Dear Friend and Reader:
The election is behind us; the dust is settling; Fifth Avenue in the East 40s is a huge traffic jam, huge, believe me.
Through the endless election season I’ve done my best to be an impartial observer of the facts and the currents of society. I’m also hearing people say they missed many of what I consider to be key articles that strive to get handle on what was, and is, happening.
Given that you may have a few extra minutes this holiday weekend, I want to put that coverage into your hands. I’m going to link to what we call “test pages” — simple, clear pages with no sidebar (all of which include weekly or monthly horoscopes). Each opens on its own page; refer back to this email (or free-standing page, as it may be) for the links.

The articles below are what I consider to be the steppingstones that will get you across the stream. I am aware these are longish articles in the time of Twitter. I’m guessing you’re not a tweet freak, either. I suggest you choose any one article that seems interesting — and if that turns out to offer you something, explore away. These articles add up to a little e-book.
Please pass this along to others, as an email, or open up this link for a tidier web edition and share the web link; you’re invited to post the link to Facebook, Twitter, or whatever.
My analysis of Hillary Clinton’s chart, Hillary Clinton: Scorpio of the Ages
And The Donald, What’s Up With Trump? Let’s Check his Progressed Chart

My first analysis of both Election Day and Inauguration Day
Then, A Closer Look at Election Night Astrology
A piece called How the Heck Is This Even Happening?
One just prior to the election called Where are the strong, and who are the trusted?
And two right after the election: Trigger Warnings and The Chaos Factor.
I also dropped this one into the mix: This is a Test: War of the Worlds. It’s an analysis of the astrology behind the invasion from Mars radio broadcast of 1938, at the dawn of the mass media age. We are now at the full fruition of whatever that thing was.
Most of the articles above involve an exploration of the impact of the internet on consciousness. In this last article, Here Beside the Rising Tide, I look at the sexual aspects of politics, of sexual assault, and how the most intimate personal space expands into the widest public space.
For those with an interest in media analysis and what the internet is doing to us, we have a special archive here on our main website.
Each of these articles is part of our Core Community Membership (subscribe for a discounted full year, or as easy monthly billing). If you’re not a member, and you find yourself digging into these pieces with some satisfaction and a sense of contacting realty, please sign up. We do this all without corporate sponsorship, without ads and without clickbait.
We are here to light, and lighten, the way.
with love and proofreading,