Publishing Schedule Update

Hello — Judith Gayle’s column will not be appearing this weekend. But fear not — she’ll be back next Saturday with her signature take on the current political-spiritual climate. — Amanda P.

One thought on “Publishing Schedule Update

  1. Barbara Koehler

    re: Paris attacks. . Jude would have and will be writing about this tragedy but FYI, it seems that transiting Nessus (gets even) had just stationed direct at 0 Pisces 0 on Thursday, the day before the attack, when the Sun was at 20+ Scorpio and Moon at 3+ Sagittarius – sextile Ceres at 3+ Aquarius. Nessus was quincunx Mars at 0 Libra 0.

    The chart for Paris, France, dtd 10/5/1958, has a sextile between Venus at 1+ Libra and Vesta 1+ Leo that transiting and stationing-direct Nessus (0 Pisces 0) would complete a Yod with. Because transiting Mars was just leaving Virgo and making an exact quincunx with transiting Nessus at the Yod apex, as well as being just a degree away from the Paris chart’s natal Venus (sextile Vesta), it reminds me of the story of Nessus and Heracles’ wife, and how Nessus was killed by Heracles yet Nessus had his revenge on him by tricking his wife/love (symbolic of the city of Paris maybe?).

    At the time of Nessus’ station direct, transiting Moon (3+ Sagittarius) was square the Paris chart’s Pluto at 3+ Virgo (which is sextile the Paris Neptune at 3+ Scorpio which was being squared by the Nessus-station chart’s Ceres at 3+ Aquarius).

    The Fall Equinox chart (Sun at 0 Libra) has a grand trine in fire signs, Venus at 19+ Leo, Uranus at 19+ Aries and Pallas at 18+ Sagittarius. The Equinox Pallas (plan) was conjunct the Equinox Pholus (small cause big effect) at 22+ Sagittarius, and oddly, Equinox Photographica (film, video) at 19+ Sagittarius. The Paris chart has Saturn at 20+ Sagittarius. Not only does the Paris chart Saturn conjunct the Equinox trio of Pallas, Pholus and Photographica, it also squares the solar eclipse of September at 20+ Virgo. The Fall Equinox chart (9/23/15) also has the Jupiter-Neptune opposition.

    The Paris chart also has the South Node at 22+ Aries, where transiting Eris (discord) is presently located.

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