Today’s Oracle takes us to the Taurus weekly for July 12, 2004

It may seem that you have had to push yourself through nearly impossible territory, and it’s all the less appealing considering how many times you’ve been through this same mental space and emotional material. In the end, the effort will pay off; for now, it’s like you’re running a 50 mile training course for what will turn out to be a five mile race. Yet in becoming free from the deepest patterns of one’s family, one can never be too strong. Eventually you will find your equilibrium, particularly when Venus changes signs on the 7th of August after what feels like endless months in Gemini. Then, you’ll be resting from a place of strength rather than retreat.
The Daily Oracle offers a horoscope selected randomly by our Intelligent Archive Oracle program, unique to Planet Waves. It’s also a database of my horoscopes going back to the late 1990s. You can use the Intelligent Archive Oracle to answer questions and give you ideas for how to handle problems and situations you cannot see through. This feature is available to our All Access and Core Community members. See this link for more information.
so so true – please end with release from the past
thank you