Sun conjunct Uranus – Eclipse and then Thunder

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Today the Sun is conjunct Uranus. Uranus was the first planet ever discovered by science, in 1781, and after it showed up, pretty much everything changed. When the Sun aligns with Uranus we can get a miniature version of that.

Illustration of Uranus by Corey Ford.

Illustration of Uranus by Corey Ford.

Mostly that change came in the form of machine technology, electrical technology and telecommunications devices. I’ll get back to that in a second.

Be prepared for the unexpected, and to be put in a position where you need to adapt and then adapt again. By adapt, I mean rethink, revise, reinvent, which basically means get assertive about your invention process. Uranus tends to show up when things happen for the first time. You can make this work for you.

Over the weekend, the Sun was square Pluto, which may have felt like a stress test or a moment of get serious. There was also that eclipse of the Moon on Saturday morning, the one I’ve been writing about for weeks. As holiday weekends go, this was a challenging one. It was capped off by an opposition from the Scorpio Moon to Mars in Taurus, which likely added to any stress you may have already been feeling.

Today’s Sun-Uranus alignment in Aries is yet another ramp up. There are two main approaches you can take. In its most common manifestation, Uranus in Aries describes the process of humans being automated, a peril that most don’t know they’re in. That’s because it’s cloaked in the glamour of the very technology that’s doing the automating of its human operators.

Yes, that’s what I’m saying — that even for people who are reasonably conscious, the robotic revolution is taking over your brain, or rather, your self-concept and behavior patterns. It’s possible to be very, very, very aware, and to question everything consciously, and to keep a step ahead of this. It’s possible to track your relationship to that which is striving to make you like it.

You might make a discovery today, as the Sun pairs up with the planet of all that is electronic and ‘revolutionary’ in that way that seems like a breakthrough but is usually more of the same thing. That discovery may come in the form of a disruption that demonstrates the extent to which you’re in the matrix.

From there you might be shocked to your senses and make a few decisions. These might seem like sudden realizations and precipitous choices, though really, what you’re in the process of discovering has been obvious, to some extent, for at least four years. Most of the things that were true then are even more true now.

You might ask what was motivating you then, and what seemed to be preventing you from taking some action that may present itself as plainly obvious today.

27 thoughts on “Sun conjunct Uranus – Eclipse and then Thunder

  1. Kelly Grace Smith

    I would modify the concept that technology is making us ”robotic” and say, more pointedly, that technology is the subtle, insidious influence that is lulling us into becoming…followers.

    We read about people around the world being so worried about Islam, about the “Islamization” of their societies…and yet, we don’t even see that our own daily “following” habits can make us vulnerable.

    The “following” mentality being created by the overuse of technology and the flood of media, marketing, and advertising messages inundating us every day through a device that most people rarely have out of their sight, has far more power and influence over us than the “following” of Islam, or any other religion or organization.

    It is precisely because technology is now so pervasive, so insidious, so accepted, and so obvious that no one can see the potential danger of it…it’s hiding in plain sight.

    Following lulls you. Following lulls you into the comfort and safety of belonging, believing, and…allowing.

    Allowing other people to do your choosing or thinking or speaking for you. Allowing you to believe it is easier to be a part of, than to stand separate. Allowing your Self to go along and get along, to please and appease…rather than choosing from who you are and what you value.

    Instead of following and allowing, we can harness the radical, revolutionary energy of Uranus to show us how to stand separate and secure and sure…of our own Self.
    Kelly Grace Smith

  2. Shelley Stearns

    I resonate with your thoughts, Kelly. Great observation about how we are looking without instead of within.

    I tend to begin with wholehearted resistance and eventually let myself into the outskirts of a new technology. Although the decision is usually conscious, it is not empowered, but rather comes from a feeling of deep resignation–if that I am choosing to live in the world and not outside of it, I don’t have a choice. It is really difficult to relate to other people when you don’t understand their experience. What I mean here, specifically, is their continuous joy of phone cameras, Instagram, cars, and the things I haven’t heard about yet that people use every day 🙂

    (Yes I have a car and, as of November, a smartphone.) I’m thinking, after reading this, that I’m learning to adopt some of this with enthusiasm rather than fear.

  3. Alex Brocklehurst

    Kelly, my feeling is that we perhaps need to ground the archetypes somewhat. If they remain as generic concepts they do not really assist with details of our navigation through life. These issues do not simply involve questions of freedom/individuation but also the social nature of the human animal. One might important some social theory, one may flesh out the archetypes into their mythical constellations – thus Uranus (Ouranos) implies/requires Saturn (Kronos) and vice versa and Saturn implies/requires Jupiter (Zeus) and all require Gaia (our Earthbound perspective). Indeed here, Chiron is then noticed as the synthesis of Saturn/Uranus polarity and the healing/wholeness requirement of human situatedness between structures and essence, between sociological and psychological drivers.

    We should perhaps ask where ‘following’ culture comes from. What are the antecedents? Technology accelerates this effect certainly, but it is not the source of it. The point Eric makes about technology shaping us is not really about our conscious choices so much as about how we are being conditioned. I’m reminded of the distinctions between Pavlov’s Dog and Skinner’s Rats, in terms of classical and operant conditioning. We face the exponential effect that comes from classical to operant in the parallel from analogue to digital. And that’s where we have a choice and exercising it is crucial. These automation processes are not really reducible to the ‘the following culture’ of social media. In work environments, these approaches are being used to computerise the brain – casting one particular model of efficiency as superior to all others. And this is the capitalist’s reduction of efficiency to mere productivity. Other options would be available to us if the technocrats did not own the means of production… But they do!

    Technology could be harnessed to produce collective ease/benefit. Instead, the old slave drivers continue to reduce it to a means of control and advantage.

    Humans need to belong. But our bonds of belonging should involve more than binary choices. Following is occasionally permissible and safe, when there is love and individuation can take us, in its extreme form, to very lonely territory. The key is to be consciousness enough always to discern and so hope to be able to shape, these somewhat homogenizing forces.

  4. Alex Brocklehurst

    Hey Amy, yes, just note the Star Trek meme of The Borg – a collective based on the transhumanist welding of biology and technology. Their mantra to justify assimilating all diversity was “We will add your distinctiveness to our own”… A beautiful irony!

  5. Pisces Sun

    Behavior patterns and adaptation seems to be a theme with Uranus which likes to shake our world via use of technological things. We are in an age of the “internet of things” where smart things are speaking to each other (your home power box to the larger power grid, your phone conveying information thru your car via internet or vice versa).

    We are in a marvel and explosion in our use of robotics and artificial intelligence: robotic surgery (I underwent 5 hours of surgery in Jan, lost 100 ccs of blood only); satellite imagery and drone usage for the good of the planet used for oil spill clean up, for example. In other words, all is not dreaded and bad, but it is definitely a time of adaptation and discovery not only of how we can use robotics/information of the digital sort but also how this relates to us as humans. We can related to the gift consciously or resist it. If we resist it with negative energy or without conscience than we do so at our own peril.

    Uranus will shake us up–revolutionary, but generally, I believe, that is generational. From a personal perspective, I think it will depend upon how awake each of us are to both positive and negative aspects of robotics and digital information, how we use it in our daily lives, how others use it in their daily lives, and overall how its used on a broader scale (world economies, governments, scientific communities, etc.). With Sun conjunct Uranus, maybe it will trigger certain people’s awakening to the digital age effect in their lives.

    Another movement in the U.S., at least, has been an awakening to practices that remove us from electronic devices such as yoga and meditation. Yoga centers are in every city and is offered at churches, YMCAs and workout facilities throughout the country. Yoga and meditation centers are even popping up at airports.

    So its important to note that as we fixate on one thing, there are other aspects out there that illustrates adaptation. It’s “different” but it is an adaptation and behavioral change, nonetheless.

  6. Eric Francis Post author

    There’s considerable controversy over the meaning of Uranus. This is an actual controversy by the way, or at least it should be more of one, given the clashing concepts and levels of meaning.

    Its a long story, starting with the discovery of Uranus, the first planet acknowledged to be found by telescope (which really ‘should’ have been Neptune as it was spotted many times before Uranus was discovered, including by Galileo; then there is the question of Vesta, which is visible to the naked eye, and why that was not discovered till 1807). But we could say the same thing about Uranus, also visible to the naked eye (Neptune is not, that I know of — it’s darker and much further away from the Sun).

    According to Rob Hand (from a personal conversation) Uranus was arbitrarily granted rulership of Aquarius by Raphael I (Robert Cross Smith, 1795–1832). To do this, Smith basically had to negate the Table of Essential Dignities (among the oldest documents in astrology) and in a sense dislodge Saturn from its traditional rulership of Aquarius.

    In what you might think of as the archetypal mind, this created considerable confusion between Saturn and Uranus, but mostly it created a schism between two of the most essentially related concepts in astrology — Saturn and Aquarius. More than anything, associating Uranus with Aquarius created a misunderstanding about Aquarius. If you really want to understand Aquarius, you need to understand Saturn. The key concept here is the crystallization of patterns.

    Then, Uranus is tossed in as the supposed ruler of Aquarius — just when the industrial revolution is getting started, and the age of electricity is beginning. Clearly Uranus is associated with these things. It’s all about the movement of energy in crystallized patterns. Aquarius started to take on this properties by association, and Uranus started to take on the property of crystallization by association.

    Meanwhile the historical process is chugging along. Everything is becoming mechanized, beginning with printing, textiles and agriculture. The waltz shows up around 1750 — which is the dance representation of mechanization; everyone moves in an exact pattern. That is industrialism; handcrafts are replaced by machines, which do things with much greater precision, faster, and in a way that supplants human involvement.

    You might think of Uranus as the notion of mechanization that replaced the inner discipline, of humans, that Saturn represented. Steam power and later electricity replace the power of living creatures.

    Skip ahead to the digital age, which is basically an extension of printing >> newspaper >> book >> telegraph >> electric light >> telephone >> typewriter >> radio >> television >> computers. You can see how digital contains all of those things. And what all of those things have in common is that they quickly became enmeshed in patterns. Now we are dealing with digital and its tendency to infest our minds as a pattern — very much an Aquarian thing. and by modern extension, Uranian.

    1. Pisces Sun

      As you like to quote Eric, Carol Hanisch, “the personal is political.” This is true because politics and policy represents to its core, values, and values are personal.

      Regarding patterns, humanity has always had some sort of pattern-thinking influence its societal behavior. the digital age is a new element that will shape the pattern but this one is different than any other because we have, in many regards, transferred the human energy.

      The question is, how does one recognized the pattern as they are shaping our thought, especially as they are forming? What I find intriguing are these words that I quote from you Eric, “it’s all about the movement of energy in crystallized patterns…” Uranus and Aquarius, crystallization and association. Today, scientists can create crystals, which stores and moves information.

      This is important, I believe, and how that information is used and conveyed, and our relationship and adaptation to it, is part of the equation that is being built in our minds. How do we recognize a pattern as its being formed?

      If we dig deeper into this question I can’t help but wonder if there is another reason for the digital “revolution.” Is it possible to offer a shadow effect of something deeper going on here with humankind that may also be revolutionizing, especially with the millennial generation?

      Despite how connected we have become in an age of globalization, many of us are realizing how unconnected we are with our own selves. Why do we have to “consult” digital material on a constant basis? Why can’t we be still with the quietness?

      This pondering is explored by the Vietnamese Buddhist Monk, Thich Nhat Hank, who says: “you want to find something but you don’t know what to search for. In everyone there’s a continuous desire and expectation; deep inside you still expect something better to happen. That is why you check your email many times a day!”

  7. Jill Cullen

    There are so many aspects to technology that we know nothing about. In the 80’s at the beginning of the technology era, I sold Apple computers and taught teachers and students how to use them in many schools in the NY metropolitan area and CT.

    The benefits for learning and helping children that are gifted, restless in their chairs and academically challenged are numerous. The computer is a problem solving machine essentially. And learning is problem solving. The beauty of the computer and the internet in education is that it provides the student with a limitless library of information.

    As the student continues to use the technology, he/she gains a computer confidence. The student becomes much more resourceful and then that confidence starts to extend to other subjects, sports. arts and many if not all areas of life. When you don’t have the answer but you have the ability to find it, you can learn an awful lot.
    Some children learn better through video than the lecture method.

    The beauty of the technology in education is that it can be individualized. The flip side for society is the arts and recreation. Too much of anything is no good for you. So people need to find the balance just like any thing else. Put the phone away, take walks in nature, don’t have the tv on all day. And don’t drink the juice.

    The technologies biggest makes people impatient. Everyone wants instant gratification..selfies and likes..but truly all of these things can be communicated to one another to share this information so people will do yoga and will recreate and will do those things to slow down and enjoy the roses and smell the flowers.

    Life is a delicate balance and the technology is just another tool available to us that allows us to express ourselves. And that is probably the best use for it.

  8. Alex Brocklehurst

    Thanks for the delineation, Eric. Mundane events around industrialisation and mechanisation were indeed very characteristic of the Uranian inception. Of course, discovery birthed betwee the American and European revolutions, imprinted the revolutionary character. But not all revolutions are overtly political. We think of the conflictual and oppositional because of the political associations (and perhaps also because Uranus is directly opposite Saturn in its discovery chart. There was also a Saturn/Mars conjunction – which is symbolic).

    Yet other factors were also present within culture, not least in significance being the philosopher Fichte’s delineation of idealism in terms of dialectic (often attributed to GWF Hegel). Clearly, Fichte was prominent in bringing the Saturn/Uranus polarity’s philosophical connotations into mainstream academic focus as representing the struggle of ideas within history – and which Marx later grounded in terms of Historical Materialism and class warfare etc.

    Uranus has become associated with nonpolitical revolutions and these may be much more subtle and are often experienced as ubiquitous and THAT is what may make the Uranian element appear more conformist than individuate. Indeed, the Luddites were revolutionaries who were anti-tech, so we cannot be too literal about these things!

  9. Eric Francis Post author

    Important to remember the political implications of “nonpolitical” revolutions. Technology is the product of power, and used by power. Technology is advanced by war; technology often leads to war. All of these things have political implications. Consider the intractable association between the Internet and the NSA, and what this does to prior (generally false) notions of the ‘private self’.

  10. Alex Brocklehurst

    Totally! The whole history of revolution is the history of resistance bringing traction. Of course, people do not believe they are being waged war against when they eat their Big Mac Death Burger, full of MSG and nutrition-free bread. As an aside, I think the next Uranus/Neptune square will prove monumental around the transhumanist agenda. Neptune as loss of the discrete ego/self boundary, in square to the Uranian technology that will facilitate the biotech fusion..

  11. Barbara Koehler

    I really like the tenor of this article and the responses that follow it. I especially appreciate Eric’s noting about the waltz; what a visual that provides for the mind’s eye. The grace and sweeping moves ARE mechanical in this dance but beautiful to watch and exhilarating to enact. There is a sense of release (Uranus) for the dancer in its relatively simple pattern that wasn’t available in the more contrived Saturnian dance patterns.

    In the most recent Saturn-Uranus conjunction (the 3rd of 3) Mars was at 0+ Aries and still in orb of a square aspect to the conjunction which took place at 27+ Sagittarius 49. To me this symbolizes a spontaneous, unprecedented, assertive and even aggressive world-wide reaction to their combined energies in the start-up of this long cycle. That was in 1988 (which Jill reminds us was the beginning of the tech age). The oppositions between Uranus and Saturn took place at the time of the Deepwater Horizon explosion in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, the 5 year anniversary of which takes place this month, April 20th. Alex informs us that when Uranus was discovered (a kind of natal birthchart), he was opposite Saturn.

    Personally, I find logic in the shared rulership between Uranus and Saturn of the sign of Aquarius, only I feel that it is perhaps short-term in the scheme of things. I see it as more of a transition period; that Uranus is stretching the concept of what Aquarius means, much the way the waltz stretched the concept of dance. In this cycle between Saturn and Uranus, their conjunctions took place on or near the Galactic Center/Core linking it to a universal directive. It also was an invitation to the U.S. populace since their conjunction was sextile the U.S. Sibly Moon, symbol of the People, through the channel of emotional energy. Let’s face it, we DO have an emotional bond with our electronics.

    Transiting Saturn and Uranus will have one exact sesquiquadrate (part of the square – opposition family) this year that will no doubt bring irritation to many of us in late October. However, at Christmas in 2016 they will form a trine. Uranus at 20+ Aries (conjunct the U.S. Sibly Chiron) will trine Saturn at 20+ Sagittarius and Uranus will also oppose transiting Jupiter at 20+ Libra (conjunct the U.S. Sibly Juno). Saturn seems to play the facilitator here as he sextiles Jupiter at the same time he trines Uranus. Meanwhile transiting Chiron in Pisces will square Saturn and transiting Venus in Aquarius will trine Jupiter, sextile Saturn and sextile Uranus . The full moon preceding this multi-planet aspect pattern brings transiting Mars very close to the U.S Moon and the full moon itself will be conjunct the U.S. Sibly Mars in Gemini. Pondering the possibilities will be time-consuming I suspect.

  12. Patricia Proctor

    I started thinking about the movie “Imitation Game” when I read this. This fellow is a genius homosexual with no belief in God, and seems to have lost, at an early age, whatever connection he could feel to other humans (my take on it). He goes on to invent this machine that precipitates the computer, and manages to crack the German Enigma. The problem is, he seems to be this cold calculating being whose objective is to win the war, not save lives. He doesn’t show any feelings for the people or soldiers killed, as they are a simple by-product of statistical analysis. Too bad so sad, if we save you the Germans will find out. He’s really just like everyone else we disdain publicly, but he’s a bona-fide war hero, but perhaps the first person to be swept away by technology. The movie is well worth the money to go see. In the end, to me he seemed more like a Dick Cheney than a Snowden. Interesting article today. Thanks Eric.

  13. Yoniyoganidra

    Thank you Eric. I love the conversation and that you are minding and re-minding people to watch out for how patterns develop and grow.

    I spend my days teaching my clients nervous system’s, central and peripheral, that it’s OK to be here on earth. That it’s vital to their sensual potency to slow down and take in their environments through their sense perceptions, not their technology.

    I use my iPhone as a phone and on occasion as a computer but mostly as a phone and, I whole heartedly manage my relationship to it with as much awareness as possible.

    I also get to serve more women than I ever have been able to because of technology.

    I can be working one-on-one with one client while 10 more are on-line buying a Yoni Meditation to practice on their own, at a time of their choosing. I love that! And, so do they.

    I hope you keep reminding us that our relationship(s) with technology is like our Fascia. It can be fluid and support us or slowly over time, harden and stiffen us into limited inflexible beings, if we don’t manage its influence.

    Hey Y’all, Join me in the “take a walk without your phone challenge”.

    I promise it and, all that is attached to you through it, will forgive you.

  14. Sarah

    Marx injected history as the engine for the dialectic into speculative idealism because on its own, it leave no room for revolution, only evolution. Speculative idealism basically says “because of God” (although Kierkegaard did a pretty good job of poking holes in that part of it too). Marx says, “no, because of history.” Then Adorno comes along with negative dialectics and points out that there’s always something left over when you do the dialectic dance, and that something is… indefinable, but it’s surface and “is-ness” and art. I’m interested in how the likes of Heidegger and Deleuze and Guattari and Lyotard dispense with the dialectic completely and go with something completely other- post-modernist digital thinking. The rhizome. We are not in the era of the dialectic anymore, because we are post-structuralist digital thinkers and we’re creating our technology to mirror our own human technē. This feels to me much more centaur-like than Uranian, which will always have a foot in Idealism.

  15. Barbara Koehler

    I learned yesterday (Sun conjunct Uranus) that Chiron was at 3+ Taurus when Uranus was discovered; the same degree Chiron was in when he himself was discovered almost 200 years later. Thank you Alex, I’d never have looked up Uranus’ discovery chart if you had not mentioned it and now it’s opening up new paths to explore. For example Mars in Uranus’ chart conjuncts the ascendant in Chiron’s chart, while Mars in Chiron’s chart conjuncts the ascendant in Uranus’ chart!.

    And this; Mars was at 23+ Sagittarius (conjunct Saturn and opposite Uranus as you said) when Uranus was discovered. On September 11, 2001, Chiron was the one at 23+ Sagittarius only 2 degrees from his own discovery chart’s ascendant. I feel there is a stronger link between Uranus and Chiron I’d not been conscious of before yesterday. Many thanks for opening up new vistas to eplore!

  16. P. Sophia

    Hi Barbara: Thank you!! ..And Mars was on Tauras 3 + degree which culminated the Eclipse series and Uranus Pluto events of transfiguration and change on the Lunar Eclipse,   April 4th and 5th, Saturday morning, and Easter Sunday.

    I know you are aware of the Sabian Symbol of the Tauras 4  degree, but I feel it is worth mentioning here again. 

    PHASE 34 (3+4 =7 of 8 year)

    KEYNOTE: Riches that come from linking the celestial and the earthly nature.

    Which speaks of the covanant, linking process, mode of operation (action/Mars), to the bridge (Chiron), of Transubstantiation of matter, (Pluto/Uranus) metousiosis (meta + ousia = change/transformation of essence) (Saturn) (Saturday) leads to a fruitful contact with beings of light, Communion, (Sunday) (Neptune). 

    Speaking of Celestial alignment. Have you noticed the current Sabian, Quest Degree for Neptune’s 9+ Pisces current degree?  

    Pisces 10.  The last of the evolving stages of consciousness and human activity evoking the achievement of MASTERY.

     PHASE 340 (3+4+0=7)

    KEYNOTE: Man’s ability to develop powers and skills which by transcending natural limitations allow him to operate in mental-spiritual realms.

    1. Pisces Sun

      Pretty powerful P. Sophia, and perhaps that’s been the undertone throughout this blog and Eric’s writings: robotics frees human energy so that humankind can pursue higher realms of thought and spirituality. How does this relate to the patterns of thinking and crystallization?

      I can’t help but think of the significance of the solar eclipse occurring in the last degree of pisces last month and wonder how that contributed to the seemly nexus of the degrees, signs and Sabian symbols? What is the significance of the last degree of pisces?

      The boy (seer?) looking at the rocks which becomes the image of himself? I am not an astrologist but clearly there are those on this site who are and I’d appreciate hearing your thoughts about the solar eclipse too.

      With due respect to the author of the piece on the dialectic, which I find intriguing but I wonder, would robotics (artificial intelligence) cause humankind to dispense with human (and all of its emotions and irrationality) thinking? If so, why so?

      In my opinion, human thinking, especially about “is” gets its cues from something deep within, some call it a soul, a higher consciousness, an innate human ability to tap into a higher energy, whatever it is, it’s not robotic or artificial. It can be masked, it can be buried, we suffer when we are not in touch with it but when we are, the dialectic is marvelous, as is the dance.

      I still see dancing in every generation, in fact even more in this generation that have earplugs on, and admittedly, they do look a little crazy:

      “And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” Neitzsche

      The marvelous thing is, these people don’t care about how they look! They keep on dancing regardless. Lately, I see them dancing holding signs (especially for tax season) and they often have no music!

      My point is that I don’t think that robotics and artificial intelligence is going to “dehumanize” people, but it will cause people to adapt and move forward into a completely different world than we know. We have to adapt with them too, especially those of us who are older.

      This generation is forming a new image, in my opinion, which leads me back to my beginning point regarding the significance of the solar eclipse in the the last degree of pisces, does anyone see the relevance here?

  17. Alex Brocklehurst

    Hi Barbara! Yes, it is a fascinating chart. Uranus is also square its own ‘natal’ Sun.. Which is just so Uranian. It is a new Mars to boot re the Saturn cycle and for me this indicates the unction that conservative forces always wield, with the revolutionary spirit always breaking out after the Saturnian dominance becomes a bind.. and not before.

    I am sure you will find many rich layers in your Uranian explorations. Ouranos and Gaia were the primordial parents and Kronos was born of their union. Of course, Zeus, Poseidon and Hades were born of Kronos. Aphrodite has interesting origins as Kronos castrates Ouranos. I think this cosmology is very rich in informing this whole Uranian shebang. Certainly, the implication is that Uranus is more creative as a source of life and love in relation to Earth than Saturn – and yet the Saturnian dominates the human experience.


  18. Barbara Koehler

    P. Sophia, it is good to connect with you again. Thank you for the reminder of Mars’ participation in this Chiron-flavored degree. . . and Venus too! She was at 3+ Taurus at the time of the solar eclipse on March 20th and was semi-square Chiron at 18+ Pisces then. Grateful that you have inserted the Sabian Symbol info with some further thoughts (Mars in that degree) of your own. Impressive!

    I’ve been observing Neptune (from a political viewpoint) as he was conjunct the U.S. Sibly Ceres and square the U.S. Uranus, but lo and behold you are now fleshing out the Neptune-conjunct-U.S. Nessus (9+ Pisces) with some breath-taking symbolism. This is like a belated Easter egg hunt; lots of goodies!

    Pisces Sun, others here could better expound on the last degrees of signs, but I can tell you those degrees are the point in a sign that has fully developed the essence of that sign and is ready to take on the next stage/sign. Often mysterious things happen that turn out to have the 28th-29th degree of some sign represented in their charts. I believe we all have been pondering the meaning of that last degree of that last sign happening hours before the Equinox. Might not the boy observing the rock formation symbolize all of us? Mankind “seeing” a time when there will be no war, no disease, no fear or hunger? Could it suggest we are at a stage of evolving that encourages such dreams of the future?

    You sound like such a person who does that kind of dreaming and I thank you for expressing/sharing your thoughts here; especially fond of the Neitzsche quote. 🙂

    Thanks again Alex, interesting point you make about the Saturn-Mars conjunction in the Uranus discovery chart. They are remarkably close to the Pisces Solar Eclipse; enough so as to believe we have all been led to discuss this Uranus chart, hmmm? I can see you are as fascinated with mythology as I am and many others here too. The parallels are almost TOO obvious. (is that possible?) I must admit, I’m loving this Spring/Easter time frame. . . . not just an Easter egg hunt but a beautiful puzzle picture we all are working to put together. What fun!

  19. Barbara Koehler

    FYI, Uranus’ last conjunction with Chiron was over 115 years ago, at 4 Sagittarius 10, on December 1,1898 at 4:59 PM EST (or possibly 5 PM) and in a chart set in Washington, DC, the ascendant at 14+ Gemini has Pluto at 14+ Gemini retrograde, opposite Saturn at 14+ Sagittarius. Their next conjunction will be in 2042-43. It could be considered a perfect bowl pattern if not for Mercury’s position but I’m going with the see-saw pattern.

    If you want to set the chart setup, bear in mind that Zane Stein’s website claims it took place on January 12, 1898 at 4 Sagittarius 11, but Serennu’s data shows it to have taken place on December 1, 1898, at 22 hours and 00 minutes U.T. Took a while to find this event but I believe it was worth it and hope some others will find it useful as well.

  20. Barbara Koehler

    I neglected to point out that Saturn is in the degree where that Uranus-Chiron conjunction took place but that was because I was weary. Many other points of interest I didn’t add but would elaborate if anyone is curious.

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