Planet Waves Internships Available

Hello. Now that the annual is nearing completion, Planet Waves is ready to begin working with some new astrology interns. Internships at Planet Waves involve participation in actual, live, current projects. If you’re interested, please read this post a few times and make sure you’ve noticed the details.

Photo by Danielle Voirin.

Photo by Danielle Voirin.

To work with us, you’ll some aptitude in astrology, such as knowing the basic glyphs, understanding concepts like house and sign, and how to use the ephemeris. Since so much of what we do involves current events, you will need to tap into your inner news hound. And you will need basic skills in reading and writing, because most of what we deal in is the written word.

The result is an opportunity to participate the creation of real-life, real time astrology, working as part of the only highly evolved astrology news team in the business.

For those considering applying, note that these are volunteer internships. Working with us is a real commitment, and it’s unlikely to match up with your expectations of what it might be. To really get a grip on some abilities and deeper topics, we ask for a least a six month to one year commitment. Figure on about five hours a week of focused work, plus whatever you devote to your astrology studies. Your assignments will depend on your current skill set and what you want to learn. I will ask you to read at least two books. You will also need a 21st Century ephemeris in book format.

The screening process will take a month or so, through the Mercury retrograde phase. During that time, we will speak, correspond, and you will be given test assignments like commenting on articles that appear on Planet Waves, fact checking articles and making several phone calls to get information.

If you’re interested, please write to me at with the slug [INTERN] in the subject header. If I don’t reply immediately, please send your email again.

Thanks for your interest in the global service known as astrology, and in working with Planet Waves.

Eric Francis Coppolino

One thought on “Planet Waves Internships Available

  1. Jere

    Eric, out of curiousity (not capably interested in an internship), which books are expected reading?

    Journalism? Astrology? Critical thinking? Civics/social studies? …History of the universe canon?



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