Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope, July 15 – July 23

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Weekly Horoscope for Wednesday, July 15, 2015 #1058 | By Eric Francis


Aries (March 20-April 19)

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Stand your ground. I don’t mean fight, and I don’t mean in a defensive way. I mean define your boundaries, your territory, your state of mind, and claim these things as a kind of basic entitlement to existence. There seems to be the shadow or specter of some parental authority that you’re feeling, which is clearly an element of your past. It’s too often true that such influences leave people feeling like there’s no space on the planet for their feelings, their desires, their needs or even their body and possessions. I am here to tell you that there is room for you, though you need to stretch into it. You must establish your entitlement within your own consciousness, and then spread that into the world. If you feel guilt, persist. If you feel fear, persist. Take these as signs that you’re on the right track, since guilt in particular is evidence of claiming back internal emotional territory. As for fear, you simply don’t need that. You have far more creative things to do with your energy.

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Taurus (April 19- May 20)

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You will be amazed how persuasive you are, if you have any persuading to do. You don’t need to be forceful; you merely need to be clear. Your own inner clarity will lead to the possibility of directness of a kind that you may notice is unusual for you. What you’re experiencing is the reality of having more than your mind made up, and more than a little wind behind you. You now have the full force of the currents and tides propelling you. Therefore, you don’t need to exert too much energy. You just need to choose your words carefully. It would also be wise never to meet force with force, or anger with anger. Always stay 10 degrees cooler than your environment, and make sure that you interpose some delays between thinking, speaking and acting. Slow down your mental clock speed; you’re likely to want to move quickly. Take the extra time and listen, look, feel and otherwise pay attention. You are reaching for precision, so look for your opening and make your moves when you feel in your body that the time is right.

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Gemini (May 20- June 21)

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Now is the time to take action on financial matters, which under this astrology is likely to include both a plan to earn more, and an equally important plan to take inventory and organize your resources. By now you recognize that you’re looking at income potential that is as yet unrealized. You must be wondering what it will take to get the gold out of the ground. What it will take is carefully devising a strategy, then knowing when to stick to it and when to modify things. You may also need to temper your generous nature, for the sake of self-care and the ability to be supportive of others in the long-run. But you don’t need to make any excuses for being fully willing to support, sustain and nourish yourself. It would be abundantly healthy for you to focus that as a primary goal, with bold determination and actual happiness. Also notice any interference you may be getting from any voices in your mind or perhaps from those in your social circle. You don’t need to justify yourself and you would be wise to sidestep the temptation to do so. Just proceed with your intentions and plans with as little discussion as possible.

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Celebrate the Cancer New Moon With Your Special Reading

Dear Cancer Sun, Moon or Rising:Tonight at 9:24 pm EDT (1:24 UTC), the Sun and Moon conjoin in Cancer for a New Moon. The chart for this particular event signals a complex start to this lunar month — especially for anyone with a strong Cancer signature in their personal astrology.

Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Last week, I finished and published the 2015-2016 Cancer birthday reading  — and the astrology has burst to life in the recordings.

This is bold astrology with real ideas and a sense of potential. I follow up the two sections of astrology with a rather blazing tarot card reading in the third section, which includes astrology afterthoughts on Mars in Cancer.

It’s perfect if you’re Cancer Sun, Moon or rising — and is a nifty, modestly priced gift that someone will remember for years. In addition to this clear, practical guide to working with your astrology over the next four seasons, you get access to an extended sign description and last year’s reading so you can review your progress.

Your astrology in the coming year describes your overall role in the world, as a leader, as a creative force and as one contributing to solutions — and much more. I look forward to hearing what you (or your loved one, if you give the reading as a gift) take from it.



Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Wednesday’s stunning New Moon in your birth sign is a reminder that it’s time to live your life your way. You can afford to take this a few shades beyond what you might normally think of as your personal prerogative. It’s true that you have considerable responsibilities, though you’ve come a long way in your ability to fulfill them in style. Therefore, lean on your talent and your ability a little more than you might, as a way of creating some space for creation and recreation. Indeed, you might consider bringing that creative/recreative viewpoint into everything that you do. There are those times when your work flows, and when your creativity carries the day. If the past two years of your life are an exercise in anything, it’s about how to tap into that quality. It’s a talent of its own, and to get there you have to be willing to take a chance or two. But more than anything you need the willingness to do what must be done, when it must be done, without hesitation.

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Leo (July 22- Aug. 23)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Jupiter and Venus in your birth sign are offering you protection and a hint as to how much abundance is possible. It’s as if events of the past year have been preparing you to experience your own independence. Yet what you now must do is maintain your flexibility and an open mind. More than anything you need to cultivate the habit of stopping yourself when you doubt your own potential or talent. If you find yourself in self-effacing mode, or trying to talk yourself out of your desires, pause, and see if you can get a handle on where that influence is coming from. It’s your job to make up your own mind about who you are and what you’re capable of. This doesn’t mean the world owes you anything. Rather, potential translates to the option you have to work for what you want, to focus real goals and to make yourself useful to others. There’s a significant difference between your personal gifts and using those gifts in some form of commerce. Once other people are in the scene, you must focus on the relationship above all else.

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Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep. 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Venus is working its way toward your sign, where it will do something interesting — it will stay put in early Virgo for nearly two weeks. The way that looks, you may at once feel like a vastly gifted person, though at times racked by fits of insecurity. This is an opportunity to address both — what to do with your gifts, and what to do with your insecurity. The two don’t cancel one another out. But you will ultimately choose one or the other. Remember this basic equation: You cannot be self-possessed and reject yourself at the same time. You cannot love yourself and doubt yourself at the same time. Self-possession is acceptance and love means surrendering your doubt to some other force in your personality that will guide you in the direction you want and need to go. More than anything I suggest you learn the talent of generosity with yourself, rising above any influences to the contrary that may well have run your life until now.

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Libra (Sep. 22 - Oct. 23)

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — For a Libra you sure are in an ambitious, even conquering, mood. It’s about time, too. Focus your goals and connect them to the sense of resolve that you’re feeling. Notice the elements of why you feel the way you do. One of them is confidence in yourself. You’ve come to this observation before — when you have that, you can do anything. You might ask yourself where it goes when you don’t have it; I would say that some clouds from the past block the light of the Sun. Now you can see clearly and feel the heat, which is really your own energy radiating from inside you. Even still, be wary of doubt. Notice when you have the vaguest, slightest hint of doubt in yourself. Try to identify whose voice it is. Much that we think we do to ourselves is really the residual toxicity of what was done to us in the distant past. You have the choice to reject those influences, though you would need to replace them with the clear sensation of who you are, not in the past but right now.

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Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 22)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — ‘Spiritual’ is often a byword that describes subject matter that can be emotional, psychological, sexual, physical or on any other subject. In this case, ‘byword’ means language that avoids real subject matter. In our culture, so influenced as it is by New Age thinking, we have this idea that there’s a spiritual solution to everything, and that even the ancient Egyptians levitated the blocks in the pyramids with their third eye. But one might better speculate that really, it was engineering and hard work that got the job done. It’s true that you’re feeling influences that might be described as spiritual or religious or mystical. But I suggest you focus your mind, your intentions and most of all your resolve, and get the real work done. In my experience, we get the best results from spiritual agency when we’re willing to make an authentic effort. Part of that involves developing a sincere vision for your life, and having an authentic relationship with your own notion of commitment. You must know what you want and what you’re willing to do to make it happen. Undoubtedly, you know that involves actual change.

Have you looked at the Planet Waves Catalog yet? Caring for Your Soul: Planet Waves Readings and Classes


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You must set the terms of your agreements. It may seem that it doesn’t matter who proposes the arrangement, or writes the contract, though I’m here to remind you that it certainly does. Take control of your language. This includes business arrangements as well as the words and ideas you use to express your feelings and your desires. Be abundantly clear in everything, and make sure you notice the places where you’re inclined to leave out a detail, or to make a compromise without being asked. Regarding your professional goals, I suggest you be as specific as you can about what you want or what you intend to do. As you do this, be mindful of any tendency you have to judge yourself, or to set some limit on what you think you’re capable of. This is very difficult for most people, who tend to inflict on themselves the same ridiculous limits that were set on them by early caregivers and authority figures. The very theme of the coming months is for you to identify and exceed those limits.

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Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — It’s time to get a handle on relationship matters. You seem to be living in a retro world where only the past matters, or alternately, you’re struggling in some way to find the present moment and get real. The only thing the past has to offer at this point is a map of what you don’t want, and some information about some errors in judgment, particularly about your own power. It appears that others are willing to be direct with you, which you may find disorienting. Directness is about the moment. You will find this worthwhile, as others respond to you with generosity and equanimity. The real factor that’s mediating your experience is your willingness to receive. This is likely to be more challenging for you than you’re willing to admit, though that would be a good start. You may have this idea that expressing your vulnerability (which you must do to accept anything offered to you) gets you into some kind of overcommitment. What is that about? Is it really true? Remember, you gain more influence over your life by making decisions than by avoiding them.

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Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 19)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — You are forming bonds now that may last a lifetime, and that certainly are influencing your world right now. Remember that any real connection is a form of collaboration. I know there’s some skepticism about working with people you love, but the truth is that any loving relationship that is based on something real is indeed a form of working together. You in particular need close bonds with your colleagues. Aquarius is not as chilly a sign as astrology books make it out to be. Far from it, in fact; but you need, in many situations, to express your affections in practical ways. Pay special attention to the people you work with. Reach for, and feel, the undercurrent of trust that is essential to any productive encounter with other humans. While you’re doing that, in all ways seek to improve your life, and those of your friends (which to you often amount to the same thing). Be bold about this. You are at a vital, potent point of beginning on all of these subjects.

Have you looked at the Planet Waves Catalog yet? Caring for Your Soul: Planet Waves Readings and Classes


Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Your astrology is pulsating with creative and sexual energy. You must be feeling this, and it’s likely that others around you are. The thing to do is express, express, express. Well, that and notice the world around you. Notice the beauty, notice the conflict, notice whatever there is to be seen, felt or experienced. You have an open invitation to involve yourself in existence, and a wide latitude for how you interpret things. That is the true nature of art. As for expressing — that is the opposite of things like repressing, suppressing and depressing. If you notice guilt, brush it away like a fly. Guilt only has the power over you that you give it, so start investing in love and beauty. I mean aesthetic and sexual, specifically both. Let whatever and whoever turns you on, turn you on. I know there are rules and by now you know that most of them are bullshit. You exist, you have a right to see and look and feel and encounter people, and ideas, and the whole universe for that matter, boldly and directly. Call that and nothing else being alive.

Have you looked at the Planet Waves Catalog yet? Caring for Your Soul: Planet Waves Readings and Classes

5 thoughts on “Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope, July 15 – July 23

  1. Michael Mayes

    That Scorpio horoscope though….Dad’s scorpio. Yesterday while attempting to explain why I’m very much looking forward to moving, and going to Naropa I said, “I’m more of a spiritual person….”
    “Pffff”, he scoffed, “You’re spiritual?”, he asked. I still feel my heart hit my stomach, and it hurts to know that he thinks that way. I wasn’t saying I’m where I want to be spiritually, but I have the capacity, and my feet on the ground enough to get there. I guess he thinks that’s bullshit, although he did call to apologize. Perhaps he was projecting, maybe we have a different idea of spirituality, or maybe he’s just sad that I’m leaving.

  2. Barbara

    Michael……….I’m coming around to the notion that dismissiveness is a form of projection….and is rooted in wounding… attempt to control others and the environment through a sense of shaming…..put downs….when really they just don’t know how to own their own shadow and hurt….insecurity can provoke many an unkind word….letting go ….saying goodbye….(if only for awhile)…hurts too…………As an aside …I’m happy for you………….take care……….

  3. Lizzy

    Yes – wise words, Barbara. Think the most significant thing in this is that your dad called to apologize, Michael. That takes courage, humility, and a whole lot of love …. And you”ll see that your dad will come to really respect who you are, and your spirituality – and will admire you deeply for it (sure he does already). That’s what happened to me in the end.

  4. Michael Mayes

    The way I look at it, I’m fortunate to be able to take the time to pursue a spiritual path, while working out shadow material, getting in supreme touch with my body, my core creativity, all these things to me are spiritual in the context of using my faculties to reach a higher level of consciousness. Like dad told me today, his dad used to tell him every single day from the time he was four that he’d “never do anything good, and he’d never amount to shit”, so I feel fortunate, still. Thanks Lizzy, and Barbara for the kind words. Ya’ll take care.

  5. Barbara

    Michael……………I’m glad things are in a better place for you and your Dad……… is good to see awareness at hand……the breaking down of old negative tapes…..very happy for you………..take care….

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