Tag Archives: Cancer

The Day of Exciting Instability: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is July 24
The Day of O Exciting Instability | The 2019-20 Leo Astrology Studio is available for pre-order | All Other Signs

Now is the moment to begin turning your ideas into concrete results. You have a solid grasp of your thought processes and your aims, and enough passion to help you get past any challenging scenarios. Along the way, keep honing the skills you possess as a singer exercises their voice. You never know when any item in your toolkit might prove useful. With any long-term plan surprises have a way of occurring, and they often have the function of showing how much you’ve learned.
— by Amy Elliott

Do you have a Leo Sun, rising sign or Moon? Your last couple years may have left you reeling trying to figure out which path forward is best. Hear Eric’s thoughts on expediting your post-eclipse process in your 2019-2020 Leo Astrology Studio reading.

Written in the Planets

Tonight into tomorrow, retrograde Mercury conjoins Venus in Cancer. Simultaneously, we reach the last quarter Moon: the first Moon phase following last week’s Full Moon and eclipse. Those two events suggest engaging in a specific form of review today. Any Mercury-Venus conjunction blends the intellectual and emotional realms together, often through an ability to see the patterns in your experience and then connect the dots of your perception. In Cancer, the emotional or intuitive layer to that equation may be the stronger piece.

With Mercury retrograde, you could find your attention pulled toward past experiences more than present factors; thought the last quarter Moon occurring concurrently indicates one possible timeframe of particular focus: the two weeks between this month’s eclipses, and the time since. When you think about anything that emerged or received some closure near last week’s eclipse, how far back do its roots reach?

Simply noticing what your mind is drawn to today and how you feel about it could offer enough insights. Artistic experiences might be very useful in helping you to synthesize your understanding (whether that means listening to certain music or painting your experience, and anything in between).

Mercury-Venus conjunctions also can describe an atmosphere of emotionally open communication — such as telling someone you love them, or discussing certain facets of a relationship with genuine understanding. The one caveat here is that Mercury’s retrograde condition cautions that any such conversations occur at a gentle pace, with few distractions, preferably in person (or phone; not via email or text), and with the expectation that the message could get a little garbled and require some clarification. That’s nothing to be afraid of; it’s more like seeing the signs for a curve in the road and for the speed limit, and then driving accordingly.
— by Amanda Painter


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The Day of Uncertainty Resolvers: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is July 23
The Day of Uncertainty Resolvers | The 2019-20 Leo Astrology Studio is available for pre-order | All Other Signs

Keep your mind turned toward the wide and open horizon of your ideal visions. Some may find this freedom of thought disconcerting, and try to confine you within convenient boundaries. Yet your power lies in this capacity you possess for bold exploration, and the ability to see what’s real, without the filters of social or authoritarian pressure. Don’t let anyone, especially you, box you in. You’re beginning to understand just how far your mind can fly.
— by Amy Elliott

Do you have a Leo Sun, rising sign or Moon? Your last couple years may have left you reeling trying to figure out which path forward is best. Hear Eric’s thoughts on expediting your post-eclipse process in your 2019-2020 Leo Astrology Studio reading.

Written in the Planets

The Sun entered the sign Leo overnight, signaling the core of the Northern Hemisphere summer. Leo is ruled by the Sun, offering an important reminder that just as solar light and power can create and warm life or damage and destroy it, so can our own light and power. What makes the difference is whether your heart or your ego is directing those forces.

Venus passes through last week’s eclipse degree via Cancer today, ringing the bells of Haumea in Libra and Eris in Aries. Given the recent contact Venus just had with Pluto (and the centaur Chariklo), you may want to keep tabs on how your emotions — particularly feelings of love, sexual desire, a need for attention or to feel ‘helpful’ — are influencing your choices. If you notice a need to be needed by someone, what’s that really about? Holding space for someone in a helpful or healing capacity ideally is not about what you will get out of the experience.

That agenda is something else, and probably signals that it’s time for a frank heart-to-heart with yourself about what you might be projecting onto a situation that you could (and probably should) be finding and recognizing within yourself. You appear to have a choice right now: birthing new ways of relating that are well-balanced, even if they seem to come from unusual places; or resorting to game-playing — however subtle and seemingly innocuous — to get the emotional response you crave. The Leo Sun’s trine to Ceres in Sagittarius reinforces the abundance of nourishment available to your heart and soul right now. All you need to do is let it shine in.
— by Amanda Painter


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The Day of Occupational Fluctuation: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is July 22
The Day of Occupational Fluctuation | Order Your 2019-20 Cancer Reading | The 2019-20 Leo Astrology Studio is available for pre-order | All Other Signs

You may be developing a new perspective on your career trajectory, and what your vocation means to you. Perhaps your work is evolving along lines you did not anticipate, but by which you are nonetheless intrigued. It’s also possible you’re more inclined to take a daring path, which might involve some risks but would certainly afford you more room to be yourself. Only you can determine your best options, though remember that your potential for growth never ends.
— by Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

The Moon enters Aries early in the day, but the big news is the Sun leaving Cancer and entering Leo. That happens at 10:50 pm EDT (2:50:14 UTC Tuesday). You might notice that impulse control is a little trickier today, between having the Moon in a fiery, action-oriented sign and the Sun making its way through the last degree of Cancer. Having the Sun in the last degree of a sign can have an edgy, ‘let’s just get on with it’ sensation.

If that describes how you’re feeling, beware of letting it come out through harsh or judgmental words. The Sun’s square to an asteroid called Rhadamanthus suggests this dynamic. Yet it’s Mercury’s retrograde condition that describes potentially complicated misunderstandings or unnecessarily hurt feelings as a result. (And don’t ignore the ways self-judgment can be just as difficult to navigate.)

Integrity is important, and must be expressed when core values are at risk of being compromised. Integrity does not, however, mean inflexibility or a lack of empathy. Think of suspension bridges: they balance strength of structure with an ability to flex with the wind. In doing so, they enable us to get where we need to go — efficiently, safely, and in the company of many, many other people.
— by Amanda Painter


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The Day of Tragicomic Controversy: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is July 21
The Day of Tragicomic Controversy | Order Your 2019-20 Cancer Reading | The 2019-20 Leo Astrology Studio is available for pre-order | All Other Signs

It would seem you’re becoming better aligned with yourself, perhaps more closely than ever before. Your mind is opening to wider dimensions, which previously would have been beyond the confines of your knowledge. You are discovering exciting new concepts and ways of being. Keep track of your progress, and record everything, including dreams if you remember them. So long as you’re willing to dare, you can make this year an inspiring and profound adventure.
— by Amy Elliott

Written in the Planets

You might feel especially talkative today, but are you saying what you mean to say? Are you being heard and understood? What’s actually coming out of your mouth, and where is your mind? It’s also possible that you’re feeling a little more thoughtful today — but mainly about yourself and how other matters relate to you.

This could make communication a little one-sided, unless you and the person you’re speaking to (or texting, or emailing) make a conscious effort to comprehend what each other is saying. Bear in mind that with the sign Cancer prominent now, “understanding” will mean not just getting the facts straight, but also perceiving the emotional tone and intention being used.

All of this relates to the conjunction between the Sun and retrograde Mercury today in Cancer (exact at 8:34 am EDT / 12:33:51 UTC). This marks the astrological midpoint of Mercury’s current retrograde. Traditionally, this is supposed to be a decent time to finalize a deal or purchase or sign documents if you absolutely cannot wait a couple more weeks to do it. You’ll still need to triple-check the details, however; and be prepared to make adjustments later on. Today also marks Venus in Cancer exactly opposite Pluto in Capricorn. You can read a little more about that here, and also in yesterday’s Written in the Planets. If relationship stuff is feeling powerfully influential, this aspect would describe that.
— by Amanda Painter


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The Day of Ups and Downs: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is July 20
The Day of Ups and Downs | Order Your 2019-20 Cancer Reading | The 2019-20 Leo Astrology Studio is available for pre-order | All Other Signs

You’re coming to terms with many elements of your past, which will aid your endeavors to leave them firmly behind you. This phase is an important part of your development, which cannot be overlooked or rushed. Once it’s over, you will find it much easier to move on to new and brighter adventures. For one thing, you’ll likely have a better sense of your capabilities. Many people limit themselves unnecessarily; this process will help you remove any barriers you’ve placed in your own way.

Hear Eric describe the impressive eclipses involving your Sun sign or rising sign in your 2019-20 Cancer Astrology Studio Reading — now available for instant access.

Written in the Planets

If you feel compelled to pass judgment on someone or something, be aware that one of today’s aspects describes the potential to do so rather harshly. Words might not be sticks and stones, but it’s still wise to use them gently in most cases. This could be a matter of being self-critical, as well — particularly about past choices and statements, such as the ways you’ve communicated your feelings or caring for another person.

Remember that in a frame of mind of this sort, there is a difference between assessing yourself so you can make healthier choices in the future versus simply beating up on yourself. If the situation in question relates at all to some kind of perceived second chance regarding your sense of purpose or ethical considerations, you might have to make continual small adjustments for a while to get to a place that clicks.

Note also that Venus in Cancer is moving into an opposition to Pluto and the centaur Chariklo in Capricorn, and both are square Eros in Libra (exact tomorrow). Do you feel like you’re in (or chasing after) emotional intensity in a relationship? If so, are you able to see where the boundaries are between the intimacy you seek and the personal space that allows the situation to stay balanced and life-affirming?

In other words, watch for signals of co-dependency, especially if you have an urge to ‘help’ the other person in some way. If you realize things have gotten blurry in that area, you may have to be the one to take initiative in redirecting your powerful feelings toward creative change in your life. This is best done directly; manipulative tactics such as guilt will serve nobody involved.
— by Amanda Painter

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The Day of Controlled Movement: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is July 19
The Day of Controlled Movement | Order Your 2019-20 Cancer Reading | The 2019-20 Leo Astrology Studio is available for pre-order | All Other Signs

Mercury returning to your sign on your birthday suggests that you potentially have an opportunity to go over old ground. Are there any particular aspirations or dreams you laid aside in the past that you might now be free to take up again? Or perhaps you feel inclined to restructure your daily life, so as to allow more time for what is most important to you. Either way, remember that only you ultimately have the power to determine where your energy is directed.
— by Amy Elliott

Hear Eric describe the impressive eclipses involving your Sun sign or rising sign in your 2019-20 Cancer Astrology Studio Reading — now available for instant access.

Written in the Planets

With a fair number of planets in water signs currently, do you feel like the current keeps shifting? That could apply to your inner emotional tides, or to what’s going on with the people around you. The primary sources of dry land right now — astrologically speaking — also speak more of change than stability (specifically Uranus in Taurus, and the building Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn). Can you hang a little loose, and go with the flow?

By that, I mean keeping your expectations of yourself and others loose, while still letting a general vision for what you want guide you. Venus and Neptune are assisting with the imaginative power needed for that. Yet with Mercury retrograde — and leaving Leo to enter late Cancer early today — it’s wise to remember that your thought processes might not be as precise as you’d like. Mercury returning to Cancer looks like a signal to remember your emotional intelligence: keep a finger on how you’re truly feeling (and how to express it rather than react from it), and stay as aware as possible of others’ emotions.

Do your best to say what you mean and mean what you say — while understanding that the person you’re talking to might not be quite as vigilant on that score. Asking direct questions the moment you realize you’re unsure of someone’s intended meaning is likely the best policy, even though (or maybe especially because) the sky’s emphasis on Cancer describes a tendency to proceed sideways or indirectly, based on intuition, empathy and one’s own sensitivities. That strategy has its place, but looks potentially more unreliable than usual right now. If you encounter an intense romantic or sexual situation, the need increases to integrate those softer forms of perception with conscious communication. Tonight’s Pisces Moon favors artistic pursuits and entertainments, whether you seek them out on the town or cozied up at home.
— by Amanda Painter

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The Day of Conviction: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is July 18
The Day of Conviction | Order Your 2019-20 Cancer Reading | The 2019-20 Leo Astrology Studio is available for pre-order | All Other Signs

It’s possible you’re lately feeling stretched a little thin. If so, make a point of keeping in mind that your time, energy and funds are all precious and have their limits. Everyone needs to withdraw from the bustle of the outside world sometimes, even the most flamboyant of extraverts. You can be unapologetic about taking a little more space for yourself when you need it, and you can delegate where necessary. There’ll still be more than enough to keep you busy.

Hear Eric describe the impressive eclipses involving your Sun sign or rising sign in your 2019-20 Cancer Astrology Studio Reading — now available for instant access.

Written in the Planets

Today’s trine between Venus in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces suggests a pretty thorough soaking in all things day-dreamy, fantasy, intuitive and sensitive. Yet it’s been in the works all week — so rather than getting suddenly doused, chances are it’s been more like gently wading deeper into the warm waters of your more romantic or sentimental inclinations. If that has felt at all worrisome (or too soggy to be able to stay on top of practical matters), know that this is the peak and the effect should begin gradually evaporating in a few days.

Trines do not speak of an urgent need to express oneself as with a square; they’re not confrontational like an opposition. Even so, if you have any creative leanings — or simply a desire to move your life in a new direction — you might see if you can funnel some of this imaginative juice into a tangible form you can play with. The Moon in Aquarius today could describe the potential to do so in a group setting, particularly if there’s an unusual project that meshes with your inner musings.

Stay aware that Mercury is still very much retrograde (through July 31). If you noticed that it felt especially trickster-like in the buildup to the Full Moon on Tuesday, you’re not alone; take it as a reminder not to be too quick on the trigger with emails and verbal assertions. Today, Mercury makes a trine to retrograde Ceres, which is in the first degree of Sagittarius. If some person or situation has been gently, subtly teaching you things about yourself, related insights might be especially accessible today.
— by Amanda Painter

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Where We Are Now

By Amanda Painter

Tuesday evening the second of this season’s two eclipses came and went with the Capricorn Full Moon. On an immediate, practical level, I noticed this event arrived in a way that highlighted or seemed to exacerbate situations with a distinctly Mercury retrograde flavor. I’ve heard from a number of people in the last several days who’ve been wondering why they’ve felt a little ‘off’, down, thwarted or disempowered, and so on.

Seaweed pointing the way; photo by Amanda Painter.

Seaweed pointing the way; photo by Amanda Painter.

Does any of that describe your experience at all?

Collectively, we’ve been through a lot this year; Mars moving through Cancer and igniting a couple different aspect patterns — and the global events illustrating that astrology — was followed immediately by Mercury stationing retrograde. Add in these eclipses, and it has been a lot to handle.

Yet any astrology, no matter what in your life it describes or coincides with, is a reminder to notice consciously and integrate what you’re learning — particularly about yourself, but also about the people around you, your relationships with them, and your overall environment. So, regarding the last two weeks and the two eclipses bookending that span of time: what did you learn?

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