Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2018


Aries (March 20-April 19) — Events this month build toward an unusual unleashing of energy in the professional, career, reputation or mission aspect of your life (however you may think of it). You have the power to initiate ideas that take root quickly, though it would be wise to start only what you think you can sustain. Work with ideas that are sufficiently interesting that you’ll want to stay connected and committed in the long run, and which you value enough to develop even in the face of resistance, challenges or obstacles. This will call for a design scheme, which you could base on nature. One of the ways that humans and, ostensibly, other species are perpetuated is because sex is so appealing. This makes reproduction inevitable. It’s this level of motivation that must be soaked into what you’re doing: drive that is rooted in biology, and that taps into existence with the sensation of insatiable curiosity, and the need to connect. More than the desire to do something, you might let yourself be driven by the need to discover something, using your mind, your senses, your body and your feelings. While this might feel like throwing your body and soul into what you want, remember that relatively minor adjustments can have a significant influence. Pay attention to what may seem too small to even matter. That’s what might matter most. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

You can now get instant access to ten signs of the 2018 Planet Waves annual edition, The Art of Becoming — and we’ll publish the final two soon. Order all 12 signs here to read your signs and those of loved ones, or choose your individual signs here.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — The story arc of the coming weeks appears to be a gradual moving inward, after a phase of being actively and outwardly involved in the world. You’ll feel better as you incrementally reduce your exposure to the outer world, and pull in for a little while. Yet you’re not there yet. The cluster of planets traversing Pisces through late February and into the first week of March is about being open and available to people — not an intuitive thing to do these days. We live in an era when shutting down is supposedly the answer to everything. But it’s not, and you know it, and so do other sensitive people. A strategy of being closed and unavailable turns life into an excuse for existence. You have strength, self-awareness and a spiritual connection that many people struggle for, or wish they had. This makes your involvement with those you care about even more meaningful. What you say, and how you respond to events that everyone is struggling to understand, can help keep many people aware. March 3-4 looks like a particularly significant moment when you can do just that. And, at a certain point, you will need to pull in and assess your innermost reality. A new solar year is about to begin, and you’ve learned a lot since your last birthday. Take the time to quietly distill that knowledge. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

You can now get instant access to ten signs of the 2018 Planet Waves annual edition, The Art of Becoming — and we’ll publish the final two soon. Order all 12 signs here to read your signs and those of loved ones, or choose your individual signs here.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Your ruling planet Mercury turns to retrograde motion just after the equinox, on March 22, lasting through April 15. This occurs in Aries, the most social and extraverted region of your chart. Yet you’ll want to keep some distance between what you say outwardly and what happens within the most intimate spaces of your life. This is not so much about being secretive as it is about giving your relationships space to be themselves, minimizing interference and judgment from your wider environment. It seems as if you’re renegotiating an arrangement within a long-term partnership. It could be strictly business, though this is unlikely — it’s more likely to be an erotic partnership that’s undergoing some change and is not revealing its inner workings easily. It will help if you don’t think of it as a relationship but rather as a discussion between two people’s individual lives. The best approach is to make a commitment to holding space for whatever the other is going through, and whatever needs they may have. This calls for some detachment; but mostly, it’s respect that will get the results. Stand back from the idea that anyone belongs to anyone else, or owes anyone anything, and take up the lives involved as individual experiences. This is a test of faith and of commitment. Hold this space for a while, listen patiently, and what to do next will flow naturally. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

You can now get instant access to ten signs of the 2018 Planet Waves annual edition, The Art of Becoming — and we’ll publish the final two soon. Order all 12 signs here to read your signs and those of loved ones, or choose your individual signs here.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You can do anything you want, as long as you leave out any thoughts of revenge, and don’t treat jealousy as a right. This applies to personal as well as professional situations. I know this isn’t really your style; you’re usually too busy taking care of people to let them bother you too much. I suggest that you keep your focus on more exciting, positive and productive things — and they’re available to you in an especially bold way. It will help if you defuse tense situations before they get contentious, and do what you can to convert friction into some form of positive energy. Keep making your own decisions, and don’t try to assert your will on others; figure out what they want, or notice what they’re doing, and do your best to go with that. Looking after your own agenda will help rather than hinder, as long as you ensure that you’re good for your basic commitments. If you can do that, you’ll find yourself exploring new possibilities, new goals and some expanded role in the world as Chiron, the planet of healing and awareness, gets ready to enter your 10th house of profession, responsibility and reputation. A new era of your life is gradually dawning, where you experience more direct recognition not just for what you do but for who you are. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

You can now get instant access to ten signs of the 2018 Planet Waves annual edition, The Art of Becoming — and we’ll publish the final two soon. Order all 12 signs here to read your signs and those of loved ones, or choose your individual signs here.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — If you tend to your emotional needs, you will find it much easier to get along with people. If you project those needs outwardly, it may seem like others are not so willing to meet them. Yet this is not so much about their willingness as it is about how you’re the only person who actually understands what you’ve got going on. You are more cryptic than you think, even to yourself. You might find it an excellent investment to explain what you think, what you’re doing and what you want. It appears you have some work-related projects that have a life of their own, and you want to devote yourself to them. There may be a place in your workshop for someone you care about. Not all projects can include others, though you may find a mutual meeting-place if a friend or partner is interested in participating. Most people have relationships for their own sake. It’s also worth considering the philosophy that relationships benefit from having a mutually agreed purpose. The problem is that when such is lacking, nefarious agendas can slip in, which is why so many relationships go so badly. This phase of your life is calling for you to live with meaning from day to day, to have clear agreements with people, and to make sure those agreements align with your goals. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

You can now get instant access to ten signs of the 2018 Planet Waves annual edition, The Art of Becoming — and we’ll publish the final two soon. Order all 12 signs here to read your signs and those of loved ones, or choose your individual signs here.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — This is an unusual and potentially extraordinarily positive time for your relationships. Yet if you’re caught in a narrow idea of what a relationship is supposed to be, or have to follow strict rules with a partner, you might not be noticing. You’d be well served to relax your ideas about connecting with people, and to encourage partners to do the same. Remember how much of your identity you invest into your primary partnership, which seen one way provides you with an opportunity to find yourself. Yet it also necessitates that the relationship be extremely stable, so that you maintain your sense of identity. Often it seems that the greater the challenges in the relationship, the more you invest, to maintain the structure; in part, because your self-concept is so invested in it. There’s another way to do this, which is to use your evolved individuality to be independent within your relationships. And there’s yet a third way, which is to honestly assess the role that primary partners have served in your life. Are they more like a necessity, or more like a desire? If they’re a necessity, do they deliver the goods, and if they’re a desire, do they leave you feeling satisfied? In April, Chiron changes signs for the first time since 2010, which will focus this line of inquiry in a way that few developments can. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

You can now get instant access to ten signs of the 2018 Planet Waves annual edition, The Art of Becoming — and we’ll publish the final two soon. Order all 12 signs here to read your signs and those of loved ones, or choose your individual signs here.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — From now through the equinox on March 20, the energy shifts from Pisces to Aries. That’s another way of saying that before long, a whole bunch of planets get in your face — one way to think of your opposite sign (Libra and Aries face one another). While yours is one of the least confrontational signs, you’ll need to rise to the occasion of these transits, and meet the world with some energy — and with some faith in your ability to make decisions. You have your options open, which means the necessity to choose from among them, and that’s where you might have a potential concern. First, embrace the possibility that when you make decisions, you also make some mistakes. If you set a policy of always being right (or worse, perfect), that translates to being paralyzed. Also, it’s time to confront some unresolved family matters that are influencing your intimate relationships. While you cannot live like it’s 1950 where your mating rituals are concerned, our current context gives us very little to go by in terms of guidance or wisdom. Much that’s considered cool and modern is connected to marketing and political agendas. Your intimate life is about neither. These agendas drive wedges between people, and emphasize differences. You need contact, which is about embracing similarity. We are not so different after all. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

You can now get instant access to ten signs of the 2018 Planet Waves annual edition, The Art of Becoming — and we’ll publish the final two soon. Order all 12 signs here to read your signs and those of loved ones, or choose your individual signs here.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You may have that feeling of being psychologically on edge, though unsure whether it’s you, or whether it’s everyone and everything. The vibe you’re feeling is in the environment, and it’s a mix of paranoia and uncertainty. Those are understandable responses to life at the moment, though they don’t serve you well. You have plenty of protection around you right now. You’re also at a peak of creativity and sensuality these days, so you have both reasons and opportunities to celebrate life. Yet to have the benefit of any of this, you will need to be open, flexible and willing to explore and experiment. The edgy feeling you’re picking up on is rooted in the rigidity that our environment is pushing on us at nearly every turn. Our devices make us rigid. Our schedules make us rigid. Fear is a stiffening agent, and you can’t take three steps without someone telling you the next thing to be terrified of. To go against this requires courage: to keep your heart open; to engage with what you don’t understand, rather than immediately dissing it; the willingness to have a conversation with someone you don’t agree with; these will all help you feel better, and live better. You want more from life than paying the bills, and to succeed at that requires a sense of adventure, and being open to life. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

You can now get instant access to ten signs of the 2018 Planet Waves annual edition, The Art of Becoming — and we’ll publish the final two soon. Order all 12 signs here to read your signs and those of loved ones, or choose your individual signs here.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Financial decisions you make this month will count for a lot. The first thing to be cautious of is being motivated by any form of making fast cash. Ideally, your business plan is a long-term endeavor, which (at least following astrological guidance) should extend out about two years. You can, however, make some small moves this month that have a long-term effect. Most of those will involve how you direct your energy, and how you tap into your resources to get things done. You’ll also benefit from limiting your spending. If there are a few people who think they depend on you in some way, make sure those relationships are in balance, and that you’re not over-extended. You take family loyalty seriously, which extends to your household; it’s one of the most meaningful things in your life. Yet that has to work for everyone to work at all. Under one reading of your chart for the next four or five weeks, you’ll spend money till you run out. Now that we see this possibility, you can invoke others, which include taking care of the basics, setting some cash aside for luxuries defined as such, and making sure you maintain a policy of saving on a regular basis. You have a lot going for you financially these days, though working with that long-range vision is essential. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

You can now get instant access to ten signs of the 2018 Planet Waves annual edition, The Art of Becoming — and we’ll publish the final two soon. Order all 12 signs here to read your signs and those of loved ones, or choose your individual signs here.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Your chart is like a pressurized reactor at the moment, and you must vent some of that steam and heat. This pressure will only increase, along with your drive, determination and energy level when Mars enters your sign on March 17. Mars joins a newly arrived long-term visitor to your sign, Pholus, as well as Saturn and Pluto. That adds up to so much mojo you might not know what to do with it all. So what exactly does it mean to vent pressure? First, it helps to stay productive rather than just busy. Notice how much you’ve got going on at any time, and how you’re responding emotionally. Saturn in your sign suggests that you’re handling a lot of responsibility, and you must manage that consciously if you’re going to manage it at all. It’s essential that you pace yourself, though you have to do better than taking things one day at a time. You need a clear sense of the past, the present and the future. Mostly, though, Mars is about getting what you want. In our world, you can only get some of that, so choose what is most important. And let’s remember that Mars specifically describes sexual desire, in the focused form rather than the take-it-or-leave-it form. Get that cork out of the bottle, and honor what nature has bestowed upon you. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

You can now get instant access to ten signs of the 2018 Planet Waves annual edition, The Art of Becoming — and we’ll publish the final two soon. Order all 12 signs here to read your signs and those of loved ones, or choose your individual signs here.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Yours is already one of the signs most inclined to experience life primarily on the mental level, though this month’s aspects are encouraging you to bring your whole being into whatever you do. For nearly everyone, there are two factors provoking life as a head-trip: one is technology, and the other is fear. One is so pervasive that it’s invisible, and the other is pervasive and unspeakable. It would be helpful if you had someone you could discuss your fears with, whether it’s a therapist or an older friend (you want someone with experience). You need to understand what you’re concerned about and why, which will take you deep into your psychological nature. One of the prevailing themes of your chart, for the far-foreseeable future, is self-understanding, which is a special form of self-awareness. And much of this involves unraveling the internal causes of anxiety, while doing what you can about the external ones. It would seem, though, that the single most helpful thing you can do is stay in your body, and connected to your senses. You will feel better the more you live in the physical world — of human contact, critters, making your own food, tuning in to your senses, and making art, music and love. And it will help greatly if you express your mental restlessness in a tangible way rather than letting your mind feed on itself. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

You can now get instant access to ten signs of the 2018 Planet Waves annual edition, The Art of Becoming — and we’ll publish the final two soon. Order all 12 signs here to read your signs and those of loved ones, or choose your individual signs here.

Planet Waves

Pisces Birthdays 2018
Saying Goodbye to Chiron, Saying Hello to Yourself

“I have just listened to your Part 1 and Part 2 readings and I am amazed at how accurate it has been. Like you have a telescope watching me shed a skin and transform into a totally changed person in the last 10 years.”

— P.J.

Dear Pisces Friend and Reader:

With planets gathering in your sign, chances are you feel less like a fish out of water and more in the flow of things than you might have recently. Yet this year holds some interesting developments for you — many of which Eric will cover in your 2018 Pisces Birthday Reading.

This is a separate project from the annual edition, different in every way — they make excellent companions. While the annual readings are written chapters of an interconnected set, your birthday reading is a stand-alone audio meditation. It’s something you can listen to over and over, whether you take notes or take a bath as you listen.

Eric’s audio readings are some of the most unusual astrology you’ll encounter. They go deeper than the work most professional astrologers do, reaching the spiritual essence of the chart’s message, though without the need for a natal chart.

For roughly seven years, you’ve benefitted from Chiron’s focusing power in your sign.

This year, Chiron begins the process of entering Aries — leaving other slow-moving planets in Pisces. If you’ve learned the lessons of Chiron, you’ll be better able to embody that focusing power yourself — and you’ll be in a prime position to navigate everything else the next 12 months will bring.

“Eric, as a Pisces I really appreciate all your readings, as they have truly helped me push past the insecurities and become a truly wonderful person with greater strength to become ME. Thanks so much!”

— Susan Andrews

You can pre-order your 2018 Pisces Birthday Reading here, for just $33. We offer the lowest price first; the price will increase as we near the recording and publication of the reading.

You’ll get two segments of audio astrology, at least 30 minutes each. A little while after those portions publish, Eric will record your tarot reading for the year (included in the price).

Wishing you a beautiful birthday season,

Amanda Painter

P.S. If you love a Pisces, make their day: give the Pisces reading as a gift.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You’re probably getting the message to up your game on the financial front, though the first thing to remember about finances is that they’re connected to everything. In astrology there are two houses connected to the money that you earn, rather than what comes to you through inheritance, and both are in the spotlight. Saturn in Capricorn is encouraging you to make a structural review of where your money comes from. By structural, I mean your sources of income and how they connect to your skills and talents; and then determine what happens to the money once it enters your bank account. Also where Saturn in Cap is concerned, make sure that you’re converting your visibility and participation in your community into revenue in as few steps as possible. The next stage, which heats up radically in March and April, is about respecting your abilities, your resources and your contribution to the degree that you feel good about being paid for them. You must have no hesitation here, though this demands that you invest yourself fully in who you are and what you do. Pisces is one of the signs best equipped to succeed financially in relevant ways — that is, in ways that are meaningful to you — though that in itself is the prerequisite for success. Stay close to your purpose, and let your purpose lead the way. For your Eric Francis horoscope this week, please see this link.

You can now get instant access to ten signs of the 2018 Planet Waves annual edition, The Art of Becoming — and we’ll publish the final two soon. Order all 12 signs here to read your signs and those of loved ones, or choose your individual signs here.
Planet Waves

One thought on “Planet Waves Monthly Horoscope for March 2018

  1. Geoff Marsh

    Today NASA posted this extraordinary stereo photograph constructed from photographs taken less than one hour before the first human landed on his astrological ruler. On the last orbit before landing on the Moon, Dr Harrison Schmitt saw the base on which the first Cancer-born Earthman would put foot on the Moon. You’ll need red and blue glasses to see it in 3D, but it’s an historical moment nonetheless.

    Despite all the negativity on planet Earth at the present time, can we not hear a small round of applause from astrology fans on Earth? If not, who will be placing bets on whether the first human being to step foot on Mars will be an Aries or a Scorpio?

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