Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Virgo weekly for Nov. 7, 2016.


You are walking a fine line emotionally. You’ve been holding back and holding fast for a long time; now you’re feeling the inclination to cut loose. So far you’ve been able to manage that, but you might not be able to contain yourself. Therefore I suggest you plan a safe space to let yourself blow off some steam: emotional, creative, sexual, spiritual — it’s all the same, and you want it all. Your astrology is urging you not to judge yourself. One of the great quests of this time in your life is setting yourself free from the expectations of your parents, whether you consider them negative or positive. Most of the time these expectations are internalized: they have an origin somewhere else but they exist inside you. You are your own person with your own desires, living in your own time and place. Make room for that fact of your life.

The Daily Oracle offers a horoscope selected randomly by our Intelligent Archive Oracle program, unique to Planet Waves. It’s also a database of my horoscopes going back to the late 1990s. You can use the Intelligent Archive Oracle to answer questions and give you ideas for how to handle problems and situations you cannot see through. This feature is available to our Galaxy, Backstage and Core Community members. See this link for more information.


The Sacred Space of Self, the brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. This set of 12 video presentations will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries, and Mars retrograde in Aquarius over the summer. Pre-order soon for best value. You may read more about what Eric will be covering in your Spring Reading here.

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