Amy Goodman: How The Media Is Ruining This Election

This simple video from AJ+ has gone viral, and with good reason. It’s had 10 million plus clicks on Facebook. What is it? A courageous long-term activist telling the truth. In three minutes, Amy Goodman shows us all what we need to know about the media’s role in poisoning the 2016 elections.

We love you, Amy.

6 thoughts on “Amy Goodman: How The Media Is Ruining This Election

    1. Deborah

      Well-spoken truth, Amy. Media and Citizens United has turned this election into reality show mud wrestling, and like a toxic spill, Trump has seeped into every corner of our minds. How do we keep from spontaneously combusting from the deluge of continuous negativity, misinformation, and plain old hateful bullshit? Notice Al Jazera TV got yanked quickly enough because of a broader world view, which scared the ‘Merican xenophobes. Thanks to Amy Goodman, PW and the alternative press, we can rise above the shitstorm and stay informed, but it does take extra energy and strong constitution (pun intended) to dodge all the curveballs being thrown 24/7. But as Len and Venus remind us, Truth is Beauty and Beauty is Truth. Stay gold, Pony Boy…

  1. DivaCarla Sanders

    Big YES for truth telling, And how insidious it is, this media pipeline to our brains. In this short video, Amy herself mentioned Trump’s name 5 times, Bernie Sanders’ name 3 times, and Hilary Clinton’s name 1 time. If I measure the time she talked about each one, Bernie may have been in the lead, and I wish she had mentioned his name two more times at least while talking about how he is breaking records. He is a phenomenon. Since I get all my news from my FB newsfeed and Planet Waves, I am loaded with Bernie messages cause all my friends feel the Bern. And I finally turned off the Trump posts cause I was getting a rash from the toxins. I am glad Planetwaves is part of Pacifica network. It is a good fit.

    1. Amanda Painter

      Carla — I noticed how many times Amy mentioned Trump’s name, too, and was thinking, “No! Amy Goodman! Listen to yourself — you’re doing the same thing you’re criticizing!!!”

      I did not try to measure the time she spent on each one. But I did take it as a good indicator of just how difficult it is to focus on the solution without giving undue energy and attention to the problem, and how hard it is to remain self-aware in such a context as the one she describes.

    2. Amy Elliott

      Given the fact she’s calling it out, and goes on from mentioning Trump a lot to begin with, to talking about Bernie’s record-breaking candidacy for a good length of time, I don’t see it as a huge problem.

      It might be a good idea if she did a follow-up video concentrating exclusively on Bernie, though.

  2. Mary

    Feels like truth, sounds like truth … and I’m so hungry for it and more.
    Thank you for posting. I never make it to facebook, but I’m glad others do.

    ps: I hear you on the mentions of the elephant in the room 🙂 … so ridiculous, the whole thing. I hope to hear more from Amy, all Amy!! and esp in counter-weight to the media during this explosive political climate.

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