Planet Waves TV: Aries Equinox and an Eclipse in Libra

In this episode, I discuss the approaching lunar eclipse in the early degrees of Aries and Libra (also known as the Aries Point). The implications of eclipses and the Aries Point are relatively similar — as musician and genius David Byrne puts it, ‘the world crashes into my living room’.

I have written extensively on the Aries Point; you can read more here.

I also cover one of the most significant astrological events of 2016: the Uranus-Eris conjunction.

7 thoughts on “Planet Waves TV: Aries Equinox and an Eclipse in Libra

  1. char mcghee

    Thank you, once again Eric …for your talking sense. …and all the Jedi Knights-in training
    who care about the Force, the power of belief and learning how to manage their OWN..
    minds. To all of us who can made it happen.
    Much love, Charlene

  2. Dorothy Rodriguez

    Eric, you are wonderful; your whole presentation was polished and so informative. Thank you!
    Such a treat for the morning of the spring equinox.

  3. patricia keuch

    Eric, I really enjoyed your talk and how informative it was to me, and thinking of family members, was like a clarity pill! Thanks for the talk. Love to you Eric!! Pat

  4. Deborah

    You’ve taken me back to March, 2011, when I called my sister after the meltdowns at Fukushima. Through tears I said our world had changed forever…my Chicken Little scared the total shit out of her and I’ve been treated as an alarmist ever since. The world has changed though, hasn’t it? We’re ready and right on time for monumental change.
    I attended a neighborhood meeting last week to hear a talk on disaster planning. The speaker was from the Dept. of Emergency Management and was program coordinator for a massive “drill” in June that will involve 6 western states. He told us we should identify and pool resources, gave us “OK” and “HELP” signs to post in our windows, even said we should designate one house of every 20 to serve as a morgue, because, “let’s face it, folks, we’re not all gonna make it.” Unnerving but necessary in our new world of WTF. Preparing for the worst while hoping for the best as everyday becomes Anything Can Happen Day. At least I now know how to use a garbage bag as a rain poncho and toilet.
    BTW: Have we any news from Indian Point?

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