Tag Archives: grand cross

Full Moon Door: Across the Nodal Axis

Dear Friend and Reader:

Full Moon events often feel like a threshold, though Saturday’s Full Moon in Capricorn is a psychic gateway to another phase of existence. It’s a transitional event between eight months dominated by planets in all four of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn), into a new phase of the dream that will be initiated by Mars in Scorpio and Jupiter in Leo.

Planet Waves
Although pyramids are associated with Egypt, there exist 16 examples of pyramids across Greece! Perhaps the most well-preserved example of a Greek pyramid is that at Hellinikon, situated approximately 155 km southwest of Athens and less than 10 km from legendary Argos. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

Events will proceed rapidly from this last burst of energy from the cardinal grand cross. Mercury is about to leave shadow phase and re-enter Cancer. Venus will be close behind. Jupiter ingresses Leo on July 16 and Mars ingresses Scorpio on July 25. Only two of the main players will remain in cardinal signs — Uranus and Pluto.

Their ongoing square aspect is the backbone of the cardinal grand cross. Uranus-Pluto aspects have at least one thing in common — they come with an onrush of history and an especially intensified experience of life. You could say that life always feels like this. Yet these are distinct periods of time where things happen that in retrospect seem unbelievable or at least are recognized as being highly improbable.

Uranus-Pluto aspects throughout history are well documented by Rick Tarnas in his book Cosmos and Psyche. [Here is a fantastic interview with Rick conducted by Shelley Ackerman and published by Planet Waves.]

The last major Uranus-Pluto phase was the mid-1960s (the conjunction). That was obviously a distinct period of history where many unprecedented things happened. As The Eagles said in the song Hotel California, “You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.”

They were referring to the Sixties, which in many ways did not end — what was counterculture became official culture (for example the gay rights movement), and the exponentially increasing chaos kept increasing exponentially until so-called reality started to seem like a psychedelic dream with few tangible reference points.

There was a miniature peak of this energy with Uranus and Pluto making a semi-square (45-degree angle) in the early 1980s — a very exciting time for some, and also a preview of what would happen in our era, which was the dawn of a kind of conservative revolution.

Since 2008 we’ve been living with the effects of the Uranus-Pluto square (the 90-degree meeting), one of the major events in the Uranus-Pluto cycle. Both of these planets are slow-movers, so their mutual aspects last a while.

Planet Waves

Detailed chart for the Capricorn Full Moon, used to write the horoscope below. This is a typical chart from my notebook, with a number of extra planets penciled in, and with the ascendant set for where I am in upstate

New York. The main events in the chart are written as a series of aspects across the top, and 1006 is the horoscope ID number.

As I’ve mentioned before, there will be a total of seven square events between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn, the first of which was in June 2012 and the last one being in March 2015. But just like we started feeling the effects four years in advance, the square will take time to cool down, and we will see some of the most interesting expressions in 2015 and beyond.

Notice how quickly this phase of history has gone by. True, it’s far from over, but it seems like just yesterday that Pluto entered Capricorn and Uranus entered Aries. Now both Uranus and Pluto are hovering around the midpoints of their respective signs. In our time of history, even the planets that used to be considered inchworms seem to cruise along.

What we experienced in the first part of 2014, actually starting with the Capricorn New Moon on New Year’s Day, was a peak of the Uranus-Pluto square. The peak was created by inner planets coming along and amplifying the energy of the outer planets. By inner planets I mean the Moon, the Sun, Venus, Mars and Jupiter. Mercury has also passed through the Uranus-Pluto square a few times (it’s about to do so again).

But for the most part, the long-standing grand cross has been Uranus in Aries, Jupiter in Cancer, Mars in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn. Now Jupiter has moved on to late Cancer, and the Sun is taking its place in mid-Cancer. Mars is moving along in Libra but it’s still within close range of Saturday’s Full Moon. Pluto is having an influence from Capricorn, and then the Moon comes along, makes a conjunction to Pluto and reaches full phase on Saturday (Sunday in Australia).

Notably, the grand cross came with a grand trine in the water signs, and this is in effect now. The Sun has replaced Jupiter in this pattern, and is forming a trine to Saturn in Scorpio as well as the Neptune-Chiron-Borasisi group in Pisces. [For more about the grand cross/grand trine, see the article A Matter of Trust.]

The grand water trine continues to provide the potential for some emotional grounding, and presents many options for how to handle watery energy — one option per planet, and then various combinations. A wide spectrum of potential frequencies of feeling is being offered right now, from the most solidly physical (Saturn in Scorpio) to the most etheric (Neptune in Pisces).

The Aries-Libra Axis — Aries First

There are some rich details in this chart. For one thing, the Aries-Libra axis is becoming extremely interesting. Let’s take those signs one at a time.

In Aries, we currently have three main points — Uranus, the South Node and Eris. If you recall, Eris was the planet discovered in the mid-2000s that was responsible for the ‘demotion’ of Pluto. Now Eris and the South Node are in a close conjunction. Eris has a diversity of meanings, from the kind of identity chaos that is so representative of our times, to the subversive way that so many people relate to one another.

Planet Waves
Tidy version of the Capricorn Full Moon chart. You can see the grand cross in the red lines (with the Mars-Eris-nodes configuration in the purple lines). The grand water trine is indicated by the light green lines, not as easy to see. There is also a compound trine from Venus and Mercury to the Mars-Ceres-Vesta pattern. See glyph legend here.

While the South Node can have a feeling of “I’m through with this thing,” (whatever it may be) it can also represent something that is stuck to one’s consciousness or life pattern — and keeps showing up. We live in a time when many, many people are having a hard time getting a grip on who they are. Some are figuring out that if they set aside the pretense of who they are it’s a lot easier to get to the real thing.

People who don’t lie as a way of existence naturally live closer to the truth. Those who don’t participate in dishonest transactions find it easier to engage in the honest ones. Being real often seems to be more a matter of what one does not do than what one does.

Uranus in Aries may be serving as a huge distraction more than anything. Uranus can act as a chaos generator. Aries is an assertive or even aggressive sign, named for the cosmic warlord Ares, who also goes by the name Mars.

In contrast to the prevailing group value of the Sixties (let’s take care of one another, styled by Uranus and Pluto in Virgo), we now live with a kind of victory-at-all-costs militancy. This is fueled by testosterone and does not have the quality of humanitarian service that was so easy to access when the energy was in the feminine (and eminently thoughtful) sign Virgo.

Revolution in the style of Uranus in Aries is, “Religious freedom means imposing my religion on you.” It no longer seems to mean, “I believe what I believe, you believe what you believe,” (that was the Sixties).

Uranus in Aries is also creating a massive distraction with technology. All these devices are feeding a drug-like haze which is doing what drugs often do — isolate people from one another, and induce people to bury their feelings.

Planet Waves
Here in the Anti-Sixties, many activists come out to demand that other people should be denied a constitutional right. However, in this rare photo, a group of unusual people are protesting last week’s Hobby Lobby decision. Photo by Doug Mills for The New York Times.

Technology is a vast consumer enterprise (think of the iPhone case industry) that is almost always packed with advertising. Advertising sells more than products. It sells self-image, it sells values and it sells cosmology. [I cover this in a recent edition of Planet Waves FM, one not to miss.]

Between the South Node, Uranus and Eris, we have a lot of Aries in the sky right now. In fact it’s time to start thinking about the Uranus-Eris conjunction, which is technically exact in 2016-2017, but the way these outer planets work — as we have seen — there is a long warm-up. I recently figured out that Uranus conjunct Eris will be one of the defining astrological events of our era, and it is now within orb. This will present us with the best opportunity yet to get an understanding of what Eris really is about.

At its best, Uranus-Eris in Aries could be a mass awakening to individuality. Such an awakening would take us out of the mass-consciousness haze and provide an opportunity to be self-aware, which is always available of course. But it could also represent the rise of toxic egotism, which is already a serious problem.
If there’s one thing our society does not need, it’s more narcissism. The problem with narcissism is that it gets lonely, and humans are inherently social. At a certain point it may collapse on itself as people break down and realize that they want and need to be close to others.

And Then There’s Libra

Over on the other side of the dial, or rather the solar system, is Mars in Libra, still working its way out of the degrees where it was retrograde (also called shadow phase). Mars in Libra has definitely had its relationship themes. There are many relationships that could not endure this kind of emphasis — the long review of the retrograde, one or more partners asserting themselves, and the many contacts of Mars with Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto exaggerating the effect.

Planet Waves
Society sells an idealized image of what a relationship is supposed to be, without a lot of information about how to handle ourselves or one another. Our culture’s concept of relationship does not usually account for change, or for the extent to which so many people struggle with themselves and lack basic self-respect. Many relationships are based on projection of the masculine or the feminine onto a partner, rather than on balancing and integrating the energies. Until we internalize both male and female properties, feelings and consciousness, there will be contention in our relationships — and lots of room for projecting shadow onto the other.

Mars has had some work adjusting to an extended stay in Libra, and once it leaves, it will carry its experience there forward.

If you pay attention you may find that if you’re a woman you’ve integrated masculine energy into your bio-psychic field, and there are many men who have made contact with their feminine side under this extended transit.

If you’re having trouble finding those men, check inwardly and make sure you’re expressing your own masculine energy in a healthy way. Really get a feeling for how you express your inner man. If you’re a man, this is also an invitation to check in with how you express your inner woman. If we want to deal with projection — including the projection of sexual violence — this is an essential step.

Mars is currently exactly opposite Eris. This alone is a standout aspect, representing a kind of confrontation. This could work many ways, but it seems to be a comment on who people try to be in relationships versus who they actually are. It is also a comment on how so-called ‘passive’ aggression comes back to people as overt aggression.

Once a long time ago I walked into my then-therapist (now mentor)’s counseling room and asked, “What is passive aggression?” In his usual wise and witty way he said, “You’ll understand it a lot better if you leave off the word ‘passive’.” That is why I prefer to call it covert aggression, which can take many forms, and those seem to be preferable because it’s easier to get away with for a while.

We do a lot of projecting in our human encounters. People often attribute aspects of their own personality to others, and they take on what others claim about them. In the haze of contemporary life, with all its public relations efforts (profile pages, personal ads, Facebook, blogging, Instagram, etc.) we can easily get lost in the haze of who we are or might be.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis / Book of Blue.

Mars is closely conjunct three other points: Ceres, Vesta and the North Node. This is interesting — and too complex to fully delineate. But let’s say that Mars and the North Node are lending some compelling authority to the goddess energy of Ceres and Vesta. There is the potential to balance out feminine energy with Mars, something that rather desperately needs to happen.

The dominant theory of gender is that male energy is running out of control. There is another theory that says feminine energy is also out of control. The answer here is not control but rather balance. That need for balance is indicated by the lunar nodes so prominent in the chart picture.

Saturday’s Full Moon crosses the axis of the lunar nodes — it makes a close square to them. The Sun and Moon square the nodes represents a turning point, and this seems to be one associated with the story of our relationships. At the same time, it
makes a square to all the planets that are involved — Mars, Vesta, Ceres, Uranus and Eris.

If this aspect says one thing to me, it’s “wake up and pay attention.” If it says one more thing, it’s “the way things seemed to work in the past may not work now, it may be failing entirely and we need some new ideas and new values to create a new way of life.”

Of course this is always easier if you’re motivated — and nothing says motivation like the Capricorn Full Moon.


Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoon in Kingston, New York by Planet Waves, Inc. Annual basic subscription rate: $99/year. Core community membership: $149/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric Francis Coppolino. Business Manager: Chelsea Bottinelli. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Copy Editor: Jessica Keet. Research, Writing and Editing: Planet Waves is produced by a team consisting of Fe Bongolan, Brendan Merritt, Amy Elliott, Judith Gayle, Kelly Janes, Elizabeth Michaud, Amanda Moreno, Amanda Painter, Casey Smith, Carol van Strum, Len Wallick, Lizanne Webb and Chad Woodward. Special thanks to the Fact Checkers List, and to our main astrology fact-checker Alex Miller, and Amanda, who goes over all their suggestions. Aunt Josie Forever!


Good as Gold: the 2014 Midyear Reading for All 12 Signs

If you have not already noticed, 2014 is really two years in one, with version 2.0 beginning right about now. With all of the inner planets direct, Jupiter entering a fire sign and Mars coming home to its native Scorpio, a whole new concept of life and of astrology is reaching out to us.  I will be unfolding this brand-new aspect pattern for all 12 signs and rising signs in my midyear reading, called Good as Gold.

Planet Waves

Good as Gold will explore the relationship between self-esteem, creativity and money. The three are so closely interwoven that in a successful person they are indistinguishable. While you’re on the way there, these elements need to be understood one at a time, as specific concepts, goals or challenges.

I will provide ideas, strategies, motivational rants (my speciality) and ideas I’ve learned in therapy to get the blocks out of the way, access your courage, and invoke your vision for yourself. Jupiter is about potential, but that also means that the human part of the equation is making that potential real.

How do you manage the transition out of something old that is not really working and into something new, with the simultaneous demands of a learning curve, balancing yourself financially and staying inspired? These and other things are what I will be exploring.

Good as Gold is available for pre-order now. We’re introducing this at $39.95 for all 12 signs. As usual, we start with the lowest price for all 12, gradually raise the price, then sell one reading for about what we were initially asking for all 12. The first price increase will be Monday. So now is the time to get the best rate on the whole package, so you can listen to your Sun, Moon and rising signs, and check in with the readings for your collaborators.



Planet Waves

Moon Conjunct Rabble Rousers in Sagittarius

Between now and July 10 at 11:24 pm EDT (July 11 at 3:24 UTC) when the Moon ingresses Capricorn, it will be transiting the corner of the sky with numerous centaurs, slow-moving outer planets and two deep space points — the Great Attractor and the Galactic Core. Since the Moon often represents emotional and physical sensation, this may present challenges to some whose density leans toward the solid end of the spectrum.

Planet Waves
Rabble rousers: the friendly punks of The Outsiders.

Yet Sagittarius itself is psychically buoyant and it’s possible to reach some of the subtler levels as the Moon makes a series of conjunctions — first to the Great Attractor and asteroid (3811) Karma between now and midnight EDT, then some hours later to Ixion, Pholus, Charkilo, Amycus, Quaoar and Hylonome. These are not asteroids but rather planets closer to what you might recognize with energy similar to Chiron and Pluto — the deeper sort of contact, demanding attention and focus and calling forth the intention of healing.

Each of these planets one by one, very, very gradually, is making a conjunction to the Galactic Core, which serves as a spiritual homing signal. The meta theme is take care of what troubles you. Admit that change is possible, no matter how stuck you may feel. Recognize that there are means of healing not recognized by the people who control the systems of the world, and not endorsed by any conventional form of science or religion.

The Moon is strong and bright now, gaining momentum as it builds toward full phase, exact early Saturday (EDT). This pattern is an invitation to look below the surface, below the level of the story (your own, or the ones people tell you), and below the level of ordinary social interaction, and reach for the deeper contents, motives and themes of your own consciousness.



Planet Waves

Planet Waves

The Sun is in Cancer, which relates to the Moon, cycles, mothers and nurturing, the home and domestic concerns, and (you guessed it) breasts. You, too, can celebrate solar Cancer (and challenge hypocrisy) with the TaTa Top. Photo by Michelle Lytle.

Don’t Be a Boob — They’re Just Illustrations of Nipples!

By Amanda Painter

Spurred two years ago by a story of two gals from Amsterdam being told by a lifeguard in Chicago that they couldn’t swim topless — that “in America, you cannot show your nipples” — while he stood there shirtless, Robyn and Michelle Lytle realized there needed to be a fun, harmless, funny way to alert people to the hypocrisy. And then to begin desensitizing ourselves (and others) to the idea and sight of women’s nipples bared in public.

They came up with the TaTa Top™: a string bikini top printed with a cartoon image of bare nipples.

“You look topless…but you aren’t, and therefore, are not breaking any laws,” they write on their blog; “It really calls to attention what is being legislated.” Insightfully, they ask, “Who is this law protecting and what are they protecting them from?”

After all, in some cultures, it’s not a big deal. What exactly are people in the U.S. so hung up about?

The TaTa Top is currently in limited production with a patent pending, and Robyn and Michelle plan to expand the product into more sizes, skin tones and designs (such as nipple piercings) once things get off the ground. Best of all, $5 of each purchase supports a variety of organizations on a rotating basis — so you can do good while you look good, all while challenging perceptions.



Planet Waves

Capricorn Full Moon, the Last Hurrah of the Grand Cross,

the Void of Course Moon and the Progressed Horoscope

Planet Waves FM is presented without commercial interruption, sponsored exclusively by our subscribers and our Core Community members — that would be you.

The new edition of Planet Waves FM covers the Capricorn Full Moon and the last stand of the cardinal grand cross, as well as an astrology lesson on the void of course Moon and reading progressed horoscopes. Don’t skip over that too fast — explanations of the progressed horoscope are few and far between. You are lucky to find even one! This is a pretty good one, too.



Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

We published your extended monthly horoscopes for July on Thursday, June 26.
We published your extended monthly horoscopes for June  Friday, May 23. We also published an Inner Space horoscope for July Tuesday, June 24. Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign.



Planet Waves

Weekly Horoscope for Thursday, July 10, 2014, #1006 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Focus your ambition on actually getting something done, and you actually will. It’s easy to make plans and to spin out ideas. It requires a little something extra, such as focused effort, a game plan and one other thing — the desire to make it happen. You can have all the other ingredients, and they add up to nothing without the desire to make it happen. This weekend’s Full Moon in the angle of your chart associated with success and recognition will give you a boost of confidence, and the contact with Pluto will help you focus your determination. I suggest you stop talking about your plans and put all your energy into taking the concrete steps to completing something that you know is meaningful, necessary or potentially urgent. Focus on quality but not at the expense of getting hung up. Appearance is important but in the current equation it could be a serious distraction. Stick to integrity.

The sky is finally opening up for the second half of 2014, and now is your chance to embrace the opportunities coming your way. Through Monday only, you can pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for the lowest price — only $39.95 for all 12 signs. You get access to your Sun, Moon and rising sign, plus readings for loved ones, all for one low price.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — From the look of your solar charts, you’re getting a lot done, though you seem to be feeling edgy about something, such as money. I would not be surprised if there are moments when you get a bit panicky for no special reason. The deeper story of your charts, however, is about your commitment to living differently from how previous generations in your family did. If you do, of course, they may think you’re weird and some people will express vocal disapproval. You may have an inner attachment to approval. Be determined to let none of these things stop you, or sap any of your confidence. Indeed, I suggest you draw strength and confirmation from any disapproval you might encounter, or that you may fear. Be aware of how many generations of tradition you may be breaking with your determination to do what is right for you, and to love in the way that is right for you.

The sky is finally opening up for the second half of 2014, and now is your chance to embrace the opportunities coming your way. Through Monday only, you can pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for the lowest price — only $39.95 for all 12 signs. You get access to your Sun, Moon and rising sign, plus readings for loved ones, all for one low price.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You can afford to feel better about yourself. Better would mean less worried about what other people think and what they do, and more focused on what you want to do, and what you want to share with others. You’re working with a potential emotional distortion, which might manifest as difficulty expressing your needs and your feelings. Complicating things somewhat is the fact that you seem to feel two different ways, which are likely to conflict, so you’re never fully sure that you are expressing a true need or feeling. There is one absolutely safe one that you can explore — express love, gratitude and care. It’s always appropriate to share your appreciation and your loyalty, particularly since so few people do it in words. Support people in whatever they want. Set them free from your expectations and attachments and you will set yourself free from those same bindings. Then, love is possible.

The sky is finally opening up for the second half of 2014, and now is your chance to embrace the opportunities coming your way. Through Monday only, you can pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for the lowest price — only $39.95 for all 12 signs. You get access to your Sun, Moon and rising sign, plus readings for loved ones, all for one low price.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — This weekend’s Full Moon in your opposite sign Capricorn will shine the light on how much potential your relationships have, and how far you’ve come redefining yourself in the context of partnership. Having Capricorn as your relationship house is not easy, because it places an emphasis on structure in our already over-structured concept of what it means to share an experience of love with another person. But Pluto has been doing its work in this angle of your chart, and you’ve cleared out a fairly large space where it’s possible to be yourself. This might include having relationships on common ground much closer to your own terms; sorting out the extremely annoying and usually false differences between friend and lover; and not living like you owe some debt to the past five generations. If you owe them anything, it’s being happy in ways that they could not or did not consider possible.

The sky is finally opening up for the second half of 2014, and now is your chance to embrace the opportunities coming your way. Through Monday only, you can pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for the lowest price — only $39.95 for all 12 signs. You get access to your Sun, Moon and rising sign, plus readings for loved ones, all for one low price.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — If you are concerned about a matter of health, I suggest you guide yourself away from worst-case scenarios, and keep a focus on taking care of yourself. Self-care is the theme of your life these days, which comes with many different dimensions. One of them is finding that space where your work is integrated in a healthy way with the rest of your existence. For a while it may seem like you’re resolving a paradox, which is true. You may have to experiment with one end of the equation for a while, then the other, in order to find not only the right balance but also the point of integration you’re looking for. Jupiter ingressing your sign next week will give you more energy and better ideas to work with. You will have a bolder idea of what success is, and what it means to you. That will give you a goal you can work toward, and that you can feel good about. In healing, in work and in every facet of life, motivation is everything.

The sky is finally opening up for the second half of 2014, and now is your chance to embrace the opportunities coming your way. Through Monday only, you can pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for the lowest price — only $39.95 for all 12 signs. You get access to your Sun, Moon and rising sign, plus readings for loved ones, all for one low price.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — In all matters professional, keep your strategy in mind. You are likely to have your goal in mind, and there is a chance you will put your goal above everything, which will not get you any closer to that goal. Part of your strategy must involve an extreme helping of diplomacy. You must present the right demeanor or posture to the appropriate person, and be aware at all times to whom you are speaking. Your solar chart cautions that you could be perceived as authoritarian or driven by jealousy — which are unlikely to be true (however, I suggest you do a careful check-in with yourself on these matters, since it is possible). I suggest you strive for consistency with people, which is a sign of maturity and your respect for them. And be cautious at the least thought that others do not care about you, or don’t respect you. That is a trap, and it’s unlikely to be true.

The sky is finally opening up for the second half of 2014, and now is your chance to embrace the opportunities coming your way. Through Monday only, you can pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for the lowest price — only $39.95 for all 12 signs. You get access to your Sun, Moon and rising sign, plus readings for loved ones, all for one low price.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Mars in your birth sign, combined with a variety of other factors, describes you in a situation where you may have to push an issue that you don’t feel comfortable doing. The sensation will be something like exceeding your authority, and possibly feeling guilty about it — but knowing intuitively that you’re correct in doing so. This might also come with the feeling of claiming some space to exist that you might have previously abandoned. Be aware of the fear of others wanting to get revenge or acting against you subversively — this is more of a feeling than an actual probability, but the feeling is what counts, because it has the power to dominate your reality. Said simply, the time has come to pluck up the courage to run your own life. That means being direct with others, which means speaking up, not festering on your own secrets till they ferment into resentment.

The sky is finally opening up for the second half of 2014, and now is your chance to embrace the opportunities coming your way. Through Monday only, you can pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for the lowest price — only $39.95 for all 12 signs. You get access to your Sun, Moon and rising sign, plus readings for loved ones, all for one low price.


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Saturn in your sign is the original symbol of enforced growth. Saturn is saying, “It is time.” It’s true that most people experience Saturn as a depressive influence, as a burden or as a limit — though this is a limited perspective, and it most likely does not take into account the essential factor of maturity. Saturn in your sign is saying you need a structure to your life that embraces all of the functions you want to fulfill as an adult with the freedom of choice. Your life is not about recreation. It’s not about self-fulfillment. Those are ingredients in a whole life, but not the whole purpose of life. In a word, your current purpose is fulfilling your function; taking up elements of why you came to this planet at this time. One measure of purpose is your creative work product. It’s about what you make, which is an expression of your purpose. The key here is tangibility — the actual substance of achievement, not merely an abstract concept of growth.

The sky is finally opening up for the second half of 2014, and now is your chance to embrace the opportunities coming your way. Through Monday only, you can pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for the lowest price — only $39.95 for all 12 signs. You get access to your Sun, Moon and rising sign, plus readings for loved ones, all for one low price.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Your ruling planet Jupiter is about to change signs, and this means it’s time to focus your energy and your intentions. There is enormous potential in this transit, but you will need to be clear, apply energy and follow through on what you start. For the past month or so it’s been possible to run a little wild, to skimp on commitments and to let yourself be dominated by your emotions rather than on what actually makes sense logically. At the same time, you’re seeking real creative freedom and solid collaborations. And, I would remind you that you’re working with real creative power — which comes with responsibility, and connecting your creative power to an actual purpose that serves humanity. Jupiter in Leo will boost your creative confidence, and make sure you get to live out the connection between creativity, passion and fun — but when you get to the essence of Leo, it’s about responsibility to the community. Leo puts work above play, and above money. Look after these details. You are well respected but this will raise the stakes — your integrity is on the line.

The sky is finally opening up for the second half of 2014, and now is your chance to embrace the opportunities coming your way. Through Monday only, you can pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for the lowest price — only $39.95 for all 12 signs. You get access to your Sun, Moon and rising sign, plus readings for loved ones, all for one low price.


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — This weekend brings an extraordinary Full Moon in your birth sign, and with that will come a surge of confidence and energy. Mixed in with that might be some bouts of insecurity, which may have you wondering which side of the equation is really true — your strength or your fear. This is a situation where the presence of fear serves a useful purpose, which is to alert you that you’ve entered (or are about to enter) some new personal territory. You may think of this as alerting you to actual, external risks. The real risk, it would seem, is to your dependency on structure, on following past patterns, and on the fear of venturing into unfamiliar territory — in a word, your ego. But don’t think of ego as an identity, rather as a set of attachments that hijack your identity. Your job is to get it back. Recognize your attachments and focus your courage. You asked to be set free from your past and this is your chance. You asked to do something different, and this is your opportunity.

The sky is finally opening up for the second half of 2014, and now is your chance to embrace the opportunities coming your way. Through Monday only, you can pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for the lowest price — only $39.95 for all 12 signs. You get access to your Sun, Moon and rising sign, plus readings for loved ones, all for one low price.


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Inner vision provided by this weekend’s Capricorn Full Moon will show you just how much space in your mind you’ve cleared out. Space translates to additional energy, room for your own thoughts and freedom from worry about what other people think. Space means freedom from the burdens of others, to an increasing degree. You’re not totally liberated, but it’s as if you realized you were living in an ancient mansion that had been passed down from generations before you. You took over one wing of the house, cleaned it out and started decorating and furnishing it the way you want. You have made it your own, which translates to many large and small developments in your life. This progress would not have been possible without all the inner clearing and renovation that you’ve been involved with. Consider this a good start. The light of the Full Moon will reveal how much further you can take the same basic idea.

The sky is finally opening up for the second half of 2014, and now is your chance to embrace the opportunities coming your way. Through Monday only, you can pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for the lowest price — only $39.95 for all 12 signs. You get access to your Sun, Moon and rising sign, plus readings for loved ones, all for one low price.


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Use your allies. Or perhaps better said, count on your friends and your closest colleagues. You have some influential or even powerful friends, and you share plenty of common ground with them in terms of a desire to accomplish what is right and what is true. I suggest you be bold about making proposals and exploring your options for partnerships and associations that are not only mutually profitable but also beneficial to the wider community. Though Pisces has a reputation for lacking structure and direction, you do the best when you work with and within an organizational group of some kind, and you would be the likely person to initiate that. It’s not merely that you have that particular talent. You have something else going for you, which is the ability to go beyond the cynicism and defeatism that is so popular right now. Your Pisces vision can show you what is possible — and if you open your eyes and look you will see that means anything.

The sky is finally opening up for the second half of 2014, and now is your chance to embrace the opportunities coming your way. Through Monday only, you can pre-order the Good as Gold Midyear Readings for the lowest price — only $39.95 for all 12 signs. You get access to your Sun, Moon and rising sign, plus readings for loved ones, all for one low price.



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Cardinal Grand Cross: A Matter of Trust

Dear Friend and Reader:

April 2014 is the month of the long-anticipated cardinal grand cross — what I have called the peak astrology of the 2012 era. The aspect pattern that’s exact on April 23 has been forming for many decades, a hologram swirling in the seemingly random movements of the cosmos awaiting its moment of emergence. That is about to arrive with both deeply personal themes and vast global ones.

Planet Waves
Simplified astrology chart for April 23, 2014. (Detailed chart here.) I suggest you print this chart and keep it next to you while you read the article, so you can follow along. The chart is for Mars square Pluto on April 23, 2014, illustrating the grand cross (the red square) and the grand trine (the green triangle). Note that Jupiter, the orange planet to the lower right of the chart, is the one common planet of both the square and the trine.

They share a common thread, and that is trust.

I know it’s not easy for non-astrologers to take too much technical explanation of a chart, but the meaning, beauty and outstanding quality of this alignment would lose much of its impact if you didn’t really have a sense of what it actually is. Plus, if you know, you can then explain it to others. I’ve included a custom illustration and I will do my best to explain it so that anyone can follow. I’ve placed a chart in the middle of the page and I’ll put the instructions for where to look in the chart [in bold and in brackets].

With just a little focus and patience, I think that the chart image will emerge. I suggest you print the simplified chart so that you can refer to it and take some notes as you read.

A grand cross (sometimes called a grand square) consists of planets at four equidistant points of the zodiac, which locates the Earth at the center as if in a crosshairs. The Earth is not shown in an astrological chart; it’s presumed to be in the middle of the wheel. Such patterns lose or gain astrological importance, power or influence (as you prefer) based on what planets are involved, how quickly or slowly they move, where the cross is aligned within the zodiac — plus any unusual factors that might be involved. By all of those measures, this grand cross gets high scores.

The four points of the cross fall in the cardinal signs (hence, a cardinal grand cross) and close to the cardinal points (the first degrees of those signs), those associated with the “four directions.” The four points involved all have the bold number 13 next to them, which is their degree location within their respective signs. Planets with the same degree number are said to be “in aspect.” This aspect is a giant square. [The square is easy to see by following the red lines in the middle of the chart. Note that the red lines all lead to planets that have a 13 next to them.]

The cardinal points are associated with peaks and balancing moments of the Sun’s energy as the seasons change (the equinoxes and the solstices). This grants extra emphasis — anything in the cardinal signs, or close to the cardinal points, picks up on the energy of the Aries Point, which is like a cosmic amplifier.

Planet Waves
Moss and pine needles trapped in thick ice, late winter on the Grandmother Land in High Falls, New York. Photo by Eric Francis.

Two of the planets involved consist of an aspect I’ve been writing about here for years, called the Uranus-Pluto square. That is a 90-degreee meeting of two very slow-moving planets whose current cycle began with the conjunction of 1965-1966, rippling out for years on either side — the whole business we refer to as The Sixties. That particular era was an extraordinary and extraordinarily complex time in history, in many ways similar to the times we’re living through today — with one difference: the optimism and passion of the Sixties has been replaced by a diversity of other emotions today, ranging from cynicism to hope to a kind of helpless bewilderment. Much of the idealism that does exist is either invested in ‘faith in technology’ — or it is ungrounded. This is, I believe, something we need to get a handle on.

First let’s look at the Uranus-Pluto square. Uranus is now in Aries [a blue H-like thing, toward the left, below the horizontal line]. When you think of Uranus in Aries, think of radical individualism that can express itself creatively, or get lost in the glamour of technology. Think revolution that can set people free or get caught up in self-aggrandizement. Think scientific innovation that can serve negative or positive interests for the community. Consider the ways that our culture is becoming the product of its own technology — which means that the technology is out of our control.

The second part of the Uranus-Pluto square is Pluto. Pluto is now in Capricorn [depicted as a red golf tee, to the upper left of the chart]. When you think of Pluto in Cap, think of systems breakdowns and the collapse of over-large, too-old institutions. Think of the banking crisis. Think of struggles for and obsession with power, doing it “because you can,” and the constant sensation that this all may be crashing down.

With Pluto in Capricorn, the evolutionary drive of Pluto is being applied to “the system” itself. This has been a long time coming. “The system” may seem indomitable but it’s much more fragile than you may think. On a really good day, various system collapses could get dysfunctional stuff out of the way, and give us an opportunity to build something new and positive in the cleared space. But those are two very different things — the destruction and the rebuilding. They call upon two very different kinds of commitments.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

Because these two planets move so slowly, they hold their exact 90-degree angle for about four years, which began in spring 2012 and which ends in spring 2015 (with a wide time orb on either side). This aspect comes with the sensation of the turmoil we’re witnessing in the world, the sense of living on the edge or over the edge, and the sensation of everything happening at once.

It also offers another quality that many other tumultuous aspects don’t necessarily have much of — the quest for liberation, and the potential to create it. Pluto drives growth and progress. Uranus drives sudden change. The two working together, combined with human awareness and creativity, can have beautiful results. They can also combine into something that is dangerous and unpredictable, such as revolutions that give rise to even worse regimes than before; activist movements that start off strong and end in apathy and defeatism.

The third point of the cardinal cross is Jupiter in Cancer [an orange glyph similar to a 4 to the lower right side of the chart]. Jupiter bestows protection (including, literally, protecting the Earth from impact with asteroids and comets), it magnifies anything it comes into contact with, and it can bring an exotic quality (such as foreign, otherworldly or mystical) into the scenario. Jupiter is a classical planet and it is exalted in Cancer — it’s the most strongly placed planet in the whole alignment. The other planets have significant impact; Jupiter is strong in its sign by the classical rules, and comes with the message, “This is home. Let’s make the most of it.”

Note, the United States’ Sun is at 13+ Cancer. That is to say, where Jupiter is now, the Sun was on July 4, 1776. For Americans, that Jupiter is a double reminder of what it means to be home, and to take care of home. There is also the implication that the United States will be involved in an unusual event this April.

Jupiter also has another role — a link from the grand cross to the grand water trine that also currently exists. Yes, we are in the midst of both a cross in the heavens, and a trine. The grand water trine means there are planets in aspect in all three water signs. [Those are illustrated by the green triangle in the middle of the wheel.] The other water signs are Scorpio, covered by Saturn, and Pisces, covered by Neptune, Chiron and Venus. The one point that the two patterns share, the cross and the square, is Jupiter.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

Notice how both red and green lines converge on Jupiter. Jupiter has access to all of the other planets in both patterns. It’s not exactly the hub of the wheel; it’s more like a command center set off to the side. A grand water trine means that it’s easy to get caught in one’s emotions, and for the whole society to get caught in an emotional “Bermuda triangle” and not be able to escape. We need to watch carefully for this kind of experience. It’s also easy for individuals to get caught in an emotional pattern and have the same basic effect. Think of Jupiter as home base, that is, the reminder that we are at home, and that we can use that to our advantage.

What makes April 23 the peak of the grand cross is that Uranus, Pluto, Jupiter and lastly Mars will be aligned to within one degree, at 13+ degrees of their respective signs [The degrees are indicated by bold numbers, and fractions of a degree in smaller numbers closer to the center of the wheel.] This is a remarkably close alignment, given that all four placements split a single degree. And it’s astonishing that this aligns with the U.S. Sun to the very degree.

Okay, now for the last element — Mars, the one that to me illustrates the matter of trust; and the point that applies the burst of energy to the pattern that makes it such a strong factor right now. [Mars is to the right, above the horizontal line, in red, looking just like you might expect it to.] When fast-moving inner planets like Mars get involved in slow-moving patterns, they tend to activate the pattern, push it to the forefront and make it personal.

Mars is a close-by world, often called a “personal planet” by astrologers since the feelings and qualities it represents are so accessible to all people (anger, motivation, sex drive, competitiveness and violent urges among them). Mars can be assertive, aggressive, lusty, driven, angry or violent, depending on the circumstances. It is the nearest, fastest-moving and most mentally accessible planet of the four that are involved in the cross.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

Mars is in Libra, the sign of beauty and balance,
of relationships and of the kind of sex we experience as elegant and beautiful. Libra is a sign associated with Venus. Mars seems out of place in this sign opposite its own (Aries); it is taking a long retrograde through a feminine environment, and appears to be compensating for this by switching its polarity (retrograde movement).

This is the very image of what some call “passive” aggression. There really is no such thing. The passive part of passive aggressive really means concealed or disguised. It is more like a sly attack, or the lurking fear of one. This is a slippery placement and it’s not easy to readily identify what it represents; one must really focus and do an inner investigation.

Mars retrograde in Libra illustrates the festering anger that is resident in many relationships, along with the resentment and hostility. Sometimes this is veiled and sometimes it’s blatantly overt. In any case many people live with anger as a seeming fact of life in their relationships. There is no easy way out of their situations, people seem to have power over them, and the nearly universal human quality of passivity leads people to feel they lack even the most basic influence over their lives.

This is the “yes means no” Mars; it’s also an image of ambivalence that is driven by a deeper underlying doubt.

Many of us also live with anger in other forms: at ourselves, at our parents, at the world situation, at God. Yet our culture lacks a vent for this anger, or for productive ways to process it, much less to turn it into another form of energy. What it tends to do is to erode trust. We might think we live in a cold and unloving world, but imagine how that would change if people trusted one another more readily.

Planet Waves
Memory of Winter. Photo by Eric Francis.

Part of what we specifically lack trust in is justice and fairness, two themes covered by the sign Libra. This runs in at least two directions — how you are treated, and how you treat others. Notice the cynicism that has pervaded our society in these years; but no matter how “well founded,” cynicism can never lead to trust. And trust is the one thing we need to work together.

Most of what we’re missing, I believe, is trust in ourselves. Self-trust is the foundation of all other kinds of trust because all of them come back to you trusting your decision to have faith in a situation. This has been injured so many times that it seems like trust is either impossible, or it is always going to be betrayed. Neither of these is true, but it will seem true if it’s the only option we have.

Mars retrograde is pushing these issues to the forefront. We stand at a point of decision. And in a few weeks that may seem deeply urgent. If you’re looking at the world, at your relationship or at yourself and wondering what to do, I would ask: what would it take for you to trust? What would you need, or need to do?

If I may make a suggestion, one of the things that characterizes our time in history is an extreme sense of seeking what we can get out of any situation. It’s true that nearly everything is connected to a monthly bill and we live with the sensation of being constantly exploited. There is another side to that, which is a society that sometimes feels like yellow jacket wasps in late autumn trying to extract nourishment from a brightly colored potato chip package.

I believe that trust is cultivated by exactly the opposite property: understanding what we can give to any situation. Trust and love are closely related; we tend to love what we nurture, whether it’s a child, a friend, a puppy or a home. One skill here is learning to properly nourish yourself, which will definitely help — but replacing this chilly quality of “what can I withhold?” with “what can I offer?” is going to help many ways, including proving that you really do have something to offer; something truly worthwhile — and that may answer one of your most nagging doubts.



After much thought, I’ve decided to spin off our environmental coverage, including Monsanto Watch and ECO, into their own free publication that will be distributed Friday afternoons. This will allow us to focus this coverage for readers who are truly interested, and to make it available to non-subscribers. We also anticipate having more interaction with the audience, who I presume follows much more of this news and seems to include some people working directly on the issues. To sign up for these free mailings, please use this link. You may also share it with anyone you want. If you want to reach the editors with an idea, local breaking news story, correction or other feedback, please write to eco@planetwaves.net.

Writing and Editing Credits: Planet Waves is produced by a team consisting of Hillary Conary, Eric Francis, Elizabeth Michaud, Amanda Painter, Susan Starr, Carol van Strum and Chad Woodward. Coordinating Editor: Elizabeth Michaud. Page assembled and coded by Anatoly Ryzhenko. Special thanks to the Fact Checkers List, which goes over each edition on Thursday night — and to our main astrology fact-checker Alex Miller, and Amanda, who goes over all their suggestions. Our editions are also proofread and fact-checked by Jessica Keet.
Planet Waves

Taking a Ride on the Aries Point

The Sun ingressed Aries Thursday at 1:58:59 pm EDT — that would be the equivalent of high noon standard time, with the Sun high in the sky. The Aries Point is the first degree of the tropical zodiac, that is, the orientation point from which all of Western astrology is reckoned. We are about to take a ride on the Aries Point for the next six or seven weeks, as the Sun passes through the Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto configuration, and Mars gets ready to join the action (see article above).

Planet Waves
My annotated chart for the spring equinox yesterday.

The Aries Point also has the property of an intersection between the collective realm and the individual; it covers all of the topics where matters that would seemingly be the abstract business of legislators show up in your living room, your kitchen or your bedroom. The truly interesting thing about “the news” is just how many events have called our attention to precisely this factor.

The Sun reaches the first point on the cardinal cross with the Sun square Jupiter on April 1. Then personal and world events really pick up and we will be treated to one of the most amazing, strange and perhaps tumultuous trips through the kaleidoscope. I believe there will be some scary moments as world leaders, many of them drunk on power and lacking common sense, pick up on the energy.

Personally, I foresee a time for big decisions and engaging with issues that have long been omitted from the discussion. I am especially intrigued by the placement of Mars in the sign Libra — the one opposite its home sign Aries. This looks like an intriguing therapy project of unraveling this annoying thing called projection. But for that to work it will be necessary to tread lightly on yourself, on others and on the Earth.

Before the Sun reaches the grand cross, however, it makes a series of aspects to a cluster of minor planets that are grouped around the early degrees of the cardinal signs. I go through these in some detail in Thursday night’s edition of Planet Waves FM, right at the top of the program.

I will go over a few selected highlights, however. One is Terpsichore opposite Apollo in early Aries/Libra. The Sun will pass through this today and over the weekend. Terpsichore is the muse of dance, the dance of life and with life and “dancing your way to God” and dancing between the raindrops.

Apollo is the one with the story about making the same errors over and over. So with this aspect we have the theme of how we dance with our own mistakes, and how we might find a way to dance our way out of them. I think everyone has experienced the frustration of Apollo at some time or another, many of us on a fairly regular basis. In the blend with Terpsichore is a clever way to say that life is not about perfection, it’s about movement and flow.

Planet Waves
Ophelia, illustrated in a photograph by Gregory Crewdson.

There’s one more grouping that I think is really interesting — Ophelia at 5+ Aries, Eros at 5+ Capricorn and Hidalgo at 8+ Capricorn. The Sun will pass through this configuration early next week, though there’s plenty of heat and light shining on it right now.

Ophelia, named for a character in Hamlet, is a point of overreaction based on the sensation of not being valued. Usually when this kind of sensation starts to cascade, it’s coming from a space of deep insecurity that is being projected into a relationship. The glyph for Ophelia is similar to that of Psyche and I believe there is a resonance. My take on Psyche is the sensation of an emotional injury that cannot be healed — not the reality, the sensation.

Eros pumps a lot of heart energy through this, and it can become distorted — especially when you run Eros through the “commitment is everything” filter of Capricorn. Yes, we are pulverized into thinking commitment is everything, but I would ask: commitment to whom and to what?

The last point is Hidalgo, one of my favorite asteroids. Hidalgo cautions against rebellion for its own sake. But mostly, Hidalgo cautions against going along with ridiculous social customs just because they are there. This would include mindlessly accepting, in any way, any pressure to be something or someone, or to do something, or to go along with something, that is not really about you; that you have not fully thought through.

With the way the planets are developing, you will most surely want to think, to feel and to reflect — take the time while you have it.
Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Video still from “Years” by Bartholomaus Traubeck; the knot to the left side of the wooden disk sounds about as dark and gnarly as it looks. A digital album of seven different tree-slice recordings is available for download at Traubeck’s Bandcamp site.


Singing Rings for Spring

For everyone anywhere on Earth, the Aries equinox is one of the two times at which the hours of day and night are equal (the other being the Libra equinox). If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, this means the first day of spring  (even if the weather hasn’t gotten the message yet) and the promise of a new cycle of growth.

Trees happen to document their growth cycles in the rings visible when a cross-section is cut from a log — a record of each year’s rainfall and other factors that looks, well, like a record. Artist Bartholomaus Traubeck has fitted a turntable with a PlayStation Eye Camera that ‘reads’ the rings in cross-sections of trees and transmits the data to a computer, where a software program translates the data into piano sounds.

The recordings resulting from the project, which is titled “Years,” are both haunting and inspiring; what might the music sound like if we could translate each year of our own growth into sound?
Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Moss, pine needles and leaves from the forest floor trapped in thick ice, late winter on the Grandmother Land in High Falls, New York. Photo by Eric Francis.


Spring Equinox and How Not to Give Away Your Power

In this week’s program of Planet Waves FM, I look at the chart for the Spring Equinox, and consider the planets gathered around the Aries Point. In the second half of the the program, I offer some additional thoughts on the charts for Flight 370. Finally, I share my ideas about how not to give your power away to healers, teachers and those in a position of authority.
Planet Waves

Have you ordered your 2014 readings by Eric Francis yet? The Mars Effect (our 16th annual edition!) has just published, and includes in-depth audio and written readings for your Sun, Moon and rising signs. We always receive a flood of positive feedback for these readings, and it shows just how meaningful they are. One customer wrote, “Every minute of Eric’s reading is worth gold.” We’re offering you a special package price of $79 for all twelve signs, available only to current Planet Waves members. Or you may purchase individual signs for $29.95.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

Your extended monthly horoscopes for April are published below in this issue. We published your extended monthly horoscopes for March Friday, Feb. 21. Moonshine horoscopes for the Pisces New Moon published Tuesday, Feb. 25. Moonshine horoscopes for the Virgo Full Moon were published Tuesday, March 11. Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign.


Planet Waves Monthly for April 2014, #991 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You may be feeling confident, brassy and ambitious, though I suggest you monitor the world for your own reflection every time you turn around. You need feedback in realtime, and you need it from multiple sources. You have Uranus in your sign, which may be leading you to feel unstoppable. Jupiter in Cancer is offering a sense of safety while Pluto in Capricorn is suggesting that the sky is the limit. But your ruling planet Mars is in your opposite sign Libra. This suggests a more fragile and less easy-to-read situation than you may imagine, particularly as the energy heats up mid-month. Therefore, it’s essential that you tune into your navigation and feedback systems as soon as you can, so that you begin to notice the ways that the echo of your environment comes back to you. You may not think, or want to think, that this is somehow an expression of your own energy. The purpose of this feedback is not to judge it but rather to evaluate it. So before getting caught in your own opinion, notice the ways that shifting your approach to people and circumstances and altering your energetic posture actually gets a result. The nice thing here is while there may be some subtlety to what you’re perceiving and how you have to adapt, the feedback and the results should come quickly.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You are well-placed to experience this month’s grand cross event in a supporting role, as an observer and voluntary participant. Your ruling planet Venus is in Pisces, happy, resourceful and a safe distance from the fireworks. Yet there is another dimension to this month’s activity, which involves a solar eclipse in your birth sign on April 29. Eclipses in your sign are ‘before and after’ events, demarcation points that shift the way you think about yourself. The theme of this eclipse is your identity as a relationship partner. Among the reasons that might be challenging is that it’s not easy for you to shift any facet of your identity; you tend to camp out in what you know. Yet most of what we know about ‘being a partner’ comes from two sources: our parents, most of whom struggled to have a single clue about this, and the rest from social conditioning such as fairy tales, movies, television and then a whole heap of peer pressure. The beauty of an eclipse is that it’s a wildcard. Circumstances may seem to be operating outside of your control, yet in truth you have the full power of choice. Give yourself a break, observe what is right for you, and remember most people around you will be so invested in other matters they are unlikely to notice, much less judge, your conclusions.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You must keep your wits about you at all times, and be realistic at every turn. That means making no assumptions, which is a miracle in a world where so few people even know when they are doing so. Therefore, the first step is being aware when your perceptions are supported by actual data rather than by something you would like to be true, or by something that someone is trying to convince you is true. We are about to enter one of those ‘all is fair in love and war’ phases of social history where for a while it may seem like all bets are off and none of yesterday’s rules apply. As Graham Nash said, you who are on the road must have a code that you can live by. You need your own personal code, your way of life, that is distinct from anything that was ever imposed on you, and which depends on what you have learned from all your travels. Most of all your guide to living must be informed by the outcomes that you want, measured not so much in material things but rather in the form of ethics, cooperation, the value you place on your relationships and most of all, the value you place on the future. These are things that count, and the things I suggest you keep right at the front of your mind, every step you take.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Your sign has a unique position amongst the many unusual developments of this month. The two main events are a cardinal grand cross (see related article) and a water grand trine. Yours is the only cardinal water sign — that is, the only sign directly involved in both configurations. The planet involved is Jupiter, currently in Cancer and very happy there. Jupiter indicates that you have plenty of resources to apply to what may feel like an increasingly demanding or complicated situation. You may be in a helping role — this may or may not be directly about your personal existence (in other words, it may reach far beyond). Yet despite your state of abundance, you will need to allocate your resources thoughtfully. You’ll need to take care of yourself before you take any responsibility for the many people who may be making demands on you. Be on the lookout for overreactions by others; stay away from drama queens and those who seem to exist without purpose. Focus on those who are being true to themselves and who are connected to the greater whole. Notice who is being self-serving, who is taking advantage of others and who is just taking up space. Notice, that is, so you can also identify who is in a supporting role. Help those who are making a difference.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — It is time to step up and take leadership whether or not you think you are ready. For this to work, your idea of leadership needs to evolve. It’s not a supporting or coordinating role; those are the people that leaders need around them, and I suggest you get a few supporters and coordinators onto your team. Leadership is making sure the right thing happens at the right time. That will take cooperation, and so right up top of the concepts of leadership is the one who focuses a group effort. I know this is a quality more typically assigned to Aquarius, and I have noticed that many Leos have a heck of a time with the whole recruiting and delegating thing. However, putting that skill to work will be necessary if you want to use this extraordinary moment and achieve at least a few truly unusual things, even as the world seems to go mad. I recognize the extent to which this type of leadership may seem to involve a profound shift of orientation for you. Maybe it will seem more within reach if you think of it like how you want your family to run — as a fully cooperative entity. Teach young people all the time. Shift your emphasis from doing things personally to making sure that others do them as well as, or better than, you.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Events of this month may seem like a huge spectacle, something that you’re destined to witness rather than participate in. It’s also possible that what you see will seem so close to home that you will fail to notice what is happening outside your immediate environment. I suggest you go beyond what seems to be directly personal and reach with your awareness into wider circles. Make contact with those who have a global perspective, those who are not caught in their own little reality bubble — that will help take you beyond the limits of your own perception. You may be feeling a bit boxed into your reality, as if you’re reluctant to change your mind about something. Yet everything you’re seeing, hearing and experiencing is howling and cheering for you to do precisely that, to get in tune with the moment. If you are feeling like “I don’t want to change my own mind; I would rather have it changed for me,” that is what will happen, but it won’t be the most pleasant or creative way to experience the current astrology. The more creative approach will include allowing others to gently lead you beyond what is familiar. Some of those experiences will come through your relationships and some will come as a result of them. Still, the idea is the same — embrace others who are willing to take you beyond yourself.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Mars retrograde in your sign is about to take center stage. Mars represents a process that started long ago and over which you have little control; it seems to represent something that you must go through and experience at full intensity. Or perhaps it would be more appropriate to say that would be the best course of action. Yet several factors describe the way you might be inclined to take this experience in an unconscious way, acting out the past, or that of your ancestors. For you, there are two keys to this astrology. One is to remain fully present in your experience of what is happening. Find people who are willing to help you stay grounded and give you honest feedback, and moreover, who are able to provide a sense of context. The other is to maintain your compassion at all times. The theme of Mars retrograde in Libra is a dangerously slippery form of inwardly directed anger. Venus, the actual planet that represents you, is placed in Pisces, where you are being invited to see your life from a whole other perspective. The time has arrived to devote yourself to healing as a full-time occupation. If you want to do your part in helping resolve the global crisis and guiding humanity through its raging adolescence, your own healing process is the place to begin — and now is the time.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — It would be easier to deal with fear if we could recognize it when we see it. Yet the problem with fear, and its first cousins guilt and anger, is that most of the time, we don’t recognize them when we see them, or feel them. They take so many forms, come wrapped in so many packages and dressed in so many disguises, we could be dealing with them all day and still not know it. And that is precisely what we do. Your job is to know when you’re dealing with these emotions, and when they are driving you. It is only this awareness that will protect you from being manipulated and manipulating others. Only this awareness will allow you to connect with more loving motives. At the moment, it seems like the entire ‘outer’ world we are witnessing is being driven by dark emotions and self-serving motives. At the same time many things seem wrapped in a blend of ambivalence and ignorance that could lead otherwise intelligent people to support the cause of (for example) fracking or genetically modified foods. Yet neither your most wholesome survival instincts nor your most sublime creative guidance will be apparent when you’re caught in the deceptive, slippery haze of fear, or guilt, or anger. And that is what you must now focus every skill and grain of wit into transcending. If there is a road to truth, it is surely the same one away from lies.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You seem to be central to many events and activities around you. Actually, this appears to be so true that the most significant thing you can avoid is losing yourself in the midst of all the excitement, the drama and the goings-on. Whether you recognize it or not, the resources that are being drawn on are your emotional resources. You might think it’s your creative talent, your money or your ideas; you might have those moments when you think it’s your sexual energy (and you would be getting closer). The thing you have, that which others want and think they need or are just drawn to without understanding at all, is your emotional pool. You might be saying, “The Only Astrology Book You Ever Need said Sagittarians aren’t so emotional,” though astrology books don’t really point to this quality about you. Yet it’s as real as you are, and it’s present right now, and I suggest you insulate yourself a bit and keep a meter on what you share with others, so that you have sufficient reserves of your own. In addition, it’s imperative that you set your own course in life without being distracted by those with whom you’re sexually involved or with whom you may share a bank account. This is a time when you must be absolutely free to make your own decisions, and make them without hesitation.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Of the many messages I could deliver at the time of the grand cross, at the top of the list is to protect your reputation. Like a bookstore, reputations take years to build and can burn in minutes. There is no indication in your chart that this will happen, but many factors conspire to raise the probability level. Therefore I suggest you temper your ambitions for the moment and focus on maintaining what you’ve currently got going on. You have plenty of responsibility, and some of what you’re being required to do is sufficiently ambiguous as to require considerable thought. One potential risk is ending up taking responsibility for the actions of someone else, so I suggest you refrain, for the moment, from doing anyone else’s bidding, no matter how politically expedient it may be. There are also likely to be a few matters from the past that are coming up for closure, especially involving your professional activities. Take care of them. The planets in their courses are, as you know, holding out a vision of success, yet it’s vital that you allow this to unfold in due time, and that you skip no steps on the way to getting there. Soon enough, once you’ve passed unscathed through your current adventure thanks to your persistent vigilance, you will once again be able to throw caution to the four winds.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Despite the considerable fuss and turmoil of the world, you seem intent on grounding yourself in your home, with your partner, with your family or in your community (these, in some combination). That looks like the right idea at the right time. You are in a position to build your life from the center outward, similar to how a tree grows. You would have to be pretty tuned into nature to look at a tree and say, “Gee, I see it growing right now.” (Such is possible.) But you would have to be pretty out of it to look at the tree year after year and not notice that it’s filling out and becoming taller and stronger. Your professional activities are in a similar pattern of nearly imperceptible growth, but increasingly solid rooting. Your ruling planet Saturn is in your solar 10th house — perhaps its most functional place. The work of the 10th house is the slow building of one’s professional purpose, identity and image. Keep that process slow, and continue to make sure that your reputation is built on absolutely solid ground, making sure that every career-oriented contact you make has an actual emotional — that is to say, human — basis to the relationship. Take the time to slowly and meticulously orient around the goals that you hold the most dear to your heart. Then, work that blend of ‘make it happen’ and ‘let it happen’.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Whatever may be going on around you, the waters deep within the Pisces sea can be clear and calm. They will be, if you remember to leave any trouble and turmoil at the surface. The spiritual reservoir of your sign is full right now, in part because the water trine that’s holding out a veil of protection over the world involves all three of the planets associated with your sign — Venus, Jupiter and Neptune. Yet this is also hinting that you will be in a vital supporting role to certain people around you, maybe to many people. It’s essential that you keep yourself nourished, rested and organized. Take the ‘self sacrificing’ thing about Pisces and set it aside — whoever invented that did a service to nobody. Your charts are about the pleasure you can experience, the creative expansion, the art and the music that you can experience, even amidst any strange and chaotic developments of the world. The thing to remember is that you don’t owe anyone anything, and that your life is a gift to yourself. If you live sincerely and in balance, you will be available to support others in unusual ways that sidestep many of the typical notions of what community or world service is about. The direct and rather bold message of your chart is that what serves you will serve others — a happy state of affairs.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.



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The Mighty Equinox

Dear Fellow Traveler:

What a year it’s been. I am personally grateful to have astrology as a metric to understand history, and to see where it intersects with my own life trajectory. Some might say that I’m using astrology to force a measure of sensibility onto random events that really make no sense. But long before I had ever opened an ephemeris, I had read and loved these lines of T.S. Eliot, from the poem Burnt Norton: “We move above the moving tree / In light upon the figured leaf / And hear upon the sodden floor / Below, the boarhound and the boar / Pursue their pattern as before / But reconciled among the stars.”

The September equinox of 1994, the crew of the shuttle orbiter Endeavour recorded this image of the Sun poised above the Earth’s limb (where the curve of the earth meets the blackness of space). Photo: Astronomy Picture of the Day.

All year long we’ve been living through astrology called a grand cross, taking place in the cardinal signs. As described in prior columns, this is made up of many different events, some of which are in the past (a series of Saturn-Pluto squares; a series of Saturn-Uranus oppositions) and some of which are currently unfolding (the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction; the Chiron-Neptune conjunction). This has brought the ever-escalating feeling of tension, drama and near-madness that some people are thriving on, that others are confused by and that others are simply being worn down by.

Kudos to anyone who has the courage to stand up and try something new, to experiment with manifesting a dream, or to make a decision based on something they authentically desire.

While we could say ‘this too shall pass’, that is only part of the point. Mostly, when we go through an extended spell of high-tension astrology like this (the current astrology is rooted in events of 2008, and extends well past 2012, so it counts for ‘extended’), the alignments and what they represent leave us as changed people. It may be nice that what doesn’t kill you leaves you stronger, but only after it’s over. While you’re in the midst of the changes and the challenges, you get to make up the story as you go a long. To the extent that you don’t feel that way, you have the meta-challenge of shifting your perspective from that of passive to active participant in your own life.

We’re about to go through another peak of energy during the next week. This is a fast set of moves, mainly by the Sun and the Moon, which activate, or precipitate, long-standing patterns in the slow-moving planets that make up the psychic backdrop. I’ll go through both for you and give examples of how they might feel in both an individual and collective context.

Next week, the Libra equinox arrives on Sept. 23, simultaneously with a Full Moon in Aries. This is a combination of a solar event with a lunar event. Both involve the Aries Point, the intersection of the individual and the collective. Notice the tenor of the news. Notice the amazing extent of how the political rhetoric is going down everyone’s pants. The party identified with supposedly small, unintrusive government seems more interested in private policy than public policy.

Christine O’Donnell addresses supporters after winning the Republican nomination for Senate in Delaware on Tuesday. She is one of five candidates currently running for Senate who opposes abortion even in the cases of rape and incest. She believes that masturbation is adultery and considers herself a “secondary virgin.” When this kind of purity mentality is injected into political discourse, that has special meaning. AP Photo by Rob Carr.

Here is where we need to put our finger on the pulse of our own responses and reactions. Is it in some way comforting to see someone rise to a position of national attention who has recently admitted in an interview that she would stop all unmarried people from having sex, even with themselves? If you think through what this would mean, brought to the level of national policy, what do you get? And why is this coming to the surface now? What is the feeling behind it?

Now once again we have the Aries Point back in the spotlight. It’s been quite a year of this, and many of the major planets are in the process of ingressing cardinal signs, which emphasizes the phenomenon. The equinox, by definition, is an Aries Point event because the Sun opposes the first degree of Aries. The simultaneous Full Moon is occupying the first degree of Aries as well. We have the clue that something is up, something extra just out of the line of sight is brewing. This equinox-Full Moon is an impressive synchronicity: and it’s a textbook example of the kind of astrology that shakes out things that have been building, accumulating and waiting in the cosmic wings. I am sincerely happy that Dick Cheney is not in power for this one.

In the days before this double jackpot, the late Virgo Sun opposes a rare event in late Pisces — the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. We’ve heard of this one, though we met it last June when it happened in Aries. When slow planets align in conjunctions, they typically meet three times in a little cluster. Jupiter and Uranus meet every 14 or so years. But these meetings come in unusual patterns. The current cluster of three started in early Aries and then is moving back to nearby Pisces. There hasn’t been a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction there since 1334. This is happening when Jupiter is making a close pass to the Earth — great for people with telescopes or even powerful binoculars.

Jupiter-Uranus in Pisces is some of the most creative, inventive, beautiful astrology anyone could dream up. Many brilliant ideas that manifest over the next decade will have their genesis in these weeks. I would love to know what is being invented and what patents are being filed. I would love to know who is meeting for the first time — some of these encounters will result in collaborations that change the world. On one level this is a source of the madness and insanity in the political landscape: the ongoing invention of a fantasy world because the reality we’ve created is too painful. At the same time, there is an idea in there that works: the only thing that’s going to get us out of the bind that we’re in is creativity. Creativity, however, demands clarity. Looking to late Aquarius, we see that Chiron and Neptune are making a near-exact conjunction right now. That is about filtering out delusion and leaving the essence of an idea.

Passengers on the Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island ferry, summer 2010. Photo by Eric.

Here is where the Sun and Moon come in. The late Virgo Sun opposes the late Pisces conjunction between Sept. 21 and Sept. 22, shining some light on the whole circus, or sea of potential, that it represents. At the same time it makes a quincunx to the Chiron-Neptune conjunction, calling for a series of refinements and adjustments as part of the creative process. Then the equinox-Aries Full Moon comes on like a storm the next day, just after the Moon passes through late Pisces and turns Jupiter-Uranus into a triple conjunction. Does something happen? Well, this Full Moon represents a peak of tension and then a sudden release. We don’t get a lot of those lately; more often it seems the tension just builds like a thunderstorm that won’t let go and rain.

Or is that who we are becoming? The times we’re in demand that we hold it together. It’s like we get to fall apart for an hour at a time, at best — then we have to get back on the job. Adults who are managing to pay the bills and parents who manage to attend to their kids have a lot of responsibility on their hands, and everything seems so dire; so crucial.

There rarely seems to be a time to let go, to experiment with moving with the flow. Our relationship to time seems to be increasingly packed into a linear format, even as we hear of new dimensions opening up. For many, their day planner is packed tighter and tighter; everything is planned and there is no room for spontaneity. This is the thing we have to watch: our relationship to time and to potential. Basically, we need to exercise choice in every single moment, and at every opportunity we have.

The planets that are stretched out in this cross in or near the cardinal signs are bringing that tension into each and every one of our natal charts, which means our mental sensation of life. There is a feeling, perhaps in the background, not so distinct or identifiable, but a feeling. There is some sense of urgency implied, and it takes many forms. One of them is a sense of uncertainty about the future.

Whatever you may believe about 2012 or the Age of Aquarius or the rapture, humanity knows that we are passing through a series of energy checkpoints that address issues like sustainability, the ability of our systems to hold up, and our relationship to the Earth and to one another. We need a revelation, but more to the point, we need to allow that revelation to change our relationship to existence.

The simultaneous Libra equinox and Aries Full Moon and the events that immediately precede them are a flash of awareness, to those who are willing to look and see.

Yours & truly,

Battle of the Dueling Narratives

By Judith Gayle | Political Waves

The Democrats are in a lot of trouble, depending on whom you talk to. The Republicans will sweep the midterm election, no question about it. The President is a one-term failure, an enemy of the business community. Anger with the establishment has hit a crescendo, and the Tea Baggers have seized the zeitgeist, running the board of primaries and positioning themselves to take over the Congress. Obama’s big-spending government is targeted by those who will stop the hemorrhage of money in unrestrained entitlements, turn back the clock on wasteful programs, and bring back “America’s honor” as Glenn Beck would have it. The Baggers are the wave of the future.

Really? Is all of this true? Is any of it true? Are we destined to be a nation led by those who want a repeal of the 14th amendment and absolute adherence to the Ten Commandments, who believe communal bike paths and community gardens lead to socialism and that Girl Scouts are fledgling feministas preparing themselves for abortions? Does the rise of the Tea Party signal the advent of a social order reminiscent of the John Birch Society, or is it just a typical backlash against Democratic politics? In short, is this as bad as it looks?

Backlash yes, but typical, no. We’ve discussed the astrology often enough that you know how critical is this period in history. It’s true that the Tea Baggers are leaving traditional Republicans in the dust at their primaries, which reflects growing disdain of both the establishment and incumbents, considered political insiders. The GOP, who funded the movement to start with, has had to embrace these radicals as their own, leaving their moderates behind. Having fostered the Bagger anger, Republican old-timers are scratching their heads at having lost control of the narrative. They’ve been forced to jump on board this moving train and, as Bill Clinton said recently, this new group of candidates makes George Bush look liberal.

It’s also true that Wall Street has issued an energetic “you’re dead to me” memo to Obama, despite his relatively gentle handling of their corrupt dealings. When progressives curl their lips at the weakness of Obama’s reforms, they should read between the lines of that memo. Obama has pissed off Wall Street. The joyous news that he will appoint middle-class advocate Elizabeth Warren as presidential advisor to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau should make big bankers tremble as well. Installing Warren in an advisory position allows Obama to bypass a congressional stonewall of her appointment, putting her to work immediately. If that doesn’t encourage you, my progressive friend, nothing will!

Continued at this link…


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Dear Planet Waves Reader:

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Right now we’re tidying up some projects and following through on old plans. I have a favor to ask.

We have a Facebook fan page. It’s a great page that gives you access to all our free services, such as new blog posts and new weekly audio.

Please click on the page and “like” us. This used to be called “join” but Facebook changed that recently. Also — there is another option, to invite your friends, and I’d appreciate if you spread the word by doing just that.

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PS, I also have a personal page and you’re invited to “friend” me. I promise not to get sucked into Facebook! But it would be great to see you there.

PPS, In this recent edition of Astrology News, I publish an interview with one of the big gaming websites about my feelings on Facebook. I thought I would share it with you — it’s the second article down, at this link.




Weekly Horoscope for Friday, September 17, 2010, #831 – BY ERIC FRANCIS

You may not understand what is inspiring or motivating you, but I suggest you go with it. Over the next few days, the sky heats up to a fast boil as Jupiter and Uranus form a conjunction in the angle of your chart associated with your dreams and your imagination. Then comes the annual Full Moon in your birth sign. The result feels like a lightening of a heavy relationship situation that you have vowed many times to adjust or move on from but which has been more persistent than you imagined it would be. You can create a hybrid of honoring the responsibility and commitment of relationship while opening yourself up to the potential that comes with authentic contact. The catch, if you want to call it that, is that this might not arrive in the form that you think, or with the person you think. Plenty of things work better than expectations.

Aries Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information. 

Several developments next week will bring some relief from the convoluted mental and emotional experiences you’ve been through for the past month. The good part is that you got a look at where your creative energy goes: into needless obsession. Part of this was obsession with the past, or involved getting waylaid in some of your less-appealing childhood traits. You actually do have the power to be forward thinking, but I suggest you ask yourself if you really want to be; that is, if you think you’re sacrificing anything by letting go of what you believed yesterday or this morning. It won’t be your beliefs alone that make you feel better, but they will help; as the Sun moves into the health, well-being and work angle of your chart, you will shift your attitude and remember that responsibility is something that actually turns you on.

Taurus Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

For now, your thoughts come from your feelings; your ideas are the result of emotional impulses, and those impulses are not always correct. For that reason, you need to be careful — the translation process will happen fast, and have results that extend beyond anything you were expecting. For the next few days, I suggest you be especially careful what you say or do where alcohol is involved in any way (including merely being present in the environment). Don’t be fooled by the notion that you already thought things through carefully — many factors call not only for rethinking but also for reinvention. Even as the pace of certain events picks up radically into the early part of next week, I suggest you take this rethinking/reinvention process slowly. There will come a moment where you think you’ve ‘got it’ and then you’ll need to run it through the hopper one more time. So — steady as she goes.

Gemini Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Next week’s Aries Full Moon reveals something that has been hidden — for example, how much you’ve accomplished, most of which you forgot about or decided was not important. You chalked it up to experience without quite recognizing that it was actually a work in progress. Meanwhile, events seem to proceed on two fronts: one is some potentially dramatic development, revelation or recognition; the other is a subtler, more introspective breakthrough of thought that is actually more potent than anything that happens visibly. Remember this; while outer developments will no doubt be welcome and bring some recognition for all that you’ve done, the more significant matter involves the way you direct your mind, and how you process your ideas into action. Good things are happening, but the best is yet to come.

Cancer Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

You are starting to set certain things in order that have been resisting your best efforts and your lack of awareness. You’ve learned to pay attention, and to take action when you notice something needs attention. The decisions you make this week, particularly about your finances, will have effects that reach far into the future, and influence things you’re barely aware of today. So it’s vital that you make those decisions carefully, consciously and most of all, applying the full power of your intelligence. You cannot see all the potential repercussions or outcomes; you can only work with what you know, though your intuition might be telling you something. One missing factor has been a level of cooperation with those who have more resources than you do. You hold one piece to the equation, which is a concept. Someone else, or a group of others, has another piece: resources of a certain kind. Remember that the two are equal, or at least equivalent.

Leo Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

Mercury, which recently turned direct, will be in your sign through early October; this will add up to more than two months of your ruling planet in your sign, including one of the most psychologically challenging retrogrades in recent memory. For the next three weeks, Mercury is going to cover the territory that it has already covered twice — first in direct motion, then in retrograde motion, and now again in direct motion. This is a layering process. That is how nearly all discovery, learning and healing proceed. They are less about moments of huge, dramatic breakthrough and more about gradually penetrating to the core. In a similar way, establishing new patterns, goals and a vision for our lives also happens in a way that resembles layering — the gradual building and development of what you might call inner technique. So take the time to build and grow carefully, intentionally, beautifully.

What do you love about yourself? You have some discoveries at hand. Qualities that in the past you may have doubted or thought of as weaknesses you can now consider to be some of your best assets or strengths. Other qualities that you may have previously considered to be your most redeeming assets may be the things you doubt the most. Yet in truth, all of these things make up who you are. The opinions you hold of yourself will change, and it’s helpful that they do; shifting your viewpoint about yourself will help you observe who you are in a holistic way. To be a whole person you need to be friends with all the different aspects of your psyche, or at least be aware of them and at peace with their existence. This is a learning process, and you’re in it now. I can tell you this: at the end of the day, and for that matter first thing in the morning, inner harmony is more important than popularity.

There is a fantastic dance of Venus and Mars going on in your birth sign right now. Okay, fantastic to some — those who love to visit with their seeming contradictions, for example, or who are curious about the inner exploration of gender. Beneath every discussion of sex, sex role, marriage preference, relationship style, gay or straight, dom or sub is the truth that we contain all of those polarities within ourselves. You don’t hear about this on the news, like you hear about the wild controversies about who in the minds of some should be allowed to get married, and who should not. But many of us know it’s true: a human being is inwardly multivalent. We’re all part man and part woman. We can all experience desire in the form of estrogen, or in the form of testosterone; and more often as is the case, a sublime mix of both.

Your fantasies say a lot about you. One thing they reveal is how emotionally driven you are. Nearly every description of Sagittarius that you read will defy this idea; Sagg is supposedly the sign of ‘don’t crowd me, give me my space’, and ‘I’m so detached, I don’t need you’. Which works fine, as long as you forget how prominent Scorpio and Pisces are in your chart — creating the deepest elements of a vast, oceanic sub-personality that is all about feeling, sensation, closeness and contact. These signs are brimming with energy right now. You have Venus and Mars in Scorpio, the angle of your chart that describes your deepest erotic drives, your dreams, your vehicle of escape. And there is a conjunction involving Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces, right on the line where your emotional security meets your desire to take the greatest risks. The planets suggest that this is the time to explore, to envision and to experiment.

This week, Pluto began to move forward again in your sign, after being retrograde since April. One implication for you is the opportunity to see what you’ve accomplished in your most intimate personal growth. For a while you get to go over territory you’ve covered before, but to experience it in a new way, with considerable experience. Then at a certain point you will enter new territory; you will open up inner subject matter that you haven’t considered in this lifetime, or anyway not for a long time. Remember that you’re setting the agenda as you go, and I suggest that agenda include honoring the pleasure-seeking aspect of who you are. That’s the part that will feed you, motivate you, and inspire you. Pleasure is what nourishes you, and allows you to have something to offer others. So when you think of growth, think of fun. I know this can be a challenge. But it’s a good one.

The Capricorn Audio Birthday Report is now ready. This is more than an hour of astrology for Capricorn and Capricorn rising, covering the cardinal T-square from a personal perspective. I’ve also included a 20-minute tarot reading using the Voyager Deck. For instant access, order here for Capricorn and Capricorn Rising. Only $14.95, this also makes a meaningful and economical gift.

You live in a moment of relative freedom and flexibility. Freedom is always relative; it’s always a direct function of how we feel and what we think, not whether we can physically walk out the door. So what, exactly, is holding you back? Well, I would propose that you’re spending more time trying to understand what isn’t true than you are celebrating and taking advantage of what is true. You may also be trying to strike a compromise, but there is no such thing as ‘partial integrity’. So my question is, what would you need to consider yourself in full integrity? There seems to be a question involving a very specific point in a relationship. Not the relationship as a whole, but something precise and challenging in a specific way that you have not necessarily named, or if you have, you come in and out of awareness of the issue. My question is, how much more awareness do you need, and how do you want to get it?

Aquarius Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.

We are now on the verge of an event that has not happened in Pisces since 1334: the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus. For our world, that is unprecedented. I suggest you let this be a reminder that extremely rare things happen, and that they can happen to you. There will be an element of surprise with this development. But from the dimension of metaphysics, here is something I can offer you. Whether you feel ready for an improvement in your life will count for a lot. Readiness is not about being desperate, but being open. It’s not about feeling you deserve something but rather knowing with all your heart that it’s available. And it’s not about ‘having’ or ‘getting’ but rather about being. So I suggest you practice being the change you want in your life. This can be challenging if you’re feeling challenged, so I suggest taking any steps you can to set that feeling aside and embrace a space of being open and receptive.

Pisces Birthday Audio by Eric Francis is available. Check this link for more information.