Tag Archives: cardinal cross

Mars in the Zone of Projection

Dear Friend and Reader:

One of the core astrological ideas in the current grand cross aspect involves Mars, the planetary ruler of Aries, retrograde in its opposite sign Libra.

Planet Waves
The Vulva on Mars — This image was created by the U.S. Geological Survey by merging Viking mission images with topographic data. It shows just a portion of Valles Marineris, a 5,000 km canyon on Mars so massive that it could swallow a few hundred Grand Canyons whole. Some scientists suspect the feature has been sculpted by flowing water.

I will say that slower. Every sign has planets associated with it. In traditional astrology, Aries, the first sign, is ‘ruled’ by the planet Mars. Mars is now retrograde in the sign that is opposite Aries, which is Libra.

Let’s use a simplified version of astrology wherein Aries is the sign of “I am” and Libra is the sign of “We are.” The ruling planet of a sign represents that sign, wherever else it may be in the zodiac. One way to think of this setup is that Mars, the representative of Aries, is being fully projected from Aries to Libra.

This describes a concept of relationship powerful enough to be on the level of an expectation or cultural mandate. Mars is the planet of maleness, but it can represent anyone, depending on the context; in our context here, it’s an expression of self-concept, so it will work for all sexes and genders. There are other contexts where Mars represents men or maleness.

In Western astrology, which is almost always psychological astrology, Mars is the planet that describes individual will power (or ‘personal power’), self-assertion, desire, sex drive and going after what one wants, as well as aggression and violent tendencies. Remember, Mars started as the Roman god of war; psychology works with its subtler shades.

Mars projected into Libra presents the image of investing one’s power into a relationship. All that I Amness of Mars looks like it’s handed over its individuality and becomes involved with the We Areness of Libra.

There’s more to the picture. Mars is currently retrograde. You can think of the retrograde as representing withheld energy. It’s also a reference to the past. In a natal chart, retrograde planets can represent personal qualities that we masked over or suppressed as a child so as not (in the child’s mind) to threaten our caregivers.

Mars is also in ‘detriment’ in Libra. That’s a way of saying that it’s potentially uncomfortable, out of sorts and, depending on the circumstances, either not performing up to its full potential or expressing itself differently than usual. There’s a persistent question of whether whatever Mars represents is really welcome in Libra; or the sensation of potentially being unwelcome.

It’s as if Mars is trying to assert itself in Libra, but ends up meeting inner psychological resistance (detriment), or keeping quiet, as if trying not to push things out of balance (retrograde). There is the sense of “I am here, but I’m not sure if I belong here” (detriment).

Planet Waves
We’ve come a long way, baby — Transvestite in Paddy Wagon, New York City, from gelatin silver print, circa 1940, photographed by Arthur (Weegee) Fellig, a happy image of Mars retrograde in Libra.

The reference to the past might be saying, “This has been going on for a while. Maybe things have always been this way” (retrograde).

There’s also the sensation of either one’s identity lost to a relationship, or seeking identity within one. Mars so invested in Libra potentially looks like a situation with no obvious way out, a kind of entanglement. Or it looks like an experience of total submission to a relationship.

When people define themselves as aspects of one another, as is one of the more popular current relationship models, their wholeness seems to depend on the involvement, acknowledgement or approval of the other.

I’ve noticed a good few people who don’t consider themselves to be people if they are not in a relationship of some kind. These days you will meet very few people who openly admit to being single; it’s like the new form of queer that it’s not flattering to talk about.

There seems to be no concept of and exceedingly little cultural support for taking a break between relationships, to do a self-assessment and figure out something about yourself.

We all know there is plenty of cultural pressure to be in a relationship. There are places and levels of society where one will be treated as a person when one is “in a relationship” and treated as somewhat less than a person when “not in a relationship.”

In his essay Jealousy and the Abyss, William Pennell Rock explains that one of the reasons jealousy is so devastating is that people tend to project their identity into relationships with a kind of totality. The relationship becomes their reality. When there is a jealous episode, it’s not just the relationship that’s threatened — most people feel like their very existence is threatened.

Mars is a planet that’s about both desire and aggression. Often, desire is aggressive, and jealousy episodes often come with a measure of rage; many people expect this, or feel entitled to it. It’s just one example of the way that desire is conflated with aggression. There are many others — for example, all of the various presumptions of personal ownership that come along with relationships.

These presumptions have gone on so long they are invisible. But one way they have come into focus is the current discussion of what is being called rape culture. Here is how Wikipedia defines that term: “In feminism, rape culture is a concept that links rape and sexual violence to the culture of a society, and in which prevalent attitudes and practices normalize, excuse, tolerate, and even condone rape.”

I define the term differently: Rape culture is the inability to distinguish sex from rape. This troubling confusion is possessed by people throughout the social spectrum, from many teenagers and young adults to some ad executives to some feminists. If sex in its loving and violent forms has become indistinguishable to many people, maybe that has something to do with how our society extols violence as the solution to nearly every problem.

Planet Waves
Just your average-looking kind of guy — Adrian Ernest Bayley, who raped and murdered television producer Jill Meagher in Australia on Sept. 22, 2012. He was sentenced to 35 years to life.

Before I get into the topic of rape culture, I would suggest that those who are survivors of a sexual injury or serious incident read carefully and reality-check against your own experience. As one who has worked with many survivors in my astrology practice, I would remind you that the pain you may be carrying can be healed. You do not need to live with it in an unresolved state for the rest of your life. If you remain open to the potential for healing, you will be much likelier to encounter it.

Readers sent me two articles that came out this week highlighting the issue. One was The Danger of the Monster Myth, written by a man named Tom Meagher, whose wife Jill Meagher was raped and murdered in Australia.

In his article, he explains that the image of a rapist as a monster lurking in an alleyway or the bushes is mostly inaccurate — most of the time it’s seemingly normal people who commit rape. In my counseling practice I have noticed that it’s often committed by someone the survivor describes as “a friend of a friend,” who (for example) offered them a ride home.

Meagher wrote, “While the vast majority of men abhor violence against women, those dissenting male voices are rarely heard in our public discourse, outside of the monster-rapist narrative. Indeed, the agency of male perpetrators disappears from the discussion, discouraging male involvement and even knowledge of the prevalence and diversity of male violence against women.

“Even the term ‘violence against women’ sounds like a standalone force of nature, with no subject, whereas ‘men’s violence against women’ is used far less frequently. While not attempting to broad-brush or essentialise the all too abstracted notion of ‘masculinity’, male invisibility in the language of the conversation can be compounded by masculine posturing, various ‘bro-codes’ of silence, and a belief, through the monster myth, in the intrinsic otherness of violent men.”

He has a good point here. I think there is indeed a context issue, but the context is much larger than he’s saying; much larger than male perpetrators. The context is all of sexuality and our entire society. There is no such thing as rape culture; if the concept is valid, then we are talking about our culture itself. And within our culture, rage — the intrinsic ingredient of rape — is a serious problem, and not just in men.

What he does not talk about is the problem of all men being considered potential perpetrators — a problem with significant psychological impact on many men. He does not talk about the danger or potential of false accusation, which like rape for some women is the stuff of nightmares for some men — such as the ones who would never rape a woman.

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Jaime about to rape his sister-lover Cersei in front of the body of their recently murdered son. The director claims the scene was intended to depict consensual sex. This is considered family entertainment.

The other article that came to my attention was called What That Game of Thrones Rape Scene Says About Rape Culture, written for ThinkProgress by Tara Culp-Ressler. The scene was in the most recent edition of the program, which is HBO’s most-watched program since The Sopranos — getting up to 6.6 million views for a single episode.

She wrote, “In the scene, Jaime forces himself on Cersei next to their son’s dead body. They had been kissing, but she pulls away from him, apparently still repulsed by the fact that he’s missing a hand — and Jaime becomes enraged with her rejection, hissing, ‘You’re a hateful woman. Why have the gods made me love a hateful woman?’ He pushes her to the ground, holds her down, and thrusts into her despite her continued protests. After she repeatedly begs him to stop and tells him it’s not right, he responds, ‘I don’t care’.” [Note, I believe she says ‘It’s not right’ in the context of having sex in the room with their dead son.]

The director of this episode, Alex Graves, claims to have been depicting consensual sex. I guess that depends on your concept of consent.
In her ThinkProgress article, Tara Culp-Ressler makes a coherent point: the meaning of rape is diluted if many people don’t know what it is, or don’t have a concept of consent.

The way we talk about rape, the systems we have in place for investigating and punishing rape, and the way we approach rape victims, are all wrapped up in our struggle to recognize when someone’s consent has been violated, and our failure to acknowledge how serious that is. It’s perhaps no wonder we’re confused.

Kids don’t grow up learning about consent, and it’s not a concept that’s deeply ingrained in our culture, so they don’t necessarily know when those boundaries have been crossed. Without that knowledge, people … can look at the interaction between Jaime and Cersei — or a college administrator can consider a sexual assault that occurred between two students after they attended a party together — and mislabel it as “consensual.”

This is already happening among our youth. A recent study of young women who have experienced some type of sexual violence found that most of them simply assume that sex is something that’s done to them, in the way that Jaime does what he pleases to Cersei, and not something that they can be an active participant in. Other research has found that rapists don’t necessarily believe they’ve done anything wrong because they simply feel entitled to women’s bodies.

Planet Waves
“Just because I’m dressed like this doesn’t mean I want to have sex” — is this the rare case of a meaningless symbol, or is it necessary to explain that the clothes one wears make an intentional statement about one’s values? Photo by Gordon Mccomiskie for the Sunday Telegraph, Australia.

So, if rape victims tend to be people who think that sex is something that happens to them and rapists simply feel entitled to women’s bodies, we have a much more complex situation on our hands than is obvious on its face. Or looked at another way, it’s less a ‘problem’ and more of ‘the way things are’. It’s normal in American culture that the older generations do not understand the way the younger generations negotiate sex.

We do not live in a system of ‘yes’ or ‘no’ consent. We exist in a system of ‘maybe’ and ‘no comment’. I would ask, if you are someone who believes that sex must be transacted with explicit consent, how many times and in what language have you directly said yes, in actual words, not signals?

When we get into yes and no discussion, we enter sensitive psychological territory, connected with the right to assert one’s existence. Yes is often connected to shame, and no is connected to guilt. With those as options, it’s no wonder that ‘maybe’, ‘no comment’ and various signals are a seeming way out of the maze. Nearly all the time, this happens in the context of alcohol. Sex negativity has so terrified people of sex that many require a substantial amount of alcohol in order to get over their inhibitions — yet another way of evading responsibility.

Then it’s easy to blame sex on men. There is an underlying spiritual issue here, obvious to anyone familiar with Jungian psychology. To say that all rape (and often, all sex) is the fault of men is to project all sexual shadow onto men. Whomever may be responsible for any given rape, everyone has shadow material: conflict, shame, guilt, fear, jealousy, abandonment, anger and other emotions considered dark and undesirable.

To say that one sex or the other is the sole bearer of shadow material for everyone is not only to project the shadow material onto the other — it’s to project one’s power onto the other. This situation will persist until it becomes obvious that we all must claim our shadow and our power; claim responsibility for our choices and what they lead to, including the choice to give away our power. Choosing to be passive involves an active choice.

Planet Waves
Commentary on Abstinence Only indoctrination by the Woodhull Sexual Freedom Alliance.

Part of the context of our current version of rape culture is an anti-sex indoctrination program pushed on society by fundamentalist Christians, called Abstinence Only. This has been taught in public schools in all states but California since the early 1980s. The theory is if you tell young people to abstain from sex, and make them sign a pledge, they won’t have sex, so therefore you don’t have to tell them about it.

Because they won’t be having sex, neither do you have to tell them about consent, pregnancy prevention, condom negotiation, sexually transmitted infections, masturbation, homosexuality and the idea that sex is about pleasure rather than about power. One result of this lack of information has been the rape problem we now have.

To go with that problem, we have an equally simplistic approach to the rape problem: rape is exclusively the fault of the man, end of discussion. This seems valid, from a legal and moral point of view. Rape is most often committed by men, but not exclusively. In truth it’s a crime committed by people of all sexes and genders, against people of any sex, gender or age.

In the rape paradigm as defined by law, rape is entirely the responsibility of the rapist. It is a kind of inviolable fact of modern society that this theory cannot be questioned. If one questions it, one will invariably be accused of advocating rape, rather (for example) than advocating preventing it.

In a comment this week to the Planet Waves website, one reader said: “When a man takes advantage of a woman — especially when she is in a vulnerable position like being drunk — she is a victim and not responsible for his violent behavior whatsoever, ever! If she decided to dance naked on a table, it is no invitation to rape, and a perversion indeed if she herself was made to believe that it is.”

Really? It’s common sense that if a drunk woman dances naked on a table at a frat party, she’s going to get fucked, whether she says yes, no or Moby Dick. Maybe that’s because dancing naked on a table at a frat party is the expression of desire, seduction and consent. Should she make a disclaimer in advance? Or announce, “Now it’s OK to fuck me!” If she does not know that dancing naked (along with many other behaviors) is potentially an expression of consent, she will find out soon enough. Whether something is legal in this context is another discussion — one that will be had in court, where with any luck law rather than custom prevails.

If we teach girls and young women that rape is always the man’s fault (and leave it at that), that will eclipse the idea that everyone has a duty not to be negligent; that on our particular planet everyone has a responsibility to take care of themselves.

Planet Waves
The SlutWalk, a rite of passage, seems to be an attempt to claim back some of the sexual power given up to rape culture. But does it succeed at claiming pleasure? Photo via Reuters.

The message translates to, don’t worry — if he rapes you, it will be his fault. A menstruating woman has a right to go swimming in an ocean where sharks live, and she risks being eaten by those sharks. Just make sure you don’t tell any girls or women who live near that particular beach — that is the current state of the sex discussion.

All of these scenarios involve the projection of power onto someone else. They all involve the notion that sex must always have a victim.
Under the current terms of the discussion, all men are potential rapists and all women are potential rape victims.

All of this is a long way from men and women seeing one another as potential lovers, or friends, or allies. It’s a long way from admitting that dancing naked on a table is a symbol of something; it is not value-neutral, and it will have different values in different situations. It is definitely a sexual symbol. Pretending it’s not does not make that disappear. The same is true of all sexual symbols.

It may seem like women are the only victims in this game, but any man who has sex with a woman under the ‘sex is something that just happens’ scenario is subject to prosecution for a felony and spending 10 years in jail, even if implied consent was given. Failure to get clear consent is a way of giving up one’s power as well.

Rape is a demonstration of a problem in its most extreme form. An honest discussion of that problem would include all of the subtler forms, including the issue of consent — but before there can be consent, there must be desire.

What I believe is lost in this whole mess is that desire itself is the controversial thing; the thing that is veiled in taboo. Saying yes to sex — the very thing that means that sex is not rape — is about admitting to one’s desire, and that is potentially controversial. Saying yes means taking full responsibility for what happens. Implying consent, or hinting at maybe, or no comment, are all ways to evade responsibility. And that’s the way things are usually done. If you are concerned about this, explain the potential perils to your children.

The word consent means to “feel together,” an experience that is not always spoken. Still and all, yes and no are only meaningful in the context of one another. If we insist on using that paradigm, the one that exists mostly in theory and in the courtroom, both yes and no must each be understood and available for the other to be at all valid.

Wayland Young, one of my favorite authors, wrote in the book Eros Denied: “In museums, we replace the solid castings which cover machines by transparent covers because we want the children to see how things work. But no greenpainted steel casing around a crank case or a gearbox, no cover or shield or lid was ever so opaque as the wrapping with which we conceal the workings of desire and pleasure from our children and ourselves.”

At the heart of the matter, the problem seems to be a mix of ignorance and shame. I would propose that both are voluntary; both are optional.


Special thanks to Betty Dodson and Joseph Trusso for their help with this article.

Planet Waves (ISSN 1933-9135) is published each Tuesday and Friday morning in Kingston, New York by Planet Waves, Inc. Annual subscription rate: $88/year. Editor and Publisher: Eric Francis Coppolino. Business Manager: Chelsea Bottinelli. Web Developer: Anatoly Ryzhenko. Research, Writing and Editing: Planet Waves is produced by a team consisting of Hillary Ghee, Elizabeth Michaud, Amanda Painter, Amy Silver, Carol van Strum, Len Wallick and Chad Woodward. Special thanks to the Fact Checkers List, which goes over each edition on Thursday night — and to our main astrology fact-checker Alex Miller, and Amanda, who goes over all their suggestions. Our editions are also proofread and fact-checked by Jessica Keet.


Planet Waves

Annular Solar Eclipse in Taurus: The Yin Side of the Grand Cross

The grand cross aspect is not over. It is still in a close alignment, and we are approaching an event that’s part of the same experience: the annular eclipse of the Sun in Taurus, which happens Tuesday, April 29. [See chart here.]

Planet Waves
On Jan. 4, 2011, the Hinode satellite captured breathtaking images of an annular solar eclipse. An annular eclipse occurs when the Moon, slightly more distant from Earth than on average, moves directly between Earth and the Sun, thus appearing slightly smaller to observers’ eyes; the effect is a bright ring, or annulus of sunlight, around the silhouette of the Moon.

In astronomy, everything has an exact name, unless of course it hasn’t been named yet. An annular (not annual) eclipse is a total solar eclipse, but one where the Moon is so close to the Earth (close enough to apogee) that it does not cover the disk of the Sun. This does not argue for the eclipse being any less influential. Annular eclipses get results. That it happens in association with a grand cross pattern is a way of saying pay attention.

The eclipse probably will release some tension and clear the air of a good few issues that have been lingering, but remember, Mars is still retrograde. The inquiry on the topics I’ve described in the article above will persist and most likely intensify until Mars stations direct on May 19. A more helpful way to think of Tuesday’s eclipses is as an opportunity to set patterns. You have enough time between now and then to make some decisions and to open up some time.

Think of what you do between now and the eclipses as a form of commitment to what you want. I don’t mean an intellectual or mental commitment like we are accustomed to, but rather one done with your feelings and your body as well as your mind; a commitment that is demonstrated in time.

One of the reasons this is so influential is that eclipses (and the time regions that surround them) are an example of condensed time. Imagine that you’re living a day in an hour. An hour of dance or music practice would be equivalent of perhaps a day. So decide what you want, clear up some time and make the investment.

Here is some additional news. As of Friday, Juno is in late Aries. It will ingress Taurus at 10:14 am EDT Saturday, April 26. Juno in Taurus might be read as a caution about attachment and jealousy, or the concept of the relationship partner as chattel property (as in cattle, Taurus) — except for one thing. There’s an outer planet right there, right in the first degree of Taurus, which I described in last week’s edition of SKY — that being 1992 QB1, the first planet ever discovered beyond Pluto.

Instead of an experience of attachment, jealousy and control, the charts describe a transformational experience of what to do about these things. There seems to be some proof that the most toxic elements of the marriage paradigm can indeed be transformed and released. Relationships can have experiences of jealousy but do not need to be based upon jealousy per se.

Planet Waves
An annular eclipse can create a strange double shadow effect.

With Taurus, there is the message that the most essential level of relationship involves values. Values are the place where we actually meet, where we are the most suited to collaborate in a creative way. Values are really the only motive; we will be motivated by what we value.

Friday, April 25 at 11:27 pm EDT is the Mercury-Sun conjunction. I have noticed over the years that this is an interesting, surprising and usually helpful aspect. (It always reminds me of the day that Illinois Gov. George Ryan shut down Death Row in his state, setting an example for the rest of the country.) This is an aspect of decisive thought and action, and it takes place in Taurus, sextile Neptune — let intuition guide you. Verify against the facts. The two are likely to align.

As for the Moon — as of Friday morning EDT, the Moon is in Pisces, and will make a conjunction to Venus at 4:03 pm EDT. The Moon will ingress Aries Saturday, April 26 at 6:01 pm EDT. For the next 36 hours or so, the Moon will pass through the grand cross configuration, lighting up the Uranus-Pluto square.

The Moon then ingresses Taurus Monday, April 28 at 10:23 am EDT, and the annular eclipse of the Sun in Taurus takes place Tuesday, April 29 at 2:14 am EDT. Mercury is trine Pluto and sextile Jupiter — easy does it, meaning, a sense of ease gets the job done.

Note, Planet Waves FM will update Monday evening, in advance of the annular eclipse of the Sun.


Planet Waves

A Quiet Place To Reflect and Consider Your Life

Dear Friend and Reader:

It’s a beautiful thing when one’s best work is rewarded with success — and that has been the story of the 2014 Spring Report. Doing the project, I felt that it was my best-ever audio reading work; the copious feedback we’ve received from our clients has confirmed that. It feels good to make contact.

Among the many letters we’ve received, this one stands out.

Planet Waves
Shure KSM 32 microphone, and Yogananda, in the Planet Waves FM studio, where I recorded your 2014 Spring Readings.

Mary LaSelva wrote, “The Spring Reports are, by far, the most insightful astrology I have heard. Your ability to apply what is happening in the heavens to understand various ways in which we may be affected, and provide objective guidance of how one may use it to wake up, grow, develop, and recognize opportunities, is truly unsurpassed. I am thoroughly impressed and grateful. Taking the time to listen to several signs, more than once, was well worth it.”

As a way of putting the readings in reach of those on a limited budget, we are now offering them individually. The readings are designed to be complete readings when listened to individually, and also designed to fit together and work as a group. So they are still available in the original all-12 package.

The readings focus on Mars retrograde, the grand cross, the lunar and solar eclipses, and Mars stationing direct on May 19. This grouping of events describes a pivotal time in our lives. When we look back in a year or in five years, that will be obvious. It may be less obvious now, as we process the rush of information coming in, the crisis points, the specific opportunities.

Yet the longterm influence of what is being shaped at this time may not be apparent now. My role as an astrologer is to weave the threads of time. My intent is to help you see your options, see the resources that you have available, and to consider our obstacles in a different way.

What you get in these readings is carefully prepared astrology, presented in clear language, with the benefit of many years of experience reading concentrated events (and in particular, Uranus-Pluto patterns, planetary retrogrades and eclipses). This is astrology that requires an experienced hand, if it’s going to be used in a productive and creative way.

The readings are recorded in studio-quality audio and are presented in formats that you can use on any computer or device. I open up a quiet, reflective space that you will want to come back to again and again.

I look forward to meeting you there.



Planet Waves

A Look Inside: Artwork by Lisa Nilsson

Planet Waves
Tauruses are very tuned-in physically and love art, but Lisa Nilsson’s anatomical-yet-reverential works of quilling take things to a new level. Shown: A detail of Profile showing the sinuses, front teeth and tongue.

If you know anyone with a Taurus Sun, you know they tend to have a penchant for taking their time with things (often using traditional methods), as well as for beauty and anything that piques their bodily senses. Artist Lisa Nilsson’s website does not mention her birth date, so we don’t know if she’s a Taurus.

But her intricate “Tissue” series, done using an old method of rolling and shaping narrow strips of paper called quilling, certainly calls to mind several Taurean themes.

The works in “Tissue” are incredibly detailed anatomically correct cross-section views of the human body. But these are art, not medical textbook illustrations; and quilling originated with Renaissance nuns and monks, who made use of the gilded edges of worn-out bibles. Nilsson, too, uses the gilded edges of old books for the paper coils representing bones:

“I do this for aesthetic reasons as well as a means of pulling the pieces away from the world of scientific specimens and a bit more in the direction of religious reliquaries. I like to emphasize the reverential and the precious; to have a look inside is such a privilege.”


Planet Waves

The Cardinal Grand Cross: Eric Francis as a Guest on ‘Beyond the Ordinary Show’ Hosted by John Burgos

On Wednesday, April 23, I was a guest on the Beyond the Ordinary Show, hosted by John Burgos. The interview begins with a short history of Planet Waves, and then covers how astrology fused with news reporting has created a way of telling the story of the world that is creative and life-affirming. I then talk about the April 23 grand cross, the April 29 eclipse and Mars stationing direct on May 19. I’ve given many interviews over the years — this is one of the very best.

Cardinal Grand Cross, Hypocrisy Meltdown, Projection in Rape Culture and Rubin “Hurricane” Carter

In this week’s program, I focus on the phenomenon of projection implied by Mars retrograde in its opposite sign Libra, consider this in the discussion of ‘rape culture’, and look at the hypocrisy implied in this placement — which is now coming to a crux. I propose that we have to take the discussion deeper than the legalistic or moralistic level and deal with the reality of what people do and why.

Dan and Eric’s Music Hour: The Gear Show

Are you interested in buying a guitar, or getting one as a gift for a young person in your life? We go over the basics of how to pick out a guitar (including discussion of electric, acoustic and classical guitars). We talk about the setup — how the instrument is modified once it’s purchased. Then we go over a few different effects pedals, demonstrating how they sound.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

We’ve published your extended monthly horoscope for May below in this issue. Your extended monthly horoscopes for April were published Friday, March 21. Moonshine horoscopes for the Libra Full Moon were published Tuesday, April 8. Your Moonshine horoscopes for the Taurus New Moon published Tuesday, April 22. We also published an Inner Space horoscope for April Tuesday, April 1. Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign.

Reader Feedback on my Recorded Readings

The Taurus birthday reading is available for pre-order now. I’m going to offer a live Q&A call to purchasers of this reading. This will give me an opportunity to connect directly with you and answer some questions about your astrology for the upcoming year. Here’s what a couple of our listeners have said about their readings:

“It sounded like a recording of my life. I appreciate the validation and encouragement to be confident and feel capable and safe.”

“I’m highly greatful for the work you do. All of the readings I have gotten from you have touched my Soul the Core of its very essence.”


Planet Waves


Planet Waves Monthly Horoscopes for May 2014, #996 | By Eric Francis


Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — There’s a fine line between being lost and being found. Have you ever become disoriented, then certain you knew where you were, then discovered you did not know, and then finally figured it out? That’s different from cruising along confidently, sure of where you’re going — a quality you would love your existence to have. Yet to be there, you would need to know where you stand with yourself, and where you stand with others. That is the quest of the moment. I suggest you start with where you stand with yourself. It will be tempting to consider what you would do based on another person’s feelings, or to plot out your life based on what might happen in a relationship. The order of the moment seems to be how you can live your life spontaneously as yourself, following your plan for your own existence. Yes, it’s possible that plan involves investing your whole consciousness and intent within the life of someone else. You might ask yourself how that’s worked out for you in the past, and how much of what you have wanted to accomplish you actually have accomplished. Or closer to the point, to what extent do you feel that your way of relating to others has interfered with your ability to actually live your life? Once you sort this out, it’s likely to prompt you to redefine many things you took for granted in the past.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $59.95 or you may purchase individual signs for $19.95 each. Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — The opening you’re trying to pass through is as narrow or as wide as your mind. Rather than push harder, I suggest you notice what you’re thinking and feel whether it’s flexible enough to stretch. In principle, thought should be the most flexible thing in existence; it’s made purely of ideas. Yet it seems that humanity has figured out how to cut through stone, mold steel and forge new elements more readily than it can change its mind, especially on a collective level. It’s challenging enough making any decisions at all, and more complex when a second person is added to the equation. Your intimate partners are on their own path at the moment, making choices entirely outside the realm where you can consciously influence them. But you have all the influence in the world over your own choices, if you can think of yourself as an individual and not as part of something larger. You might say that’s the challenge of the moment. This relates to how as a much younger person you could not make a move without some version of family approval. You may have figured out that you can, but in truth it takes most people a long, long time to get there. In order to accomplish this, you don’t need to assert your individuality to other people — you need to assert it to yourself.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $59.95 or you may purchase individual signs for $19.95 each. Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — There are karmic implications to sex. If nothing else, that has been the resounding message of the lengthy Mars retrograde that draws to a close over the next few weeks. Karma is merely an analysis of cause and effect, which is a simple law that says every cause has many potential effects and any effect has many potential causes. But the heart of the matter is that there is a relationship between the two sides of the equation. In our era, most of the karma around sex is created due to lies, secrets and silence. We would remove many of the implications of sex were we to open up and tell the truth — but at the same time, many relationships as we know them would crumble. People who go through this almost always emerge with a better life, a lighter conscience and a more direct way of relating. As Mars comes to a halt in Libra, your 5th solar house, you’re being invited to clear the air of anything that is lingering; of all that you have not said; to express the basic, elementary truth of your heart and soul. The risk involved is shifting, tipping or upsetting the seeming balance of your existing relationships. You might ask: is it really balance, or is it a balancing act? How do you tell the difference? Balance is easy; a balancing act is a struggle.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $59.95 or you may purchase individual signs for $19.95 each. Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — When you meet someone new, something that seems likely to be happening frequently for you right now, go right to the level of values. Cut past the superficiality and niceties and do your best to identify what you actually have in common with the person. Listen for clues about what he or she counts as the most significant elements of their existence. Listen for what matters to them. You don’t have time for anything else. What matters, that is, what exists on the values level, is the foundation of the relationship. You can only build on a foundation, so if you’re looking to create something, or to have your encounters with others serve a productive purpose, establish whether that deeper layer exists. It is unlikely to be based on appearances or the fact that you might be in the same line of work, or like similar music. You must be perceptive, and take into account both first impressions and what you learn over time. Notice when you’re ‘overlooking’ things or pretending they don’t matter. I have observed that people will indeed tell you where they are coming from, and that the only thing you need to do is listen and use the information you collect. What I am talking about here is the cultivation of trust. There are rare instances when trust is intuitive, and that intuition is correct. More often, you must use your conscious mind.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $59.95 or you may purchase individual signs for $19.95 each. Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — It’s time to assess your relationship to the technology that surrounds you. There are days when you love it and days when you want to throw it all in the nearest swimming pool. I believe that the ‘technology issue’ currently represents the most critical turning point of the human race, and you may be feeling this in spades right now. You are more susceptible to its influences than many other people. I suggest you investigate how your use of devices has influenced your existence. Has interconnectivity connected you or isolated you? How much more time do you spend inside versus outside as contrasted to earlier in your life? When you think back 10 or 20 years, how was your social life different, in particular your group involvements? What about your one-on-one intimacies? Do you trust people more or less? One last thought: where do you think the infiltration of humanity by technology is headed, on the largest scale you can imagine? These questions are more complex than they may seem; they are the stuff that sociologists will be looking at for many decades to come. Yet within the emotional and spiritual levels of your life, the answers are accessible to you, and they will be meaningful. If there is something you’re concerned about on your behalf or that of your children, I suggest you make adjustments now.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $59.95 or you may purchase individual signs for $19.95 each. Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Managing your finances, and working your way to true prosperity, is a matter of balance. Many different elements are involved, similar to the ‘credits’ and ‘debits’ lines on a bank statement, but more complex. There is the equation where time must balance out with money; making more money often means investing more time. There is the time and energy equation; sometimes you have time, but you have to manage your energy. Perhaps the most significant one is, how do you go beyond a linear model, that is, a dollar-per-hour model of supporting yourself? That’s a way of asking, what is the value on your intelligence? In order to support yourself on your ideas, you must understand the value of your ideas to others — and then connect with those other people. These are some of the themes that are described by Mars stationing direct in a few weeks, and working them out all month long will help you set yourself on a productive path. One more thing: there is no substitute for commitment; there is no alternative to applying yourself fully to what you want to do. Often where there is a question of money or of self-support, commitment is the heart of the matter. The dedication you must offer can seem like it requires a sacrifice. Yet in truth, what you offer must be wholly voluntary.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $59.95 or you may purchase individual signs for $19.95 each. Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — After nearly three months of Mars retrograde in your sign, I trust you’ve done some thinking about what you want. It looks like you’ve learned about what you don’t want. Mostly your charts suggest you’ve seen what happens when you set the whole matter of desire aside, and just ‘let things happen’ and ‘see how they work out’. One hint from your astrology is learning to experience desire without guilt. To do that, you might need to use guilt as a way of discerning the degree to which you actually want someone or something. Guilt is a toxin, but for you it also may be a sign of authenticity. How is this possible? Guilt is an indicator of having been pruned, controlled and manipulated. It’s an emotional response that clues you into being under the perceived control of someone else, whether in the distant past, the recent past, or by someone in your life now. Authentic desire is one of the most dependable methods of navigation through the physical plane. For that to work, you must take hold of the freedom, indeed, the necessity, to want what you want, and also learn the art of unraveling guilt so that you have true authority over your life. This is one of the most challenging growth lessons in existence, but it’s also one that delivers both immediate and long-term results.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $59.95 or you may purchase individual signs for $19.95 each. Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — For months, Mars has been retrograde in Libra, the most sensitive angle of your solar chart. This has provoked your imagination and your anxiety, and stirred you up emotionally. Now the retrograde is about to end, though once Mars stations direct on May 19, it will take more than two months to reach your sign. This phase takes the discussion to the subject of privacy and secrecy. Two months is enough time to make decisions about what you share and what you hide in your relationships. I suggest you make a careful inventory of what you allow others to know about you and what you choose to conceal, and why. Along with that, I suggest you look at any strategies you may have to insulate yourself, such as keeping separate groups of friends for different purposes, or managing whether certain individuals do or do not get to meet certain other individuals in your life. All of these scenarios present not just a map of your concept of intimacy, but of your concept of reality. These last phases of the Mars retrograde process are likely to emphasize the fact that you must live in a transparent way if you’re going to trust existence. Every secret you keep affirms that the world is dangerous and threatening. Every time you reveal yourself, you demonstrate that it’s safe to be alive as the person you really are.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $59.95 or you may purchase individual signs for $19.95 each. Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — By now you have a pretty good idea who your friends are. You seem to have learned the value of both being appreciated and of pissing people off. It’s not that being annoying is a viable way of life, but in noticing who is irritated by you and who welcomes you, you can have an accurate sense of where you belong. Your life is not about popularity — it’s about finding your strongest, most viable place in society and working from that point of advantage. Carving out your niche is usually a process of trial and error, and for that to work you need both. Creating a space for yourself on the planet can have some brilliant moments, and it will inevitably get on some people’s nerves. Being your own person requires a measure of not taking things personally. It’s just that you’ve been so sensitive to what people feel, and it has not been easy for you to have a thick skin. One thing to consider is the extreme importance of allowing others to own their feelings, which implies that you do not own or control their feelings. When you’re handed something you don’t want, you have a right to pass it right back. In this process of establishing boundaries, you will take possession of what you feel, and what you intend to accomplish. That is the crucial step.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $59.95 or you may purchase individual signs for $19.95 each. Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — With Mars stationing direct in your 10th house — the one that goes ‘all the way to the top’ — remember that leadership and authority are about relationships. These are not equal or level relationships, either. They are about authority, yet they also can be fair. What’s significant is that you are the one who must define fairness, and to do that, you must have a balanced mind, which is another way of saying equanimity. This is an interesting concept. It’s about one’s inner state, which has a way of expanding and reaching into the feelings of others. The relationships you’re building must be built on trust, and where you are in a position of authority, your willingness to play your role is a fundamental element of that trust. As the month unfolds, you’re likely to have a series of opportunities to step up to new challenges. I suggest you do this incrementally, never taking on more than you can handle. The goal is not to have power; the goals, if I may suggest a few, are to explore the feeling of competence, and what it’s like to collaborate with others in a satisfying way. Emphasize the quality of what you get done rather than how much or how impressive it is. If you’re concerned what others watching you might think, clearly, this is the focus.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $59.95 or you may purchase individual signs for $19.95 each. Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You may have the feeling that a close personal relationship has become so narrow that it’s not working for you. You are being called into a wider experience of life; you need your personal intimacies to grow and expand with you. One consideration here is that we are conditioned to create relationships that are ‘general partnerships’ rather than ‘limited partnerships’. In a general partnership, one size theoretically has to fit all, and one relationship is supposed to meet all purposes in our lives, which is plainly not practical in most situations. It might be, if you have an extremely retreating life, few ambitions and you don’t consider yourself on a path of rapid growth — none of which apply to you. Another dimension to this is that you need intense experiences. That’s just part of your nature. To have those experiences in a relationship, you need someone who can go there with you. You do a lot of guiding people into this concept, though that’s different from engaging with bold individuals who go there because they want to. Though this represents a big step from the seemingly intractable concept of one-on-one relationships that’s expected everywhere but hookup culture, you may need specific partners for specific aspects of who you are. This requires both confidence and mastery over your own life, and associating with others who trust you and who have authentic self-esteem.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $59.95 or you may purchase individual signs for $19.95 each. Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Emphasize the positive. If you do, you’ll experience less resistance, and as a result, you will have more time and energy. Enough is going well that you can get a foothold in those aspects of your life and build from there. What this will do is push the issue of whether you have faith in yourself. Everyone experiences insecurity; Pisces has its own special variety, which can be debilitating in a subtle way. Yet the other side of that is that you possess the potential for faith that can get actual results. The fact that two centaurs are in your sign — Chiron and Nessus — reveals the possibility that you are sensitive to how dark the world is right now. There is no way you can deny this, even if such an approach worked in the past. Yet both of these planets also grant an unusual power of self-healing. That is the first and most significant step toward expanding your creativity and sense of mission into a working method that has a beneficial influence on the world. At this stage of your life it’s essential that you never take your own healing process for granted, and equally vital that you not get hung up in it, as if it’s the only thing there is. Work with your collaborators, use your time well and extend your creative awareness to everyone whose life you touch.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $59.95 or you may purchase individual signs for $19.95 each. Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


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Whose Revolution, Anyway?

Dear Friend and Reader:

This week as the Sun passed through the Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto T-square, the world moved and shook and many collective events contributed to the ongoing reshaping of society. We experienced a surge of the astrology that is shaping our time in history, defining the turning point we are coming through.

Planet Waves
Photo by Charlie Lemay.

Before we go into the collective realm and consider some historic events, I have a personal thought — a suggestion for you to document where your own life is at right now, and also make a note of what you want, and what you want to change. I mean this in your own sphere of experience and what you would want to change in the world.

I’ve been describing how April 2014 represents the peak of 2012-era astrology. This will arrive as a series of events of which this week’s aspect pattern was but one. Each of these events represents a crux point that will include decisions, changes in your environment, rearrangements of relationships and potentially some forces that seem outside of your control.

Focus on your environment, your options and your power of decision. Decision, the power of choice, is the mechanism of freedom. Awareness of choice will make the difference between experiencing the developments of April’s astrology (or any astrology) as a function of fate or of free will.

The backdrop of the astrology is a T-square pattern involving Jupiter in Cancer, Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn. The pattern is now aligned to about two degrees. As you’ve read over the past couple of weeks, Mars retrograde in Libra is entering the pattern and will reach an exact alignment to the other three planets, completing a grand cross on April 23.

Here is what happened over the past few days. On Tuesday, April 1, the Sun in Aries made a square (90-degree aspect) to Jupiter in Cancer. On Wednesday, April 2, the Sun made a conjunction to Uranus in Aries. Then on Thursday, April 3, the Sun made a square to Pluto in Capricorn. Each of these alone is a significant event; that they happened within hours of one another multiplies that exponentially. [See charts for Ft. Hood and Supreme Court ruling side by side.]

When I say “the Sun” I really mean “the Sun and the Earth,” since the Sun does not actually orbit or change longitude; the Earth is doing the orbiting, and yet the Sun’s longitude is what appears to change in the astrology chart. So, said another way, the Earth has passed through the Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto configuration, in alignment with the Sun. (That, in turn, aligned with the United States’ natal Sun in Cancer in the chart for July 4, 1776.)

And it felt that way. News this week was dominated by a series of major earthquakes in Chile (and other notable seismic activity in the United States, including a rare quake warning issued in Los Angeles). American politics had a huge shakeup, in the form of Wednesday morning’s Supreme Court decision allowing unlimited spending by wealthy people on political campaigns.

Then later on Wednesday afternoon, as the Sun separated from Uranus and applied to Pluto, there was a second mass shooting at Fort Hood in Texas, killing four and injuring an additional 16 people — the latest example of The War Comes Home. The shooter was a soldier who had served in Iraq, was being treated for depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, and who then killed himself. If he was being treated for depression, I would like to know what mood-altering drugs he was on.

Planet Waves
Military personnel wait for a press conference to begin at Fort Hood on April 2, 2014. Photo by Deborah Cannon.

In our age of consequences, this event is a consequence of the U.S. being at war for more than a decade and pushing many of our stressed-out, psychologically damaged veterans to extremes. A mass shooting is an example of a consequence that makes the news only because it’s so dramatic; the pain of mentally ill, homeless, unemployed, injured, sick, impoverished and anguished vets is, nearly all the time, a non-story.

From an astrological standpoint, what is interesting is that all of these events happened with the Sun within one degree of Uranus, which most astrologers would read as ‘expect the unexpected’. Earthquakes always come out of nowhere; mass shootings seem to, though we have indeed come to expect them.

Meanwhile, I had no idea the lawsuit that was decided Wednesday was even in the works. Obviously people who observe the Supreme Court more closely than I do knew about this, but I think it took most of us by surprise.

I would like to take a moment and describe some of the implications of the Supreme Court decision, on the case McCutcheon and the Republican National Committee v. the Federal Elections Commission.

In 2010, the Supreme Court determined that corporations have the same free speech rights as people, and free speech was defined as the right to spend unlimited money on elections. The court ruled that corporations, including unions, can donate unlimited amounts of money to political action committees (PACs or super PACs), which can then spend that money on advertising to influence campaigns.

As former MSNBC anchor Keith Olbermann explained it in this chilling special comment on Jan. 21, 2010, “In short, there are now no checks on the ability of corporations or unions or other giant aggregations of power to decide our elections. None. They can spend all the money they want, and if they can spend all the money they want, they will, sooner or later, implant the legislators of their choice from president to head of the visiting nurse service.”

Wednesday, the court ruled that based on the same principle — money as an expression of free speech rights — the Federal Elections Commission has no right to cap the total spending on political campaigns by flesh and blood individuals. There is still a per-candidate limit, but there’s a loophole big enough to drive a campaign bus through. This ruling only increases the influence of money in politics, which is causing endless problems as it is.

Planet Waves
Keith Olbermann explaining the problems with the Citizens’ United case in his special comment of Jan. 21, 2010. This is a not-to-miss video.

Unlike Citizens’ United, which was — somewhat shockingly — decided by a bipartisan majority, McCutcheon and RNC v. FEC was decided by the usual conservative majority — Justices Roberts, Kennedy, Alito, Scalia and Thomas.

I’m finding it entertaining (in that demented way) that the fact that the Republican National Committee was a plaintiff is being left out of the discussion, not even mentioned (that I have seen yet) on TV, including by some miracle on left-leaning MSNBC. The plaintiff is usually described as “an Alabama businessman.” Yet this case could not have happened without the resources and motivation of the RNC to drive it forward. It is a Republican idea to have unlimited money in elections be the law of the land.

In writing for the majority, Chief Justice John Roberts professed, “There is no more basic right in our democracy than to participate in the election of our political leaders.”

I would say there is no more cynical statement he could make. Notice that he did not say “no more basic right than to vote.” That’s because there is no guaranteed right to vote — it is not, for example, in the Bill of Rights. It is an implied right, subject to no guarantees, many exceptions, and with no consistency between the states (except for voting age) and under constant attack.

Every day we live, assaults on voting grow more aggressive; state legislatures have passed (and continue to adopt) countless laws requiring voter ID (equivalent of a poll tax, or pay-to-vote scheme), limiting voting hours and locations (including blocking Sunday voting, a tradition among African-American churches), purging the voter rolls and many other dirty tricks — all of them waged by Republicans who know that limiting voter turnout helps their chances of getting elected.

Justice Stephen Breyer, writing a lengthy dissent that he read from the bench, said that the court’s ruling “eviscerates our nation’s campaign finance laws, leaving a remnant incapable of dealing with the grave problems of democratic legitimacy that those laws were intended to resolve.”

In the majority decision, Chief Justice Roberts said that the only “compelling governmental interest” in this case was preventing corruption or the appearance of corruption — which he defined narrowly as a direct quid pro quo arrangement — that is, bribery.

Planet Waves
Shaun McCutcheon sued the Federal Elections Commission, with a little help from the Republican National Committee. His motto is “Less government and more freedom,” which reminds me of the Mafia opposing “regulation” of its activities by the FBI.

But as Justice Stephens pointed out, it’s all subtler than that. Donors dumping millions of dollars into party and candidate war chests has an effect on policy.

One last point. Chief Justice Roberts seems to salute the flag and Article One of the Bill of Rights (the First Amendment) when he says, “Money in politics may at times seem repugnant to some, but so too does much of what the First Amendment so vigorously protects.” He cites Nazi rallies and flag burning as examples.

He does not mention that protesters are routinely arrested at demonstrations for no reason, funneled into “kettles” where they will get sprayed and arrested, kept in cages known as “Free Speech Areas” outside national political events, spied on and otherwise have their right to dissent chilled to the point of being frozen.

Yes, we are a great nation because we allow flag burning and Nazi rallies, but that is a ruse if we gas protesters and violently arrest reporters who are doing their jobs. It’s a ruse if the “right” to influence elections belongs solely to the wealthy and the largest business interests.

As Keith Olbermann said of Citizens’ United in his special comment, parsing the logic of the people who won the case, the reasoning being used is, “As a function of the First Amendment, you must allow for the raping and pillaging of the First Amendment by people who can buy the First Amendment.”

Granting rich people and corporations the right to buy millions of votes is not free speech. It’s fascism, using the purest definition of the word — the merging of state and corporate interests — and it’s time we understand that.

We know from history that Uranus-Pluto aspects like we are experiencing right now are revolutionary events. But as I have asked before, whose revolution?

If we want this to be our revolution, we need to commit to that. I don’t believe we need a revolution in the streets, throwing pavement stones at riot police. The revolution needs to begin with commitment to the truth, by which I mean commitment to real understanding.

Planet Waves
NYPD uses pepper spray on protesters already contained in a ‘kettle’ during the Occupy movement of autumn 2011. This is not exactly encouraging of free speech or the right to dissent. Rather, the message is “protest and you will be tortured.” It’s much easier to write a check.

Our society has grown rotund and had its arteries clogged on hydrogenated fats, high fructose corn syrup and wheat gluten. We have also grown intellectually flabby, uncurious and worse, easily intimidated. Americans, as salty and gritty as they perceive themselves, have become an easy lot to con out of their common sense.

The revolution we need right now is one of passionate awareness, curiosity and the drive to gather and use knowledge. Gather and use, not just sit around all day and read and click.

There is a need for personal involvement and for leadership on the most basic community level. Even if it’s unpopular to push your friends, relatives and associates into awareness and action, that cannot stop you. When you look at the world, and at your life, and you consider the future that you want for the next generations — be they your children and grandchildren or those of your friends or those of distant posterity — ask yourself if you’re ready to give up.

And if you’re not ready to give up, that means it’s time to commit. Yes, that means embarking on many steep learning curves and setting out on an uncertain course. There is a need, particularly in American society, to go beyond the superficial, beyond appearances and to give up our precious naivete about how the world works. And that can be painful.

Part of what people struggle with, or use as an excuse, is that they care and nobody else seems to. So what can they do alone? That is obviously not true. As the old saying goes, don’t mourn, organize.




Planet Waves

Aunt Josie Forever

Today would be the 110th birthday of my godmother, Josephine Nicastro Sharp, known to everyone as Aunt Josie. She was born in Sicily on April 4, 1904. Though the place is uncertain, I received an astonishing astrological confirmation that I was in the right place when I put my feet on the ground in Piazza Armerina, Sicily, one day in 1996.

Planet Waves
Me with Aunt Josie outside her home in Brooklyn, 1992, when she was 88 years old. Photo by Sabine Ferandou.

As an immigrant from the Old World, Aunt Josie is my most direct root into my mother country and gives me some claim to being a first-generation American.

Aunt Josie was my godmother in the true sense of the word, taking the place of my parents, particularly my mother, in various times of extended absence. She also helped raise my father, and was his mother’s sister, so she knew something of the family influences that were at work in my life.

Josie was the most interesting blend of forgiving and shrewd; faithful and worldly; loving and insisting on integrity, particularly from herself. A deeply spiritual woman, the Roman Catholic Church was her spiritual home, particularly in her relationship to Msgr. Jolly, who ran the local parish.

Before being married, Josie worked scrubbing floors and then was in the typing pool of Westinghouse. She never finished high school but was highly literate and an expert secretary. Like many of her generation, she scrimped and saved and could stretch a dollar. She was a clever stock trader and made something of her modest, handmade fortune. My father said that she insisted on having a separate stock account from her husband, my uncle Howard Sharp, because their theories of trading were so different.

Aunt Josie was something of a mystic, and we had many fun experiences of psychic contact, such as she standing by the phone waiting for it to ring the moment that I called. We talked for hours and in the process I learned much about life, and the past, from her and told her about my perspective from the viewpoint of someone 60 years younger.

That 60-year age difference made us both green dragons (element wood) in the Chinese system of astrology. We were definitely a couple of odd birds of a feather, with more in common than really seemed possible or practical for our age difference. There were a few points on which we disagreed, such as cast iron frying pans (which she didn’t think were sanitary) and chop sticks (which struck her as a bit uncivilized). We definitely agreed on chicken and rice.

Aunt Josie believed in me, in my talent and in my leadership skills. When I was working my way through the ranks of the campus publishing community at SUNY Buffalo, she would regularly send me care packages, complete with her amazing oatmeal and/or oatmeal peanut butter cookies and various treats. These were always a big hit with my staff.

After I graduated, I told her that I was not really into sweets and shared all the stuff she sent with my crew, a bunch of college students who devoured it voraciously. She said she understood the politics involved.

Planet Waves
Estimated natal chart for Aunt Josie. Time was whispered in my ear while making breakfast this morning. She and I have many contacts between our charts — we both have Jupiter in Aries and Saturn in Aquarius. Her Mercury is exactly conjunct my Jupiter. She has several planets including Venus conjunct my Sun and Juno conjunct my Moon, exact. I would venture a guess we’ve known one another before.

Several times in my writing career, Aunt Josie intervened to make sure I could keep going. She paid for my 5th year at SUNY Buffalo. She purchased my first Macintosh, which in 1991 got her a mention in The New York Times, her favorite newspaper (on page one of the Metro section, no less).

Mike Winerip wrote: “In 1989, as a graduate student here, he founded Student Leader News Service, covering the state and city university systems. It was really just Mr. Coppolino, a computer that his Aunt Josie bought him and three buddies who worked the phones in exchange for a place to sleep. They did good journalism. Mr. Coppolino was one of the few people not on the state payroll who understood the budget.”

On several other occasions, she made it possible for me to keep going at what I was doing. After she died in 1994 at age 90, an inheritance of 333 shares of Exxon stock funded my becoming an astrologer, laying the foundation for Planet Waves. I dread to imagine what my life would be like without her consistent love, faith and her support of my work.

Astrologically, here is some information. She had the Sun, Jupiter, Mercury and Mars in Aries — an independent woman far ahead of her times. She knew who she was and nobody could shake that.

It’s unclear whether she had a Scorpio Moon or a Sagittarius Moon. Her shrewdness, psychological insight and cleverness with money argue for Scorpio; her vibrant spirit that nothing seemed to sink, and her mystical bent, all argue for Sagittarius. So let’s count her as both. She had Saturn in Aquarius and was always a fair judge, taking her time before making up her mind about anything. And she had a Venus-Nessus-Eris cluster conjunct my natal Sun.

I would say that Aunt Josie was the early influence who was never ambiguous in how she felt about me, or treated me. There was no double edge. She was straightforward and put love first. She was consistently an adult. She understood that most of the time the world offers a dirty deal, and insisted on holding the place of faith and warm welcome for me till the present day.


Research, Writing and Editing Credits: Planet Waves is produced by a team consisting of Hillary Conary, Eric Francis, Elizabeth Michaud, Amanda Painter, Susan Starr, Carol van Strum and Chad Woodward. Page assembled and coded by Anatoly Ryzhenko. Special thanks to the Fact Checkers List, which goes over each edition on Thursday night — and to our main astrology fact-checker Alex Miller, and Amanda, who goes over all their suggestions. Our editions are also proofread and fact-checked by Jessica Keet.



Planet Waves

Nessus Moves Into Pisces; Mars-Sun opposition

Nessus, the third-discovered centaur and one of the most interesting minor planets I’ve ever seen, has changed signs for the first time since 2005, moving from Aquarius to Pisces. I consider this big news. Nessus in Aquarius has been present in many important news charts, but moreover the feeling of this aspect has permeated society as much as any Pluto transit.

The sensation of this transit as I perceive it has been the group as bully. It’s also the experience of how several very smart, sensitive people can turn into a collective total asshole when you group them together. It’s the sensation of how an individual has to take responsibility for their actions, but a group gets to pass the buck.

Planet Waves
Venus conjunct Nessus in Pisces.

Consider the child sexual abuse scandals of the Roman Catholic church, which rose to a peak in the past decade and resulted in the resignation of the pope (whose immediately prior job was to preside over the coverup, which was run out of the former Inquisition Dept. office).

The Sun conjunct Nessus in Aquarius was the highest aspect in the chart of the pope’s resignation. (I am looking at this chart for the first time in a year — man, what a chart.)

I am aware this could be described as a factor of the human condition going back nearly forever, but in the Nessus in Aquarius years it’s become so obvious that the only way to miss it is if you want to.

In its most positive expression, Nessus is about boldly taking responsibility; it’s about being the place where the buck stops. In Aquarius, that would represent the person within who blows the whistle on a corrupt organization. It’s the person in a family who goes to therapy and stops the cycle of abuse. Nessus at its best is the person who understands karma and why it’s necessary to acknowledge its existence.

Nessus entered Aquarius together with Chiron, the first-discovered centaur, in early 2005. Chiron was moving more slowly at the time. Both are moving further from the Sun and taking longer to move through their respective signs. Nessus will take about 20 years to move through Pisces.

Since nobody alive on the planet has lived through Nessus in Pisces (it has an orbit of 122 years, so it left Pisces about a century ago), I can only read the energy of the placement, which involves some speculation as to the themes that will emerge. I think this transit will take us deeper into the era of consequences, and serve as a compelling force to deal with the consequences of what we believe or refuse to accept.

Said another way, we have some help seeing the problems with what it means to live in an illusion with total commitment — that is, to divorce oneself from the reality-based community. I would also add that Nessus in Pisces will encourage those willing to clean up their edges, tidy their boundaries, and patrol their own borders.

I will have more to say about this placement as time goes on. In terms of the basic facts,  Nessus will remain in Pisces moving direct till early June, when it stations retrograde; it will re-enter Aquarius in early August, station direct in early November and re-enter Pisces to stay (for 20 years) in early February 2015. Here is an ephemeris.

Focus on Venus and Mars

Venus will ingress Pisces this weekend (on Saturday), immediately making a conjunction to Nessus. So we may get an early clue what this transit is about. I am not sure it rises to the level of a proving moment, but we shall see. This may come with recovered memories, unusual psychic experiences and unusually deep feelings of a kind you’ve never experienced before, as Nessus has never been in Pisces in our lifetimes.

Planet Waves
Sun opposite retrograde Mars in Libra.

Mars, for its part, is about to stretch into an opposition with the Sun. That is the midpoint in the Mars retrograde cycle. This happens April 8 at 5:03 pm. The Sun is conjunct asteroid Juno at the time of the opposition, which once again puts that point and all it represents into the spotlight.

In other words, with the Sun shining directly on it, we will get a look at what Mars retrograde is really about.

Mars is the planetary ruler of Aries, and is in its opposite sign Libra. This sounds like involvement, investment or overcommitment in a relationship or a concept of relationship.

It’s another version of the message of Mars retrograde that people need to be individuals who enter into partnership rather than “half people” who then complete one another; the idea that we’re partially human until we conjoin and fill in the missing piece.

The opposition of the Sun and Mars is still close enough to the Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto pattern to count; that is, to have a resonance effect, which may feel like an eruption of the need to be independent. That will be accentuated by the Sun conjunct Eris on Saturday, April 12, an aspect that I will come back to in greater detail next week. Sun-Eris aspects are always revealing and have inspired two Planet Waves articles in the past — including Calling Home the Castaway Woman. (I cannot remember the second one, please let me know if you do. Aah here it is — Dancing With Discord.)

I also have a monograph on Eris, written just after it was named, called Facets and Fragments of Self. This is a free download.

Eric Francis



Planet Waves

Planet Waves

“Because if he is, if you saw so much money, then he’s a BANK ROBBER!” John and Brett Roberts in “Salesman.” You can also see the “Kid History” videos and more at Bored Shorts TV.


Out of the Mouths of Babes… Sort of

The beauty of children’s imaginations is just how boundless they are. Narrative structure or logic? Who needs it! The laws of physics? They don’t need no stinkin’ laws! So when kids make up stories, the results can be trippy in the most awesomely innocent way.

Now, add to that adults acting out these stories, lip-syncing to the kids’ improvised dialogue, and you have some comic video gold. Enter Kid Snippets, a video series produced by Bored Shorts TV and usually featuring several of the adult siblings of the Roberts clan. In fact, it may partly be the family connection that allows the actors in these videos to capture so much of the nuance of the kids’ voices in their facial expressions and body language — that’s what makes these videos so brilliant.



Planet Waves

This week’s Editon of Planet Waves FM is Sponsored by Geico

This week’s edition of Planet Waves FM is the April Fool’s edition. It starts with a real discussion of ethics in astrology practice, then the trickster fun begins. I interview the esteemed Rev. Dr. Roberta Hand Green de Geoffrey, who channeled the Gargamel Symbols — the latest, hottest new trend in astrology. Daniel Sternstein makes his return to the program, after rising to the top of his profession, then giving up guitar to pursue other interests.

Planet Waves

The Gargamel Symbols shown above in the cake dish where they first appeared to the Rev. Dr. Roberta Hand Green de Geoffrey.

Well in time for the Spring 2014 grand cross (Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto) I’ll be publishing a 12-sign reading focusing on intimacy and trust. The readings will focus on the influence of Mars in the grand cross as well as the lunar and solar eclipses. All of this happens in April. Each sign will get a 20- to 30-minute reading, the signs will cross-reference (each being a special point of focus), and everyone will have access to all 12 signs.

I’ve recorded an informative and authentically interesting audio preview of the project (worth listening just to hear our original theme music). As usual we offer incentive for early purchase. The final price will be $59.95 but we are offering it through the weekend at the current pre-order price of $39.95. Get it while it’s hot!



A Boutique Item: Bali for Astrology and Yoga

Last weekend I took a seminar and then taught an astrology class with Rebecca Gordon, one of the truly soulful members of my profession, and learned that she’s arranging an astrology-yoga expedition to Bali in a few weeks (June 8-20, with Mars direct).

Planet Waves
Astrologer Rebecca Gordon.

I recognize this is something of a boutique item, but I’m putting it out there in case you’re interested in the idea. Immersing oneself in yoga and astrology on an island paradise sounds like a fun way to spend 12 days.

Here is how Rebecca describes the trip: “Here is an opportunity to experience one of the world’s greatest treasures and enjoy a luxuriously planned trip through the lesser known and pristine landscapes of the planet. Whether an adept Yogi or having never set foot on a mat, you will have the private attention to begin a practice or go deeper into the one you already have while poised over the most compelling vistas of the south seas.”

I suggest you make direct contact with both teachers before planning to go, ask them any questions you may have and, as a first priority, make your decision based on who they are.

Once again, here is the link with full contact info and trip details.



Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

Your extended monthly horoscopes for April  were published Friday, March 21. We published your extended monthly horoscopes for March Friday, Feb. 21. Moonshine horoscopes for the Aries New Moon published Tuesday, March 25. Moonshine horoscopes for the Virgo Full Moon were published Tuesday, March 11. We also published an Inner Space horoscope for April Tuesday, April 1. Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign.


Reader Feedback on my Recorded Readings

This is an excerpt of a letter that floated into my inbox this morning. It’s from someone who just experienced The Mars Effect annual readings, and apparently a few others. The Aries birthday reading is available now. See above for the special Spring Report, which will be ready late next week. — Eric Francis

“I’m highly grateful for the work you do. All of the readings I have gotten from you have touched my Soul the Core of its very essence. I just ordered a Gemini Reading for my Other Half, aka Soul Mate. We both listened to the reading together this morning and it had such a profound effect in more ways than one; with this knowledge we become closer in knowing that we have the power to create a life of abundance and purpose. I’m thankful to you for sharing your gifts with Hue Manity and yes I did say Hue Manity.”



Planet Waves

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, April 4, 2014, #993 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — If an involvement with someone you care about reaches a crux point over the next few days, the way to handle the matter is gently. The situation goes deeper than you think, and not every attribute of it directly involves your current relationship. Many tendencies going back to the earliest days of your life, and your earliest intimate relationships with lovers, are involved. You can avoid one error by imagining you will fix everything by fixing this one situation. I suggest that the most productive thing to do is observe. The planets are aligning in a way where what should be obvious will be obvious, if you’re paying attention. The core issue, as I see it, is the extent to which you invest your identity in another person when you’re in a relationship with them. As the month progresses, your desire to be independent is likely to press its way to the front of your mind. Yet the fears associated with this are likely to become obvious as well; you will need to address both.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $39.95 if you order before the readings publish — a significant value! Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — A maturity factor is being introduced into your life. It’s not the “act your age” kind of maturity. Rather, it’s more like “exist on the level of your true purpose, and strive every moment to fulfill that purpose.” The bottom line is being helpful all the time, and making sure that the right thing happens not just in your own life but, as best as you can facilitate, in the lives of the people around you. There is an element of submitting to the service, which is to say knowing how to be responsive to your environment. This is different from putting yourself first, even though you still have to take care of yourself. There are times when you will be called upon to put yourself second or last, and you’ll need to evaluate carefully whether that is actually appropriate. We live in a world where it’s easy to turn around and walk away, where it’s easy to take care of No. 1, and where plenty of conditioning encourages us to do so. You’re now getting information about looking right at the problem, asking for direct guidance what to do about it, and waiting for the response.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $39.95 if you order before the readings publish — a significant value! Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You may be feeling the need to take responsibility for your actions and your past decisions. You might be getting the message that if you don’t do so, you will be held accountable, and it’s better if you make the moves instead of someone else. The deeper issue, though, is about events set in motion long ago that are coming home now, and pressing you to own up for what has happened in the past. I believe that you will do this in time. I would also point out that the pressure you may be under now is exaggerated by your perceptions of how others might feel. Nobody ever really takes responsibility for something because someone else wants them to do it, which is why I suggest you set your intentions and then take your time. If you must invest your energy into something now, put it into listening, both to yourself and to others. Stating how you feel is less important than making sure you understand how others feel — and not feeling any special pressure to do something about it. This is not necessarily an easy position to hold, but I assure you there are a lot worse.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $39.95 if you order before the readings publish — a significant value! Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — If you’re feeling the urge to perform at your highest level, or to achieve something great, remember how much about this is a matter of inner focus and how little is a matter of appearance. Yes, there is some stagecraft to every dimension of success, even if you only have to keep it up for a half-hour meeting. True, there are times when you will need to dress the part. That’s not what I’m talking about, however. The world in its current form grossly overemphasizes image and false confidence and diminishes the value of what you need the most, which is the element of self-mastery. One aspect of this involves the way you relate to your talent — what you think it’s for; why you think you have it. The other aspect is emotional. They are related, because you will be limited in the use of your talent if you’re over-invested on an emotional level. Think of your talent as something that comes through you, for a purpose. Your role is to allow the flow of both talent and purpose, which usually involves getting out of your own way.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $39.95 if you order before the readings publish — a significant value! Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You need some new ideas, and your solar chart suggests that one place to look is old ideas that were forgotten, were not fully tested or never really given a chance. The byways of time are strewn with these abandoned concepts, well-thought-out solutions that were not applied to their corresponding problems, and lessons learned that were then set aside. If something has persisted, look for the lapses of awareness that may have led to that situation. You want to wake up before anyone else does. You want to be the one to take responsibility and solve any past issues before anyone else does, and you will need to be assertive. Meanwhile, back to my original premise of some of the best solutions having already been come up with — that is worth investigating and developing. Think of it like digging deeper in a mine to find the gold. Any time you’re confronted with a problem, before you try to solve it, ask yourself whether you’ve already solved it. When you need a new brilliant idea, ask yourself whether you’ve already come up with it.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $39.95 if you order before the readings publish — a significant value! Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Be mindful of the emotional reactions of others. Notice when you’re getting drawn in. This is easier said than done, particularly with the transits that your solar chart is taking right now. It’s difficult enough to maintain one’s individuality under the best circumstances in our society, when you’re confronted daily by so many forces telling you who and what you’re supposed to be. Your current charts have a potent emphasis on the emotional dimension of relationships. It’s not easy to distinguish your feelings from those of someone close to you. At the same time, there seems to be someone compelling in your environment with whom you identify closely — and that’s a temptation to ‘lose’ yourself in them. One solution to this puzzle is maintaining a high level of self-awareness and making decisions in every moment. Another potential is getting drawn all the way into the scenario, finding your way out, and evaluating what you learn. Question: how much time do you have on your hands?

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $39.95 if you order before the readings publish — a significant value! Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You must be honest with yourself. That is the key. It’s the key because it’s so easy to be in denial right now. That denial can come in two forms: what you want, and what you’re angry about. They are likely to be related, so closely as to be the same thing. So if you notice yourself feeling anger, no matter how subtle, ask yourself what you want. If you notice yourself wanting something, notice how you feel about that fact. You may have emotions around a delay in gratification or fulfillment, or merely the lack of having your desires acknowledged. Yet your charts are clear that you are the one who has to do most of the noticing of your own inner reality. In this process it’s essential that you not try to wrap what you want around what someone else wants. You may need to ask yourself what you would do were someone else not in your life, or not exerting an influence over you. One last clue: you may be responding to a past influence, such as what that person three partners ago said. Who you are, and what you want now, are what counts.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $39.95 if you order before the readings publish — a significant value! Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Note the fear factor and the healing factor, and where they meet. Most of what needs healing involves — or is specifically — fear. Yet it’s difficult to see this when so many factors are designed to inflict fear in its many forms: ads designed to provoke insecurity about your self-image, earthquake warnings, economic threats and the usual litany of health-related ‘news’. In order to exist in any kind of balance, it’s necessary to consider your responses to all of those influences. Yet there is an inner scenario that you’re unraveling, something that is distinct and personal and that cannot be accounted for by any visible influence. To a greater extent than you may recognize, your fears surround abandonment and issues of fidelity in relationships. These can take many forms, morphing and disguising themselves — that is the speciality of fear. Rather than accept this theory, I suggest you test it out, and inquire when you are feeling some deep concern whether it involves abandonment or fidelity — whomever might be responsible.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $39.95 if you order before the readings publish — a significant value! Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — In any given situation, there are two basic patterns you can follow. The thing you need to know is that in following one of these patterns, the other one is likely to be concealed, reduced to a faint memory or not part of your awareness at all. If you manage to come back to your center (which may happen as a result of frustration), notice that you have another way to proceed. When you take that route, the prior, more frustrating one will seem not to exist, and for a while you will be able to proceed in a more productive way. Yet the real mission described by your astrology is integrating both of these modes. One might have logic dominating and the other emotion dominating. One might be based on facts and the other on intuition. In order to work at full strength, both sides of the equation need to be balanced. Both originate from you; both are rooted in what you already know and have considerable experience with. All you need is to be mindful of that fact.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $39.95 if you order before the readings publish — a significant value! Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You are deep into a phase of enforced growth and changes, though you may not realize how much help you have. You seem to be feeling the pressure but not the support in your environment. True, Pluto in your sign is the original symbol of the lone wolf. Yet rather than feeling like it’s you against the world, I suggest you tune into the idea of you in cooperation with the world. If there is a disconnect, it’s emotional. Because other aspects of your astrology may have you feeling agitated and unstable, you may not notice the calmer, more consistent and friendlier influences in your surroundings. However, they are present, and willing to extend a helping hand if you would slow down and notice their presence. This will call for a change of emotional orientation on your part, which is so basic to the equation you can think of it as the whole purpose of being open to the love and kindness of others.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $39.95 if you order before the readings publish — a significant value! Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You may feel like you’ve had a thorn taken out of your foot, though if so, I suggest you make it into a piece of jewelry and wear it around your neck as an amulet for a while. You are emerging from a long phase of your life when the theme of consequences has been predominant. There may be elements of this particular journey that you can trace back to early 2005. Looked at one way, the theme of this extended transit was ‘taking things personally’ — and in the process, learning how not to do so. You might say that events of this transit (which included Chiron and Nessus in your sign) tested the whole theory of Aquarian ‘detachment’, compelling you to see your personal investment in everything around you, and to figure out whether that investment was really appropriate. Themes of your sign usually associated with control have transformed into themes of accountability, which is of course much more productive. Now a new phase has begun, which in a sentence I would describe as understanding that your values really are the bottom line; and understanding further that to be meaningful, you must update and revise your values regularly.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $39.95 if you order before the readings publish — a significant value! Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You are entering a phase of your life that I would describe as the era of Put Up With Nothing. Those with Pisces dominant in their charts are easy to transgress. Pisces is a soft sign, and it follows (or prefers to follow) different motives and guidelines than the rest of the world. This theme helps explain why artists and musicians are so often and so easily taken advantage of. Pushy people have an advantage over those who would prefer neither to push nor defend. You are now at a point of your maturity where that can, and must, come to an end. The time has arrived for you to be treated with some consistency, to have your values and intentions honored, and to be treated fairly. Yet here is the catch: you are the one who has to insist upon this. You are the one who has to set the boundary. You may have known this for a while, and may have avoided what is in the end a basic fact of life. Once you set the basic rules of play, and follow them, the next step is to get everyone around you to agree to them, which to you will feel like forcing yourself on them (it is not). And the bottom line is: put up with nothing.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $39.95 if you order before the readings publish — a significant value! Curious to know more? Listen to the free audio preview.



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Pluto in Capricorn: Fiddler on a Roof

Dear Friend and Reader:

Growing up an honorary Jew in New York City, my favorite musical was Fiddler on the Roof. My mom took me to see the first Broadway revival with Zero Mostel, who performed in the original 1964 production. I learned the song “Sabbath Prayer” in piano lessons. And I thought a lot about the message of the play, which involves the relationship between tradition and change.

Planet Waves
Promotional image for the play Fiddler on the Roof.

Reb Tevye, the play’s leading man, explains why there are so many customs among orthodox Jews that must be followed exactly. “Here in Anatevka,” he says, “we have traditions for everything. How to sleep. How to eat. How to work. How to wear clothes. For instance, we always keep our heads covered and always wear a little prayer shawl. This shows our constant devotion to God.”

“You may ask, how did this tradition get started? I’ll tell you. [He pauses for a moment.] I don’t know. But it’s a tradition. And because of our traditions, every one of us knows who he is and what God expects him to do.”

And then there is the famous line: “Without tradition, our lives would be as shaky as a fiddler on a roof.”

And that is about where our society is today. After writing last week’s article on the cardinal grand cross and grand water trine, I got the feeling that I needed to go deeper into the Pluto in Capricorn leg of the grand cross. You can think of that as the deepest root of the whole arrangement. Pluto goes deep in any event, and in this configuration (counting both the cross and the trine) Pluto arrived in its sign first, dipping into Capricorn before Pres. Obama was elected.

Pluto then slipped back into Sagittarius for the election, and by the time Obama was inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2009, Pluto was in Capricorn to stay, until it first touches Aquarius in March 2023.

Capricorn is the sign of tradition. In worldly terms, it’s the sign that represents society’s institutions, such as governments, corporations, large churches and other power-wielding organizations. Those have been shaking and quaking during the Pluto in Capricorn era, starting with the banking system collapse of 2008.

Many other things have seemed to crumble; there have been scandals throughout the military command, the Secret Service (which went on a bender in Amsterdam this week) and the usual litany of malfeasance by politicians.

Planet Waves
Topol as Tevye in the 1971 film production of Fiddlier on the Roof.

We’re also in an obsessive era of power grabs by companies, churches, political organizations and the government. Plenty of this involves seizing power over women, most of whom are oblivious to what is happening.

Other forms of power concentration involve concentrations of wealth higher up on the economic food chain, ever-larger mergers, concentration of who controls the information that flows to you (ever fewer gatekeepers), and the ways in which we are being suffocated by charges of pennies, nickels and dimes up to $50 and an interest rate hike for a late credit card payment. Basically we live in the age of “we do it because we can,” where many people and nearly all institutions do whatever they can to get over on people.

The government’s combined refusal and inability to take care of returning war veterans is one of the most disgusting emblems of the era we live in. These things, too, are all well-represented by Pluto in Capricorn.

Then of course there is the NSA, which thinks it has us surrounded and is gluttonous for unchecked power. Edward Snowden, Glenn Greenwald and others are exposing and undermining what would otherwise be an unmitigated concentration of influence, going on behind our backs.

And looking at one example where traditions are being reshaped and reformed, the movement to include same-sex couples in the ‘institution’ of marriage is an attribute of Pluto in Capricorn.

Our Relationship to Tradition

We could go on and on with Pluto in Capricorn metaphors in the outer world, the one that surrounds us. They are identifiable because we can construct images using the combination of Pluto + Capricorn.

Yet while you may be observing these outer manifestations, there is the more significant inner level of Pluto in Capricorn. Think of Capricorn as representing the solid ground on which consciousness stands. It’s a level even deeper than our life patterns or social patterns, which are usually illustrated by Aquarius. You might say that it’s the foundations on which those life patterns are built: concepts like family, trust in society, faith that there will be an economy and a food supply, faith that there is sufficient knowledge to solve a problem, should one arise.

Planet Waves
The catastrophic failure of Washington Mutual was one of many, many thousands of bank failures that are still unfolding today. When most of us were younger, a bank was considered something solid and stable. But your great-grandparents might not believe that.

You might think of Capricorn as representing all the ways we have faith in ‘the establishment’ and that it will be there when we need it. And needless to say, that faith is being shaken. There are external factors doing this (for example, the constant attack on various social safety nets, and some politicians who make a career out of convincing others that some people don’t deserve medical care).

Yet much closer to home, our ideas about intimacy are being shaken up. Family structure has been in a gradual decline since the end of World War II. There are still some solid families and some extended families left, but more and more we live with the feeling that we’re on our own. It is a fact that many more people are being left out in the cold, and that translates on the inner level to the fear that you may be left out in the cold. Everyone knows everyone deserves food and a safe place to sleep; to convince oneself otherwise is only weakening.

Going deeper, Pluto in Capricorn represents a shattering of or disconnect from tradition, so vital to humans. Looked at another way, it’s about a reactionary response to ground-in tradition. This is part of what is inspiring many people to be so viciously against same-sex couples getting married.

The war to defend tradition, be it heterosexuality or the subjugation of women, is motivated by a deep, inner and very personal response to the fear that there is no more tradition, or that the changes in society are running out of control.

I think that it’s essential in times like we’re living in to return to healthy experiences that you might think of as human traditions. This could take many forms, all of them cooling off our cultural obsession with the concept of ‘new’. That includes older ways of doing things, eating foods that are more closely harmonized with our ancestral heritage. Heck, eating actual food rather than junk food and processed food would feel a lot better. A few years back I wrote an article with some ideas about this called Everything Old is New Again.

Planet Waves
When traditions change, some people resist violently. Reactionary movement is often the result of the feeling of instability that comes with change. In this photo, students are kissing in front of protesters from Westboro Baptist Church at Oberlin College, May 2000.

Actually getting together with people would help ground the feeling of inevitable and inescapable change. Honoring friendship, looking up old friends, and taking necessary time to build friendship, would all help grant a feeling of stability and belonging.

If family is changing so fast as to be disappearing in many places, making a point of collecting a family of choice would be helpful — something that many people do naturally and that others have never considered.

Pluto in Capricorn is not just about the death of old traditions; it can just as much be about their healthy revival. And as my teacher, the late Arthur Joseph Kushner, was fond of reminding me, any tradition that does not change is not alive. Tradition is not about nostalgia or doing things the way they were done in the past in the spirit of purism. Adapting old traditions to current times can be productive, healthy and fun.

What remains constant is that humans need traditions. We need to honor the passage of time. We need to experience a sense of belonging on the planet. That includes a sense of place, a relationship to the landscape around us, and a relationship to the environment that reminds us we are indeed supported by our environment.

I think that each of us, personally, needs a code to live by. In a world where both ethics and morals are becoming meaningless, it’s necessary to have an inner commitment to doing what is right. Yes, that includes doing what is right for you, but what I am talking about here is doing what is right as a member of society.

The Oso, Washington, Mountainside Collapse

When the relationship to the environment goes out of balance, the results can be catastrophic. It’s true that humans have always lived in dangerous places — on seashores subject to tsunamis, at the bases of volcanoes, in earthquake zones and other places where nature acts up.

Planet Waves
Here is the chart for the Oso landslide. Note the green glyph on the far right — that is Pholus, the second centaur. Nessus, the first centaur, is just to the left of the diagonal dark line, right into the 10th house. This is a chart signature that reminds me of a mass shooting-type incident. Also note that the chart is Gemini rising. Mercury, the ruler of the ascendant, is about to complete a conjunction to Neptune in Pisces — the image of something subject to change (Gemini, Mercury) about to experience the effects of a lot of water. But this was not an accident.

I realized just how passionately people are devoted to where they live during a volcanic eruption in Sicily a few years ago that led to a mass evacuation. On a car window in the evacuation zone, written with someone’s finger in volcanic ash, someone wrote, “We love you Etna” — addressed to the volcano that was erupting.”

Sometimes it’s human activity that makes a place dangerous. This past Saturday, there was a massive landslide in an unincorporated area about 4 miles east of the town of Oso in Snohomish County, Wash. A portion of a hillside collapsed, sending mud and debris across the North Fork of the Stillaguamish River, taking many homes and their inhabitants with it. As of Thursday, there have been 25 confirmed deaths and 90 more people are reported missing and presumed dead.

When I cast the chart soon after the event, my first thought was: this looks like the chart of a mass shooting. One marker I’ve noticed for when someone seems to lose control but was really acting with intent are the centaurs Pholus and Nessus on the angles of the chart. Pholus is right on the western horizon and Nessus is on the midheaven, high overhead. (The ‘angles’ in a chart are the horizon and the meridian; the angular houses are the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th).

To me, when I see this kind of placement, whatever happened looks like an intentional act. But we’re talking about a landslide here. That’s supposed to be a natural disaster.

The chart definitely looks like what happened. One feature is the conjunction of Mercury and Neptune in Pisces. That is a lot of water; it was rainwater that precipitated the event. Another feature is Pluto in Capricorn in the 8th house, the one that tells us the nature and cause of death. As I described above, Pluto in Capricorn is about the sense of the ground moving beneath us, and in the literal sense of things, that is exactly what happened to the people of Oso.

Finally, there is an exact square between the Moon and Chiron — a very, very exact square. You might think of that as representing what happens when belief, or denial, meets reality. It also looks like something happening to people’s homes (the Moon).

Planet Waves
Google Earth image of Oso, Wash., hillside before the land flaked off.

But the concept of intent coming from Pholus and Nessus was irking me. So, our environmental research team looked into the issue of what was known about this hillside in advance. I figured that this kind of event did not just come out of nowhere, but I was stunned at the depth and extent of prior knowledge about this very problem in this very place.

Lawyers will be sorting out exactly who knew what, when they knew it, and what they represented to others. There will be all kinds of insurance-related questions. But one thing is clear: the community and the government knew bout this issue and did nothing about it. Even as evidence of a problem mounted over the decades, development was allowed to proceed, as was the cutting of timber that only made the problem worse.

For example, after landslides in 1949 and 1951, the state commissioned a report on the situation. Maybe that’s why the place was known as Slide Hill. There was another catastrophic landslide that damaged many cabins in 1967. But still, extensive development was permitted in the area.

In an article published Monday, March 24, The Yakima Herald described a 1969 State Department of Natural Resources memorandum. The author of the memo, Gerald Torsen, wrote, “Aerial photographs taken as far back as 1932 show the river has cut at this clay bank for many years,” thereby destabilizing the hillside.

So, short of figuring out what the local Indians knew before Lewis and Clark arrived, knowledge of a potential problem goes back at least 82 years.

Planet Waves
Image of Oso hillside after the land gave way. This was not a mudslide, as TV people are calling it. It was the collapse of a mountainside. Photo by Ted Warren.

In 1997, a geomorphologist named Daniel Miller wrote a report for the Washington Department of Ecology and the local Tulalip Tribes, describing the hill’s potential risk for landslides. He has collected memos, slides, maps, models, drawings and reports as far back as the 1950s showing the hill’s potential risk for a landslide.

Then in 1999, the Army Corps of Engineers assessed the hillside and warned of “the potential for a large catastrophic failure.” But the state allowed building to continue — and also clearcutting of forests, including into restricted areas that were holding the mountain together.

In 2006, yet another landslide occurred, plugging the North Fork of the Stillaguamish River and creating a new channel that threatened the homes on Steelhead Drive. Instead of people being evacuated from their homes, contractors were allowed to build new ones. Miller, the geomorphologist, said, “Frankly, I was shocked that the county permitted any building across from the river. We’ve known that it’s been failing.”

Even with all of this foreknowledge, developers were finishing luxury homes as late as this year — that is, in 2014.

After the landslide happened Saturday, John Pennington, who currently heads the county emergency management agency where this happened, said that the hillside “was considered very safe. This was a completely unforeseen slide. This came out of nowhere.”

Yes, just like the “grandmother quote” in just about every newspaper story about a murder — “my grandson is a very nice boy.”

Planet Waves
Photo from Zillow listing for home at 31325 E. Steelhead Dr. in Arlington, Wash., just a few feet from the river — no doubt one of the homes that was taken by the mountainside collapse. The luxury home just sold for $179,000 less than two weeks ago.

Does all of this rise to the level of intent? I define intent not as desire for an outcome but as “knew or should have known” about a likely outcome. Clearly, a lot of people knew or should have known about this. And that, I believe, is why this chart looked like the chart of a mass shooting. There is an element of intent — apparently, a significant one.

So, this leads us to another question: what do you know, and what do you bother to find out? What do you do with what you know? Many people consciously avoid information, just so they don’t have to know.

Many others choose to ignore what they know. I for one remain shocked at the number of people who still smoke cigarettes, contaminating every cell in their bodies with carcinogens even in the midst of the cancer and cancer-phobia epidemic.

We are now in a time when we have to use what we know, because the consequences of doing so are real and present. Yes, they always were — but we know so much more than we did in the past, and it matters so much more.

One message of the astrology of spring 2014 is to pay attention. Many factors will be moving quickly, and the only thing standing between you and something you don’t want to happen may be your own awareness, and what you do with it.


Research, Writing and Editing Credits: Planet Waves is produced by a team consisting of Hillary Conary, Eric Francis, Elizabeth Michaud, Amanda Painter, Susan Starr, Carol van Strum and Chad Woodward. Page assembled and coded by Anatoly Ryzhenko. Special thanks to the Fact Checkers List, which goes over each edition on Thursday night — and to our main astrology fact-checker Alex Miller, and Amanda, who goes over all their suggestions. Our editions are also proofread and fact-checked by Jessica Keet.
Planet Waves

Aries New Moon: Beyond Obsessive Insecurity

I’ve covered the Aries New Moon (and how to read a T-square) in the current edition of Planet Waves FM.

First a comment on Mercury retrograde, the one that supposedly ended on Feb. 26 (the shadow phase of which ended last week). It seems like neither of those two things happened. The Mercury retrograde effect seems to be going strong, or by many reports, it has been till now.

Planet Waves
It may feel like Mercury’s doing double duty or has a mischievous twin, but it’s just the lingering effect of its conjunction to Neptune. Images by NASA’s Messenger spacecraft.

Looking at the current positions of the planets, there are a few possible reasons for this. Both involve Pisces, where Mercury originally went retrograde and where it still is now. Under the rules of classical astrology, Mercury is said to be “in fall” in Pisces. That makes it imaginative and intuitive, but to harness these qualities takes more discipline than is usually available.

Complicating matters somewhat, on March 22, Mercury made an exact conjunction to Neptune in Pisces. That ramped up the watery, foggy, imaginative sensation of Mercury in this sign. Neptune has the widest orb of all the planets (that I’ve ever seen, anyway). So even with Mercury seven or so degrees past Neptune (as it is today) it will still be picking up those mystical vibes and may be symbolic of some of the confusion.

This weekend Mercury will make a conjunction to Chiron (very close now, exact Saturday at 1:08 am EDT), which will apply some focusing power and discernment. If Mercury and/or Neptune in Pisces is about belief, Mercury conjunct Chiron is about focusing on the facts and the data. Chiron cuts through the fog like a special kind of light that does not refract on the water particles. Mercury conjunct Chiron is about focusing on solutions.

Later in the weekend (Sunday morning EDT) Mercury will be conjunct an unusual point called Borasisi. I would sum this up as, “Be aware of what you believe, and why” and also, “Be aware of the power of belief.”

As for the Aries New Moon (exact Sunday at 2:45 pm EDT), this event is an extension of the vernal equinox, as the first solar-lunar event of the year. This is an anchor point into any beginnings that you are trying to ground or establish. Nothing says “beginning” like the Aries New Moon. Nothing says “endings” like the days before the New Moon.

Planet Waves
New Moon over Sounion, Greece. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis

Aries at the moment is rife with the theme of identity crisis, and this is in some way influencing everyone. With Juno, Uranus and Eris in Aries, many attributes of identity are up for question or subject to some element of confusion. The chart describes a potential cause and therefore a potential solution.

The New Moon is separating in a conjunction from asteroid Ophelia, which describes a blend of emotional insecurity and reactivity. Martha Lang-Wescott delineates this point as being about “over-reaction and counterproductive reactions (linked to mistrust of one’s value to others and concern about deception).”

Sounds like life, many days. Consider though that the New Moon is separating from Ophelia — that is, whatever Ophelia represents is described as being in the past. So the question is, to what extent are you bringing past negative expectations into your present situation?

The other interesting bit is that Ophelia is in aspect to Hidalgo, which is the reminder not to engage in pointless rebellion based on your own insecurity — but the rebellion is described as stoking the insecurity.

Often insecurity is not just a factor but an obsession. Really, it’s the perfect paralyzing agent. We get a clue about this with asteroid Achilles in Libra, in the aspect pattern: notice when you may be feeling a false lack of confidence.

In the days following the New Moon, the Sun will pass through the Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto configuration. This is likely to come with more “signs of the times” kinds of results in the world. Emotionally, it’s likely to be a restless week and I suggest you harness your energy and put it to work for you in constructive ways. Sun-Uranus can be erratic and that will take some discipline. A little goes a long way.



Planet Waves

Aries New Moon, and How to Read a T-Square

In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I read the chart for the Aries New Moon, look at the chart for the Washington State landslide, and talk about how to read a T-square in a chart. I also introduce my Aries birthday reading, which is available for $29.95. For additional resources please see the full post. If you are using an iOS device, please use this link.

Spring 2014 Special Report for All 12 signs and Rising Signs: Intimacy, Trust & the Cardinal Grand Cross

Here is an introduction to the Spring 2014 Special Report, which explores the grand cross, the grand trine and two eclipses that happen in April. This astrology is like a dimensional opening that will take you from one space of life to another. The theme of the charts, as I am reading them, is about intimacy and trust. The reading covers all 12 signs in audio format. For purchasing information, the resources I mention in the recording and other good stuff, please see the full post. Pricing information is now available. We offer incentives for early purchase! Once the Spring Report is published, all 12 signs will sell for $59.95. The first (and current) pre-order, however, is for half price at $29.95. This will last through the end of the day Monday, March 31, when the price goes up to $39.95. Once the report is published it will immediately go to full price at $59.95.



Planet Waves

Well in time for the Spring 2014 grand cross (Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto) I’ll be publishing a 12-sign reading focusing on intimacy and trust. The readings will focus on the influence of Mars in the grand cross as well as the lunar and solar eclipses. All of this happens in April. Each sign will get a 20- to 30-minute reading, the signs will cross-reference (each being a special point of focus), and everyone will have access to all 12 signs.

I’ve recorded an informative and authentically interesting audio preview of the project (worth listening just to hear our original theme music). As usual we offer incentive for early purchase. The final price will be $59.95 but we are offering it through the weekend at the first pre-order price of $29.95. Get it while it’s hot!


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

Your extended monthly horoscopes for April were published Friday, March 21. We published your extended monthly horoscopes for March Friday, Feb. 21. Moonshine horoscopes for the Pisces New Moon published Tuesday, Feb. 25. Moonshine horoscopes for the Virgo Full Moon were published Tuesday, March 11. Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign.


Planet Waves

Weekly Horoscope for Friday, March 28, 2014, #992 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — The beauty of your astrology right now is that it allows you to see yourself in others and to feel them within you. Another perspective on the same aspects illustrates you self-actualizing through your relationships. This concept used to be understood a lot better than it is now in our era when the prevailing theory of relationships is to use people. Self-actualizing through an intimate bond is a special, subtle kind of using. It is perhaps the most humane kind there is, because the idea is about becoming increasingly aware of yourself as you interrelate with others. I would take the concept of ‘others’ and extend it to your whole environment. Consider that you are part of your environment and it is part of you. Feel how you influence your surroundings with your feelings, and how you can pick up feelings and experience influences just by being in a place or around others. The moral of the story is you are part of the world and the world is part of you.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $29.95 if you order by Monday. That’s half-off of the published price! Listen to the free audio preview.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You’re not in as tight of a corner as it may seem. In fact to the extent that you feel you’re under someone’s shadow, under their thumb or under their authority, you have the ability to focus and turn this into a productive situation. The main quality that’s being demanded of you is integrity. Such would include sincerity, the use of logic, and making sure that all of the basic minimums for which you may be responsible are covered. You can add to that consulting with those who are influenced by your movements and your choices, making sure they have a clue what to expect from you next. Take the time to enter a dialog and leave behind any reticence you may have to commit to a position by saying anything at all. You’re in a position of much greater influence than you may imagine, by which I mean the potential to effect positive change. Step out of the shadow and you will see that.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $29.95 if you order by Monday. That’s half-off of the published price! Listen to the free audio preview.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Stick to the truth and admit when you find yourself believing something that may not be true, or that is not true. Notice when you ‘believe’ something because someone in a position of authority ‘believes’ it; notice if you bend things a bit to focus your own authority. In short, your solar chart right now is a study in the power of false belief and deception for the purpose of gaining power. That could include power gained over you, which is the main reason why I suggest you be vigilant. It’s the main reason why I suggest you make no compromises about the nature of reality. The best way to handle any situation where you’re lacking knowledge is to admit at least that much. If you’re in a position where you have to conduct yourself a certain way for political purposes (such as getting ahead), admit at least that much. Do everything you can to eliminate deception from your life in any form, and happily forfeit the power of denial in place of the greater power of truth.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $29.95 if you order by Monday. That’s half-off of the published price! Listen to the free audio preview.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Leave your insecurity behind you and strive to do your best work. Your fears of inadequacy can indeed be behind you, in the past, if you want them to be. The only way you will establish that is to actually live as if it’s true. That may seem bold, but it’s not as bold as you might think. I will tell you that it’s probably a lot braver than your parents were; it’s gutsier than most of your friends or associates would likely be; it will take more courage than downloading a new app for your Droid. Those are not particularly meaningful comparisons because the standard is a lot lower than actual achievement — and lower than your actual potential. The main thing you’re likely to struggle with is your own consistency, though you have more influence over this than you might think. And even if you’re not exactly consistent, now is the time to focus your mind and reach for one particular goal, no matter how ‘impossible’ it may have seemed in the past.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $29.95 if you order by Monday. That’s half-off of the published price! Listen to the free audio preview.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — There’s no such thing as perfect faith, but there is such a thing as very powerful old-fashioned ordinary faith. And that, you have plenty of. Here is the thing: Faith might work so well that it would shock you. It might compel you to reorganize your whole belief system around what is actually possible that you didn’t think was possible. Note that you may find yourself in some kind of dialog or interchange with someone close to you about whether something is possible. The image glaring out of your chart is of you doing what is right for you no matter what anyone else believes or refuses to believe. So you don’t need to lose any sleep over that small matter, nor do you need to distract yourself with anyone else’s doubts. Nor do you need to convince anyone of anything — just act on the best intuition that you have. Then when your environment starts to provide feedback, adjust your beliefs accordingly. Then be ready to adjust them again.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $29.95 if you order by Monday. That’s half-off of the published price! Listen to the free audio preview.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — It’s necessary that you keep a handle on who you are, what you want and what you’re doing. I say this because of the vast amount of activity in your relationship angle (Aquarius, Pisces and Aries) and so little happening in your own sign. Your ruling planet Mercury is deep in the mix of your relationship stuff, which may be describing a real challenge finding yourself in the midst of lots of movement and excitement in your environment. The planets are describing no specific or direct way to do this, that I can see. The best idea I can offer you is to know what you think, despite what anyone else might think. It would be supremely easy to lose yourself in the viewpoint of others, so if you are aware of and strive to focus your own point of view, you have the easiest possible means of tracking who you are. So yes: the path to individuality starts with knowing your own opinion. (It always did.)

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $29.95 if you order by Monday. That’s half-off of the published price! Listen to the free audio preview.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You may feel like you live in the hall of mirrors. But if you look closely at what seems to be your reflection, you might notice that it doesn’t vaguely resemble who you know yourself to be. Indeed, the whole mirroring thing seems to be an illusion that is only real to the extent that you believe it. Your solar chart describes where you will find yourself — in the zone of consciousness where you’re willing to take a risk. Where you feel the potential, the calling or the need to dare, that is where you’re the most likely to find yourself, as in discover something new about yourself. You will know you’re in that space because it feels distinctly different than the mirror chamber or echo chamber that you were in before. You will know you’re there because it has the distinct sensation of something to gain and something to lose. Note that your ruling planet Venus is in Aquarius. That is a reminder to be yourself and not buckle under the pressure or low standards of any group in which you’re involved.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $29.95 if you order by Monday. That’s half-off of the published price! Listen to the free audio preview.


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You may be having panic attacks over some potential change in your work environment or work assignment. That kind of response is not exactly the key to success. I suggest you remove from your thinking any need to ‘feel appreciated’ and replace it with the need to focus your mind, your efforts and your intentions on what actually matters. Focus on the nature of commitments being made to you, and asked of you. Once the changes you’re going through gather actual momentum, there will be the moment where you have to give up control over the outcome. But that does not mean giving up awareness of where you are at any moment, or the words that come out of your mouth, or listening and hearing the words that are said to you. Said another way, lack of control over the outcome is a thing apart from maintaining your presence and awareness and using what you know to make moment-to-moment assessments and decisions.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $29.95 if you order by Monday. That’s half-off of the published price! Listen to the free audio preview.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — If you subtract the drama from the sex, the sex will be a lot more interesting. I know that for most people this is like decaffeinated instant coffee with Splenda and Cremora, or trying to get drunk on a Shirley Temple. There exists a kind of conditioned association between drama and sex, in particular, drama based on insecurity. I would propose that you don’t need that. I also suggest you subtract the “does he/she love me?” question from your erotic encounters, along with “what will happen to us in the future?” and “will we do this again?” Let basic trust and being turned on be enough for now. Have your experiences in the moment you’re having them, giving and receiving love in real time. The insecurity factor to me looks like a ruse. By ruse, I mean to use a polite word for bullshit. You might try treating it as such, just for an experiment. The other part of the experiment will involve not treating anyone else’s insecurity as if it’s valid for you.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $29.95 if you order by Monday. That’s half-off of the published price! Listen to the free audio preview.


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — If you’re going to rebel, focus on what makes no sense, and then wage the rebellion by making sense. Rather than object to what is ridiculous, propose the alternative. The posture of rebellion I am suggesting is not waged in the negative but rather in the affirmative. That leaves a lot more room for creativity, actual innovation and sense of humor. It also disguises the rebellion as something else, such as an invention or a party or art or something that is just interesting. There are a lot of stupid customs in the world, ridiculous beliefs, pointless social rituals and absurd expectations. You seem to be aware of this now more than ever, and determined to do something about it. As the next few days unfold, that may grow to the point of having revolution in your heart. So be it — and Remember The Onion.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $29.95 if you order by Monday. That’s half-off of the published price! Listen to the free audio preview.


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You may be in an emotional dilemma, going back and forth about what you really believe, or what course of action is correct. This is compounded by the potential feeling that you have to do something, or make a decision, before time runs out. The problem is that each potential choice is so compelling you don’t know which is more valid. If this describes some aspect of your life, I have two ideas. One is: consider the potential that both are true at once, no matter how different they may seem (they are more closely related than they seem by the way). Then work out the math and figure out how the situation would seem in that case. Two is: consider the possibility that you’re dealing with a false dilemma. (I have a personal philosophy to consider the potential for any dilemma being a false dilemma). A false dilemma, in case you’re not familiar with the concept, is a pair of options, choices, potentials or outcomes where neither of the two is actually valid or meaningful. The solution to that is simple — come up with more possibilities.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $29.95 if you order by Monday. That’s half-off of the published price! Listen to the free audio preview.


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Claim your genius with money. I mean take hold of it, take ownership and put it to work. Get your mind going, and start sketching out possibilities. Remember that your most valuable resource is what you know. In our economy, you have the options to sell your time, your labor or your knowledge, and you probably proffer a mix of these options. But the most valuable one is your knowledge. It’s also one of the most challenging to convert into actual cash value, though you can apply your knowledge to that puzzle. The only thing that stands in your way is a particular kind of self-esteem crisis that might, in the past, have left you feeling like nobody cares about you. That’s not true, but I would remind you that for this particular project, you don’t need anyone to care about you — you need to care about yourself, and you need to take advantage of the self-interest of others. Ultimately what you’re doing has nothing at all to do with self-interest; that is a means to a much larger and more meaningful goal.

Are you ready for a change? The astrology of this season offers a new opening to intimacy and trust in your relationships. Pre-order your Spring Report by Eric Francis now. You’ll get all twelve signs for $29.95 if you order by Monday. That’s half-off of the published price! Listen to the free audio preview.

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Cardinal Grand Cross: A Matter of Trust

Dear Friend and Reader:

April 2014 is the month of the long-anticipated cardinal grand cross — what I have called the peak astrology of the 2012 era. The aspect pattern that’s exact on April 23 has been forming for many decades, a hologram swirling in the seemingly random movements of the cosmos awaiting its moment of emergence. That is about to arrive with both deeply personal themes and vast global ones.

Planet Waves
Simplified astrology chart for April 23, 2014. (Detailed chart here.) I suggest you print this chart and keep it next to you while you read the article, so you can follow along. The chart is for Mars square Pluto on April 23, 2014, illustrating the grand cross (the red square) and the grand trine (the green triangle). Note that Jupiter, the orange planet to the lower right of the chart, is the one common planet of both the square and the trine.

They share a common thread, and that is trust.

I know it’s not easy for non-astrologers to take too much technical explanation of a chart, but the meaning, beauty and outstanding quality of this alignment would lose much of its impact if you didn’t really have a sense of what it actually is. Plus, if you know, you can then explain it to others. I’ve included a custom illustration and I will do my best to explain it so that anyone can follow. I’ve placed a chart in the middle of the page and I’ll put the instructions for where to look in the chart [in bold and in brackets].

With just a little focus and patience, I think that the chart image will emerge. I suggest you print the simplified chart so that you can refer to it and take some notes as you read.

A grand cross (sometimes called a grand square) consists of planets at four equidistant points of the zodiac, which locates the Earth at the center as if in a crosshairs. The Earth is not shown in an astrological chart; it’s presumed to be in the middle of the wheel. Such patterns lose or gain astrological importance, power or influence (as you prefer) based on what planets are involved, how quickly or slowly they move, where the cross is aligned within the zodiac — plus any unusual factors that might be involved. By all of those measures, this grand cross gets high scores.

The four points of the cross fall in the cardinal signs (hence, a cardinal grand cross) and close to the cardinal points (the first degrees of those signs), those associated with the “four directions.” The four points involved all have the bold number 13 next to them, which is their degree location within their respective signs. Planets with the same degree number are said to be “in aspect.” This aspect is a giant square. [The square is easy to see by following the red lines in the middle of the chart. Note that the red lines all lead to planets that have a 13 next to them.]

The cardinal points are associated with peaks and balancing moments of the Sun’s energy as the seasons change (the equinoxes and the solstices). This grants extra emphasis — anything in the cardinal signs, or close to the cardinal points, picks up on the energy of the Aries Point, which is like a cosmic amplifier.

Planet Waves
Moss and pine needles trapped in thick ice, late winter on the Grandmother Land in High Falls, New York. Photo by Eric Francis.

Two of the planets involved consist of an aspect I’ve been writing about here for years, called the Uranus-Pluto square. That is a 90-degreee meeting of two very slow-moving planets whose current cycle began with the conjunction of 1965-1966, rippling out for years on either side — the whole business we refer to as The Sixties. That particular era was an extraordinary and extraordinarily complex time in history, in many ways similar to the times we’re living through today — with one difference: the optimism and passion of the Sixties has been replaced by a diversity of other emotions today, ranging from cynicism to hope to a kind of helpless bewilderment. Much of the idealism that does exist is either invested in ‘faith in technology’ — or it is ungrounded. This is, I believe, something we need to get a handle on.

First let’s look at the Uranus-Pluto square. Uranus is now in Aries [a blue H-like thing, toward the left, below the horizontal line]. When you think of Uranus in Aries, think of radical individualism that can express itself creatively, or get lost in the glamour of technology. Think revolution that can set people free or get caught up in self-aggrandizement. Think scientific innovation that can serve negative or positive interests for the community. Consider the ways that our culture is becoming the product of its own technology — which means that the technology is out of our control.

The second part of the Uranus-Pluto square is Pluto. Pluto is now in Capricorn [depicted as a red golf tee, to the upper left of the chart]. When you think of Pluto in Cap, think of systems breakdowns and the collapse of over-large, too-old institutions. Think of the banking crisis. Think of struggles for and obsession with power, doing it “because you can,” and the constant sensation that this all may be crashing down.

With Pluto in Capricorn, the evolutionary drive of Pluto is being applied to “the system” itself. This has been a long time coming. “The system” may seem indomitable but it’s much more fragile than you may think. On a really good day, various system collapses could get dysfunctional stuff out of the way, and give us an opportunity to build something new and positive in the cleared space. But those are two very different things — the destruction and the rebuilding. They call upon two very different kinds of commitments.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

Because these two planets move so slowly, they hold their exact 90-degree angle for about four years, which began in spring 2012 and which ends in spring 2015 (with a wide time orb on either side). This aspect comes with the sensation of the turmoil we’re witnessing in the world, the sense of living on the edge or over the edge, and the sensation of everything happening at once.

It also offers another quality that many other tumultuous aspects don’t necessarily have much of — the quest for liberation, and the potential to create it. Pluto drives growth and progress. Uranus drives sudden change. The two working together, combined with human awareness and creativity, can have beautiful results. They can also combine into something that is dangerous and unpredictable, such as revolutions that give rise to even worse regimes than before; activist movements that start off strong and end in apathy and defeatism.

The third point of the cardinal cross is Jupiter in Cancer [an orange glyph similar to a 4 to the lower right side of the chart]. Jupiter bestows protection (including, literally, protecting the Earth from impact with asteroids and comets), it magnifies anything it comes into contact with, and it can bring an exotic quality (such as foreign, otherworldly or mystical) into the scenario. Jupiter is a classical planet and it is exalted in Cancer — it’s the most strongly placed planet in the whole alignment. The other planets have significant impact; Jupiter is strong in its sign by the classical rules, and comes with the message, “This is home. Let’s make the most of it.”

Note, the United States’ Sun is at 13+ Cancer. That is to say, where Jupiter is now, the Sun was on July 4, 1776. For Americans, that Jupiter is a double reminder of what it means to be home, and to take care of home. There is also the implication that the United States will be involved in an unusual event this April.

Jupiter also has another role — a link from the grand cross to the grand water trine that also currently exists. Yes, we are in the midst of both a cross in the heavens, and a trine. The grand water trine means there are planets in aspect in all three water signs. [Those are illustrated by the green triangle in the middle of the wheel.] The other water signs are Scorpio, covered by Saturn, and Pisces, covered by Neptune, Chiron and Venus. The one point that the two patterns share, the cross and the square, is Jupiter.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

Notice how both red and green lines converge on Jupiter. Jupiter has access to all of the other planets in both patterns. It’s not exactly the hub of the wheel; it’s more like a command center set off to the side. A grand water trine means that it’s easy to get caught in one’s emotions, and for the whole society to get caught in an emotional “Bermuda triangle” and not be able to escape. We need to watch carefully for this kind of experience. It’s also easy for individuals to get caught in an emotional pattern and have the same basic effect. Think of Jupiter as home base, that is, the reminder that we are at home, and that we can use that to our advantage.

What makes April 23 the peak of the grand cross is that Uranus, Pluto, Jupiter and lastly Mars will be aligned to within one degree, at 13+ degrees of their respective signs [The degrees are indicated by bold numbers, and fractions of a degree in smaller numbers closer to the center of the wheel.] This is a remarkably close alignment, given that all four placements split a single degree. And it’s astonishing that this aligns with the U.S. Sun to the very degree.

Okay, now for the last element — Mars, the one that to me illustrates the matter of trust; and the point that applies the burst of energy to the pattern that makes it such a strong factor right now. [Mars is to the right, above the horizontal line, in red, looking just like you might expect it to.] When fast-moving inner planets like Mars get involved in slow-moving patterns, they tend to activate the pattern, push it to the forefront and make it personal.

Mars is a close-by world, often called a “personal planet” by astrologers since the feelings and qualities it represents are so accessible to all people (anger, motivation, sex drive, competitiveness and violent urges among them). Mars can be assertive, aggressive, lusty, driven, angry or violent, depending on the circumstances. It is the nearest, fastest-moving and most mentally accessible planet of the four that are involved in the cross.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

Mars is in Libra, the sign of beauty and balance,
of relationships and of the kind of sex we experience as elegant and beautiful. Libra is a sign associated with Venus. Mars seems out of place in this sign opposite its own (Aries); it is taking a long retrograde through a feminine environment, and appears to be compensating for this by switching its polarity (retrograde movement).

This is the very image of what some call “passive” aggression. There really is no such thing. The passive part of passive aggressive really means concealed or disguised. It is more like a sly attack, or the lurking fear of one. This is a slippery placement and it’s not easy to readily identify what it represents; one must really focus and do an inner investigation.

Mars retrograde in Libra illustrates the festering anger that is resident in many relationships, along with the resentment and hostility. Sometimes this is veiled and sometimes it’s blatantly overt. In any case many people live with anger as a seeming fact of life in their relationships. There is no easy way out of their situations, people seem to have power over them, and the nearly universal human quality of passivity leads people to feel they lack even the most basic influence over their lives.

This is the “yes means no” Mars; it’s also an image of ambivalence that is driven by a deeper underlying doubt.

Many of us also live with anger in other forms: at ourselves, at our parents, at the world situation, at God. Yet our culture lacks a vent for this anger, or for productive ways to process it, much less to turn it into another form of energy. What it tends to do is to erode trust. We might think we live in a cold and unloving world, but imagine how that would change if people trusted one another more readily.

Planet Waves
Memory of Winter. Photo by Eric Francis.

Part of what we specifically lack trust in is justice and fairness, two themes covered by the sign Libra. This runs in at least two directions — how you are treated, and how you treat others. Notice the cynicism that has pervaded our society in these years; but no matter how “well founded,” cynicism can never lead to trust. And trust is the one thing we need to work together.

Most of what we’re missing, I believe, is trust in ourselves. Self-trust is the foundation of all other kinds of trust because all of them come back to you trusting your decision to have faith in a situation. This has been injured so many times that it seems like trust is either impossible, or it is always going to be betrayed. Neither of these is true, but it will seem true if it’s the only option we have.

Mars retrograde is pushing these issues to the forefront. We stand at a point of decision. And in a few weeks that may seem deeply urgent. If you’re looking at the world, at your relationship or at yourself and wondering what to do, I would ask: what would it take for you to trust? What would you need, or need to do?

If I may make a suggestion, one of the things that characterizes our time in history is an extreme sense of seeking what we can get out of any situation. It’s true that nearly everything is connected to a monthly bill and we live with the sensation of being constantly exploited. There is another side to that, which is a society that sometimes feels like yellow jacket wasps in late autumn trying to extract nourishment from a brightly colored potato chip package.

I believe that trust is cultivated by exactly the opposite property: understanding what we can give to any situation. Trust and love are closely related; we tend to love what we nurture, whether it’s a child, a friend, a puppy or a home. One skill here is learning to properly nourish yourself, which will definitely help — but replacing this chilly quality of “what can I withhold?” with “what can I offer?” is going to help many ways, including proving that you really do have something to offer; something truly worthwhile — and that may answer one of your most nagging doubts.



After much thought, I’ve decided to spin off our environmental coverage, including Monsanto Watch and ECO, into their own free publication that will be distributed Friday afternoons. This will allow us to focus this coverage for readers who are truly interested, and to make it available to non-subscribers. We also anticipate having more interaction with the audience, who I presume follows much more of this news and seems to include some people working directly on the issues. To sign up for these free mailings, please use this link. You may also share it with anyone you want. If you want to reach the editors with an idea, local breaking news story, correction or other feedback, please write to eco@planetwaves.net.

Writing and Editing Credits: Planet Waves is produced by a team consisting of Hillary Conary, Eric Francis, Elizabeth Michaud, Amanda Painter, Susan Starr, Carol van Strum and Chad Woodward. Coordinating Editor: Elizabeth Michaud. Page assembled and coded by Anatoly Ryzhenko. Special thanks to the Fact Checkers List, which goes over each edition on Thursday night — and to our main astrology fact-checker Alex Miller, and Amanda, who goes over all their suggestions. Our editions are also proofread and fact-checked by Jessica Keet.
Planet Waves

Taking a Ride on the Aries Point

The Sun ingressed Aries Thursday at 1:58:59 pm EDT — that would be the equivalent of high noon standard time, with the Sun high in the sky. The Aries Point is the first degree of the tropical zodiac, that is, the orientation point from which all of Western astrology is reckoned. We are about to take a ride on the Aries Point for the next six or seven weeks, as the Sun passes through the Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto configuration, and Mars gets ready to join the action (see article above).

Planet Waves
My annotated chart for the spring equinox yesterday.

The Aries Point also has the property of an intersection between the collective realm and the individual; it covers all of the topics where matters that would seemingly be the abstract business of legislators show up in your living room, your kitchen or your bedroom. The truly interesting thing about “the news” is just how many events have called our attention to precisely this factor.

The Sun reaches the first point on the cardinal cross with the Sun square Jupiter on April 1. Then personal and world events really pick up and we will be treated to one of the most amazing, strange and perhaps tumultuous trips through the kaleidoscope. I believe there will be some scary moments as world leaders, many of them drunk on power and lacking common sense, pick up on the energy.

Personally, I foresee a time for big decisions and engaging with issues that have long been omitted from the discussion. I am especially intrigued by the placement of Mars in the sign Libra — the one opposite its home sign Aries. This looks like an intriguing therapy project of unraveling this annoying thing called projection. But for that to work it will be necessary to tread lightly on yourself, on others and on the Earth.

Before the Sun reaches the grand cross, however, it makes a series of aspects to a cluster of minor planets that are grouped around the early degrees of the cardinal signs. I go through these in some detail in Thursday night’s edition of Planet Waves FM, right at the top of the program.

I will go over a few selected highlights, however. One is Terpsichore opposite Apollo in early Aries/Libra. The Sun will pass through this today and over the weekend. Terpsichore is the muse of dance, the dance of life and with life and “dancing your way to God” and dancing between the raindrops.

Apollo is the one with the story about making the same errors over and over. So with this aspect we have the theme of how we dance with our own mistakes, and how we might find a way to dance our way out of them. I think everyone has experienced the frustration of Apollo at some time or another, many of us on a fairly regular basis. In the blend with Terpsichore is a clever way to say that life is not about perfection, it’s about movement and flow.

Planet Waves
Ophelia, illustrated in a photograph by Gregory Crewdson.

There’s one more grouping that I think is really interesting — Ophelia at 5+ Aries, Eros at 5+ Capricorn and Hidalgo at 8+ Capricorn. The Sun will pass through this configuration early next week, though there’s plenty of heat and light shining on it right now.

Ophelia, named for a character in Hamlet, is a point of overreaction based on the sensation of not being valued. Usually when this kind of sensation starts to cascade, it’s coming from a space of deep insecurity that is being projected into a relationship. The glyph for Ophelia is similar to that of Psyche and I believe there is a resonance. My take on Psyche is the sensation of an emotional injury that cannot be healed — not the reality, the sensation.

Eros pumps a lot of heart energy through this, and it can become distorted — especially when you run Eros through the “commitment is everything” filter of Capricorn. Yes, we are pulverized into thinking commitment is everything, but I would ask: commitment to whom and to what?

The last point is Hidalgo, one of my favorite asteroids. Hidalgo cautions against rebellion for its own sake. But mostly, Hidalgo cautions against going along with ridiculous social customs just because they are there. This would include mindlessly accepting, in any way, any pressure to be something or someone, or to do something, or to go along with something, that is not really about you; that you have not fully thought through.

With the way the planets are developing, you will most surely want to think, to feel and to reflect — take the time while you have it.
Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Video still from “Years” by Bartholomaus Traubeck; the knot to the left side of the wooden disk sounds about as dark and gnarly as it looks. A digital album of seven different tree-slice recordings is available for download at Traubeck’s Bandcamp site.


Singing Rings for Spring

For everyone anywhere on Earth, the Aries equinox is one of the two times at which the hours of day and night are equal (the other being the Libra equinox). If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, this means the first day of spring  (even if the weather hasn’t gotten the message yet) and the promise of a new cycle of growth.

Trees happen to document their growth cycles in the rings visible when a cross-section is cut from a log — a record of each year’s rainfall and other factors that looks, well, like a record. Artist Bartholomaus Traubeck has fitted a turntable with a PlayStation Eye Camera that ‘reads’ the rings in cross-sections of trees and transmits the data to a computer, where a software program translates the data into piano sounds.

The recordings resulting from the project, which is titled “Years,” are both haunting and inspiring; what might the music sound like if we could translate each year of our own growth into sound?
Planet Waves

Planet Waves

Moss, pine needles and leaves from the forest floor trapped in thick ice, late winter on the Grandmother Land in High Falls, New York. Photo by Eric Francis.


Spring Equinox and How Not to Give Away Your Power

In this week’s program of Planet Waves FM, I look at the chart for the Spring Equinox, and consider the planets gathered around the Aries Point. In the second half of the the program, I offer some additional thoughts on the charts for Flight 370. Finally, I share my ideas about how not to give your power away to healers, teachers and those in a position of authority.
Planet Waves

Have you ordered your 2014 readings by Eric Francis yet? The Mars Effect (our 16th annual edition!) has just published, and includes in-depth audio and written readings for your Sun, Moon and rising signs. We always receive a flood of positive feedback for these readings, and it shows just how meaningful they are. One customer wrote, “Every minute of Eric’s reading is worth gold.” We’re offering you a special package price of $79 for all twelve signs, available only to current Planet Waves members. Or you may purchase individual signs for $29.95.


Planet Waves

Your Monthly Horoscopes — and our Publishing Schedule Notes

Your extended monthly horoscopes for April are published below in this issue. We published your extended monthly horoscopes for March Friday, Feb. 21. Moonshine horoscopes for the Pisces New Moon published Tuesday, Feb. 25. Moonshine horoscopes for the Virgo Full Moon were published Tuesday, March 11. Please note, we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Friday after the Sun has entered a new sign.


Planet Waves Monthly for April 2014, #991 | By Eric Francis

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You may be feeling confident, brassy and ambitious, though I suggest you monitor the world for your own reflection every time you turn around. You need feedback in realtime, and you need it from multiple sources. You have Uranus in your sign, which may be leading you to feel unstoppable. Jupiter in Cancer is offering a sense of safety while Pluto in Capricorn is suggesting that the sky is the limit. But your ruling planet Mars is in your opposite sign Libra. This suggests a more fragile and less easy-to-read situation than you may imagine, particularly as the energy heats up mid-month. Therefore, it’s essential that you tune into your navigation and feedback systems as soon as you can, so that you begin to notice the ways that the echo of your environment comes back to you. You may not think, or want to think, that this is somehow an expression of your own energy. The purpose of this feedback is not to judge it but rather to evaluate it. So before getting caught in your own opinion, notice the ways that shifting your approach to people and circumstances and altering your energetic posture actually gets a result. The nice thing here is while there may be some subtlety to what you’re perceiving and how you have to adapt, the feedback and the results should come quickly.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You are well-placed to experience this month’s grand cross event in a supporting role, as an observer and voluntary participant. Your ruling planet Venus is in Pisces, happy, resourceful and a safe distance from the fireworks. Yet there is another dimension to this month’s activity, which involves a solar eclipse in your birth sign on April 29. Eclipses in your sign are ‘before and after’ events, demarcation points that shift the way you think about yourself. The theme of this eclipse is your identity as a relationship partner. Among the reasons that might be challenging is that it’s not easy for you to shift any facet of your identity; you tend to camp out in what you know. Yet most of what we know about ‘being a partner’ comes from two sources: our parents, most of whom struggled to have a single clue about this, and the rest from social conditioning such as fairy tales, movies, television and then a whole heap of peer pressure. The beauty of an eclipse is that it’s a wildcard. Circumstances may seem to be operating outside of your control, yet in truth you have the full power of choice. Give yourself a break, observe what is right for you, and remember most people around you will be so invested in other matters they are unlikely to notice, much less judge, your conclusions.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You must keep your wits about you at all times, and be realistic at every turn. That means making no assumptions, which is a miracle in a world where so few people even know when they are doing so. Therefore, the first step is being aware when your perceptions are supported by actual data rather than by something you would like to be true, or by something that someone is trying to convince you is true. We are about to enter one of those ‘all is fair in love and war’ phases of social history where for a while it may seem like all bets are off and none of yesterday’s rules apply. As Graham Nash said, you who are on the road must have a code that you can live by. You need your own personal code, your way of life, that is distinct from anything that was ever imposed on you, and which depends on what you have learned from all your travels. Most of all your guide to living must be informed by the outcomes that you want, measured not so much in material things but rather in the form of ethics, cooperation, the value you place on your relationships and most of all, the value you place on the future. These are things that count, and the things I suggest you keep right at the front of your mind, every step you take.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Your sign has a unique position amongst the many unusual developments of this month. The two main events are a cardinal grand cross (see related article) and a water grand trine. Yours is the only cardinal water sign — that is, the only sign directly involved in both configurations. The planet involved is Jupiter, currently in Cancer and very happy there. Jupiter indicates that you have plenty of resources to apply to what may feel like an increasingly demanding or complicated situation. You may be in a helping role — this may or may not be directly about your personal existence (in other words, it may reach far beyond). Yet despite your state of abundance, you will need to allocate your resources thoughtfully. You’ll need to take care of yourself before you take any responsibility for the many people who may be making demands on you. Be on the lookout for overreactions by others; stay away from drama queens and those who seem to exist without purpose. Focus on those who are being true to themselves and who are connected to the greater whole. Notice who is being self-serving, who is taking advantage of others and who is just taking up space. Notice, that is, so you can also identify who is in a supporting role. Help those who are making a difference.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — It is time to step up and take leadership whether or not you think you are ready. For this to work, your idea of leadership needs to evolve. It’s not a supporting or coordinating role; those are the people that leaders need around them, and I suggest you get a few supporters and coordinators onto your team. Leadership is making sure the right thing happens at the right time. That will take cooperation, and so right up top of the concepts of leadership is the one who focuses a group effort. I know this is a quality more typically assigned to Aquarius, and I have noticed that many Leos have a heck of a time with the whole recruiting and delegating thing. However, putting that skill to work will be necessary if you want to use this extraordinary moment and achieve at least a few truly unusual things, even as the world seems to go mad. I recognize the extent to which this type of leadership may seem to involve a profound shift of orientation for you. Maybe it will seem more within reach if you think of it like how you want your family to run — as a fully cooperative entity. Teach young people all the time. Shift your emphasis from doing things personally to making sure that others do them as well as, or better than, you.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Events of this month may seem like a huge spectacle, something that you’re destined to witness rather than participate in. It’s also possible that what you see will seem so close to home that you will fail to notice what is happening outside your immediate environment. I suggest you go beyond what seems to be directly personal and reach with your awareness into wider circles. Make contact with those who have a global perspective, those who are not caught in their own little reality bubble — that will help take you beyond the limits of your own perception. You may be feeling a bit boxed into your reality, as if you’re reluctant to change your mind about something. Yet everything you’re seeing, hearing and experiencing is howling and cheering for you to do precisely that, to get in tune with the moment. If you are feeling like “I don’t want to change my own mind; I would rather have it changed for me,” that is what will happen, but it won’t be the most pleasant or creative way to experience the current astrology. The more creative approach will include allowing others to gently lead you beyond what is familiar. Some of those experiences will come through your relationships and some will come as a result of them. Still, the idea is the same — embrace others who are willing to take you beyond yourself.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Mars retrograde in your sign is about to take center stage. Mars represents a process that started long ago and over which you have little control; it seems to represent something that you must go through and experience at full intensity. Or perhaps it would be more appropriate to say that would be the best course of action. Yet several factors describe the way you might be inclined to take this experience in an unconscious way, acting out the past, or that of your ancestors. For you, there are two keys to this astrology. One is to remain fully present in your experience of what is happening. Find people who are willing to help you stay grounded and give you honest feedback, and moreover, who are able to provide a sense of context. The other is to maintain your compassion at all times. The theme of Mars retrograde in Libra is a dangerously slippery form of inwardly directed anger. Venus, the actual planet that represents you, is placed in Pisces, where you are being invited to see your life from a whole other perspective. The time has arrived to devote yourself to healing as a full-time occupation. If you want to do your part in helping resolve the global crisis and guiding humanity through its raging adolescence, your own healing process is the place to begin — and now is the time.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — It would be easier to deal with fear if we could recognize it when we see it. Yet the problem with fear, and its first cousins guilt and anger, is that most of the time, we don’t recognize them when we see them, or feel them. They take so many forms, come wrapped in so many packages and dressed in so many disguises, we could be dealing with them all day and still not know it. And that is precisely what we do. Your job is to know when you’re dealing with these emotions, and when they are driving you. It is only this awareness that will protect you from being manipulated and manipulating others. Only this awareness will allow you to connect with more loving motives. At the moment, it seems like the entire ‘outer’ world we are witnessing is being driven by dark emotions and self-serving motives. At the same time many things seem wrapped in a blend of ambivalence and ignorance that could lead otherwise intelligent people to support the cause of (for example) fracking or genetically modified foods. Yet neither your most wholesome survival instincts nor your most sublime creative guidance will be apparent when you’re caught in the deceptive, slippery haze of fear, or guilt, or anger. And that is what you must now focus every skill and grain of wit into transcending. If there is a road to truth, it is surely the same one away from lies.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You seem to be central to many events and activities around you. Actually, this appears to be so true that the most significant thing you can avoid is losing yourself in the midst of all the excitement, the drama and the goings-on. Whether you recognize it or not, the resources that are being drawn on are your emotional resources. You might think it’s your creative talent, your money or your ideas; you might have those moments when you think it’s your sexual energy (and you would be getting closer). The thing you have, that which others want and think they need or are just drawn to without understanding at all, is your emotional pool. You might be saying, “The Only Astrology Book You Ever Need said Sagittarians aren’t so emotional,” though astrology books don’t really point to this quality about you. Yet it’s as real as you are, and it’s present right now, and I suggest you insulate yourself a bit and keep a meter on what you share with others, so that you have sufficient reserves of your own. In addition, it’s imperative that you set your own course in life without being distracted by those with whom you’re sexually involved or with whom you may share a bank account. This is a time when you must be absolutely free to make your own decisions, and make them without hesitation.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Of the many messages I could deliver at the time of the grand cross, at the top of the list is to protect your reputation. Like a bookstore, reputations take years to build and can burn in minutes. There is no indication in your chart that this will happen, but many factors conspire to raise the probability level. Therefore I suggest you temper your ambitions for the moment and focus on maintaining what you’ve currently got going on. You have plenty of responsibility, and some of what you’re being required to do is sufficiently ambiguous as to require considerable thought. One potential risk is ending up taking responsibility for the actions of someone else, so I suggest you refrain, for the moment, from doing anyone else’s bidding, no matter how politically expedient it may be. There are also likely to be a few matters from the past that are coming up for closure, especially involving your professional activities. Take care of them. The planets in their courses are, as you know, holding out a vision of success, yet it’s vital that you allow this to unfold in due time, and that you skip no steps on the way to getting there. Soon enough, once you’ve passed unscathed through your current adventure thanks to your persistent vigilance, you will once again be able to throw caution to the four winds.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Despite the considerable fuss and turmoil of the world, you seem intent on grounding yourself in your home, with your partner, with your family or in your community (these, in some combination). That looks like the right idea at the right time. You are in a position to build your life from the center outward, similar to how a tree grows. You would have to be pretty tuned into nature to look at a tree and say, “Gee, I see it growing right now.” (Such is possible.) But you would have to be pretty out of it to look at the tree year after year and not notice that it’s filling out and becoming taller and stronger. Your professional activities are in a similar pattern of nearly imperceptible growth, but increasingly solid rooting. Your ruling planet Saturn is in your solar 10th house — perhaps its most functional place. The work of the 10th house is the slow building of one’s professional purpose, identity and image. Keep that process slow, and continue to make sure that your reputation is built on absolutely solid ground, making sure that every career-oriented contact you make has an actual emotional — that is to say, human — basis to the relationship. Take the time to slowly and meticulously orient around the goals that you hold the most dear to your heart. Then, work that blend of ‘make it happen’ and ‘let it happen’.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Whatever may be going on around you, the waters deep within the Pisces sea can be clear and calm. They will be, if you remember to leave any trouble and turmoil at the surface. The spiritual reservoir of your sign is full right now, in part because the water trine that’s holding out a veil of protection over the world involves all three of the planets associated with your sign — Venus, Jupiter and Neptune. Yet this is also hinting that you will be in a vital supporting role to certain people around you, maybe to many people. It’s essential that you keep yourself nourished, rested and organized. Take the ‘self sacrificing’ thing about Pisces and set it aside — whoever invented that did a service to nobody. Your charts are about the pleasure you can experience, the creative expansion, the art and the music that you can experience, even amidst any strange and chaotic developments of the world. The thing to remember is that you don’t owe anyone anything, and that your life is a gift to yourself. If you live sincerely and in balance, you will be available to support others in unusual ways that sidestep many of the typical notions of what community or world service is about. The direct and rather bold message of your chart is that what serves you will serve others — a happy state of affairs.

Looking for an in-depth astrology reading? Order THE MARS EFFECT, your 2014 annual readings, for a special rate of $79 for all twelve signs. It’s a great package of audio and written readings that gives you access to your Sun, rising and Moon signs (and those of your loved ones). You may also order individual signs for $29.95 here.



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Cardinal Cross, Revisited

Dear Friend and Reader:

For the past couple of years we have been living under the influence of an alignment in the cardinal signs — Pluto arriving in Capricorn in 2008, followed by Saturn and Uranus making their way into Libra and Aries. These three powerhouses have been dancing around the early cardinal cross — right around where the Sun is when it changes seasons — stirring up all kinds of mischief and adventure.

Photo by Eric Francis.

I am sure that most of us would prefer to forget the first half of 2011, with its assassination/shooting, quake, tsunami and multiple nuclear meltdowns, tornadoes, floods and fires — along with a rapid sequence of revolutions and crackdowns across North Africa and the Middle East, and political protests in Wisconsin and Ohio. Edgar Cayce would be impressed. All of these events and the ongoing political madness in the U.S. are associated with these slow-moving planets coming in and out of aspect to one another, as well as their proximity to the Aries Point. Fast refresher on that: the Aries Point is the intersection where what we think of as news becomes personal, and what we think of as personal becomes news.

When you get three planets in aspect like this (really, there are more if you include other signs — but for now I’m just considering what’s on the cardinal cross) you get a number of different cycles coming together, and that always stirs the pot. But the energy of these longstanding aspects can then be precipitated by Sun/Moon events. The first of these is the solstice, when the Sun enters Cancer on Tuesday, June 21. When you have planets grouped around the Aries Point, the change of seasons becomes a more distinctive turning point. The reason is simple: in addition to the power surge of the Sun entering a cardinal sign, it immediately begins to make aspects to lots of other planets. That is what’s about to begin with the solstice, one of the strongest power-points of the year. A solstice is not merely the change of season. It’s as if the entire cosmic dynamo changes directions, at least from our perspective here on Earth. It’s a moment filled with tension and bursting with potential.

During the Sun’s first week in Cancer it forms aspects to Neptune, Jupiter, Uranus, Chiron and Pluto. One nice thing about this phase is that the Sun will be in a water sign, so while the Sun is sparking off the other planets aligned in the T-square (Saturn, Uranus, Pluto) there will be a vent or pressure release as the Sun also aspects Neptune, Chiron and Jupiter. Said simply, a lot of energy is created, and then there is someplace for it to go. One of the problems many of us face is that when the fear or chaos level rises, we cut off from our feelings to avoid the negative emotions. We can miss the opportunity to harness the energy. These events are suggesting that the most productive, workable and moreover safest route is to feel and experience with your emotions rather than avoiding them.

For the past few weeks we’ve been seeing utterly ridiculous issues come up in the news — such as the Anthony Weiner sexting thing, which qualifies as the stupidest scandal in history. Based on the upcoming eclipse, it would seem that the news is about to take a serious turn — but the Weiner situation calls for a comment. The irony of a congressman being kicked out of office for sexting is ridiculous because Congress is a kind of sex party. The escapades, adventures and shall we say opportunities provided by the attractive, intelligent young men and women who enter the Beltway from our nation’s most prestigious universities are impressive. These interns often volunteer to do more than paperwork, and they provide something of a renewable national resource for many of our elected representatives. This is a kind of open secret in DC. The nearly 30-year-old Congressional Page Sex Scandal described in Wikipedia as a mere shadow of the astonishing reports I read day after day in The New York Times as the whole thing unfolded. So far as I could tell, any or every member could have been involved, and from what I understand, things have only become more interesting since this issue disappeared from the pages of newspapers.

On Friday, July 1, the planets on the cardinal cross (Saturn, Uranus and Pluto) will be set off by a partial eclipse of the Sun — the third eclipse in a rapid, four-week sequence spanning June 1 to July 1. What happens is that the Sun and the Moon move into an exact alignment in the one quadrant of the cardinal cross not occupied by planets. This runs considerable energy through the whole cross, and is likely to come along with a new wave of unusual news events and personal developments that call for emotional maturity and the willingness to turn rapid change into opportunity.

Anthony Ayiomamitis, creator of this image of Wednesday’s lunar eclipse, writes, “This has the Moon almost completely in Earth’s umbral shadow with the white crescent on the right limb being the final bit still in the penumbra but not in the umbra.”

Usually there is one barrier to that: fear. And the loss is obvious if you think about it: fear is generally what prevents us from making the most of our circumstances, and the result is a kind of spiral. This is intentional. I’ve mentioned the ‘shock doctrine’ concept a few times: it’s a way of making news that makes people cower, so that political and business agendas can be advanced. Basically it’s turning Pearl Harbor into Coca-Cola, a consistent, dependable product. But this would not work without being keyed into a deeper but misdirected survival instinct. This tends to work on the level of an unconscious reflex, and basically as a result we become the prisoners of our own fears. When we talk about growth, enlightenment or spiritual consciousness, what we really mean is not being held hostage by our own fear impulses. I know it seems like there is a lot that can go wrong in the world, but there always was. These fear impulses are torturing us as individuals and adding up to a big mess in society.

The July 1 eclipse is the third in a series of three eclipses — a partial solar on June 1, a total lunar on June 15, and then the partial solar of July 1. Eclipses are part of much longer cycles, and within each cluster or grouping of eclipses, each individual event is part of a different cycle. What is interesting is that the June 1 event came toward the end of a very long cycle; the June 15 one was the peak of a cycle and the July 1 eclipse is the very first in a brand-new cycle (these are called Saros cycles). Personally I didn’t know there were new Saros cycles but I’ve learned that there are, and we’re about to experience what that feels like.

To me something new is about opening up new territory, never before visited. The eclipse takes place in Cancer and arrives in grand style as part of a grand cross. Yet the sign Cancer has some special meaning in terms of personal evolution, as it’s the sign of incarnation. It’s also the sign we associate with emotional grounding, family and security. And as such an emotional sign, it would be the epicenter of the emotional healing process I’ve been describing for months now, though of course anything happening in Scorpio and Pisces would be part of that, too.

In the rest of this article, let’s consider this emotional healing theme and see how we can put that to work under the current astrology. The presence of so many planets in the water signs, and an eclipse coming in one of the water signs, suggests that the emotional level is one to focus on right now, and Chiron in Pisces points to the theme of healing.

An eclipse looming in the sign Cancer points directly to the theme of family. I would say that the basic need for emotional healing is connected with unresolved family baggage, resentment caused by failures in relationships, social struggles including a sense of feeling like an outcast that is commonplace even among ‘popular’ people, and the ongoing, sometimes subtle and sometimes overt agony of living amidst too many rules about sex. All of this points to toxic shame, a problem so pervasive we have barely begun to see it for what it is. It is difficult to see, in an environment where we’re constantly shamed and where one of the most pervasive emotions is guilt.

Astrodice offer the formula: Uranus in Virgo in the 12th house, with the latter two in a puddle next to a waterfall. There is a lot of energy, intelligence and ideas packed up in that 12th house, and it’s contained in the perfect morph of Pisces and Virgo — about to be set free by Uranus. Photo by Eric Francis.

As with fear, when we encounter toxic shame, we tend to turn off our feelings so that we don’t have to experience the pain. This is basically the trap, and it’s everywhere — with every option we have to shut down, from drinking one of those things at Starbucks that somehow combines 25 grams of sugar with a huge dose of sodium, to indulging in endless ‘entertainment’. As time goes on the pressure builds, and we see it release in destructive ways, such as people in Vancouver trashing their own city this week because their team lost the Stanley Cup. This a lot of pent up energy. I think many people feel the psychological term ‘repression’ is quaint, but pent up means repressed, and it’s not just all those drunk hockey fans that are experiencing the pain of this. Clearly they were revolting against something. The subtle question is, in what ways do you feel held down, and in what ways to you rebel, or try to? Usually this kind of rebellion is not so artful; it is the destructive use of creative energy. One of the first things we do in an emotional healing phase is figure out how to put that same energy to good use.

As planets gather in the water signs, and as we have an unusual new kind of eclipse about to happen there, the route to healing would seem to be to enter our feelings rather than avoid them. That does not just mean ‘negative’ feelings. I also mean the pleasures you want that you might deny yourself, be they emotional, aesthetic or erotic.

This doesn’t have to be a total immersion. Sometimes it’s better to approach one’s feelings from the edge, to lightly touch them and acknowledge what’s going on inside. Sometimes it works beautifully to go there with your imagination first. For many, the idea that comes with this will be something like, “I am not going to pretend any more” — whatever that pretending may entail, and for others, it might be, “I’m going to be real about this right now,” whatever that being real might entail.

Our current phase of eclipses is providing both psychological leverage to change our circumstances and restructure our lives, as well as an emotional vent for long-pent-up energy. It may seem inconvenient, but it’s really an opportunity.

Yours & truly,


Capricorn Moon and Mercury on the Move

Today is Friday, June 17, 2011. The Moon, coming out of full phase, is in Capricorn all day. Capricorn is one of the most interesting signs for the Moon; though it’s considered a ‘weak’ placement in the opinion of classical astrology, many people associated with strength, integrity and authenticity (not to mention prodigious artistic talent) have this placement — as do a good few political leaders. In mundane astrology, Capricorn Moon is a time to negotiate and navigate your way through anything involving authority. It might also be a time for taking authority in ways that are politically savvy — not bossy, but rather well thought-through.

After making many aspects yesterday, the Moon has a relatively calm day as it approaches trines to Juno (relationships, accountability) and Mars (pure energy and drive). The implication of these trines is that the qualities of the other planets are available if we choose, rather than being something that confronts us demanding action (which is more how an opposition or square would be).

Mercury, newly in Cancer, is the planet on the move. It’s making some exciting aspects through the weekend and into next week, now on the cardinal cross and aspecting the T-square that I describe in the lead article above. One thing to bear in mind is that Mercury is running vanguard of the path the Sun will take after the solstice next week. Mercury is currently trine Neptune in Pisces, which is a clairvoyant aspect if there ever was one — particularly from water to water. Use your intuition, as you will need it as Mercury heads into a series of aspects involving the cardinal planets: a square to Uranus (don’t sweat the small stuff; everything contains an idea; every problem has a solution) and an opposition to Pluto (that is about a craving to go deep, though you might want to avoid people who push you places you don’t want to go). Be particularly cautious if someone knocks you off balance. Aspects for intuition are so strong right now that you will likely have early warning of who to avoid, so make sure you listen if you get a hint from the ethers, even if you have no ‘reason’ to believe it.

Under these aspects, private matters could have a way of becoming public, so make sure you say, or publish, only what you want to be read or seen by others. That said, this is a good time to open up and tell the truth to those close to you. The Moon enters Aquarius at 7:47 am EDT on Saturday.


Updated Tarot Files on Aries, Gemini Birthday Reports

Dear Friend and Reader:

For those of you who have signed up for the birthday reports for Aries and Gemini, I just want to let you know we learned about the file problem with the tarot readings and that has been resolved.

We are getting very good reviews from these reports. As I mentioned in a prior email, Aries, Taurus and Gemini are available. They consist of two segments of astrology and a third of tarot. There is well over an hour of material for a very reasonable price of $14.95. Basically, I am applying the same skills I use to write Sun sign horoscopes, but I’m presenting the material in a spoken word format (just as it would come in a one-on-one consultation). Then, based on what I have learned doing consultations, I expand the material, using examples, stories and illustrations from the astrology to help make it even more personally relevant.

The format is spacious enough to allow room for any material I need to cover. And the presentation is intimate, warm and direct. I am sure you know that feeling of ‘how is it possible that a horoscope column can work?’ These readings are based on the same basic principle. They stand at the midpoint between personal consulting and a very good horoscope column. I truly enjoy doing them and I’m almost always surprised at the information that comes out.



Photo by Eric Francis.


Weekly Horoscope for Friday, June 17, 2011, #864 – BY ERIC FRANCIS

Revised and Updated! Click for Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Aries (March 20-April 19) — It may take you a while to figure out that you’re aggravated or a bit shocked by something, but make sure you don’t take anything going on at home into your work environment. That’s not a solution, however — what you’re blessed with at the moment is one of those situations where discord or strife can be turned around and developed into an opportunity for healing and growth. Some people seem to understand this concept (and potential) exists, and for others it’s not quite believable. The proof is in the experience, and you’re in a position to guide things in this direction; this would begin with openly stating your willingness to participate in that. Remember that it is participation more than ‘making’ something happen. Your willingness may not seem like much, but it’s the very key to healing. And once you’re in the flow, it’s much easier for others around you to get in the flow, often without even having to say anything. Healing always proceeds from the inside-out.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aries, please go to this link.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You have some unusual ability to focus your wisdom and intelligence. Jupiter in your sign is offering you plenty in the way of longterm gifts if you will focus your mind on what you want. This really is the issue for most Earthlings — having this clue what you want and all kinds of excuses why you shouldn’t want it or why it’s not possible. Of course as a Taurus you’re good at both. What would it take to emphasize the first part and skip the second part? The key to that riddle seems to involve what you do with guilt, and releasing your investment in that emotion. I realize that for most people this is a little like not eating sugar or salt; guilt is considered a normal emotion; a flavoring and not a toxin. But it is the glue that binds us to everything we don’t want, and I would point out that at the moment there is a lot you want and a lot that you can have, if you would only embrace your desire and receive authentically. That, basically, is the opposite of guilt.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Taurus, please go to this link.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Intelligence works best when it’s combined with emotional sensitivity. You have an excellent opportunity to experiment with that, and in a sense redefine what you think of as an idea. Most of the time an idea merely has to be smart; the notion of useful or worthwhile can be expanded to smart and feels good. Remember this about people you encounter, what people offer or invite you to be involved with. The distinction between ‘it sounds good’ and ‘it feels right’ is perhaps less noticeable at first than the difference between ketchup and mayo, however after a while it becomes something you cannot avoid noticing. The tricky part seems to be saying to others, ‘I don’t want to do that because it doesn’t feel right’, which could of course go against all the reasons that someone has for you to do something. What I’m talking about is described by most people as intuition — which is a body sense of right and wrong. From childhood we are taught to ignore this feeling.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Gemini, please go to this link.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Finally you’ve got some energy moving in your relationships. You’ve spent many months going through some kind of process of getting unstuck, which has meant clearing away the past so that you have some space in your life. One thing that’s changed is that you’re more welcoming of the energy of others in your life, even though it causes you to come out of your comfort zone. The other thing that’s evolving is your sense of equanimity, which is to say a deep kind of fairness. It’s vital to be able to take care of others without any sense of resentment; I think you’ve discovered that this really amounts to deciding who you want to share your nurturing, and recognizing that expecting something in return may work in business but it does not work in the personal sphere. Yet there is also a sense of balance that you’re coming to understand. Balance in relationships begins with emotional balance within yourself. Once you can reach that spot, sharing intense passion can become truly pleasant.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Cancer, please go to this link.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The Sun making its last moves in Gemini may be reminding you of certain factors from the distant past, including some things you would prefer to forget. You might forget the event but not the feeling associated with it; I suggest you stay focused on the feeling, which might be lurking just outside the range of your normal perception. There is something here about approval or acceptance among a group of some kind — it could be your family, it could be your friends, it could be a circumstance that reminds you of both. In case you get the idea that you’re avoiding something, I would propose that actually, you’re doing your best to immerse yourself in something deeply personally relevant, creative or daring. If you’re wondering what that is, consider the experiences that you wanted to have as a child but were not able to have. You may still be feeling a hankering to try some of that, or a lot of it. When you shift in that direction, notice the social rules that seem to hold you back. Observe whether you think you have any power over them.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Leo, please go to this link.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — The next few days will be an emotionally deep time for you, and I suggest you take the opportunity to go there. Part of you may feel like it’s dying, though that is more like an emotional reaction to the deep impulse to grow and transform yourself. One thing you can count on is that this process has a life of its own; it is as alive as you are, because it’s part of you. I understand how you may be reluctant to let yourself go in this direction, or to allow yourself to even take a conscious step. Yet that consciousness and willingness are precisely what will make this experience the most valuable, even if it is inevitable. Your willingness will be met by some unusual, unforeseen support. This is likely to demonstrate how the lesson of healing is that in the end, the choice to receive it is yours alone. While others play a role, most likely by being an example of what is possible, we’re talking about something so intimate that it can only come from you to you.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Virgo, please go to this link.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Your future self is speaking to you. Imagine who you would become if you developed your talents, your personality and your deepest level of personal evolution over a long period of time, say 10 years. Now imagine that this person exists and can speak to you, guiding you along the way to becoming this person. This might seem like a scenario out of science fiction, and indeed it may help you to visualize the process if you think of it as a story. From your perspective, your future self is a kind of fictional entity, and you seem to be the one creating the character. Yet looked at another way, we’re talking about the idea of the ‘higher self’, a kind of archetype of who you are at your most evolved, mature and content. More than anything your higher self understands your purpose for being on this planet, and you will benefit from a direct conversation with this being. Does he or she exist only in your imagination? Time and experience will reveal that.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Libra, please go to this link.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — I trust you’ve discovered the benefits of opening up to others about what you think of as your most intimate details. For weeks you’ve had a desire to let something out — the truth of what (or perhaps it’s who) you truly want, and if you see an opening to speak over the next few days, I suggest you take it. One thing you would benefit from is experimenting with your environment so that you begin to get some confidence that you’re in safer territory than you might otherwise believe. This kind of confidence is gained not in theory but in practice. You are in a different environment — an entirely different one, in fact — from what you’ve ever experienced. By that I mean you have access to a softer world, one more sensitive to your feelings, and people you can trust are at least able to recognize who you are. Therefore you have no need to be any form of adversarial. The more open and trusting you are, the more open others will be. This is the chance you will have to take.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Scorpio, please go to this link.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You may have become so accustomed to struggle that you’ve forgotten what ease is, or that it even exists. Now is the time to remember. And once you remember, make sure you don’t forget. Write it down, draw a sketch or take a photograph that reminds you. Better yet, keep coming back to the feeling until the gesture of seeking out a space of ease comes naturally to you. One quality of your perception now is the ability to keep a bit of detachment from the emotions of others. You don’t need to fully experience or be subject to what others go through in order to appreciate it or have empathy for them. In truth what is difficult for others right now is easy for you, and you can offer support at no expense, no loss and with no drama. You may indeed doubt whether you’re actually being helpful, and I would assure you that you are. When your life is going smoothly, you are the most available to others, and to receive the gifts of others in whatever form they may come.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Sagittarius, please go to this link.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Look for the unusual points of contact. That is to say, ideas you might not consider, people you might not consider, courses of action that you might have avoided on a different day, and ways of approaching the situation of your life that defy your usual conventions. The people around you will be receptive to anything you propose, because they’re receptive to you personally. That receptivity also means they’re extra-sensitive, so keep that in mind, but I suggest you not attempt to cater to that sensitivity, scale down or be less intense; merely be aware. The floor is open for a real conversation of your needs and your desires. Though you’re accustomed to putting these very discussions aside for various reasons, I suggest you allow yourself the trust and faith in the people around you, and see what happens. Small, seemingly subtle acknowledgements of who you are have the potential to open doors in your relationships — leading places you never believed it possible to go.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Capricorn, please go to this link.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — There’s a spirit of adventure in your charts: a human adventure. A line of communication is now open, and that is bridging the gap between two seemingly different or distant entities. I suggest you use this availability for contact as a way to explore both yourself and someone you care about. Seeming gaps in experience, gender or social status mean less than they might appear to. Similarity is emphasized over difference. This moment can, if you allow it to, lead the way to many other experiences. The thing is, you would need to actually take the steps, start the conversation, or reach in the direction of someone or something you truly want to experience. You might hesitate for what seems to be a mix of emotional and mental reasons, but that hesitancy is a small obstacle or an opportunity to check in with your feelings for a moment before you go forward. Yes, you may go deep, though only as deep as you want.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aquarius, please go to this link.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You have a lot of ideas right now, and a lot going on — but I suggest you focus on one thing, or bring some energy to one thing, that you’ve been wanting to do for a long time. How long? How about the thing you’ve been wanting to do the longest but have not had a chance, or the energy, to do. A little focus will go a long way. It may not feel like it now, though you’re at the beginning of a useful, even highly beneficial phase of your life, and I suggest you trust that. This idea, project or experience that’s waited the longest has the element of healing, and this will become apparent as soon as you take some tangible steps toward bringing it into reality. You don’t need to travel far or work hard to get this started; you merely need to allow yourself a little space and time, enough to feel the rewards. That will provide additional motivation. One clue as to the subject is that it may involve healing your relationship to women. Certainly that will be one benefit.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Pisces, please go to this link.