Tag Archives: Amy Goodman

Democracy Now! — Monday, Sept. 12, 2016


Morton County, North Dakota, issued an arrest warrant for Amy Goodman, for no apparent reason other than that she was doing her job.

Last Thursday, Morton County, North Dakota, issued an arrest warrant for Amy Goodman. The charge: criminal trespass, a misdemeanor offense. The case, State of North Dakota v. Amy Goodman, stems from Democracy Now!’s coverage in North Dakota over the Labor Day weekend of the Native American-led protests against the Dakota Access pipeline. On Saturday, September 3, Democracy Now! filmed security guards working for the Dakota Access pipeline company using dogs and pepper spray to attack protesters.

In a dramatic series of moves on Friday, the White House intervened in the ongoing fight against the Dakota Access pipeline, less than an hour after a federal judge rejected the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s request for an injunction against the U.S. government over the pipeline. “It’s not a solid victory now but just the weight, feeling that weight that I’ve been carrying for the last couple months is lifting. I feel like I could breathe right now,” says Floris White Bull.

Today’s show features the reactions to the government’s intervention from some of the thousands of Native Americans who have gathered along the Cannonball River by the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation to resist the pipeline’s construction. Standing Rock Sioux Chairman Dave Archambault, and attorney Jan Hasselman, who brought the tribe’s case to federal court, discuss the ruling.


Eric has completed the 2016 Midyear Reading, BALANCE. We strongly recommend you get all 12 signs. If you prefer, choose your individual signs here. Photo by European Southern Observatory.

Democracy Now! — Friday, April 29, 2016


The Spring Reading is now published. Order all 12 signs here or choose your individual signs here for immediate access. You may listen to a free audio introduction here.


Students at UC Davis send a clear message to their administrators. Image: video still

In 2011, the University of California, Davis, made headlines. A video of peacefully protesting students being pepper-sprayed at close range by campus police went viral. The school’s chancellor, Linda Katehi, has now been placed on administrative leave after students staged a 36-day sit-in at her office. Katehi is being investigated for allegations of nepotism and conflicts of interest, as well as mishandling of the 2011 protests.

Two of the students who took place in the sit-in, Kyla Burke and Parisa Esfahani, spoke to Amy Goodman. Parisa said: “We pay a hefty tuition to be at this school. We are supposed to be the voices and the faces of the university. It’s an institution of education, but it’s become an institution of money making and lack of accountability.” Kyla Burke explained some of the recent allegations:

So the latest—the latest issue that The Sacramento Bee discovered was that the university had spent $175,000 to try and wipe references to the pepper spray and to Katehi off the internet. And it really shows how concerned—what their concerns are, with like protecting administration and maintaining good PR, and not actually holding anyone accountable or making the changes, after that kind of incident, they should have.

The show then turns to Northern Arizona University, or NAU, where students are currently involved in a sit-in to call on their school to divest from fossil fuels. At least eight students have been arrested after they refused to leave a university building at closing time. Their protest is part of a national “Fossil Free” movement to pressure colleges to address the issue of climate change. Michaela Mujica-Steiner, one of the co-ordinators of the NAU protest, said: “We plan to continue this protest until we get our demand met that the university president will come out with a statement of support on fossil fuel divestment. And we believe that we can be persistent in this.”

Also today, Amy Goodman speaks to historian Peter Linebaugh, who has recently published The Incomplete, True, Authentic, and Wonderful History of May Day. Linebaugh’s colleague, Robin D. G. Kelley, said of him: “There is not a more important historian living today. Period.” Linebaugh says:

So, there are two stories: There’s a green story, and there’s a red story. The green story begins first, and that goes back to agriculture, it goes back to the sun, because this is springtime. This is the beginning—the Earth has turned in its relationship to solar energy. The green story is a story of fertility. Winter is over. Summer is upon us. It’s a time of fruition and dancing and happiness. It’s a time to dance around the maypole …

The eight-hour movement became an international movement of workers all over. That’s the origin of the red side, because, later, the socialist movement, the anarchists and then the communist parties, they took it. They were forced to take it by workers all over who were demanding an eight-hour day. Men and women, black and white, Asian and European, all over, celebrate that day and the Chicago ideal. The Chicago ideal was, again, eight hours’ work, eight hours’ rest, eight hours for what you will. This is why we celebrate it.

You can find out more on this page.

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Amy Goodman: How The Media Is Ruining This Election

This simple video from AJ+ has gone viral, and with good reason. It’s had 10 million plus clicks on Facebook. What is it? A courageous long-term activist telling the truth. In three minutes, Amy Goodman shows us all what we need to know about the media’s role in poisoning the 2016 elections.

We love you, Amy.