Recognizable Patterns — Mercury Conjunct the Mean Node

Mercury (in direct motion again since Saturday) makes its third Libra conjunction since Sept. 17 with the mean lunar ascending node (North Node) tomorrow. In the context of everything else going on over the last six weeks, Mercury’s third merger in short order with the lunar North Node implies how recognizable new patterns may now be emerging in your life.


Considering all that has probably been going on for you since mid-September, it might be comforting to finally discern some order in the course of events.

Even if things are beginning to make more sense now, it’s also important to remember how a great deal is still probably in the process of forming — starting with Mercury, and proceeding through you.

On Sept. 14, Mercury in direct motion first passed the degree of Libra where its eventual apparent retreat would end. Thus began the first echo (or ‘shadow’) phase before retrograde. A first conjunction with the lunar North Node followed shortly after on Sept. 17.

The Sun was still in Virgo on Sept. 17. Now, the Sun is in Scorpio, but it’s likely that something of the astrology to follow was foreshadowed when Mercury first conjoined the node in Libra. You may, for example, have heard the echo of our current season, initiated when the Sun entered Libra on Sept. 22.

Back on Sept. 17, you might also have sensed something of what Mercury’s subsequent retrograde (Oct. 4 to Oct. 25) would hold. Most likely, however, Mercury’s first conjunction with the lunar North Node correlated with some anticipation of the eclipses that took place this month.

That’s because the most straightforward meaning of the two perpetually opposing lunar nodes for astrologers is ‘where eclipses take place’ when the Sun is near one of them. In addition, the lunar North Node (or ‘ascending node’) in particular corresponds with looking ahead to the future. 

Sure enough, the Libra Sun was very close to the lunar North Node on Oct. 8, close enough for a total lunar eclipse to take place when the Full Moon opposed the Sun from Aries. At the time, Mercury was slowly backing out of early Scorpio. Then, an interesting sort of symmetry followed, a flip if you will.

Early on Oct. 21, retrograde Mercury’s second conjunction with the North Node in Libra essentially took the place that had been held by the Sun during the lunar eclipse.

Then, on Oct. 23, the conjoined Sun and Moon essentially took Mercury’s previous place in Scorpio, but still close enough to the ascending node to precipitate a partial solar eclipse. If you experienced something of a flip-side of mid-September at the time of the Scorpio solar eclipse, it would be little wonder.

So it is that, having probably seen something of both sides of your life now, Mercury’s third conjunction with the lunar North Node tomorrow will potentially afford you a parallax view looking forward. Implicitly integrated in the forward view will almost certainly be some familiar motifs.

Those familiar tableau will in turn be more sharply defined by both familiarity and the depth perspective gained as a fringe benefit of the edgy astrology you have lived with and through for the previous month and a half — astrology that is not quite done.

Mercury is not done retracing its steps. There is more to re-encounter until Mercury’s second echo phase concludes on Nov. 10. Hence, there are new patterns yet to fall into place, or more appropriately, to be put into place.

In an interesting form of symmetry, the extent to which patterns of your life have been altered, or even disrupted, since Sept. 17 is the extent to which you are implicitly being empowered to consciously put new patterns of life in place.

Therefore, envy not those who appear to have been unaffected by the astrology of late. Those who got off easy will not as easily have seen things coming during Mercury’s first echo phase — though if that describes you, it’s still possible to look back and discern useful patterns.

By the same token, those who remained mostly right side up during Mercury’s retrograde and the eclipses will not have seen as much of the flip side. Those who have not felt somehow flipped will also not be as well attuned to what for many will now be increasingly recognizable patterns which can be further developed to effectively design the future. Not that there is anything to fret about if you have remained among the high and dry — these things always work out as appropriate for the individual.

So, if you are still picking yourself up (or remained standing and are wondering what’s next), please consider yourself to have picked up some valuable experience as well — experience you should soon recognize how to use.  

Offered In Service

Len is available for astrology readings. You can contact him at lenwallick [at] gmail [dot] com.

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About Len Wallick

Besides endeavoring to be of service to all of you here at Planet Waves, Len strives to live in Seattle while working as a professional astrologer. To contact him for an astrology reading you can send an e-mail to: His telephone number is 206-356-5467. In addition to his profession, Len contributes to the Seattle community without monetary compensation by serving as a Reiki practitioner and teacher through classes and outreach offered by the Seattle Reiki Mastery Series modality.

24 thoughts on “Recognizable Patterns — Mercury Conjunct the Mean Node

  1. Cowboyiam

    Len that is a powerful uplifting message for me right now. I have been all over the emotional landscape the last few months and much of it dark. Looking for some light again. Hopefully your forecast will become my new awareness. Thanks for your deep articulate readings. I always enjoy.

  2. carmel o'reilly

    Hugely encouraging Len, because I am still picking myself up, thanks!

    “Therefore, envy not those who appear to have been unaffected by the astrology of late. Those who got off easy will not as easily have seen things coming during Mercury’s first echo phase.

    By the same token, those who remained mostly right side up during Mercury’s retrograde and the eclipses will not have seen as much of the flip side. Those who have not felt somehow flipped will also not be as well attuned to what, for many, will now be increasingly recognizable patterns — patterns that can be further developed to effectively design the future.”

  3. Laura Wells

    Len – this is AWESOME. So accurately and eloquently described – you just made sense of my life for the last 6 weeks and put in perspective ALL the lessons I’ve been given since the April eclipses/grand cross as well. Thank you!

  4. Barbara Koehler

    Ironic that you are discussing Mercury today Len, as I just deleted (without reading) 49 of 50 new emails since yesterday afternoon, all offering up ways to spend my money, only saving to read later the one message about astrology from Demetra George explaining the Ebola astrology! If this doesn’t stop soon after the elections I will have to get a new email address and that’s how I will put a new pattern into place!!

    Mercury’s 2nd echo phase ending on November 10th is the same day that Mars conjuncts Pluto and the north node moves off of 19+ Libra (after 75 days or almost 11 weeks), to 18+ Libra. It would seem the little god of thieves will have completed a big step in that formation of patterns falling into place. I only caught those 2 things because the north node will then be conjunct Kentucky Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes’ natal Pluto (18+ Libra) and Mars-conjunct-Pluto will complete a Finger of God/yod to Kentucky Republican Mitch McConnell’s sextile between Jupiter in Gemini and Chiron in Leo.

    As the possibility of the election returns not being completely finalized in the usual time frame, I suspect that Kentucky’s outcome will be one of those states not determined until Mercury completes his 2nd echo phase and Mars conjuncts Pluto and the nodes restart their engines.

    In the meantime, as a nod to the trickster I will be making calls to Kentucky Dems for Ms. Grimes on Saturday and, would you believe, also on Election Day afternoon, in case someone still needs another little nudge to get to the polls. This is a big one folks.

    Hope this means that PlanetWaves comment clock is fixed now too.

  5. Bette

    Yes, I did “sense something of what Mercury’s subsequent retrograde would hold…” & it was true to form. I was not unscathed, but then I’m dealing with some other rather pointed aspects also. I’ve been up & down & cynical & angry & regretful – a real roller-coaster emotionally. When Mercury emerges from its shadow phase Nov. 10, Saturn will be crossing my Venus (a welcome departure, in my view).

    What has been evolving since early Sept. continues, in slow steps, often testing my capacity for patience, but that’s probably useful learning also. Not sure when something discernably an “outcome” will arrive, but if/when it does, I think I know what that would look/feel like.

    In the meantime, Mars, having left Sagittarius, is crossing my 6th hse. S node, & I’m never sure what to make of such a transit. Activation of very old patterns/perspectives, perhaps? Reminders of history? One of my books refers to persons with a Capricorn S node as “status adepts.” Not sure what to take from that, either.

    The possibility of “new patterns” exists, the opportunities not clear yet.
    Your words today are encouraging as always, Len. Thank-you!

  6. Lizzy

    Yes – as Carmel said , ” Hugely encouraging Len, because I am still picking myself up” I let out a great sigh of relief as i read your words. Thank you so much, dear Len.

  7. Donna Boyle

    I’ve been saying for the past month or so…”I can’t believe I just did that and didn’t even think twice about it1″ I’ve been awaiting something new and also experiencing new things for over 2 years. I definitely “feel” the change a’coming! Thanks for the insights!

  8. Len Wallick Post author

    Laura and Donna: Apologies for missing a response to your comments just now. No intent to overlook you. Thank you for your kind words, both of you.

  9. Len Wallick Post author

    Cowboyjam: Please accept my sincere thanks to you in return. Please consider two things we learn from the Moon (1) darkness is there to be integrated (2) the light you seek is usually on the other side.

    carmel: It is gratifying to know how my service contributes to your encouragement. Thank you!

    Barbara: Thank you again for sharing how you bring knowledge of astrology, a bit of humor, and in-depth political awareness together so adroitly. Special thanks for alerting us to how Mercury’s first step onto new ground since september 14 will coincide with that reciprocally resonating biennial conjunction from Mars to Pluto – talk about timing! Best of luck with your work to get the vote out. Hopefully, you will inspire everybody reading here to vote early and vote their conscience. Finally, as to the Planet Waves “comments clock”, yes, i noticed it was wonky with the “time stamps” on the comments – just as i wrote today, Mercury is not done yet!

    Bette: Thank you for sharing here what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. referred to as the “unarmed truth” today. Please accept our unconditional love in return. May the flip side (with Saturn “crossing” your Venus) be as fully stable and genuinely rewarding as that aspect promises to be for you. Please take assurance that knowing what you are looking for means you are unlikely to miss it. Your interpretation of Mars transiting your descending (South) node shows you have a good handle on things. Please consider how continued faith in yourself is at the root of being a “status adept” (or one who has attained proficiency in transmutation). To use a more colloquial term, keep faith in yourself and you’ll be “golden”!

    Lizzy: Thank you! It’s very fulfilling to know that my service helped provide you with the relief you sought.

  10. Len Wallick Post author

    Hi Phyllis: Welcome to Planet Waves. Thank you for your question. If you don’t feel “it’s okay”, then it’s not. Your perceptions are valid. You are valid. Your focus is your reality. What Mercury conjunct the ascending node (for the third time in six weeks) is saying is that there should be useful information in your experience over the last six weeks. Information you can use while moving forward with your life. The real question is what you will do with that information. We support your doing the best you possibly can with the information astrology gives you. If this reply does not serve you well, please let me know and my effort will be to find a way forward so that you do feel well served.

  11. Deborah

    Your writing expresses such insightful knowledge, your responses are so kind and generous…I want to bear your children. Long may your planet light wave.

  12. Len Wallick Post author

    Deborah: Thank you for being so kind. It’s not that i’m exceptional (i’m not). It’s astrology which is exceptional. The objective of my service is to be worthy of the readers, worthy of the high honor and distinct privilege of writing for Planet Waves, and somewhere near worthy to interpret the extraordinary and unprecedented astrology we are fortunate to participate in together. It ain’t easy for the likes of me, but it’s the best thing i can do with my life.

  13. Barbara Koehler

    Deborah, my smile turned to a laugh-out-loud moment when reading your comment. Not that it was outrageous, but just knowing that Len would probably have blushed when reading it. He truly is a gem and I for one am glad you told him in no uncertain terms!

  14. Carrie

    Len! So glad to come back to PW today (after a long absence due to much busy-ness in my life) and read this! Ah yes, so much has changed in my life since mid July. We bought a house (with my dad’s help) and moved in but had a lot of work to do to get it ready. These past couple of days has seen things finally looking like we are almost unpacked and settling in.

    You are a sweet and compassionate soul, Len. I missed reading your articles; I am glad I have a bit of time to get back to them. Be well, master of light!

  15. Phyllis Capanna

    Thanks for your response. Your analysis of the Mercury-North Node dance touched a nerve, as my logical mind struggled to picture what you described happening in the heavens. My natal Mercury being in Capricorn, logic and conceptual order usually come easily to me. But a certain fog has overcome my rational mind of late, so when I read your piece, I felt your message more than understood it logically. Hence, my comment. But, yeah, I am aware, and thank you for reminding me, that it is okay if I say it is. I seem to be going back and forth about whether it’s okay, feeling at times transcendent and at times wallowing in old, unconscious behavior patterns, that, when they come to awareness, make me feel I should have smarter than that. But I’m pretty much glued to Planet Waves these days because of the nuanced interpretations of the astrology, and the freedom to find my own way, as I experience it, that these essays invite me to do.

    Here are the passages that, on second reading this morning, give me hope: “In an interesting form of symmetry, the extent to which patterns of your life have been altered, or even disrupted, since Sept. 17 is the extent to which you are implicitly being empowered to consciously put new patterns of life in place.”

    And: “So, if you are still picking yourself up (or remained standing and are wondering what’s next), please consider yourself to have picked up some valuable experience as well — experience you should soon recognize how to use.”

    And one more thank you I wish to make is to the other commenters and members of the community whose humor and insight I benefit greatly from.


  16. Len Wallick Post author

    Bette: Thank you!

    Carrie: Welcome back! Wow, a new house! Better check out those 4th house transits. All the best to you and your family in your new home. Hope you can find your way around the Planet Waves new home. There is some great podcast material, including live live-call in shows hosted by Eric.

    Phyllis: Thank you. My endeavor will be to improve the balance of my service so as to be more accessible to the logical mind. Your feedback is deeply appreciated. And, yes, the commenters and other members of the community are among the best people anywhere.

    Amanda: Thanks once again to you and Anatoly for fixing the time stamp on the comments.

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