Editor’s note: this is the full PW members’ edition, featuring your weekly horoscope by Amy Elliott, and Create; Planet Waves FM is on a brief hiatus.
Dear Friend and Reader:
Today the Sun entered Virgo, the last sign of the season, at 12:08 am EDT (4:08:27 UTC). It does so as we approach a Full Moon in Pisces (on Sunday) and Mars stationing direct in Capricorn (on Monday). If you’re feeling a little bit in flux, or like you’re not quite sure if you’re coming or going, or like your impulses keep switching, these combined events might describe that.

With no cell phones or other devices allowed in the Albert V. Bryan United States Courthouse in Alexandria, Virginia, for Paul Manafort’s trial verdict Tuesday, journalists had to take notes the old-fashioned way, and then race to file their copy. The result was a truly amusing spectacle. Is breaking news really that urgent? Photo by Chip Somodevilla.
Think about it: right now we have a combination of energy loosening (the season winding down), energy peaking (the Full Moon), and energy that’s waiting in potential, like a charged battery (Mars stationary).
We also seem to be seeing this mix of energetic dynamics in the news. Topping the list of items are the conviction of former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort on eight (out of eighteen) criminal charges on Tuesday, including tax evasion, bank fraud and failure to disclose a foreign bank account; and Trump’s former personal attorney and ‘fixer’, Michael Cohen, pleading guilty on Wednesday to eight criminal charges — including two campaign finance violations that appear to implicate Trump as an unindicted co-conspirator (for arranging illegally to pay out affair hush-money to two women during the 2016 election).
These latest developments in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election certainly describe a loosening or unraveling (of Trump’s previous claims and denials), and yet there’s also a sense of energy gathering. It feels like a peak in the process — yet still not ‘the’ peak.
Cohen’s plea deal and Manafort’s guilty verdict are intensifying calls for the impeachment of Trump. But perhaps more importantly, several key Democratic senators are calling for a halt to the confirmation process for Supreme Court justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh, a nominee who appears to hold a “robust” view of presidential powers and immunities — a view that could prove pivotal should impeachment or criminal charges be brought against Trump as a result of Mueller’s investigation.
Said Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey this week, “No American citizen should be able to choose the person who will be judging them when they are subject to a criminal investigation should those matters come before that judge.”
No, they should not. It remains to be seen, however, whether Trump will have that luxury; just as it remains to be seen whether citizens who are calling their senators to urge the delay of Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings are able to have more impact once Mars stations direct. Those hearings are currently due to start on Sept. 4; Mars will return to Aquarius on Sept. 10.
Let’s Get On with It
I am writing this with the Sun in the last degree of Leo, and must confess that the storied ‘edginess’ of the last degree of signs is feeling very real to me. The frustration and stuck-ness of stationary Mars is feeling all-too-real to me today (hello, writer’s block — really, more like ‘writer’s rebellion’: I just don’t wanna!). And while the Virgo-Pisces axis about to be lit up by this weekend’s Full Moon is a very creative axis of manifestation, I’m not feeling tapped into it yet.
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Cassie Semyon, 21, an intern for NBC News and former cross-country runner, showed excellent form during her sprints from the courthouse Tuesday. The manic scene was repeated several times throughout the day, with reporters running back and forth for each new development (how very Mars stationary?). While CNN has a thorough breakdown of the day’s events (including the jury’s lunch break), Mashable has a far more amusing series of tweets with video footage. Photo by AP / Jacquelyn Martin.
I usually try to keep this column less personal and just about the astrology, but damn: this whole summer of retrogrades and eclipses and whatnot has been an interesting trip. I’m still processing and plotting and questioning and dreaming and scheming and trying not to back away from the possibilities that are being pointed to by what I’m discovering. Some days, like this one as I write, it’s taken a lot of effort to get my head out of my own navel and do my job. So I hope you’ll bear with me — even more, I hope that if you’ve had any moments like what I’m describing, you can take heart in knowing that you’re not alone.
Since I wrote a bit about the Sun entering Virgo in the ‘Monday Morning’ members’ mailing (sent Sunday night), I’m simply going to link to that essay here. With the three events I mentioned in the lead paragraph of this piece all happening so close together, perhaps we can think of them as phases of one large event: something loosening to allow something else to peak or be confronted, so that something else can actually get moving.
The Pisces Full Moon is the Moon in Pisces opposing the Virgo Sun: an aspect that usually relates to some kind of interpersonal meeting, confrontation or stuck situation. As I read in Planet Waves once, a Pisces Full Moon means that a ‘spiritual approach’ to resolving deadlocks may work best — as in, try honest, loving, friendly communication. Since this Full Moon is exact at 7:56 am EDT (11:56:05 UTC) on Aug. 26, you might find that Saturday is when you feel the pressure (if any) the most, and then you may wake to a sense of having more wiggle room, or a softer tone, Sunday morning.
At least, that may be the case in terms of interpersonal interactions. With Mars still retrograde until its official station direct — at 10:05 am EDT (14:04:52 UTC) on Aug. 27 — it’s possible that inner tension will persist a bit longer.
For Saturday’s Written in the Planets in the Four Winds newsletter, I wrote: “You might think of Mars right now as being kind of like all the horses stamping their feet inside those little pens at the starting gate of a race: pent-up energy that is just waiting for the ability to charge ahead. Yet there’s still a little time left to wait — and even when the gate opens, there’s really no big rush.”
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Unexpected action: a seagull photobombs the 2015 Pisces Full Moon over Casco Bay, Maine. Photo by Amanda Painter.
If the planet of desire, ambition, motivation, anger, aggression, physical exertion and libido being retrograde has made you feel like you’ve been pacing for the last two months, it’s no wonder if you Just. Want. To. Get. Moving. Already. Chances are, being able to will feel really good — like finally getting to stand up and walk around after having to sit for a few hours.
Yet, while Mars stationing direct will give a long-awaited green light on bigger projects and ambitions, there’s much to be said for preparation: for getting some of the details sorted; for making initial inquiries; for noticing habits that could get in your way and beginning to shift them; for seeking out fresh inspiration, new potential collaborators or a cheerleader whom you can trust will have your back and push you as needed.
In that regard, I find a particular feature of the Full Moon and Mars direct charts especially intriguing: the presence of grand trines in the fire and earth signs.
In fire, we have Eris in Aries trine Pallas in Leo, trine Vesta in Sagittarius. (Also interacting with this pattern is Haumea in Libra — an air sign: a dwarf planet named after a Hawaiian fertility goddess who gave birth from many parts of her body.) You might want to see how your heart-wisdom can feed your sense of single-focused devotion, and how that in turn can light up some part of you that you tend to ignore, but which could be powerful. Haumea seems to suggest that you not worry if this process does not look ‘traditional’: our most interesting creative children often emerge through unusual means.
In Monday’s piece, I mentioned a grand earth trine that will actually be exact Saturday: the Virgo Sun (and hypothetical point Transpluto), Saturn in Capricorn, and Uranus in Taurus. I learned today that in addition to being about self-criticism, Transpluto in Virgo can also relate to holistic integration.
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Chart for Mars stationing direct, one day after the Pisces Full Moon. The Sun is one degree past its Full Moon position; the Moon is halfway through Pisces. Note that the time for Mars stationing in the Io astrology software used to make this chart is a few seconds off from the time from Serennu.com stated in this article. View glyph key here.
That means you have some choice in how you use this energy, and exercising that choice necessitates staying conscious of any negative, self-defeating thought-loops. Mental energy is still energy; it’s up to you to direct it away from burning itself up, and instead channel it into some practical-yet-inventive work. This grand earth trine definitely relates to the preparation you can do as Mars prepares to station direct.
I’m well aware that standing on the verge of a vision, a big plan, a long-denied desire, an unexpected opportunity or a new realization tends to evoke one of two responses: either full-on excitement to get going with it, or sheer terror of the change it will entail (or of the possibility of failing).
Yet this Sun-Saturn-Uranus grand trine is so grounded, and such a beautiful balance of inventiveness/intuition and practicality/structure, I suspect that even modest steps have some manifestation power to them currently. Heck, even just hitting on a brand-new way to clean your house could be satisfying — and open some literal and metaphorical space for your next steps.
Finally, Mars in Capricorn is itself in a looser grand trine in the earth signs, with Ceres in Virgo and Juno in Taurus. This one has been a little tougher for me to read; and since it’s less exact, might not be as palpable. But there seems to be something here about one’s work ethic or ambition operating in harmony with the nourishing quality of service, and in harmony with one’s relationship values.
I think, perhaps, it relates back to those thoughts about the Pisces Full Moon: taking a ‘spiritual’ approach. No matter what it is you want to accomplish, can you do it with friendly, loving, honest communication? If you can, it should be clear that the highest good of all is being served. Let’s get on with it, shall we?
Yours & truly,
Amanda Painter
New Tarot & Astrology Studio Readings from Eric Francis
Note: We have now provided links to pre-order your Virgo, Libra and Scorpio Astrology Studio and Tarot Studio readings in the list linked below.
Quick order links:
Astrology Studio: Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio
Tarot Studio: Pisces | Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio
Dear Friend and Reader:
We are all going through a lot with Mars and Mercury retrograde, and a series of eclipses. And I have some astrology and tarot for you, if you want it. Audio samples are included, so you can get a feeling for the vibe of the reading.
Prior to taking a month or so off, I’ve completed my backlog of overdue readings. I’ve done these through the past eight days or so, working very early in the morning, when the world is quiet. I want to get them to you, and I don’t want to return to a backlog — I plan to hit the ground running.
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The readings are enhanced by the fact that I’m not doing any astrology writing at the moment, so I’m living a human schedule. I’ve cleared up some space in my mind, and I’m working rested, in a quiet place — perfect for doing this kind of reading.
I’ve taken the opportunity to redesign my tarot readings, which are now called Tarot Studio. In the future, they will be included with your astrology reading with pre-order only; then the two sessions will be offered separately.
We got this response last week to one of the readings: “Absolutely amazing. Beyond words how pertinent this tarot reading is for my life right now. Even more powerful the second time. So much love and gratitude.”
As ever, I think it’s amazing that this stuff works at all, though it certainly seems to. I offer these readings in the spirit of helping you make the best decisions you can make.
Thank you for your business, and for trusting me as your astrologer.
With love,
PS — You may access birthday readings for all the signs here. If you’re having difficulty ordering on the internet, you may call us at (845) 481-5616. Give us one to two working days to get back to you, and make it easy for us to reach you! It’ll probably be sooner. Thank you again for your business.
PPS — We will re-mail this a few times, to make sure we catch everyone. Please check out the audio samples!

Wombat Rock
By Amanda Painter
Today I bring you a short tale of one man’s action that he’d intended to reverse (undo), another man’s action in response, and a profound truth: we can never actually undo what was done; we can only ever do something more — either to build upon or redirect the original action.
Of course I have Mars, the planet of action, in mind as it prepares to station direct. And since the apparent retrograde of planets as viewed in the sky is actually more of a zigzag or spiral compared to what we see in an astrology chart, the analogy of being unable to truly erase an action feels apropos. Even in erasing a pencil mark from a piece of paper, the paper is permanently altered slightly.
When you have a neighbor who decides to coat your practice piece of chalk graffiti with fixative because he loves it, the overpass you’ve painted it on is altered even more substantially. Welcome to a wombat-art comedy of errors in Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia, as lived (and reenacted and described) by Phil Hoy and Jimmi Buscombe. (Facebook version with subtitles available here.)
Listen to Vision Quest on Live Stream
Planet Waves has an in-house music ensemble, called Vision Quest. We have a 38-hour loop of our music, which you can listen to any time. Included are finished pieces, rehearsals, live concerts, drum grooves, and spoken word recordings. I consider it a kind of musical divination. Click in randomly at different times of day and see what you discover.
Eric may be on hiatus, but we are still running the Four Winds Almanac every day. Sign up free for your comprehensive guide to daily astrology, calendar, birthdays and more.

Monthly Horoscopes and Publishing Schedule Notes
Your extended monthly horoscopes for August were published on Thursday, Aug. 9. We published your extended monthly horoscopes for July on Thursday, June 21. Please note: we normally publish the extended monthly horoscope on the first Thursday after the Sun has entered a new sign. This schedule is a little looser while Eric is on his sabbatical; however, he is planning to write an extended monthly horoscope for September soon.

Aries (March 20-April 19) — In the internet age there’s emerged a trend toward moral absolutism and a preference for punitive justice, and a corresponding loss in compassion. People forget, in judging others, that no-one is perfect. If someone makes a mistake this week, especially if you feel inclined to be severe, take pains to consider any nuances involved, and show a little kindness. Applying this rule to yourself also should make that easier. Demonstrations of mercy are needed at present. Be proud of your humanity.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Don’t be afraid to display your creative skills openly when you have the opportunity. Remember that they are an expression of your uniqueness; therefore, forget worrying about how you compare with others, or what those who are not involved in your artistic process might say. We all have special gifts that only we can bring forth into the world, and which necessarily enrich the lives of those around us. By offering them, we can also evolve ourselves and experience greater fulfillment.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — There are many people who choose to follow in the footsteps of their parents when it comes to selecting a life path. Still others pursue entirely different careers, responding to a vocation unique to them. Either method can succeed. The point is that no one person is merely an accident of birth. Whether or not there is such a thing as innate or inherited talent, it’s up to us to build on whatever foundations exist. You are not your family, nor bound by their expectations. Believe in yourself.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Trying new experiences and visiting new places can be daunting, but also incredibly life-enhancing. Heading off the beaten track might be useful, though I imagine the point is really to absorb what’s going on around you, by listening, learning and suspending judgment. The fewer expectations you bring to an outing of this kind, the more it can nourish you. Try to seek out the unfamiliar this week; and where you encounter it, be prepared to go in with heart, mind and ears open.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Hopefully the extraordinary astrology of your birthday month inspired you and strengthened your self-esteem. Your next order of business is to keep that momentum going. Certainly there will be days when you feel less confident than on others; that’s perfectly normal. But you very likely have more resources than you’re yet aware of, including friends who will gladly remind you of your best qualities and your most impressive gifts. Draw on these when you need to; and above all, count yourself in.
Virgo Birthdays and Rising 2018-19:
Are You Getting Ready to Shift Gears?
“Mars retrograde in Aquarius, your 6th house, describes you as someone in the role of problem-solver. This looks like some kind of systems administration work, though there’s a social dimension — that of keeping people organized. To do this, you’ll need either to break some rules, or to establish new ones.”
— Eric Francis, in The Art of Becoming 2018 annual edition for Virgo
Dear Friend and Reader:
Just how are you doing as a problem-solver, rule-breaker and rule-maker this year? It’s possible the current retrograde of Mars (and recent retrograde of Mercury — your ruling planet) have slowed your progress some. But with Mercury now direct and Mars stationing soon, are you ready to shift gears?
If you’d like access to a fresh, of-the-moment take on how your next 12 months (or more) could shape up, I hope you’ll pre-order your 2018 Virgo Astrology Studio with Tarot Studio. This is what Eric used to call your “Birthday Reading,” just under a reimagined name.
You’ll still get two segments of audio astrology; and if you pre-order the reading before it publishes, you’ll automatically receive the tarot reading for your sign or rising sign when it’s ready. As always, you can download the audio files and listen as many times as you’d like.
Even though our recent eclipses were not in Virgo, there’s still plenty going on that’s having an impact on your chart: for example, Uranus in fellow earth-sign Taurus is jazzing up your house of spirituality, long-distance travel and higher education (among other things).
Meanwhile Chiron, in your Aries-ruled 8th house, is bringing your attention to some deep matters that include sex, surrender and money. You can count on Eric having plenty more to tell you about your charts this year.
“Thank you. I’ve been a fan for a few years and always feel nourished by every reading — my own and others. This particular reading hit home and felt like a swoop of fresh air pointing me home. Thank you again.”
— Elaine Sonne, on a recent Virgo reading
Eric is sure to cover the most important details of these issues and astrology (and more) in your upcoming Virgo Astrology Studio and Tarot Studio recordings.
His current sabbatical is proving restorative, which means he’ll be able to access the best of his decades of astrology and tarot experience, his therapy training and his creativity to encourage and empower you, nudge you with questions and new perspectives, and inspire you to get right to work with what you’re learning — in your relationships, healing process, career, family, community and inner evolution.
Wishing you a happy birthday and an illuminating year,
Amanda Painter
P.S. If you love someone with a Virgo Sun or Virgo Rising, you can also pre-order the Virgo Astrology Studio with Virgo Tarot Studio as a gift. They’ll receive both parts automatically when they’re ready.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Trust is a necessary ingredient in close relationships. This includes trusting that when someone loves you, it’s because you’re inherently worthy of love; they just happen to recognize it. This isn’t always easy if you’re prone to self-criticism, which is a habit that requires effort to break. If someone is encouraging you to feel good about yourself, you can probably rest your faith in their judgment and build your confidence from there. Don’t forget to pay it forward: express gratitude where it’s merited, and support your loved ones when they need it.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Given the fast pace of today’s environment, when there’s been a lot of retrograde energy passing through it’s very easy to feel confined, and then to burst out of the gate the very minute of the station direct. You might well likewise be tempted to bolt like a cheetah, especially after Mars changes direction on Monday. It’s perhaps worth keeping a rein on that feeling as far as possible, at least until you’ve got your bearings. Take it easy and let events flow naturally for the time being.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — It’s not fashionable to admit one has made a mistake; the usual policy these days is to double down, although the error might be obvious — in part because even the most human of slip-ups are frowned upon. If you should find yourself getting stuck, however, or needing to change direction, I suggest you buck the denial trend and recognize the fact, at least internally. You are capable of deep transformation; just think of any such shift as a small course-correction along the way.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — This week you might benefit from a spirit of cooperation, especially with colleagues. It would almost certainly be worth taking up any opportunity you have to participate in a team project, even if it seems dull or routine; you could bring your creative imagination to bear in new ways, and learn something in the process. Good working relationships are as helpful as any other kind, especially where you’re able to foster an atmosphere of mutual respect and support.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — One of the common stereotypes of your sign is that of the grouchy old man, refusing to be at peace with a changing world — an echo of your ruling planet Saturn. Yet Capricorn is a cardinal sign, which at the very least infuses you with a pioneering spirit. You are as capable of evolving as everyone else, and right now you’re probably noticing this part of you waking up and paying attention. Go along with it, and eventually you’ll not only be keeping pace with the best of them, you might actually be setting it.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) —
You’re probably feeling more in harmony with yourself than you have for a good while. Yet you seem to be concerned about the potential reactions of loved ones to your newfound confidence. I have a sense this is more the result of ingrained habit than the reality of your environment. However, if you need a litmus test, take note of how your mood shifts in the presence of others. If you’re not getting sincere support, or you’re feeling low around someone, that’s your cue to review matters.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The Full Moon in your sign this week draws attention to your relationships. Make time to enjoy the society of the people dearest to you, at least if they help you to feel good: it’s refreshing and nourishing to the soul, and it keeps you close to your spirituality. If you take up opportunities for pleasant company, it can maintain your sense of charity with yourself and with the rest of the world. You don’t need to live for love entirely to let it brighten your eyes and warm your heart.