Tag Archives: Aquarius

Liberation and Responsibility with the Sun in Aquarius

By Amanda Painter

Tomorrow night (early Saturday in some time zones) the Sun leaves Capricorn and ingresses Aquarius. That this sign change happens each year within a few days of Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday feels fascinatingly appropriate, even though King was a Capricorn.

Photo by Amanda Painter

Photo by Amanda Painter

I say this because of the two planets that rule Aquarius: Saturn (which also rules Capricorn) and Uranus. Saturn represents (in part) responsibility and containment; Uranus represents (in part) liberation and unbridled life force.

We need both concepts, both forms of energy, to live in balance. What I find most striking about King’s life and work in this context was the way he integrated and championed these concepts: calling, from a place of deeply held social and personal responsibility, for liberation; finding the most effective outlet for his considerable life force by focusing it into a clear and singular purpose — one that took as its container the principle of non-violent protest.

By embodying one clear structure of action and philosophy, he sought to dismantle and revolutionize another social and political structure, in pursuit of freedom for a repressed group. And he did so by inspiring individuals to use their freedom to take personal responsibility — whether they were among the repressed group, or among the elite group doing the oppressing.

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Sea Changes: Neptune Enters Pisces

Dear Friend and Reader:

Today is the big day that Neptune ingresses Pisces to stay until 2025, the sign of which it’s the modern ruling planet. Neptune made a kind of test run into Pisces between April and August of last year; due to the retrograde effect we’ve had a few months since then to wrap up and review Neptune in Aquarius. While eras of history are seldom predictable, particularly down to the day, when a slow-moving, influential planet like Neptune changes signs, it’s something to take notice of. After 14 years in Aquarius, Neptune joins another slow-mover recently arrived in Pisces, Chiron. As I probably said about 10 times in the course of doing the annual readings, I would be a lot more nervous about Neptune in Pisces if not for Chiron’s grounded and pragmatic presence there.

Planet Waves

This is the last of the 2012 outer planet transits taking its position. Whatever challenges Neptune may present, Neptune in Pisces is going to add depth, as well as a reminder that sensory experience is the thing we really want to do with our bodies. Neptune in Aquarius has been a kind of dry experience. We have experienced Neptune in an abstract form, for the most part as an idea devoted to business and marketing. Say what you want about Pisces, it is the original sign of peace and love, and a wellspring of creativity. Neptune in Pisces will add some water to our experience of life, and not a moment too soon.

If we study the history of astrologers attempting to forecast Neptune transits, we figure out that they’re highly unpredictable. Most people don’t understand this elusive influence, and I think that most astrologers are only familiar with part of the story. Neptune is an easily corruptable influence. It’s associated with this thing we crave, a kind of mystical longing, and the directors of TV commercials know how to play right into that. So do politicians and religious hucksters. Most people run on belief, not on reason, and one motto of Neptune in Aquarius has been “if I believe it, then it must be true,” along with a good bit of “if I don’t pay attention to it, then it must not matter.”

One thing we became accustomed to during this era is the sensation of increasingly complex systems, which keep becoming more complex with each endless update. A cell phone, a computer, a company — all of these things were much more elementary in 1998. Now everything seems to have 20 layers and 100 components and endless uses and is networked into every other system.

One of the things Neptune represents is idealism — and our idealism is often used against us. This partly accounts for all kinds of rosy predictions made about Neptune transits that don’t come true, and how we miss the problems even as they arise. Instead many seemingly unforeseen things happen, from the light and dark sides, as well as plenty of gray areas. It’s easier to see the effects of Neptune in retrospect. It’s as if the theme is everywhere during the transit, and the signs of the times are painted onto every wall and mirror — but putting them together is a little like seeing the cohesiveness in the different ‘parts’ of a dream. I’ll give some examples from recent history in a moment, and it will be pretty obvious what happened.

Side By Side: Aquarius and Pisces are Opposite Signs

First let’s consider the astrology itself. That will give some context. A couple of weeks ago I opened my Friday article with the Patric Walker quote about scratching a Virgo and finding a Pisces (which by the way is a good image of Chiron in Pisces). The idea is that signs that oppose one another on the astrological wheel are really part of the same thing and have more in common than they have differences. Virgo and Pisces are both mutable signs (same basic mental properties such as flexibility and a bit of nervousness, and, in the cycle of the year, coming at the end of their respective seasons). They are both feminine signs (Virgo is an earthy sign and Pisces is a watery sign). They are both oriented on goddess energy — Virgo depicts a goddess and Venus is exalted (that is, happy and dignified) in Pisces.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

If you want to see the real opposite energies, look to the signs that are next-door neighbors. Aquarius and Pisces make a good example. Aquarius is a fixed sign (highly stable) whereas Pisces is a mutable one (changeable). Aquarius is a masculine sign and Pisces is a feminine sign. Aquarius is about rigid, stable patterns and Pisces is about how life is a watercolor in the rain.

Aquarius is an air sign and Pisces is a water sign. Aquarius represents the peak of energy of its season and Pisces represents the release of energy of the same season. The two have much less in common than Virgo and Pisces. Oh, one last thing — Aquarius is traditionally a Saturn-ruled sign (in modern astrology Uranus is the ruler but for many reasons, this is iffy); Pisces is traditionally ruled by Jupiter (and in modern astrology by Neptune, which works rather well). So when a planet moves across a sign cusp, there can be a dramatic shift in how that planet expresses itself. Neptune typically operates invisibly, as if in a hidden dimension, and that shift, as it manifests, can take everyone by surprise.

Neptune is an energy that blurs boundaries and dissolves structures and patterns. Aquarius is a sign that is all about structures and patterns, in particular, mental patterns, modes of social organization, concepts and technology. And for the past 14 years Neptune has been working its wonders on all of these things. One thing we can say for sure is that Neptune in Pisces is going to be a different story than Neptune in Aquarius. I think we’ll have a sense of relief with Neptune being in his own element. That is, of course, unless you prefer everything to be at arm’s length.

Neptune crossing the imaginary line between Aquarius and Pisces will change the rules to many games we have come to take for granted over a long span of time. We live in a culture that is just driven by Neptune, which relates to anything involving image, anything involving a mind-altering substance, anything involving a belief, and many different facets of creative thought, from visual art to music.

Water Under the Bridge: Neptune in Aquarius

Let’s look back for a moment before we look forward. Speaking in broad terms, Neptune in Aquarius has had two manifestations. One is the Internet, and by that, I mean the all-pervasive network that integrates web, email, streaming video, cable, and those programs that allow you to control your coffee pot, car and alarm system from your phone. One thing that’s happened during Neptune in Aquarius is that we have collectively projected ourselves into a new dimension of existence. This is at once a vast repository for fantasy (erotic, romantic and otherwise), marketing data, marketing opportunities, propaganda, incredible access to information, and one of the most astounding manifestations of freedom of speech in the history of history.

Planet Waves
Ulmo, Lord of Waters From The Silmarillion by J. R. R. Tolkien, speaks to Tuor (Earendil’s father and Elrond’s grandfather), warning him about the infiltration of Gondor. Ulmo is one of the few gods who never abandoned the dwellers of Middle-earth. He is in the cycle of sea-gods akin to Neptune. Painting is by Roger Garland.

The Internet is the first fully dependable alternate reality we have access to that does not require drugs. It is often described as a drug, appropriate enough in Neptune theory. Addiction to Facebook, porno, shopping, surfing — these are all things tossed about daily on talk shows. But this is to miss the point of the Internet entirely. It is the first place that large numbers of people can communicate freely with one another. If I had to choose an ‘addiction’, that’s the one I would pick. We have yet to understand the actual creative and political implications of having access to this realm.

Second, Neptune in Aquarius has represented a social pattern of mass deception, often involving violating the difference between truth and lies. One of the most telling quotes of the whole era came from Karl Rove, speaking anonymously to The New York Times, when he told the writer that guys like him (that is, the writer) were “in what we call the reality-based community,” which he defined as people who “believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.” … “That’s not the way the world really works anymore.”

The watershed events of this era included the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act that had separated investment banks from savings banks, one of the most damning boundary breaches of the whole era. That was followed by the fake impeachment of Bill Clinton (orchestrated in part by Newt Gingrich and Dark Lord of the Alternate Reality, Karl Rove) that started off the era.

Soon after came the stolen election of 2000, the false flag attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the Enron/Arthur Andersen disaster, which became the business model of the new century, two incredibly deadly wars based on pretense and illusion (for the sake of profits and chaos), a second stolen election, hurricanes Rita and Katrina, the housing bubble burst / economic collapse and robbery of the Federal Reserve Bank of 2008, and finally the hope and change election of Barack Obama. Deep in there, the Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrated over Texas that day in 2003, followed two weeks later by the dreamlike F-15 protests against the imminent Iraq war. There was Wikileaks, an absolutely perfect example of Neptune in Aquarius — basically, a boundary breach through which radical truth could emerge (though this had a lot of help from Chiron in Aquarius). And there was the Citizens’ United decision by the Supreme Court, which codified into law the notion that ‘corporations are people’ and can spend as much as they want buying elections.

Climate change sprung up a few times as an issue with Neptune in Aquarius, though primarily because it’s been reduced to a matter of belief. The denial machine just cranks out this notion that if you don’t believe it, it’s okay because that means it’s not true. The thing about scientific evidence (Aquarius) is anyone is free to ‘not accept it’ (a Neptune influence), especially in a mode of discourse that doesn’t have reason as a guardrail.

At the same time, fetuses were extremely busy becoming people as well (or at least their publicist-ministers were trying to convince us of that). It seemed that the only thing that was not a person was a person. We had the anti-abortion / anti-gay rights / anti-woman / anti-sex ‘Christian’ movement raising hell and brimstone and a big fuss about taxes. The anti-choice movement expanded its efforts into a campaign to ban birth control that few people have taken seriously enough to mention — let’s see how that works out. Despite this, the definition of marriage actually changed to include same-sex partnerships: a total rewrite of old religious law that some people somehow think has any meaning at all — which calls for executing homosexuals.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

Many other events fit the pattern — these are the ones that stand out in memory. In the last months of Neptune in Aquarius, we have been treated to two bonus events: one of the most bizarre, hallucinogenic political freak shows in history — the Republican primary race that is still underway; and Arab Spring / Wisconsin uprising / Occupy movement (which I consider one event that verges on the paranormal).

The odd thing about all of these events — especially the evil ones — is how they became water under the bridge the moment they happened. It’s like they were forgotten even as we watched them. More astute observers noticed the lack of anger, and the lack of resistance by the people who were directly influenced. Besides the F-15 protest and Code Pink, what other organized war resistance can you think of? During most of Neptune in Aquarius, a protest meant signing an email petition. One exception to this was the anti-globalization movement that would show up every time the big boys would gather for one of their meetings.

While the political, corporate and financial powers that be were trying again and again to bring on the fascism fast and furious, they could not get a grip. The mass fantasy and marketing paradise we know as the Internet provided a public forum that enabled sufficient spread of information that we were saved by the First Amendment — and the people who put it to good use. The Internet, as ephemeral and elusive as it is, has protected us from utter deception and the people who would use it to take control of everything. The lies of FOX News (a creature of Neptune in Aquarius) were not only being worn away by Stephen Colbert; there were and still are many thousands of websites that reduced its influence substantially, and sometimes even negated it. Toward the very end of Neptune in Aquarius, the feds made a move on the freedom of the ‘Net and the world rose up in protest.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

So, while a paradise didn’t exactly arise during Neptune in Aquarius, a free speech paradise certainly did. And hey, what good is free speech if you can’t use it to tell the truth or to lie like a banshee? The very thing we need with Neptune is discernment. The Internet has indeed presented us with a marketplace of ideas, and though it no longer works as a legal principle, caveat emptor is one of the most helpful rules of the road. In the verging-on-astral world of the Internet, you can expect some extreme polarities (apropos of the astral plane). Fact checking is a small price to pay for the ability to explore conscious dreamtime, where you can exist — at least in your mind and those of the people you correspond with — as anything you want. Boundaries of country, identity, gender, sex, political viewpoints and anything else that used to define us are now optional and entirely mutable.

For as vapid as the Internet can be on a bad day, and for the proliferation of spam and trivial, bottom-trawling websites, we really have co-created a place to meet, to engage with one another, to share ideas and to get work done. Many people who would not have had a way to express themselves can now speak to an actual audience. Though I admit my bias as a writer, publisher and artist, this is clearly an essential element of human freedom, and — at the moment, anyway — we actually have it.

Tear Down the Wall: Capricorn Alignment of 1989

Before I get into some ideas about Neptune in Pisces, let’s check in with an outer planet event focused on 1989: a series of conjunctions in Capricorn. These involved Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, which were basically all conjunct one another in a long series of events from ’89 through around ’94. In a sense, all the changes we are seeing in the world — including the manifestations of Neptune in Aquarius that we’ve been reviewing this week, as well as Uranus in Aries, come back to one particular epicenter in 1989: the chart for the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Planet Waves
Chart for news about the Berlin Wall opening up, which led to the Berlin Wall actually opening up. Notice the planets with a 10 next to them — the Saturn-Neptune conjunction, precisely opposed by Jupiter. Saturn, Uranus and Neptune were hanging around in a conjunction for a long time, and came with many changes in geopolitics. Conjunctions represent the beginnings of cycles, which are still active today. Then in a perfectly hilarious commentary, the chart says “broadcast with impact!” with the Sun, Mercury and Pluto in Scorpio rising. This astonishing story is worth reading — here is the Wikipedia page. Then look at the chart to see the similarities.

This is an important chart because of the conjunctions that it contains. Conjunctions start cycles, and this chart includes a triple conjunction of Saturn, Uranus and Neptune that is at the root of the world we currently inhabit (and often take for granted). This publication is produced with the help of our buddy Anatoly in the Ukraine. Before 1989, we were taught in school that he was ‘the enemy’. In 2012, he’s one of our best friends. Go figure.

Younger readers may not remember or even know about the manic terror of communism that was driven into the American soul between the late 1940s and the mid-1980s, which came down with a press release and the sound of a champagne bottle popping overnight between Nov. 9 and Nov. 10, 1989. Before then, you were either worried about Commies hanging out in garbage cans, or infiltrating Hollywood, or shooting missiles across the ocean at our cities. Many of our parents endured relentless duck and cover drills, hiding under their school desks, freaking out in honor of seemingly imminent nuclear war.

The chart is for the West German newscast the night of Nov. 9 that announced that East German refugees could exit directly through crossing points to West Germany, and that private travel between the two would be allowed. It’s one of the most amazing charts of the 20th century and I want to make contact with it for a moment, so we have some grounding. The events that were sparked off this day had a cascading effect that we are still living with today — as do the Neptune cycles that are described in the chart.

Let’s consider the aspects — then their implications. The simplified chart you’re looking at includes a four-planet conjunction in Capricorn, with Saturn and Neptune in a precise alignment. That aspect precipitated or symbolized (as you prefer) the dissolving of the boundary between East Berlin and West Berlin; hence, East Germany and West Germany; and hence, the whole “iron curtain” that divided Soviet-controlled Eastern Europe from capitalist Western Europe. The boundary is represented by Saturn and Capricorn; the dissolving by Neptune. The other two players are fast moving Venus (for love) and slow moving Uranus (for the sustained power of revolution).

To add a dash of humor to the chart, we have Jupiter exactly opposite Saturn and Neptune. To measure the alignments, look at the numbers next to the planets. The closer the numbers, the closer the alignments. These are really close. Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune are aligned with the Earth to the degree on that very day.

I’ve also left in an a witty conjunction that was rising exactly, as in exactly rising, exactly at the time of the event — a Sun-Pluto-Mercury conjunction in Scorpio. Remember that this is the chart for a news broadcast — talk about a TV show with impact. Remember how fast the ascendant moves — a degree every four minutes. You would think the announcement was timed by an astrologer. Actually, it was timed by the universe.

Planet Waves
Once the announcement was made on German television, life imitated the media and chunks of the Berlin Wall became hot souvenirs as the wall was torn down. Photo by Dmitry Vrubel.

Remember that this was the same year China came up on the radar — Tiananmen Square happened, having much the same effect as the fall of the Berlin Wall — the merging of the East and the West, the most significant global boundary at the time. In 1989, Walmart existed in much smaller form but more to the point, 90% of the products were not made in China. That all happens after the Tiananmen Square incident, which was supposedly about liberty and ended up being about capitalism.

Included in this alignment is a truly rare event — the Uranus-Neptune conjunction, which happens less than once per century. It hadn’t quite happened yet as of this chart, but it’s still very close, close enough to be in full effect during this chart and historical event. Lining up Uranus and Neptune in Capricorn blew up nearly every boundary you can think of, particularly in geopolitics. The Eastern Bloc fell apart and dozens of ‘new’ countries showed up on the map.

Within 10 years, the border crossings had disappeared from across Europe, the Euro was imminent, and the big boys were reorganizing the world into new trade zones, encoded in GATT, NAFTA and other treaties. One day in 2006, I was driving from France to Belgium and came across one of these abandoned border crossing checkpoints. Seeing the abandoned booths and parking lots with grass growing out of them made the whole notion of borders seem as ridiculous as it is.

So in our current era of boundaries falling and everything becoming more permeable and information from your wallet sitting on numerous computer servers around the world, remember that there was a brick and mortar parallel that happened long before what we are now experiencing — and it starts with the alignment of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune — the four largest planets, with three of the four being in Capricorn, the sign of boundaries and containers.

The moral of the story is that when these planets get busy, actual stuff happens. And this particular chart is becoming active again because Pluto is in Capricorn going over all those planets there, and Uranus is in Aries, about to square them all. Maybe that will help us get rid of the absurd new border crossings that have been installed — that is, the ones currently run by the ever-charming TSA, which can’t seem to stop groping people, stealing from them and accusing them of being terrorists on the basis of a bottle of Poland Spring water.

The Ocean Refuses No River

Okay, end of deep history lesson — let’s consider some of the possibilities of Neptune in Pisces. But let’s begin with a question: Could anyone have predicted everything you just read, all of which involved Neptune’s transit through its last two signs, Capricorn and Aquarius? But in the end it makes sense that Neptune would have this effect on the two Saturn-ruled signs.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

One thing we could say about Neptune in Aquarius is that a lot of people complained how shallow everything got. Aquarius really isn’t shallow (or deep); it represents the patterns of what we people do. It’s utilitarian, in a sense. Using a computer as a metaphor, it’s not good or bad — it does what it’s programmed to do, and then holds those patterns until something comes along to change them.

Aquarius has certainly become deeper and more visionary under the influence of Neptune. The whole enterprise is more flexible. Remember that this sign is represented by someone holding a jug of water — that jug is now full. And while we’re at it, computer programmers have become the high priests of our culture. For now, that is.

Pisces is a sign that is as deep and as vast as the ocean. It’s also as scary. The depths of creativity and surrender, the absence of logic, the open-ended encounter with the numinous — all of these are Pisces traits. There is something inherently mystical about Pisces, and that, too, is neutral until it’s polarized one way or the other. Pisces as we know it is limited only by our imagination.

And that is about to take a plunge. This could go a few ways; we could yearn for a simpler, more tactile and sensory means of creativity. Neptune in Pisces cannot be represented by zeros and ones. It’s not that zeros and ones will be a thing of the past; rather, many things that we might still remember will flood in and become more interesting. I could easily foresee a return to folk arts, actual non-digital music created with real instruments, and a desire for authentic, face-to-face human contact, complete with feelings.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

While most of the achievements under Neptune in Aquarius were technological, I can see the emphasis shifting onto creative endeavors, simpler pleasures and a more authentic spirituality than we’ve seen in many places over the past 14 years. Today geeks are cool and artists are not quite so cool. That may change tomorrow. This is about receptivity: those whose psyche is better tuned to the Pisces realm will have greater contact with what Neptune is offering.

We all know there is potentially a shadow side to Neptune in Pisces, just as there was to Neptune in Aquarius. That could be about the total immersion in the unreal, people taking truly irrational beliefs to even further extremes than we’ve seen, and a new depth of drugs being the answer to everything. Let’s not go there for now — we have time to investigate that. It would help to remember that what grows is generally what we feed and encourage.

I chose to spend the ingress of Neptune into Pisces close to the ocean, out at Montauk. It’s off-season, prices are low, the weather has been great and the Atlantic is still the Atlantic. My first few nights I stayed in a place called Gurney’s and basically ate nothing but seafood.

The place has a spa, and in the men’s jacuzzi room (which they call the Roman Bath) there is an enormous relief sculpture of Neptune. You don’t need to be a student of mythology to recognize him. You can feel his presence. I sat there in the rushing hot water studying that face, considering the ambiguity of wisdom, rage, passion and humor that seemed to morph from moment to moment. The environment — the steamy, dim light — made the whole effect more dramatic. I looked at him and he looked at me and we formed a relationship. I’ve spent the past bunch of days with that image lit up in my mind. And I’ve been thinking. If I were Neptune and I had just spent 14 years in a fixed air sign, I would be really, truly happy to be coming home to Pisces.


Eric Francis

PS: If you haven’t read Dale O’Brien’s article on Neptune in Aquarius, please check it out on the Reality Check blog. It’s amazing. Also if you’ve written something about Neptune lately and you want to share it with the Planet Waves audience, please let me know. — efc


Planet Waves

Neptune enters Pisces today at 2:03 pm EST, after 14 years in Aquarius. It will stay in Pisces, the sign of which it’s the modern ruler, until 2025. The waxing Moon is in Gemini today, adding a chatty quality, and a sense of having some extra options, to complement the emotional/spiritual shift represented by Neptune ingressing Pisces. Tomorrow the Moon enters its own home sign Cancer just before 1:04 am EST. Monday morning the Moon slips into Leo at 8:24 am EST, on its way to the Leo Full Moon in Aquarius Tuesday at 5:54 pm EST (a Sun-Moon opposition). The Sun is halfway through Aquarius, which means it is halfway through the season, marking the cross-quarter days of Imbolc. Mercury conjoins the Sun in Aquarius Tuesday, marking the halfway point between retrogrades. Wednesday, Mercury sextiles Pholus in Sagittarius. Juno, newly in Sagittarius, is trine Uranus in Aries (exact Wednesday).


Planet Waves

The Occupy movement has slipped off the front pages, and Arab Spring began nearly a year ago, but neither is over. Democracy Now! reports that following Saturday’s mass arrests of Oakland protesters, The San Francisco Bay Guardian says prisoners were denied medication; some with food allergies were refused a substitute for more than 24 hours. Prisoners were also kept in overcrowded cells, and some were reportedly beaten. Florida riot police have cleared out the Occupy Miami encampment after three months.

And in Portland, Maine, a judge has ruled that a city ordinance banning overnight camping is not a violation of free speech rights. Occupiers have been given the weekend to break camp and clear out. Protesters had been ordered to leave the park last month but the city held off enforcing the order until a lawsuit filed in Cumberland County Superior Court could be heard.

Malcolm Harris, an Occupy Wall Street activist in New York City, says Twitter sent him a copy of a subpoena this week seeking all of his user information and three months’ worth of tweets from his Twitter account. He had been arrested in October while marching on the Brooklyn Bridge with hundreds of others.


Planet Waves

A waxing Cancer Moon tends to heighten emotional sensitivity, especially if the Moon is nearing full — as it is this weekend. You may find this is a good weekend for tending to your home environment and ‘nesting’. If you feel a strong urge to emote, give your feelings their space and see if you can harness some of the creative energy in the air right now to channel them in tangible, applied, beneficial ways. As you head into work Monday morning, use your foreknowledge of the coming Leo Full Moon on Tuesday to temper any ego flare-ups — your own, and your reactions to others’.


Planet Waves

There can hardly be a better summation to Neptune in Aquarius than Mark Zuckerberg’s letter to potential Facebook investors, published as the transit ends. Fittingly, it echoes another publication issued as Neptune last entered Pisces. Zuckerberg speaks of accomplishing a social mission rather than building a company; of building a network from the bottom up and giving people control over what they share; of a more open and connected world which will help create stronger economies building better products and services; of a time when governments will be more responsive to issues and concerns raised directly by all their people rather than through intermediaries controlled by a few. These fine words and noble sentiments could almost belong in The Communist Manifesto, published at the exact moment when Neptune last entered Pisces in February 1848.

The planet of belief in the sign of scientific fact shows what can be achieved when unswerving faith is applied to technological advances. It remains to be seen whether this enterprise can translate into a shareholding enterprise while remaining true to its founder’s intentions. Some might suspect that we are about to witness “a loss-of-face” book, with users abandoning the site for fear that their personal histories will be exploited by the highest bidders. It’s probably been that way for a while, but the game is open now and shareholders will want maximum profits. As Neptune begins its transit of Pisces, perhaps Mr. Zuckerberg — clearly among the richest 1% — will take the lead on philanthropy. But that may be wishful thinking.


Planet Waves

Now that we’ve collectively gotten to the point where we have to send a text message to see if it’s okay to call to find out if it’s a good time to stop by a friend’s house, Neptune in Pisces is here to bring back actual contact. As mentioned above, “Whatever challenges Neptune may present, Neptune in Pisces is going to add depth, as well as a reminder that sensory experience is the thing we really want to do with our bodies.” Massage therapist and writer Kate Bartolotta has experienced first hand (pun intended) how desperately we need the release of touch — physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. In her article “Eight Things I Learned from 50 Naked People,” she writes (among other things):

“Despite our obsession with sex, American culture doesn’t really encourage nakedness (physically or emotionally). And if all the pleasantries and social constructs we use weren’t bad enough, we add social media into the mix and distance each other even further. When we’re naked and silent, all of that falls away. What I learn from what a person tells me is miniscule compared to what I learn by feeling his skin, muscle and bone. By watching him move. By listening to his breath. By feeling his pulse.” When we stretch physically, we stretch emotionally, and vice versa — giving the soul room to breathe, in turn. And Neptune in Pisces is here to help.


Planet Waves

Astrology Writing Class with Eric Francis at UAC

Here is some news. After I lobbied for years at various astrology conferences, the Association for Astrological Networking (AFAN) has signed on to sponsor a day of astrology writing and astrology ‘marketing’ at the United Astrology Conference in late May. I’ll be co-teaching the day with Donna Woodwell. My part of the day will be teaching astrology writing; Donna’s will be teaching various facets of marketing one’s astrology business.

Basically, in my half of the day, I’m going to explain and demonstrate how to do the kind of astrology journalism that I present in Planet Waves and on our websites. I will get writers past the astro*psycho*babble that is so common to our profession, and into clear and cohesive story telling. We will cover how to apply the basics of journalism to presenting astrology, how to explain aspects in a cohesive way, and in general, how to write if you want to be understood by mortals.

This will be a pre-conference intensive, before the conference opens — so you’ll need to show up a day early; the class is Weds., May 23, 2012 — and it will be in New Orleans. This class will be useful to ANY writers, not just astrology writers. The concepts are applicable to all forms of writing for a popular audience, whether you’re a blogger, columnist or aspiring journalist. Donna’s portion of the day will focus on website development, graphic communication and how to actually sell your business. This, too, is applicable to any form of a private practice, whether you’re a massage therapist or professional astrologer. Here is the official website for the class. Please write to me directly if you’re interested.


Planet Waves

Planet Waves
Jon Stewart: Newt Wants To Divorce Earth For Younger, Healthier Moon

Thursday, Jon Stewart noted that if Newt Gingrich wants to play down accusations that he is “grandiose,” then perhaps announcing his plans to establish a permanent, American lunar settlement if elected president might not be the way to go. Full of good ideas, he proposed that the Moon could apply for statehood if more than 13,000 people live there. But he’s opposed to statehood for Washington DC (and we would bet, for Puerto Rico).


Planet Waves
We’ve received much gratifying feedback on the 2012 annual edition, which provides readings for all 12 signs and rising signs. Here are a few of the notes that you’ve sent in. Subscribers may still purchase all 12 signs at the discounted price (12 signs for the price of three) or just get your individual sign.

“This is like you took a page from my soul and wrote it out for me to look at and remember, when I get lost, that there are breadcrumbs to knowing again. This is my first impression, that this is beautiful and accurate and poignant for us Tauruses this year. Thank you, Eric!”

“Ok were you a plant in my house when I was growing up? The Virgo audio and written parts (so far, I still have yet to listen to part 3) are EXACTLY what I have experienced. The section about sex is so true it is as though you have been privy to my innermost thoughts! How can you know these details and articulate them so well? Thank you SO much for doing what you do so perfectly. Like an intense and beautiful light in a dark room, your insights are a wonder and an inspiration.”

“I ride with great glee on the positive, hopeful, visionary challenge you present in your readings. You pour crystal-clear light into the chalice. Thank you. I have been so thirsty.”

“I just listened to Eric’s 2012 Taurus horoscope and it was AMAZING! I learned some crucial, new information about myself that is really vital to my self-healing. I am just constantly blown away not just by Eric’s ability, but also his compassion and sensitivity.”

“I am absolutely amazed and grateful at how deep you went and how accurately you managed to describe or tap into the essential Leo SELF. Some of which I have kept hidden from all except those closest to me… Much Gratitude, Appreciation and Love to you Eric.”

“This roadmap of a horoscope is phenomenal. You nailed it! I have become aware of the power I possess to change my world and use it on a daily basis. We are all powerful beings, we must acknowledge this power. And thanks to Eric’s prediction, I just might save the world (or at least my little corner of it — with lots of love to boot)!”

“I don’t know where to begin in saying thank you. Such a careful and thoughtful package of insights put together with love and craft and care. I am very grateful for this.”


Planet Waves The February monthly horoscope (long edition) was published Wednesday evening, Jan. 25. The long edition of the monthly horoscope is now on a new schedule — it will be the only Planet Waves mailing the week that it comes out, giving the Planet Waves team a chance to slow down a bit once a month. The next long edition monthly horoscope will be published the evening of Weds., Feb. 22. There was not an Inner Space monthly horoscope for February due to an overload of work during the production of the annual edition. The next Inner Space will be published the morning of Tuesday, Feb. 28.


Planet Waves

Friday, Feb. 3, 2012. Weekly Horoscope #889. | Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Where is your feminine side hiding out, and do you even like her? She’s guiding you to be, and feel, and do, so much of what you associate as being unlike you. Yet the you whom she is supposedly so unlike seems to be going deeper into the subtler aspects of your nature every day. Your charts suggest you’re looking for something in yourself, yet your search has an indirect quality, as if you’re trying to create something by a process of reduction. I think that a more direct approach would work — including tuning into your senses, and considering what your dreams are telling you. What you may discover is that you’re really on a search for your focused power of logic, will and discernment. These are tools you need — and tools you may have misplaced. The role of the feminine side of your nature will be to guide you in their proper use; to provide a basis of ethics, and grounding in purpose.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Do you have the guts to actually be the person you want the world to think you are? Or perhaps more to the point, the person you want to be? Projecting an image is relatively simple. Finding the truth of who you are can be complex and challenging. It takes less courage to create an image than it does to seek within yourself and identify the truth of what you are trying to weave for the world to see. Now is the time to dare and take that inner quest. It’s not neat or tidy; for example, the other side of appearing sexy is the truth of desire. The other side of external beauty is the psychological struggle associated with doubt. Concentrated exploration often precedes inspiration, and we often have to reckon with the inwardly violent aspects of our nature in order to experience the gentler ones. Embrace those contrasts as a sign of authentic exploration; as evidence that there is substance behind your image.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Neptune now joins Chiron on the angle of your solar chart associated with achievement and reputation. For most people this would be challenging, because Neptune is difficult to grasp. But you’ve always had Pisces on this angle, and Neptune and Pisces are good friends. Chiron is currently on this angle as well, and Neptune and Chiron function well; you can think of Neptune as the paint and the idea, and Chiron as the discipline and refined talent that will help you express what you want. There is a catch, however. Some of the most amazing energy is focused in an aspect of life that you may not normally feel so ambitious about. Perhaps it occurs to you that you may create something special or leave your mark on the world, but in truth, do you? Now you have two compelling, longterm influences in this house. To accomplish anything, you will need to work diligently over a number of years. You will need to respect your own ideas. Most of all, you must be the very example of ethics.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — There is a difference between the mental sciences — reason, rationality and authentic intellectual creativity — and spiritual exploration. The two rarely work independently of one another. We all know this. Intellect without some inspiration will put an insomniac to sleep. Inspiration and even love without some grounding in cohesive thought can lead to huge struggles and misunderstandings. You may feel some inclination to experience these two elements of life as separate ‘things’. Yet since both are products or results of consciousness, they point to something deeper. What is that something? We’ve all heard the expression, “I think, therefore, I am” — though often without realizing how brilliant it is. We could add, “I feel connection, I experience beauty, I sense something larger than myself — therefore, I am alive.” Yet what is back there, deep in you, doing all this thinking and experiencing and feeling and noticing? It all points back to something, and that something is trying to get your attention.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You seem to be grappling with a question about how others perceive you. You may think that you’ve inadvertently misled someone into thinking you are who you are not. Or, you may feel like someone sees something in you that you’re not sure exists. I would turn that around; imagine that the truth of who you are is transparent, and that the people closest to you are not only capable of seeing you for who you actually are, they want to do so. What you have is an opportunity for an unusually intimate and revealing exchange, which may or may not be sexual; you will know which way to take things, and that question — considered so urgent and pressing most of the time — will have little of its usual weight or urgency. You have available one of those rare moments when intimacy is the true source of energy, which leads to many possible expressions. The ‘lesson’ if you could call it that is how being authentically yourself is the most fruitful way to live, and the easiest, and the one most likely to lead to peace of mind.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Introducing the Planet Waves All Access Pass for 2012

Last year we offered an All Access Pass for subscribers who wanted access to everything we offer in a calendar year. The response from our All Access subscribers was overwhelmingly positive, and we are happy to once again offer one of our most popular products: the Planet Waves All Access Pass for 2012. One price gets you a subscription to the weeklies and all other products on Planetwaves.net through December of 2012.

Planet Waves

Using one password for everything, which you choose yourself, you’ll have easy access to every product, including birthday reports and special audio recordings, weekly email service, the annual edition, and whatever additional projects we create. It’s a great discount on a year of our work.

We trust that this idea is a fun way to meet your needs, whether you use astrology for daily spiritual inspiration, therapeutic purposes or pragmatic decision-making. And it’s truly a valuable resource for students of Astrology.

With the All Access Pass you’ll receive:

– Tuesday/Friday Email editions of Planet Waves weekly content and horoscopes. Follow Eric’s weekly and monthly interpretations for all of 2012.

– All sign birthday/ascendant audio for 2012. This is almost like getting a personal consultation with Eric for yourself and any loved ones whose astrology you track. Each audio report includes a fresh perspective on current transits and how they extend into the future, along with a special tarot reading for that sign.

– Your choice of the 2012 or 2013 annual edition, all 12 signs. This book-length online publication includes written and audio segments, is accessible by password at any time, and always meets rave reviews by readers who refer to it throughout the year for its long-range, big-picture guidance.

For More Benefits of the All Access Pass, Visit This Page.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Neptune embarking on its long journey across your relationship sign Pisces on Friday is an invitation to see the deeper potential in your encounters with other people. You can afford to be a little more idealistic than usual because Chiron is already there, keeping an eye on practical matters, focusing your awareness and making sure that the endeavor of every relationship is oriented on healing. With Neptune, the thing to embrace is the seemingly fleeting nature of reality, as perceived by the ego. In truth, what you’re getting are glimpses beyond the veil of normal consciousness, and examples of how to get there more dependably. The question of your relationships now orients on you being true to yourself first, which is the prerequisite to any other form of being true. You would do well to ask why this is even an issue at all. Most of why we are so obsessed with denial is because of moral judgments on pleasure. In the current structure of society, pleasure is acceptable only as an escape from pain. Yet that won’t get you through the door — you know, the opening you want to go through so dearly.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You may be feeling like you’ve gone all the way out to the edge, though with an unusual feeling. It’s like you’re having a dream of walking along a narrow walkway much higher up than you’re used to being, yet you’re not scared. If this were a dream, the meaning would in part come from the experience of the altitude but mostly from the feeling of not having any of the usual fear of altitude that you might have in such a delicate situation. If you tune in you may discover that most of your fears are operating in reverse. The things that might normally make you nervous are making you bolder. You know you live on the edge of time, but you’re somehow not concerned about time running out. This is a healthy way to approach your fears and your perceived limitations — as things that might be there but which don’t particularly bother you, or which are optional.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Many have noted the difference between the sexual experience we have in a fantasy and the one we have in reality. What happens in actual 3-D reality is different than what happens in fantasy mainly because more than your intent is involved, and there can be physical effects, influences or consequences of the actions taken — much less likely in the imagination. That said, most people don’t even bother to try their fantasies, and then on the rare occasion when they might, there can be a setup for disappointment if it does not live up. This is one reason why I suggest trying every fantasy at least three times (three-way sex, same-sex experience, s/m experience, etc.). Once is not enough to get the feeling; things can go wrong, and you or someone else might be nervous. Everything takes practice and acclimation. I mention this now because Neptune in Pisces is about to stoke your fantasies big-time, and Chiron in Pisces is saying that this comes down to experience — real experience based on real curiosity.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — The concept of ‘home’ has become elusive, as people become increasingly transient, as the family structure changes and as home — the building itself — has become the subject of a vast political and economic scandal. As well, the notion of what it means to feel ‘safe’ on the planet has changed and changed radically. The things my friends and I used to do as kids, unsupervised, would get some parents arrested today, while others neglect their children with bald, outrageous impunity. All of these questions are potential topics of Neptune ingressing the home and security angle of your solar chart. Yet the question is deeper and more personal: what do you need to do in order to feel like you’re safe on the planet, or in your home? You may come up with a long list of possibilities and I bet many of them would be valid. But I can sum it up in two words, if you like: emotional boundaries.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — There seems to be some unusual potential opening up in your relationships. This is based on two things, I believe. One involves your gradually finding your way to people whose values are similar to your own — similar enough to have a real conversation. The second is the gradual dissolving of the formerly strict partition between ‘lovers’ and ‘friends’. There is a third factor as well, which is that you’ve experienced just about every insecurity about yourself that a person is capable of feeling, and you’re now ready to stand on more solid spiritual ground. Ideally, this combination of factors would lead you to make braver, bolder choices in life. It would lead you out of your shell and make you willing to at least approach other people on potentially equal terms. There seems to be something holding you back. Can you figure out what it is?

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The prevailing theme at this truly meaningful juncture of your life is seeing the consequences of living unconsciously. It seems like every day you discover something new that you have to address, but that would have been prevented — had you only been more conscious at some other time in your life. One thing about the cleanup process is that you will be able to take some fairly large strides, if you devote yourself to it diligently, and proceed with a spirit of growth rather than of fixing. That said, you could become something of an expert in consequences, in general — of conscious or unconscious life; of being loving or unloving; of having faith, or not. For the foreseeable future the essence of your life story is about self-value and self-esteem. I believe that all of these themes are directly related. Feeling good about oneself is not an illusion or a flight of fancy. It can be solidly grounded in truth, and this seems to be your most important mission.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Accept no illusions. That is the message of Neptune entering your birth sign. Many people in our society live and seem to thrive on illusions; just look at how many people are addicted to artificial sweeteners, and don’t mind the whole seizure/brain tumor thing. You can handle Neptune energy, because you’ve already got a lot of it in your chart. You may discover under this influence that you have more potential, and a lot more access to your deepest strengths, virtues and creativity. Yet the challenge is persisting in a boldly realistic view of life. Put up with nothing. Demand absolute authenticity, from yourself and from others. Being boldly realistic includes the well-established role of visionaries on our planet, no matter how large or small of a scale you work with that concept. Accurate perception balances realism and optimism, neither at the expense of the other. If you remember this, and practice it well, you can do, or experience, anything you want.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Before and After Neptune in Aquarius

Dear Friend and Reader:

In what I trust is the last quirk of the publishing schedule after completing the 2012 annual, I had the choice today whether to write a late version of the Inner Space horoscope for February, or a letter to you. Given the quality of the moment, I’ve opted for the letter — a personal one rather than a newsletter. I will concentrate my 12-sign energy on the weekly horoscope for Friday. In case you missed the February monthly horoscope, here is a link to that.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

We’re in a rare moment right now, and I want to describe what makes it so. By rare, I mean once in a lifetime, with special opportunities to observe ourselves and resolve certain lingering issues — or at least take a real step toward doing so.

This is the week that Neptune changes signs from Aquarius to Pisces; the precise moment is Friday at 2:03 pm EST. Outer planet sign changes are usually rare, but lately they have been coming in a cluster. Neptune spends about 14 years in each sign. So the theme of the moment is, in particular, getting some perspective on the past 14 years. Personal events will be meaningful, as will turning points that have influenced our whole culture.

Neptune began its trip through Aquarius on Jan. 28, 1998. A lot has happened since then — many changes to society, political events, numerous wars, many changes to our culture. It’s necessary to be observant of subtle changes when tracking outer planets, particularly with Neptune, but when you start making the before and after lists, you see some really interesting patterns.

Looked at another way, Neptune can represent an inspired state. This is natural for people who work with Neptune for a living, such as artists, musicians and composers; or rather, in order to do what they do, they’ve learned how to ground Neptune energy. The same would be true for a fiction writer, who you could say lies professionally but in a conscious, ethical way.

For those with less grounding, the inspired side of Neptune can be just as slippery as the delusional side. The many manifestations of what you might call false hope or false inspiration include believing what is not true because it’s convenient, being sold a ‘new lifestyle’ through a product, or falling for the many pitches for hope and change that are sold to us. I know you may not watch TV, but if you do, have you noticed how many drug commercials there are? Have you noticed how the warnings at the end are often half as long as the commercial? I always wonder who would buy a drug that suppresses psoriasis but could spontaneously induce cancer.

Much of what we call inspiration can lack traction or any sense of contact with reality. To work with Neptune constructively it’s necessary to take a long perspective, and by that I mean years; and to gradually focus your whole mind on the process. If there is going to be some kind of creative achievement, or some true potential for ‘hope and change’, it’s not going to come from outside; it’s going to come from us.

Neptune’s ingress into Pisces on Friday is the last of the outer planets taking their positions in the 2012 set of aspects. As I described in an earlier article called The Road to Xibalba, in Western astrology, what we have been calling “2012” consists of a series of events that began in 2008, when Pluto first ingressed Capricorn.

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

Then in 2010-2011, Chiron moved into Pisces; at about the same time, Uranus moved into Aries. Last April 4, Neptune slipped into Pisces, where it stayed for exactly four months. On Aug. 4, it retrograded back into Aquarius for the last time, and then Friday it leaves Aquarius and ingresses Pisces, where it will be till 2025.

Aquarius is the sign associated with groups, organizations, social patterns and thought patterns. Neptune is a planet that stokes the imagination, blurs boundaries and infiltrates everything that it touches. When Neptune is around, if you notice it, you might be asking yourself: Is this real or is this a dream? Many have asked that question before, but for a long time it was easier to avoid. Now that issue seems to be everywhere.

In more practical terms, what were your group associations, friendships and intimate relationships like before this transit and what are they like today? Think in broad terms: Are you more cynical, or more optimistic? Do you have more faith in humanity, or less? What has influenced you?

One of the most obvious manifestations of the Neptune in Aquarius era is this thing that used to be described accurately by the phrase, ‘the Internet’. It is perhaps the ultimate example of a thing both intimately private and vastly public. Fourteen years is before and after the Internet as we now know it. We have gone from Yahoo! mail to being able to control your coffee pot from your phone. Think of it this way. We used to surround the Internet. We used to have to go to it. Now it surrounds us, and infiltrates everything. It is ubiquitous, both as a product and as the wireless and microwave signals that soak through our bodies at every moment. At the same time, we occupy it — we project ourselves into it.

When you hear the discussions of “what is Facebook doing to our relationships?” that is just a subtle shade of the question. It’s a good one though; it really is time to evaluate the meaning of the word ‘friend‘. I am wondering what this total merging of the Internet with consciousness has done to the way that our souls engage existence; how we conceive of ourselves. One thing that happens a lot on the Internet is that we represent ourselves to others — and this can be in more or less honest ways. It’s now considered natural to be one’s own publicist, though we might want to count the cost of that — for example, the issues involved with raising image over substance in our most intimate encounters. Question: Are you lonelier now, or do you feel like you have more companionship, than you did in 1998?

There isn’t anyone who uses the ‘Net who has not encountered some of what can go wrong: the misunderstandings, the crossed communications, the feeling of being deleted, and most of all the sensation that everything we say here is tracked, recorded, documented and potentially available to anyone. The question is, how do we feel about that, and what has it done to our sense of personal containment? How does this influence our integrity? A Course in Miracles has an early lesson: There are no private thoughts. How do you feel, existing in that environment?

Planet Waves
Photo by Eric Francis.

The thing with Neptune is that its effects are often more easily seen after a transit than during the transit, and we’re now in that last moment. With Neptune, it’s as if a fog rolls in, and something happens, and we can’t quite figure out what it was till the fog clears. Truly it is my perception that our culture has been living in an increasingly thick fog the past decade and a half, and many people have invested a lot of energy falling in love with their own delusions.

Today someone asked me why in my diary posts about Neptune in Aquarius was I only addressing the deceptive side of Neptune rather than the inspirational side. I will work up to it. Personally I thrive on the inspired side of Neptune. All of my interests spring from that well — photography, music, writing about spiritual matters or writing fantasy fiction. Yet in terms of the wider world, I may have a bias, because I am leery of the damage that can be done by this influence and how carefully it must be handled. Many days it seems like we’re drowning in the sea of true believership. I see some of the most inspired use of Neptune in Aquarius as being (in total) the more practical sides of the Internet, such as the way that Google makes information available and the way that Facebook makes people available. But then what do we do with that information or that ability to make contact? How creatively do we use it?

I am concerned about how and why we have taken some of the greatest con jobs in modern history so casually: fake wars, stolen elections, massive systemic heists of public funds, by the people who are charged with guarding them. I am less concerned with the events themselves and more with the way we’ve become so susceptible to them. We can ease the pain of that by believing all will be okay in the end, or that some good will have come of it, or that the world is better without Saddam Hussein, despite however many people were killed, hurt or displaced. With Neptune it’s always necessary to ask: Is what I believe actually true?

While we’re making inquiries, I suggest we ask ourselves whether we’re more or less real today than we were 14 years ago, and how we got to be that way.

I am curious where you’re coming from on these issues. Please write to me if you have any thoughts you would like to share with me or your fellow readers. I’ll be giving this a lot of thought between now and when I write Friday’s edition.


Eric Francis

P.S. — I am doing some of that thinking out loud on both the Planet Waves blog and the Reality Check diary.

Of Aquarius, Water and Dragons

Dear Friend and Reader:

The Chinese Year of the Dragon began Monday, Jan. 23 with the Aquarius New Moon. The Dragon is the Chinese equivalent to the western sign Aries — high initiative and innovative. Dragon years are almost always memorable years in Western society, and 2012 will be no exception.

Planet Waves
Meet Lagiacrus, the water dragon from Monster Hunter Tri. He’s a picky eater: organic-only and no red meat. To learn more about the game, visit this link at Amazon.com. Screen image of this magnificent water dragon is from Monster Wikia, to illustrate the Wii product. Wait — that’s what video games look like now? I have got to see this.

This is the Dragon year in the element water, which gives a yin or receptive feeling to the usually rather yang energy of this Chinese sign. (For contrast, the last Dragon year was 2000 — the Metal Dragon, which was a bit harsh.) It’s illustrated perfectly by Neptune changing signs just as the Water Dragon year begins, from Aquarius (where it’s been since 1998) to Pisces (where it will be until 2025). So here in the year of passionate water, we get some extra juice right from the start. (I’ll have a lot more to say about Neptune in Pisces in the Friday, Feb. 3 edition of Planet Waves.)

Speaking as a Dragon, I can tell you that one key to working with this energy is being conscious of how and when you push your luck. That is to say, Dragon is considered ‘lucky’, and those in harmony with this energy tend to thrive on taking chances. Yet this quality is best used with a touch of authentic discernment, for example, taking calculated risks, with a productive purpose — rather than stupid risks with no useful benefit to anyone. Yes, fun is sometimes sort of useful — but you can have plenty of fun and not create problems (or danger) for yourself or anyone else.

That said, the thing to do with that daring energy is, specifically, to dare. You might say that it’s about taking a chance on what you want. Most of what we consider ‘dangerous’ and avoid is really a comment on our psychology, and our perception — not actual risks. This is not the year to make excuses for why you’re not doing what you want, or why you refuse to even try. It’s the time to see those excuses for what they have been and what they have done to you. Most of why we might resist is contained in our mental patterns, and with that, we now have some help.

Also as of Monday, Mars turned retrograde in Virgo. In a word, this is about rethinking. You don’t hear the term “Mars retrograde” very often, but it happens. On the most basic level, Virgo describes how we think, and Mars retrograde is a high-focus investigation. Virgo is also a sign known for its intensity and even obsession (both described by Chiron rather than Mercury). But it’s a feminine sign, and those who try to express masculine energy through Virgo can be a little insecure doing so. Imagine how Virgo herself feels, taking up Mars as a guest for longer than the average vacation, eight months. The peak of that timespan involves Mars making apparent retrograde motion between Jan. 23 and April 13.

Between April 13 and late June promises to be an interesting time in the story of the world, and Mr. Cock and Balls treading backwards through the sign of the Virgin sounds like she becomes a woman in the process. Retrogrades are often recovery missions, about claiming lost energy, forgotten personal assets, and aspects of ourselves that threatened others when we were little. Every kid does this — to some extent figure out how not to piss off the adults, however meek or vicious the results may be.

Planet Waves
Montauk facing south, toward Santo Domingo, winter 2012.Photo by Eric Francis. (Read Eric’s account of this particular wave.)

Children thus embark on a self-pruning process that can leave them feeling neutered as adults. This is the essence of the “little man” complex described by Wilhelm Reich. In Gestalt therapy it’s the essence of guilt. If we’re wondering where our energy, or curiosity, or creativity goes as we get older, this is the place to look.

That’s what retrogrades can help with. They can send us on a soul retrieval scavenger hunt. Mars in Virgo will be useful this way, helping us come to terms with what we think of as aggression (and might feel as self-aggression). For some, Mars retrograde in Virgo represents a calling to impeccability. For others, it’s a deep self-inquiry. For still others, it’s about healing desire and unhooking the many hangups that make it so difficult to express desire without guilt.

I suggest being mindful of the pattern establishment quality of retrogrades. The last time anything like this happened was in early 1965, when the script was cast for the thing called The Sixties that ensued.

Everything that happened during that spell of retrograde Mars in Virgo became ‘a thing’; it was etched into the realm of potential in such a way that stuck. The music, the war, the protests — the pattern was set, as the energy crested. In personal psychological astrology, this phase is a systems check for all of the high-intensity astrology that arrives in the late spring.

You may feel a palpable calling to improve your life, your health and your wellbeing during the next few months — and it’s essential that you proceed with any such quest gently. Warm up before you stretch, and remember, it’s not how far you go or how good you look, it’s how consciously you lean into the tension. This goes for body or mind.

Virgo is given to spells of harsh self-criticism without the help of Mars, or Mars retrograde. Given this it will be helpful to think of your feelings in terms of pleasure-guilt dynamics, and to consider any approach-avoid tendencies that you have in this light. Another theme I’ll be exploring with Mars retrograde involves aggression, self-aggression and what to do with anger. We need Mars energy in our lives, but the key is, we need just enough. Fortunately, Mr. Dragon will help us keep that in balance.

Aquarius is an air sign, though its symbol is a container of water (or in early renditions, a ruler to measure the depth of the Nile). The Water Dragon is assertive and expressive in a way that comes from a feminine core. This is the year when fortune favors the bold. The Dragon of Chinese fame has none of the baggage that it has in Western mythology; in China, it’s the very essence of good fortune. As mentioned, Dragon is the sign related to Aries in Western astrology — cardinal (high-energy) fire energy.

So, be brash, bold and daring — in subtle ways too.


Eric Francis

SCHEDULE NOTE — This is the only edition of Planet Waves this week. It includes the February monthly horoscope, long edition, which is below. There is not an edition Friday. We will see you again Tuesday with the Inner Space monthly horoscope for February. Don’t miss Daily Astrology & Adventure, and I’ve been been writing some short essays on the Reality Check homepage. — efc

NOTE TO CAPRICORNS AND AQUARIANS — I am indeed planning your birthday reports. No exact date on the schedule, but it will be soon after resuming the Planet Waves FM podcast, which has been on a one-month hiatus. — efc


Planet Waves

Neptune in a Flask

When I was studying marine biology at John Dewey High School, I heard of this place called the New York Ocean Science Laboratory (NYOSL), out in Montauk — at the far end of Long Island’s south fork. That always seemed perfect — to have an ocean science lab out here on the far-flung edge of the North American continent, more than 100 miles out into the Atlantic Ocean. All kinds of complex aquatic systems exist around here — besides the ocean itself, there are inland lakes and ponds, streams, bays, harbors, wetlands and islands.

Planet Waves
Grow room by the Sea — Algae stock grows in Erlenmeyer flasks at the East Hampton Town Shellfish Hatchery in Mondauk, NY. The algae provides microscopic food for infant oysters, clams and scallops (while they’re in the larval stage). After the algae matures here, the cultures are moved to much larger vats where the algae blooms under natural light — then a bunch of pea-sized mollusks have a feast. Photo by Eric.

I’ve looked for the lab many times on the ‘Net and I’ve never been able to find it — and I learned why today. The New York State Legislature cut its funding in 1979, before the Internet existed. So, it never had a website or a web presence of any kind, and there are few references to its existence. Even asking the locals, most only seemed to have heard of it.

The land was almost all sold to build condos, and most of the place (originally a former WWII torpedo testing facility) was torn down. The one remaining building fell into ruins. Then in 1986, someone thought to open a shellfish hatchery. NYOSL’s remaining structure was renovated and revived, and the Town of East Hampton (which includes the hamlet of Montauk) created a place to breed clams, scallops and oysters. So many of these critters are harvested from the water that the stocks were nearly depleted before World War II. So it makes sense to reinvest in the ecosystem.

With some help from the local newspaper, I tracked down the lab’s manager and visited there yesterday. It’s a gritty little operation, with a small staff. The facility is designed to get mollusks to mate, which they do by spewing their sex cells into the water — and then the staff collect the larvae. These are fed algae, which is bred first in beakers like the ones you see above, then in larger vats. Only the smallest fish eat algae stock; once they’re big enough, they are put out into a nursery or live on racks, in both of which cases they consume the naturally occurring algae in bay water.

Both Chiron and Neptune in Pisces are going to call attention to the oceans. The oceans are the immune system of the planet, and the wetlands are the spawning grounds where nearly all marine life has its roots. Chiron in Pisces is the essence of marine science — the spirit of inquiry, documentation and acknowledgement of the issues we face and the healing that’s necessary.

We’re going to need both scientists and facilities to understand and help us deal with the changes the world is going through. This has been true for as long as there’s been industrialization, though I can tell you from much experience covering polluters that they don’t like scientists. They don’t like research. The less that’s known about the effects of all this industrial activity and pollution, the better. Not everyone agrees with that.

The East Hampton hatchery is not a research lab; it provides a practical function, which is restocking the waters from which so many people eat and make a living. That’s a good start. I’ll post another photo to Planet Waves tomorrow.


Planet Waves

Monthly Horoscope for February 2012. | Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Focus on your health. The potential problem I see is stress. However I also see an opportunity to cultivate habits and patterns of living that open the way to your vitality and longevity. Your best window of opportunity for this endeavor is from now through mid-April, when the influential planet Mars treks backward in Virgo. Let’s start with stress — which in this case seems to be a study in how you handle obstacles created by the need for attention to details. If you’re experiencing any kind of a setback, view it as an opportunity to solve a lot of seemingly minor issues that you want to work out anyway, only now you have an excuse. The whole theme of ‘rethinking’ is one that will help you relax into a truly creative space, which will be good for you. As for wellness opportunities — the story boils down to remembering that you exist in physical form, and physical activity is good for you, indeed essential to keeping your psychic energy in balance. You have so much voltage running through you at the moment that balance and clarity count for extra. I suggest you start by unraveling or undoing habits you don’t want — such as subtracting certain foods from your diet — and then gradually shift your momentum into what you consciously want to establish or create. This is a simple formula. As you liberate stuck energy and aggravating factors, more of your vital force becomes available for creative purposes.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Einstein once said that imagination is more powerful than knowledge, which describes perfectly how the planets are speaking to you right now. You may be discovering that certain things you knew for sure are no longer as valid as you thought. Curiosity will save the day, as you can quickly shift from any sense of disappointment about what’s not true toward an inquiry into what is. Curiosity about yourself is high on the agenda, though this is the kind of curiosity you must answer in experience rather than in theory. You seem to have reached a new depth of relationship with your opposite-sex self, which implies experiencing both of your inner gender polarities as more distinct and vivid. They have a relationship to one another, and you have a relationship to them. Your creative quest involves diving into new and even improbable experiences of yourself. By improbable, I mean that if you have an experimental spirit and turn your sense of inquiry onto yourself, you may discover unexpected new inner territory. You’ll notice things about yourself that you don’t identify as, but which are no less part of your psyche. The question might arise: how far do I go exploring with others or physically experiencing what I desire? I would say, start where you feel safe, and work your way out to the edge of that. Test your boundaries. A significant aspect of this is expressing in words to yourself and to others what you want, for the pleasure of doing so.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — It’s a miracle that anyone feels safe on our planet, with all that seems poised to go so wrong. Yet actual conditions have minimal influence on one’s level of security or insecurity; the assessment is usually based on an internal metric — and becoming conscious of this is the theme of the coming few months. Let’s start with the idea that your level of fear is influenced by much of anything outside you. If the sources of fear were really external, our lives would be strewn with the nonstop disasters envisioned by our anxieties. In truth very little that we fear actually happens. Fear has its origins — and many of those are likely to involve family baggage. We come into this life with patterns that go back generations, though we prefer to think that our minds work in some original way. The fears you experience might be so directly attributable to others it’s as if they come tagged with the name of the source. For the next three months you have the opportunity to take out the trash — identify and make a conscious choice to let go of every insecurity that you don’t want. I know that fears are among the most persistent thought forms, though part of their staying power involves a lack of understanding where they come from. In any event, I suggest you define as a primary goal your desire to feel safe living here. By the way, this works out to be a leadership question.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Logic is one of the most powerful tools in the shed, though it doesn’t work for everything. I suggest you test your logic and also apply logic to test your conclusions, and see how both factors check out. Just remember, logic rarely points to what is possible. More often it points to what is seemingly impossible, not worth doing or not even worth trying. For that reason alone, it’s worth testing. Every significant human achievement was significant specifically because it defied the prevailing logic of its day. Some limit was exceeded; some purpose not previously recognized was fulfilled; someone saw potential in a way that nobody else had noticed, or at least dared to try. In a similar spirit, I suggest that you open your mind’s eye to your potential, to unlikely possibilities and to the vision of things that don’t yet exist. Consider how you want to shape your life over longer spans of time than you usually think about, say perhaps 10 or 20 years. Allow creativity to bring something new to the conversation when typical approaches to problem-solving don’t get you where you want to be. Challenge yourself to both seeing the limits of how you think now, and to conceive of your life in certain ways that project you into entirely new territory. The world is wider than you may think; places you’ve never been, and experiences you’ve never had, are waiting for you — no matter what anyone may deem as possible or impossible.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — One of the reasons that many Leos feel so good about themselves is that you’ve figured out that it makes more sense than feeling any other way. You take an almost scientific approach to self-esteem, rationally assessing the ways in which you both excel and other ways in which you need improvement. The world would be a better place if more people did this, though if lately you’re noticing that you fall short of your own standards, you need a new way to measure. I can think of two qualities to consider. One is in your ability to find common ground with people. That is an astonishing gift to have, because common ground is the substance of which cooperation is made. Second, you tend to project yourself into the community that surrounds you in a clear way that people can understand, no matter what point of view they’re coming from. They’re extensions of the same deeper property you have, which is your ability to hold people together like the Sun keeps its planets in their orbits. Over the next several months you seem poised to move into wider and more visible public roles that relate to both social and professional aspects of life. More will be at stake; bigger risks than usual will be on the line. Before you take your new role, I suggest that you really understand the truly unique gifts you have, so that you have full confidence in them when you need them the most.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Introducing the Planet Waves All Access Pass for 2012

Last year we offered an All Access Pass for subscribers who wanted access to everything we offer in a calendar year. The response from our All Access subscribers was overwhelmingly positive, and we are happy to once again offer one of our most popular products: the Planet Waves All Access Pass for 2012. One price gets you a subscription to the weeklies and all other products on Planetwaves.net through December of 2012.

Planet Waves

Using one password for everything, which you choose yourself, you’ll have easy access to every product, including birthday reports and special audio recordings, weekly email service, the annual edition, and whatever additional projects we create. It’s a great discount on a year of our work.

We trust that this idea is a fun way to meet your needs, whether you use astrology for daily spiritual inspiration, therapeutic purposes or pragmatic decision-making. And it’s truly a valuable resource for students of Astrology.

With the All Access Pass you’ll receive:

– Tuesday/Friday Email editions of Planet Waves weekly content and horoscopes. Follow Eric’s weekly and monthly interpretations for all of 2012.

– All sign birthday/ascendant audio for 2012. This is almost like getting a personal consultation with Eric for yourself and any loved ones whose astrology you track. Each audio report includes a fresh perspective on current transits and how they extend into the future, along with a special tarot reading for that sign.

– Your choice of the 2012 or 2013 annual edition, all 12 signs. This book-length online publication includes written and audio segments, is accessible by password at any time, and always meets rave reviews by readers who refer to it throughout the year for its long-range, big-picture guidance.

For More Benefits of the All Access Pass, Visit This Page.


Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — There’s only so far you can take the concept of integrity before it ceases to be practical. In fact pushing things out to an extreme of impeccability can have the opposite effect, of making you (or any human) want to break some rules just for its own sake. With Mars retrograde in your sign, I suggest you beware of this kind of reactionary effect. Make some room in your relationships for some of what cannot be verified or judged. People need to believe some of their own illusions, and they can often do so harmlessly enough. I recognize that it’s sensible in some ways to judge people (including yourself) on the basis of whether they’re being strictly truthful, or whether they fit precise metrics of authenticity. Yet that doesn’t leave much room for imagination, which we depend upon to get through the day, every day. I suggest you view the people around you in a more idealistic light. See them for the good things they offer and make an effort to overlook what might annoy you. If you do this enough you’ll get better at doing the same thing for yourself. All of the flaws in the world do not add up to perfection, so if you’re looking for happiness, you will need to look somewhere else, or rather, look another way. Remember that much of what the mind sees is the mind itself. There are other approaches to seeing, though instead of wondering what they are, I suggest you open your eyes and look.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — How strongly can you identify with someone else’s experience? Or maybe the more accurate question is, how much do you want to? It would seem that someone in your environment is teaching you a lot — and has also become a powerful influence in other ways. This situation has been developing for a while, though it’s only recently that you’re noticing just how much the experience is helping you rearrange your perspective. In recent seasons, you’ve been investing lots of your energy into organizing your life, focusing on maturity and getting clear about what’s important to you. Yet it seems you’ve been trying to do this from an internal orientation, avoiding competing influences. Along the way, certain distinct elements in your outer environment have been playing a role that you may not have noticed till recently. Someone who others might think is too ‘challenging’ to be around has proven to be an inspiration, in particular, driving you to express your full talent and individuality. This is of course more than most people can stand for themselves — all that awakeness and talent and full expression of energy kind of stuff is scary for lots of people. You’re in one of those situations where your best option is to rise to the occasion and take full advantage of the situation. If you can handle some unpredictability and running a bit higher voltage than you usually do, you’ll get the benefits of a truly one-of-a-kind creative partnership experience.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Everyone wants to be popular, but not everyone recognizes the potential cost. Everyone wants a meaningful role to play in their community, but hardly anyone is willing to do the work. Everyone wants to be seen as someone with integrity, though few are willing to make the investment in themselves to deserve that distinction. At the moment you have all of this going on, and you may be wondering how much progress you’re making. I would propose that you’re in the ‘cleaning and scaling’ phase of a new relationship to whatever you think of as the public: your circle of friends, your immediate community or perhaps some wider audience. I suggest that as you go through this phase, you take an experimental attitude, rather than assuming any long-term successes or failures based on what happens in the immediate future. The situation isn’t perfect, but it’s clearly workable — as long as you don’t set perfection as a goal. If more things than usual seem to be going wrong, or if certain objectives seem to be slipping out of reach, that’s because you’re testing a number of things in practice that you had only worked out in theory. You’re also getting to experience how ‘human nature’ responds when you turn up the energy, and you’re learning something about group dynamics that for some reason was not obvious before. Meanwhile, if you’re looking for a dependable working method, try this on: be clear with people and they will be clear with you.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Focus on your work and not your career. There is a difference, though it’s often forgotten. Keep your emphasis on what you’re doing now, rather than on the trajectory of what you intend to be doing, have decided to work toward, or where you’ve been previously. Let your experience only be relevant when it provides actual information you can work with. See what it’s like to proceed for a while with no ambition to be more visible, respected or even successful; rather, get into the Be Here Now experience of full presence in your immediate activity. That is where the real energy is for you personally, whichever way we might look at your charts. In the current version of the world, there is way too much emphasis placed on supposed success, on the technical side of the creative process and on this elusive thing known as fame. Where your charts are the strongest right now is on the quality of your creative or work experiences as well as the results you get; on the chemistry you have with your collaborators; and on being known as someone who does the job well, rather than being known for its own sake. As you focus on the present and your present efforts, you will gradually redefine your notion of success. You will shift your relationship to authority, including both your inner authority and those who seem to hold power in the external world. And when you proceed after this experiment, you’ll truly be your own boss.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You are by nature an intuitive thinker. However, that’s another way of saying creative thinker. Yet creative is a matter of emphasis, with the emphasis being on noticing what you have not noticed before, or seeing what others do not; your apparent lack of logic often works to your benefit. You’re now in an extended phase of your life when the theme is how you think. You may be discovering that there is no such thing as ‘pure reason’, though it’s possible to ask reasonable questions. You may suddenly be able to tune into your perception and notice patterns that were not obvious before. This may seem clairvoyant, in particular if you don’t know how you reached a certain conclusion. Therefore, I suggest that you allow your mind to work in its new way, and if you’re wondering how you arrived at a certain destination, work your way backwards from your recognition to the facts that initially led to it. For the sake of credibility, you might want to leave some of your calculations in the margin, so that others know that there are steps you took to get where you’re going. However, don’t let them get in your way when you’re working independently of others. For your own sake, making sure that there are logical steps after the fact will help build your confidence in your observation skills. They may not seem important today, but the way the world is going, you’re going to be glad you have them the moment you need them.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Lately you seem to have your doubts about where you stand with yourself, though I suggest you give that a rest. You are, at least, becoming fully self-aware and determined to know the truth about yourself. This is an excellent start. I would caution you against listening to what others try to convince you of, particularly if a sexual or financial relationship has gone awry or turned negative any time recently. You still have a lot of your self-esteem invested in that situation — and it’s going to take some time to work this out. I suggest you think of this as a technical exercise that will gradually get results. If there’s a spiritual component, that might be about compassion and patience. Know that your personal resources are more valuable than whatever you may have invested in the relationship. Indeed, it would seem that there’s relatively little invested, in terms of actual commitment; there seems to be more of an entanglement that you now have the responsibility of working out. As when untangling anything else, you cannot push, and you have to remember not to pull too hard. Yet the thing to really keep in mind is that this is not a measure of your value, to yourself or to anyone else. You’re merely in a situation that is calling for care and attention, and that you will easily let go when the details are resolved — and when emotions settle down. You can help by keeping them as cool as possible.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — This month, Neptune arrives in your sign, to stay until 2025. It is rare that you get to say that a new phase of your life has begun. However, astrology also provides a metric. Neptune in your sign will shift your experience of yourself — and as a result, your experience of the world you live in. Yours is the most watery of the water signs. Yet there’s just one planet that’s directly associated with water — Neptune. It moves extremely slowly, and has been hanging out since 1998 in an angle of your chart where its best properties have been difficult for you to access. This has had two effects. One is that you’ve had to turn your sensitivity up, in order to compensate for what was not immediately available. You’ve had to make company for yourself when you were feeling isolated, and find softness within when there seemed to be none around you. I suspect that any residual sense of isolation is going to gradually dissipate over the next few months, and your relationships — all of them — are going to go through a phase of adjustment. The gist of that story is that you’re going to feel a lot more comfortable being who you are, and exist in a world that’s more your kind of climate. Others, in turn, will need to adapt to your being more grounded in your being — or rather, they will or they will not, but either way, you’ll feel more at home.

Revolution. Revelation. Reality Check. has been published and is available. It is still available at the special subscriber discount price for all 12 signs, or the order price per sign. This year’s annual offers an extended written report plus 90 minutes of audio for each sign and rising sign. You will love it.

On the Shores of Scorpionic America

Dear Friend and Reader:

If ever there was a week during the past nine years and 11 months to wonder what is happening in the United States charts, this would be the week. The debt ceiling hostage game that ended less than two weeks ago led to a reduction of the U.S. credit rating, which in turn set off a week of madness on world stock exchanges. The United States lost 30 of its most elite troops in Afghanistan on Saturday, including members of the Navy SEAL team that we were told assassinated Osama bin Laden in May (not the same guys, just members of the same group). And a slate of Republican candidates are vying for the presidential nomination, each one more driven by apocalyptic religious values than the next.

Uncle Sam, who is the Aquarius rising face of the United States: compelling, serious, traditional but somehow still friendly.

The probable Republican nominee, Rick Perry of Texas, held a revival meeting at Reliant Stadium in Houston last weekend, wherein he prayed for guidance about things like fixing the federal deficit. This might be meaningful — prayer often is — but it’s worth noting how many of his guests that day were rapture Christians (properly called dispensationalists) obsessed not with the God of love but rather with the end of the world. This segment from The Rachel Maddow Show explains that they are all part of one religious movement, which has vowed to take over the United States government for the purposes of hastening the end of the world. I know this sounds like science fiction, but it is neither scientific nor fictional.

Meanwhile, the Republican campaigns this year, while temporarily backing away from openly banning being gay or female, are focused on the issue of slashing what they call ‘entitlements’ — that is, the Social Security and Medicare payments of people who have paid into the system their whole working lives. Personally I remember being paid $2.90 an hour to work the deli counter at Foodtown, and seeing FICA deducted from my paycheck. I am sure you have a similar memory. Somehow making sure that nobody collects is going to save the country from the fantasy of ‘socialism’. But we seem to be suffering from a kind of antisocialism, and I think I have figured out where it’s coming from in the astrology.

Last week I introduced an alternate chart for the United States, called Scorpionic America. Most astrologers use a chart for the signing of the Declaration of Independence, called the Sibly chart. Scorpionic America is the chart for the Articles of Confederation, which were signed and sent to the colonies for ratification in 1777. Due to a technical error, I got the time of the chart wrong; I set the zone for local time in Pennsylvania, instead of Greenwich Mean Time. The Moon and planets are all in the same signs; changing the time in this chart mainly changes the ascendant and house positions. I read a chart with Gemini rising. Cast for GMT, the chart has Aquarius rising.

Once I saw that, I remembered my prior work (in the 1990s, mostly covering the impeachment of Bill Clinton for Rob Brezsny’s website) with the Aquarius rising chart. But that Gemini ascendant, with Uranus right there stirring up everything, all the time, describes a fickle country with no stable sense of identity. Uranus in Gemini rising reveals a mentally obsessed nation, over-identified with its concept of technology, that cannot decide whether it’s a Mac or a PC. That placement also describes a country obsessed with driving itself forward, while negating or destroying the past.

Scorpionic America, with its time zone corrected. The chart now has Aquarius rising. The Capricorn alignment shifts to the 11th house, where the United States fits into the community of nations — as a force obsessed with dominance. This also describes the population (of corporations that profit from war, and the wealthy who resist paying taxes). And it describes our supposedly puritanical culture that revolts by constant indulgence in excess.

What’s interesting is how the ‘wrong’ chart provides a picture of the United States that’s so accurate as to be disturbing — for example, that Capricorn 8th house, illustrating money and sex as a power trip, and an unaddressed obsession with death. The current Pluto transits to the 8th house of that chart describe our system of values crumbling, and the flourishing of an ‘end of the world’ mentality that is in something of a heyday right now.

But it’s not the ‘right’ chart. This has happened to nearly every astrologer: they cast a chart based on incorrect data, yet the chart provides useful information. The phenomenon of when the wrong chart works was documented by British astrologer Geoffrey Cornelius in his landmark 1994 book The Moment of Astrology. He uses examples of the wrong chart providing good results (in particular, analyzing the birth time discrepancy of Diana, Princess of Wales). In his view this demonstrates that astrology is a divinatory art. It’s closer to tarot cards than it is to scientifically documentable causation.

It’s a little spooky when the wrong chart gives a strong, accurate reading, and we also get a kind of reality check. It’s weird enough that we’re expecting any results at all following the orbits of little balls of ice, tracing imaginary lines in space and telling stories of long forgotten gods and goddesses.

However, what I’ve seen when going through a ‘wrong chart’ scenario is that even when it works startlingly well, the ‘right chart’ provides additional information and always has a surprise. As I mentioned, when you look at the chart drawn from ‘accurate’ data (remember that all of the national charts for the United States have speculative or reconstructed times), the chart comes out with Aquarius rising. The identity of the United States with Aquarius rising is Uncle Sam, that friendly personification of the government who wants you to join him — fighting wars.

Nessus Crossing the USA Ascendant

Specifically, the chart comes out with 22+ degrees Aquarius rising — and at the moment, there happens to be a minor planet right there, one that keeps coming up in charts over and over this year: Nessus. It’s transiting (i.e., going over) the Scorpionic America ascendant, a temporary (albeit very slow-moving) presence that is now dominating the identity of the United States.

This is a close-up of the ascendant of Scorpionic America. Though it’s not shown in the chart, Nessus is transiting the ascendant of this chart, currently at 21+ Aquarius; it will be in this range of the zodiac for another year, and in the first house for many years. The two brightly colored small glyphs (Pholus in green, Nessus in blue) are natal positions that strongly influence the character of the United States.

Nessus is a Chiron-like centaur planet — a small, potent thing with an erratic orbit, taking about 122 years to go around our Sun. All the centaurs have keywords such as healing process, focus, intensity and awareness. Nessus addresses the issue of consequences. It’s about the cycle of karma, what in Western thought translates loosely to the law of cause and effect. With Nessus, that cause and effect can relate to the themes of revenge, toxins and potentially inappropriate sexual behavior. This is a theme dominating sex-obsessed American politics, which seems to posit that all sex and discussion of sex is inappropriate. The logical outcome of this whole discussion — check my work, but this is what I have observed — is that women should have no right to control their bodies or their reproductive process. The gay question forces the issue into the paradigm of mental illness but of existential crisis. (For some evidence of this, watch this music video while it’s still available on You Tube, but I caution you, it’s distressing.)

Nessus has a distinct feeling tone to it, perhaps best described by Alice Miller in her books about multigenerational abuse patterns. Aquarius is a sign that speaks about patterns, often social, mental and psychological ones. And now the energy of Nessus is dominating the identity of the United States. We are not only seeing the mean streak of the United States emerge in a new way, it’s being sold to us again and again as the coolest thing ever. For example, people who paid in to Social Security their whole lives are being blamed for bankrupting the government — by collecting benefits with which they’re barely able to buy food.

There is currently a war being waged on women’s reproductive rights, which means women’s rights in general. There is a war being waged on public employee labor unions, and we’re being told that it’s somehow a good thing to reverse a century of progress of workers getting organized and having some collective bargaining power with the government. I could go on.

On one level this seems like a kind of drawing out of a toxic substance. But like most toxins it seems to be making the patient a little woozy. I’m noticing a lot of people waking up to how ugly the political situation is, and how much it’s influencing life, mainly because it’s suddenly being thrust into everyone’s face. If you’re in this situation, this may not be an easy moment for you. Fortunately you’re waking up at a time when many others are doing so, and when there are resources available to help you get informed and direct your energy constructively.

Capricorn Moves From the 8th to the 11th

In the version of Scorpionic America that I came up with for last week’s issue, I pointed out that Capricorn is in the 8th house, a region of the chart dealing with matters of power, money, death and sex. This resonates with what the United States is going through, particularly repeated crashes of various financial systems at the same time there is a mania for suppressing and controlling all forms of sexuality. That sounds a lot like a Pluto-8th house transit taken on an unconscious level, and it describes the obsession with power at all costs in current Washington politics that would make the Nixon administration envious.

United States of Corporations flag. This used to seem like a comment on our pervasive marketing culture; today it’s a comment on our actual political structure, particularly after the Citizens’ United v FEC decision of January 2010. That expanded the ‘personhood’ rights of corporations, many of which are as large as countries. They are also immortal — clearly these alien beings are not ‘people’, despite a series of Supreme Court decisions that make them out as such.

With the time revised to the original, that Capricorn material goes to the 11th house. The 11th is usually a much happier house than the 8th — the house of hopes and dreams. It’s also the house of one’s social group, as well as public benefit. I think of the 11th house as being about all of us here. With a cluster of Mars, the South Node and Eris there, the United States wears its hopes and dreams like a crown of thorns. And we can see a distinct paranoia of socialism. In the odd, modern version of that paranoia, we don’t want to help, but we expect to benefit from others — which is shown if you take a look at Jupiter in this chart.

The 11th house has two special meanings in the chart of a country. One meaning is that it’s the house of the government’s money. As the house that comes right after the 10th house, that money comes from the public. That public would include corporations (especially with Capricorn involved), and many of them don’t want to pay taxes — and get away with not doing so.

With Mars in that house, particularly on the South Node (obsession, past karma), we see an image of how much conflict this country has on the issue of taxes, particularly now with Pluto running through that house (which will be happening until a little past the end of 2023).

The second meaning involves the 11th as self in context of a group. The 11th is the role of the nation within the world community. It describes how we’re perceived. It’s an important house in the chart of a nation that used to control the economy of the world, and that still does control the world militarily, so much as that is possible.

You may not sit around wondering whether, or when, judgment day is going to happen, but it’s something of a national pastime for much of the United States. Further, rapture Christianity is now the dominant force in the Republican party and a significant — if unacknowledged — force in the Democratic party.

Bombing another country in the name of freedom — something that the United States does regularly — is a demented version of this house. Whipping up ‘freedom fighters’ in Central America, motley bands of CIA-backed rebels who bombed schools, churches and farming cooperatives during the 1970s, is another. I would describe that Capricorn cluster as cynical.

There used to be a term tossed around — Pax Americana. This refes to the peace established after the end of World War II in 1945. The term refers to the military and economic dominance of the United States in relation to other nations. It’s a derivation of Pax Romana of the Roman empire, the Pax Britannica of the British Empire and the Pax Mongolica of the Mongol Empire. I have always thought of it meaning, “We will carpet bomb you into peace.” If you’re one of those people for whom this policy of endless the bombing of others in the name of loving kindness never made sense, good for you.

This is a cynical way for a country to be. It’s time we started calling all of these wars out for what they are: crimes against humanity, for world domination and for the incalculable profit of the companies that supply the military with everything from weapons to food.

Full Moon in Aquarius

Now, this degree of Aquarius shows up just in time for a Full Moon this weekend. As we described in Tuesday’s edition, that Full Moon happens in Aquarius, closely conjunct Nessus — and conjunct the ascendant of Scorpionic America. So this degree is really in the spotlight. Indeed, the United States is in the global spotlight, and everyone is starting to figure out that something a little strange is going on. But I’m not sure many people know where, based on certain historical factors, this could all be heading if we don’t sober up and get involved.

Thirty years ago this would have been a fun little joke in National Lampoon. Today it’s a promo for a kind of ‘rapture central’ website, one that asks questions such as, “Is hell constantly expanding?”

I think if there is one thing suggested by a Full Moon in the Aquarius ascendant of this chart, it’s an eruption of public opinion — or at least public awareness. To me that Moon suggests we can taste the bitterness of who we have become as a country, an experience that just might influence some people to choose to be something else.

The question isn’t limited to public identity — it’s a personal matter with the Moon so closely involved. I suggest that’s the level we take it on — personally. National identity is a matter of pride for many people who have benefitted from what their country has to offer, or who appreciate their freedom. It’s also a matter of false pride for many who are willing to turn the other way on the conduct of their government.

We are entering a time of no illusions, when we must see our world for what it is, even if that means a revolution of consciousness. It’s time to see our culture and our society for what they are, even if that means we have to feel like hypocrites while we figure out what to do about it. This awareness will be thrust upon some; others will choose to change their perception consciously; for others it will be a gradual awakening. True, there are always some who remain asleep, or rather, who pretend to sleep. I doubt that’s your agenda; it does not serve your growth.

I would note, however, that hypocrisy plays an important role in the dominant political framework. The whole thing seems to be addicted to hypocrisy. The rage at ‘socialism’ seems to be rooted in fear about how we might all be equal — that a bank executive and his family might have more in common with an ‘illegal’ Mexican immigrant family than he thinks. There are actually people who experience this as terrifying.

Awakening often involves waking up in the middle of a paradox. How we can adjust to this new state of awakened consciousness, and what we might do with our awareness, are questions I want to leave open for now. Meanwhile, I suggest you tune in for a wave of consciousness as this Full Moon peaks Saturday. And follow the Planet Waves daily series this week — we’re about to enter another very unusual spell of astrology, which we’ll be covering day by day.


Additional research: David Arner.


Planet Waves FM: Mars and our Moment of Revolution

In this week’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I look at Mars setting off the cardinal cross (currently square Uranus and opposite Pluto), as well as the Epoch of Revolution aspect Uranus square Pluto.

Eric on WDST Radio Woodstock – 1997.

When we reach one of these movements, we seem to have less to lose, and more to gain by experimenting, flexibility and not honoring the old, intractable and boring way of doing things. We might be feeling some instability — and that is the invitation to explore. The revolutionary activity — mainly the personal revolution in your own consciousness — is being set off by this weekend’s Full Moon in Aquarius. I also cover how Mercury retrograde is influencing all this adventure.

In the second segment I talk to Liz DiNovella, the cultural editor of The Progressive, who was on the scene of one of the recall elections yesterday in Wisconsin. For our musical guest, I reprise the Grateful Dead one more week, extending Jerry Garcia’s birthday celebration.

I have another special edition podcast — featuring a conversation with Gary Caton, and a short introduction about what happened in Wisconsin on Tuesday (Dems took back two of the four Repub senate seats that were up for recall). Note that because this happened with Mercury retrograde, the whole matter is still up for discussion.

If you prefer the old player you can listen by that method — and also have access to the full archives from the past 18 months.


PS, Note to All the Signs: We’re still offering the Mercury Retrograde Report (one of my favorite 12 sign reports ever; this one came in on a beam of light) and the Midyear Report also offers 12 signs of useful, in-depth astrology for one low price.


Special Edition Planet Waves FM, featuring Gary Caton

This is a special edition Planet Waves FM covering the Wisconsin recall election, and the current astrology — the Full Moon, Mercury retrograde, and Mars getting into the Epoch of Revolution aspect, which is Uranus square Pluto.


Now Playing: Planet Waves Mercury Retrograde Report

Dear Friend and Reader:

The Planet Waves Mercury retrograde report is done. I’ve recorded an introduction and about 25 to 35 minutes of audio for each of the 12 Sun signs and rising signs. The audio introduction to the Merc Rx phenomenon in general is available to all readers, in which I give a primer on Mercury retrograde and describe key details of this one. The product itself is the sign-by-sign interpretation, which I offer in clear, easy-to-follow language. As you may know, I am always reaching for the point of sanity in the astrology, the solution set to what seems like an overly complex puzzle. I trust these readings will bring you some comfort, clarity and a few good ideas to work with in these wild and unusual days.

Analemma & the Tholos, Delphi, Greece. Photo: Anthony Ayiomamitis.

Mercury retrograde is a challenging event for many people. I do my best to counter those challenges with creativity and the intelligence made available by a careful reading of the charts. Whether you’re looking for work, sorting out your relationships or trying to turn a corner in your life, I trust you will find these readings helpful.

I’ve had an amazing time creating this report all week in the midst of much other activity — it seemed to create itself as the days went on, and I was a little wistful letting it go as I finished the 12th sign, Pisces. Now it’s in your hands — and I’m happy to offer it to you. If you’d like to hear the general introduction, you may listen to the audio above. (Please note one correction — when I say that the retrograde is 88 days, I mean the full orbit of Mercury around the Sun; the retrograde is usually 24 days.)

One thing about this particular Mercury retrograde is that it crosses the line between Leo and Virgo. We got the first such crossing in direct motion on July 28. Then we got another in retrograde motion on Aug. 8, and the third is in direct motion again on Sept. 9. Some astrologers describe the Leo/Virgo line as the sphinx point — where cat (Leo) meets human (Virgo). The crossing of house/sign cusps blends themes and helps us navigate unfamiliar territory. There are planets hanging out here — Transpluto on the Leo/Virgo line, and Neptune on the Pisces/Aquarius line. This adds some intrigue and depth to the circumstances surrounding this retrograde.

Leo/Virgo is the line where play meets work; where self-expression meets service; where passion meets the details of creative process. For each of the 12 signs I explore that relationship. You will find out what this means in your chart — whether you know your birth time (and hence your rising sign) or not. This report is brimming with personal guidance, strategy points and hints that will help you benefit from this retrograde, based on my experience covering (as in writing about) the past approximately 51 Mercury retrogrades.

If you’re vaguely interested in studying astrology, all 12 signs will be worth listening to because I go over all of the house cusps in one place. The house cusps are each a special zone of their own, each having unique qualities (like an extra 12 houses).

This is a one-purchase-gets-all-12-signs product, so you can read your Sun, Moon and rising sign — and those of your friends and loved ones. You may download or listen as many times as you like. There are some special offers included on the project’s homepage, in case you want to expand your self-inquiry. We’ve also included last year’s audio and the prior year’s written report (The Electric Tide), for the super-curious.

Here is how to get instant access. Or, listen to the free introduction.





Weekly Horoscope for Friday, August 12, 2011, #871 – BY ERIC FRANCIS

Revised and Updated! Click for Eric’s Zodiac Sign Descriptions

Aries (March 20-April 19) — It’s always interesting how people who are, on their own, well-meaning and ethical, can form themselves into a group that ends up being scheming and nefarious. I suggest you make a note of anything like this happening in your social environment or any company you find yourself in, and do the Aries thing and stand away from the crowd. Note also that this may involve the collective mass psychosis of our society. You don’t need to play along with that, especially if you can see it for what it is. Take this opportunity to find your true friends: people devoted to clarity, healing and nonviolent communication. An environment that’s healthy for you is one that responds to you, and that offers a vibe that you recognize as creative and friendly. You may have to be brave and declare your independence in order to do this, and you may fear you’ll be lonely — but you won’t be for long.

Aries, your birth sign or rising sign, is getting some of the most potent transits of them all right now. I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and a tarot card reading for you. Learn more by visiting this page.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — So, about your reputation — what do you think it is, what do you want it to be, and what is your worst fear of what someone will discover about you? You might want to make peace with that being known, so that you don’t fear being seen for who you really are. I’ll say this a different way. If you fear something about you being known by others, you may translate that into the fear of being seen at all. So make peace with your fears, and then let yourself shine. I would especially encourage you to put your ideas out where people can see, hear and read them. Be bold about your philosophy of life; challenge yourself and others to think; challenge others you don’t agree with; and don’t fear being challenged. Most people cower because of their own lurking sense of guilt, usually about nothing. Throw that into the flames.

I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and done a tarot reading especially for you. It’s information that will help with your relationships, your professional life and your personal growth. Visit this page to find out more.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — There is something trying to get your attention right in your local environment. I know, things rarely seem worth it if you don’t have to drive for at least an hour, but you may not need to drive anywhere to take advantage of this opportunity. You may not even notice that it is an opportunity; you will have to use your imagination. In support of making contact with whatever this thing is that I’m seeing, I suggest you spend time on your feet, walking around, visiting neighbors, friends, local businesspeople. Get to some kind of outdoor event this weekend. Don’t be afraid to drop the small talk and delve into real subject matter. Mercury is retrograde, which means invoke curiosity and ask questions. If someone puts something into your hand, look closely at it — it could be a gem of some kind.

Gemini is one of the most misunderstood signs — and as someone born under this sign, part of your role is to hold a mirror to the world. I’ve recorded an hour of audio for you, plus a 20 minute tarot reading. You can get access to these by visiting this page.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Friday’s Full Moon happens in your 8th house — the house of deep exchange and sharing. It happens in the sign Aquarius, which is about groups and the reality we all agree exists. The thing is, there are several main formats of reality going around lately. Some are friendly, some are not. I suggest you look for friendly, and if you happen to land someplace else momentarily, keep going. Friendly, for you, is going to mean friendly to sex. Many are figuring out that this is possible and even healthy. You seem to have your own healing work to do around your sexual values, and how they manifest in relationships; it’s as if you’re unsure whether you trust the whole erotic thing or not. It’s certainly led plenty of people to misery, and it’s also led many people to authentic liberation. Remember: ideas are involved. This is territory where intelligence is greatly rewarded.

I’ve recorded an hour of astrology and done a tarot reading especially for you. It’s information that will help with your relationships, your professional life and your personal growth. Visit this page to find out more.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — I have a friend whose partner is one person around her, and another person when others are involved — and the difference is not nice. You’re more the kind of person to be who you are all the time. What is the point of acting? You may have some opportunities this weekend to stand tall in your own beliefs and, more to the point, your own desire to be a benefactor to the world. Try not to be too shocked at the prevailing state of self-centered and superficial; you may be witnessing people acting out their injuries on one another. The place to draw the line is when this gets too close to you. How your direct partners and associates relate to others is indeed your business, because their conduct, and their beliefs, influence your immediate environment. Set the example of integrity, and the value of honest self-questioning.

Hello Leo! Your birthday report is now available. I’ve recorded 70 minutes of in-depth astrology plus a 20 minute tarot reading for you, exploring relationships, personal growth and your professional life. Visit this page for additional information.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Looking within is one of the most fearsome things that a modern person can do. Yet at the moment, your chart is all about an introspective journey — an honest quest to discover who you are. Part of why we’re so discouraged to do this is because we fear that we’ll be as wrong as others have tried to make us out to be. But what really happens is that we take on the role of the accuser — and the only way to get out of that role is to actually investigate and to prove oneself innocent. While this exists as a superficial issue, we can carry around a lot of tension, self-doubt and low self-esteem. There is only one way out of this, which is to proceed inward — past your doubts, past your fears, past the layers of judgment, and into a dimension of yourself you may have never encountered. Yes, as you travel, you may see shadows — but that’s all they are.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Virgo, please go to this link.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — If in your immediate environment you’re noticing that the views of certain people are too narrow to give you any room at all, you can surely find someplace where they are not. I suggest you make your assessment based on where you feel like you can be entirely yourself, which means free to express any opinion, including taboo subject matter. Now, there’s something encrypted in Friday’s Full Moon chart about your relationship to your mom — and your parents’ relationship to one another, and how this in turn influenced your childhood environment. To sum up, you may have ended up in a condition where you believed that being creative was dangerous because it shook up the people who were taking care of you. It’s time to let go of that fear — and that means taking a creative risk of some kind.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Libra, please go to this link.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — If you haven’t already figured it out, you need to keep your emotional management skills on full alert. If you don’t, certain disagreements you may be involved in could easily spiral out of control. I suggest you be very careful of your surroundings, especially if your family is involved, or some kind of household situation that you know in your heart is not healthy for you. You’re not one to walk away from a fight, but especially as the Full Moon peaks the next few days, discretion is the better part of valor. You happen to be in a phase of life when things can go amazingly well for you, if you keep your emotional energy clear and life affirming. Therefore I suggest you consciously surround yourself with positive influences, people who support you, and whose philosophy of life is in harmony with your own. I mean that starting immediately.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Scorpio, please go to this link.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Make sure you don’t take on someone else’s karma unwittingly. By karma, I mean responsibility for their conduct, or their less-than-wholesome intentions. There are lots of ways that karma is exchanged, which range from financial transactions to sex to catching cold in someone’s house. Therefore, I suggest you raise the bar on your psychic hygiene practices. Exchange energy only with people whose lives you affirm. I am aware that we’ve all been so injured by betrayal that we barely have any capacity to trust, even though we need to dearly. When trust is injured, it doesn’t go away; instead, it gets misdirected and invested in situations that don’t work out. So what you really have is an opportunity to select who you trust and why. At the basis of this whole growth process is having faith in yourself, because without that you have nothing — so please start there.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Sagittarius, please go to this link.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — If there is some kind of business deal imminent, I suggest you delay developments long enough to get the facts. You may think you know everything, but I would propose that you still have a few key bits of information coming to you. Overall it’s a potentially workable situation, however there is a liability that could change everything if you don’t address it. Be especially careful if you seem to be coming from a place of lack and others are coming from a place of abundance or power. It’s precisely that sense of lack where your vulnerability comes from. It’s not merely financial; attitudes about money are closely related to self-worth. Nobody is any better than you for seeming to have more — it does not make someone right, and contrary to popular belief, it’s not certification of their integrity. Therefore, I suggest you do your homework.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Capricorn, please go to this link.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — This weekend’s Full Moon in your birth sign will test your capacity to be objective, and to tolerate all points of view. You may also have the challenge of making peace with many of your inner viewpoints, including some of the darker ways you feel about yourself. I suggest you go through this process boldly, while at the same time doing your best to suspend the belief in judgment. It simply does not work, as a practical matter. If you’re doing an assessment (of yourself or of others), look at the actual consequences involved in any situation and make your decisions based directly on those — not, for example, on your own emotional reaction or that of anyone else. This is often a challenging lesson for many humans to learn, but if something does not matter, it does not matter. Once you understand that I suggest you quickly give up trying to convince anyone else.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Aquarius, please go to this link.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Your imagination is likely to be extremely active these days, though I suggest you be conscious about this and choose what movie you run. I also suggest you get out of your head and go for direct experience. The angles of your chart that describe actual exploration of the world are getting strong aspects right now (for example, energetic planets in Cancer and Leo), and you’re certainly free to experiment in real life. Be aware that doing so can have a guilt blowback, which is a typical psychological response that anyone who finally sets him or herself free has to learn to address. You’re in one of those moments where ‘the brighter the light, the darker the shadow’. Remember that shadow is not a substance, and it’s not energy. It’s based on lack of consciousness. Therefore focus on awareness, movement, activity, on direct encounters with people — and stoke up your most creative passions.

To order Light Bridge, your full-length 2011 reading including written and audio segments for Pisces, please go to this link.

The Dog Moon & Cygnus the Swan: Ex Ovo Omnia

By Gary P. Caton

This Saturday, Aug. 13, is the Aquarius Full Moon, at about 2:58 pm EDT. Traditionally, the Full Moon of August is sometimes called the Dog Moon. This is a reference to the “dog days” of summer, which were named after the star Sirius, of the constellation Canis Major (Latin for greater dog). Sirius is by far the brightest star in the sky and was also known as “the scorcher.” Sirius’ proximity to the Sun at this time of year was thought to be linked to the hot weather.

Selene Rising at Sounion, 2011. The Moon emerges from behind the Temple of Poseidon (450-440 BC) at Sounion, Greece, south of Athens. Photo by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

Note that the Full Moon will be building its tension through the week, which can result in an exaggerated emotional effect. It’s doing so while Mercury is retrograde, making rational thought slightly less accessible. And we’re currently experiencing some unusual Mars aspects that might be stirring up the emotional level of experience. There is a fair amount of conflict in the sky right now — be sure to apply awareness and discernment so that you don’t get caught up in it.

Visually, this Full Moon is still near its lowest appearance in the sky all year. As we noted last month, when the Sun reaches his highest appearance in the sky during summer, the Moon is making her lowest appearance and is closer to the horizon when full. At midnight the Full Moon will be in the south, but only a little more than halfway up in the sky in between the horizon and zenith, or point directly overhead. Higher up, above the Full Moon and towards the zenith, can be seen Deneb Adige of the constellation Cygnus the Swan. This constellation is also known as the Northern Cross because of the large cross formed by the lines of stars representing the Swan’s wings and body.

Cygnus the Swan is one of the three constellations whose stars make up the huge asterism called the Summer Triangle. An asterism is a grouping of fixed stars that are not part of any one constellation, but which are clearly recognizable as a grouping of some kind. These three are mythically associated with the Stymphalian birds of the sixth labor of Hercules. Darrelyn Gunzburg also notes that Cygnus the Swan is associated with the myths of Krishna and Zeus, who both took the form of a swan. The Egyptians for their part saw this region of the heavens as the birth canal of Nut, the great starry sky goddess whose body was the Milky Way, and from whence the Sun god, Ra, was born anew every winter solstice.

The Full Moon is lighting up a part of the sky related to myths concerned with such complex themes as human sexuality, birth, re-birth and shape-shifting. The story of Leda and the Swan has been the subject of many artists including Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Cezanne and Yeats. This story is the subject of much erotic art, presumably due to the ironic fact that it was easier to get away with depicting a woman copulating with a swan than with a man.

Aquarius Full Moon, conjunct the centaur planet Nessus. The axis of the Full Moon — across 20 Leo to to 20 Aquarius — divides the Uranus-Pluto square exactly. You can see this if you look. Uranus is the blue H to the lower right; Pluto is the red golf tee to the lower left. The Moon is a gray crescent toward the bottom of the chart, located halfway between Uranus and Pluto. Therefore the Full Moon conjunct Nessus is ‘setting off’ our current moment of uprising, tumult, chaos and loss of faith in leadership. Events going on this week are part of a much longer era in history we’ve recently embarked upon.

In this story, Zeus took the form of a swan and seduced Leda on the same night she slept with her husband King Tyndareus. In some versions, she laid two eggs from which four children were hatched. In this way, Leda bore Helen and Polydeuces, children of Zeus, while at the same time bearing Castor and Clytemnestra, children of her husband Tyndareus, the King of Sparta.

This story can also be seen to incorporate motifs of many earlier myths. In cultures whose religious practices put them into contact with other realms of existence, it was common for shamans to wear a cape of swan feathers, because ‘swan medicine’ is associated with the power of shape-shifting. We can see this survive in the modern tale The Ugly Duckling, by Hans Christian Andersen. Over time, the ugly duckling grows into the most beautiful bird of all — a magnificent snowy white swan. This is a familiar tale for children, reassuring them that beauty comes from within, and that when their time comes, they will be transformed and have the grace, beauty and elegance of a majestic white swan.

Jamie Sams tells a similar tale in her Medicine Cards where Little Swan flew into the Dreamtime, looking for the future. She found a swirling black hole and Dragonfly told her that to enter there she had to accept whatever the future holds without trying to change the plan of Great Spirit. Little Swan agreed to do so and through her faith and acceptance was transformed into a state of grace and beauty. Sams says: “[Swan] ushers in a time of altered states of awareness and of development of your intuitive abilities.” It relates to our ability to see the future, but also to the act of surrendering to the power of Spirit, and accepting and trusting the healing and transformation available in our lives.

Yes — transformation, the theme of the hour, and of the era. As we enter the Epoch of Revolution of the Uranus-Pluto squares (2012-2015, but active right now), the Aquarius Full Moon is directly involved in this as well. The Full Moon occurs at 21 degrees Aquarius, which is close to the midpoint between Uranus and Pluto. Anything at that midpoint comes under the spotlight of the Uranus-Pluto theme, which is about crisis bringing about deeply necessary structural change. There happens to be a slow-moving minor planet right there, conjunct the Full Moon and right at the midpoint: Nessus.

Leda and the Swan, commonly attributed to Pontormo, 1512-1513. It hangs in the Uffizi Gallery, Florence, Italy.

Planet Waves has covered this planet a lot recently; it keeps showing up in charts of world events. Nessus has a very long orbit that crosses the orbits of Uranus, Neptune and occasionally Pluto. It’s like all of the outer planets wrapped in a bow. Nessus has a theme of the cycles of karma, or as author Melanie Reinhart puts it, ‘the buck stops here’. One other attribute of Nessus is ‘potentially inappropriate sexual conduct’, a theme that shows up in the Leda myth. Nessus is, on many levels, about responsibility coming home to roost. We can use the wisdom of Swan to navigate the entry into the powerful combination of Uranus, Nessus and Pluto, which will have effects well into the end of the current decade.

Another theme brought up by the mythology of Swan is that of the World Egg. Leda’s eggs are related to many older creation stories that involve an egg. Indeed all animals, even mammals, come from an egg. English scientist Charles Harvey expressed this as: Ex Ovo Omnia — everything from an egg. In mythology, birds are often related to deities because of their access to the upper air. Athena can exist in the form of an owl, Artemis is depicted with wings and so is Nike. Perhaps the story of Leda and the Swan relates to the union of the primordial elements of sky and water via a bird deity, in order to re-create the World. On this note, one wonders if Helen, with her beauty, could be seen as the first woman of a New Age.

This idea that the World is going through a re-birth is really what is at the heart of 2012. Mayan scholar John Major Jenkins sums up the message of the galactic alignment thus: “Cosmic Mother Gives Birth to The First God.” This is a natural consequence of the Expanding Universe theory. As the Universe, our World, and our Selves expand and grow we periodically come up against crystallized barriers to that growth. It is as if we are continuously pecking though our egg (ego) shells, growing into a new version of ourselves and then reaching the next shell to peck through. If you are feeling yourself coming up against barriers to growth, then perhaps as our friend Len Wallick put it recently, “it’s time to get peckin’ peeps!” But remember also to surrender your expectations of the future, like Swan, and accept the future unconditionally — so that you may be truly transformed.

— Additional research by Eric Francis

Note from Eric to All the Signs: We’re still offering the Mercury Retrograde Report (one of my favorite 12 sign reports ever; this one came in on a beam of light) and the Midyear Report also offers 12 signs of useful, in-depth astrology for one low price.

Aquarius New Moon: Taking a Chance Being Yourself

Dear Friend and Reader:

Wednesday evening (Thursday in European and Australian time zones) the Aquarius New Moon lights up the planet waves. This is a vibrant event, concentrating seven planets and points in Aquarius, happening right as the Sun passes over the midpoint of that sign. This lunation is taking place right in the midst of the Egyptian situation, which we are studying carefully. The situation is likely to move fast right around the New Moon and we will have additional coverage on our main blog and in Friday’s edition.

Planet Waves
Chart for the Aquarius New Moon, set for Kingston, NY. Notice the concentration of planets in Aquarius, at the center of which is Mars. Ceres is the purple question mark-like thing, and represents agriculture. This chart will be similar just about anywhere on the East Coast; note the concentration of planets below the horizon — in this chart, all but Eris in red on the right, and Juno in blue on the left. Also above the horizon are three calculated points — Transpluto in pink, the South Node in orange and the vertex.

It’s always a bit unsettling when the most volatile region in the world verges on going totally out of control. We’ve seen a revolution in Tunisia, we’re about to see one in Egypt, and the natives are restless in Jordan. Regardless of whose theory you accept as to how this all started, that says little about how the cookie will crumble.

This is an unusually strong New Moon for a number of reasons — beginning with that concentration of planets in Aquarius. At the center of the cluster is Mars, closely conjoined by Ceres, the Moon and the Sun. Aquarius is about ideas and Mars is about passion and energy — this puts the two together. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself feeling rather strongly about an idea you have. Aquarius-styled, that’s going to be an idea about standing out as an individual, something that most of us could do with a little more of. Conformity is boring, and we know that at the end of the discussion one must be who one really is — there is no point in faking it.

The other attribute of this New Moon worth paying attention to is that it’s close to the cross-quarter day Imbolc. I mention the Aries Point a lot; that term, pertaining to the first degree of the tropical zodiac, also translates to eight different points along the zodiac: the quarter days (equinoxes and solstices) and cross-quarter days when the Sun is at the midpoint of a season, right in the middle of a fixed sign. Events close to these cross-quarter points can be every bit as influential as eclipses, reverberating with that ‘personal is political’ energy of seemingly larger events.

Chiron, now slow and powerful, is on the brink of changing signs into Pisces, bringing in one of the basic energies of the 2012 era. This is the last New Moon before Chiron ingresses Pisces on Feb. 8 (where it will remain continually until it first dips into Aries on April 17, 2018). For now, Chiron is lingering in the very end of Aquarius, one of the most interesting degrees of the zodiac. Though a little long to quote here, the degree (randomly channeled by a psychic nearly a century ago) is about individual initiation into group consciousness — a key theme of Aquarius.

One theme of Aquarius is the tension between individuals and groups. Because few people actually express their individuality, they cannot rightly be part of a group; Alice Bailey distinguishes mass consciousness to describe what happens when not so individuated people think like bees buzzing in a hive rather than mature individuals who come together for a conscious purpose.

Planet Waves
More to the picture. This chart lists the planets that are close to the Sun and Moon along the fixed cross — in the signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. It’s called a 90-degree sort, and it’s a way of filtering out planets in any given chart. We see that in the midst of the New Moon arrangement is a centaur called Asbolus, associated with carbon and what all life has in common. Across the dial is Photographica in Leo, taking pictures of the whole scene. The asteroid Sphinx pertains to old mysteries, and it’s in Scorpio, square Damocles (as in sword of), opposite Arachne (stories and conspiracies) and aspecting a diversity of other points.

For its part, Mars in Aquarius is about asserting individuality from cliques and social scenes; it’s about not being afraid to be unpopular. Part of the current madness of the world is our obsession with being approved of, and the simultaneous obsession with seeming like you’re not as different as you really are. This lunation is an invitation to try something different, and depending on where it reaches your chart, your circumstances will provide just such an opportunity.

The combination of Ceres, Mars and Aquarius had me a little nervous about food when I presented this chart initially (check audio of Jan. 26 for details), and I called the theme of genetic modification of crops. It turns out that we’re at a crucial turning point, where the biggest players in the organic food industry (including Whole Foods and Stonyfield Farm) are ready to sell out to the USDA and Monsanto, which want to cover the world with its Roundup-ready genetically engineered alfalfa.

What is at stake is whether engineered pollen contaminates nearby organic farms — in essence, the integrity of the organic food industry. Alfalfa is a crop that can often be grown without any herbicides at all — so why do we need a Roundup-ready version? To sell more Roundup? Now that Monsanto is officially a person (thanks to Citizens United v. FEC), perhaps it should be ‘personally’ criminally indicted for murder each time someone dies of cancer from its pesticides.

Most of us treat GMO foods like they were something normal, without realizing what an enormous threshold this is in the history of the world. It’s going to look a lot bigger than it does now with a little hindsight, particularly when we figure out where this is all heading. Again and again, we fall for the reassurances of government and industry, or act like there’s nothing we could possibly do to influence the flow of events.

To those who may believe this: have you ever hoped you were wrong?

It would be easier if we didn’t give away our power so easily or so willingly. There is a revolution going on in Egypt where an entrenched military dictator is currently being thrown out by a populist movement; he may be gone by the time that Aquarius New Moon passes overhead. Egypt has responded by cutting off Internet and cellular phone service to the entire country, another first in the history of the Internet. If I were going to choose a sign to represent the ‘Net it would be Aquarius, in part because of its morph of populism and elitism, and of individual vs. collective reality; and in part because it is a nice picture of an information infrastructure. The New Moon in that sign presents an interesting picture of that situation, and so does Chiron there right on the edge of Aquarius as if on the brink of a new moment.

There may have been an excuse for ignorance 10 years ago, but now with most families essentially having a global library coming into their homes or into their pockets, today there is no excuse for ignorance about genetically modified foods or any other issue.

Yet the one thing you cannot find on the Internet is the willingness to learn. That’s the ingredient you have to supply on your own. In our times, curiosity is an act of defiance, akin to marching at a civil rights rally in the 1950s.

Yours & truly

Eric Francis


Eric Francis, the founder and editor of Planet Waves, is an astrologer and investigative journalist. He was working in his first job as a municipal newspaper reporter when he discovered that his editor also owned an astrology bookstore. This began a long relationship between astrology and journalism, which has taken Eric through the pages of many newspapers as a horoscope writer, including the Daily Mail and the Daily Mirror plus numerous other venues. Today, Eric covers global turning point events through the lens of astrology. He is a specialist in newly-discovered planets.