Planet Waves Daily Oracle for Sunday, June 16, 2019

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Scorpio weekly for March 12, 2018.


Jupiter has stationed retrograde in your sign, which will give you an opportunity to make some observations about the seemingly chaotic nature of your life. One thing to track is the fact that you’re in a state of discovery, and that can be disruptive to what you thought you previously knew. Given the makeup of your psyche, a little shaking and quaking of the status quo is one of the more dependable ways to get through to you. To keep your mind fresh, you must question your beliefs; and to do that, you need to know what they are, and notice their effects. This is where the ripples of Jupiter retrograde, and its current aspect to Eris, will come in handy. Notice when things get a little weird, and ask yourself how and why that happened. Be observant any time one of your presumptions is challenged; for example, any time you make an incorrect guess.


Mars in Cancer is making some big-news aspects to many planets — particularly Saturn, Chiron, Pluto, and Eris. Eric has not covered these transits in any birthday reading or the INTELLIGENCE readings, but he just dove into 12 spirited, accessible, genuinely useful videos that put the movements of this key planet of desire, drive and aggression, into personalized context for you. These Spring Reading videos — titled Call the Astrologer! — are available for instant access in a 12-sign bundle, or by individual signs. You can see a video introduction here, and watch a sample video here.

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