readily accessible and that seem more personally relevant.

Sometimes inner planet retrogrades happen simultaneously and other times they spread out throughout the year. And sometimes they come on one at a time, like in The Five Chinese Brothers. Since the Capricorn solstice, first Venus, then Mercury, then Mars, then Mercury again have been retrograde, end-to-end. No sooner did one retrograde conclude then another one began. This pattern ends on July 1, when Mercury stations direct in Gemini.

Planet Waves
Photo by Charlie Lemay.

Inner planet retrogrades put us into contact with inner reality. They bring up the past, they resurrect unresolved material and they have a way of peeling back the layers to show us what’s in there. Also, when an inner planet makes a retrograde in a certain sign, it sets the theme and tone of that planet through the next cycle. Let’s take them one at a time, in short format.

Venus retrograde in Capricorn (Dec. 21, 2013, through Jan. 31, 2014) described the highly structured ways most people think of “love.” ‘Structured’ means packing all kinds of rules around feelings — such as who is supposed to relate to who and why or why not, and how and when, and trying to dance to expectations that others have of you, or that you have of them.

Think of how easy it is for people to go into scandal mode, even when nobody is being harmed and everything is perfectly legal.

This transit was also a challenge to all the judgment and guilt that normally attends loving or sexual relationships. Much of that judgment and guilt is fed to us by family members, religion and peers who got it from their families and religion. Then it’s reinforced by culture and represents the toxic emotional brew that so many people simmer in.

The response is generally to adopt a public relations position of prudery and purity, then go for the wild debauchery when nobody is looking, a nearly perfect identikit of Venus retrograde in Capricorn.

The question we are left with is: are your feelings really your feelings, or are you in some way obliged to follow emotional and social choreography, or to go into guilt/scandal mode if you do not? These are questions that require real awareness, because our conditioned responses are typically so automatic and self-righteous.

Mars retrograde in Libra (March 1 through May 19) was a study in gender and projection. It peeled back a few layers revealing how much emotional garbage the sexes project on one another. We got a look at how the supposed differences between the sexes are greatly exaggerated. Any time you hear someone saying that one sex is fundamentally different from the other, that’s time to stop and question whether it’s vaguely true, and to notice whether it’s part of a marketing campaign. It might be true, though I’m suggesting a moment of reflection — because it might not be.

There was something to this transit about dashed hopes in relationships and how angry so many people are that relationships don’t work out for them. There was something about owning one’s disappointment and anger and not projecting that onto others. And Mars retrograde in Libra (and its ongoing presence there in direct motion, which transitions this next month) is about owning your own desire and not projecting it onto others — as if they are the only ones who feel these things and somehow you do not.

Planet Waves
Elsewhere. Photo by Charlie Lemay.

One brief thought about the three Mercury retrogrades this year. They all involve Mercury’s movement between water signs and air signs, starting on the watery side and retrograding back into the air sign. The Mercury retrograde that ends on July 1 began in Cancer (a water sign) and ends in Gemini (an air sign).

The message here is that you cannot think with your emotions. It’s necessary to feel and to think, and to know the difference — and to apply an appropriate response when you have the chance to do so. There’s also a message about the difference between emoting and feeling; emoting is output mode, feeling is input mode — it really is that simple.

We are about to move into new territory. This month two elements of the grand cross that’s been the defining factor of 2014 astrology move on to new signs — Jupiter ingresses Leo on July 16 and Mars ingresses Scorpio on July 25. Put simply, the grand cross is over, though the Uranus-Pluto square I’ve written about many times in this space continues well into next year. More on that another time.

Jupiter in Leo: The Gold Standard of Self-Esteem

Jupiter in Leo is to me an image of self-esteem. It’s an image of valuing oneself, and of allowing that sense of value to grow and expand. It’s difficult to describe the self-esteem problem because it’s so widespread, and because so many people take it for granted in their own lives.

It’s a kind of ever-present cultural toxin that fades into the background, then seems to run the show. It does this by setting a low standard of what one’s own life and ideas are worth. It is this standard that we need to raise for ourselves and put out as an example to others.

Planet Waves
Photo by Charlie Lemay.

Let’s look at the astrology first. Leo, as the sign ruled by the Sun, is the backbone of the zodiac. It is a symbol that represents the idea of vital force, or the main line of energy that supports life and consciousness. It is possible to block or afflict the vital force but not to make it go away.

You might think of self-esteem as having a connection to one’s own vitality and a sense of one’s own existence, and the lack of self-esteem as blockage to that connection.

The problem is that this thing in the way appears as a lack of some kind, when it may be that what has to happen is that a blockage must be removed and one’s own natural energy allowed to flow. It’s just that there are so many judgments around that flow of vital energy — of really being alive — that the judgments become part of the blockage, which appears as a lack.

Think of Jupiter as the place where you invest your faith. It’s the place where you expect to get a result of some kind, without having to do much except allow yourself to be who you are. The most effective ways to block that are guilt, denial and deception. But if those are seen as some kind of helpful thing, serving some kind of purpose, then one might not want to address them.

That’s exactly what I think the core problem is. We all possess innate vitality, which we’re taught to suppress; then the means of suppression are sold back to us as productive, helpful or socially beneficial in some way. I’m suggesting that if you struggle with self-esteem issues, you might look at what you value as a good thing that is really blocking your access to your own strength and awareness.

Cultivating self-esteem might begin with a reevaluation of all those “good things” — the things that supposedly make one socially acceptable, but which really involve self-denial and suppressing one’s desire to live.

One other aspect of this is avoiding what people know might help them. Obviously there are many injuries and insults that we collect in life, some of them truly significant and a source of ongoing pain. There are ways to address, resolve and heal these issues. Humans are amazingly resilient and you can be sure that people have healed from much worse than you’ve been through.

I have heard people say many times, “I don’t want to go to therapy because I’m afraid to find out what is in there” (i.e., learn about myself). When it comes to therapy, healing or support, this is the, “What will come first, the chicken or the egg?” question. Will I pluck up some self-esteem and do something for myself that will help me, or will I recognize that I am struggling and then do something in an effort to make my life better?

This can be applied to relationships as well. Is the equation, “I will get out of this relationship when I feel better about myself,” or is it, “I really need to make some room in my life and use that space to get myself sorted, and get a little closer to myself”?

Planet Waves
Photo by Charlie Lemay.

There are many who would benefit from the affirmation, “I really need a little time between my relationships, maybe a lot of time, and I can give myself that. I’ve lost track of who I am and I want to find out.”

Who you surround yourself with is crucial to your self-esteem. Some people will affirm your value and your beauty and you will learn from them. Some will tear down your value and your beauty (for many reasons) and you will learn just as well from them. However, beyond choosing who your examples are, it’s dangerous to invest your self-esteem in relationships because they tend to change so often, and can be so unpredictable.

Jupiter in Leo says: set an example for yourself. Within you is a source of life and of value that is yours to draw upon, invest in, have faith in and access as a source of inner love. It says become your own teacher. Become your own student. Devote yourself to teaching and learning. This is the gold standard of self-esteem.


Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoon in Kingston, New York by Planet Waves, Inc. Annual basic subscription rate: $99/year. Core community membership: $149/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric Francis Coppolino. Business Manager: Chelsea Bottinelli. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Copy Editor: Jessica Keet. Research, Writing and Editing: Planet Waves is produced by a team consisting of Amy Elliot, Elizabeth Michaud, Amanda Moreno, Amanda Painter, Casey Smith, Carol van Strum, Len Wallick and Chad Woodward. Special thanks to the Fact Checkers List, which goes over each edition on Thursday night — and to our main astrology fact-checker Alex Miller, and Amanda, who goes over all their suggestions.


Planet Waves

There are still a few Planet Waves subscribers who have not experienced The Mars Effect. Well, you have definitely experienced the astrology, but not necessarily the readings that will help you make sense of what has happened the past six months.

Since the year is about half-over, we’re making it available for half-price for all 12 signs. If you are a customer of my birthday readings (solar return readings), some differentiation might help. The Mars Effect readings are a distinctly different experience of astrology compared to the solar return readings. In a sense they are my first in-depth observations about the astrology of the signs for the year, which lay the foundation for everything else I do — the horoscopes, the articles, the birthday readings and the seasonal readings.

These readings are the deepest layers, presented in both extended written and audio format. One great thing about this package is that you can jump from your Sun sign to your rising sign to your Moon sign to partners’ signs in one setup. The audio works for any player or computer and is downloadable into iTunes. The music is by Gary Lucas, musical mentor to Jeff Buckley.



Planet Waves

Cancer New Moon of 6/27: Last Moments of the Cardinal Grand Cross, plus Jupiter conjunct Varuna

Friday at 4:08 am EDT, the Moon and the Sun form a conjunction in the sign Cancer — also called the Cancer New Moon. This is the last moment of the cardinal grand cross of 2014. All of the planets involved remain in their signs associated with the grand cross (that changes in July). The Moon-Sun conjunction on Friday followed by the Moon-Sun opposition (the Capricorn Full Moon) on July 12 are the last major events emphasizing this potent, assertive, pioneering cardinal cross energy.

Planet Waves
Crescent appears over Greece soon after the New Moon on June 3, 2008. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

Combined with Mercury retrograde, this is the message to complete projects begun in late 2013 and through the first half of 2014 — and get ready for something new. In the current astrological cluster, I’ve already mentioned Venus square Neptune and Jupiter conjunct Varuna.

One of the key concepts in this chart involved deception and the honoring of agreements. It’s easy to make agreements and less easy to keep them. Jupiter conjunct Varnua, exact in the sign Cancer on the day of the New Moon, calls for a bit of comment. This conjunction comes up in two important historic charts — the horoscope for the Sept. 11, 2001 incident, and the horoscope for the Tonkin Gulf Resolution, which started the Vietnam War. So far as I understand them, these were false flag incidents that led to the United States’ involvement in its two longest wars.

An astrologer who goes by the name Eric Starwalker wrote to me and said, “I associate Varuna with the archetype of the archangel Michael. This is an example of the shadow side of the use of the sword in the name of a righteous cause.”

At the current conjunction, we are seeing an extremely serious situation erupt in Iraq and Syria, where insurgencies are now powerful enough that official governments cannot stop them.

The sword of justice can surely be used righteously, and on the individual level it’s up to each of us. The current Jupiter-Varuna conjunction, which happens about every 12 to 13 years, is square the lunar nodes in Aries and Libra. This emphasizes the idea of a tipping point. On the personal level, the question is: how should I act personally, when I live in a society dominated by fraud, deception and criminal behavior?

The New Moon pattern, early in the water signs, picks up a close trine to Neptune in Pisces, and a slightly less close trine to Nessus. Two powerful goddess figures are in a conjunction in very early Cancer — Iris, the messenger of the Greek gods, and Isis, a revered figure from the Egyptian pantheon.

To me this is asking: do we view Cancerian (feminine) energy as a birthing pod, or do we view it as an active force in consciousness and the cosmos? Has the feminine aspect of nature delegated all responsibility for volition, for action, for vocalization and for initiating the next phase of history, to the masculine? If not, what would it look like? How would it feel? What effort would be made to establish a balance between the forces of nature and consciousness — the very thing that is missing today, as we watch from the edge of the world?

The Moon-Sun conjunction illustrates one version of a point of balance.



Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Moonrise if Luna was as close to Earth as the International Space Station is; the shadow when it blocks out the Sun is downright eerie. Image: video still by Yeti Dynamics.

When the Moon Hits Your Eye…

The Moon is our closest astronomical neighbor, yet it does not really take up much of the sky from our view here on Earth. Adam Frank, writing on NPR’s Cosmos & Culture blog, has featured two videos that play with our sense of the Moon’s scale in our sky.

Created by Yeti Dynamics, the first video imagines what it would look like if the other planets in our solar system were as close to Earth as the Moon is. (You can geek out on all kinds of science facts involved in making the video under the “about” tab on the video’s YouTube site.)

Video number two, also by Yeti Dynamics, places the Moon’s orbit as close as the International Space Station’s path around Earth — making Moonrise an impressively monumental daily event, visually speaking. (Again, factoids at the link.) Although, anyone with a strong Cancer signature in their chart already knows the Moon’s movements feel impressive quite regularly.



Planet Waves

Neptune Transits, The Freedom to Deceive, Early Summer Astrology and the Hobby Lobby Case

Planet Waves FM is presented without commercial interruption, sponsored exclusively by our subscribers and our Core Community members — that would be you.

In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I look at most of the astrology between now and when Mercury stations direct on July 1 — Venus square Neptune, and Sun trine Neptune, in particular. I put this in the context of “the freedom to deceive,” a strange metaphysical property of existence on our planet. By the way — I don’t mention the Cancer New Moon; I had other things on my mind. I’ve covered that in SKY above in this issue.

Planet Waves
My musical guest is the Massachusetts-based string and vocal quartet Darlingside. From left to right, Don Mitchell, Auyon Mukharji, Harris Paseltiner and David Senft.

Then I look ahead at the astrology of July, up till Aug. 1. These events put us onto a whole new slice of the orange, which really starts to take effect with Mercury stationing direct next week, but also with the changing emphasis into Leo. This includes Jupiter ingressing Leo, the Sun ingressing Leo, and the New Moon conjunct Jupiter.

After a music break, in the second half of the program I look at the implications of the Hobby Lobby case that’s about to be decided by the Supreme Court, probably on Thursday.

One of our most popular products is the All Access Pass — the You Can Have It All option — all of my mailings, horoscopes, readings and special projects, for one flat fee — less than the cost of many astrological readings. This week we are offering for half-price the All Access Pass for six months. That’s half the year for half price! Something actually makes sense in the world. Learn more at this link.

The article from The Daily Beast is called Waiting for the Supreme Court on the Hobby Lobby Decision.

My musical guest is Darlingside.



Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

Your extended monthly horoscopes for July are published below in this issue. We published your extended monthly horoscopes for June  Friday, May 23. We also published an Inner Space horoscope for July Tuesday, June 24. Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign.

Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for July 2014, #1004 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Embrace the ever-present chaos factor. There is no getting around this; in fact it’s so close to your core, and enmeshed in our time of history, it’s what you want to indulge rather than avoid. Chaos can go two ways — toxic or creative. Creative would mean accepting that who you are is a constant work in progress, and that the ability to change rather than be stuck is a sign of vitality. Meanwhile, you are approaching a replay of opportunities that you may have missed earlier this year, and now you will be able to do more about them. You have more space in your life, and in your mind. Ultimately this will become a matter of commitment, but not in the usual sense, involving someone else. This is about commitment to yourself and to devoting yourself to who you are and what you do. Other people may be involved, but in truth there is just one moving part, which is you allowing yourself to feel passion. Ultimately this will be the factor that gets you beyond any contradictions, within yourself or within your environment, and which becomes the galvanizing factor in your psyche. Therefore, allow yourself to feel strongly about something you really want to experiment with. Allow yourself to take action and to bring your body and soul into the experiment. And remember — it is an experiment; or rather, you are.

Right now you can get the best-selling MARS EFFECT annual readings for half-price (only $39 for all twelve signs). These written and audio readings offer relationship and career insights throughout the year for your Sun, rising and Moon signs — and those of your loved ones. “After listening to it at least four times I always hear new aspects and I feel it helps me greatly in making sense of my very turbulent inner life” — Michelle, Planet Waves reader.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may have too much to sort out emotionally or otherwise. If you want to resolve whatever is occupying your thoughts, you’ll need to make some observations and come to deeper understandings like a scientist would, and then slowly integrate them. I am suggesting that you try an approach that differs from the usual “don’t keep your feelings up in your head” advice that goes around, though for a reason — you seem to have so much happening that you need a method of evaluation. One thing you can evaluate is the priority level of any given situation or its sub-parts. You cannot do this based on an emotional response or reaction alone. There are things going on in your environment that are wholly the property of others, that have an influence on your life and that you have to address and adapt to. And in such a situation, the emotional level is not going to be helpful. Now, there are mental traps you need to be aware of, and one way to know you’re in one is when you find yourself going around and around. That is not evaluation, thought or observation. It is the emotions trying to run the mind. Over the next two months some situations in your personal life that have long seemed intractable are going to move. This will build gradually rather than all at once, as will your clarity.

Looking at your life and wondering how half the year went by in such a colorful blur? “Turn the dial on the kaleidoscope of life,” as one reader put it, and clarify your view with the MARS EFFECT readings, now available for half price: $39 for all 12 signs. See how the patterns align through the interrelated facets of your life (and the lives of those your hold dear) as you co-create the rest of your year and beyond.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — The biggest mistake you could make is not trusting yourself. This can be projected and disguised many different ways, and I suggest you be vigilant about them. I will give you an example. You might have an idea about what is right for you, but then get distracted by some form of, “Another person would disapprove of this decision that I am making for myself.” Then the cover story becomes your own seeming hesitation, when in reality, the underlying issue is that you’re basically serving two masters. Now, you might ask who the prototype is for this other master. Your solar chart suggests that it’s something about needing to have your father’s approval. This topic is some old stuff, and it appears to run in your family. The thing is, it does not necessarily take its original form in the way it’s manifesting currently. Indeed, it can seep into any relationship dynamics, especially if they take any form of the parental model. The challenging part is that we hardly know any other model, and many people are not interested — they just want to be told what to do. The first step out of this pattern is going beyond exactly that. You have your own opinions. You have your own ideas. You even trust them. If you get into an argument with yourself, pause and ask yourself and ask who, exactly, are the parties to this debate.

Attention, Geminis! Mercury is about to retrograde back into your sign, there’s a highly unusual grouping of planets working their way across your relationship angle, and the planet Chaos could feel like a creative stirring — or more like confusion. Focus your mind and get your bearings on your solar year with your 2014 GEMINI BIRTHDAY READING, available now for $39.95. Also included is a tarot reading, access to the recorded Q&A session with Eric, and more.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Now that you’ve taken a tour of your supposed psychological tendencies, you can claim who you are in the most positive sense. Growth and healing are not just a quest for fixing what is wrong with you, nor are they about making yourself acceptable to others on their terms. They are about identifying the best of who you are and putting that very quality forward. You could say that you need to believe in yourself first in order to do this. Or you could experiment with the idea that asserting your strongest, best qualities will help you discover the reasons to believe in yourself. One approach is theoretical; the other is practical. It will be worth daring; it will be worth the small risk that’s involved, and worth persisting for a while. With the Sun and then Jupiter entering your neighboring sign Leo, you’re about to have a lot of support on the theme of feeling good about yourself. You may not feel it today, though I think in a matter of a few weeks you will be surprised at how much has changed in your approach to self-understanding. A rising tide raises all boats, and when you see certain boats rise you may even make the connection that they are rising along with your positive affirmation of who you are; your self-respect will have effects that you did not dream possible.

Hello, Cancers! If Mercury stationing retrograde in your sign has had you feeling a little turned around, consider your 2014 CANCER BIRTHDAY READING to be a proactive, meditative, empathic alternative to hiding in your shell or turning the mood-o-meter up to 11. If you pre-order now for $29.95 (price goes up to $39.95 after we publish!), you’ll get the best possible price on two segments of astrology, a tarot reading, access to a live Q&A session with Eric, and more.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You seem to have a choice of responsibility in name only, or responsibility without a name. Either way, you’re being asked to step up to something larger; you are hearing a calling, though it’s complex and not easy to translate. What happens comes down to how you interpret that calling, and how you choose to respond. There’s considerable tension involved in the whole situation, and you may be feeling it pull on you, perhaps threatening to pull you apart, without recognizing it’s there, much less knowing what exactly it is. If so, I suggest you carefully review any situations that seem to compete with one another, and any elements of your life where factors within them seem to compete. As you do this, notice what you determine is not subject to change or to movement, and what you determine is. Your assessment may or may not be correct, though it will help if, for example, when you determine something cannot change, you ask yourself why it cannot change. If you determine something can change, notice what you do about that — whether you invest energy in making the change. Back to my original premise. Responsibility in name only is easy to control and requires no flexibility. Responsibility without a name requires your full commitment both to flexibility and exchanging the concept of control for something much more productive, which is influence.

“I thought those readings were meant just for me” is how so many MARS EFFECT customers have felt, it’s a testament to just how intimate, beautiful and uncannily personal these written and audio readings truly are. Now you can access all 12 signs for $39 (half price) — an incredible value for more than a year’s worth of insights into all facets of your life, and into the lives of those closest to you.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You’ve said many times that you want people around you who are more sensitive and whose feelings are closer to the surface. Yet how do you respond when you actually encounter them? I suggest you observe yourself carefully over the next few weeks and see what you notice. You have a few choices for what to do. One is to go into paralysis mode — to freeze up, to put on a facade, to go passive. Another is to push them away. Neither of these is likely to be what you want, but they’re fairly typical responses to those who in some way ‘threaten’ us by being willing to feel. Another is to engage with them directly, no matter how uncomfortable it may make you. In this context, uncomfortable equates to vulnerable. I am describing one of the core crises of our culture, one that is largely being driven by our relationship to technology. In the world as it is, it’s easy to avoid just about anything, it’s easy to have the feeling of control (for example, by ignoring someone’s communications) and therefore easy to weave yourself into a state of isolation. In this sense, obsession with text messages is not so different from obsession with porn. One of the prices you pay to get out of this is allowing authentic contact to happen when you have the opportunity, which always happens today, not tomorrow.

“OMG the Mars Effect — I don’t really have words yet. Finally I’ve won the Lotto!” — Planet Waves reader Gary. Your luck just got even better: the written and audio MARS EFFECT readings are available for half price ($39 for all 12 signs), making it easy to access winning insights for your Sun, Moon and rising signs (and those of loved ones) immediately.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — This month, two planets describing forces that have shaped and even defined your existence move on to other signs. Jupiter exits the cardinal cross and ingresses Leo, which represents a windfall or step up in the world. Your point of view shifts from parental to peer-to-peer. More significantly, Mars will exit Libra, where it’s been since early December, and ingress Scorpio. Mars plus Libra has been an odd mix — maybe one of the strangest in astrology; we’ve all had to live with it, and you’ve experienced it most directly. Putting it politely, this transit has been provocative. The result has been to put you into contact with a new dimension of who you are. You may not have changed your boundaries much, but you discovered what they are, and you discovered that you need to work with them consciously. The deeper question is about what motivates you, what drives you, what values exist on the level of breathing, and this I reckon you’ve made some progress understanding. You have one more quest before you fully engage this energy. It involves exaggerated feelings, and recognizing when they are in some way taking over your mind. You must be able to safely handle intensity, passion, lust and the drive for experience. But that’s different from anything exaggerated.

Right now you can get the best-selling MARS EFFECT annual readings for half-price (only $39 for all twelve signs). These written and audio readings offer relationship and career insights throughout the year for your Sun, rising and Moon signs — and those of your loved ones. “After listening to it at least four times I always hear new aspects and I feel it helps me greatly in making sense of my very turbulent inner life” — Michelle, Planet Waves reader.


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — So — what good is fear? I mean obsessive fear, anxiety, worry and panic? What purpose has it served during the past few seasons, besides providing a way to burn up energy? I know these emotions are rampant, and they’re usually considered something that cannot change. Now, one option is that you can compromise with fear, which will basically leave you stuck. Or you can take a stand within yourself. Fear is actually a toxic form of desire, and the antidote to fear is clear, bold desire. Like many things, I know this logic is reversed by the world (such as in the form, “if I were only unafraid, I could allow myself to desire”). Yet it’s easy to see that this is self-defeating. Desire is the starting point. Consider the outcome you want in any situation. This is the most important factor. Once you know that, the steps and the logic leading to it will become clear. If the steps do not become obvious, go back to your stated outcome, consider it carefully, and make sure it’s what you want, and make sure it’s described in a legible way. Make sure there are no hidden compromises involved. What you’re about to discover is that you want more from life, and to accomplish that, you must be willing to admit that it’s true.

“I thought those readings were meant just for me” is how so many MARS EFFECT customers have felt, it’s a testament to just how intimate, beautiful and uncannily personal these written and audio readings truly are. Now you can access all 12 signs for $39 (half price) — an incredible value for more than a year’s worth of insights into all facets of your life, and into the lives of those closest to you.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — As Jupiter shifts into fire sign Leo for a one-year visit, you will discover your horizons are expanding vastly. This is partly a factor of having resolved or removed yourself from so many past agreements, engagements and entanglements. Your sense of time, of distance, of your own potential and of devotion to your talents are all about to go into expansion mode, as is your faith in yourself (or your higher power, however you prefer). The key now is finding out what this new phase of your life has to offer you before getting involved in anything that might limit your options. The opportunities and the temptations to limit yourself will be disguised as something else. Someone or some situation may call on you to compromise a core value in a covert way. It might seem minor at first. For hypothetical example, you may do your best work at night, an old fact of which you’re fully aware. But being absorbed in your work evenings might not be tenable to a relationship partner. That can lead to tension or to conflict, which can be distracting you from exploring something you know is essential. You know what is right; one question is whether you will you see this as what it really is. Remember — you have yet to discover what life is about to offer you. Keep your options open.

“OMG the Mars Effect — I don’t really have words yet. Finally I’ve won the Lotto!” — Planet Waves reader Gary. Your luck just got even better: the written and audio MARS EFFECT readings are available for half price ($39 for all 12 signs), making it easy to access winning insights for your Sun, Moon and rising signs (and those of loved ones) immediately.


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — In the many months that Mars has been traveling through your 10th house of achievement and reputation, you’ve become more sensitive than ever to the opinions of other people in your life, and have discovered that all power and influence are based in relationships. This has come at a price: allowing others more influence in your life than you really want. You will now need to maintain awareness of those relationships and how they work while being more brassy, doing more of what you want and worrying less what people think. This is a fine line to walk, since you still may have the idea that your reputation is on the line. Yet you know that you cannot allow the bounds of your reality to be determined by others. There is a solution set to this seeming paradox, which is that people tend to respect those who are confident even if they don’t agree with them, or even like them. Rather than worrying whether others in some way object to you, pay attention to how they are in fact responding. If someone objects, notice how you handle it. Do you immediately want to yield to them, or do you ask yourself whether they are entitled to an opinion, and what that opinion counts for? Think of this as the next stage of leadership. It’s one where politics matters, but only to a limited degree.

Right now you can get the best-selling MARS EFFECT annual readings for half-price (only $39 for all twelve signs). These written and audio readings offer relationship and career insights throughout the year for your Sun, rising and Moon signs — and those of your loved ones. “After listening to it at least four times I always hear new aspects and I feel it helps me greatly in making sense of my very turbulent inner life” — Michelle, Planet Waves reader.


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Now is the time to go from working on relationships to actually experiencing them. The difference could be emphasized more, though it tends to disappear into the haze. Now, it will rise like the Sun over your life. While you could identify a psychological dimension to anything, that recognition may be for the sole purpose of avoiding it. There will still be a strong temptation to analyze certain things till they are very nearly lifeless, which is part of a well-established pattern in the lives of many people. It often serves a purpose, which is to siphon off passion, and to create a seemingly sophisticated rationale for denial. I suggest you get the energy flowing in the opposite direction — toward passion, funneling vitality into your interests and your relationships rather than away from it. Take any opportunity not to analyze, to say you don’t know and have that be OK, even to take the risk of not caring about the motives of others. If you’re wondering about other people, pay attention to their actions and you will have more than enough information to work with. In a similar vein, I suggest you notice how obvious the choices you want to make really are. They require relatively little thinking and absolutely no overthinking. If something requires analysis, focus it on one question — whether something is in accord with your values. Remember — your values are intuitive.

“I thought those readings were meant just for me” is how so many MARS EFFECT customers have felt, it’s a testament to just how intimate, beautiful and uncannily personal these written and audio readings truly are. Now you can access all 12 signs for $39 (half price) — an incredible value for more than a year’s worth of insights into all facets of your life, and into the lives of those closest to you.


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Many factors have compelled you to stay focused in the moment, while also getting more in touch with the longer view of your existence. It’s true, to connect with that longer view you’ve had to climb what seems like an endless mountain, never seeming to reach the top. However, it seems like every now and then you turn around and get a look at the territory behind you and figure out how far you’ve come and what you’ve really accomplished. In doing this you’ve made progress getting out of the netherworld of “what might happen” in exchange for being clear about what is happening and what you want to do. The use of time is essential to maturity. Here on Earth, it’s not merely that time is finite for any individual; there’s also the not-so-small matter of not knowing how long life will last. That contradiction causes more problems than most people are aware of; for many it prevents them from making any real commitments. It’s only by being able to handle these two variables at once that you can make any actual progress. This month, Mars moves in your favor by entering water sign Scorpio after its nearly endlessly complex trip through Libra. This will allow you to take advantage of many factors that in the past seemed to only hold you back. Remember, your past problems are your future assets.

Looking at your life and wondering how half the year went by in such a colorful blur? “Turn the dial on the kaleidoscope of life,” as one reader put it, and clarify your view with the MARS EFFECT readings, now available for half price: $39 for all 12 signs. See how the patterns align through the interrelated facets of your life (and the lives of those your hold dear) as you co-create the rest of your year and beyond.

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