Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Thursday, June 15, 2017

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Pisces monthly for February 2001.


If you can’t decide whether these are the best times or the worst, decide they’re the best. Do what you can to make yourself feel at home on the planet and in your current environment; you can do quite a bit. Yes, there are sources of irritation, and surely, you’re feeling like the pressure to change is upon you, and it is. But change implies a new relationship to the past. The whole issue of the past is a serious problem because its reality is so convincing, and we seem to have given up so much; but this attachment is only in our emotions. Making yourself at home means, more than anything, doing what you can to catch up with the moment in which you are alive. This is extremely challenging and few people ever do it. Yet you simply don’t need what was, and it wasn’t so great anyway. You do indeed have much to love about what is, which will open your heart to who and what is to come.

The Daily Oracle offers a horoscope selected randomly by our Intelligent Archive Oracle program, unique to Planet Waves. It’s also a database of my horoscopes going back to the late 1990s. You can use the Intelligent Archive Oracle to answer questions and give you ideas for how to handle problems and situations you cannot see through. This feature is available to our Galaxy, Backstage and Core Community members. See this link for more information.


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7 thoughts on “Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Thursday, June 15, 2017

  1. Lizzy

    Excuse me for writing this here – but very very shaken by the terrible fire in London. Very near where I grew up, and where some of my family still live. My dad told me yesterday that it was impossible to move, because the roads outside the house were thick with police cars, ambulances, traffic. What gives with the UK, London right now – astrologically speaking – anyone?

  2. Geoff Marsh

    I commiserate with you, Lizzy, it is the most awful tragedy for all involved. I spent most of my hippie daze just down the road from there and despite the poverty it was a good neighbourhood.

    Astrologically, London is a Gemini city, so I believe. Today the Sun in that sign was opposite Saturn, a challenging aspect for relationships of all kinds.

    The conspiracy theorists haven’t been slow in getting their views aired on social media. Many are suggesting a false flag event, linking it to 9/11 and other atrocities. It is a dreadful coincidence that this event should have happened just a few days after the Kensington constituency, one of the most affluent in the country, elected its first-ever Labour representative by a majority of just 20 votes. The north of the borough houses some of the poorest people in Britain yet ironically these residents are living on some of the most valuable real estate in the country.

  3. Glen Young

    About conspiracy theorists (Geoff), and the upcoming Megan Kelly interview with Alex Jones (whom the latter #45 said is a nice guy), was on today: It’s A Conspiracy! The Ever More Paranoid Style Of American Politics. I was surprised to learn at how early (4th grade) these theory can developed themselves when a weird occurrence happens: “Illuminated Confirmed”.

    1. Geoff Marsh

      Thanks for the link, Glen. Social media certainly gives anyone a platform to say anything, unfounded or not, to a worldwide audience.

      Conspiracies can be unintentional, the result of lies or bigotry repeated again and again over a period of time, with neither contradiction nor condemnation, against a group or individual. When a flashpoint is reached, someone may react by triggering an event that they, alone and unaided, have been thinking about or planning for a long period. “Breathing together” is not always necessary, but the victims’ concerns are treated as paranoia and dismissed, whereas in reality they are an extension of the natural care that vigilant members of that group have for the safety of their community.

      I often fell that history may be the result of little more than one damned concealed conspiracy after another.

  4. Amy Elliott

    The fire seems almost certainly due to poor construction and lack of health and safety inspections. I haven’t yet been able to look into the astrology, but I doubt there’s any more to it than that. Sadly, it doesn’t take much to believe that the cheaper London housing would leave much to be desired, safety-wise.

    Hope you’re doing OK there, Lizzy. xxx

  5. Lizzy

    Can you believe, that the tower block didn’t even have sprinklers, dear Amy? And that the law doesn’t require these seventies tower blocks to be retrofitted? More like Dhaka than London. Geoff,
    “The north of the borough houses some of the poorest people in Britain yet ironically these residents are living on some of the most valuable real estate in the country.” – yes. Thank you my loves, for your warmth and solace – for being there. I’m doing OK thanks, dear Amy. Love ya both! xxxx

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