Tag Archives: Chiron square Pholus

Lunar Eclipse Conjunct Chiron in Pisces

Friday’s lunar eclipse in Pisces is driving plenty of tension, as is retrograde Mercury in Virgo. Combined they present an unusual species of pressure, with energy seeming to peak and surge ahead (the Full Moon eclipse) and draw backward (Mercury retrograde).

Photo by Eric Francis.

Photo by Eric Francis.

These qualities diverge on another level — the obsessive thought of Mercury in Virgo, and the feeling sensation of the Moon approaching its full phase in Pisces.

The eclipse is conjunct Chiron in Pisces, which is adding a depth of sensitivity and the potential for getting soaked in one’s emotions. That peak of energy may involve making contact with some past hurt or shock, and it may involve making contact with some deep creative impulse. The two are related; that’s how most art is made.

Saturn and Neptune are now in their second exact square. Uranus and Eris are approaching their second exact conjunction. And Chiron, a meticulous, thoughtful energy, is square Pholus, a point that has the impulse of releasing pressure. You may feel caught in the mix of all of these.

Among the more impressive qualities of Friday’s eclipse is that it aspects Chiron and Pholus simultaneously, so you may not know whether to hold on or let go; whether to let it out or let it in. We are clearly in one-day-at-a-time territory.

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How Not to Go Insane

Dear Friend and Reader:

Based on even a cursory reading of the news, or listening to anyone speak for more than five minutes, the mental health problem is now obviously at the pandemic scale. Random acts of violence, the lack of the obligation to make any sense, and a frantic feeling that seems to be soaking through society are just a few clues of its existence.

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