Today’s Oracle takes us to the Virgo weekly for July 18, 2016.

It’s time to purge any misgivings you have about sex. By any, I mean any and all. This process may take a while, though it’s also been going on for a while: the process of setting yourself free from false morality. The solution to what seems like a complicated equation is that you came to this planet to create, and therefore expressing your creativity is your natural birthright. There are no valid moral issues with painting, sculpture, photography, theater, dancing or cooking food in a stylish way. Therefore, there need be no moral issues with sexuality. The feelings you feel are your own, and they are legitimate. To place any sort of ethical dilemma or power struggle around it is merely a misunderstanding of your purpose. You don’t need anyone’s permission to feel; it would help if you negotiated agreements with people that you can genuinely abide. Just remember, guilt is not a virtue; it’s merely toxic, and should be treated that way.
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